I caught my 32 year old wife of several years cheating with a teenager from her martial arts class. I only checked her phone/started to suspect her after I got violently ill from food she "brought home from work" a few days in a row. Found texts of them discussing how they "hadnt used enough." To kill me, i presume. I got everything, apartment, cats, accounts, friends, etc. She left the country. Not the worst outcome but I feel pretty dumb.
My friend had taken his sister to the hospital, and was apparently seen by one of his girlfriends pal. On hearing of same, she took all his possession, put them in his car and set it alight. Police and Fire Brigade attended and she was hysterical, and lashed out at the responders. Then her boyfriend got home. She went to prison for 6 months, and never apologised. Her father gave him a gift of $100,000, (to make sure he did not testify, I presume).
Yeah the guy had it coming tbh. Was dumb enough to accept that. Still, poor guy learned his lesson. Why TF did he not simply break up the moment he was not okay with it.. And lived with that pain for a whole year is beyond me. If you're this type of guy, with absolutely no self respect or confidence, you really need to get your hormones checked and get some prescribed TRT or something for real.
@@Deusaga See, I'm picking up what you're putting down, but I think getting your hormones checked because you don't have any self respect is a bit wild ngl 💀
open relationship is a bad deal for 99% of men. unless youre some 6ft millionaire, your chances of pulling more chicks than even an average chick can pull dudes is extremely low.
@@Deusaga Agreed, dumb as fark to fall for the trap to begin with.....but so many missed opportunities.... what about replacing the lube in the bottle with Deep Heat....that would've made those after work covos a bit less tearful I bet
The last girl I was in a relationship left me suddenly, no explanation took her stuff and left. She immediately started hanging out with my best friend at the time and eventually began dating him. I haven't spoken to either of them since and it hurt me a lot to lose both of them. She eventually left him for some guy with money. I don't know what to do anymore really.
you should call old mate and ask how he's feeling. It'd be really funny to watch him squirm about his feelings knowing that he did the exact same thing to you.
Serial commitment phobe and uses people for resources/whatever positive emotions she can wring out of them. Probably best you channel the pain, figure out the warning signs, and be more discerning. Love IS beautiful If you avoid the crap. Unfortunately crap is magnetized
Last serious gf left me while I was depressed and suicidal, burnt-out from work. At the point that she was all I had left, she couldn't deal with it and left me for my then-best mate who she had been hanging out with while I didn't have the motivation to go out. They then bullied me out of the friend group together so I was without any social life as well. Tbh in hindsight I'm glad I'm out of that toxic mess of a social circle, they all accepted what happened almost instantly.
Sounds like you are going to be much better off without them down the line man. Sorry that happened. Check out the intel agency files on the Hemi-sync Gateway Experience, specifically the part on patterning. You can get the whole program on archive website. Hope you bounce back bro!
Was dating a girl for a little over a year. We got together before I joined the ADF, and I gave the option of not doing long distance if she didn't want to because our relationship was new. Managed it fine for the first year, and then we had an argument a month before I was to return home about how I try my best to be there for her despite being away and that I'm always thinking about her and waiting for the chance to talk whenever I can She broke up with me the next day via text, saying that when she's at parties or with friends she sometimes thinks "I wish I had a boyfriend" and saying that I'm too good for her. Lots of my friends thought she must have been cheating.
I have truly no idea what the labrador man brought in his bucket. That may be the most emotional, well acted impression of a fictional character ive ever heard. So many details that hit so close to home, yet completely incomprehensible.
Was in a relationship with this girl for nearly 3 months. I was very generous towards her, to the point where I learnt that she was using me the entirety of the relationship. Her friends told me that originally she was going to friend-zone me but that would mean “[I’d] stop receiving gifts,” and so she decided to continuously manipulate and deceive me into believing that we were in a serious relationship. Long story short she blocked me with no explanation the night after meeting my family and also after saying that she would never leave me over text and if we ever had something serious to talk about, she would say it in person. I also learnt that she was hooking up with several other guys that she is likely going to do the same thing to :/
Dumped an Ex after hosting a "how do I break up with my girlfriend?" forum in the Uni Tav. This event was dubbed "Philoso-keg" due to me sitting on a beer keg in a circle of 20 people pitching ideas after multiple cheap beer jugs.
