"What would you say?" That I completely agree, so long as their partner is also a consenting adult. After all, I have no right to dictate who other people sleep with, and neither does anyone else. "Today, sexual freedom is considered an absolute. We’re told that nothing should threaten or constrain our sexual choices." So long as they're consenting adults, but of course you'd leave that out since it's not conducive to your 'point.' "Second, God cares about who we sleep with because of what He designed sex to do." Considering the Christian Creation story has been shown to be nothing more than mythology at this point, your second 'point' is empty and easily dismissed. "Third, Jesus is for you, and even his difficult directives are for your good." Yes, because creating a culture and environment that actively represses and discriminates against anyone who doesn't fit your arbitrary standards is 'for our own good.'
But why would he torture people for doing that if he cares? If he cares as much as he says he does, then wouldn't he present and teach us stuff instead of leaving it to other's that don't care to teach us? It wouldn't make sense to torture us for hurting ourselves?
It’s interesting how this video discusses the psychological and emotional role sex plays in our lives... and then doesn’t discuss the psychological/emotional consequences of banning gay people from sexual activities. Or the psychological impact of living in sexually repressive cultures. Or just generally restricting the rights of people when their behavior hurts no one. Looks like god did a great job guaranteeing that sex would only be used as he intended lmao.
I truly believe that this video speaks out of turn, so much of what people say and think about God has far more to do with their own ideas than anything God has said or revealed.
@@thedrizzlefactory8600 we don’t know what God wants because he’s never been proven to exist. It’s that simple, this type of Christian is pushing bigoted and outdated concepts.
Unfortunately, at least in the US, we have this rising Christian Nationalist movement which seems hell-bent on making crap like this part of our legal code. And since they seem to have at least one of the political parties by the literal balls, their chances of doing just that are much higher than I would ever be comfortable with.
What is so bad about using something (sex) for more than its original purpose (having children)? I fail to see how that makes casual sex morally reprehensible. Does "God" provide any moral argument?
Since, God created everything,including human being, God has every rights to say how it should be used. God doesnt want human to use it just for the pleasure but also for the purpose of creating lives. Thus, failing to use it properly or misusing it can be considered as 'wrong'.
@@Mr0hGame because he created sex for humans to function that way. For both uniting men and women, which will also grant pleasure that other action cant provide, and also for create lives. He even comand human to be fruitful and multiply. Its the purpose that God gives to human. Thus, using sex for only pleasure misses this purpose and can be considered as wrong.
Im glad that the comments arent disabled for these obviously controversial topics. I like seeing the different viewpoints and the discussions that people have on both sides!
You know, you might have a point here if the script writers for this video didn't misrepresent what they clearly disagree with right out of the gate, and didn't reference very, *very* suspicious 'studies' to support some of their claims. Sorry, but if you have to *start* with what effectively amounts to a straw man in your argument, then you have no real argument to begin with.
They can’t do anything about it some of them will relish the idea of you being tormented in hell for eternity for causing no objective harm to anyone Christianity isn’t even an ideology in my opinion it’s more of a cancer that just won’t die.
@@nicestranger1352 Why exactly would anyone want to spend eternity in heaven praising dear glorious leader for all eternity? it sounds like a celestial North Korea to be honest.
@@comradegotogulag8513 well that celestial Lord created you and the universe and we break all his rules and corrupt the earth and kill his son Jesus Christ. Well of course he is going be strict if he isn't then we wouldnt be pure and sin without consequences. We are not gods and people worship themselves or celebrities is sad.
@@nicestranger1352 Which omnipotent, omniscient being willed that we break all the rules before even creating us and ensured that we would fall? that is is he exists, God of course. What it boils down down to is a childish threat of "love me or else" that in of itself is something a narcissist would say, why worship a narcissist?. Prove said God exists using science and reason. Prove that said God created us. Even if said God does exist if he himself does not have our best interests in mind then there is no reason to care what he has to say.
I don't care if god cares. Something that doesn't exist can care as much as he/she/it wants. If pink unicorns care about my underpants, I don't give a shit. They don't exist and so I don't mind at all.
You know, I find it curious how frequently Apologists like to use sexual abuse to justify their position, and yet whenever the topic of comprehensive sexual education in schools is brought up they are, at best, rather silent. That being said, your trauma from an unjustifiable attack against you does not justify discriminating against people who are, let's say, homosexual instead of heterosexual. If the parties involved are all consenting adults, then who they sleep with is no one's business but their own.
@youtube swallows so we're God's little game are we? 'Let's throw all these sentient creatures onto a board game and the ones who don't love me I'm going to burn for all eternity'. It's like he's a little kid, playing with his toy set, and when things don't go as he wants he throws all the pieces off the board (world flood, wars etc). Even allowing people to own other people as property. Jehovah is a sick little puppy.
I don’t agree with this video for the most part but there is some merit to the idea that our thoughts matter. If you were to imagine murdering a friend or acquaintance, especially multiple times over an extended period, even if that had no effect of them at best it would be demented at worst cruel and evil. Our imaginations are scenario producers not all of them are some personal revelation of our true selves or our inner desires but at some point we have to recognize that how we think of people can be wrong or right. One thing that I think this video is guilty of is simplification, by implying that all extra-marital sex is consumerist or predatory. People can be incorrect without being morally culpable but when your imaginations remove the humanity of other people I would argue that your are doing something wrong.
