Kievan Rus is the name of the historical period, not the country. In this historical period, no one called his country "Kievan Rus". Until the 19th century, this terminology did not exist
In Arabic Rossia by s but Russia is a name of girl and the word " both " in Arabic means to kiss so when the teacher say both Ruissa and Amrika " the student says " Do you want me to kiss Russia Mr ? "
So it's called Россия when the language is Русский? Cool. Its annoying to try to learn about historical Russian culture because a lot of common culture and language has been polarized even at the edges of borders of "Russian" nations. Why can't I have a digital keyboard with ґ+і+ї and ё+ъ? Why should I deal with this? Cuz software developers aren't interested in making utilarian and all-encompassing user interfaces, that ignore national sensitivities and just give me a good experience for a person who likes using all the characters and words I need for each language group. There's so many situations where developers make pointless, hard limitations that I would need to put a supreme amount of effort to surpass.
@@marketguydanu9888Rus' is Russia, there never was a Kievan Rus!!!! This is what they called the time period when Kyiv was the capital of Rus', and the state was only Rus'!!!!! It’s just that Ukrainians are trying to show their greatness, but they don’t have it!!! just like they don’t have their own history and they begin to prescribe history and lie, many of them now say that they are Russians and not us🙉🙈😆 
I'm a Filipino, born and raised. We call our country here as "PILIPINAS". I've never heard someone call it LUZVIZMINDA. And judging from the other comments, some are inaccurate too. So please do some extra research to avoid awkward conversations.
6:06 Nusantara is a term that comes from words in the Kawi language (a form of Old Javanese which is heavily influenced by Sanskrit), namely ꦤꦸꦱ (nusa) trans. har. "island" and ꦲꦤ꧀ꦠꦫ (between) trans. har. "outside". In Indonesia, the term "Nusantara" specifically refers to Indonesia (the Indonesian archipelago), this word was first recorded in the book Negarakertagama to describe the concept of statehood adopted by Majapahit; whose region covers most of Southeast Asia, especially the island regions.
First recorded in 13th-century Mula Malurung inscription, get your facts straight, so the Old Javanese derivation is already correct. Kawi is a form of Old Javanese used for literary works that was written on manuscript, whereas Inscription used a civil language which is Old Javanese as correctly stated even if that means to incorporate Sanskrit derivation in it too
@@ibrawisanggeni6377 Orang luar nonton video ini mau belajar, yah apa salahnya dikasih info lebih jauh? Lihat orang-orang Rusia yang kasih info serupa di kolom komentar ini tentang "Kievan Rus" dan "Rossiya"
"Hellas" is the Katharevousa form, a conservative form of Greek heavily influenced by Ancient Greek. It is no longer regarded as official. Even in that, the "H" (actually the "rough breathing") was no longer pronounced as "h," as it had been in Ancient Greek. The two breathings (rough and smooth) have recently been dropped, as they no longer affect the pronunciation.
@@angreagach orang orang Yunani mempunyai sejarah yang panjang sejak jaman Anatolia indo eropa dan kalian memiliki kekaisaran pertama akadia empire kebudayaan yang tumbuh di pulau kereta kata kereta mempunyai arti yang sama seperti di Indonesia (ancient sundaland) serta father sky=bapak angkoso mother earth=ibu bumi manus=manusa menusa menuso menungsa menungso manusia human
@@angreagach From the first look I'd say it's in Indonesian. Just copy it into the google translate. As far as I understand from translation, he says something about alleged similarities between ancient Greece and Indonesia. He gives some pseudo-similar examples from mythology, using names that are of Sanskrit and not native Indonesian (Austronesian) origin.
In the Netherlands we don't call our country Holland. We call it: Nederland. NL is on our licenceplates. Holland is a very old name and only used for the 2 parts, provincies. Noord-Holland, where our capital Amsterdam is located and Zuid-Holland is where Rotterdam is. They are at the west of the Netherlands. They are just 2 of our 12 provences. Neder means low/below (yes, it has to do with water) and land means land. So I don't know where you got your info from, but it is incorrect.
Also, you can blame medieval traders for the name messiness. You’ll find several languages that use Holland as their base word for the country because that is where the traders of goods came from or travelled to. Centuries pass and people don’t keep up with the times.
With so many pronunciation errors, technicalities missed, and plain errors, this video is either poorly done or perfectly created to be a perfect collector of engagement metrics from people correcting you.
This guy has never heard of diacritics. The Austrians, the Czechs, the Turks and the Belgians are robbed of their diacritics, too. Never mind his outrageous pronunciation of some names.
As a Turk, I noticed that we called some of the countries in this video by their local names.We Turks call the Netherlands as Hollanda,Spain as İspanya,Crotia as Hırvatistan,Hungary as Macaristan,Montenegro as Karadağ( means Black Mountain like Montenegrin),Egypt as Mısır,Jordan as Ürdün,Palestine as Filistin,Oman as Umman,Lebanon as Lübnan.
en realidad es España, el nombre de Hispania era la antigua provincia romana, qie ocupaba casi el pais, solo hay pocos parecidos sobre todo con la pronunciacion: España e Hispania
There are similarities with local names in bulgarian too. We call Holandiya (Netherlands), Harvatiya (Croatia), Ispaniya (Spain) and so on...but the Greece is Hellas mostly for greeks. And something else - Hungary is Ungariya, but hungarians are ungartsi and madjari - the second is their well known local name.
Malacca is now one of the states in Malaysia, locally spelled Melaka and a little to nobody calls the whole country as that nowadays. It was more famously known as Malaya during the British colonialism era but locals used to call it as Tanah Melayu, meaning 'Land of the Malays' which is a native ethnicity there. The name Malaysia was adopted in 1963, 6 years after the country's independence. Fun fact, Singapore, locally called Singapura used to be a part of the country before withdrawing in 1965 and was known in the old days as Temasek. All in all, great video. Keep it up!
@@radenkanjeng3767actually Nusantara is not Indonesia. Nusantara was a regional sphere that included thousands of Islands that could be reached by Javanese kingdoms in the past. Funny enough, Nusantara means among-islands, not outer islands so Malacca should not be a part of Nusantara because Malacca is not an island. Also, by this logic if Javanese people in Madagascar near Africa could return to Javanese kingdom in the past then we would include Madagascar as a part of Nusantara because surely enough Javanese people would influence the Madagascar too.
日本 Nihon or Nippon (Full name→ 日本国 Nihonkoku or Nipponkoku) In the past, it was about 50% for にほんNihon and にっぽんNippon. In modern times, it is overwhelmingly often referred to as Nihon. Especially in everyday conversation, 98% of Japanese people(Nihon Jin) refer to their country as "Nihon."
@@TheGingiGamer The Travels of Marco Polo. (東方見聞録 Touhou Kenbunroku) It's from this book A Chinese merchant taught Marco Polo about Japan .(Marco Polo had never been to Japan, but learned about Japan through rumor while traveling in China.)
@@TheGingiGamerIt's derived from the Chinese pronunciation of 日本 during Marco Polo's time, as something like jat-bun/yah-ben, via Portuguese spelling which became Giapan.
Don’t bother! The guy who made this video skipped ALL the diacritics in ALL languages where it was needed. If you guys, youtubers, can’t type diacritics in your keyboard, at least do a copy/paste from the correctly typed word!
Lol wut. The Russian name of Russia is Rossiya, which comes from the word Rus', denoting a group of East Slavic tribes, and the state was never called "Kievan Rus", this is a term that appeared only in the 19th century.
Лол и ты тоже. Россия это Греческое название, а не русское. А название сегодняшней России не от слова Русь, а просто украли греческое название. Как московское царство может стать Русью? Просто правители пришли с Руси, это да. Но на тех землях славяне даже не жили, посмотри названия хотя бы рек, все они тюрские, а не славянские.
We don't use Portus Cale, It's PORTUGAL! pronounced Por-tu-gal and not Porchugall like it's pronounced in English. We do however go by the name of Lusitania.
Man, I suggest you read some scholars who specialize in the topic of Rus'. Like, for example, Rybakov - the most famous Soviet and Russian scientist. In his work “Rus' in the narrow and broad sense” («Русь в узком и широком смысле») he analyzed every mention of Rus' in every chronicle and deduced the localization of the term to the Kyiv, Chernihiv and Pereyaslav regions (northern part of Ukraine). This was also confirmed by Danilevsky, another famous modern Russian academician, by Tairova-Yakovleva etc. Modern russian state has nothing to do with ancient Kievan Rus, cause russia was formed on the basis of Vladimiro-Suzdal principality and was called Muscovy till 1721 year
Actually, these scientists were fired two years ago and they are not wellcome to science historical communities. This is a typical situation for those who practice myth-making, thus, they are not famous enough in Russia,, so I know them due to Ukrainians. Ukrainians listen to them usually, for the reasons I will tell later. Those who wrote the Chronicles do not divide Rus in narrow and broad sense. Kievan Rus as a state as today's Washington's America, London's Great Britain, Paris's France has never existed, as well as Moscovy, Moscovia, Ruthenia have never existed also. There are no international documents with such states, no rulers, not titles of rulers mentioned such terms. It is called FAKE HISTORY, DESINFORMATION. Accroding to the Chronicles it is called Rus, Land of Rus, or Russian land. Rus is not a predecessor of Russia. Russia is Rus actually or Ρωσία (Россия) in Greeks literally or Rusland Rusia Ryssland Rosja in other historical documents or international trities in other languages of the past and present. Moscovy, as the reborn modern Ukrainian myth, has never existed. The Russian Primary Chronicle or "Повѣсть времѧньныхъ лѣтъ" , Rurik with his men came to Novgorod slavs and created Rus or Russian land, or land of Russians in 862: «Изъбрашасѧ триє брата и придоша къ Словѣномъ пѣрвѣє и срубиша город̑ Ладогу и сѣде старѣишии в Ладозѣ Рюрикъ а другии Синєоусъ на Бѣлѣѡзерѣ а третѣи Труворъ въ Изборьсцѣ» «и ѿ тѣхъ Варѧгъ прозвасѧ Руская землѧ». Thus, Rus came from the North, Old Ladoga was the first capital of Rus, not Kiev. Novgorod slavs spoke Russian language and they called themselves Russians so far: «словѣнескъ языкъ и Рускыи ѡдинъ ѿ Варѧгъ бо прозвашасѧ Русью а пѣрвѣє бѣша Словѣне» Then after expansion to the South and creation of the largest country in Europe they lived in Russian cities: Kiev, Chernigov. Pereyaslavl, Polotsk, Rostov, Lubech and Novgorod: Hypatian Codex: В лѣто . ҂s҃ . у҃ . е҃ı [6415 (907)] ... и по том ̑ даӕти оуглады на Рускіє городы . пѣрвоє на Кієвъ . таже и на Черниговъ . и на Переӕславъ Ж 25. и на Полътескъ . и на Ростовъ . и на Любечь . и на прочаӕ город . по тѣмь бо городомъ . сѣдѧху кнѧзьӕ 26 З. подъ Ѡльгом ̑ суще. They are called Russians living on Russian land or Rus everywhere in the Chronicles and it is actually written in Russian language, so you can read them with a bit difficulty if you know Russian language, because the one wasn't changed so much.
Principalities of Rus or feudal Rus doesn't mean that Rus ended. Political, cultural, religious, and people migration to the North and Moscow is explained by Mongol devastations, The North of Russia was safer for many reasons. The today's Rus or Russia as we know today with Kremlin, politics, ideology, the laws and Heraldry was formed by Ivan 3 the Great, the primary heir of Yaroslav the Wise, Alexander Nevsky and Dmitry Donskoy if it makes sense to you. As a ruler of all Rus and as a monarch he had all rights on the fatherland of his grandfathers as lands belonging to Rurik dynasty. All three modern East Slavic nations are formations of USSR actually, because there were no division before. Actually Russia just lost it's territories: Belarus and Ukraine that have never existed before. Ukraine is composed of Malorossiya, Novorossiya, Donbass region and Eastern Ukraine that "Ukraine" literally means "У края" "near margin" or "bordering land" between Poland and Russia. Today's Russia also has many ukraines as territories as it grew, but they are called shorter "Край" ( "margin", "border" ) - federal subjects of modern Russia. Khabarovsk Krai, Stavropol Krai, Zabaykalsky Krai. As for the Ukraine as a state - the main traits of Ukrainians are stealing and lie. This is their mentality. Flag of Ukraine is a flag of Lower Austria, the coat of arms they stole from the town Old Ladoga - the first capital of Rus in Leningrad oblast. Ukrainians live on Russian land, in Russian cities, their ideology is nazi, their history is fake, 30 years of corruption lead to elimination of first rate science, technology, industry, they stole gas, debts. The most corrupted country, they even try to steal the history of great nation and civilization ... there is no Ukraine in Rus history. No much to be proud of.
Lol)) Kievan Rus is not a state, but a historical period, just like Moscow Rus, Vladimir-Suzdal Rus, Novgorod Rus. The terms were coined in the 19th century.
"Korea" comes from Koryo period, "Choson" ("s" is read as "s", not "z") comes from Korean reading of Chinese name of the country ("the land of morning fresh"), as well as "the land of the rising sun" for Japan. The word "China" comes from the Qin dynasty. "Russia" calls herself "Rossiya", and this name comes not from "Kievan Rus", but from Greek/Byzantine name for Rus. Medieval and post-Medieval Rus had at least four periods in history named by the capital at the time - Novgorod, Kiev, Vladimir, Moscow; it's like Kamakura Jidai or Edo Jidai in Japan.
I saw at least two errors. The first is that Russia (at least considering the flag shown) has nothing to do with Kievan Rus, which was founded (as is obvious from the name in Kyiv, Ukraine much earlier than the Principality of Moscow). Contemporary state is correctly called the Rossiya or Rossiyskaya Federatsiya (if we take the transliteration from Russian). The second mistake is “Palestine” - a toponym invented by Emperor Hadrian for Israel, at the moment when he, in response to regular uprisings against the Roman Empire, decided out of spite to use the name of the biblical enemies of the Israelites “Philistines”; this ethnic group itself no longer existed. Those people who today inhabit the enclave (which is not a state at all) are representatives of various Arab tribes and Mediterranean pirates; they have nothing to do with the Philistines; such a state does not exist at all.
Why are you trying so hard to defend the erasure of the historical ties that these Palestinian Jews, Muslims, Christians have with the land; and why are you defending the murdering of babies by the current Apartheid State of Israel? Your favorite regime sucks at making propaganda-we see thru y’all’s lies now lol! 😂
You have made four errors. The first one Kievan Rus as a state as today's Washington's America, London's Great Britain, Paris's France has never existed. Accroding to the Chronicles it is called Rus, Land of Russians or Russian land. The second one is that Great principality of Moscow as well as other Russian principalities located in the territory of Rus. The third error - Rus is not a predecessor of Russia. Rus or Ρωσία (Россия) in Greeks is Russia in English as it is called today (Россия). Rus or Ρωσία (Россия) in Greeks was united around Moscow, not around Russian city Kiev, that was a part of Grand Duchy of Lithuania at that time. The fourth, Ukraine had not existed at that time.