My ex-gf broke up with me four days after I moved out of Sydney to Qld, during the process of moving, I got caught up in a Cyclone, my car got flooded, my computer got flooded but luckily suffered no damage to the internal components. I ignored her for a while, then heard from her asking if I was okay. We talked for a bit and things seemed to be improving between us. She said she wanted to fly up to Qld to see me, but a day or two before her flight she got "covid", whether that was true or not and couldn't make the flight. By the time Valentine's Day came around, I decided the relationship wasn't worth salvaging and have since remained happily single.
We broke up almost 3 months ago after dating for three years. I felt her drifting away for months prior but convinced myself that everything was okay and I just needed to fix it. She seemed off one night after we’d had yet another fight so I asked her what was wrong in the morning. She essentially couldn’t spit it out and made me break up with her. We dealt with Melbourne’s covid laws and her mum getting breast cancer together while also finishing high school and starting uni. We grew up together and grew apart. I was still madly in love with her when we broke up. So even though I felt in control of the break up to start, I eventually fell back into a place of toxic attachment and dependence after a couple of weeks. We’re on mostly good terms but I’m so upset with her. I feel like I was treated like a joke and that she only kept me around to support her even though she wasn’t willing to do the same for me. The worst part is that she kept telling me that she was in love with me and that she wanted to be with me but couldn’t anymore, even after the break-up. Recently she told me that she’d rebounded with other guys during this time and that she wasn’t in love with me months before it ended. I felt really conflicted before I heard that, but now I’m just hurt
Reminds me of my former neighbours. They had two kids, the mom had mental health problems, then they broke up, mom found a new guy and got pregnant right away, creating a 3rd kid that might have to struggle with her very same issues...
I'm seeing two commonalities here- relationships in which one or both parties aren't communicating effectively, and relationships in which one or both parties feel they are above any kind of moral code when it comes to things like cheating and abusing the trust of their partner. Usually the women, in the examples in this video anyway. Which I've seen in my own dating life as well. Recently was cheated on for the third time... with another terrible excuse. Glad though. It pushed me to change for the better.
Sadly the "above moral code" is even worse with gay men sadly, at least in my experience. There will always be good people out there, but they can be hard to find. Keep your head up! -Mick
When I was 20 years old I dumped my girlfriend because she had lied about her age. I met her in a nightclub and believed that she was 18 because she showed me her false ID. I found out that she was only 16 whilst staying at her moms place during the Queens birthday long weekend. Her older sister was the one that broke the news to me and then it got really uncomfortable because she then started hitting on me. So then I took off and stayed at the local pub until I could catch a bus home.
I've had so many relationships i cant really remember unless i went to great effort...every single girl cheated at least once....the best relationships i had were either the short terms ones were where i caught the girl cheating quite quickly and i left ,the worst ones were when i was in the relationships that went for years then found they had cheated multiple times,some of these "relationships" I'm too ashamed to talk about ,even anonymously on here...my best advice to guys is if you get a "feeling" you should probably start keeping your eyes wide open and if you get a feeling more than 2 times .. Leave... something is going on...
My girlfriend of 3 years broke up with me at her 21st birthday party in front of our friends and family. By this point i and everyone else had drank too much to drive me home so i was forced to stay there for more 3 hours for my friend to pick me up after work. During that time she went on parade about how she was single now and i got to watch her give her friend kiss after she cut her cake. Later that night my mother went to grab my medication and overheard some of the family laughing about what happened.
my dad died of cancer, so i quit work, then my last nan died, that all happened in a year. a little while later she dumped me, that was 2017 & I am still a single broken man, now with crippling anxiety problems. not her fault though.
My ex of 3 years slept with my boss/friend and they both kept it from me for 2 years working with them 5 days a week. So much made sense when it ended!