Man be careful But anyways JESUS loves you as well HE really do And HE gave up the most precious life for you HIS own And HIS blood that you may conquer the enemy and sin JESUS loves you man
@@ree_flowers it doesn’t matter if god cares about who does what. That doesn’t mean you should care who someone sleeps with, even if they are Christian or not.
Kissing is also something that can affect us deeply in fact any and all acts of physical affection and even non-physical affection can be deeply impactful and harmful. The “traditional” view of the modern church isn’t a bad one but it’s not the perfect solution that some people try to claim it is. Sexual immorality between two people doesn’t become impossible because they’re married. More importantly it’s not even what the Bible says, nowhere in the Bible are Christians told that marriage is some magical state where sex becomes inherently different than other types of sex. Sex is important, sex is powerful and dangerous and it should be handled with great care. Which is why I have to reject the simplistic idea that all other types of sex are inherently manipulative, predatory or consumerist. As I said before sexual immorality can happen within marriages as easily as outside it as can dignity love and respect. Ultimately we do have to ask: What is God’s design for sex? Not so long ago it was believed that sex was just for reproduction, obviously we don’t believe that now so we really ought to ask ourselves what parts of what we think about sex is God’s design and what parts are just our cultural barnacles clinging to the rock of God.
Hello. I am an atheist. I define atheism as suspending acknowledgement of the existence of gods until sufficient evidence can be presented. My position is that *_I have no good reason to acknowledge the existence of gods._* And here is the evidence as to why I currently hold to such a position. 1. I personally have never observed a god. 2. I have never encountered a person whom has claimed to have observed a god. 3. I know of no accounts of persons claiming to have observed a god that were willing or able to demonstrate or verify their observation for authenticity, accuracy, or validity. 4. I have never been presented a valid logical argument which also employed sound premises that lead deductively to a conclusion that a god(s) exists. 5. Of the 46 logical syllogisms I have encountered arguing for the existence of a god(s), I have found all to contain multiple fallacious or unsubstantiated premises. 6. I have never observed a phenomenon in which the existence of a god was a necessary antecedent for the known or probable explanation for the causation of that phenomenon. 7. Several proposed (and generally accepted) explanations for observable phenomena that were previously based on the agency of a god(s), have subsequently been replaced with rational, natural explanations, each substantiated with evidence that excluded the agency of a god(s). I have never encountered _vice versa._ 8. I have never experienced the presence of a god through intercession of angels, divine revelation, the miraculous act of divinity, or any occurrence of a supernatural event. 9. Every phenomenon that I have ever observed has *_emerged_* from necessary and sufficient antecedents over time without exception. In other words, I have never observed a phenomenon (entity, process, object, event, process, substance, system, or being) that was created _ex nihilo_ - that is instantaneously came into existence by the solitary volition of a deity. 10. All claims of a supernatural or divine nature that I have encountered have either been refuted to my satisfaction, or do not present as falsifiable. ALL of these facts lead me to the only rational conclusion that concurs with the realities I have been presented - and that is the fact that there is *_no good reason_* for me to acknowledge the existence of a god. I have heard often that atheism is the denial of the Abrahamic god. But denial is the active rejection of a substantiated fact once credible evidence has been presented. Atheism is simply withholding such acknowledgement until sufficient credible evidence is introduced. *_It is natural, rational, and prudent to be skeptical of unsubstatiated claims, especially extraordinary ones._* I welcome any cordial response. Peace.
