The antenna pretty much confirmed my suspicion: The egg just has a small FM transmitter like what you would use in an older car. The duck is just an FM radio. Presumably one of the switch positions should be tuning it to the egg, but since it's FM there's obviously a ton of interference. That being said, a Bluetooth version would be nifty.
I bought one of those FM transmitters to put in a car. I've set it all the way at the end of the FM bandwidth so I'm sure no statons will be picked up there. The audio quality is surprisingly decent.
I'm guessing this thing isn't using Bluetooth but instead is just an FM radio and an egg shaped FM transmitter. Setting to "audio" is probably to knock the radio sensitivity down so it'll only detect the egg once it's dialed in, hence the random static when it isn't.
@@rcflight13 the issue is that the FM transmitter in the egg runs on three startled yelp bats. 3.5 volts (at best) isn't really gonna put out a solid signal.
When I was 4 years old, my mom took me too a pond at the local park, to feed the ducks. Well the Geese across the pond wanted some food too. Fuckers were taller than me, loud and snapping at the Bread I was holding. Ended up locking myself in the car lol
The duck earns my respect for the simple fact that Get Ready For This was like the only audible thing it managed to squeak out Also "Its Bath Time." is massively threatening
7:35 The way he transitions from the sudden realisation of Elton John music playing (fearing TH-cam’s copyright ninjas) to him yeeting the sexy speaker into the water at the duck…it made me laugh so hard the first time I watched this video 😂
@@JoJoGaminG36 It just pains me most people who see it as a meme probably won't know the source, which means they won't -tumble down- enter the rabbithole that is Hololive
3:26 This literally came out the same day as legislation came into effect in Australia aimed at reducing the risk of child death from battery ingestion.
The way the egg delivers the music from the input device to the duck is disgusting: It's literally taking the aux in, crushing it to mono, and broadcasting that at FM frequencies which are then intercepted by the duck's radio. It doesn't need the duck to function, it will work with the sad screenless FM radio "iPod" nugget. I can only imagine the bitrate is what those MP3 players in the 90s expected you to put on there to get the best out of your 8mb of internal storage. "Holds up to 100 songs *[several asterisks]"*
You have to be the most naturally funny person on TH-cam, I'm not even exaggerating. Your throwaway jokes send me into convulsions that end with coughing and pain, your thought out ones cause near hallucinogenic experiences of low oxygen and loss of bodily control. I think I shit
@@vinchinzo594 honestly you made me reread and realize I still had the word "funniest" types out even tho I had added "naturally" behind it cuz I had decided to just say "naturally funny". Thank u for making me check I fixed dat shi now we Gucci keep shynin keep cringin 🙏
Watching DankPods hit the duck with the sexy speaker in the 'bath' whilst narrating has given me an immense amount of joy that no amount of work can take away
0:18 - my younger sibling and I had ipod touch 4th gens as kids, we used it to play music as we fell asleep. their dock was that same duck, mine was a panda by the same company. 30 pin charger and speaker - im going to test mine soon to see if it still works LOL
I’ve only recently discovered your content so I am randomly just clicking whatever videos TH-cam suggests to me.. I have to say I can’t help but laugh out loud while watching your videos. You are wonderful, hilarious, and just a genuine joy to watch. You have a new fan with me for sure
I was like "oh alright then that fits pretty good." (Sidenote, and this is for everyone, if you haven't already, get some bassy headphones or speakers and play the version by Beat Dominator. You won't regret it. Also i live the fact that it sounds like Jellyfish Jam from Spongebob.)
Microwave books from the 80's are the strange forgotten tomes of a bygone era. They're ancient, useless, and may contain heinous spells that evoke the end of the world. Also nice duck
I used to own one of these, I went through this exact experience except when I tried to put my one in water and it just instantly died Seems like the top heaviness of the duck was quite appropriate, even the manufacturer knew this thing would die
Fastest notification click I’ve ever done in my life. Slightly disappointed we didn’t get an iDuck 1 grit session, but still a great video. And the big mess you made in your kitchen wasn’t for nothing. Very much enjoyed the *splash*
Hey Wade, Today I am graduating from high school, and I want to thank you for helping me through my hardest times over the years. I had some troubles in my school and got bullied, like getting blackmailed and a student stapling my eyebrows, and your video cheered me through the years and help me get new hobbies like collecting and fixing old tech, appreciation for music, drumming, and making music for fun, and you made my personality funnier. and all I want to say is thank you DankPods.
