The romanians are coming S01E01 HD

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 3 ม.ค. 2025

ความคิดเห็น • 1K

  • @radu1337
    @radu1337 10 ปีที่แล้ว +150

    You know what really grinds my gears? In order to get to the gypsie ghettoes in Romania, the film crew had to have landed in Timisoara, Cluj or Bucharest. Any of these cities would have, without a doubt, change their perspective about Romania. They must have easily noticed that the ghettoes are just a small part of Romania and similar ghettoes exist in most other countries. There are poor people all over the world and while most Romanians have a lower living standard compared to British people, most Romanians live in far better conditions (as in we live in nice, warm clean and spacious homes, not in ghettoes). We dress, talk and have fun just like everyone else.
    Yet they chose to only film the ghettoes. Purposely creating the impression that all Romania is like that. Before this video even I had no idea what those places actually look like. And I live in Romania. I don't even know where they are, I've never seen them before, I only vaguely heard about them.

    • @KeillaSellay
      @KeillaSellay 10 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Look in the mirror if you want to have an encounter with a gypsy.

    • @radu1337
      @radu1337 10 ปีที่แล้ว +15

      KeillaSellay Wow, so that just happened. I don't think you understood what I said, I said I have never seen the ghettoes. I've seen and met plenty of gypsies. As for calling me a gypsy, I'm not sure why you would think I'd take it as an offense. People are people, no matter what ethnic group they come from. I'm actually a descendant from a Romanian noble family, not that I take any pride in that either. It's irrelevant.
      If you believe in stupid things like origins and bloodlines, I'm probably superior to you. On your own scale of values.
      My advice: educate yourself. With this kind of broken thinking you're not going to make it in the new world. Nationality, ethnicity, race or religion do not matter anymore. They never should have mattered.

    • @radu1337
      @radu1337 10 ปีที่แล้ว +14

      KeillaSellay they are just a symptom of the financial crisis, every time the economy takes a hit, extreme groups gain support from people who simply need someone to blame, these kind of people are usually (but not limited to) either old with an IQ no higher than 75, or very young people who don't know any better yet, their support will vanish as soon as the economy recovers, and it will probably never return as older people... well die
      in 1900 the average IQ was 75, now the average IQ is 110, by todays standard the average person in 1900 was mentally retarded, and that explains a lot about WW2 and extreme political parties since a person capable of abstract reasoning will instantly realize that far right and far left doctrines are inherently flawed and can never work for any extended period of time without the use of fear and reprisal
      people are getting smarter, those political parties will at most get one term in office (if they get anything at all), just look at Hungary, they voted a far right party and are now protesting to bring them down, this "example" is showing many countries that extreme political movements are just as stupid as they have always been

    • @radu1337
      @radu1337 10 ปีที่แล้ว +6

      KeillaSellay here, educate yourself, you're in dire need of it:

    • @radu1337
      @radu1337 10 ปีที่แล้ว +9

      KeillaSellay ok, acum incep sa te inteleg, te-ai izolat de tot ce inseamna ratiune pentru ca esti incompetenta si inutila, orice lucru care iti poate demonstra ceea ce stii deja in sinea ta, trebuie etichetat cumva denigrant. nu conteaza cine vorbeste, poate fi cel mai renumit om de stiinta, cel mai abil din toate punctele de vedere, cu studii extrem de clare si cifre irefutabile, nu conteaza, daca nu spune ca tine e prost
      nu vezi nimic in neinregula cu ratiunea ta aici? e ca si cum eu iti spun ca iarba e verde, iar tu spui ca e roz in picatele, si oricine zice altceva e ori tigan, ori hipster ori prost ori toate la un loc
      ma doare udeva de faptul ca esti limitata, mi-e putin mila de tine si cam atat, retrage-te in pestera ta si uraste tigani daca asta te face sa te simti mai bine
      asa e ca esti si religioasa? sigur esti, n-ai cum sa nu fi la IQ-ul tau

  • @ddirkhendel1
    @ddirkhendel1 10 ปีที่แล้ว +85

    Wikipedia quote :
    Roma people (Gypsy) = " Not to be confused with Romanians, an unrelated ethnic group and nation."

    • @lucid0961
      @lucid0961 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      If your romainan and rather than help Roma people but instead drag yourself away from them so people don't judge you what kind of person are you? Don't u feel a little shame inside for not doing nothing but instead joining the majority and hating onto these people?

    • @GeorgeSupremu
      @GeorgeSupremu ปีที่แล้ว

      ​@@lucid0961gypsies are all over the world not only romania

    • @refreshh5
      @refreshh5 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@lucid0961they literally refuse to work or do get any type of education because “It’S nOt In OuR CuLtUrE”
      We have so many minorities and yet they the only ones like this

  • @MariusH242
    @MariusH242 10 ปีที่แล้ว +33

    I'm no way offended by this. I'm almost 30 and i'm a successful entrepreneur in Romania. When i was younger i've tried my luck in Italy and worked on a construction site for 3 months. I've cried almost every day, it was hard, really hard. I came back running ambitious and eager to learn, study and make a way in life. I did, i'm a programmer and know a few coding languages, i run a business, i have a sweet ride, nice home and plans to get married and have children.
    Anyone can make a good living here too, not only in the West. We should re-build our country, help those in need and be supportive in anti-corrupt movements. Also gypsies/romanian poor people, should be helped, educated and be provided with jobs. It's not enough to drop a few euros on social help and expect to change themselves.
    To those having a bad opinion about immigrants, think of this irony. Richer countries ask themselves why do poor people (like africans, eastern europeans, south americans, etc.) don't just leave those awful countries. When they do leave, they're blocked and asked, what are you doing here... go back!! Isn't that ironic..