As a person with the academic right to teach history, I strongly recommend that you stop treating Soviet and Russian sources as authoritative! Pay attention to the European school and primary sources, you will see the truth there - it is Ukraine that is the successor to Kievan Rus, and the Russian Federation is an artificial formation created from the remnants of the Bolshevik coup. In principle, modern ethnographers have quite a few questions about the classification of Russians in general; some argue that these are simply Finno-Ugric tribes mixed with the Tatar-Mongol army during the Tatar-Mongol Yoke. Be that as it may, they have nothing to do with Kievan Rus. Kievan Rus is the roots of Ukraine.@@marketguydanu9888
@@Elvikah So, you claim that "Kievan Rus" existed. Is there any Chronical mentioned the state "Kievan Rus"? And who did live in "Kievan Rus"? Ukrainians?
@@marketguydanu9888 I only assert that it is not the Russian Federation, but Ukraine that can consider itself the legal successor of Kievan Rus. I advise you to refer to textbooks on the History of Ukraine if you are interested in more details about this.
russia never was a Rus, and Kievan Rus for sure. They always was Moscovia, they stole the name from Rus to hide their mongols roots. It's just offensive to call it like this
Moscovia (lat. Moscovia; Russian Moskva[1]) is the name used in Russia for the Moscow principality and kingdom. Comes from the capital city - Moscow. Used in most European languages and some modern Asian languages. It appears on many historical maps of the 16th-19th centuries, which were produced in Europe. Here is what we read in the work of Academician Grigory Pivtorak: "Catherine II tried to learn the history of her state on the basis of written sources provided to her - chronicles and other documents of Moscow antiquity. The true history of Muscovy shocked her, because she was lame and very poor. The Tsarina was especially struck by the fact that the mighty state of Rus, whose glory thundered throughout the world for three centuries and whose princes considered it an honor to be born to the kings of France, Hungary, Sweden... as it turned out, had no relation to Muscovy." This prompted the empress to undertake the creation of her own version of Russian history. Further events developed as follows: On December 4, 1783, by order of Catherine, the "Commission for the compilation of notes on ancient history, mainly Russian" was created. On the instructions of the empress, they conducted a revision of the ancient primary sources - some were corrected, others were rewritten, and the third - the most dangerous for the empire - was destroyed The commission under the command of the tsarina worked for 9 years and invented a new framework for the history of the Russian Empire, pinning its origin to Princely Russia. Contrary to the historical truth, the commission affirmed the right of Russians to the political and cultural heritage of Russia, and declared its entire population to be a "united nation." The imperial scheme of history was unbreakable until 1904, when it was brilliantly refuted by the outstanding historian Mykhailo Hrushevskyi. In his famous article "The usual scheme of "Russian" history..." he scientifically proved that the creator of the thousand-year-old princely state of Rus was the Ukrainian ethnos and that the statement about "all-russian" history and the cradle of three brotherly peoples is a complete fiction
Kievan Rus as a state as today's Washington's America, London's Great Britain, Paris's France has never existed, as well as Moscovy, Moscovia, Ruthenia have never existed also. There are no international documents with such states, no rulers, not titles of rulers mentioned such terms. It is called FAKE HISTORY, DESINFORMATION. Accroding to the Chronicles it is called Rus, Land of Rus, or Russian land. Rus is not a predecessor of Russia. Russia is Rus actually or Ρωσία (Россия) in Greeks literally or Rusland Rusia Ryssland Rosja in other historical documents or international trities in other languages of the past and present. Moscovy, as the reborn modern Ukrainian myth, has never existed. The Russian Primary Chronicle or "Повѣсть времѧньныхъ лѣтъ" , Rurik with his men came to Novgorod slavs and created Rus or Russian land, or land of Russians in 862: «Изъбрашасѧ триє брата и придоша къ Словѣномъ пѣрвѣє и срубиша город̑ Ладогу и сѣде старѣишии в Ладозѣ Рюрикъ а другии Синєоусъ на Бѣлѣѡзерѣ а третѣи Труворъ въ Изборьсцѣ» «и ѿ тѣхъ Варѧгъ прозвасѧ Руская землѧ». Thus, Rus came from the North, Old Ladoga was the first capital of Rus, not Kiev. Novgorod slavs spoke Russian language and they called themselves Russians so far: «словѣнескъ языкъ и Рускыи ѡдинъ ѿ Варѧгъ бо прозвашасѧ Русью а пѣрвѣє бѣша Словѣне» Then after expansion to the South and creation of the largest country in Europe they lived in Russian cities: Kiev, Chernigov. Pereyaslavl, Polotsk, Rostov, Lubech and Novgorod: Hypatian Codex: В лѣто . ҂s҃ . у҃ . е҃ı [6415 (907)] ... и по том ̑ даӕти оуглады на Рускіє городы . пѣрвоє на Кієвъ . таже и на Черниговъ . и на Переӕславъ Ж 25. и на Полътескъ . и на Ростовъ . и на Любечь . и на прочаӕ город . по тѣмь бо городомъ . сѣдѧху кнѧзьӕ 26 З. подъ Ѡльгом ̑ суще. They are called Russians living on Russian land or Rus everywhere in the Chronicles and it is actually written in Russian language, so you can read them with a bit difficulty if you know Russian language, because the one wasn't changed so much.
Principalities of Rus or feudal Rus doesn't mean that Rus ended. Political, cultural, religious, and people migration to the North and Moscow is explained by Mongol devastations, The North of Russia was safer for many reasons. The today's Rus or Russia as we know today with Kremlin, politics, ideology, the laws and Heraldry was formed by Ivan 3 the Great, the primary heir of Yaroslav the Wise, Alexander Nevsky and Dmitry Donskoy if it makes sense to you. As a ruler of all Rus and as a monarch he had all rights on the fatherland of his grandfathers as lands belonging to Rurik dynasty. All three modern East Slavic nations are formations of USSR actually, because there were no division before. Actually Russia just lost it's territories: Belarus and Ukraine that have never existed before. Ukraine is composed of Malorossiya, Novorossiya, Donbass region and Eastern Ukraine that "Ukraine" literally means "У края" "near margin" or "bordering land" between Poland and Russia. Today's Russia also has many ukraines as territories as it grew, but they are called shorter "Край" ( "margin", "border" ) - federal subjects of modern Russia. Khabarovsk Krai, Stavropol Krai, Zabaykalsky Krai. As for the Ukraine as a state - the main traits of Ukrainians are stealing and lie. This is their mentality. Flag of Ukraine is a flag of Lower Austria, the coat of arms they stole from the town Old Ladoga - the first capital of Rus in Leningrad oblast. Ukrainians live on Russian land, in Russian cities, their ideology is nazi, their history is fake, 30 years of corruption lead to elimination of first rate science, technology, industry, they stole gas, debts. The most corrupted country, they even try to steal the history of great nation and civilization ... there is no Ukraine in Rus history. No much to be proud of.
Cringe. Moscovy was one of the Rus realms, like Novgorod, Kiev etc. Oh, and by the way, Ukraine is just name of the river, just open the map and look, also means border in modern languages.
@@shubhamsaha1809there are literally 3-4 sources to the name Bharat's origin but this video showed only one of them... The oldest mention is in Sanskrit texts of Rid Veda where Bharat means a land of people who are constantly in search of knowledge
Rus, Ruthenia, Russia (latin) is all about modern Ukraine. Modern Russia was called Muscovy (Moscovia). Check any old maps of Europe. "Russia Alba sive Moscovia". But "Russia" is all around Leopolis, Stry, Kiow, etc.
Kievan Rus as a state as today's Washington's America, London's Great Britain, Paris's France has never existed, as well as Moscovy, Moscovia, Ruthenia have never existed also. There are no international documents with such states, no rulers, not titles of rulers mentioned such terms. It is called FAKE HISTORY
Cringe. Do not believe him, he is brainwashed. Moscovy was one one the Rus realms, like Novgorod, Kiev etc. That dude can not even compare how words sounds.. Oh, and by the way, Ukraine is just name of the river, just open the map and look, also means border in modern languages.
Actually Greece in Greek isn't Hellas but Ελλάδα which is pronounced Elada. Also Crna Gora is pronounced as Tsrna Gora, not Krna Gora. 🤔 In spite of these mistakes, nice video.
Russia - Moscovia/Muscovy Moscovia was once one of many principalities of Rus, but it quickly gained power and separated itself from Kyiv becaming almost independent (there was still Mongol-Tatar khans whom they payed tribute for some time). It was later when they created the narrative of them being the one and only successor of Rus to justify the conquest of Ukraine and Belarus as “uniting Rus again”. Rus, however, as a country was almost never united - maybe a little in like 10-11 century, and that’s the time when Moscow as a centre of Moscovia wasn’t even built yet. The whole existence of Muscovy (what renamed itself Tsardom of Russia in mid 16th century and Russian Empire in the 18th century) is a good proof of it
Kievan Rus as a state as today's Washington's America, London's Great Britain, Paris's France has never existed, as well as Moscovy, Moscovia, Ruthenia as modern reborn Ukrainian myths, have never existed also. It is called FAKE HISTORY, DESINFORMATION. Accrording to the Chronicles it is called Rus, Land of Rusians, or Russian land. Rus is Ρωσία (Россия) in Greeks.
Don't kid yourself, Novgorod is the oldest city of Russia and not Moscow And Novgorod is the first capital of Ancient Rus before Kiev Which Prince Oleg of Novgorod invaded and turned it into a new capital of Rus that's why the termed Kievan Rus was born
Moscow gained power because Kiev was sacked by the Mongols in 1240, so people moved north and a new capital was founded - Moscow. "Moscovia" was a Western moniker that doesn't mean anything to the Russians because they never called Moscow "Moscovia". In reality, there was no Moscovia, there was the Grand Dutchy of Moscow that united all of the scattered Rus states into the Tsardom of Russia and later the Russian Empire.
@@digitalronin7787 except everything you've just said there is incorrect. Novgorod was conquered by force by Muscow Tsardom in 15th century. They were totally different states before that. Novgorod was never a capital of Rus and wasn't even considered Rus proper. Novgorod didn't existed before 930s at all (according to russian archeologists no less), so prince Oleg couldn't be there in that timeframe. Moreover, the only source of Oleg ever is Primary Chronicle. He's likely never existed. While in Kyiv (that's hot it's spelled historically, look up manuscripts) we had rulers also confirmed by outside sources, like Igor (in Roman sources) in the timefrime of supposed Oleg "coming" while Novgorod still dind't existed yet.
@@PUARockstar Novgorod was established by Rurik And prince Oleg succeed him after he died, he only conquered Kiev later on, so Novgorod never been Ukraine Coz let's say sure let's give Kiev to Modern Ukraine But there's no way Ladoga and Novgorod is theirs because those cities and part of modern russia
We Chinese Know this name "Mesopotamia" ,We named that 2 rivers civilization, like ancient Chinese civilization. You know when you and us were creating civilization, Europeans were still searching for fire
@@vfnikster Bro it's summerian which it's oldest and first language in the world. But how did you know greek named Mesopotamia (land between two rivers)?
@@mouhmmedadil9782 I am Greek and I can tell you it actually means "Land between rivers". That doesn't mean that summerians used that word. But the term Mesopotamia was widly used, because Greek was, for a large period of time, the "Lingua franca". So it was used by scholars of the time, and the term stayed. Don't take my word for it...Google it.
@@mouhmmedadil9782Ποτάμι=River (potámi), ποτάμια in plural (rivers, potámia). Between = ενδιάμεσο -> μέσο. Μεσοποταμία = Mesopotamia. I think Herodotus was the first to describe that area by that name.
Я думал это ролик про названия стран своим населением/правительством. Внутри России никто её не называет Киевской Русью. А начало было интересным. Слышал, что Индия - это Бхарат, Германия - Дойчланд, Япония - Ниппон, Турция - Туркийа, Финляндия - Суоми. Насчёт остальных стран из ролика сомневаюсь теперь в истинных названиях. Так, иранцы не именуют свою страну, как Персия
Австрия написана и произнесена не совсем точно. Правильно будет Österreich. На русский язык точно передать произношение первой буквы не получится, так как это звук средний между О и Ё (обозначу его как Œ) и тогда произношение запишу как Œстэррайх (а не Остэррайк как произнёс автор ролика).
Han of Hanguk(韓國) and Han of Han river(漢江) is different written by chinese character. Anyway the sound of 'Han' means big or great like 'Khan'. Koreans call sky 'hanuel=Han+ul' and call grandfater 'halabeoji=Han+abeoji', grandmother 'halmoeni=Han+eomeoni". so Koreans call ourselves 'race of Han=한(韓)민족", and call our country '한국(韓國)=country of Han'. But the formal name of Republic of Korea is '대한민국'. It means 'people's country of great Han'.
Well... Nowadays, people in my country only said 'Indonesia', not 'Nusantara', and it's already been the name of the country since 1928 when the Youth Pledge released. Nusantara now is the name of the recent Indonesia capital, Ibu Kota Nusantara
The way he says, "Globally known as XXX," sounds quite arrogant. Those terms are only valid in English-speaking regions. Does he think the whole world speaks English?
Holland is a region of Netherlands; not the endonym. Belgie is the Dutch word for Belgium which has 3 official languages; French and German are the other two. In French its Belgique and in German its Belgien. Luzviminda is a portmanteau of the 3 island groups of Philippines but not the official endonym. It is Pilipinas. Burma is the former name of Myanmar.
I am Japanese. I am glad someone mentioned this. It would be difficult to change the international designation, but my hope is that the locally used "Nihon" will be changed to the international designation.🌅
Pronunciation and meanings in Turkish. English Japonya - japan Güney Kore - South Kore ( Same) Kuzey Kore - north Kore // Çin - china Almanya - German Hollanda - netherland İspanya - spain Finlandiya - finland Norveç - norway İsveç - sweden ||Mixes|| İsviçre - Switzerland Polonya - poland Çekya - czechia Monako - Monaco Avusturya - austria Hırvatistan - croatia Macaristan - hungary Arnavutluk - albania Karadağ - Montenegro ( It means black mountain in Turkish.) Gürcistan - Georgia Yunanistan - greece Ermenistan - Armenia Türkiye - Turkiye Turkiye/ there are two dots above the letters, but since you do not have ü, officially u is replaced with ü, but the official Turkish word is Turkiye. Cezayir - algeria Mısır - egypt ( It means Popcorn in Turkish.) Ürdün - Jordan |||Fas - Morocco ( Turkish fez comes from here )||| Hindistan - India ( It means turkey bird in Turkish ) New : bharat ( Its new name means spice in Turkish."baharat" ) Maldivler - maldives Butan - Bhutan Miyanmar - Myanmar Tayland - thailand Kamboçya- cambodia Filipinler - philippines Malezya - malaysia Endonezya - Indonesia Yeni Zelanda - New Zelanda İrlanda - ireland Galler - Wales İskoçya - scotland Portekiz - portugal Belçika - belgium Lüksemburg - luxembourg İsviçre - Switzerland Litvanya - lithuania Slovakya - slovakia Grönland - Greenland Kıbrıs - cyprus (There are two states, one of them is the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus.)Cyprus is the name of the island in Turkish. The country name is Southern Cyprus. "The flag of Southern Cyprus was made by Turks" Rusya - russia Filistin - palestine Afganistan. Khorasan seems familiar to me from somewhere Suriye - syria Umman - oman Lübnan - lebanon Moritanya - mauritania Güney Afrika - south africa Bolivya - bolivia İran - Iran If you say Persian, we understand the Nation.