I was dating a guy fur 2 years I moved in with him and he broke up with him on Snapchat and said and i quote “I think we should break up” I wasn’t even upset that he was breaking up with me I was just pissed he did it that way
Was in a relationship with my gf for 7 years, we were pretty stable and I was completing a masters degree at uni. She met up with a few World of Warcraft friends irl for the first time including one guy who “helped her get home from a night out with some work mates” (I was working at the time) and “stayed the night”. She didn’t tell me till the next afternoon when she asked me to give this guy a lift (about 2 hours each way) to the place he was staying on the other side of Melbourne. “Nothing happened between them”, but a week later she thought we should “take some time apart” and a week after that they were dating. Oh yeah, this guy is also a deadbeat dad with a two year old kid who lived in another state with his girlfriend at the time. Pretty gnarly, but me and his ex are now great mates now lol
One Ex, cheated on me multiple times, used to hit me and once tore a hole in my arm during a concert (iron maiden at soundwave 2011) cause she was bored and decided to take a bite out of my arm, and one of the people she cheated on me with was the lead guitarist in my band, who told me 5 years later at the wake of one of our mutual friends. Still rough to this very day.
He didn’t want to move down to Melbourne from Canberra cause of his family (read:we’d dealer) so we were long distance. He would ignore me for weeks saying he was taking a offline detox for his mental health but would post pics of him and another guy hanging out all the time. Saw the writing on the wall and broke things off, tried keeping it civil and break up before cheating occurred. They immediately that day became a couple. Found out years later he was cheating on me with him, shocker. Anyways he hits me up on Snapchat out of the blue to tell me they’re engaged, moved to Melbourne and how I was better in bed and how he’d want to hookup with me again before he tied the knot because he “doesn’t want to miss me forever” pitiful creature. Sent the screenshots of him desperately pleaing for me to his fiancé and they still got married. Also recently found out he is cheating again, shocker.
Mine hid a meth habit kicked me up locked out 2 young children up went roaming smoking meth terrorised them both took there phones and Internet spent all the money and kids money
Oh jeez, I've spent more time reading the comments than watching the vid. Some have had me in stitches and almost fell on the floor wiping away the happy tears. You have an audience with some S E R I O U S issues mate, but great stories / comments to tell. Do more $hit on break ups and I like the request for the gos from Aged Care workers and nurses and the goings on from our senior citizens.
In my last relationship she always went out of her way to say how disgusting she thought I was and how my discostick had the wrong color and made sure I knew she only used me for sex, than one day when I got home from work she had packed her things and was moving in with my then best friend that she had started hanging out with while I slept or was at work with the motivation that I only thought about sex. This was over a decade ago and sadly was simultaneously one of my longest relationship I've had lasting about 2 weeks and my only one since then, at this point I'm just ready to take a sharp left exit of stage because goddamn dating is fucked if you got the confidence and social skills of a unboiled potato..
My guy, i know a strangers words on the internet will likely do nothing to the rivers of misery and trauma shit like that can cause. However, there are girls out there who are also socially inept and just want someone to appreciate them for more than their sexy bits. Take some time to learn to like yourself again, can be a hard task especially with her voice in your head but good friends help especially if they can point out your positives. By the sounds of things, even if you’re an unwashed hermit with a neon green penis you’re a heap less disgusting than her personality and life decisions.