    • @MariusH242
      @MariusH242 10 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      KeillaSellay Cat de penibil si patetic esti omule.. Ramai asa prost ca trebuie sa avem de cine sa mai radem ;)

    • @MariusH242
      @MariusH242 10 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Ok bun, deci am lamurit cu etichetarea. E chiar irelevant ce-as fi, roman, aroman, tigan samd. Asa cum chiar nu ma intereseaza ce esti tu, oi fi femeie dar te porti ca o primata prin comentarii. Stii vorba aia, rade ciob de oala sparta.
      Te tot contrazici singura, zici ca urasti salbaticia lor. Pff, cine nu?!? Dar pe de alta parte urasti orice e mai inchis la ten, indiferent de educatie, status social etc. Din ce-am observat, esti doar o rasista/fascista.
      Ca sa dau reverul, prostii(proastele) ca tine inca ne tin pe loc din evolutie. Vrei cu adevarat sa schimbi ceva, sprijina educarea copiilor, crearea de joburi, daramarea mahalelor etc. O suna idealist, normal, insa asta ar fi solutia.

    • @Jinars.
      @Jinars. 10 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      KeillaSellay E usor sa judeci pe cineva doar printr-un avatar in spatele tastaturii fara nici macar sa nu-l fi cunoscut in viata ta,huh?

    • @likemusic965
      @likemusic965 10 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Da' CUM sa arate altcumva??? A Din Rommania :)))))))))))) ,Nu?????!!! :D :D :D !!!!! :(((

    • @likemusic965
      @likemusic965 10 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Marius Hogas
      De Acord!!!! :)) :D

  • @romanmoldoveanu6303
    @romanmoldoveanu6303 10 ปีที่แล้ว +200

    I am romanian and this video is insulting for all romanians, actually I want to say some basic things:
    1 - the people in the video are not romanians they are indians (gypsies)
    2 - if they have to have a nationality they are NOT ROMANIANS because they live in ENGLAND so this makes them TO BE ENGLISH
    3 - why english people are so racist they dont even want to be proud about their gypsies? if they live in England this makes them to be english citizens.
    4 - We romanians have nothing to do with the guys in the video
    5 - in England there are 300.000 gypsies that came from Romania but they dont even have our ID, Caecescu gave them a "passport" so they could be controlled but he never gave then a real ID, if you ask the english gypsies for ID they will give you an english citizen ID so THEY ARE ENGLISH NOW. And we are only 60.000 romanians in England.
    Please try to be a little bit more clever before you do this rubbish documentals and love your english gypsies. Thanks.

    • @lolomendoza67
      @lolomendoza67 10 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      I completely agree with you Roman, English people are racist towards their own gypsies even they want to invent a new nationality for them.

    • @raulitobaldosavip
      @raulitobaldosavip 10 ปีที่แล้ว

      Lolo Eloi if they have english identification card and they live in england this makes them to be english, not romanians, but I prefer them to call them Indians or Spanish.

    • @flobil2005
      @flobil2005 10 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      The one with his girl wrong operated on her foot is not gypsy. He is a desperate father looking for a job( not for other way to do money), to can help his little girl to have a good surgery to repair her foot damaged in his country by a stupid doctor. And the English official is not talking in a bad way with him, but friendly. He recommended him to do an English course and to come again to take the job and when the guy did come back he(the official) shake his hand. Nothing to say about it.

    • @lolomendoza67
      @lolomendoza67 10 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      Christian Ivanov I cant belive that a public TV channel 4 can be so racist and the government will not do nothing? seriously? the romanians are coming? this is worst than Nazi Germany 1940

    • @dimitrupentru1468
      @dimitrupentru1468 10 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      6 - channel 4 must be banned they are just the same as UKIP

  • @PadAlex
    @PadAlex 10 ปีที่แล้ว +102

    As a romanian I feel more ashamed by theese comments than the people in the video

    • @relusrmf1
      @relusrmf1 10 ปีที่แล้ว +6

      O daaa, subscriu.

    • @DanMirescu
      @DanMirescu 10 ปีที่แล้ว +8

      Agree. There is an extremely racist comment in this thread against gypsies that has probably the most likes (hundreds of them - it saddened me a bit). Still, the documentary is bashed for racism. Quite the hypocrisy... The documentary is not racist and has many moments of subtle irony towards xenophobia and racism.

    • @KeillaSellay
      @KeillaSellay 10 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Dan Mirescu
      Sa dea bunul Dumnezeu (esti ortodox nu?) sa vina acolo unde locuiesti un clan de gipsani, asa vreo 30 la numar, sa iti "imbogateasca cultural" viata.

    • @DanMirescu
      @DanMirescu 10 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      M-ar deranja oricine ar veni sa ma "imbogateasca" intr-un fel in care nu mi-as dori.

    • @KeillaSellay
      @KeillaSellay 10 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Dan Mirescu
      Cum, insinuezi ca sa fii vecin cu niste tigani ar putea fi neplacut pentru tine??
      That's 'rayciss'!!