Seen this kind of thing before. Wireless headsets that you would expect to run on a custom wireless protocol but are just a fm transmitter and the headset is just an fm radio
8:56 It's just a tesla coil. And because Tesla coils (especially the crappy ones) need a lot of voltage and high-frequency AC electricity, and because this thing gets its electricity from 3 AAA batts and a tiny built-in transformer, it runs like crap Actually, it's miraculous that it even works
@sourand jaded Ah, I missed the antenna on the PCB and thought it was a tesla coil when I saw the spring-like shape and a component that looks like a transformer
i love how happy and excited you are, finally a genuine youtuber who truly enjoys what he does. not just the money that comes with it. thank you for making my day every time i see your videos pop up on my notifications. :)
I actually have a duck bath speaker thing but it’s just a water proof speaker that you insert in a rubber ducks back. Eh. It’s cute and does what it says on the tin.
I know it's because it's garbage but honestly I think I would have a lot of fun with a stupid-looking plastic duck that blindly grabs onto any FM signal it can get even the slightest taste of.
The split second clip of the Duck picking up "Get Ready For This" is the funniest thing I've ever heard
@@luckart999 5:26
And also “Rocket Man” playing in the “bath”.
@@manuelquinones2052 5:24 is closer
and he hits it to the same beat.😆😆
7:37 "oh no! Elton John!" *aggressively drowns duck again*
This moment just fucking sent me. "Oh no! Elton John!" *yeets duck*
@@jennymckenzie5304 same 💀💀
My favorite line lol
ok now i have beer everywhere around me so thänks för thät brö
never thought I'd watch a man waterboard a duck in order to avoid copyright claims
but here I am
_Kurzgesagt disliked that_
@@WackoMcGoose Nah, they love killing ducks in horrific ways in their animations
Such a magical video my lord. He can do anything and it's hilarious
"Ducks get good reception, its no wonder people keep them as pets"
200th like
I was scrolling through the comments and he said it right when I found this one lol
The Ashens reference made me so damn happy.
Thank you for making the day a little bit more fun and reminding me to watch Ashens again
Caught me off guard lol
That "avoid content match panic" from the duck playing Elton John was genuine fear.
it found Joel Cummins' King Porter Stomp, though.
100th like!
Rocket Man moment
Saldy he got context id
The antenna pretty much confirmed my suspicion:
The egg just has a small FM transmitter like what you would use in an older car. The duck is just an FM radio. Presumably one of the switch positions should be tuning it to the egg, but since it's FM there's obviously a ton of interference.
That being said, a Bluetooth version would be nifty.
Agreed. They probably expected that antenna to be powerful enough to work, but Wade must have a local station on the same freqency.
Oh that explains a lot, I was wondering if it was radio or very early Bluetooth
I bought one of those FM transmitters to put in a car. I've set it all the way at the end of the FM bandwidth so I'm sure no statons will be picked up there. The audio quality is surprisingly decent.
FM was The Thing for hooking audio into cars without using a tape deck before Bluetooth and Aux ports became common, so probably
well, it's TECHNICALLY wireless soooo......
Is it just me or does the pure joy in his laughter make you so happy
[Vinesauce] Joel's Laugh!!!!!!!!
@@AdikMusicOfficialTM YEAAA I love Joel's laugh. I find laugh comps when I'm sad to make me not sad
that doesn't make any sense
@@aubymori1333 ok
I still think his forced laugh is annoying but his real one like when he first saw the duck, was amazing. Lol
"Oh no, Elton John!!" That got me good
7:05 when he says Scarlet Fire the words on the iPod pop up at the exact time he says it. Super satisfying
yea that was pretty good
he's so in tune with the song that this just happens naturally
Finally, The Duck has a friend to call it’s own
Get flocked man
So you don’t consider the nightmare dock a friend?