@@itachisenpaix3 things that come to my mind Turkish American continent Amerika kıtası ( Kuzey Amerika ) -Kanada -Amerika- Amerika Birleşik Devletleri -grönland (Danimarka (Connected)) (Güney amerika ) Meksika Küba "Dominik (Cumhuriyeti" = Republic) Kolombiya Panama Brezilya Arjantin şili Paraguay Uruguay Peru Bolivya Ekvador Venezuela Guyana Surinam Fransız Guyanası Kosta Rika Nikaragua Guatemala
Hitites also called Egypt Misir or Msri and in our Armenian national epic we call it Msri. Now we call it Egyptos, probably because of Russian influence. There are many countries in your list that are similar to our Armenian versions for example Japonya.
@@incredibilis Talvez isso pode ser verdade com relação á perspectiva dos tapuias (indígenas não-tupis que não falavam o tupi antigo) mas os próprios tupis das costa mesmo como os Tupinambás, Tupiniquins, Potiguaras, Tamoios, Temiminós, Caetés, Tabajaras, Carijós, etc., nesse caso específico, referiam sim á todo o litoral brasileiro como "Pindorama" ou "Pindobetama" (Lit. Terra das Palmeiras) antes da chegada dos portugueses em Porto Seguro e em outras partes do litoral brasileiro!
Slava Cocaini 🥴🤡🤓🔱🇺🇦💪🏿 Accroding to the Chronicles it is called Rus, Land of Rusians, or Russian land, and Russians lived in Rus. What is the difference between Russians lived in Rus and Russians living in Russia?
Be careful, this is a good try, but remember this man is pronouncing the names with the English accent, so those are not the actual actual names. There are some mistakes but in general is a good video.
Kyivan Rus has nothing to do with russia. Kyivan Rus, Rus, Ruthenia is the former name of Ukraine, the real descendant of this state. russia's former name was muscovia
Ukrainian fake as always 🐂💩. Such states have never existed. There are no legal proofs, historical records in the Chronicles, titles of rulers... Rus is Ρωσία (Россия) in Greeks, not Kievan Rus, but Rus. Ukraine means near border= у края, it is a borderland.
As Indian 🇮🇳 I can understand Thailand🇹🇭 name as " Siam " . In Sanskrit "Siam " means ' dark ' or "dark brown" refer to Lord Krishna. As all know how Thai people respect Lord Ram one of incarnation of Lord Vishnu. Krishna is also a incarnation of Lord Vishnu. And in ancient times Sanskrit and Sanatan Dharma And culture was so dominant in Thailand. You can observe it now too along with Buddhism. 😊
Persia was never the original name of iran, persia is a region in Iran that got used as an exonym; in ancient times Iranians called the land "airyanem vaejah" and later during sasanid period "Eranshahr"; later leading to "iran zamin" in islamic and mongol periods; and finally Iran in modern era.
@@Servantofkhuzestan you speak with such zeal as if you're an elamite lol, I'm pretty sure they were not as barbaric as their akkadian and assyrian neighbours, Iranian people also regard elamites as their history and ancestors since they influenced the the tribes greatly and are the direct ancestors of "lur" ethnicity in Iran, well whatever the case, it's Iran now.
@@roshana2827 Akkadians and Assyrians were warriors they had an empire and civilization long before wretched Persians and Savage invaders Akkadians forged the first empire in history weak Persian art is fully influenced by their culture they were barbarians and nomad's how did they have culture even Cyrus's clyinder (propaganda) is written in Babylonian as they didn't have handwriting back then how dare you question the might of Sargon manishitu naramsin and their descendents Iran is in a grave peril now prosperity will once again come back to khuzestan and the civilization will once again thrive over the barbarians and their blood will soak the land of khuzestan and fertelize our land
@@roshana2827IAM decanded from a Bakhtiari tribe as well but that is fully wrong the racial connection is not important at all everyone who lives and borned and before him his father were born there is an Elamite Elam was never an ethincty as sumer never was they were client states Wich the simashki dynasty and kutik inshushinak of awan brought together before smashing the third dynasty of ur and the end of ibi sin a pure defended from ur namuu who built the great wall of ur
@@roshana2827 we do not believe in this so called country khuzestan is by far the richest state in the country it will never reach its potential if we feed the central people (deserters) we even have access to water there's literally no reason for khuzestan to be part of this wicked country not historical and not even economical
How detestable can be a video from someone who supposedly wants to teach how to say the names of countries in the original language, but who doesn't even take care to obey the phonetics of the language. Hearing "Kirna Gora" instead of "Tsrna Gora" about Montenegro is being very careless and disrespectful. Study phonetics first, my dear, and don't be so presumptuous.
@@dakerfalah3728 The name Indonesia derives from the Hellenic words "indos" (Ἰνδός) and "nesos" (νῆσος), meaning "Indian islands". Words from a very distant culture
- "Greeks" in the West because the Romans called them Graecians. The first Greeks they met were the Greek city states of Sourthern Italy and Sicily island (Neapolis, Syracuse, Akragantas, Tarantas etc). - "Al Yunans" in the East because the Levantine nations and the Persians called them Yunans. The first Greeks the met were the Greek city-states of Ionia (modern day Western Turkey) (Ephesus, Miletus, Pergamon etc)
First of all, Greeks and Ionians are different races. Later they were united by religion (Christianity). Greeks lived in the Aegean region of Anatolia. The current owners of Asia Minor are not Greeks and Armenians. The real owners of Asia Minor are the Etruscans, Sumerians, Hittites, Luwians, etc. The peoples of ancient Anatolia were assimilated by the Greeks.
@@Baryshx yes sure, History made ala Turka... The city-states of Ionia were Greek city-states and there are several proofs about that. Greek tribes colonized that shores and built their cities after the Bronze Age collapse.
@@Baryshx i know very well that there were other civilizations there before the Greeks BUT they were not called Ionians as you mentioned. They were called Anatolians. The Ionians are Greek tribes.
You forgot Israel Palestine doesn’t exist and you can’t gaslight people by saying filistin is a thousand years old when that’s false the land was owned by Jews first and split into two kingdoms Judah and Israel Judah got taken by the Persians and Israel was taken by the Romans who changed the name to Palestine after the Jews revolted and were exiled. Learn history
@@incredibilis Os guaranis, assim como outras tribos do ramo Tupi-Guarani com uma minoria de descendentes atuais do litoral como os Potiguaras, Tupiniquins, etc., denominavam desde antes da colonização lusitana e continuam denominando o litoral do que hoje é o litoral brasileiro de "Pindorama" ou "Pindobetama". Eu sei disso pq estudo o tupi antigo há mais de 3 anos e também conheço alguns indígenas Tupiniquins e Potiguaras que denominam não apenas a região litorânea mas também o país inteiro com seu nome tupi originário! Esse é de fato o nome nativo do nosso país e não os nomes batizado pelos portugueses que conhecemos hoje em dia como "Brasil", "Terra da Vera Cruz", "Terra de Santa Cruz", "Santa Cruz de Cabrália", e etc. Sinceramente, esses nomes coloniais em nada tem a ver com o que realmente somos em termos de povo mestiço e território continental abrangente em natureza rica, cachoeiras, rios, praias quilométricas, e muito mais..
@@ЛеонВанпирсиЯ скажу что их создали немцы, в 1917 году после подписания между большевиками и Германией сепаратного мира (на немецких условиях) были созданы Украина, Белоруссия, Эстония, Литва и Ливония (Ну вроде она сначала называлась Ливония, а потом стала Латвией). Они фактически были вассалами Германии до её поражения.
Algeria has another name which called in local language "Dzair" and the symbol "DZ" refers any thing related to Algeria which is also come from the first two letters of the word DZAIR 🇩🇿🇩🇿🇩🇿
Ukraine=Kievan Rus, russia= moskovia. Pls look further in your research, and it looks like you are not a nerd, but a pseudo-intellectual of the first link in the search
As a Jordanian, I can confirm that Al-Urdun (الأردن) is correct. Some of our neighboring countries also use different names such as Masr (مصر) for Egypt and Filastin (فلسطين) for Palestine.
IT IS NOT OSTER-Reich(Austria) that would mean EASTER Reich. It is called ÖSTERreich or when you cant use the letter "Ö" you should write OEsterrreich 🙂
the term pariah means member of a low-caste group of Hindu Indian society, formerly known as “untouchables” but now called Dalits. pariah is not an old name of India
Actually, India is the only name which truly represents the country and is more common in formal, official and political contexts. Bharat comes close, but it didn't represent the entire country throughout much of history. Other names are either very rare, literary or socially avoided.
Sorry, but the original name of Egypt is "Kemet" in ancient Egyptian which means "black land" referring to the fertile land of Egypt and distinguish it from deshret or the red land. Misr is the Arabic word which is derived from Misraym in hebrew both considered to be foreign
The modern Arab Republic of Egypt has nothing to do with the Egypt that was really Kemet. Yes, they want to consider themselves heirs of ancient Egypt. But in reality they are ordinary Arabs, bearers of Islamic culture and Arabic language. Ancient Egyptian culture was lost and only restored by Europeans in new times. Ethnically and linguistically, only the Copts are related to the ancient Egyptians (but they are a minority, not a titular nation).
Countries such as Belgium and Switzerland have more than one official name (more than one language). In these cases, all names (in all languages) should have been included.
The Philippines 🇵🇭 was also used to be called as either LUSONG or SULU by the Chinese. These are the two significant kingdoms at the time to make contacts with the Chinese and early European explorers in the 16th century.
Philippines - LUSVIMINDA only invented name in the year 2000s by Marites 😂😂😂😂 Ancient Philippines was called MAHARLIKA along with Brunei and Borneo and the Tondo was the Capital.
@donkeysmile4205 there's no such thing as Maharlika, that's some conspiracy bullshit, the archipelago is not a country before Spain colonialization, Tondo is the capital 🤣😂 lmao
Correction: Bharat means the land of people with fire within in Sanskrit. The fact that even if someone is named Bharata, every name has meaning and that's why a name is allotted to individuals so that they represent their names when they grow up, has been somehow ignored by some bloggers on google. And that's why the cofusion around one of the two official names of the nation has arised. You can definitely correct yourself by pin comment in the comments section.
No Bharata comes from Rig Vedic tribe Bharatas who are descendance of Bharata, who might have got this name because he ruled over the kingdom centered around ancient river Saraswathi also called Barathi. Where did you get you meaning from, I don't find in any dictionary 'people with fire within' as meaning for world Bharat.
@@playhard719 I am aware of the battle of ten kings. Every name has a meaning, I have a name, you have a name, shri ram, shri Krishna, mahadev everyone of then had a name which we refer to them by. Similarly Kind Bharata had a name tok and that meant something. Every nane means something, it isn't the case that you mumble a random meaningless word out of your mouth and that becomes the name of the child. The word Bharat had different meanings, most prevalent of which is "seeking light" or "embodying light" or embodying fire resembling sun. Light is the metaphor for consciousness here. We are talking about sanskrit and we can conclude many different meanings by our limited knowledge of the language. That's what it means by the limited idea I have and that's what the meaning lf the country's name is. King Bharata being a wise and dharma centred ruler was revered greatly and had almost the entire land of indian subcontinent under his rule, so people might have continued calling this land as Bharatvarsha, the land of the great king Bharata. Since I don't like the idea of my nation being named after a king, I will rather choose to consider the meaning of the name.
1. Russia is Rossiya/Rassiya. Not Kievan Rus 2. Kievan Rus never called like this. It called Rus. Only Western historicals started to call it like this. Even in Russian schools we call same. But as historical period. Same as Londinium Britain. Parisian France 3. If u started this, then call it Kievskaya Rus'
According to the Chronicles Rus came from abroad is Finno-Ugric name, but the original name is Russian land in Russian language. Russia is Greek version of the name Rus with ending ia. Surprisingly, the most correct international name of Russia is German version - Rusland (land of nation Rus). For, ukrainians - there is no nazi ukraine in Rus history. It is history of Russian nation.
Actually, the old name of Russia was simply Rus. Concepts such as “Kievan Rus”, “Novgorod Rus” and others appeared only in the 19th century, in a historical context. When the capital of Russia was Kyiv, it was Kievan Rus, when the capital was Novgorod (now Veliky Novgorod), it was called Novgorod Rus, but the real name of the country was always simply Rus. It was later renamed Russia (Russia is the Greek translation of Rus), and later lost some territory and became the Soviet Union.
@@alexshepherd1741 Старое название было Московия или Московское царство. Сегодняшняя Россия ни когда не была Русью. Русского государства, вообще ни когда не существовало. Русские всегда жили на территориях которые контролирует их царь, а своей территории у них нет. Покажи мне хоть одну карту за всю историю, где земля русских?
@@ДмитрийВинда-ч6с хорошо нацисткая пропаганда промывает, да? Вон до чего свою страну довели. А ничего, что "украина", на страрорусском означала "окраина", потому что это был конкретный регион - окраина России. Тогда уже России, да. А ещё, ты в курсе, что в то время, разговаривали на старорусском языке, вот только, никто не называл его "старорусским", так как это современное понятие, так же как и "киевская" Русь, она всегда была просто Русью. Я понимаю, что тебе не хочется в это верить, зомбачок, но Россия - это и есть Русь, а в - просто её огрызок. "Московию" придумали ваши нацисты для промывания мозгов населению)
A companion video to this one explaining where some of these modern names and anglicizations' came from would be most interesting as many are not even close to the proper names.
Sorry bro for saying that, but you have had many mistakes in pronunciation of countries names'. For example, MGYAR pronounced as MJAAR (J is pronounced as in french - like in "Shon-Je"); CRNA GORA - CRNA (the first letter is CH, not K) ČRNA - ČORNIY, ÇORNI or Russian form - Черный - BLACK (In all examples, the first letter is CH). The full name of Korea (actually, it was the name of one of the Korean empire - Koriyo or Koguryo) is Te Han Min Guk - The Great Country; In Greece's real name the first letter (H) is silent, and sounds something like "Ellada". India is not "Baraat". It's "Bharat" (read it letter by letter = like in Spanish, but H is not silent).
malacca is name of state in malaysia now! but in the pass whole of malaysia penisular is name malacca with some of part of sumatera island in indonesia.