  • @GrozavRobertGereveu
    @GrozavRobertGereveu 10 ปีที่แล้ว +48

    It's kind of sad when you see your own country being promoted the wrong way, but what are you supposed to say? I'm not looking for sympathy, but even though this series could actually be a really good piece of work, the title should be "The gypsies are coming".
    All the good dear brits, I'm looking forward to having a future in your kingdom in the future.

    • @denismaftei691
      @denismaftei691 6 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      he put Romanias because he its gipsy :))) a frustrated gypsy

    • @robertnicolae1882
      @robertnicolae1882 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      Mno, s-a trezit legionarul din Gereveu

  • @dondejassy
    @dondejassy 10 ปีที่แล้ว +37

    Gypsies are migratory tribes from India, Romanians are an European Latin nation.
    There is a HUGE difference and every European citizen should know this.

    • @inguspodnieks9028
      @inguspodnieks9028 5 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Only idiots in uk dont know this, because everywhere else you can see the difference they look like some ancient peiple from india

    • @inguspodnieks9028
      @inguspodnieks9028 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@KeillaSellay hahahaha

    • @CrushingRiffsWreckords
      @CrushingRiffsWreckords 5 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      @Frank Jaegar " I felt sorry for those Romanians". Nope. " I felt sorry for those Gypsyes". It's a huge difference.

    • @zslamic
      @zslamic 4 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      @@inguspodnieks9028 Both me and my parent are from the UK and know that the roma people are an ethnic minority in Romania, Bulgaria, Slovenia and other parts of Europe; both eastern and western. However, if you are born in romania, you can by definition be called romanian. So if you are roma born in romania, you are romanian. If you are black and born in the US, you are still american. stop trying to deny roma people from your society. You have been doing that for years and it doesnt work

  • @dorinc6033
    @dorinc6033 10 ปีที่แล้ว +19

    What a disgrace! Channel 4 uses a gypsy to tell a scripted story they didn't have the balls to tell. Why use a gypsy to narrate the "Romanians are coming"? Gypsies are for Romanians a minority, like the British-Muslims are for the British people. Imagine the Americans doing a series "The Brits are coming" narrated by a Muslim,who presents to the world his Muslims as Brits (or, anyways, blurs the line between the two). And presenting some slums as the "home" of the British immigrants to US.

    • @dorinc6033
      @dorinc6033 10 ปีที่แล้ว +6

      Using a poor gypsy guy Mr. James Bluemel (who directed and produced the series), cowardly said or implied things that he couldn't say or allude to because they were too low-life-scum-bag-racist-type of things to be said by a respectable person. It's a coward thing to do, making the British people look like insecure, lazy, xenophobic and not-too-bright-in-their-generalizations folks. What kind of gain can you get from this series to justify this sort of sleazy image for your countrymen?

    • @M1mangu
      @M1mangu 9 ปีที่แล้ว

      ***** english do not afforde college

  • @kimzafra
    @kimzafra 6 ปีที่แล้ว +13

    I am a Filipino and will be flying to Bucharest next week for work. I never been to Romania but I don’t think all Romanians are like this and some of these guys could be actors like Alex because they are too good in front of the camera. They could have shown only the bad images in order to be catchy to audience and attract lots of media attention. Surely there a lot of good things in Romania as well!

    • @choncord
      @choncord 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      How's your job in Romania??

  • @danciubogdan7445
    @danciubogdan7445 10 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    Guys, i advice you not to be offended before you see the show. It is a side o the story, it`s a bad one, but i didn`t felt it is another hate show against romanians.
    I`m a romanian, and it is the first time when i saw this side of the romanian society this presented this way. I got really emotional during this show, for some people that normally I would hate.

  • @carcotasu081
    @carcotasu081 10 ปีที่แล้ว +16

    "0.03% of all benefit claimants in the UK (5.7 million) are Romanian citizens. This represents 1.45% of the Romanian community in Britain. To compare, the percentage of working age benefit claimants for the whole UK population is 9.5%"

    • @marcl3763
      @marcl3763 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      your talking crap

    • @psihopedia
      @psihopedia 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      So these people don't even have IDs and they are able to get social benefits in the UK? Isn't THAT something?

    • @robertnicolae1882
      @robertnicolae1882 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      And your source is?

    • @carcotasu081
      @carcotasu081 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@robertnicolae1882 Yeah I'll totally find my source on a comment from 6 years ago. Some replies can be so goddamn stupid, jesus

    • @raulpopa4196
      @raulpopa4196 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@carcotasu081 pai cauta ma, nu te lua dupa bronzatul de jinga. Pun pariu ca ce a luat ala sunt de Romani din Moldova sau ucraina care cetateni Romani au ajuns in UK.

  • @WildSemicolon
    @WildSemicolon 10 ปีที่แล้ว +25

    Instead of pointing fingers at each others, why can't we, as humans, see how sad the situation is. I am a Romanian and of course every time I visited certain countries in Europe people started talking behind my back. I was even asked at the border with a weird look if I am on a holiday or if I am planning on spending a long time there. I and many of us commenting here are the lucky people who get to visit Europe, stay at a hotel and pay to see the country because we can. We have the posibilities, which we should be grateful for. They don't. It's sad to see how little our country has to offer since many people like Alex (the guy in the documentary) are pushed by this harsh reality to be far away from family, working in tough conditions, to earn some money to send back to his loved ones. Don't see this and associate with a nationality. See this as what some people are forced to do in this harsh reality to just survive.