While not related to the video, politely said. 😇👍 That said... Jesus Christ said that he was one with the Father. Essentially, in language any Jewish person of the time period understood, Jesus Christ stated that He was God in human form. It's the reason for the Sanhedrin condemning him. They needed, by Old Testament Law's, two witnesses to agree in order to convict. It's why the Chief Priest was shouting about how they'd ALL witnessed Jesus Blaspheme. [Of course, by Old Testament law's, they also needed to be doing this in the light of day, & in full public view. ] Now that starts the reasoning behind our modern Faith in God & Christ. [Aside from Simply Pascal's Wager. ] I bet that the First objection that springs to mind is the fact that many people have tried to claim the same thing. Whether Outright Crazy, charismatic cult leaders, or Communist/Dictator leaders looking to replace God in people's hearts... Many People Have. And aside from Jesus Christ, all of them are indeed eventually revealed to be false. Jesus Christ has a bit to much evidence, to have his claim simply dismissed without examination. For example, the Old Testament contains in excess of 320 prophetic references to Jesus Christ. Isaiah... uh, ch 53 I think... Reads like the Gospels. Bethlehem Ephrathah was singled out as the actual Bethlehem town that Jesus would be born in. (Out of 2 in the 1st century AD, and 42+ at present. ) Jesus's death via Nailed hands & feet... if I could remember, I would give chapter & verse which mentions Nailed to a tree. And the reason why the Old Testament prophecies have something to add to this subject, starts with this nailing to the Tree & piercing hands/feet thing. Because it essentially refers to the practice of Crucifixion, which wasn't invented for at least a century afterwards, and wasn't in heavy use until about a century (if that) before Christ. Then there is the fact that everyone knew that the Messiah was coming. Not because of a vague sense of near meaningless "Harry Potter Divination Class"-style prophecy. But because the Old Testament actually gives dates for when things would be happening. Not hard fast dates like December 7, 1941. But, using the Jewish Calendar system, we have a good timeline of events that were predicted. They were aware that Jesus Christ would be riding into Jerusalem on a, "...colt, the foal of a donkey. " At roughly the time corresponding to 33-35AD, during passover. Another thing that was predicted was the destruction of the Temple in 70AD. "...no stone shall be left standing. No brick unoverturned. " And lest it be thought that this was only happening during the 1st century AD... & suspicions about "illuminati" type conspiracies start being thrown around... The Old Testament also predicts Alexander the Great's conquest, and the subsequent defilement of the Temple by his main successor. (Via burning Pigs, on the Altar, to pagan gods.) You already know what this was... As it resulted in the festival of Dedication, that was celebrated by Jesus in the New Testament. In modern times, the celebration is called Hanukkah. ☝️👨🏫 In any case, the upshot of all this prophecy stuff is that because of all the evidence in support of the existence of 1st century Jesus Christ's message and ministry... People who want to deny Jesus, have a lot more work to do, in order to explain how Jesus Christ was both Lucky enough to be born with the Old Testament backing him up... Crazy enough to suffer, what historians consider fairly certain were, the horrific events that he experienced with no Earthly Reward... Yet still be Sane enough that he is still considered something of required reading for scholars... And convinced the majority of his closest friends/followers that he really was preforming Miracles, was the Son of God, and to essentially stay faithful through what largely amounted to torturous ends. Certainly nothing that would seem like an earthly Reward. Oh! And of course there's the Miracles he performed. Not just the spectacular ones, but the ones that history records have thousands of witnesses. The feeding X thousands of people, multiple times. The near constant healing of then, and even today, incurable diseases or disabilities. The Dead Guy. The 500+ that he appeared to, at once, post death. (The Bible takes pains to invite people to investigate these things. If someone in 1st century AD could have discovered conspiracy, they would have found something. _The Pharisees were willing to throw away a Year's worth of wages just to get Judas to inform them. They'd have paid Gold, to see Christianity buried under Mud._ ) Oh, I agree that this isn't Definitive Proof that Jesus Christ is God. Otherwise we'd have closer to 2/3rds of all people believing in Christ, rather than 1/3rd at best. But that's why Christianity's called a Faith. Because it's a belief, founded in Evidence. And the Evidence abounds!! Though admittedly, since Christians got convinced that they should give up their dominance in the Sciences, it has become harder to understand sometimes. All but one of the 50+ scholars who invented the scientific method were Christians. And all were Christian Educated. Peace out! ✌😷⛪😇✝️👍
@@larryvoss7159 Please describe this (these) observation(s). Could you discern any physicalities or attributes of this observable god (sound of voice, gender, age, abilities, demeanor, intelligence, etc), or was this observation simply imagination?
Even in disbelief, you are still taking a leap of faith. A state of not believing in the existence of God is equal to believing that there is no God. Take this for an example, have you seen the entire universe not just some random picture online? Have you tested every fundamental physical theory of the universe ? Have you seen and live through even a single macro-evolutionary development ? But you read some books, or heard some guy's claims, and do you believe in what they say ? Or you choose not the believe and test everything they say ? Have you done that ? A belief is not an action, although to show your belief you accompany it with an action. Even if you don't subscribe to the concept of faith, you are guilty of applying it to your everyday life because of your actions. Many people that are happy to base their life on a probability, are in essence believing that they are part of the majority percentile group. Theories are probabilities, that's why theories are just educated guess. To conclude, you cannot say you don't believe in anything, because you living your everyday life proves otherwise. Now if you don't believe in God, then the next logical question is what then do you believe in ? Which ultimately shows that the so called new definition of Atheism doesn't stand anymore, that's why this modern Atheism is not true and misleading. I don't see how that is a very hard concept to grasp.
Most issues God cares about are not about sex, but we need to stand for what God says on any issues. Especially when people are trying to attack what God says
Indeed.. I believe the main issue God cares is our salvation. The reason why these issues about sex and the like are frequently discussed is that it's the dominant issue at hand
God created us. He doesnt need us, whatever we do, we do it to ourselves and for ourselves. Whatever we do, it doesn't affect God. God only gave us guidelines, a way to happiness and to fulfillment. It is up to us if we will accept those guidelines and be humble and thankful to God. Better yet, God gave us 'a recipe', so that if we follow it, we may achieve happiness on this world and in the Hereafter. One of those 'guidelines' or 'instructions' is that we should take care about bodies and mental help. Having random sex with random people is something that hurts us in the long run. Those who think will get this message, those who dont, well, they go astray and blame God and anybody else for their own mistakes...