Hanguk(Republic of Korea)'s unrecovered region is Bukhan(North Korea, Bukcheuk). Hong Kong - Hoeng Gong (Cantonese) / Taiwan - Tâi-oân, Tiong-hoâ Bîn-kok (Hokkien)
As a vietnamese, I just relize the way we call other countries name is mostly their original names which have some connection (trade route,etc..) with us the past, and other countries which we known later we call it by english names
The video said wrong information about South Korea. Han(韓) is not the same as Han(漢) of Han(漢)river. Han(韓) is from the name of ancient Korean nations.
Ter um nome assim fica mais fácil para as outras nações tenha mais facilidade de identifica-las por certas pronuncias serem complexos de serem pronunciadas.
In fact, China itself is the ancient name of Zhongguo. The pronunciation of china is a mixture of qin and Khitan. Qin was the first unified dynasty in Chinese history. In history, the Central Asian empires such as Persia called China as qin and it has continued to this day. Khitan is a minority in northern China. Ancient Russia and some grassland ethnic groups believed that the northern Chinese they contacted were the main ethnic group of China, so they called China Khitan. The mixture of qin and Khitan constitutes china in English. In older Western languages such as Italian, it is called cina. You will find that it is more inclined to the pronunciation of qin.
Many original names of the the countries are unfortunately pronounced wrong. I.e. Sverige ist pronounced "svarye" and not "sveridge". By "Österreich" the "Umlaut-sign" is missing. Also this name is pronounced wrong.
You really shouldn't do videos like this if you're gonna misscall almost all of them. Yes, doing videos needs research. If not - people will shadow ban you from trends with dislikes
Kyiv Rus has nothing to do with rusian pideration. First mention of Kyiv was in 882 whereas Moscow or St Pitersburg was much much later. It’s orkostan’s strategy to rob rations of their culture and history and pretend that they never existed. If you’re doing a big video at least try to dig deeper and learn multiple sources not rusian ones. Huge disappointment for you and your content.
Kievan Rus as a state as today's Washington's America, London's Great Britain, Paris's France has never existed, as well as Moscovy, Moscovia, Ruthenia as modern reborn Ukrainian myths have never existed also. There are no international documents with such states, no rulers, not titles of rulers mentioned such terms. It is called FAKE HISTORY, DESINFORMATION. According to the Chronicles it is called Rus, Land of Rus, or Russian land. Rus is not a predecessor of Russia. Russia is Rus actually or Ρωσία (Россия) in Greeks literally or Rusland Rusia Ryssland Rosja in other historical documents or treaties in other languages of the past and present. The Russian Primary Chronicle or "Повѣсть времѧньныхъ лѣтъ" , Rurik with his men came to Novgorod slavs and created Rus or Russian land, or land of Russians in 862: «Изъбрашасѧ триє брата и придоша къ Словѣномъ пѣрвѣє и срубиша город̑ Ладогу и сѣде старѣишии в Ладозѣ Рюрикъ а другии Синєоусъ на Бѣлѣѡзерѣ а третѣи Труворъ въ Изборьсцѣ» «и ѿ тѣхъ Варѧгъ прозвасѧ Руская землѧ». Thus, Rus came from the North, Old Ladoga was the first capital of Rus, not Kiev. Novgorod slavs spoke Russian language and they called themselves Russians so far: «словѣнескъ языкъ и Рускыи ѡдинъ ѿ Варѧгъ бо прозвашасѧ Русью а пѣрвѣє бѣша Словѣне» Then after expansion to the South and creation of the largest country in Europe they lived in Russian cities: Kiev, Chernigov. Pereyaslavl, Polotsk, Rostov, Lubech and Novgorod: Hypatian Codex: В лѣто . ҂s҃ . у҃ . е҃ı [6415 (907)] ... и по том ̑ даӕти оуглады на Рускіє городы . пѣрвоє на Кієвъ . таже и на Черниговъ . и на Переӕславъ Ж 25. и на Полътескъ . и на Ростовъ . и на Любечь . и на прочаӕ город . по тѣмь бо городомъ . сѣдѧху кнѧзьӕ 26 З. подъ Ѡльгом ̑ суще. They are called Russians living on Russian land or Rus everywhere in the Chronicles and it is actually written in Russian language, so you can read them with a bit difficulty if you know Russian language, because the one wasn't changed so much. Principalities of Rus or feudal Rus doesn't mean that Rus ended. Political, cultural, religious, and people migration to the North and Moscow is explained by Mongol devastations, The North of Russia was safer for many reasons. The today's Rus or Russia as we know today with Kremlin, politics, ideology, the laws and Heraldry was formed by Ivan 3 the Great, the primary heir of Yaroslav the Wise, Alexander Nevsky and Dmitry Donskoy if it makes sense to you. As a ruler of all Rus and as a monarch he had all rights on the fatherland of his grandfathers as lands belonging to Rurik dynasty. All three modern East Slavic nations are formations of USSR actually, because there were no division before. Actually Russia just lost it's territories: Belarus and Ukraine that have never existed before. Ukraine is composed of Malorossiya, Novorossiya, Donbass region and Eastern Ukraine that "Ukraine" literally means "У края" "near margin" or "bordering land" between Poland and Russia. Today's Russia also has many ukraines as territories as it grew, but they are called shorter "Край" ( "margin", "border" ) - federal subjects of modern Russia. Khabarovsk Krai, Stavropol Krai, Zabaykalsky Krai. As for the Ukraine as a state - the main traits of Ukrainians are stealing and lie. This is their mentality. Flag of Ukraine is a flag of Lower Austria, the coat of arms they stole from the town Old Ladoga - the first capital of Rus in Leningrad oblast. Ukrainians live on Russian land, in Russian cities, their ideology is nazi, their history is fake, 30 years of corruption lead to elimination of first rate science, technology, industry, they stole gas, debts. The most corrupted country, nowadays they try to steal the history of great nation and civilization ... there is no Ukraine in Rus history. No much to be proud of.
Действительно, как пишут некоторые комментаторы, термин "Киевская Русь" введён историками 19 века. Само слово "Русь" - означает "земля", "страна". Отсюда, "Киевская Русь" - "Киевская земля". "Владимирская Русь" - "Владимирская земля". Ещё у слова "русь" есть значение - "светлое место". Indeed, as some commentators write, the term "Kievan Rus" was introduced by historians of the 19th century. The very word "Rus" means "land", "country". Hence, "Kievan Rus" - "Kievan land". "Vladimirskaya Rus" - "Vladimir land". The word "Rus" also has a meaning - "a bright place".
Kievian Rus isn't an endonym. Russian endonym is Россия (R A S ' I Y A)
Rossiya (Россия)
Yes so and is
And Rәssiә @@ЕгорСоловец-л1н
"Россия" - это "Русь" на греческом
@@nationalsound7181 да. Похожим словом финны называют Швецию.
Kievan Rus is the name of the historical period, not the country. In this historical period, no one called his country "Kievan Rus". Until the 19th century, this terminology did not exist
Как же молод ваше история
Moskovia is a predasseor of Russia and it was a colony of Kievan Rus. Formeк Kievan Rus is nowdays Ukraine
@@OleksandrK Really? And where can I find such new details that Russia was a colony?
@@kanabis7635 inside kokol wet dreams :)
@@OleksandrK Наверное поэтому правящая династия переехала в Москву?)))
Ummmmm, in Russia, "Russia" is called "Rossia", this mistake is tantamount to referring to Germany in the video as the Holy Roman Empire.....
In Arabic Rossia by s but Russia is a name of girl and the word " both " in Arabic means to kiss so when the teacher say both Ruissa and Amrika " the student says " Do you want me to kiss Russia Mr ? "
So it's called Россия when the language is Русский? Cool. Its annoying to try to learn about historical Russian culture because a lot of common culture and language has been polarized even at the edges of borders of "Russian" nations. Why can't I have a digital keyboard with ґ+і+ї and ё+ъ? Why should I deal with this? Cuz software developers aren't interested in making utilarian and all-encompassing user interfaces, that ignore national sensitivities and just give me a good experience for a person who likes using all the characters and words I need for each language group.
There's so many situations where developers make pointless, hard limitations that I would need to put a supreme amount of effort to surpass.
Nobody nowadays calls Russia "Kyivan Rus"😂
They're separate entities, and Russia just has it's name derived from it (It's "Rossiya")
Why Russia is not Rus or Ρωσία (Россия) in Greeks?
@@marketguydanu9888why is Romania not considered Rome?
@@BUKEE but Russians lived in Rus or Ρωσία (Россия) in Greeks. Not Ukrainians 😭
@@marketguydanu9888Rus' is Russia, there never was a Kievan Rus!!!! This is what they called the time period when Kyiv was the capital of Rus', and the state was only Rus'!!!!! It’s just that Ukrainians are trying to show their greatness, but they don’t have it!!! just like they don’t have their own history and they begin to prescribe history and lie, many of them now say that they are Russians and not us🙉🙈😆

Well, there are no statement in this video that modern Russia is called Kievan Rus'. Hey! 🤪
I'm a Filipino, born and raised. We call our country here as "PILIPINAS". I've never heard someone call it LUZVIZMINDA. And judging from the other comments, some are inaccurate too. So please do some extra research to avoid awkward conversations.
but we call Luxviminda in luzon
Luzviminda was used for a girl’s name. Whoever made this research should be fired
Yes it's Pilipinas.
It's Filipinas
Pilipinas, Filipinas but never Luzviminda
6:06 Nusantara is a term that comes from words in the Kawi language (a form of Old Javanese which is heavily influenced by Sanskrit), namely ꦤꦸꦱ (nusa) trans. har. "island" and ꦲꦤ꧀ꦠꦫ (between) trans. har. "outside". In Indonesia, the term "Nusantara" specifically refers to Indonesia (the Indonesian archipelago), this word was first recorded in the book Negarakertagama to describe the concept of statehood adopted by Majapahit; whose region covers most of Southeast Asia, especially the island regions.
First recorded in 13th-century Mula Malurung inscription, get your facts straight, so the Old Javanese derivation is already correct. Kawi is a form of Old Javanese used for literary works that was written on manuscript, whereas Inscription used a civil language which is Old Javanese as correctly stated even if that means to incorporate Sanskrit derivation in it too
ngapain lu ngasih tau ngab, gaada yang mau tau juga orang bule,
@@ibrawisanggeni6377 Orang luar nonton video ini mau belajar, yah apa salahnya dikasih info lebih jauh? Lihat orang-orang Rusia yang kasih info serupa di kolom komentar ini tentang "Kievan Rus" dan "Rossiya"
@@rusticcloud3325 tau darimana dia orang rusia? bisa aj orang indo yang fans berat sama rusia makannya dia ngasih tau
@@ibrawisanggeni6377 sh_ut up . Your Mouth
greece is actually called «ελλάδα» (elláda) way wider than hellas
"Hellas" is the Katharevousa form, a conservative form of Greek heavily influenced by Ancient Greek. It is no longer regarded as official. Even in that, the "H" (actually the "rough breathing") was no longer pronounced as "h," as it had been in Ancient Greek. The two breathings (rough and smooth) have recently been dropped, as they no longer affect the pronunciation.
We still use HELLAS for more formal cases and HELLADA in our daily life.
HELLAS is more correct , though.
@@angreagach orang orang Yunani mempunyai sejarah yang panjang sejak jaman Anatolia indo eropa dan kalian memiliki kekaisaran pertama akadia empire kebudayaan yang tumbuh di pulau kereta kata kereta mempunyai arti yang sama seperti di Indonesia (ancient sundaland) serta father sky=bapak angkoso mother earth=ibu bumi manus=manusa menusa menuso menungsa menungso manusia human
@@auraajah3072 Please tell me what language this is so I can get a translation.
@@angreagach From the first look I'd say it's in Indonesian. Just copy it into the google translate.
As far as I understand from translation, he says something about alleged similarities between ancient Greece and Indonesia. He gives some pseudo-similar examples from mythology, using names that are of Sanskrit and not native Indonesian (Austronesian) origin.
Kievan Rus has never been a medieval state. It is time period with the capital of Kiev.
Kyiv, and it has no something to russia itself. russia is muskovia, not rus or kyivan rus'. 😂
Moscovia hace nothing with Rus =)
@@farfarlongdark 🙄what is difference between Rus and Kievan Rus? And what is Moscovia?
@@w_gospodin_nikto_w2063 @farfarlongdark 🙄 What is Moscovia???
@@marketguydanu9888you dont know how to use Google?
In the Netherlands we don't call our country Holland. We call it: Nederland. NL is on our licenceplates.
Holland is a very old name and only used for the 2 parts, provincies. Noord-Holland, where our capital Amsterdam is located and Zuid-Holland is where Rotterdam is. They are at the west of the Netherlands. They are just 2 of our 12 provences.
Neder means low/below (yes, it has to do with water) and land means land. So I don't know where you got your info from, but it is incorrect.
I was going to say. If my Dutch friend hears anyone use Holland to describe the country, he gets very annoyed and starts a short geography lesson.
Also, you can blame medieval traders for the name messiness. You’ll find several languages that use Holland as their base word for the country because that is where the traders of goods came from or travelled to.
Centuries pass and people don’t keep up with the times.
When I saw this I immediately stopped the video. Holland is super incorrect. I am Mexican and I know this, which is weird
Postage Stamps have "Nederland" on them, identifying the correct spelling
we Indonesian called you belanda. lol
With so many pronunciation errors, technicalities missed, and plain errors, this video is either poorly done or perfectly created to be a perfect collector of engagement metrics from people correcting you.
the dude is a genius
Screams AI to me
I speak Spanish, it almost gives me something when I see the name of "Espana" without the Ñ 💀
This guy has never heard of diacritics. The Austrians, the Czechs, the Turks and the Belgians are robbed of their diacritics, too. Never mind his outrageous pronunciation of some names.
@@_Executor_ we use Ä, Ü and of course Ö and Ö ist used in our countrys name...we say Österreich and not Osterreich
@@_Executor_ Los austríacos siguen hablando alemán 😂
ñ is a landmark of Spanish or Spain anyway
As a Turk, I noticed that we called some of the countries in this video by their local names.We Turks call the Netherlands as Hollanda,Spain as İspanya,Crotia as Hırvatistan,Hungary as Macaristan,Montenegro as Karadağ( means Black Mountain like Montenegrin),Egypt as Mısır,Jordan as Ürdün,Palestine as Filistin,Oman as Umman,Lebanon as Lübnan.
en realidad es España, el nombre de Hispania era la antigua provincia romana, qie ocupaba casi el pais, solo hay pocos parecidos sobre todo con la pronunciacion: España e Hispania
There are similarities with local names in bulgarian too. We call Holandiya (Netherlands), Harvatiya (Croatia), Ispaniya (Spain) and so on...but the Greece is Hellas mostly for greeks. And something else - Hungary is Ungariya, but hungarians are ungartsi and madjari - the second is their well known local name.
@@inakichavez7834no Brasil(língua portuguesa) chamamos de Espanha
You forgot Italya.
