KYP New Centre Announcement

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 6 ม.ค. 2025
  • It is with the greatest excitement that we announce KYP is redeveloping our center into an entirely new campus!
    Over the years, we have made significant enhancements, building additional classrooms, purchasing the land, adding solar power, and upgrading our internet connectivity. But, we’ve always dreamt of transforming our campus in ways that will allow us to better fulfil the needs of our members.
    KYP has been able to grow into what it is today because of what all of you, our friends, have given of yourselves. We would not be who and what we are today without the time, expertise, connections, and funds each of you have been able to share with us. In this spirit, an extraordinarily generous family has made this campus redevelopment possible without the need for a major fundraising campaign. In providing these funds, the family is allowing us to build this incredible new campus and at the same time continue to focus all our effort on our programs and our members.
    This campus redevelopment will transform KYP for its next generation, creating a space that empowers us to fulfil our mission like never before. In particular, the design allows us to increase the number of members we can serve, improves our ability to provide them with the kinds of support they need to thrive, will allow us to bring our KYP community together in ways we never have before, and will further anchor KYP as the hub of hope in Kliptown. Our ambitious goal is to complete this project in just 10 months, and to dedicate our new centre on KYP’s 15th anniversary in May, 2022. We are truly grateful that we can move forward with this project, secure that we will be able to continue to operate and grow sustainably as an organization.
    Thank you again for all of your support in helping us grow over the past 14 years, and for allowing us to be able to deliver on our mission of enabling our young people to rise out of poverty. We can’t wait to share more updates with you.

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