@@mynameisbobandilikebananas3720 I mean Wade gave him the 1 Grit treatment so I think that’s pretty obvious
I love how it just picks up different radio stations out of nowhere
At first, I thought it picked up his neighbor's phones.
Set up for a meeting with your family and friends for the weekend at a hotel
If it starts playing a numbers station, run
I'm guessing this thing isn't using Bluetooth but instead is just an FM radio and an egg shaped FM transmitter. Setting to "audio" is probably to knock the radio sensitivity down so it'll only detect the egg once it's dialed in, hence the random static when it isn't.
@@rcflight13 the issue is that the FM transmitter in the egg runs on three startled yelp bats. 3.5 volts (at best) isn't really gonna put out a solid signal.
Can't wait for the iGoose: Simulates the experience of being bitten in the ears with sound quality!
Lay egg is true!
When I was 4 years old, my mom took me too a pond at the local park, to feed the ducks. Well the Geese across the pond wanted some food too. Fuckers were taller than me, loud and snapping at the Bread I was holding. Ended up locking myself in the car lol
@@MissingNo_ I remember in like 2nd grade I had a "no recess" day because of some geese on the playground. It ended up lasting like a week lol
now with surrond sound! so you can hear its comrades coming to assist their bretheren
@@sap987 at that point you just give up, you have no chance of survival.
The duck earns my respect for the simple fact that Get Ready For This was like the only audible thing it managed to squeak out
Also "Its Bath Time." is massively threatening
7:35 The way he transitions from the sudden realisation of Elton John music playing (fearing TH-cam’s copyright ninjas) to him yeeting the sexy speaker into the water at the duck…it made me laugh so hard the first time I watched this video 😂
The only time someone would legit say "Oh no Elton John!" 😂
The shuba duck gif went from a cute bit of art for a talent to something worldwide that transcended prior knowledge, outstanding
It always surprised me that it managed to become meme status - world wide.
@@JoJoGaminG36 It just pains me most people who see it as a meme probably won't know the source, which means they won't -tumble down- enter the rabbithole that is Hololive
@@fortissears5388 question is if it's positive or negative? V-Tubers are not everyone's cup of tea.
@@JoJoGaminG36 positive
@@JoJoGaminG36 Is knowing where a meme came from ever negative? It's just knowledge
A Shuba Duck and an Ashens reference in one video?
Dank Man, such blessing you bestow upon us. Thank you.
I dont think he knows where the shuba meme originated but it put a smile on my face
The most random Subaru I've seen yet, and I love it
Now someone has to put Shuba sounds on this video, someone just has to!
@@aserta yes it needs to happen
I love these non-headphone episodes. Classic DankPods.
@yo Depp didn't ask
More like DuckPods
@Don't Read My Profile Photo nobody ducking asked
pun intended
hello james
(7:06) The way he said "scarlet fire" and "fire" appears as text was perfect. Probably not at all staged.
To me it looks like a bit of text edited over the actual video. In time with him saying Scarlet Fire, because it’s funny
@@Blueeyesthewarrior It's actually the real music video doing that.
yep that's the music video, and it was timed perfectly
I swear this channel borders on performance art. Love this guy.
I just started laughing when he was comparing the duck to the sexy speaker, and the duck was like "nah mate, R A D I O
The way Get Ready for This started playing "crystal clear" at 5:24 is the funniest thing I've seen in a while
The moment he said scarlet fire in 7:06 syncs with the video just right too. This vid is gold
was lookin for this comment XD
@@hervymarquezgarcia1079 lol I didn't notice that till you mentioned it, that's great too
iduck loves that song stop making fun of him
10 seconds in and we got a Subaru duck
Blessed Shuba 👏
The most blessed Shuba of all
The crossover no one expected!
Imagine her ASMR through some dirty buds.