My first gf when I was 16-17 would be caught by me texting other boys on snapchat (more than once), she'd cry and manipulate me into forgiving her After 18 months she broke up with me because "I wasn't putting in effort" and began dating the guy she said she was "friends" with and they're still together (poor bloke) Years later I was told she cheated on me at parties multiple times, while also being told she fucked someone in Italy while her boyfriend was at home and he still doesn't know My ex's mum also tried to sleep with my ex's older sister's ex-boyfriend. (Allegedly) (The guy worked at my first job and I was told by multiple of my co-workers it was true, there were pics lol)
Polly is one of the most difficult things ever XD My partner and I chose to go "semi-open" so we have fun now and then but always come back to each other and it works great. And doing things with other people just makes me realize how much better my gf is then they are haaaahhhh so then in turn it makes our love stronger
I had a good poly relationship. I just told her "dont fuck guys, and if you catch feelings for a girl, tell me" shit was great. We broke up cause i was a smack addict though 😅😅
I can beat 90% of everyone's horror stories. When I was 16 my girl called from her pizza job, said she was tired and had to close. I told her to go to the pharmacy next door and get mini-thins (caffeine pills). When called later and couldn't stfu. Bad part was 2 days later... she got in an argument w/ her dad and either just before or just after snorted Idk how many, probably all of them, 300mg x 20 or something, locked herself in the bathroom and started carving like her arms were gonna be jack-o-lanterns. The police call me to ask about the drugs she said I gave her. Then her screaming mom, real mad I made her do that. Eventually I hear from her after they finished stitching her back together, and immediately cut it off. Summer sweater Sarah called for months crying and begging. Not my problem after that b.s.. Sounds pretty callus, I know, but stuff like that (false statements to the law) drains any sympathy. Another time my chick had 2 chef knives and was getting courage up to do a double (me first) for flipping the "I'm leaving" everyday and the "baby no, don't" game by telling her to sit down, that I was leaving. Someone walked down the apartment steps and she looked away and I lunged at her and grabbed one and almost took her thumb with it. She was in a white robe. Why do chicks always lock themselves in bathrooms? I kicked it in because she wouldn't respond and I didn't really know what happened, it was too fast. My car was 💩 and my brother took her to the hospital where she said it was from frozen chicken. I didn't tell her what to say or anything, why would I have to, she wasn't f'n around and what I did was in defense. I'm not proud, I was scared. They were so sharp, I used to keep everything like razors. These are not even the worst. The worst was one relationship throwing acid (figuratively) on the next one and the result was her un-aliving herself.
its really sad these days some girls are to good for the street only fit for the gutter i know this isnt all women ive still got hope for the stupid culture war to end
Get tickets to my live show here - www.friendlyjordies.com/live-show
I caught my 32 year old wife of several years cheating with a teenager from her martial arts class. I only checked her phone/started to suspect her after I got violently ill from food she "brought home from work" a few days in a row. Found texts of them discussing how they "hadnt used enough." To kill me, i presume.
I got everything, apartment, cats, accounts, friends, etc. She left the country. Not the worst outcome but I feel pretty dumb.
Hope you're doing better now man, brighter days are ahead! :)
My friend had taken his sister to the hospital, and was apparently seen by one of his girlfriends pal. On hearing of same, she took all his possession, put them in his car and set it alight. Police and Fire Brigade attended and she was hysterical, and lashed out at the responders. Then her boyfriend got home. She went to prison for 6 months, and never apologised. Her father gave him a gift of $100,000, (to make sure he did not testify, I presume).
Sounds like a win to me, make money and dodge a crazy person
He could have kept the money and still testified, any attempt by the father to prevent him doing so would be perverting the course of justice.
If you want to leave a long term relationship, LEAVE IT.
Don't freaking cheat on someone, you scummy cowards.
I misread the title as dumplings, and now I'm hungry and unsatisfied.
DIY some dimmies
These dumplings are EPIC!
I filled up on Dino nuggets and a pie
just ordered Chinese, so perfect
@@diracflux lowkey hoping for a Dave's Dinnerz review
Can't have a breakup if you don't have a relationship!
Although the horrors persist so do I.
This is the kind of company I want pizzas from
The first one is a true tragedy. Remember lads, if your girl asks for an open relationship she’s already cheating
Yeah the guy had it coming tbh. Was dumb enough to accept that. Still, poor guy learned his lesson. Why TF did he not simply break up the moment he was not okay with it.. And lived with that pain for a whole year is beyond me.
If you're this type of guy, with absolutely no self respect or confidence, you really need to get your hormones checked and get some prescribed TRT or something for real.
@@Deusaga See, I'm picking up what you're putting down, but I think getting your hormones checked because you don't have any self respect is a bit wild ngl 💀
open relationship is a bad deal for 99% of men. unless youre some 6ft millionaire, your chances of pulling more chicks than even an average chick can pull dudes is extremely low.
