B/S!! This is not in Japan. We do not have this kid of Teppanyaki in Japan. This is in Florida and do not make people think that Teppanyaki in Japan is always like this.
As a chef, I imagine that the meal was fairly flavourless, the meat tough and the seafood dry. 1. Steak is always put onto the hotplate first, along with the chicken. Prawns and scallops last. 2. Steak and chicken must be rested after cooking. 3. One of the diners was served too early so their vegetables were allowed to go cold while the steak and chicken were still blood red.. 4. The hotplate is not hot enough to give any real flavor to the food.
I've had Japanese chef dinners 4 or 5 times a year for 30 years, and this chef was FAR below average. There's a 5 yr learning curve that makes a chef, even "pretty good". You can have any level of expertise in front of you. The very Best have waiting list reservations, weeks ahead of time, versus the chef you get just walking in
Your definition of "Full Dinner Show" and mine clearly differ. I watched every minute expecting to see the... well... Full Dinner Show! Maybe you should've called this "Partial Dinner Show"?!?
I know there's not much showmanship here, but look what he's cooking. Usually when you see a "show" of this kind. There's just fried rice with egg. That's about it. The chef does rolling eggs, flips his spatula, make some joke about baby oil, make the rice in a heart shape, make the heartbeat.... the end. Right? This restaurant actually has more than fried rice. He has to cook carrots, zucchini, udon noodles, steak, scallops, chicken, shrimp, broccoli, mushrooms. His grill is full! This is eating. This chef is busy cooking and not trying to make rice into a heart shape. Get it?
GooseHinson That's not what I meant at all. I mean the video ends before the chef finishes his performance. "Full" suggests that we get to the part where he tells the patrons to enjoy their meals and have a good night. The video ends abruptly well before the chef finished cooking. I clicked onto this page expecting to see an entire dinner show from start to finish. THAT is what I meant in saying this video was only "Partial" not "Full."
I have had chain restaurant Teppan-yaki I would say, at least 5 times. This guy certainly did the expected template. The way he stacked the onion rings, I thought for sure there would be a pyrotechnic climax. So I can't give it a thumbs up.
i don't understand the haters trolling these videos criticizing the show and calling it dog food. its like they can do better with their mouse and keyboard.
I have been in this kind of restaurant in "the krasnapolky" in Amsterdam a while back and sorry but i didn't had to wait that long to get some food. And indeed you are getting something to eat before what you see here. But o.m.g the woman in the right she can't enjoy anything from this all. But oke if you have to wait almost 20 minutes just for a smal plate of noodles i wil not be happy either.
His show sucked and that’s why you go there. BUT!!! The food presentation looked great!!!! Fresh veggies and everything else. I would go just for that!!!
se ve super lindo el estilo de cocina, pero sin animo de faltarle el respeto a esta clase de cocina, parece comida para perros, con respeto, me imagino un sabor increible pero los cortes y tamaños.. en fin, gustos y gustos
It will be good if it sees as show. The quality of cooking is too low.This I as the Japanese is please do not think that it is Japanese food . I think very ashamed .
what a nice atmosphere ...
LOL that lady sitting in the right was like : stfu and make it faster, I'm hungry!
very simple show. and simple dish.
amazing Indian's
& amazing food
Thumbs up If you liked rising straw 00:53
Thx for the vid cuz I'm going there for my birthday only cuz ima local resident to Disney World and my dad works there
Filipino Hibachi chefs are the best in the world when it comes to showtime...no doubt!!!
Elegant ambiance Restau''''''''''Show some amazing cooking techniques''' Every single moves was done creatively, I'd like -8-,..
When it is very hot, the vegetables actually float on steam, that is why it does not get bunt with that heat.
That is inside Epcot in Disneyworld Orlando Florida!
This is not in Japan. We do not have this kid of Teppanyaki in Japan.
This is in Florida and do not make people think that Teppanyaki in Japan is always like this.
As a chef, I imagine that the meal was fairly flavourless, the meat tough and the seafood dry.
1. Steak is always put onto the hotplate first, along with the chicken. Prawns and scallops last.
2. Steak and chicken must be rested after cooking.
3. One of the diners was served too early so their vegetables were allowed to go cold while the steak and chicken were still blood red..
4. The hotplate is not hot enough to give any real flavor to the food.
you dont care how long it takes as long as your entertained.
man that lady needs to cheer up a little, life is too short!!
I've had Japanese chef dinners 4 or 5 times a year for 30 years, and this chef was FAR below average. There's a 5 yr learning curve that makes a chef, even "pretty good". You can have any level of expertise in front of you.
