From GOV.UK, there was a new of 95% mortgage scheme launches, 請問這做新95%按揭計劃, 是否適用於, 2022新來英國BNO VISA的港人呢? 在英國購買新樓作首間物業作置業呢? 現在我們打算2022年才申請BNO5+1來英國, 發現UK有這個新的95%按揭計劃, 好想知道, 如我們取得BNO VISA後, 到逹英國後, 能否以5%首期購買英國新樓呢?
Hello ah Fei, thank you very much for the information shared.! I plan to come to the U.K., to buy a house for retirement. Since I am new to the market and not familiar with the repairing matter (ie 水電維修): 1. Is buying a new house a better option for me..? If so I am thinking about the Barratt Homes or David Wilson Homes, etc (though I need to pick a farther place like Northamptonshire or Nottinghamshire due to budget constraint); 2. If I make the purchase of a new house, do I still need the surveyor doing the HomeBuyer Report..? 3. If I make the purchase by a “cash-buy”, do I still need the AIP, or what any other document should I prepare as a proof of fund..? Thank you very much..!! 🙏🏻
Both Wilson and Barrat carry NHBC 10 years structural warranty. Inaddition, Barrat also has 2 years fixture n fittings warranty. I do not see the need of AIP for a cash buyer. However, you will definitely need to proof the source of your finance being legitimate in compliance with anti money laudering policy. My sister purchased a house in UK last Jan as she was just a housewife, her husband had to produce proof of his income from his job plus ststements from his bank accounts and i think he also submitted his statement from his shares and dividends. Buying a new house from a reputable developer, in my opinion would be a better choice for retirement purpose since it will provide you with peace of mind and less unforeseen hassles and do away the need of a building survey as you would need with an old house. Please consider a house with north south facing, east west facing would mean the house would be very cold in the winter.
@@momojojo1933 thank you so much for your advice.!!! this is exactly what I need and this is so informative and useful.!!! I am exactly buying one for retirement purpose and what you share is exactly what I have in my mind. I hope I can find one with the backyard facing south so it can get more sunshine because of the latitude of the UK. Re Avant Homes, is it of good quality also...? I like their bi-fold doors opening to the backyard very much.
@@sunnyapple9543 The main advantage of a south-facing house or garden is the amount of sunlight you’ll enjoy. As the sun rises in the east and sets in the west, the south side of any house will see the most hours of sunlight during the day - especially in the Northern Hemisphere. When your house is warmer, you will pay less £££ in heating bills. For myself, i try to find a house with south facing living room directly looking out on a south facing garden and preferably with master bedroom on top of living room also facing the south. Ideally, the kitchen, bathroom, store room and spare room should be north facing portion of the house because they will get less used and will be harder to stay warm.
Hi Alan we actually have started including subtitles in our recent videos. In our earlier videos we didn’t have enough resources to do this as we were a smaller channel then. Thanks for your comment though.
阿Faye講得好清楚,但想補充3點 : 1)搵樓盤最好搵no-forward chain或chain-free listing,否則就算講好晒價錢都要等賣家搵到下一間屋先可以成交,隨時要等一年半載:2)英國賣家或賣方經紀好興收到你offer之後,再四出找更好價錢,跟住踢你個offer,呢個做法叫做gazumping。 換言之你的律師費及測量費是白花了;3) 因為物業交易涉及大銀碼,特別是海外買家一定要提供清楚有效的資金來源證明。
very good and detailed !
You are terrific. Thank you so much👍👍👍
請問邊間銀行出的 Agreement in principle?
Beautiful voice and clearly explanation. Very appreciate!
資料好有用, 雖然比較細聲, 但聲線好柔美, 聽得好舒服, 多謝 💛
好正的內容, 解說清晰, 讚啊!
Hope to see you one day. Take care and stay warm.
thx, great video and content🙏🏻 善意提醒,如可提高影片音量更好☺️
San San 謝謝,下次會大聲啲。
現在bank 要比mortgage broker佣金用作為客戶組建借款,又向買家收取專業費用;發過豬頭
Thanks Stevo and Faye
謝謝你哋分享自身經歷🙏🏻🙏🏻 感謝你哋
謝謝你哋詳細資料📃update 我哋☺️🙏🏻
聲音好美, thx for sharing
Amazingly clear and comprehensive video! Thank you and keep up the good work!
Very useful information. Thank you. Would you please share information of South London property especially Kingston? Very blessings.