@@Deusaga Agreed, dumb as fark to fall for the trap to begin with.....but so many missed opportunities....
what about replacing the lube in the bottle with Deep Heat....that would've made those after work covos a bit less tearful I bet
The last girl I was in a relationship left me suddenly, no explanation took her stuff and left. She immediately started hanging out with my best friend at the time and eventually began dating him. I haven't spoken to either of them since and it hurt me a lot to lose both of them. She eventually left him for some guy with money. I don't know what to do anymore really.
keep dodging bullets
you should call old mate and ask how he's feeling. It'd be really funny to watch him squirm about his feelings knowing that he did the exact same thing to you.
Never yours, just your turn. Protect your seed.
@@Cornjoelio5 well said
Serial commitment phobe and uses people for resources/whatever positive emotions she can wring out of them.
Probably best you channel the pain, figure out the warning signs, and be more discerning.
Love IS beautiful
If you avoid the crap.
Unfortunately crap is magnetized
Last serious gf left me while I was depressed and suicidal, burnt-out from work. At the point that she was all I had left, she couldn't deal with it and left me for my then-best mate who she had been hanging out with while I didn't have the motivation to go out. They then bullied me out of the friend group together so I was without any social life as well.
Tbh in hindsight I'm glad I'm out of that toxic mess of a social circle, they all accepted what happened almost instantly.
Sounds like you are going to be much better off without them down the line man. Sorry that happened.
Check out the intel agency files on the Hemi-sync Gateway Experience, specifically the part on patterning. You can get the whole program on archive website. Hope you bounce back bro!
You don't need the weak, worthless scumbags.
Fuck man, hope you’re doing better now
Was dating a girl for a little over a year. We got together before I joined the ADF, and I gave the option of not doing long distance if she didn't want to because our relationship was new.
Managed it fine for the first year, and then we had an argument a month before I was to return home about how I try my best to be there for her despite being away and that I'm always thinking about her and waiting for the chance to talk whenever I can
She broke up with me the next day via text, saying that when she's at parties or with friends she sometimes thinks "I wish I had a boyfriend" and saying that I'm too good for her. Lots of my friends thought she must have been cheating.
I have truly no idea what the labrador man brought in his bucket. That may be the most emotional, well acted impression of a fictional character ive ever heard. So many details that hit so close to home, yet completely incomprehensible.
Was in a relationship with this girl for nearly 3 months. I was very generous towards her, to the point where I learnt that she was using me the entirety of the relationship. Her friends told me that originally she was going to friend-zone me but that would mean “[I’d] stop receiving gifts,” and so she decided to continuously manipulate and deceive me into believing that we were in a serious relationship. Long story short she blocked me with no explanation the night after meeting my family and also after saying that she would never leave me over text and if we ever had something serious to talk about, she would say it in person. I also learnt that she was hooking up with several other guys that she is likely going to do the same thing to :/
In a relationship for almost 10 years. He inherited almost $250,000, bought me a candle for my birthday that year and shortly after that he left.
ACKCHUALLY that picture is a Golden Retriever.
Thank you to all those who shared their stories.
Being alone was the best decision I ever made.
Dumped an Ex after hosting a "how do I break up with my girlfriend?" forum in the Uni Tav. This event was dubbed "Philoso-keg" due to me sitting on a beer keg in a circle of 20 people pitching ideas after multiple cheap beer jugs.
My ex-gf broke up with me four days after I moved out of Sydney to Qld, during the process of moving, I got caught up in a Cyclone, my car got flooded, my computer got flooded but luckily suffered no damage to the internal components. I ignored her for a while, then heard from her asking if I was okay. We talked for a bit and things seemed to be improving between us. She said she wanted to fly up to Qld to see me, but a day or two before her flight she got "covid", whether that was true or not and couldn't make the flight. By the time Valentine's Day came around, I decided the relationship wasn't worth salvaging and have since remained happily single.
