My friend Perry, also the one responsable for us playing a lvl 10 after all he told me to CHOOSE the mission difficulty, is asking for our chat. The answer is 'no, PS Party doesn't get recorded' But Perry, remember Super Earth is unsure if you are a human or a Platypus.
My friend Perry, also the one responsable for us playing a lvl 10 after all he told me to CHOOSE the mission difficulty, is asking for our chat. The answer is 'no, PS Party doesn't get recorded'
But Perry, remember Super Earth is unsure if you are a human or a Platypus.
@pepergirl001 or a robot that defected. I provided my best beep book sounds. My cover was almost blown.
@@oscarremus2083 I know, I shot you, your beep boops confused me. Keeping my eyes open in case I need to shoot you. How many clones ago was that?
Why is our audio not here?
You mean our chat? Come on Perry, we use PS Party that doesn't get recorded