@@petedo6532 Yes👌🏻
Malacca is now one of the states in Malaysia, locally spelled Melaka and a little to nobody calls the whole country as that nowadays. It was more famously known as Malaya during the British colonialism era but locals used to call it as Tanah Melayu, meaning 'Land of the Malays' which is a native ethnicity there. The name Malaysia was adopted in 1963, 6 years after the country's independence. Fun fact, Singapore, locally called Singapura used to be a part of the country before withdrawing in 1965 and was known in the old days as Temasek.
All in all, great video. Keep it up!
Am proud to be Malaysia btw Malacca is state
Singapore didn't withdraw the Malaysian government kicked them out.
@@muhammadadamdarwish5375 Singapore agreed to be kicked out though
In the past Malaca is part of Nusantara area, and in this video Nusantara is Indonesia, so ....
@@radenkanjeng3767actually Nusantara is not Indonesia. Nusantara was a regional sphere that included thousands of Islands that could be reached by Javanese kingdoms in the past.
Funny enough, Nusantara means among-islands, not outer islands so Malacca should not be a part of Nusantara because Malacca is not an island. Also, by this logic if Javanese people in Madagascar near Africa could return to Javanese kingdom in the past then we would include Madagascar as a part of Nusantara because surely enough Javanese people would influence the Madagascar too.
Portugal is not true. They say Portugal not Portus Cale or something like that.
日本 Nihon or Nippon (Full name→ 日本国 Nihonkoku or Nipponkoku)
In the past, it was about 50% for にほんNihon and にっぽんNippon.
In modern times, it is overwhelmingly often referred to as Nihon.
Especially in everyday conversation, 98% of Japanese people(Nihon Jin) refer to their country as "Nihon."
Then where did "Japan" come from?
The Travels of Marco Polo. (東方見聞録 Touhou Kenbunroku)
It's from this book
A Chinese merchant taught Marco Polo about Japan
.(Marco Polo had never been to Japan, but learned about Japan through rumor while traveling in China.)
So he called Nippon, Japan?@@Shiromochimochi
@@TheGingiGamerIt's derived from the Chinese pronunciation of 日本 during Marco Polo's time, as something like jat-bun/yah-ben, via Portuguese spelling which became Giapan.
Oh interesting. So then why did Nippon adopt the new name?@@EwanChung
España is written with "ñ" (a letter we have in spanish that makes the same sound of th "gn" in italian or "nh" in protuguese)
Yeah that's why it is called Espanõl instead of Spanish.
And "ny" in Indonesian
@@21Lazuli also used by Catalan, Filipino, Malay (Malaysia & Indonesia)
Aztec=Los Mexicas.
Don’t bother! The guy who made this video skipped ALL the diacritics in ALL languages where it was needed.
If you guys, youtubers, can’t type diacritics in your keyboard, at least do a copy/paste from the correctly typed word!
Lol wut. The Russian name of Russia is Rossiya, which comes from the word Rus', denoting a group of East Slavic tribes, and the state was never called "Kievan Rus", this is a term that appeared only in the 19th century.
Fun fact: Russia is the world’s largest country, so we are counting countries from big to small.
This rus would be Ruderer in German. This meant Vikings, traveling on russian rivers by rowing (?) their boats.
Лол и ты тоже. Россия это Греческое название, а не русское. А название сегодняшней России не от слова Русь, а просто украли греческое название. Как московское царство может стать Русью? Просто правители пришли с Руси, это да. Но на тех землях славяне даже не жили, посмотри названия хотя бы рек, все они тюрские, а не славянские.
@@ДмитрийВинда-ч6сHohol moment😂
@@ДмитрийВинда-ч6скаких например,? ,Елена ,Волга,Нева,какие именно реки , земли славян себе приписывать достали туранщики
We don't use Portus Cale, It's PORTUGAL! pronounced Por-tu-gal and not Porchugall like it's pronounced in English. We do however go by the name of Lusitania.
And in the Netherlands we have a city named "Portugaal" ;)
Chinese,葡萄牙(po to ya, which literally “grape with teeth” lol)
Also, the name didn't came from the Porto City.
Man, I suggest you read some scholars who specialize in the topic of Rus'. Like, for example, Rybakov - the most famous Soviet and Russian scientist. In his work “Rus' in the narrow and broad sense” («Русь в узком и широком смысле») he analyzed every mention of Rus' in every chronicle and deduced the localization of the term to the Kyiv, Chernihiv and Pereyaslav regions (northern part of Ukraine). This was also confirmed by Danilevsky, another famous modern Russian academician, by Tairova-Yakovleva etc. Modern russian state has nothing to do with ancient Kievan Rus, cause russia was formed on the basis of Vladimiro-Suzdal principality and was called Muscovy till 1721 year
Actually, these scientists were fired two years ago and they are not wellcome to science historical communities. This is a typical situation for those who practice myth-making, thus, they are not famous enough in Russia,, so I know them due to Ukrainians. Ukrainians listen to them usually, for the reasons I will tell later. Those who wrote the Chronicles do not divide Rus in narrow and broad sense. Kievan Rus as a state as today's Washington's America, London's Great Britain, Paris's France has never existed, as well as Moscovy, Moscovia, Ruthenia have never existed also. There are no international documents with such states, no rulers, not titles of rulers mentioned such terms. It is called FAKE HISTORY, DESINFORMATION. Accroding to the Chronicles it is called Rus, Land of Rus, or Russian land. Rus is not a predecessor of Russia. Russia is Rus actually or Ρωσία (Россия) in Greeks literally or Rusland Rusia Ryssland Rosja in other historical documents or international trities in other languages of the past and present. Moscovy, as the reborn modern Ukrainian myth, has never existed. The Russian Primary Chronicle or "Повѣсть времѧньныхъ лѣтъ" , Rurik with his men came to Novgorod slavs and created Rus or Russian land, or land of Russians in 862: «Изъбрашасѧ триє брата и придоша къ Словѣномъ пѣрвѣє и срубиша город̑ Ладогу и сѣде старѣишии в Ладозѣ Рюрикъ а другии Синєоусъ на Бѣлѣѡзерѣ а третѣи Труворъ въ Изборьсцѣ» «и ѿ тѣхъ Варѧгъ прозвасѧ Руская землѧ». Thus, Rus came from the North, Old Ladoga was the first capital of Rus, not Kiev. Novgorod slavs spoke Russian language and they called themselves Russians so far: «словѣнескъ языкъ и Рускыи ѡдинъ ѿ Варѧгъ бо прозвашасѧ Русью а пѣрвѣє бѣша Словѣне» Then after expansion to the South and creation of the largest country in Europe they lived in Russian cities: Kiev, Chernigov. Pereyaslavl, Polotsk, Rostov, Lubech and Novgorod: Hypatian Codex: В лѣто . ҂s҃ . у҃ . е҃ı [6415 (907)] ... и по том ̑ даӕти оуглады на Рускіє городы . пѣрвоє на Кієвъ . таже и на Черниговъ . и на Переӕславъ Ж 25. и на Полътескъ . и на Ростовъ . и на Любечь . и на прочаӕ город . по тѣмь бо городомъ . сѣдѧху кнѧзьӕ 26 З. подъ Ѡльгом ̑ суще. They are called Russians living on Russian land or Rus everywhere in the Chronicles and it is actually written in Russian language, so you can read them with a bit difficulty if you know Russian language, because the one wasn't changed so much.
Principalities of Rus or feudal Rus doesn't mean that Rus ended. Political, cultural, religious, and people migration to the North and Moscow is explained by Mongol devastations, The North of Russia was safer for many reasons. The today's Rus or Russia as we know today with Kremlin, politics, ideology, the laws and Heraldry was formed by Ivan 3 the Great, the primary heir of Yaroslav the Wise, Alexander Nevsky and Dmitry Donskoy if it makes sense to you. As a ruler of all Rus and as a monarch he had all rights on the fatherland of his grandfathers as lands belonging to Rurik dynasty. All three modern East Slavic nations are formations of USSR actually, because there were no division before. Actually Russia just lost it's territories: Belarus and Ukraine that have never existed before. Ukraine is composed of Malorossiya, Novorossiya, Donbass region and Eastern Ukraine that "Ukraine" literally means "У края" "near margin" or "bordering land" between Poland and Russia. Today's Russia also has many ukraines as territories as it grew, but they are called shorter "Край" ( "margin", "border" ) - federal subjects of modern Russia. Khabarovsk Krai, Stavropol Krai, Zabaykalsky Krai. As for the Ukraine as a state - the main traits of Ukrainians are stealing and lie. This is their mentality. Flag of Ukraine is a flag of Lower Austria, the coat of arms they stole from the town Old Ladoga - the first capital of Rus in Leningrad oblast. Ukrainians live on Russian land, in Russian cities, their ideology is nazi, their history is fake, 30 years of corruption lead to elimination of first rate science, technology, industry, they stole gas, debts. The most corrupted country, they even try to steal the history of great nation and civilization ... there is no Ukraine in Rus history. No much to be proud of.
@@marketguydanu9888perfect I'm your fan... everything in bull eye.
@@marketguydanu9888Russian bot 🤡🧟♂️🧟♂️🧟♂️
Lol)) Kievan Rus is not a state, but a historical period, just like Moscow Rus, Vladimir-Suzdal Rus, Novgorod Rus. The terms were coined in the 19th century.
При этом если уж действительно брать историю. То НОВГОРОД - древнейший город. С него все и пошло. Да-да, я это знаю, я - новгородец :)
@@ЛеонВанпирсиПотомок благородных ушкуйников😅
йо-хо-хо и крынка медовухи🍻
"Korea" comes from Koryo period, "Choson" ("s" is read as "s", not "z") comes from Korean reading of Chinese name of the country ("the land of morning fresh"), as well as "the land of the rising sun" for Japan. The word "China" comes from the Qin dynasty. "Russia" calls herself "Rossiya", and this name comes not from "Kievan Rus", but from Greek/Byzantine name for Rus.
Medieval and post-Medieval Rus had at least four periods in history named by the capital at the time - Novgorod, Kiev, Vladimir, Moscow; it's like Kamakura Jidai or Edo Jidai in Japan.
You mean "Goryeo"
I saw at least two errors. The first is that Russia (at least considering the flag shown) has nothing to do with Kievan Rus, which was founded (as is obvious from the name in Kyiv, Ukraine much earlier than the Principality of Moscow). Contemporary state is correctly called the Rossiya or Rossiyskaya Federatsiya (if we take the transliteration from Russian). The second mistake is “Palestine” - a toponym invented by Emperor Hadrian for Israel, at the moment when he, in response to regular uprisings against the Roman Empire, decided out of spite to use the name of the biblical enemies of the Israelites “Philistines”; this ethnic group itself no longer existed. Those people who today inhabit the enclave (which is not a state at all) are representatives of various Arab tribes and Mediterranean pirates; they have nothing to do with the Philistines; such a state does not exist at all.
Why are you trying so hard to defend the erasure of the historical ties that these Palestinian Jews, Muslims, Christians have with the land; and why are you defending the murdering of babies by the current Apartheid State of Israel? Your favorite regime sucks at making propaganda-we see thru y’all’s lies now lol! 😂
You have made four errors. The first one Kievan Rus as a state as today's Washington's America, London's Great Britain, Paris's France has never existed. Accroding to the Chronicles it is called Rus, Land of Russians or Russian land. The second one is that Great principality of Moscow as well as other Russian principalities located in the territory of Rus. The third error - Rus is not a predecessor of Russia. Rus or Ρωσία (Россия) in Greeks is Russia in English as it is called today (Россия). Rus or Ρωσία (Россия) in Greeks was united around Moscow, not around Russian city Kiev, that was a part of Grand Duchy of Lithuania at that time. The fourth, Ukraine had not existed at that time.
As a person with the academic right to teach history, I strongly recommend that you stop treating Soviet and Russian sources as authoritative! Pay attention to the European school and primary sources, you will see the truth there - it is Ukraine that is the successor to Kievan Rus, and the Russian Federation is an artificial formation created from the remnants of the Bolshevik coup. In principle, modern ethnographers have quite a few questions about the classification of Russians in general; some argue that these are simply Finno-Ugric tribes mixed with the Tatar-Mongol army during the Tatar-Mongol Yoke. Be that as it may, they have nothing to do with Kievan Rus. Kievan Rus is the roots of Ukraine.@@marketguydanu9888
@@Elvikah So, you claim that "Kievan Rus" existed. Is there any Chronical mentioned the state "Kievan Rus"? And who did live in "Kievan Rus"? Ukrainians?
@@marketguydanu9888 I only assert that it is not the Russian Federation, but Ukraine that can consider itself the legal successor of Kievan Rus. I advise you to refer to textbooks on the History of Ukraine if you are interested in more details about this.
Fun fact: You're here for your own country
Yeah lol 😂
Yes, and he butchered the pronunciation of its name, as well as many others.
Yes and it wasn't included...
France is the country of the Francs. and "franc" means "free" (for those who were interested)
Not really, I'm interested in the native names of all countries
I’m American so like……… Heh I don’t think I’m here
russia never was a Rus, and Kievan Rus for sure. They always was Moscovia, they stole the name from Rus to hide their mongols roots. It's just offensive to call it like this
Moscovia (lat. Moscovia; Russian Moskva[1]) is the name used in Russia for the Moscow principality and kingdom. Comes from the capital city - Moscow. Used in most European languages and some modern Asian languages. It appears on many historical maps of the 16th-19th centuries, which were produced in Europe.
Here is what we read in the work of Academician Grigory Pivtorak:
"Catherine II tried to learn the history of her state on the basis of written sources provided to her - chronicles and other documents of Moscow antiquity. The true history of Muscovy shocked her, because she was lame and very poor. The Tsarina was especially struck by the fact that the mighty state of Rus, whose glory thundered throughout the world for three centuries and whose princes considered it an honor to be born to the kings of France, Hungary, Sweden... as it turned out, had no relation to Muscovy."
This prompted the empress to undertake the creation of her own version of Russian history. Further events developed as follows:
On December 4, 1783, by order of Catherine, the "Commission for the compilation of notes on ancient history, mainly Russian" was created.
On the instructions of the empress, they conducted a revision of the ancient primary sources - some were corrected, others were rewritten, and the third - the most dangerous for the empire - was destroyed
The commission under the command of the tsarina worked for 9 years and invented a new framework for the history of the Russian Empire, pinning its origin to Princely Russia.
Contrary to the historical truth, the commission affirmed the right of Russians to the political and cultural heritage of Russia, and declared its entire population to be a "united nation."