Just like you cannot deny that the building has its builder, you cannot deny that you yourself are created by God. Just think about your body, your eyes, your brain, your stomach, the acid in your stomach is able to melt meat you eat, but yet wondrously it doesnt eat you in the process. Why? Because there is a membrane inside your stomach preventing that acid from eating you alive. And how was that possible without intelligent design? think about giraffe... its long neck requires a strong heart which can pump the blood all the way up to the brain... and what happens when the giraffe wants to drinks water? SOME INTELLIGENT DESIGNER thought about it, so when giralle bends down to drink, there are muscles in its neck which contract and reduce the flow of blood to brain. If it werent for that muscle contraction, the giraffe would have died on the spot because of brain stroke. Just think about. Everything in this Universe is the proof of God's existence.
@@volkanbeyoglu235 I've seen plenty of buildings be constructed by builders, I haven't seen a single deity make a person. Also, that isn't really as strong an argument for a creator god as you'd think - engineers try to reduce complexity, not add it. It fits well for evolution on the other hand, which has no concern for efficiency as long as it works. The human body is either bad design or evolution.
Thank you for making this video. We really need this in our day and age. Especially after the sexual revolution during the 1960s (which is where a lot of these ideas came from).
Do you have proof that God doesn't exist? I have personal proof that He does. Without Him there is no such thing as morality; the fact that human beings have a longing for a moral existence is and of itself proof of God. Without God, there is no good or evil only your opinion which is always less relevant than mine.
@@theoskeptomai2535 You can start with an ordered created universe. All science is predicated on underlying order. Then there is the nature of ma, created in His own image., seeking to understand Creation. There is the inherent desire of mankind to live moral lives acceptable to their Creator. There is the revelation of God to man through His Word which contains the facts of His intervention in history. There is the revelation of His nature by His own birth, life, death and resurrection recorded in more detail and greater credibility than any other person in history before the printing press. There is the result of his ministry on the world. There is the testimony of His Spirit working in my life personally on a continuous basis. There is answered prayer.
To all those people who think they are virtuous because they yield not to temptation, I say this: You are not virtuous. Just because you have no occasion to yield to temptation doesn't make you virtuous. You are just ugly, or poor, or both. So, that is how promoting chastity and poverty as virtues works, so the poor and the ugly pride themself to be so virtuous, so the rich and beautiful can continue buisiness as usual unchallenged. It is a way to control the population, preventing them to rebel over their frustrations and injustices by making them virtues.
the question is: did you create yourself or there is Almighy that did so you are his creature like any stone and you are owned by Allah so he do what ever he want to his creatures and just he command so we should fullfill even if what he want is not logical or good for us (he asked Ibrahim to sacrifice his son) That's it. If you believe in the Almighty and his judjment and doomsday, then do what ever you want you know you will pay back what you got or what you did and then you will do what you think is true aside from being right or wrong but you will not commit a thing you believe is bad for you or for others and if you did commit it you know you will pay back for what you did. Look how this is fair and peacefull. we all need god that can punish us or can forgive us, because what ever we broke will not be fixed, we may try to forget what we did and forget and forget till we forget ourselvies entirely and through ourselvies behind our backs and that's is worse than doomsday punishement
This is what happens when you try and apply mythology to sex when you don't know anything about what you are talking about.
The take-home is: never take advice on sex from a Christian apologist. Sex is the last thing these people know anything about!
By definition, assault is not consensual.
This is quite basic.
"What would you say?"
That I completely agree, so long as their partner is also a consenting adult.
After all, I have no right to dictate who other people sleep with, and neither does anyone else.
"Today, sexual freedom is considered an absolute. We’re told that nothing should threaten or constrain our sexual choices."
So long as they're consenting adults, but of course you'd leave that out since it's not conducive to your 'point.'
"Second, God cares about who we sleep with because of what He designed sex to do."
Considering the Christian Creation story has been shown to be nothing more than mythology at this point, your second 'point' is empty and easily dismissed.
"Third, Jesus is for you, and even his difficult directives are for your good."
Yes, because creating a culture and environment that actively represses and discriminates against anyone who doesn't fit your arbitrary standards is 'for our own good.'
But why would he torture people for doing that if he cares? If he cares as much as he says he does, then wouldn't he present and teach us stuff instead of leaving it to other's that don't care to teach us? It wouldn't make sense to torture us for hurting ourselves?
It’s interesting how this video discusses the psychological and emotional role sex plays in our lives... and then doesn’t discuss the psychological/emotional consequences of banning gay people from sexual activities. Or the psychological impact of living in sexually repressive cultures. Or just generally restricting the rights of people when their behavior hurts no one.
Looks like god did a great job guaranteeing that sex would only be used as he intended lmao.
I truly believe that this video speaks out of turn, so much of what people say and think about God has far more to do with their own ideas than anything God has said or revealed.
@@Grokford and what does God say?
@@thedrizzlefactory8600 we don’t know what God wants because he’s never been proven to exist.
It’s that simple, this type of Christian is pushing bigoted and outdated concepts.
While your God's concern for my wellbeing is appreciated, I would like some privacy on some things.
I quite frankly don't care what God thinks about my sex life, I put myself before him because he's not real.