呀Faye 講得好清楚好有條理,多謝🙏🏻
Very useful & thank you so much ! Looking forward to your next sharing.😃♥️
謝謝分享,你嘅資訊好有幫助,但係你講嘢好細聲,我聽得有點辛苦,下次d片可唔可以講返大聲d,thank you
多謝你地肯企出黎share experience
你隻LIP COLOUR好靚請問咩牌子顏色?
Thanks for all your useful information.
From GOV.UK, there was a new of 95% mortgage scheme launches, 請問這做新95%按揭計劃, 是否適用於, 2022新來英國BNO VISA的港人呢? 在英國購買新樓作首間物業作置業呢? 現在我們打算2022年才申請BNO5+1來英國, 發現UK有這個新的95%按揭計劃, 好想知道, 如我們取得BNO VISA後, 到逹英國後, 能否以5%首期購買英國新樓呢?
可否講講渡假林或park home的買賣情況
好詳盡Thanks a million 🙏
thank you , so detail.
多謝你呀,好有用呀。不過我聽聞好多時賣家可以突然間話唔賣都得個喎,請問呢啲情況係會係邊一個步驟出現?同埋我見到呢right move 有啲廣告佢會寫住 guide price 係咩意思🙏🏻
這一集很實用 thanks
Well said. Excellent information ❤️
Fay. Are you happy in UK??? Why not come back to HK.
Many thanks for sharing the 8 tips of buying UK property which is very useful for starter.
正 很詳盡
Thanks for sharing but some links appear to be incomplete. Good job anyway. Keep going.
very useful information. 感謝分享
Very useful information !!
thanks for your sharing👍
Good news s
你好! Description 的 link 唔可以直接 click入去?
Surveyor 會自己約時間入去睇,做完 survey 之後會由 e mail 寄個 report 比妳。。。。Viewing 唔洗自己去。。Online viewing 也可以。。。不過最好自己睇睇the surrounding areas 啦!
Thx for your information
菲菲 : 多謝分享,資料詳盡,
為何不見咗 Steve ?
想問下買樓發展商ID check係咪一定要用thirdfort,定親身就得。同埋律師既ID check係咪都會用到thirdfort/其他第三方平台。另外如果在英國過了183天一定要有NI number俾律師才可買樓嗎?定俾住passport no.都得?謝謝!
Hello ah Fei, thank you very much for the information shared.! I plan to come to the U.K., to buy a house for retirement. Since I am new to the market and not familiar with the repairing matter (ie 水電維修):
1. Is buying a new house a better option for me..? If so I am thinking about the Barratt Homes or David Wilson Homes, etc (though I need to pick a farther place like Northamptonshire or Nottinghamshire due to budget constraint);
2. If I make the purchase of a new house, do I still need the surveyor doing the HomeBuyer Report..?
3. If I make the purchase by a “cash-buy”, do I still need the AIP, or what any other document should I prepare as a proof of fund..?
Thank you very much..!! 🙏🏻
Both Wilson and Barrat carry NHBC 10 years structural warranty. Inaddition, Barrat also has 2 years fixture n fittings warranty. I do not see the need of AIP for a cash buyer. However, you will definitely need to proof the source of your finance being legitimate in compliance with anti money laudering policy. My sister purchased a house in UK last Jan as she was just a housewife, her husband had to produce proof of his income from his job plus ststements from his bank accounts and i think he also submitted his statement from his shares and dividends. Buying a new house from a reputable developer, in my opinion would be a better choice for retirement purpose since it will provide you with peace of mind and less unforeseen hassles and do away the need of a building survey as you would need with an old house. Please consider a house with north south facing, east west facing would mean the house would be very cold in the winter.
@@momojojo1933 thank you so much for your advice.!!! this is exactly what I need and this is so informative and useful.!!! I am exactly buying one for retirement purpose and what you share is exactly what I have in my mind. I hope I can find one with the backyard facing south so it can get more sunshine because of the latitude of the UK.
Re Avant Homes, is it of good quality also...? I like their bi-fold doors opening to the backyard very much.
@@sunnyapple9543 The main advantage of a south-facing house or garden is the amount of sunlight you’ll enjoy. As the sun rises in the east and sets in the west, the south side of any house will see the most hours of sunlight during the day - especially in the Northern Hemisphere. When your house is warmer, you will pay less £££ in heating bills. For myself, i try to find a house with south facing living room directly looking out on a south facing garden and preferably with master bedroom on top of living room also facing the south. Ideally, the kitchen, bathroom, store room and spare room should be north facing portion of the house because they will get less used and will be harder to stay warm.