The imperial scheme of history was unbreakable until 1904, when it was brilliantly refuted by the outstanding historian Mykhailo Hrushevskyi. In his famous article "The usual scheme of "Russian" history..." he scientifically proved that the creator of the thousand-year-old princely state of Rus was the Ukrainian ethnos and that the statement about "all-russian" history and the cradle of three brotherly peoples is a complete fiction
Kievan Rus as a state as today's Washington's America, London's Great Britain, Paris's France has never existed, as well as Moscovy, Moscovia, Ruthenia have never existed also. There are no international documents with such states, no rulers, not titles of rulers mentioned such terms. It is called FAKE HISTORY, DESINFORMATION. Accroding to the Chronicles it is called Rus, Land of Rus, or Russian land. Rus is not a predecessor of Russia. Russia is Rus actually or Ρωσία (Россия) in Greeks literally or Rusland Rusia Ryssland Rosja in other historical documents or international trities in other languages of the past and present. Moscovy, as the reborn modern Ukrainian myth, has never existed. The Russian Primary Chronicle or "Повѣсть времѧньныхъ лѣтъ" , Rurik with his men came to Novgorod slavs and created Rus or Russian land, or land of Russians in 862: «Изъбрашасѧ триє брата и придоша къ Словѣномъ пѣрвѣє и срубиша город̑ Ладогу и сѣде старѣишии в Ладозѣ Рюрикъ а другии Синєоусъ на Бѣлѣѡзерѣ а третѣи Труворъ въ Изборьсцѣ» «и ѿ тѣхъ Варѧгъ прозвасѧ Руская землѧ». Thus, Rus came from the North, Old Ladoga was the first capital of Rus, not Kiev. Novgorod slavs spoke Russian language and they called themselves Russians so far: «словѣнескъ языкъ и Рускыи ѡдинъ ѿ Варѧгъ бо прозвашасѧ Русью а пѣрвѣє бѣша Словѣне» Then after expansion to the South and creation of the largest country in Europe they lived in Russian cities: Kiev, Chernigov. Pereyaslavl, Polotsk, Rostov, Lubech and Novgorod: Hypatian Codex: В лѣто . ҂s҃ . у҃ . е҃ı [6415 (907)] ... и по том ̑ даӕти оуглады на Рускіє городы . пѣрвоє на Кієвъ . таже и на Черниговъ . и на Переӕславъ Ж 25. и на Полътескъ . и на Ростовъ . и на Любечь . и на прочаӕ город . по тѣмь бо городомъ . сѣдѧху кнѧзьӕ 26 З. подъ Ѡльгом ̑ суще. They are called Russians living on Russian land or Rus everywhere in the Chronicles and it is actually written in Russian language, so you can read them with a bit difficulty if you know Russian language, because the one wasn't changed so much.
Principalities of Rus or feudal Rus doesn't mean that Rus ended. Political, cultural, religious, and people migration to the North and Moscow is explained by Mongol devastations, The North of Russia was safer for many reasons. The today's Rus or Russia as we know today with Kremlin, politics, ideology, the laws and Heraldry was formed by Ivan 3 the Great, the primary heir of Yaroslav the Wise, Alexander Nevsky and Dmitry Donskoy if it makes sense to you. As a ruler of all Rus and as a monarch he had all rights on the fatherland of his grandfathers as lands belonging to Rurik dynasty. All three modern East Slavic nations are formations of USSR actually, because there were no division before. Actually Russia just lost it's territories: Belarus and Ukraine that have never existed before. Ukraine is composed of Malorossiya, Novorossiya, Donbass region and Eastern Ukraine that "Ukraine" literally means "У края" "near margin" or "bordering land" between Poland and Russia. Today's Russia also has many ukraines as territories as it grew, but they are called shorter "Край" ( "margin", "border" ) - federal subjects of modern Russia. Khabarovsk Krai, Stavropol Krai, Zabaykalsky Krai. As for the Ukraine as a state - the main traits of Ukrainians are stealing and lie. This is their mentality. Flag of Ukraine is a flag of Lower Austria, the coat of arms they stole from the town Old Ladoga - the first capital of Rus in Leningrad oblast. Ukrainians live on Russian land, in Russian cities, their ideology is nazi, their history is fake, 30 years of corruption lead to elimination of first rate science, technology, industry, they stole gas, debts. The most corrupted country, they even try to steal the history of great nation and civilization ... there is no Ukraine in Rus history. No much to be proud of.
Cringe. Moscovy was one of the Rus realms, like Novgorod, Kiev etc.
Oh, and by the way, Ukraine is just name of the river, just open the map and look, also means border in modern languages.
Откуда вы все лезете,клоуны🤦♂️
Как же отчаянно хохлы пытаются объяснить нам, как мы себя называем.
Surely you will get most of the views and comments from Bhartiyas
Even if the information is very incorrect 😂
Yes I'm indian lol😂
@@Climber_candy i know right
@XhonorGamer I am affirmative of that, but the meaning of Bharat presented in this video is absolutely incorrect.
@@shubhamsaha1809there are literally 3-4 sources to the name Bharat's origin but this video showed only one of them...
The oldest mention is in Sanskrit texts of Rid Veda where Bharat means a land of people who are constantly in search of knowledge
Rus, Ruthenia, Russia (latin) is all about modern Ukraine. Modern Russia was called Muscovy (Moscovia). Check any old maps of Europe. "Russia Alba sive Moscovia". But "Russia" is all around Leopolis, Stry, Kiow, etc.
О)) и тут щирое высралось)))
Kievan Rus as a state as today's Washington's America, London's Great Britain, Paris's France has never existed, as well as Moscovy, Moscovia, Ruthenia have never existed also. There are no international documents with such states, no rulers, not titles of rulers mentioned such terms. It is called FAKE HISTORY
Cringe. Do not believe him, he is brainwashed. Moscovy was one one the Rus realms, like Novgorod, Kiev etc. That dude can not even compare how words sounds..
Oh, and by the way, Ukraine is just name of the river, just open the map and look, also means border in modern languages.
And about India, that's not a Barata, this is B-HÁ-RA-TA. I am just reading indian Mahabharata, so i know what i am talking about.
Вам не удастся изменить историю, как не старайтесь. Всё, что вы говорите, легко опровергнуть
Actually Greece in Greek isn't Hellas but Ελλάδα which is pronounced Elada. Also Crna Gora is pronounced as Tsrna Gora, not Krna Gora. 🤔 In spite of these mistakes, nice video.
Hellas is the old way of saying it! We still use it . Ellada is the modern name but the ancients used it as well in forms like En Elladi ( in greece)
We still usd it Hellas the formal name, Ellada is equivalent.
Hellas is more known
@@WhyAlwaysMeOfficial Alright, I didn't know about that.
Hellas is the formal old way and we still widely use it. 🇬🇷 ΕΛΛΑΣ
Even Japanese people are divided on whether to call Japan "nihon" or "nippon".
Or maybe even Yamato ;)
😂@@nakadyrnik88 Wdym?
@@cheerful_crop_circle Yamato is also an old name for Japan as far as i know. Basicly you have a lot of options is what i am trying to say
일본인들 발음상으론 니혼을 자주 쓰더군 니혼진
We actually use both 50% and 50%
Russia - Moscovia/Muscovy
Moscovia was once one of many principalities of Rus, but it quickly gained power and separated itself from Kyiv becaming almost independent (there was still Mongol-Tatar khans whom they payed tribute for some time).
It was later when they created the narrative of them being the one and only successor of Rus to justify the conquest of Ukraine and Belarus as “uniting Rus again”. Rus, however, as a country was almost never united - maybe a little in like 10-11 century, and that’s the time when Moscow as a centre of Moscovia wasn’t even built yet. The whole existence of Muscovy (what renamed itself Tsardom of Russia in mid 16th century and Russian Empire in the 18th century) is a good proof of it
Kievan Rus as a state as today's Washington's America, London's Great Britain, Paris's France has never existed, as well as Moscovy, Moscovia, Ruthenia as modern reborn Ukrainian myths, have never existed also. It is called FAKE HISTORY, DESINFORMATION. Accrording to the Chronicles it is called Rus, Land of Rusians, or Russian land. Rus is Ρωσία (Россия) in Greeks.
Don't kid yourself, Novgorod is the oldest city of Russia and not Moscow
And Novgorod is the first capital of Ancient Rus before Kiev
Which Prince Oleg of Novgorod invaded and turned it into a new capital of Rus that's why the termed Kievan Rus was born
Moscow gained power because Kiev was sacked by the Mongols in 1240, so people moved north and a new capital was founded - Moscow. "Moscovia" was a Western moniker that doesn't mean anything to the Russians because they never called Moscow "Moscovia". In reality, there was no Moscovia, there was the Grand Dutchy of Moscow that united all of the scattered Rus states into the Tsardom of Russia and later the Russian Empire.
@@digitalronin7787 except everything you've just said there is incorrect.
Novgorod was conquered by force by Muscow Tsardom in 15th century. They were totally different states before that.
Novgorod was never a capital of Rus and wasn't even considered Rus proper.
Novgorod didn't existed before 930s at all (according to russian archeologists no less), so prince Oleg couldn't be there in that timeframe. Moreover, the only source of Oleg ever is Primary Chronicle. He's likely never existed.
While in Kyiv (that's hot it's spelled historically, look up manuscripts) we had rulers also confirmed by outside sources, like Igor (in Roman sources) in the timefrime of supposed Oleg "coming" while Novgorod still dind't existed yet.
@@PUARockstar Novgorod was established by Rurik
And prince Oleg succeed him after he died, he only conquered Kiev later on, so Novgorod never been Ukraine
Coz let's say sure let's give Kiev to Modern Ukraine
But there's no way Ladoga and Novgorod is theirs because those cities and part of modern russia
Koraisan - Afghanistan
Iran - Persia
Misr - Egypt
Maghreb - Morocco
Jazaher- Algeria
Urdan - Jordan
Falesthin - Palestine
Siam - Thailand
Nippon - Japan
Britain 🇬🇧 ( UK )
Burma- Myanmar
Silon- Sri Lanka
Malacca - Malaysia
Somalia 🇸🇴 macrobia
Only the traitor and dishonorable, low class people in Afghanistan call Afghanistan, khurasan.
It's just Iran now, and Great Britain and the UK are different political entities.
Malacca doesn't mean Malaysia
Bro in Egypt it’s “masr” not “misr” and you pronounced half of the names wrong
misr is Turkish x masr = Arabic
Explains a lot why Mesir is the name Egypt is called in Bahasa Indonesia.
In Hebrew, re actually say "Misr" or "Misrayim"
MISR _ indian name of egypt
As an Iraqi. The Republic of Iraq's name is originally "Mesopotamia", which mean "the land between rivers" like tigir and euphrates rivers in Iraq.
We Chinese Know this name "Mesopotamia" ,We named that 2 rivers civilization, like ancient Chinese civilization. You know when you and us were creating civilization, Europeans were still searching for fire
Mesoppotamia is "between two rivers" in Greek, not in local languages.
@@vfnikster Bro it's summerian which it's oldest and first language in the world.
But how did you know greek named Mesopotamia (land between two rivers)?
@@mouhmmedadil9782 I am Greek and I can tell you it actually means "Land between rivers". That doesn't mean that summerians used that word. But the term Mesopotamia was widly used, because Greek was, for a large period of time, the "Lingua franca". So it was used by scholars of the time, and the term stayed. Don't take my word for it...Google it.
@@mouhmmedadil9782Ποτάμι=River (potámi), ποτάμια in plural (rivers, potámia). Between = ενδιάμεσο -> μέσο. Μεσοποταμία = Mesopotamia. I think Herodotus was the first to describe that area by that name.
I'm learning way more from reading the comments than I did from this video, which is full of factual mistakes.
Я думал это ролик про названия стран своим населением/правительством. Внутри России никто её не называет Киевской Русью. А начало было интересным. Слышал, что Индия - это Бхарат, Германия - Дойчланд, Япония - Ниппон, Турция - Туркийа, Финляндия - Суоми. Насчёт остальных стран из ролика сомневаюсь теперь в истинных названиях. Так, иранцы не именуют свою страну, как Персия
Ну... Не то, чтобы Россию Русью никто не называет... Само название просто редко где используется (чаще всего поэзия или музыка)
Австрия написана и произнесена не совсем точно. Правильно будет Österreich. На русский язык точно передать произношение первой буквы не получится, так как это звук средний между О и Ё (обозначу его как Œ) и тогда произношение запишу как Œстэррайх (а не Остэррайк как произнёс автор ролика).
@@dangotv4467 если бы тема называлась "исторические названия", вопросов нет. Но в данном ролике Киевская Русь сразу выдает в авторе тупого школьника.
@@СерёгасВолги как и "Чешко" и "Черна хория". Носителям английского языка крайне тяжело дается фонетика других языков, особенно славянская ветка.
@@solomongray797он Литву от дождя выводит, а не от названия племени, а про Эстонию, у которой совершенно другое самоназвание, даже не упомянул.😅
"I am from the Land of the Thunder Dragon"
There is so much background story in the name of this sentence 😂
Han of Hanguk(韓國) and Han of Han river(漢江) is different written by chinese character. Anyway the sound of 'Han' means big or great like 'Khan'. Koreans call sky 'hanuel=Han+ul' and call grandfater 'halabeoji=Han+abeoji', grandmother 'halmoeni=Han+eomeoni". so Koreans call ourselves 'race of Han=한(韓)민족", and call our country '한국(韓國)=country of Han'. But the formal name of Republic of Korea is '대한민국'. It means 'people's country of great Han'.
In Hindi Mahan means Great LoL 🤣🤣
Kyivan Rus has nothing to do with russia
The same root in the words and Russians lived in Rus.😁👍
@@marketguydanu9888 Whole russian history is a lie. They always will remain the name Moskowia as translated as swamp☺️
Russia is older than Kievan Rus. It was founded in Ladoga and Novgorod before unifying with other regions.
Normally we Greeks call Greece Ellada (Ελλαδα). Hellas (Ελλάς) we say only in sports. It's the chant of the crowd.
Its Right🎉😊
Well... Nowadays, people in my country only said 'Indonesia', not 'Nusantara', and it's already been the name of the country since 1928 when the Youth Pledge released. Nusantara now is the name of the recent Indonesia capital, Ibu Kota Nusantara
The way he says, "Globally known as XXX," sounds quite arrogant. Those terms are only valid in English-speaking regions. Does he think the whole world speaks English?
but you are typing in english now
@@samchan1031 そうですけど何か?
Fun fact: English is a global language on a scale no other language is. The namw in English is usually reffered to as the main exonym
Well, English kinda is a global language 😅 it's a middle ground language on a scale that no other language is
Holland is a region of Netherlands; not the endonym.
Belgie is the Dutch word for Belgium which has 3 official languages; French and German are the other two. In French its Belgique and in German its Belgien.
Luzviminda is a portmanteau of the 3 island groups of Philippines but not the official endonym. It is Pilipinas.
Burma is the former name of Myanmar.
Like Switzerland: Schweiz, Suisse, Svizzera, Svizra
5:50 malaka means “asshole” in Greek 😂😂😂
I hear no Greeks ever go there.
It is Melaka ! not Malaka ! read more historic book !
