Namisindwa.100 year old man who hid president Museveni at Bumbo during gorilla war need his packag

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 18 ก.ย. 2024
  • 100 year old Namisindwa man want the president to fullfill his pledge before meeting his death.
    By Weswa Ronnie
    Luben Wandeyema Chebutoti 100 year old man from
    Tasoo village Kabole parish Bukokho sub county in Namisindwa has asked president Museveni to fulfill his pledge before meeting his death.
    Wandeyema and his father who died 20 years back are the ones who hid and provide food to president Museveni in 1980s during Gloria war at Bumbo cave.
    While speaking to our reporter in an exclusive interview today Monday shortly after celebrating his 100 years of age last week, Wandeyema says that president Museveni made some pledges to him in terms of money he didn't tell our reporter the amount during campaign time when he came to Namisindwa but upto now he has never seen any thing.
    He says that when his father died the president brought good sums of money as condolence which they appreciated as a family.
    Wandeyema also says that he doesn't want the president to bring condolence message when he died only but want his pledge and use that money while he is still alive.
    He urged the concerned authorities to take his message to the president such that he can remember him but it he has given someone and missused , government must investigate about it.
    John Wafula the LCIII chairperson of Bukokho sub county in Namisindwa district also says that the president must have sent the pledge but top officers from government have decided to put in their pockets.
    He says that several times he has tried to raise the same issue but none of the positive results have come out .
    John Musila member of parliament representing Bubulo East constituency in Namisindwa district says that it's true Wandeyema must be given his pledge before meeting his dead as he claimed.
    He pledged to take this matter ahead by reminding the president in cases he has forgotten since he is busy person.
    Musila says that if not the family of Wandeyema the president would have not won the war because they hid and supported him with food items as he fights.
    Aramazan Wabuko the Namisindwa district national resistance movement NRM party chairperson says that no one must have missused the pledge but says that he is going to also followup this matter untill he gets correct answer.

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