Shuba shuba shuba shuba
Wasn’t expecting it
“One of the most non threatening animals”
Depends if she’s screaming OMAEEEE or not
3:26 This literally came out the same day as legislation came into effect in Australia aimed at reducing the risk of child death from battery ingestion.
The way the egg delivers the music from the input device to the duck is disgusting:
It's literally taking the aux in, crushing it to mono, and broadcasting that at FM frequencies which are then intercepted by the duck's radio. It doesn't need the duck to function, it will work with the sad screenless FM radio "iPod" nugget.
I can only imagine the bitrate is what those MP3 players in the 90s expected you to put on there to get the best out of your 8mb of internal storage. "Holds up to 100 songs *[several asterisks]"*
You have to be the most naturally funny person on TH-cam, I'm not even exaggerating. Your throwaway jokes send me into convulsions that end with coughing and pain, your thought out ones cause near hallucinogenic experiences of low oxygen and loss of bodily control. I think I shit
Do you mean
i like him too but holy fuck bro
"I think, therefore I shit"
@@vinchinzo594 honestly you made me reread and realize I still had the word "funniest" types out even tho I had added "naturally" behind it cuz I had decided to just say "naturally funny". Thank u for making me check I fixed dat shi now we Gucci keep shynin keep cringin 🙏
"it's like a real duck, It's waterproof!"
Had me laughing so hard the milk from my cereal came out my nose
The one time it's an actual trait of a duck.
this duck can pick up any frikin sh!t but the wireless "egg", wow quality in it's finest! also we found the mom duck for the little one
Oh man now i can't help but make vtuber callbacks with Finana and her egg, and even Subaru with the shuba gif at the beginning
Something tells me the sexy speaker likes getting its top wet
Imagine some poor kid wants an iDog, but then his parents mishear and get him the non-functioning iDuck
4:13 that's not bad deception, that's the duck trying to get out of it's permanent plastic husk
i love how at 7:05 him saying scarlet fire syncs EXACTLY up with the video
i was just about to comment the same thing (but i always make sure if some one else has the same comment)
was about to comment this aswell
I too was going to comment this
I swear the "AAA" scream gets more intense every time
For anyone looking, it's 2:22 you're welcome 😂
Watching DankPods hit the duck with the sexy speaker in the 'bath' whilst narrating has given me an immense amount of joy that no amount of work can take away
1:18 fun fact! Ducks are actually waterproof!! They spread their body oil on there feathers to make them waterproof
0:18 - my younger sibling and I had ipod touch 4th gens as kids, we used it to play music as we fell asleep. their dock was that same duck, mine was a panda by the same company. 30 pin charger and speaker - im going to test mine soon to see if it still works LOL
I'm so, so sorry. That duck was NIGHTMARES when he did a video on it
@@firstpersonducky9333 LMAOOO the worst part is, i think i still have that damn duck in my house
You know we’re in the darkest timeline when Dank can’t get a smelly duck delivered to him within 6 weeks
7:44 "This made a huge mess".
HowToBasic: Hold my duck egg.
6:11 That was my first genuine laugh in weeks. Thank you Aussie man!
I hope your week improves, friend
Hope you're doing better💛🌻
missed opportunity not cutting a split second of one of aunty donna's 3AW special into the random radio static
I’ve only recently discovered your content so I am randomly just clicking whatever videos TH-cam suggests to me.. I have to say I can’t help but laugh out loud while watching your videos. You are wonderful, hilarious, and just a genuine joy to watch. You have a new fan with me for sure
"Get Ready For This" just randomly popping in at 5:24 is some of the best comedic timing I've seen and it wasn't even done on purpose.
Same, I laughed at that for way too long
I don’t get it?
I was like "oh alright then that fits pretty good." (Sidenote, and this is for everyone, if you haven't already, get some bassy headphones or speakers and play the version by Beat Dominator. You won't regret it. Also i live the fact that it sounds like Jellyfish Jam from Spongebob.)
I love that Ashens and Dankpods know of, and reference each other.
What is Ashens? Link?