The very Best have waiting list reservations, weeks ahead of time, versus the chef you get just walking in
Asmr to the max
do you know what the person to the right of you ordered?
Very sweet and nice chef
Your definition of "Full Dinner Show" and mine clearly differ. I watched every minute expecting to see the... well... Full Dinner Show! Maybe you should've called this "Partial Dinner Show"?!?
I know there's not much showmanship here, but look what he's cooking. Usually when you see a "show" of this kind. There's just fried rice with egg. That's about it. The chef does rolling eggs, flips his spatula, make some joke about baby oil, make the rice in a heart shape, make the heartbeat.... the end. Right? This restaurant actually has more than fried rice. He has to cook carrots, zucchini, udon noodles, steak, scallops, chicken, shrimp, broccoli, mushrooms. His grill is full! This is eating. This chef is busy cooking and not trying to make rice into a heart shape. Get it?
GooseHinson That's not what I meant at all. I mean the video ends before the chef finishes his performance. "Full" suggests that we get to the part where he tells the patrons to enjoy their meals and have a good night. The video ends abruptly well before the chef finished cooking. I clicked onto this page expecting to see an entire dinner show from start to finish. THAT is what I meant in saying this video was only "Partial" not "Full."
Robert J. Holtz
what ? Im watching for 11 minutes already :D
Julienna SK I feel your pain. I got to the "end" and felt ripped off (not of money but of time). Cheers.
:D do not take too seriously, the time will never come back either :-P
Muy buena la comida japonesa
I have had chain restaurant Teppan-yaki I would say, at least 5 times. This guy certainly did the expected template. The way he stacked the onion rings, I thought for sure there would be a pyrotechnic climax. So I can't give it a thumbs up.
what contry was tthis in )))
what contry was this in )))
i don't understand the haters trolling these videos criticizing the show and calling it dog food. its like they can do better with their mouse and keyboard.
the real hunger game.
oh this looks like 4 seasons
Throughout the whole thing I had "And a hotplate" going through my mind....Damn simpsons.
i like this Japanese guy hes cheerful to foreigners. "Adios volcano" lol.
Yes. The chef tried his best to serve & entertain as well :) such a cheerful person
10:25 - That ASMR tho
0:51 the paranormal straw
wow i really want to become a chef
I honestly prefer Bennihanas because they have chicken fried rice and mushroom soup
That was the most boring Hibachi "show" I have ever seen...
0:51 thats straw 0.0 xD
Azieq Azlylah is
White sauce?
الوا اكو هيج بالعراق جان اني اول وحدة اروحلهم
I have been in this kind of restaurant in "the krasnapolky" in Amsterdam a while back and sorry but i didn't had to wait that long to get some food. And indeed you are getting something to eat before what you see here. But o.m.g the woman in the right she can't enjoy anything from this all. But oke if you have to wait almost 20 minutes just for a smal plate of noodles i wil not be happy either.
Ok? Ok! 9:43
His show sucked and that’s why you go there. BUT!!! The food presentation looked great!!!! Fresh veggies and everything else. I would go just for that!!!
does not look like its in japan to me and i live in japan. Must be big city Osaka or Tokyo i am guessing
that was not a full show
jajajajaja complete? so maybe they ate the meat raw or something like that
we dont have restarant like this in Japan.
Its very western to Japanese like me.
علي الطلاق اني جعت
ههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههه مثلي
this is not japan but thats cool
Audio is terrible
الشيف احمد
Insane amount of background noise, buy good video
only kids use chopsticks with rubberbands. lol
I'm falling asleep
Chopsticks with clamps? Seriously? :(
it slow.
not japanese food
was very bad to sharpen his knife over the food he's cooking
didn't even set the volcano on fire.....lame
se ve super lindo el estilo de cocina, pero sin animo de faltarle el respeto a esta clase de cocina, parece comida para perros, con respeto, me imagino un sabor increible pero los cortes y tamaños.. en fin, gustos y gustos
Japanese food is more delicate. I saw for the first time this kind of sloppy show. worst.
אך לסרוג עם מסרגה אחת
It will be good if it sees as show. The quality of cooking is too low.This I as the Japanese is please do not think that it is Japanese food . I think very ashamed .
That is certainly not japanese food
Doesn't looks tasty . i dont think will have the patients to wait that long only for that kind of food
what no fried rice-this sux
Fuck the fried rice, dude. They got fried udon, which is better.
he`s so slow hahahahahah