You guys keep forgetting that sexuality is not a choice
Cool. As long as religious people keep these views to themselves and not promulgate them as the basis for public policy then I couldn't care less.
Unfortunately, at least in the US, we have this rising Christian Nationalist movement which seems hell-bent on making crap like this part of our legal code.
And since they seem to have at least one of the political parties by the literal balls, their chances of doing just that are much higher than I would ever be comfortable with.
What is so bad about using something (sex) for more than its original purpose (having children)? I fail to see how that makes casual sex morally reprehensible. Does "God" provide any moral argument?
Since, God created everything,including human being, God has every rights to say how it should be used. God doesnt want human to use it just for the pleasure but also for the purpose of creating lives. Thus, failing to use it properly or misusing it can be considered as 'wrong'.
Having children wasn't mentioned as the original or only purpose. Watch again.
@@puttimetkhobthong7366 But I would assume that "God" had reasons to implement those rules. So what are they?
@@joenobk True. Then why is homosexuality portrayed as wrong?
@@Mr0hGame because he created sex for humans to function that way. For both uniting men and women, which will also grant pleasure that other action cant provide, and also for create lives. He even comand human to be fruitful and multiply. Its the purpose that God gives to human. Thus, using sex for only pleasure misses this purpose and can be considered as wrong.
Im glad that the comments arent disabled for these obviously controversial topics. I like seeing the different viewpoints and the discussions that people have on both sides!
You know, you might have a point here if the script writers for this video didn't misrepresent what they clearly disagree with right out of the gate, and didn't reference very, *very* suspicious 'studies' to support some of their claims.
Sorry, but if you have to *start* with what effectively amounts to a straw man in your argument, then you have no real argument to begin with.
im gay what are you gonna do about it lol
They can’t do anything about it some of them will relish the idea of you being tormented in hell for eternity for causing no objective harm to anyone Christianity isn’t even an ideology in my opinion it’s more of a cancer that just won’t die.
We all are sinners but you must repent God cares and his last words to you will be Depart, I never knew you!!
@@nicestranger1352 Why exactly would anyone want to spend eternity in heaven praising dear glorious leader for all eternity? it sounds like a celestial North Korea to be honest.
@@comradegotogulag8513 well that celestial Lord created you and the universe and we break all his rules and corrupt the earth and kill his son Jesus Christ. Well of course he is going be strict if he isn't then we wouldnt be pure and sin without consequences. We are not gods and people worship themselves or celebrities is sad.
@@nicestranger1352 Which omnipotent, omniscient being willed that we break all the rules before even creating us and ensured that we would fall? that is is he exists, God of course. What it boils down down to is a childish threat of "love me or else" that in of itself is something a narcissist would say, why worship a narcissist?. Prove said God exists using science and reason. Prove that said God created us. Even if said God does exist if he himself does not have our best interests in mind then there is no reason to care what he has to say.
I don't care if god cares. Something that doesn't exist can care as much as he/she/it wants.
If pink unicorns care about my underpants, I don't give a shit. They don't exist and so I don't mind at all.
01:29 Damn straight. Survivor here and I'm still trying to sort out the effects that my SA did to me. Thank you so much for this video
You know, I find it curious how frequently Apologists like to use sexual abuse to justify their position, and yet whenever the topic of comprehensive sexual education in schools is brought up they are, at best, rather silent.
That being said, your trauma from an unjustifiable attack against you does not justify discriminating against people who are, let's say, homosexual instead of heterosexual.
If the parties involved are all consenting adults, then who they sleep with is no one's business but their own.
Hang on!.... 03:25. You're now telling me what I can and can't think?!
@youtube swallows so we're God's little game are we? 'Let's throw all these sentient creatures onto a board game and the ones who don't love me I'm going to burn for all eternity'. It's like he's a little kid, playing with his toy set, and when things don't go as he wants he throws all the pieces off the board (world flood, wars etc). Even allowing people to own other people as property. Jehovah is a sick little puppy.
Yes, they are.
@@ajguevara6961 Of course. That is what religion is all about: mind control!
I don’t agree with this video for the most part but there is some merit to the idea that our thoughts matter.
If you were to imagine murdering a friend or acquaintance, especially multiple times over an extended period, even if that had no effect of them at best it would be demented at worst cruel and evil.
Our imaginations are scenario producers not all of them are some personal revelation of our true selves or our inner desires but at some point we have to recognize that how we think of people can be wrong or right.
One thing that I think this video is guilty of is simplification, by implying that all extra-marital sex is consumerist or predatory. People can be incorrect without being morally culpable but when your imaginations remove the humanity of other people I would argue that your are doing something wrong.
It disturbs me that this doesn't have more dislikes.
Thank you chris pratt
@@penguintigerking102 Christ* LMFAO
Man be careful
But anyways JESUS loves you as well
HE really do
And HE gave up the most precious life for you
HIS own
And HIS blood that you may conquer the enemy and sin
JESUS loves you man
@Pedro Fernandes because the bible never condemned being LGBTQ+ it was a mistranslation.
@@1tzm3hh You need to get in touch with your fellow Christians because most of them vehemently disagree with you.