@@cassDL did you eventry the search bar above the video? Lol
@@cassDL Ashens is a British content creator and tat reviewer - his channel is on TH-cam and is the first result if you search it.
@@QuantumVLOG on it. Kthxbai
The duck is one of the less common Dankpods themes, but it's always a pleasure when it pops up again.
2:18 I showed you my duck answer me
5:24 6:46 7:34 Whenever the duck randomly played the radio like this, I friggin died XD
Microwave books from the 80's are the strange forgotten tomes of a bygone era. They're ancient, useless, and may contain heinous spells that evoke the end of the world.
Also nice duck
Microwave...books? Books about microwaves? Books best enjoyed heated in a microwave?
Edit: I just got to the end of the video lmao I wasn't even close
_"They're ancient, useless, and may contain heinous spells that evoke the end of the world."_
So basically, they're copies of the Necronomicon?
@@Anino_Makata yes, that is basically what I'm saying
5:28 It’s amusing to pretend like the radio voice was the duck’s own reaction to being smacked
7:06 The water extinguished the Scarlet Fire
5:28 had me in tears, it was just so good
The best part was when the duck played "Are You Ready for This" for a split second.
5:08 dont you just hate it when your duck forgets how scarlet fire goes
2:45 Your laughing sounds like quacks
2:44 Dank laughing over footage of a head-on duck has absolutely made this week better, thanks for that 🤣
0:03 Well, I certainly didn't expect to see Subaduck on Dankpods of all places.
same, pretty much he used it because it looked funny
Shuba is everywhere
At this point the Subaducj is just a cutural treasure for everyone regardless of the origin
@@Bane_Amesta indeed, TikTok makes many things popular regardless of origin.
A certain feline for example and a dancing duck along with other things
Dankpods is the only TH-camr that can make me drop everything I’m doing to watch one of his new videos
Agreed! His content is so “high quality”, if ya know what I mean?
Honestly same i wait every Thursday anticipating what he is going to yell at next
Agreed, my wife's just sat here giving me side eye because we we're supposed to be watching Obi Wan
DankPods: Thats some bad reception mate
0:10 my go to introduction question, would you rather fight 12 duck sized horses or 1 horse sized duck. Always goes well at interviews 👍
What a great adventure from the MP3 player, the dock and now, the Iduck.
The iDucky
@yo Depp what is here
A fine addition to the Duck Dank Pods video series
duck-ly dank
@@ThatSocialKid duck pods 😳
That laugh at 2:45 had me on the floor. Had to skip back to hear it a good few times before I was satisfied.
It even sounded kind of like a duck quacking
@@HashbrownBandit Good call!
“Uh oh it’s silent. Oh no elton john” *proceeds to destroy the duck*
Pure delight, 10 minutes of non-stop laughs and the drowning the duck part had me doubled over gasping for breath.
I used to own one of these, I went through this exact experience except when I tried to put my one in water and it just instantly died
Seems like the top heaviness of the duck was quite appropriate, even the manufacturer knew this thing would die
It’s always a good day when dankpods uploads.
Every thursday
Happy days.
Fastest notification click I’ve ever done in my life. Slightly disappointed we didn’t get an iDuck 1 grit session, but still a great video. And the big mess you made in your kitchen wasn’t for nothing. Very much enjoyed the *splash*
To be fair old 1 Grit is getting a bit rough in his old age.
He never hurts ducks
The duck is too cute for a 1 grit session
@@techno1561 oh yeaahh ,totally forgot abt that part , but he put him back together didnt he, he has a special love towards ducks
he wouldnt 1 grit the mommy duck in front of its baby like a monster, would he?
The thousand year stare gives off major Psyduck vibes.
That’s it, I heard him say 0-3 sad onions…. My life is complete.
6:05 Heh, I half expected a pair of wet jeans to appear with Dank fully clothed in the bathtub with this thing 😂
Same???? I was honestly surprise when I saw the sink and not a bathtub xD I guess my brain is too literal sometimes
I really do appreciate this video. As a duck myself, I heavily respect this. Thank you.
