I'm not sure why your video popped up in my feed, but I liked the topic. It's generally understood that humans desire four things: power, wealth, honor, and pleasure. However, pursuing these desires without virtue can lead to self-destruction or disillusionment in life. Therefore, the key to a good life is to counterbalance these desires with virtues such as wisdom, justice, courage, and self-control. In fact, our focus shouldn't be on pursuing our desires, but rather on following virtue, as the byproduct of doing so will be the things we desire.
I'm not sure why your video popped up in my feed, but I liked the topic. It's generally understood that humans desire four things: power, wealth, honor, and pleasure. However, pursuing these desires without virtue can lead to self-destruction or disillusionment in life. Therefore, the key to a good life is to counterbalance these desires with virtues such as wisdom, justice, courage, and self-control. In fact, our focus shouldn't be on pursuing our desires, but rather on following virtue, as the byproduct of doing so will be the things we desire.