Please advise me the qualifications for first home buyer to save the stamp duty?
Please check out the UK government website below:
謝謝分享 ! 想問你剛才講的Stamp Duty Holiday 到下年3月31日的話, 即是以成交日為準嗎 ? 如果如你所說買間樓都要成半年攪手續咁咪好難享有這優惠 ?
得好清楚 very useful thank
Karen ho 好建議。我們兩個五年前搬到英國時,租了一年屋,然後慢慢睇合適的地區,才買現在住這間屋。
Very useful video! Thank you for your sharing
very useful. thank you
Thank you very much! It’s very useful!
Thank you for sharing! Any change you have more advise on getting home and content insurance for first time house buyer? :)
Thanks for the sharing
您好,我今年7月到步,多多指教,有一問題想請教,我在攪一間new build現樓的買賣(上手買家撻單,所以我地睇樓時已完全起好),contract of sale未簽,10%deposit 話23/10比,27/10成交比尾數,現時律師問我攞資金來源證明文件,但我需要時間等香港銀行print返比我同寄比我,担心23/10文件未齊,未過到律師嗰關,請問現階段我可唔可以同律師講將deposit 同成交日延遲,比時間我整理supporting document? 宜咖成件事好無助。Thanks
如不用做mortgage, 都要銀行出agreement principal 先可以䏲樓?當然銀行巳存有足夠錢啦。
I really enjoy watching all your video it would be nice to have sub title so some other region in Asia could understand better, thanks for the video.
Hi Alan we actually have started including subtitles in our recent videos. In our earlier videos we didn’t have enough resources to do this as we were a smaller channel then. Thanks for your comment though.
Which city are you living now?
Most are registered properties. Unregistered properties tend to very very very old ones.
thank you useful information
唔好意思有個問題想請教下 香港人 可唔可以擁有英國樓 問題係唔會再英國居住
請問你們剛買這間屋是否都係用PLS的conveyance? 因為想搵間可靠的代表律師
Thank you very much 🙏🏻
Very clear explanation Thanks for your time Faye!
阿Faye's 把聲好靚!!可以做DJ!!,!!
點解得咁少videos 睇?希望你地可以造多D Video 比我地睇啦
Thx 菲,如收音可以大聲點便更好。
Very useful tips! 想問seller accepts左offer後, 因沒有deposit,簽正式合約時間又最少三個月, seller反口不賣是否普遍?
Moving Socks 咁買方無比訂金,如果簽約前及後吾買又有無需要賠償啦?另賣方如果吾賣又有無賠償啦,會吾會賣方已經確認左第一個offer之後如果有人出高價,業主係咪可以反口吾賣,又無需要賠償啦,咁去到咩時間點先有賠償呢?
多謝解說詳盡. 請問如果一次過付全數買樓, 是否成交所需時間會快很多? 另外還未是永久居民, 運送香港的貴價物品去英國, 例如高级音嚮, 電琴等是否會打稅? 如用船運, 费用貴嗎?
Chiu Chuen Chan 比現今全數一次過付也未必成交時間會一定快。因為這裏的律師真是很慢。至少要四至六個星期。還有要看看你的賣家是需不需要買新屋。如果他需要睇樓買新屋,他也不能太快與你成交。
@@MovingSocks2.0 多謝你如此快便回覆, 但未有答我關於從香港運去較貴重的物品是否會抽税, 希望稍後可以答覆我. 要讚一下你老公的廣東話很厲害!
Chiu Chuen Chan 以下這個網站應該會幫到你。當你搬來英國時,可以填一張 claim relief form ToR01
Hello Faye, 如果買英國new build屋需要做survey嗎?please comments 🙏🏻
thank you. very useful.
如果太太帶同子女先移民,沒收入,出唔到agreement in principle去看樓,咁在港的丈夫是否可以在HSBC做個有足夠收入証明或資金証明做mortgage 或Full payment去代替agreement in Principle 呢?
very helpful !thank you
Very helpful. Good
very informative, thanks very much :-)
Can I use my son's name to buy a house, I as guarantor and use his name to get mortgage. He has just graduated from U and not yet start work.
It's feasible, just depends on different banks' willingness and policies - speaking from my real experience.