Right one will come along if you want it. It’s not meant to be so difficult, is it. That said, single has a lot going for it!🤭
Big yikes
8:00 i actually got an ad about an app that tries to help porn addicts. "Hold yourself accountable" nah man ill be holding something else thanks
We broke up almost 3 months ago after dating for three years. I felt her drifting away for months prior but convinced myself that everything was okay and I just needed to fix it. She seemed off one night after we’d had yet another fight so I asked her what was wrong in the morning. She essentially couldn’t spit it out and made me break up with her. We dealt with Melbourne’s covid laws and her mum getting breast cancer together while also finishing high school and starting uni. We grew up together and grew apart. I was still madly in love with her when we broke up. So even though I felt in control of the break up to start, I eventually fell back into a place of toxic attachment and dependence after a couple of weeks. We’re on mostly good terms but I’m so upset with her. I feel like I was treated like a joke and that she only kept me around to support her even though she wasn’t willing to do the same for me. The worst part is that she kept telling me that she was in love with me and that she wanted to be with me but couldn’t anymore, even after the break-up. Recently she told me that she’d rebounded with other guys during this time and that she wasn’t in love with me months before it ended. I felt really conflicted before I heard that, but now I’m just hurt
Same, but it’ll get better
Got dumped after 5 years 10 months. We just got finished attending my grandma's funeral together, so already not a great day so far.
Reminds me of my former neighbours. They had two kids, the mom had mental health problems, then they broke up, mom found a new guy and got pregnant right away, creating a 3rd kid that might have to struggle with her very same issues...
I'm seeing two commonalities here- relationships in which one or both parties aren't communicating effectively, and relationships in which one or both parties feel they are above any kind of moral code when it comes to things like cheating and abusing the trust of their partner. Usually the women, in the examples in this video anyway. Which I've seen in my own dating life as well. Recently was cheated on for the third time... with another terrible excuse. Glad though. It pushed me to change for the better.
Sadly the "above moral code" is even worse with gay men sadly, at least in my experience. There will always be good people out there, but they can be hard to find. Keep your head up!
Anyone else keep reading the caption as 'dumpling' ? 😂
(edit) never mind he changed it
No, but u might be dyslexic 😬
Damn it, now I'm hungry.
I can't be in a relationship; I'm committed to the bit 😂
When I was 20 years old I dumped my girlfriend because she had lied about her age. I met her in a nightclub and believed that she was 18 because she showed me her false ID. I found out that she was only 16 whilst staying at her moms place during the Queens birthday long weekend.
Her older sister was the one that broke the news to me and then it got really uncomfortable because she then started hitting on me. So then I took off and stayed at the local pub until I could catch a bus home.
Just broke up with this chick so needed this, thanks bogan x
I've had so many relationships i cant really remember unless i went to great effort...every single girl cheated at least once....the best relationships i had were either the short terms ones were where i caught the girl cheating quite quickly and i left ,the worst ones were when i was in the relationships that went for years then found they had cheated multiple times,some of these "relationships" I'm too ashamed to talk about ,even anonymously on here...my best advice to guys is if you get a "feeling" you should probably start keeping your eyes wide open and if you get a feeling more than 2 times ..
Leave... something is going on...
My girlfriend of 3 years broke up with me at her 21st birthday party in front of our friends and family.
By this point i and everyone else had drank too much to drive me home so i was forced to stay there for more 3 hours for my friend to pick me up after work. During that time she went on parade about how she was single now and i got to watch her give her friend kiss after she cut her cake.
Later that night my mother went to grab my medication and overheard some of the family laughing about what happened.
my dad died of cancer, so i quit work, then my last nan died, that all happened in a year. a little while later she dumped me, that was 2017 & I am still a single broken man, now with crippling anxiety problems. not her fault though.
Really sorry to hear that,try to remember your loved ones would want you to have a good and happy life .
My ex of 3 years slept with my boss/friend and they both kept it from me for 2 years working with them 5 days a week. So much made sense when it ended!
I was dating a guy fur 2 years I moved in with him and he broke up with him on Snapchat and said and i quote “I think we should break up” I wasn’t even upset that he was breaking up with me I was just pissed he did it that way
Was in a relationship with my gf for 7 years, we were pretty stable and I was completing a masters degree at uni. She met up with a few World of Warcraft friends irl for the first time including one guy who “helped her get home from a night out with some work mates” (I was working at the time) and “stayed the night”.