  • @lorispain1
    @lorispain1 6 ปีที่แล้ว +8

    I like Alex, he admits that he messed up and he's prepared to do a menial job. He's right that no Brits would want to do his job, they'd rather sit at home and do nothing.

  • @mtnscu
    @mtnscu 10 ปีที่แล้ว +20

    "The English Are Coming" (post-production), history series to be aired on public-service channels in: Australia, Bangladesh, Barbados, Belize, Botswana, Brunei, Burma, Cameroon, Canada, Cyprus, Egypt, Eritrea, Ghana, Guyana, Hong Kong, India, Ireland, Iraq, Jamaica, Jordan, Kenya, Kuwait, Malawi, Malaya, Malta, Namibia, New Zealand, Nigeria, Pakistan, Palestine, Papua New Guinea, Scotland, Sierra Leone, Singapore, Somalia, South Africa, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Tanzania, The Bahamas, The Gambia, Uganda, USA, Zambia, and Zimbabwe.

    • @psychoticchannel3244
      @psychoticchannel3244 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@stardaedao8541 england is great mate,as a romanian,i get 11.80 an hour,with bonus in january i went to 3127 pounds,if anyone say there is no jobs,my factory need 35 people,just send me ur cv 😅
      In romania greed and stupidity is the root cause of poverty,thats the reason i decided to stay here,same in all poor countries.

    • @doomdimensiondweller5627
      @doomdimensiondweller5627 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Here in America we have a basically folk tail about a man named Paul Revere. during the revolutionary war he road his horse all nigh yelling "The British are coming". I think that is what the title is a reference to. Some doubt if this happened because at the time well Americans were British both genetically and like legally because they haven't won independence yet.

    • @The13Raze
      @The13Raze ปีที่แล้ว

      They are people who think they are smart and you my friend are no exception. The only way Romania is poor is just because the great powers imposed puppet rulers so they could do whatever they want, otherwise that land is full of riches un comparable with the island that England sits on it. But then again the island used to rule half of this world and Romania was always situated at the borders between great empires, a huge difference that some wankkk that think they know a lot should take in to consideration.
      On the other hand this clip on TH-cam is fake as facke can be, the title is Roamians are coming but they started with gypsy, how about we make a documentary saying how English people used to rule the world and we start with their gypsy and 90% of it is with their gypsy. As alway fake as fake can be (they do call a small mansion, castle, I'm guessing their smiles says it all)

    • @israelizzyyarrashamiaak766
      @israelizzyyarrashamiaak766 ปีที่แล้ว

      Dude that’s not a true story 😂😂😂😂

    • @doomdimensiondweller5627
      @doomdimensiondweller5627 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@israelizzyyarrashamiaak766 I know it isn't

  • @finkerton2206
    @finkerton2206 10 ปีที่แล้ว +74

    Ii numim pe ei rasisti si noi incercuim o intreaga comunitate cu un zid de beton de 3 metri ( Baia Mare ). Daca lumea ar fi urmarit filmuletul si s-ar fi interesat de el, ar fi realizat ca e un documentar in 3 parti care analizeaza TOATE paturile sociale de romani in UK. Daca e sa ne luam dupa mentalitatea noastra : Romania e formata doar din poaiana Brasov, manastiri frumoase si masini scumpe... dar mizeria de la marginea oraselor si saracia de la tara nu sare nimanui in ochi, sau preferam sa o ascundem dupa gard Totusi, traim intr-o tara in care peste 50% din populatie nu are apa curenta, canalizare si inca se mai caca in fundul curtii. Meritam cu varf si indesat

    • @StefanAndreiRosu
      @StefanAndreiRosu 10 ปีที่แล้ว +6

      Apreciez comentariul tău și mă bucur că mai sunt români, oameni, ca tine. Mulțumesc!

    • @Daaoyi
      @Daaoyi 10 ปีที่แล้ว

      ***** Discuţia era despre "zidul de netrecut" din jurul ghetoului băimărean şi tu îi mulţumeşti că există unuia care vorbeşte cu dosul despre această problemă, când de fapt habar nu are despre ce e vorba. Sunt băimărean. Am pretenţia că ştiu mai bine.

    • @vladdrule9451
      @vladdrule9451 10 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Robert , habar nu ai ce e la Baia Mare ... fara zidul ala vedeai 20 de cazuri cu puradei calcati de masina la televizor .

    • @finkerton2206
      @finkerton2206 10 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Vladut Ionut Stai sa vad daca inteleg perspectiva ta: Daca o zona este periculoasa din punct de vedere rutier, se inconjoara blocurile cu ziduri de beton? Urmarind aceasta logica, toate comunele si satele de pe DN1 ar trebui incercuite cu betoane? Iti spun eu cum se face intr-un oras civilizat... se pun limitatoare din 10 in 10 metri, cum se face in preajma scolilor... Si ajungand aici, de ce scolile nu sunt imprejmuite cu ziduri de 3 metri de beton? Acolo nu se joaca copiii cu mingea?

    • @finkerton2206
      @finkerton2206 10 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      KeillaSellay Ghinionul tau e ca, comentariul meu este din prisma unui barbat care a locuit si in Anglia si in Norvegia si in Romania. Asa ca nu iti da cu presupusul... ca mori de foame. :)

  • @missbritt288
    @missbritt288 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    The guy Sandhu it's so horrible to see his heart break on camera . He's so emotional and heartfelt . That other guy was a jerk telling him he couldn't get work cause he didn't speak good English.