"One man and one woman" ... You haven't read your Bible.
Just because “god cares” that doesn’t mean you should care
But that's not all that they said. They also talked about why He cares. And those reasons were very valid even if you're not a Christian
@@ree_flowers it doesn’t matter if god cares about who does what. That doesn’t mean you should care who someone sleeps with, even if they are Christian or not.
@@shoob7291 Okay so Christians shouldn't care about what God cares about when they have themselves decided to follow Christ who is God? 🤔
@@ree_flowers yes because you aren’t god 👍
@@shoob7291 Well certainly not🤔but may the real God help us all🙏
This is what I keep saying but I'm probably the only 18 year old who still believes this
Hey I'm 18 too and this is also what I keep saying
@@andyhow3963 good to know
Hey I'm 17 you aren't alone
20 years old still a virgin. Do not feel like you're alone.
@@kristopherhayes1957 good
Kissing is also something that can affect us deeply in fact any and all acts of physical affection and even non-physical affection can be deeply impactful and harmful.
The “traditional” view of the modern church isn’t a bad one but it’s not the perfect solution that some people try to claim it is. Sexual immorality between two people doesn’t become impossible because they’re married.
More importantly it’s not even what the Bible says, nowhere in the Bible are Christians told that marriage is some magical state where sex becomes inherently different than other types of sex.
Sex is important, sex is powerful and dangerous and it should be handled with great care.
Which is why I have to reject the simplistic idea that all other types of sex are inherently manipulative, predatory or consumerist.
As I said before sexual immorality can happen within marriages as easily as outside it as can dignity love and respect.
Ultimately we do have to ask: What is God’s design for sex?
Not so long ago it was believed that sex was just for reproduction, obviously we don’t believe that now so we really ought to ask ourselves what parts of what we think about sex is God’s design and what parts are just our cultural barnacles clinging to the rock of God.
Hello. I am an atheist. I define atheism as suspending acknowledgement of the existence of gods until sufficient evidence can be presented. My position is that *_I have no good reason to acknowledge the existence of gods._*
And here is the evidence as to why I currently hold to such a position.
1. I personally have never observed a god.
2. I have never encountered a person whom has claimed to have observed a god.
3. I know of no accounts of persons claiming to have observed a god that were willing or able to demonstrate or verify their observation for authenticity, accuracy, or validity.
4. I have never been presented a valid logical argument which also employed sound premises that lead deductively to a conclusion that a god(s) exists.
5. Of the 46 logical syllogisms I have encountered arguing for the existence of a god(s), I have found all to contain multiple fallacious or unsubstantiated premises.
6. I have never observed a phenomenon in which the existence of a god was a necessary antecedent for the known or probable explanation for the causation of that phenomenon.
7. Several proposed (and generally accepted) explanations for observable phenomena that were previously based on the agency of a god(s), have subsequently been replaced with rational, natural explanations, each substantiated with evidence that excluded the agency of a god(s). I have never encountered _vice versa._
8. I have never experienced the presence of a god through intercession of angels, divine revelation, the miraculous act of divinity, or any occurrence of a supernatural event.
9. Every phenomenon that I have ever observed has *_emerged_* from necessary and sufficient antecedents over time without exception. In other words, I have never observed a phenomenon (entity, process, object, event, process, substance, system, or being) that was created _ex nihilo_ - that is instantaneously came into existence by the solitary volition of a deity.
10. All claims of a supernatural or divine nature that I have encountered have either been refuted to my satisfaction, or do not present as falsifiable.
ALL of these facts lead me to the only rational conclusion that concurs with the realities I have been presented - and that is the fact that there is *_no good reason_* for me to acknowledge the existence of a god.
I have heard often that atheism is the denial of the Abrahamic god. But denial is the active rejection of a substantiated fact once credible evidence has been presented. Atheism is simply withholding such acknowledgement until sufficient credible evidence is introduced. *_It is natural, rational, and prudent to be skeptical of unsubstatiated claims, especially extraordinary ones._*
I welcome any cordial response. Peace.
While not related to the video, politely said. 😇👍
That said...
Jesus Christ said that he was one with the Father. Essentially, in language any Jewish person of the time period understood, Jesus Christ stated that He was God in human form. It's the reason for the Sanhedrin condemning him. They needed, by Old Testament Law's, two witnesses to agree in order to convict.
It's why the Chief Priest was shouting about how they'd ALL witnessed Jesus Blaspheme. [Of course, by Old Testament law's, they also needed to be doing this in the light of day, & in full public view. ]
Now that starts the reasoning behind our modern Faith in God & Christ. [Aside from Simply Pascal's Wager. ]
I bet that the First objection that springs to mind is the fact that many people have tried to claim the same thing. Whether Outright Crazy, charismatic cult leaders, or Communist/Dictator leaders looking to replace God in people's hearts... Many People Have. And aside from Jesus Christ, all of them are indeed eventually revealed to be false.
Jesus Christ has a bit to much evidence, to have his claim simply dismissed without examination.
For example, the Old Testament contains in excess of 320 prophetic references to Jesus Christ. Isaiah... uh, ch 53 I think...
