Dear Ben: So, you managed to collect hundreds of scuds, from a sponge, which was on the intake, of a canister filter, attached to an aquarium, which contains fish? I’ve only been culturing scuds, for a few months. I have them, in a 5.5-gallon tank, with a gravel substrate. I collected some, with a gravel vacuum and came up with more than enough, to feed my Betta splendens, once. I may feed scuds, to the fish, in my, 75-gallon, CO2-injected tank, as Java moss doesn’t do well, there. I want to avoid putting them in tanks, where I have cherry shrimp or intend to add them. I heard that some species of scud will consume nano-shrimp eggs, while they are attached, to the female and perhaps kill shrimplets, as well. But, as I acquired my scuds, free, from a pet store, I’m not sure which species I have. I heard that scuds love bananas, so that’s what I feed them. They devour it much faster, than other, blanched vegetables. Thank you, for sharing this, interesting video on harvesting scuds. All my best, Sincerely, E. J. Brinegar
Most of mine do too but my pygmy coridoras, hillstream loach and CPDs can't eat them so they have been getting out of control. Starting some scud free breeding tanks started.
I got my Scuds from the Petco plant tank. Onc of the workers netted out about 15 for me. Month later they were everywhere. I could try shipping some with the cuttings if you're ready. Just need a tank ready with some leafs and plants, they will explode.
Scuds are so much fun! I love watching them swim around and carrying their mates.
Thanks for watching!
therapeutic harvesting those critters :)
Yes indeed !
Very cool 👍👍👍
Thanks for watching
Dear Ben:
So, you managed to collect hundreds of scuds, from a sponge, which was on the intake, of a canister filter, attached to an aquarium, which contains fish?
I’ve only been culturing scuds, for a few months. I have them, in a 5.5-gallon tank, with a gravel substrate. I collected some, with a gravel vacuum and came up with more than enough, to feed my Betta splendens, once.
I may feed scuds, to the fish, in my, 75-gallon, CO2-injected tank, as Java moss doesn’t do well, there. I want to avoid putting them in tanks, where I have cherry shrimp or intend to add them. I heard that some species of scud will consume nano-shrimp eggs, while they are attached, to the female and perhaps kill shrimplets, as well. But, as I acquired my scuds, free, from a pet store, I’m not sure which species I have.
I heard that scuds love bananas, so that’s what I feed them. They devour it much faster, than other, blanched vegetables.
Thank you, for sharing this, interesting video on harvesting scuds.
All my best,
E. J. Brinegar
My fish love scuds
Most of mine do too but my pygmy coridoras, hillstream loach and CPDs can't eat them so they have been getting out of control. Starting some scud free breeding tanks started.
Just got a bunch of new tanks and am gonna be setting up a scud tank. Where’s you get yours?
I got my Scuds from the Petco plant tank. Onc of the workers netted out about 15 for me. Month later they were everywhere. I could try shipping some with the cuttings if you're ready. Just need a tank ready with some leafs and plants, they will explode.
@ that would be sweet ! Ya I’m ready when you are
How are your other fish 😊
Doing well! May do a fishtank update this next week.
Ben that sounds exciting 😀
Hello Ben
So happy to see your back. You have been in my morning prayers. A lot of the community has been thinking of you ❤️
@@LakeMissoulaAquaticsandPlants Thank you so much Ben, it was my tanks that motivated me to get home.
I hate scuds so much 😒 😅
Hello Henry
Hi dix