  • @neXtPleaseGaming
    @neXtPleaseGaming 10 ปีที่แล้ว +58

    To be honest.. this is fucking sad. Those people had a future (even if not the brightest one), some 20-25 years ago. Now their children can only dig for scrap in the places that the western companies bought and ruined on purpose. This is the price "the west" have to pay for ruining the economy of an emerging country like Romania.
    So.. even if I feel sorry for the English people for being forced to deal with this situation, I just have to blame the western "civilized" policies that made all this shit possible.
    I don't fucking like the robbers, the pseudo-mafia, etc., but when I see that 58 years old gipsy crying and begging for a job of closet cleaner (just hoping he will be able to help his family), I feel only rage and pain..
    I can actually write a fucking bestseller.. so I'll just stop here, hoping that the future generations will be awake enough to see things and change this shit.

    • @lxxo01
      @lxxo01 10 ปีที่แล้ว

      "Reportajul" asta este facut in iarna acum? sau in toamna ?

    • @InvaeusRoots
      @InvaeusRoots 10 ปีที่แล้ว

      bagamias pula in vali nu e reportaj e un documentar. vor mai aparea episoade :)

    • @Predator14BV
      @Predator14BV 10 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      nextplease cs go respect

    • @tuckercoffin2164
      @tuckercoffin2164 10 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      I don't believe the west has ruined Romania. I think Romania has ruined itself.

    • @neXtPleaseGaming
      @neXtPleaseGaming 10 ปีที่แล้ว

      Predator14BV Cu drag! }{

  • @MichaelJhoan
    @MichaelJhoan 10 ปีที่แล้ว +103

    Could you people stop feeling so offended because they're called "Romanians"? They're from Romania, born in Romania and speak Romanian. Therefore they ARE Romanians. There is absolutely ZERO effect these people have on you. If you mind your own business you'll never be affected by any of these or any other gypsy. Stop fucking complaining...

    • @S3aRsBrOwNiNg
      @S3aRsBrOwNiNg 10 ปีที่แล้ว +17

      If only they would speak romanian , but they only curse you in a gypsy language that only them can understand and then trying to get on a fight with you if you respond .. Fucked up people

    • @liliansirbu840
      @liliansirbu840 10 ปีที่แล้ว +19

      credca daca ai spune unui chinez ca defapt el e un african cu ochii ingusti tot se va supara. poti fi cetatean a unei tari, poti avea identitate nationala a acelei tari, dar etnia oricum nu o schimbi.

    • @degauss22ro1
      @degauss22ro1 10 ปีที่แล้ว +8

      you must be a leftist

    • @LaviniaAndreeaCojocaru
      @LaviniaAndreeaCojocaru 10 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      ***** I think this whole issue is solved by establishing for how long does one ethnicity has to live in one country to belong to that country's culture and people. They were, after all, in Romania's custody and Romania's responsibility. Some of them weren't that gypsy if I may say so, as I have seen people in Bucharest with far more connections with the gypsies but believed and perceived as being Romanians.
      Also, If all you got from the video is the fact that they shouldn't be exposed as Romanians then you need to get some humanity lessons asap.

    • @oakyngw
      @oakyngw 10 ปีที่แล้ว +7

      they are romanians not "the romanians" like the whole fucking country is going there

  • @ralucabugescu8932
    @ralucabugescu8932 10 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    This is such a good show. You have to see past the stereotypes and actually focus on how amazing these people are and how hard they are working to make something of themselves. I don't really understand why this show is getting so much negative feedback.

  • @VVauu
    @VVauu 10 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    what is that ? from frame 27:58 , on the sky behind gypsy something is flying ,it's a drone or what ?

    • @weigertj
      @weigertj 10 ปีที่แล้ว


    • @KeillaSellay
      @KeillaSellay 10 ปีที่แล้ว

      Secret Romanian military project.

  • @kurtoskalacschimneycakekur9038
    @kurtoskalacschimneycakekur9038 9 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    I work with a lot of Romanian's all over the world as the product which I sell, promote and train people to make originates from Transylvania. (Its called Kurtoskalacs or Chimney cake). My experience of working with Romanian people has all been very positive. I find them to be very trusting, hardworking and honest people. Some parts of Romania are very beautiful but the country has a lot of corruption and poverty and so I for one can completely understand why a lot of Romanians want to leave and want a better life for them and their families. I am British but live in Slovenia and I had to show that I could support myself and my family and have a place to live before I could get recency here. I would not be entitled to such benefits here in Slovenia which seem to be given so freely in the UK.. Its not the peoples fault, its the systems.

    • @cr4yv3n
      @cr4yv3n 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      Funny how all Foreigners go to only the richest area of Romania and never to the poorer east or south.
      We can do without your "help". The westerners never offer help without taking tenfold back in interest.

  • @deboradomokos5839
    @deboradomokos5839 10 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    I read the article ,and then I watched the first part of ´´The Romanians are coming´´and it makes me feel so bad , and angry, even if my nationality is Hungarian I was borne in Romania and I love that Country...why they did something like this , now in the eyes of the world ,Romanian people are homeless.yeah Its hard to leave your family because of money ,but you sacrifice your life to make something good, to see your children with smile on them face.People who live in Romania knows what it means ´´Family´´and ´´Fight´´and ´´Suffer´´but to be honest this thing maked me strong in life , true I work in Germany ,but I know for what I´m doing all this things, I work to make my life better , to learn languages and now I know 4 different language and it makes me feel really good, because I know the thing that I don't have money it doesn't mean that I can't be someone, And just to be clear for everyone, you are gypsy english Romanian you have two arms two legs and a heart in your chest ,and when you see the sparkles in your children's eyes you will do everything to keep it .......