She didn’t tell me till the next afternoon when she asked me to give this guy a lift (about 2 hours each way) to the place he was staying on the other side of Melbourne. “Nothing happened between them”, but a week later she thought we should “take some time apart” and a week after that they were dating.
Oh yeah, this guy is also a deadbeat dad with a two year old kid who lived in another state with his girlfriend at the time. Pretty gnarly, but me and his ex are now great mates now lol
Damn, I was not ready to read these. People can be cruel.
Like this comment if u like dik Jordan
Good luck Jordy ❤ congrats on your engagement 😂😂😂
Crows feet joke got me good 😂😂
One Ex, cheated on me multiple times, used to hit me and once tore a hole in my arm during a concert (iron maiden at soundwave 2011) cause she was bored and decided to take a bite out of my arm, and one of the people she cheated on me with was the lead guitarist in my band, who told me 5 years later at the wake of one of our mutual friends.
Still rough to this very day.
You finally pronounced Launceston right, good job 👍
My ex-fiance cheated on me with my childhood best friend. My younger brother was their best man.
What the actual fuck!
He didn’t want to move down to Melbourne from Canberra cause of his family (read:we’d dealer) so we were long distance. He would ignore me for weeks saying he was taking a offline detox for his mental health but would post pics of him and another guy hanging out all the time. Saw the writing on the wall and broke things off, tried keeping it civil and break up before cheating occurred. They immediately that day became a couple. Found out years later he was cheating on me with him, shocker. Anyways he hits me up on Snapchat out of the blue to tell me they’re engaged, moved to Melbourne and how I was better in bed and how he’d want to hookup with me again before he tied the knot because he “doesn’t want to miss me forever” pitiful creature. Sent the screenshots of him desperately pleaing for me to his fiancé and they still got married. Also recently found out he is cheating again, shocker.
What an absolute basket case of a man.
2:59 now that's what I come here for!
Was expecting a review of dumpling places
Thanks to Jordan Shanks I am single-handedly typing this comment 🔥🥳
Its compilations of stories like this that make me wonder how so many people can be such complete remorseless wankers
Dishonourable discharge is one helluva newborn joke
Last girl took off with one of my closest friends. No more please: girls or friends
Yeah if she wants poly, you walk away. Men never win that unless they are a 10/10 and highly likely to appear on the cover of GQ
do more of this stuff
Mr Robbin’s would be so proud 🥹😂😂
well now im depressed
How's work, mate!?........ Oh dear me!
At 4:23 - 4:31, I think I laughed way too hard at this poor guys misery. XD
when are you coming back to Perth (i still wont buy tickets when you do)
need more mate
Completely unrelated comment.....but Jordies, where did you get that Art Attack jacket?!?!?
Review dumpling places !!!
Mine hid a meth habit kicked me up locked out 2 young children up went roaming smoking meth terrorised them both took there phones and Internet spent all the money and kids money
And this was all in a registered working family daycare center and she's got a fvo what the hell they removed ice pipes and meth from kid access areas
Damn man.
Oh jeez, I've spent more time reading the comments than watching the vid. Some have had me in stitches and almost fell on the floor wiping away the happy tears. You have an audience with some S E R I O U S issues mate, but great stories / comments to tell. Do more $hit on break ups and I like the request for the gos from Aged Care workers and nurses and the goings on from our senior citizens.
That fat kid gummy joke hit a little too close to home
We need horror stories from aged care workers
Idk why people are talking about dumplings, but now I'm hungry
I've seen this episode Jordan
Some of those stories are modern day Patacara style stories. (Yes, that's a buddhist story.)
Says Labrador 7:04 shows golden retriever
I'm an incel
I wish I didn't watch this .😢
In my last relationship she always went out of her way to say how disgusting she thought I was and how my discostick had the wrong color and made sure I knew she only used me for sex, than one day when I got home from work she had packed her things and was moving in with my then best friend that she had started hanging out with while I slept or was at work with the motivation that I only thought about sex.
