Inspector Gadget aired on NIckelodeon from 1987 to 1992, and went back to local syndicated stations in the early 90's (likely 1992-1993), at least in the Fox 24 WTAT Charleston, South Carolina market, after it ended its runs on CBS Saturday mornings and Nickelodeon, and began running on The Family Channel during that same time.
Inspector Gadget moved from syndication to Nickelodeon to CBS to The Family Channel back to Nickelodeon to Fox Family (later ABC Family) to This TV to Starz Encore Family to Qubo!
@@MartenFerret Shame I didn’t keep any around, and I marked in all the ones I did get. I remember they always came in large envelopes with a picture of MI on the front with the word “Here are the Picture Pages you ordered”. I think I got 4 or 6 months’ worth total.
Pinwheel used to be on all freaking morning long. Like a 4 hour block.
Definitely a rarity. Along with footage of a lost Little Koala episode.
Literally one second of Penguins Can Fly. lol
Inspector Gadget aired on NIckelodeon from 1987 to 1992, and went back to local syndicated stations in the early 90's (likely 1992-1993), at least in the Fox 24 WTAT Charleston, South Carolina market, after it ended its runs on CBS Saturday mornings and Nickelodeon, and began running on The Family Channel during that same time.
Great stuff...thanks for sharing, and definitely remember seeing most of the commercials/promos/IDs as a kid!
Wow that’s a lot of rare stuff, like S’more’s Crunch
This really is rare and I remember
this era of Nickelodeon especially
during it's day programming here
with Pinwheel Thank You Meredith.
You are the best!!
GREAT!!! got anymore Nickelodeon commercials from the 80s???
I love the little Koala
Inspector Gadget moved from syndication to Nickelodeon to CBS to The Family Channel back to Nickelodeon to Fox Family (later ABC Family) to This TV to Starz Encore Family to Qubo!
And back to syndication in the 90s, at least in the Columbus Ohio market
In the Washington DC area during it's original weekday syndication run from 1983 to 1985, it came on WTTG
Ok but it’s kinda funny that they used scare tactics for a CHILDRENS PROGRAM💀💀💀
By the way, what do they call those tones that sound like a phone dialing really fast?
Interesting commercials on Nickelodeon.
I actually got some Picture Pages as a kid! Too bad I never got my own Mortimer Ichabod marker.
Those things are VERY expensive today.
@@MartenFerret Shame I didn’t keep any around, and I marked in all the ones I did get. I remember they always came in large envelopes with a picture of MI on the front with the word “Here are the Picture Pages you ordered”. I think I got 4 or 6 months’ worth total.
How many pinwheel episodes on the tape
This tape has more Pinwheel than what you uploaded a couple weeks ago? Will you be uploading that too?
Thank you. Do you have Dustys treehouse?
1:44 What's this clip from?
Spartakus and the Sun Beneath the Sea
Thanks! It looks vaguely familiar, like maybe I saw it as a kid, or maybe it just has the look of that era.
Does anybody have any episodes of mysterious cities of Gold?
Someone uploaded the entire series not long ago.
12:40 WOAH HOLD ON THAR did Windy just say “crap”?!
kinda sounds like it, and then sounds like someone slightly warped it to obfuscate it
It’s like there respecting there old symbol