  • @readcards
    @readcards 10 ปีที่แล้ว +8

    What the actual a romanian i feel ofended by this garbage . Please stop with putting the romanians and gypsy's as one , we are not alike , and we do not want to be asociated with them .

  • @WolfGrrl1
    @WolfGrrl1 10 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    I am deeply offended by this documentary. They choose to show the only place in Romania that looks like that. That's the only place in Romania looking like that and everyone will think that that's how all of Romania is. This documentary is misleading. This documentary should've been called "Gypsies are coming" not romanians are coming. This represents only 1% of all Romania.

  • @lorinmckey4250
    @lorinmckey4250 10 ปีที่แล้ว +8

    I don't understand why people are so upset about this movie. All I have seen is a story of great humanity. People pain and people generosity have no borders. Being a Gypsy, Romanian, or English, does not make you a better person. Boeing human and showing some compassion and generosity, some human virtues, does.
    I have seen Romanians helping Gypsies, Gypsies helping Romanians, English helping Romanians and Gypsies, Romanians and Gypsies trying to make an honest and decent living, trying to save some money to help their families.
    My father tells me that he started from scratch as well. He had the honor of cleaning the streets, being discriminated against, having to accept other peoples help, struggling to save some money to get started in life. But now, thirty years later, he is a respected licensed engineer, lives in a beautiful house, has a beautiful family, but he has never forgotten where he has started from.
    This is not about Gypsies, Romanians, or English. this is the story of us, the story of human beings, the story of human values, human vices, human virtues, human struggle for a decent life, for acceptance, for respect, the human struggle to provide for those whom we love, to love and be loved. It is the story of what makes us human beings and not animals.
    God bless all those Gypsies, Romanians or English, who are honest and need help, who show compassion to each other, who help whenever they can, who have not
    forgotten to be human despite pain, misery or too may blessings if they are one of the fortunate ones born in a rich country.

    • @korndead100
      @korndead100 10 ปีที่แล้ว

      It's because they titled it: "The Romanians are coming!" and they make a documentary about gypsyes. It's not like we're gonna fucking invade them or something. And it does have an effect. What will the next generation think about Romania and romanians in your country? When all you see on the british news is romanian killed a.., romanian raped a..., romanian blah blah blah, and when they show a picture of him you see he's brown skinned.

  • @333CVS
    @333CVS 10 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    This is offensive for all Romanians. this is a political tool of generalization.

  • @Durlesteanu
    @Durlesteanu 10 ปีที่แล้ว +11

    I have a decent life and my parents are doing rather well. I am not sure if it would still be the same with 6 brothers/sisters. Having 7 kids is simply stupid, especially in those conditions. What the hell are they thinking?

    • @KeillaSellay
      @KeillaSellay 10 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Having 7 kids is gypsy tradition. That's why they should all be sterilized.

  • @maddognick4761
    @maddognick4761 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

    2024 , you wish Romanians were your biggest problems....

  • @M.S.........
    @M.S.........  10 ปีที่แล้ว +18

    Episode 2 is up, just so you know.

    • @KeillaSellay
      @KeillaSellay 10 ปีที่แล้ว +15

      Your Punjabi smell can be felt all the way through the Internet.

    • @M.S.........
      @M.S.........  10 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      KeillaSellay My habibi senses are tingling.

    • @KeillaSellay
      @KeillaSellay 10 ปีที่แล้ว +14

      Morindrias Stadnent
      So you're the 'Allahu Snackbar' type. Correct?

    • @M.S.........
      @M.S.........  10 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      KeillaSellay No, no, no. I'm Allahu at Bar.

    • @KeillaSellay
      @KeillaSellay 10 ปีที่แล้ว +8

      Morindrias Stadnent
      Oh, so is Alan at the Bar?
      A bunch of middle easterners armed with AK-47's were asking "Is Alan at the Bar, is Alan at the Bar".
      I guess it's some debt issues or something. I hope Alan is okay.

  • @cursederinobladerinokrippa4085
    @cursederinobladerinokrippa4085 6 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Hey I don't know if you are still checking comments on this video, but do you have any updates on Stefan and his little girl? His story struck me right at the heart.

  • @crd2007il
    @crd2007il 10 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    "The few, the proud! The ROMANIANS!" As far as Gypsies, once in England, they are English Gypsies! Enjoy it!

  • @razvanux2000
    @razvanux2000 10 ปีที่แล้ว

    Un documentar excelent. O perspectiva asupra unei lumi pe care multi dintre noi nu o cunoastem. Filmul este unul dintre cele mai "pro-romanian movies" pe care le-am vazut in ultima vreme. Chapeau bas!

  • @serpentsermon1665
    @serpentsermon1665 10 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    Tehnic, prin reportajul asta ne-au masurat toleranta si xenofobia fara prea multe investitii in studii sociale, sondaje etc. Au aruncat o pastila si noi am muscat cu toata gura, iar in loc sa fim uniti ne-am dezbinat si mai tare.