Assassin's Creed Odyssey 😂😅
κι εγώ αυτό ακριβώς σκέφτηκα χαχαχαχα
Ahahahah.. as it was
I am Japanese. I am glad someone mentioned this. It would be difficult to change the international designation, but my hope is that the locally used "Nihon" will be changed to the international designation.🌅
Pronunciation and meanings in Turkish. English
Japonya - japan
Güney Kore - South Kore ( Same)
Kuzey Kore - north Kore //
Çin - china
Almanya - German
Hollanda - netherland
İspanya - spain
Finlandiya - finland
Norveç - norway
İsveç - sweden
İsviçre - Switzerland
Polonya - poland
Çekya - czechia
Monako - Monaco
Avusturya - austria
Hırvatistan - croatia
Macaristan - hungary
Arnavutluk - albania
Karadağ - Montenegro ( It means black mountain in Turkish.)
Gürcistan - Georgia
Yunanistan - greece
Ermenistan - Armenia
Türkiye - Turkiye
Turkiye/ there are two dots above the letters, but since you do not have ü, officially u is replaced with ü, but the official Turkish word is Turkiye.
Cezayir - algeria
Mısır - egypt ( It means Popcorn in Turkish.)
Ürdün - Jordan
|||Fas - Morocco ( Turkish fez comes from here )|||
Hindistan - India ( It means turkey bird in Turkish )
New : bharat ( Its new name means spice in Turkish."baharat" )
Maldivler - maldives
Butan - Bhutan
Miyanmar - Myanmar
Tayland - thailand
Kamboçya- cambodia
Filipinler - philippines
Malezya - malaysia
Endonezya - Indonesia
Yeni Zelanda - New Zelanda
İrlanda - ireland
Galler - Wales
İskoçya - scotland
Portekiz - portugal
Belçika - belgium
Lüksemburg - luxembourg
İsviçre - Switzerland
Litvanya - lithuania
Slovakya - slovakia
Grönland - Greenland
Kıbrıs - cyprus (There are two states, one of them is the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus.)Cyprus is the name of the island in Turkish. The country name is Southern Cyprus.
"The flag of Southern Cyprus was made by Turks"
Rusya - russia
Filistin - palestine
Afganistan. Khorasan seems familiar to me from somewhere
Suriye - syria
Umman - oman
Lübnan - lebanon
Moritanya - mauritania
Güney Afrika - south africa
Bolivya - bolivia
İran - Iran If you say Persian, we understand the Nation.
Uzbekistan - Movarounnahr, turkestan
What do you call the countries from north, central, and south america in turkish? I'm just curious 🤔
@@itachisenpaix3 things that come to my mind
American continent Amerika kıtası
( Kuzey Amerika )
-Amerika- Amerika Birleşik Devletleri
-grönland (Danimarka (Connected))
(Güney amerika )
"Dominik (Cumhuriyeti" = Republic)
Fransız Guyanası
Kosta Rika
@@krekoli thank you very much, I find this very interesting. Some countries names remained the same while others changed. Thanks again for sharing 😉👍
Hitites also called Egypt Misir or Msri and in our Armenian national epic we call it Msri. Now we call it Egyptos, probably because of Russian influence. There are many countries in your list that are similar to our Armenian versions for example Japonya.
You should add "Pindorama" for Brazil. It is the term used by natives to refeer to the land before the arriving of Portugueses.
Os indígenas não tinham um nome específico referente ao Brasil, pós eles não tinham um conceito específico para todo território do Brasil
@@incredibilis Talvez isso pode ser verdade com relação á perspectiva dos tapuias (indígenas não-tupis que não falavam o tupi antigo) mas os próprios tupis das costa mesmo como os Tupinambás, Tupiniquins, Potiguaras, Tamoios, Temiminós, Caetés, Tabajaras, Carijós, etc., nesse caso específico, referiam sim á todo o litoral brasileiro como "Pindorama" ou "Pindobetama" (Lit. Terra das Palmeiras) antes da chegada dos portugueses em Porto Seguro e em outras partes do litoral brasileiro!
Ukraine is Kiyven Rus, Russia is Moskovia please watching sometimes videos from Timothy Snaider
The territory where Rus was considered is the north and north-west Ukraine. russia has nothing to do with it except for a stolen name.
Slava Cocaini 🥴🤡🤓🔱🇺🇦💪🏿 Accroding to the Chronicles it is called Rus, Land of Rusians, or Russian land, and Russians lived in Rus. What is the difference between Russians lived in Rus and Russians living in Russia?
@@marketguydanu9888The difference that Rus was originally Ukrainian,not Russian. Rather than reading a Wikipedia,read history books.
@@BUKEE What does make Rus Ukrainian?
@@marketguydanu9888 Zaporozhian Sich,Bogdan Khmelnytsky,Cossacks, Nestor the chronologist, Yaroslav The Wise, Queen Olga of Kyiv, Catholicism, etc
@@marketguydanu9888 it's a KYIVAN Rus. Not Moscow Rus.
Be careful, this is a good try, but remember this man is pronouncing the names with the English accent, so those are not the actual actual names. There are some mistakes but in general is a good video.
Kyivan Rus has nothing to do with russia. Kyivan Rus, Rus, Ruthenia is the former name of Ukraine, the real descendant of this state. russia's former name was muscovia
Ukrainian fake as always 🐂💩. Such states have never existed. There are no legal proofs, historical records in the Chronicles, titles of rulers... Rus is Ρωσία (Россия) in Greeks, not Kievan Rus, but Rus. Ukraine means near border= у края, it is a borderland.
There was no such country as Kievan Rus. It's a made up name to refer to this specific period in history. Rus is the origin of both Ukraine and Russia
6:01 Nusantara will be a name of new capital city of Indonesia
As Indian 🇮🇳 I can understand Thailand🇹🇭 name as " Siam " . In Sanskrit "Siam " means ' dark ' or "dark brown" refer to Lord Krishna. As all know how Thai people respect Lord Ram one of incarnation of Lord Vishnu. Krishna is also a incarnation of Lord Vishnu. And in ancient times Sanskrit and Sanatan Dharma And culture was so dominant in Thailand. You can observe it now too along with Buddhism. 😊
Persia was never the original name of iran, persia is a region in Iran that got used as an exonym; in ancient times Iranians called the land "airyanem vaejah" and later during sasanid period "Eranshahr"; later leading to "iran zamin" in islamic and mongol periods; and finally Iran in modern era.
Original name was hatamti before barbaric Aryan tribes invaded the land
@@Servantofkhuzestan you speak with such zeal as if you're an elamite lol, I'm pretty sure they were not as barbaric as their akkadian and assyrian neighbours, Iranian people also regard elamites as their history and ancestors since they influenced the the tribes greatly and are the direct ancestors of "lur" ethnicity in Iran, well whatever the case, it's Iran now.
@@roshana2827 Akkadians and Assyrians were warriors they had an empire and civilization long before wretched Persians and Savage invaders Akkadians forged the first empire in history weak Persian art is fully influenced by their culture they were barbarians and nomad's how did they have culture even Cyrus's clyinder (propaganda) is written in Babylonian as they didn't have handwriting back then how dare you question the might of Sargon manishitu naramsin and their descendents Iran is in a grave peril now prosperity will once again come back to khuzestan and the civilization will once again thrive over the barbarians and their blood will soak the land of khuzestan and fertelize our land
@@roshana2827IAM decanded from a Bakhtiari tribe as well but that is fully wrong the racial connection is not important at all everyone who lives and borned and before him his father were born there is an Elamite Elam was never an ethincty as sumer never was they were client states Wich the simashki dynasty and kutik inshushinak of awan brought together before smashing the third dynasty of ur and the end of ibi sin a pure defended from ur namuu who built the great wall of ur
@@roshana2827 we do not believe in this so called country khuzestan is by far the richest state in the country it will never reach its potential if we feed the central people (deserters) we even have access to water there's literally no reason for khuzestan to be part of this wicked country not historical and not even economical
On 03:15 it's "C".. Crna Gora (NOT with "K" ) "Krna Gora".. 😂🤓 And btw, great video 🤩👍
How detestable can be a video from someone who supposedly wants to teach how to say the names of countries in the original language, but who doesn't even take care to obey the phonetics of the language.
Hearing "Kirna Gora" instead of "Tsrna Gora" about Montenegro is being very careless and disrespectful.
Study phonetics first, my dear, and don't be so presumptuous.
Absolutely no one in indonesia calls the country nusantara, atleast not anymore. We just call it "indonesia"
I think that Indonesia should finally be renamed Nusantará. Colonial names should be a thing of the past
@@possemesseiniuriamsedmihiv2399 emg org belanda ya yg ngasih kita nama indonesia?
@@dakerfalah3728 The name Indonesia derives from the Hellenic words "indos" (Ἰνδός) and "nesos" (νῆσος), meaning "Indian islands". Words from a very distant culture
- "Greeks" in the West because the Romans called them Graecians. The first Greeks they met were the Greek city states of Sourthern Italy and Sicily island (Neapolis, Syracuse, Akragantas, Tarantas etc).
- "Al Yunans" in the East because the Levantine nations and the Persians called them Yunans. The first Greeks the met were the Greek city-states of Ionia (modern day Western Turkey) (Ephesus, Miletus, Pergamon etc)
First of all, Greeks and Ionians are different races. Later they were united by religion (Christianity). Greeks lived in the Aegean region of Anatolia. The current owners of Asia Minor are not Greeks and Armenians. The real owners of Asia Minor are the Etruscans, Sumerians, Hittites, Luwians, etc. The peoples of ancient Anatolia were assimilated by the Greeks.
@@Baryshx yes sure, History made ala Turka...
The city-states of Ionia were Greek city-states and there are several proofs about that. Greek tribes colonized that shores and built their cities after the Bronze Age collapse.
You built much later than the civilizations I have mentioned. You built on their civilizations.
@@Baryshx i know very well that there were other civilizations there before the Greeks BUT they were not called Ionians as you mentioned. They were called Anatolians. The Ionians are Greek tribes.
We only say Afghanistan 😅
Saying Khorasan to Afghanistan will make 80% of us Afghans really mad 😅.
I'm Afghan and I've NEVER heard anyone call it "Khorasan"
@@Nilab7637it was it's name when Afghanistan was a vassal of iran before it god separated in parises contract
Or Talibanistan
@@Nilab7637 how about croissant?
You forgot Israel Palestine doesn’t exist and you can’t gaslight people by saying filistin is a thousand years old when that’s false the land was owned by Jews first and split into two kingdoms Judah and Israel Judah got taken by the Persians and Israel was taken by the Romans who changed the name to Palestine after the Jews revolted and were exiled. Learn history
The original name of Brazil is PINDORAMA for "tupi-guarani" tribes. PINDORAMA (pindó-rama) means "palm trees region". 🌴🌴🌴
Na verdade é como os guarani chamam o Brasil e não todos os indígenas
@@incredibilis Os guaranis, assim como outras tribos do ramo Tupi-Guarani com uma minoria de descendentes atuais do litoral como os Potiguaras, Tupiniquins, etc., denominavam desde antes da colonização lusitana e continuam denominando o litoral do que hoje é o litoral brasileiro de "Pindorama" ou "Pindobetama". Eu sei disso pq estudo o tupi antigo há mais de 3 anos e também conheço alguns indígenas Tupiniquins e Potiguaras que denominam não apenas a região litorânea mas também o país inteiro com seu nome tupi originário! Esse é de fato o nome nativo do nosso país e não os nomes batizado pelos portugueses que conhecemos hoje em dia como "Brasil", "Terra da Vera Cruz", "Terra de Santa Cruz", "Santa Cruz de Cabrália", e etc. Sinceramente, esses nomes coloniais em nada tem a ver com o que realmente somos em termos de povo mestiço e território continental abrangente em natureza rica, cachoeiras, rios, praias quilométricas, e muito mais..
We don't call our country Hellas in Greek, we call it Ellas. And stress is in las not in E.
🙄 Kristaqi, if you’re going to correct, at least do it right. It s rather Ellada. Ellas, Hellas it’s patato-potato.
kyivan rus is ukraine, what are talking about
Ukraine hadn't existed at that time 😭
Украину и Беларусь создал СССР, дорогуша.
@@ЛеонВанпирсиЯ скажу что их создали немцы, в 1917 году после подписания между большевиками и Германией сепаратного мира (на немецких условиях) были созданы Украина, Белоруссия, Эстония, Литва и Ливония (Ну вроде она сначала называлась Ливония, а потом стала Латвией). Они фактически были вассалами Германии до её поражения.
Algeria has another name which called in local language "Dzair" and the symbol "DZ" refers any thing related to Algeria which is also come from the first two letters of the word DZAIR 🇩🇿🇩🇿🇩🇿
That's a cool name, I wish we all adopted it to name Algeria
in indonesia we call it Aljazair.
Ukraine=Kievan Rus, russia= moskovia. Pls look further in your research, and it looks like you are not a nerd, but a pseudo-intellectual of the first link in the search
As a Jordanian, I can confirm that Al-Urdun (الأردن) is correct. Some of our neighboring countries also use different names such as Masr (مصر) for Egypt and Filastin (فلسطين) for Palestine.
IT IS NOT OSTER-Reich(Austria) that would mean EASTER Reich. It is called ÖSTERreich or when you cant use the letter "Ö" you should write OEsterrreich 🙂
India has many old/original names like Aryabhatta, Hindustan, Bharatvans , Bharat etc but Bharat is common used in India
Oic ... Pariah is one of your original names of India ,right? If i'm not mistaken
the term pariah means member of a low-caste group of Hindu Indian society, formerly known as “untouchables” but now called Dalits. pariah is not an old name of India
You forgot to add Jambudwip...
BARAT, BARATOM my frend!🇭🇺❤️🇮🇳
Actually, India is the only name which truly represents the country and is more common in formal, official and political contexts. Bharat comes close, but it didn't represent the entire country throughout much of history. Other names are either very rare, literary or socially avoided.
Sorry, but the original name of Egypt is "Kemet" in ancient Egyptian which means "black land" referring to the fertile land of Egypt and distinguish it from deshret or the red land. Misr is the Arabic word which is derived from Misraym in hebrew both considered to be foreign
From Wiki:
جمهورية مصر العربية (Arabic)
Jumhūrīyat Miṣr al-ʻArabīyah
The modern Arab Republic of Egypt has nothing to do with the Egypt that was really Kemet.
Yes, they want to consider themselves heirs of ancient Egypt. But in reality they are ordinary Arabs, bearers of Islamic culture and Arabic language. Ancient Egyptian culture was lost and only restored by Europeans in new times. Ethnically and linguistically, only the Copts are related to the ancient Egyptians (but they are a minority, not a titular nation).
@@ЕгорСоловец-л1н i definitely agree
In the Holy Bible, the original name of Egypt was Mizraim, it can't be deny.
We should call them as the original country would want
Countries such as Belgium and Switzerland have more than one official name (more than one language). In these cases, all names (in all languages) should have been included.
The Philippines 🇵🇭 was also used to be called as either LUSONG or SULU by the Chinese. These are the two significant kingdoms at the time to make contacts with the Chinese and early European explorers in the 16th century.