Reads like the Gospels. Bethlehem Ephrathah was singled out as the actual Bethlehem town that Jesus would be born in. (Out of 2 in the 1st century AD, and 42+ at present. ) Jesus's death via Nailed hands & feet... if I could remember, I would give chapter & verse which mentions Nailed to a tree.
And the reason why the Old Testament prophecies have something to add to this subject, starts with this nailing to the Tree & piercing hands/feet thing.
Because it essentially refers to the practice of Crucifixion, which wasn't invented for at least a century afterwards, and wasn't in heavy use until about a century (if that) before Christ.
Then there is the fact that everyone knew that the Messiah was coming. Not because of a vague sense of near meaningless "Harry Potter Divination Class"-style prophecy. But because the Old Testament actually gives dates for when things would be happening. Not hard fast dates like December 7, 1941. But, using the Jewish Calendar system, we have a good timeline of events that were predicted.
They were aware that Jesus Christ would be riding into Jerusalem on a, "...colt, the foal of a donkey. " At roughly the time corresponding to 33-35AD, during passover.
Another thing that was predicted was the destruction of the Temple in 70AD. "...no stone shall be left standing. No brick unoverturned. "
And lest it be thought that this was only happening during the 1st century AD... & suspicions about "illuminati" type conspiracies start being thrown around...
The Old Testament also predicts Alexander the Great's conquest, and the subsequent defilement of the Temple by his main successor. (Via burning Pigs, on the Altar, to pagan gods.) You already know what this was...
As it resulted in the festival of Dedication, that was celebrated by Jesus in the New Testament. In modern times, the celebration is called Hanukkah. ☝️👨🏫
In any case, the upshot of all this prophecy stuff is that because of all the evidence in support of the existence of 1st century Jesus Christ's message and ministry...
People who want to deny Jesus, have a lot more work to do, in order to explain how Jesus Christ was both Lucky enough to be born with the Old Testament backing him up...
Crazy enough to suffer, what historians consider fairly certain were, the horrific events that he experienced with no Earthly Reward...
Yet still be Sane enough that he is still considered something of required reading for scholars...
And convinced the majority of his closest friends/followers that he really was preforming Miracles, was the Son of God, and to essentially stay faithful through what largely amounted to torturous ends. Certainly nothing that would seem like an earthly Reward.
Oh! And of course there's the Miracles he performed. Not just the spectacular ones, but the ones that history records have thousands of witnesses. The feeding X thousands of people, multiple times. The near constant healing of then, and even today, incurable diseases or disabilities. The Dead Guy.
The 500+ that he appeared to, at once, post death. (The Bible takes pains to invite people to investigate these things. If someone in 1st century AD could have discovered conspiracy, they would have found something. _The Pharisees were willing to throw away a Year's worth of wages just to get Judas to inform them. They'd have paid Gold, to see Christianity buried under Mud._ )
Oh, I agree that this isn't Definitive Proof that Jesus Christ is God. Otherwise we'd have closer to 2/3rds of all people believing in Christ, rather than 1/3rd at best.
But that's why Christianity's called a Faith.
Because it's a belief, founded in Evidence. And the Evidence abounds!!
Though admittedly, since Christians got convinced that they should give up their dominance in the Sciences, it has become harder to understand sometimes. All but one of the 50+ scholars who invented the scientific method were Christians. And all were Christian Educated.
Peace out! ✌😷⛪😇✝️👍
@@Paulthored Thanks for your reply. May I ask questions concerning the various claims you made in it?
I have personally and continously observed God and His presence. Without question.
@@larryvoss7159 Please describe this (these) observation(s). Could you discern any physicalities or attributes of this observable god (sound of voice, gender, age, abilities, demeanor, intelligence, etc), or was this observation simply imagination?
Even in disbelief, you are still taking a leap of faith. A state of not believing in the existence of God is equal to believing that there is no God. Take this for an example, have you seen the entire universe not just some random picture online? Have you tested every fundamental physical theory of the universe ? Have you seen and live through even a single macro-evolutionary development ? But you read some books, or heard some guy's claims, and do you believe in what they say ? Or you choose not the believe and test everything they say ? Have you done that ?
A belief is not an action, although to show your belief you accompany it with an action. Even if you don't subscribe to the concept of faith, you are guilty of applying it to your everyday life because of your actions. Many people that are happy to base their life on a probability, are in essence believing that they are part of the majority percentile group. Theories are probabilities, that's why theories are just educated guess.
To conclude, you cannot say you don't believe in anything, because you living your everyday life proves otherwise. Now if you don't believe in God, then the next logical question is what then do you believe in ? Which ultimately shows that the so called new definition of Atheism doesn't stand anymore, that's why this modern Atheism is not true and misleading. I don't see how that is a very hard concept to grasp.