  • @adisanxd
    @adisanxd 10 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Gipsies not Romanians !
    Gipsies are coming from north India...
    Romanians are from Eastern Europe and not imigrants from Asia as gipsies.

  • @typeincomedy
    @typeincomedy 10 ปีที่แล้ว +82

    Iti trebuie cateva puncte de IQ peste nivelul unei caramizi ca sa percepi ironia din titlul acestei serii si sa intelegi ca nu se doreste a propaga mesaje xenofobe. Dimpotriva, xenofobia e adanc imprimata in sangele molustelor care comenteaza pe youtube si dau dislike la clip fara sa arunce macar o privire (sau pentru ca nu inteleg boaba de engleza). Da, sunt ATAT de prosti. In plus, anticipez ca seria va trata subiectul din mai multe unghiuri si va prezenta si cazuri ale romanilor cu educatie universitara, care sunt cautati si apreciati in UK pentru profesionalismul lor, dar se lovesc de ignoranta omului de rand, care gandeste binar, in stereotipuri. Chiar daca ma insel, ce am vazut pana acum e un reportaj obiectiv, realizat cu profesionalism. Subiectiva si plina de ura e reactia prostimii libere sa zburde pe internet.
    Am un enorm dispret fata de oameni pe care ii privesti si nu gasesti in ochii lor pic de empatie sau umilinta, desi toata viata lor au fost niste asistati (ironic, nu?). Parintii lor le asigura camin, haine, mancare si cumva se considera indreptatiti sa latre pe internet, desi nu sunt in stare sa lege doua cuvinte, in agramatismul lor. Si, cel mai important, parintii le asigura acces la educatie, dar... degeaba.
    Am un respect mult mai mare pentru "cazurile" prezentate in clip. Sunt oameni disperati sa munceasca. Cine a privit episodul, poate vedea ca fac asta pentru a-i scoate din mizerie pe cei de acasa. Problema e ca nu au avut asa-zisul privilegiu al unei educatii de baza, ca sa stie macar cum sa se "vanda" cand isi cauta de munca.

    • @typeincomedy
      @typeincomedy 10 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      I apologize for commenting to this clip in Romanian. I was so perplexed by the level of stupidity and hate in the other comments, that I quickly reacted in a moment of outrage and I only realised that I should have posted the comment in English after it was already written.

    • @passioncla
      @passioncla 10 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Catalin Popa Intra putin pe daily mail ,The independent si uita-te la comentarii :)

    • @argintuldecristal
      @argintuldecristal 10 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      Truly inspiring, especially for other Romanians who live and work abroad for quite a while now.. it does strengthen your character. When I got to minute 40:00 I started crying... for seeing their progress and knowing how it is to be in their shoes.. I personally didn't last more than 2 weeks in the UK - and not because I didn't know the language nor because I didn't have a job - just because I didn't like London, mostly some parts of it, it is a little creepy, especially in some center areas.. and probably also because my financial situation was not that bad to endure that many...
      Lucky that there are also other countries in UE - maybe more beautiful - who allow you to live and work in them, even if you don't speak their local language... but yeah, I cannot compare myself with these simple and humble people, with big families to provide for.
      It's really a lesson in humility, once you get to understand the characters portrayed in this documentary, something that is never bad to have... a grounding exercise. Can't wait to see episode 2, as I really care about seeing that these people have managed to develop and make a living there and their stories will turn out to be successful ones. Thanks :)

    • @oakyngw
      @oakyngw 10 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      WolfGrrl Hai zau e gratis? zi-mi tu mie unde e gratis educatia in Romania, o fi lege, dar nu-i nicaieri gratis pe teritoriul acestei tari.

    • @WolfGrrl1
      @WolfGrrl1 10 ปีที่แล้ว

      Angel Cristian Sirbulescu Clasele 1-12 sunt gratis. Despre ce vorbesti?

  • @IEC83
    @IEC83 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I wish we could get an update on how they are all doing.

  • @joshuamoney7434
    @joshuamoney7434 3 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    As an Australian in the uk. Personally never had a problem with the Romanians funny people with big personalities.

  • @lastwishdictator
    @lastwishdictator 10 ปีที่แล้ว

    Multumim IULIA STOIAN ca ai dus reporterii la tine in sat!

  • @alexandrohutt8421
    @alexandrohutt8421 10 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    In Sweden there is a gypsie begging outside every 'big' store, even in the countryside. When I leave my home I'm not greated by kind swedes saying hello to strangers, anymore. The immigrants who have escaped war is almost always kind and greatful, but the second generation born in Sweden is not, they think we don't like them just because our government treat them like second hand citizens, and they take out their hate on us "normal people" with no power. Since their parents often can't help with homework, they fall behind in school, resulting in even more hardship. The government see nothing, they don't do anything, they just keep pooring in immigrants with no plan on how to forge them into the our society and culture. Sweden is doomed, such a shame..

    • @smileitconfusespeople4683
      @smileitconfusespeople4683 6 ปีที่แล้ว

      Inar Ord Since when? We are now in 2018 and gipsies are out begging at every store here in Oslo and I am guessing in other norwegian cities as well. They are not aloud to beg with the children by their side like I saw in France for example but they still beg, it is been that way for a long time.

  • @silviusilviu8362
    @silviusilviu8362 9 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Romania is the best country in the world. The problem in Romania is politicians.