Ok so because your a duck, need to ask…do you lay eggs the size of you body? And, is flying just like air swimming?
Hey Wade, Today I am graduating from high school, and I want to thank you for helping me through my hardest times over the years. I had some troubles in my school and got bullied, like getting blackmailed and a student stapling my eyebrows, and your video cheered me through the years and help me get new hobbies like collecting and fixing old tech, appreciation for music, drumming, and making music for fun, and you made my personality funnier. and all I want to say is thank you DankPods.
Stapling??? What the hell?
@@parlinmains Yeah...
Happy graduation and have fun with your new freedom!
Seen this kind of thing before. Wireless headsets that you would expect to run on a custom wireless protocol but are just a fm transmitter and the headset is just an fm radio
8:56 It's just a tesla coil. And because Tesla coils (especially the crappy ones) need a lot of voltage and high-frequency AC electricity, and because this thing gets its electricity from 3 AAA batts and a tiny built-in transformer, it runs like crap
Actually, it's miraculous that it even works
@sourand jaded Ah, I missed the antenna on the PCB and thought it was a tesla coil when I saw the spring-like shape and a component that looks like a transformer
Yes its an antenna, its the length needed for whatever range they want but wrapped loosly around the pole.
i love how happy and excited you are, finally a genuine youtuber who truly enjoys what he does. not just the money that comes with it. thank you for making my day every time i see your videos pop up on my notifications. :)
6:48 you got pretty nice FM stations over there.
Any idea what song that was?
@@xylahhhh @Snowtato XL commented "The Egg - Walking Away"
@@xylahhhh David Guetta and The Egg - Love Don't Let me Go
See if you can tune an ordinary radio into the egg, I bet it's just an fm transmitter
As a 10 year Ashens subscriber, that "Not to three sad onions" made my entire WEEK!
"Bloody hell, are we still doing these?"
I wish we were ..
@@BobRoss4Lifeso do I.
7:19 10 y/o playing with my toys
1:32 The way he says: "enjoy...". Gives me histerical laughter, because he sounds like satirical rappers.
After a hard and hateful week I’m glad to see another masterpiece of your mess making! Thanks, Dank!
I was howling with laughter within the first 5 seconds. Great video!
5:07 i hate when my duck starts. Randomly talking about politics
"Agh! Elton John!"
* Throws speaker in, engulfing kitchen in splash *
Had a good laugh because of this.
"I wouldn't want to fight a horse-sized one, let's get that out of the way."
- DankPods, 2022
7:06 this part synced perfectly with the Scarlet Fire video lol
That short gif of Subaruduck dancing made my day :D All hail Hololive!
yeah it was pretty funny
My fellow Shubatomo
I just subscribed to your patreon a few days ago and geez I am SO excited to watch the Aftershows now!! That cookbook sounds like a wreck haha
1:50 Yay I love ashens, this gave me the biggest smile!
Imagine DANKPODS floating hands over Ashens sofa. That collab would be insane
2:33 missed your chance to say "let the eggsibition continue"
This guy is the Australian Athens of audio devices
I love how halfway through the demonstration the duck chose to switch to fm randomly while you attempted to give us a speaker sample
I was genuinely crying of laughter through all this, single funniest video you have ever made
you haven't seen the craig-a-thon video yet then
Perfect timing On this vid, I was about too loose my mind from boredom 😂
3:46, easily the best part
I actually have a duck bath speaker thing but it’s just a water proof speaker that you insert in a rubber ducks back. Eh. It’s cute and does what it says on the tin.
I know it's because it's garbage but honestly I think I would have a lot of fun with a stupid-looking plastic duck that blindly grabs onto any FM signal it can get even the slightest taste of.
You're saving my day with this video. Thanks for the vibes!
The duck randomly going to the Space Jam theme had me LMAO.
....when? There is no Space Jam theme
@@TransistorBased At 5:24 there is. The immediate slapping of the duck directly afterwards is also pretty funny.
0:32 we need a iwhale
That dancing duck looks familiar.
if he had not broken the duck mp3 player he could have used it to transmit the music to the other duck