Philippines - LUSVIMINDA only invented name in the year 2000s by Marites 😂😂😂😂
Ancient Philippines was called MAHARLIKA along with Brunei and Borneo and the Tondo was the Capital.
@donkeysmile4205 there's no such thing as Maharlika, that's some conspiracy bullshit, the archipelago is not a country before Spain colonialization,
Tondo is the capital 🤣😂 lmao
@@keonscinist2333 that's the history.
But we still call it "Pilipinas", dont we?
Mindanao was supposed to be Maguindanao
Correction: Bharat means the land of people with fire within in Sanskrit.
The fact that even if someone is named Bharata, every name has meaning and that's why a name is allotted to individuals so that they represent their names when they grow up, has been somehow ignored by some bloggers on google. And that's why the cofusion around one of the two official names of the nation has arised. You can definitely correct yourself by pin comment in the comments section.
No Bharata comes from Rig Vedic tribe Bharatas who are descendance of Bharata, who might have got this name because he ruled over the kingdom centered around ancient river Saraswathi also called Barathi. Where did you get you meaning from, I don't find in any dictionary 'people with fire within' as meaning for world Bharat.
@@playhard719 I am aware of the battle of ten kings.
Every name has a meaning, I have a name, you have a name, shri ram, shri Krishna, mahadev everyone of then had a name which we refer to them by. Similarly Kind Bharata had a name tok and that meant something. Every nane means something, it isn't the case that you mumble a random meaningless word out of your mouth and that becomes the name of the child.
The word Bharat had different meanings, most prevalent of which is "seeking light" or "embodying light" or embodying fire resembling sun. Light is the metaphor for consciousness here. We are talking about sanskrit and we can conclude many different meanings by our limited knowledge of the language. That's what it means by the limited idea I have and that's what the meaning lf the country's name is. King Bharata being a wise and dharma centred ruler was revered greatly and had almost the entire land of indian subcontinent under his rule, so people might have continued calling this land as Bharatvarsha, the land of the great king Bharata. Since I don't like the idea of my nation being named after a king, I will rather choose to consider the meaning of the name.
Original fire nation
@@Raghucr7 he he, "avatar" are you inspire from?
@@shubhamsaha1809 yes
✅ Bharat Varsh < Bharat/India
✅Suvarna lanka < Srilanka
✅Arjuna < Argentina
✅ Uraga < Uruguay
✅Rishi < Russia
✅Suriya < Syria
✅Turkey < Turkey
✅Ishwara Alayam < Israel
✅Vatika < Vatican City
Poland is Rzeczpospolita
Rzeczpospolita means 'Res publica', a republic. Poland has been called so since XVI century - Rzeczpospolita Polska.
1. Russia is Rossiya/Rassiya. Not Kievan Rus
2. Kievan Rus never called like this. It called Rus. Only Western historicals started to call it like this. Even in Russian schools we call same. But as historical period. Same as Londinium Britain. Parisian France
3. If u started this, then call it Kievskaya Rus'
According to the Chronicles Rus came from abroad is Finno-Ugric name, but the original name is Russian land in Russian language. Russia is Greek version of the name Rus with ending ia. Surprisingly, the most correct international name of Russia is German version - Rusland (land of nation Rus). For, ukrainians - there is no nazi ukraine in Rus history. It is history of Russian nation.
@@marketguydanu9888 no, it's not, but your brainwashing programing is obvious
Ros is Rus
@@nguyenhieu6731 no
Proud to be a Nusantaran🇮🇩
Actually, the old name of Russia was simply Rus. Concepts such as “Kievan Rus”, “Novgorod Rus” and others appeared only in the 19th century, in a historical context. When the capital of Russia was Kyiv, it was Kievan Rus, when the capital was Novgorod (now Veliky Novgorod), it was called Novgorod Rus, but the real name of the country was always simply Rus. It was later renamed Russia (Russia is the Greek translation of Rus), and later lost some territory and became the Soviet Union.
Бред сумасшедшего.😂
@@Yuralutskiy древний укр подключился.
@@alexshepherd1741 Старое название было Московия или Московское царство. Сегодняшняя Россия ни когда не была Русью. Русского государства, вообще ни когда не существовало. Русские всегда жили на территориях которые контролирует их царь, а своей территории у них нет. Покажи мне хоть одну карту за всю историю, где земля русских?
Зачем хуйню пишешь иностранцы которые не знают историю могут и поверить.😅
@@ДмитрийВинда-ч6с хорошо нацисткая пропаганда промывает, да?
Вон до чего свою страну довели.
А ничего, что "украина", на страрорусском означала "окраина", потому что это был конкретный регион - окраина России. Тогда уже России, да.
А ещё, ты в курсе, что в то время, разговаривали на старорусском языке, вот только, никто не называл его "старорусским", так как это современное понятие, так же как и "киевская" Русь, она всегда была просто Русью.
Я понимаю, что тебе не хочется в это верить, зомбачок, но Россия - это и есть Русь, а в - просто её огрызок. "Московию" придумали ваши нацисты для промывания мозгов населению)
A companion video to this one explaining where some of these modern names and anglicizations' came from would be most interesting as many are not even close to the proper names.
Sorry bro for saying that, but you have had many mistakes in pronunciation of countries names'. For example, MGYAR pronounced as MJAAR (J is pronounced as in french - like in "Shon-Je");
CRNA GORA - CRNA (the first letter is CH, not K) ČRNA - ČORNIY, ÇORNI or Russian form - Черный - BLACK (In all examples, the first letter is CH).
The full name of Korea (actually, it was the name of one of the Korean empire - Koriyo or Koguryo) is Te Han Min Guk - The Great Country;
In Greece's real name the first letter (H) is silent, and sounds something like "Ellada".
India is not "Baraat". It's "Bharat" (read it letter by letter = like in Spanish, but H is not silent).
malacca is name of state in malaysia now! but in the pass whole of malaysia penisular is name malacca with some of part of sumatera island in indonesia.
This guy botched at least 80% of these countries’ pronunciations
Hanguk(Republic of Korea)'s unrecovered region is Bukhan(North Korea, Bukcheuk).
Hong Kong - Hoeng Gong (Cantonese) / Taiwan - Tâi-oân, Tiong-hoâ Bîn-kok (Hokkien)
And Daehan Minkuk
@@janosbozsar5721it's Daehan Minguk pronounced as minsut.
As a vietnamese, I just relize the way we call other countries name is mostly their original names which have some connection (trade route,etc..) with us the past, and other countries which we known later we call it by english names
The video said wrong information about South Korea.
Han(韓) is not the same as Han(漢) of Han(漢)river.
Han(韓) is from the name of ancient Korean nations.
it’s really hard to use the latin alphabet to separate the differences, and clearly nerd bot did not do enough research to understand the differences
외국인 입장에서 어렵긴하지 한글이나 영어나 표음문자라 자료찾는것도 한계가 있지않았을까 뜻을 알려면 표의문자인 한자까지 알아야하고 발음 같으니 그냥 가져왔구만 이란,네덜란드 등 오류가 많은 영상이네
Eu acho que cada país deveria ser conhecido mundialmente por seu nome oficial 🌎
Seria bem legal👍
Ter um nome assim fica mais fácil para as outras nações tenha mais facilidade de identifica-las por certas pronuncias serem complexos de serem pronunciadas.
Every country name does not translate into every language on the planet is the problem.
Prononciation of most toponyms is terrible. Native speakers didn't recognize names of their states. :)
In fact, China itself is the ancient name of Zhongguo. The pronunciation of china is a mixture of qin and Khitan. Qin was the first unified dynasty in Chinese history. In history, the Central Asian empires such as Persia called China as qin and it has continued to this day. Khitan is a minority in northern China. Ancient Russia and some grassland ethnic groups believed that the northern Chinese they contacted were the main ethnic group of China, so they called China Khitan. The mixture of qin and Khitan constitutes china in English. In older Western languages such as Italian, it is called cina. You will find that it is more inclined to the pronunciation of qin.
You made a mistake. In the past, Algerians used to call their country Al-Jazair, but now they call it only Dzaïr.
Why in the hell do you pronounce those endonyms in English style in a video that introduces endonyms??
Many original names of the the countries are unfortunately pronounced wrong. I.e. Sverige ist pronounced "svarye" and not "sveridge". By "Österreich" the "Umlaut-sign" is missing. Also this name is pronounced wrong.
Exactly!! And Portugal has always been called Portugal by the natives, never Portus Cale.
This video seems to be made by AI.
@@danielcunha4377That's just how American "people" pronounce things
As a Indian this the original name in my country 🤓 ☝🏻
Are you joking or is this true?
@@srij0n316it is true, majority of Indians refer to India as Bharat. And the Bharat means "the land of people with fire within" in Sanskrit.
@@shubhamsaha1809or more accurately the land of people who are in search of light (here light is used as a metaphor for enlightenment)
You are bharati
You really shouldn't do videos like this if you're gonna misscall almost all of them.
Yes, doing videos needs research. If not - people will shadow ban you from trends with dislikes
Georgia➡️საქართველო 🇬🇪👋👍
Georgia ➡️USA🇺🇲States👋👍
Kyiv Rus has nothing to do with rusian pideration. First mention of Kyiv was in 882 whereas Moscow or St Pitersburg was much much later. It’s orkostan’s strategy to rob rations of their culture and history and pretend that they never existed. If you’re doing a big video at least try to dig deeper and learn multiple sources not rusian ones. Huge disappointment for you and your content.
Kievan Rus as a state as today's Washington's America, London's Great Britain, Paris's France has never existed, as well as Moscovy, Moscovia, Ruthenia as modern reborn Ukrainian myths have never existed also. There are no international documents with such states, no rulers, not titles of rulers mentioned such terms. It is called FAKE HISTORY, DESINFORMATION. According to the Chronicles it is called Rus, Land of Rus, or Russian land. Rus is not a predecessor of Russia. Russia is Rus actually or Ρωσία (Россия) in Greeks literally or Rusland Rusia Ryssland Rosja in other historical documents or treaties in other languages of the past and present. The Russian Primary Chronicle or "Повѣсть времѧньныхъ лѣтъ" , Rurik with his men came to Novgorod slavs and created Rus or Russian land, or land of Russians in 862: «Изъбрашасѧ триє брата и придоша къ Словѣномъ пѣрвѣє и срубиша город̑ Ладогу и сѣде старѣишии в Ладозѣ Рюрикъ а другии Синєоусъ на Бѣлѣѡзерѣ а третѣи Труворъ въ Изборьсцѣ» «и ѿ тѣхъ Варѧгъ прозвасѧ Руская землѧ». Thus, Rus came from the North, Old Ladoga was the first capital of Rus, not Kiev. Novgorod slavs spoke Russian language and they called themselves Russians so far: «словѣнескъ языкъ и Рускыи ѡдинъ ѿ Варѧгъ бо прозвашасѧ Русью а пѣрвѣє бѣша Словѣне» Then after expansion to the South and creation of the largest country in Europe they lived in Russian cities: Kiev, Chernigov. Pereyaslavl, Polotsk, Rostov, Lubech and Novgorod: Hypatian Codex: В лѣто . ҂s҃ . у҃ . е҃ı [6415 (907)] ... и по том ̑ даӕти оуглады на Рускіє городы . пѣрвоє на Кієвъ . таже и на Черниговъ . и на Переӕславъ Ж 25. и на Полътескъ . и на Ростовъ . и на Любечь . и на прочаӕ город . по тѣмь бо городомъ . сѣдѧху кнѧзьӕ 26 З. подъ Ѡльгом ̑ суще. They are called Russians living on Russian land or Rus everywhere in the Chronicles and it is actually written in Russian language, so you can read them with a bit difficulty if you know Russian language, because the one wasn't changed so much. Principalities of Rus or feudal Rus doesn't mean that Rus ended. Political, cultural, religious, and people migration to the North and Moscow is explained by Mongol devastations, The North of Russia was safer for many reasons. The today's Rus or Russia as we know today with Kremlin, politics, ideology, the laws and Heraldry was formed by Ivan 3 the Great, the primary heir of Yaroslav the Wise, Alexander Nevsky and Dmitry Donskoy if it makes sense to you. As a ruler of all Rus and as a monarch he had all rights on the fatherland of his grandfathers as lands belonging to Rurik dynasty. All three modern East Slavic nations are formations of USSR actually, because there were no division before. Actually Russia just lost it's territories: Belarus and Ukraine that have never existed before. Ukraine is composed of Malorossiya, Novorossiya, Donbass region and Eastern Ukraine that "Ukraine" literally means "У края" "near margin" or "bordering land" between Poland and Russia. Today's Russia also has many ukraines as territories as it grew, but they are called shorter "Край" ( "margin", "border" ) - federal subjects of modern Russia. Khabarovsk Krai, Stavropol Krai, Zabaykalsky Krai. As for the Ukraine as a state - the main traits of Ukrainians are stealing and lie. This is their mentality. Flag of Ukraine is a flag of Lower Austria, the coat of arms they stole from the town Old Ladoga - the first capital of Rus in Leningrad oblast. Ukrainians live on Russian land, in Russian cities, their ideology is nazi, their history is fake, 30 years of corruption lead to elimination of first rate science, technology, industry, they stole gas, debts. The most corrupted country, nowadays they try to steal the history of great nation and civilization ... there is no Ukraine in Rus history. No much to be proud of.
Kievan rus - it's Ukraine. Not Russia.
By why Kievan Rus is Ukraine??? Is it a new result of historical research?
@@marketguydanu9888the same as Gallia is France
@@ridoypersidsky8713but Russians lived in Rus. Not ukrainians.
@@marketguydanu9888 your imagination. Russians dont even exist at the time of Rus
@@marketguydanu9888бред, но смешной бред 😂 вы реально верите в такое?
Misr is the Arabic name for Egypt, the Egyptian name is Kmt or Kemet which translates to the black land due to our rich soil.
Eira / Ireland is named after the goddess Eriu, the only country to he named after a women.
Éire or Eireann 😊
It's not known globally as Germany. Not every country in the world has English as their official language.
Yes. In Polish, it's called Niemcy, which means 'Speechless ' 😅
@gaciusia what? 😂😅😂🤣🤣🤣😂
Действительно, как пишут некоторые комментаторы, термин "Киевская Русь" введён историками 19 века. Само слово "Русь" - означает "земля", "страна". Отсюда, "Киевская Русь" - "Киевская земля". "Владимирская Русь" - "Владимирская земля".
Ещё у слова "русь" есть значение - "светлое место".
Indeed, as some commentators write, the term "Kievan Rus" was introduced by historians of the 19th century. The very word "Rus" means "land", "country". Hence, "Kievan Rus" - "Kievan land". "Vladimirskaya Rus" - "Vladimir land".
The word "Rus" also has a meaning - "a bright place".
The pronunciation of quite a few of these are off, though... Sverige gave me a little chuckle, being a native speaker of the language. 😅