This was over a decade ago and sadly was simultaneously one of my longest relationship I've had lasting about 2 weeks and my only one since then, at this point I'm just ready to take a sharp left exit of stage because goddamn dating is fucked if you got the confidence and social skills of a unboiled potato..
My guy, i know a strangers words on the internet will likely do nothing to the rivers of misery and trauma shit like that can cause. However, there are girls out there who are also socially inept and just want someone to appreciate them for more than their sexy bits.
Take some time to learn to like yourself again, can be a hard task especially with her voice in your head but good friends help especially if they can point out your positives.
By the sounds of things, even if you’re an unwashed hermit with a neon green penis you’re a heap less disgusting than her personality and life decisions.
101 reasons to trust women and get into a relationship with them
The fuck outta here with this incel crap lol
My first gf when I was 16-17 would be caught by me texting other boys on snapchat (more than once), she'd cry and manipulate me into forgiving her
After 18 months she broke up with me because "I wasn't putting in effort" and began dating the guy she said she was "friends" with and they're still together (poor bloke)
Years later I was told she cheated on me at parties multiple times, while also being told she fucked someone in Italy while her boyfriend was at home and he still doesn't know
My ex's mum also tried to sleep with my ex's older sister's ex-boyfriend. (Allegedly) (The guy worked at my first job and I was told by multiple of my co-workers it was true, there were pics lol)
Watched this while dumping can I get a shoutout
Edit- you changed the title and fucked my pun, Unsubbed
Jordan, please teach me to become a master at semen retention like you!!!
day 6 of asking Jordan to come to dubbo
Comnent some cliches for good karma. Help these sobs have some hope. I'm outta ideas.
you've perverted this channel jordies, not that dislike this content
Polly is one of the most difficult things ever XD
My partner and I chose to go "semi-open" so we have fun now and then but always come back to each other and it works great. And doing things with other people just makes me realize how much better my gf is then they are haaaahhhh so then in turn it makes our love stronger
Mammals, huh?
lol...bet you'll miss him....😉
I had a good poly relationship. I just told her "dont fuck guys, and if you catch feelings for a girl, tell me" shit was great. We broke up cause i was a smack addict though 😅😅
L polyamory, as always 💯
I can beat 90% of everyone's horror stories.
When I was 16 my girl called from her pizza job, said she was tired and had to close. I told her to go to the pharmacy next door and get mini-thins (caffeine pills). When called later and couldn't stfu.
Bad part was 2 days later... she got in an argument w/ her dad and either just before or just after snorted Idk how many, probably all of them, 300mg x 20 or something, locked herself in the bathroom and started carving like her arms were gonna be jack-o-lanterns.
The police call me to ask about the drugs she said I gave her. Then her screaming mom, real mad I made her do that. Eventually I hear from her after they finished stitching her back together, and immediately cut it off.
Summer sweater Sarah called for months crying and begging. Not my problem after that b.s..
Sounds pretty callus, I know, but stuff like that (false statements to the law) drains any sympathy.
Another time my chick had 2 chef knives and was getting courage up to do a double (me first) for flipping the "I'm leaving" everyday and the "baby no, don't" game by telling her to sit down, that I was leaving. Someone walked down the apartment steps and she looked away and I lunged at her and grabbed one and almost took her thumb with it. She was in a white robe. Why do chicks always lock themselves in bathrooms? I kicked it in because she wouldn't respond and I didn't really know what happened, it was too fast.
My car was 💩 and my brother took her to the hospital where she said it was from frozen chicken. I didn't tell her what to say or anything, why would I have to, she wasn't f'n around and what I did was in defense. I'm not proud, I was scared. They were so sharp, I used to keep everything like razors.
These are not even the worst. The worst was one relationship throwing acid (figuratively) on the next one and the result was her un-aliving herself.
I think the problem is you
@@ThomasTheThermonuclearBomb With a name like napalm holocaust it's not out of the question
@5:02 Please stay a bloke.
its really sad these days some girls are to good for the street only fit for the gutter i know this isnt all women ive still got hope for the stupid culture war to end