Most issues God cares about are not about sex, but we need to stand for what God says on any issues. Especially when people are trying to attack what God says
Indeed.. I believe the main issue God cares is our salvation. The reason why these issues about sex and the like are frequently discussed is that it's the dominant issue at hand
God created us. He doesnt need us, whatever we do, we do it to ourselves and for ourselves. Whatever we do, it doesn't affect God. God only gave us guidelines, a way to happiness and to fulfillment. It is up to us if we will accept those guidelines and be humble and thankful to God. Better yet, God gave us 'a recipe', so that if we follow it, we may achieve happiness on this world and in the Hereafter. One of those 'guidelines' or 'instructions' is that we should take care about bodies and mental help. Having random sex with random people is something that hurts us in the long run. Those who think will get this message, those who dont, well, they go astray and blame God and anybody else for their own mistakes...
How did you come to conclude a god created us?
Just like you cannot deny that the building has its builder, you cannot deny that you yourself are created by God.
Just think about your body, your eyes, your brain, your stomach, the acid in your stomach is able to melt meat you eat, but yet wondrously it doesnt eat you in the process. Why? Because there is a membrane inside your stomach preventing that acid from eating you alive. And how was that possible without intelligent design?
think about giraffe... its long neck requires a strong heart which can pump the blood all the way up to the brain... and what happens when the giraffe wants to drinks water?
SOME INTELLIGENT DESIGNER thought about it, so when giralle bends down to drink, there are muscles in its neck which contract and reduce the flow of blood to brain. If it werent for that muscle contraction, the giraffe would have died on the spot because of brain stroke.
Just think about. Everything in this Universe is the proof of God's existence.
@@volkanbeyoglu235 Have you ever observed a building being constructed?
@@volkanbeyoglu235 It is a straightforward 'yes' or 'no' question.
@@volkanbeyoglu235 I've seen plenty of buildings be constructed by builders, I haven't seen a single deity make a person. Also, that isn't really as strong an argument for a creator god as you'd think - engineers try to reduce complexity, not add it. It fits well for evolution on the other hand, which has no concern for efficiency as long as it works. The human body is either bad design or evolution.
and you know what god wants how ? oh yea you claim some old men reading an old book that was written and sent by god...sure
It's such a relief that this poisonous, ignorant nonsense is rapidly going the way of the dinosaur.
Thank you for making this video. We really need this in our day and age. Especially after the sexual revolution during the 1960s (which is where a lot of these ideas came from).
He is our fulfillment, too!
Someone who doesn’t exist (god) can care about anything because whoever made him up says so. Atheism, truth and morality welcomes you.
You don’t exist
Yeah it's true you don't exist @The Deviant Developer IDW Podcast none of us do, and if God doesn't exist then neither we should we, as we don't exist
Do you have proof that God doesn't exist? I have personal proof that He does. Without Him there is no such thing as morality; the fact that human beings have a longing for a moral existence is and of itself proof of God. Without God, there is no good or evil only your opinion which is always less relevant than mine.
@@larryvoss7159 What is your 'proof' that this god you've mentioned exists?
@@theoskeptomai2535 You can start with an ordered created universe. All science is predicated on underlying order. Then there is the nature of ma, created in His own image., seeking to understand Creation. There is the inherent desire of mankind to live moral lives acceptable to their Creator. There is the revelation of God to man through His Word which contains the facts of His intervention in history. There is the revelation of His nature by His own birth, life, death and resurrection recorded in more detail and greater credibility than any other person in history before the printing press. There is the result of his ministry on the world. There is the testimony of His Spirit working in my life personally on a continuous basis. There is answered prayer.
This is excellent.
Yes, excellent NONSENSE!
What a staggeringly-low bar you have for excellence.
@@D-Cameron What a staggering-low bar you have for a comment. A silly ad hominem attack? Make an argument or ask an intelligent question.
@@Hannibu How it it nonsense?
@@josephcorey4316 In what way is the comment "This is excellent" an argument in the way that mine is not?
This apply to waifu pillow to?
Whos your wiafu. (Christine for stiens gate is pretty good)
@@penguintigerking102 My waifu is Midari from Kakegurui
To all those people who think they are virtuous because they yield not to temptation, I say this:
You are not virtuous. Just because you have no occasion to yield to temptation doesn't make you virtuous. You are just ugly, or poor, or both.
So, that is how promoting chastity and poverty as virtues works, so the poor and the ugly pride themself to be so virtuous, so the rich and beautiful can continue buisiness as usual unchallenged. It is a way to control the population, preventing them to rebel over their frustrations and injustices by making them virtues.
What a great video.
...with whom I sleep?" Sorry, I just had to clear that up. It was bugging me.
Amazing video
the question is: did you create yourself or there is Almighy that did
so you are his creature like any stone and you are owned by Allah so he do what ever he want to his creatures and just he command so we should fullfill even if what he want is not logical or good for us (he asked Ibrahim to sacrifice his son)
That's it. If you believe in the Almighty and his judjment and doomsday, then do what ever you want you know you will pay back what you got or what you did and then you will do what you think is true aside from being right or wrong but you will not commit a thing you believe is bad for you or for others and if you did commit it you know you will pay back for what you did. Look how this is fair and peacefull.
we all need god that can punish us or can forgive us, because what ever we broke will not be fixed, we may try to forget what we did and forget and forget till we forget ourselvies entirely and through ourselvies behind our backs and that's is worse than doomsday punishement