    • @TheSilvanian
      @TheSilvanian 9 ปีที่แล้ว

      Silviu Silviu The problem in Romania is english grammar. :-)

  • @FoggyyTimes
    @FoggyyTimes 9 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    I am Romanian and I LOVED this! It portrays reality yet in a kind way :-)

    • @afrocipri
      @afrocipri 5 ปีที่แล้ว +8

      It portrays the gypsyes reality.

  • @TheDanmihaiu
    @TheDanmihaiu 10 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Un documentar emotionant pentru romani, si pentru oameni. M-a facut sa ma gandesc la mine, si la modul meu de viata, si la nevoile si nemultumirile din viata mea. Mi-a fost greu sa vad oameni care se pun seara sa doarma pe cartoane si in saci de dormit, afara, fara un acoperis deasupra capului, si totusi sa aiba puterea de a merge inainte. Nu toti romanii sunt la fel, si nu toti oamenii sunt la fel. Daca unii priviti acest documentar ca pe o insulta la adresa romanilor, eu il privesc ca pe o atentionare la adresa oamenilor. Cred ca nu ni se cuvine nimic pe lumea asta, si nu stiu de ce unii oameni pur si simplu se nasc mai norocosi, dar trebuie sa intelegem ca nu meritam nimic, si nu totul este pe merit. Pentru ca oamenii aia care sunt fericiti sa stranga gunoiul de pe strada imbracati in veste fosforescente, merita mai mult decat noi, care stam la un birou si castigam bani imbracati in sacouri scumpe. Parerea mea.

  • @manuelag0ia
    @manuelag0ia 9 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    As a proud romanian, I would like to congratulate people that made this. Very good documentary.
    Oh, you feel ashamed by this? This is Romania. These are the romanians.

    • @manuelag0ia
      @manuelag0ia 9 ปีที่แล้ว

      manuelag0ia Sii tocmai am devenit fana lui Alex. Foarte fain omu. Sanatate!

    • @johnnyfuxx6808
      @johnnyfuxx6808 3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      these are your indians that have romanian papers and live all across the world, like nomads. proud of, or ashamed to SAY IT RIGHT? brown, indian-look-like, indian accent, bad habits. INDIANS ;)

    • @ferdinand8994
      @ferdinand8994 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      This is 3% of Romania, most romanians are clean at least even if poor.

  • @mihairadulescu6652
    @mihairadulescu6652 10 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Excellent video. When is the next episode coming?

  • @mazssj
    @mazssj 10 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Alex sounds and looks like a young Steve Buscemi.

  • @MultiNustiu
    @MultiNustiu 10 ปีที่แล้ว +1


  • @MariusChirnoaga
    @MariusChirnoaga 10 ปีที่แล้ว +8

    I had more confidence, respect for the people of England.
    They were my example of people when it came to respect.
    Now I understand that racism is higher in countries like England where it is considered more evolved.
    I wish you a good day gentlemen, ladies.

  • @razvanbercea
    @razvanbercea 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    Morindrias please forgive us for the lack of understanding...would you be so kind and explain to us the true meaning of this film.. or series ,how do you prefer...??Thank you very much...

    • @M.S.........
      @M.S.........  6 ปีที่แล้ว

      Razvan Bercea there is already an explanation.

  • @anonymousanonymous1987
    @anonymousanonymous1987 3 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    It's tough for these people man

  • @equals42gaming
    @equals42gaming 10 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Thank you U.K. for opening your doors, Romania has now fewer gypsies. Now we most "close" our doors...

  • @Cineva68
    @Cineva68 10 ปีที่แล้ว +8

    Next episode: Brits are coming to Romania for jobs because they realized U.K. is now a Pakistani country (so they are, too).

  • @andreicrisan5526
    @andreicrisan5526 9 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I'm fine with the whole series provided people understand that most if not all of the cases shown here are extremes; after all, a documentary about a guy who has a boring office job, just like everyone else, drives a mid-range car, just like everyone else, pays taxes, just like everyone else, and lives in a blocky red house in a suburb, just like everyone else, simply wouldn't have made for a very interesting show. That being said, at least as far as i've seen, the British will generally judge you by the way you act, and that's largely because the UK is an extremely cosmopolitan country.

  • @claudewish
    @claudewish 10 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    The "Romanians" depicted in this documentary are in fact nomad gypsy population that came long ago from what is now India / Pakistan. They just moved from place to place to find better living conditions without being forced to work or pay any kind of taxes. So, they finally reached England. So what? We have them on our head for centuries. Deal with them, just as other countries from Eastern Europe had to live with them. Find better ways to integrate them. You'll see that they will not want to work and they will not want to pay any taxes. It's just something unacceptable for their "religion". It's wrong to call them Romanians. Just because they come from a temporary homeland called Romania it's not enough to call them Romanians. And maybe it's time for them reposes some of the wealth England has stolen from India centuries ago.

  • @ewannaa
    @ewannaa 10 ปีที่แล้ว

    Morindrias, şi aici dau de tine? :))
    Thanks for the episode, man!

  • @omuleanu
    @omuleanu 10 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    you can get roughly the same living conditions/flat size (as in 9:25) in central London for 1K £ a month :D

  • @stefanul
    @stefanul 6 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    this is beautiful

  • @karolina26oooo
    @karolina26oooo 4 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    2020 and i really hope life has change for better for all of them.

  • @daimlerkrysler
    @daimlerkrysler 10 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    this is sad indeed, coming from someone who holds a romanian citizenship.

  • @atillabaksay9255
    @atillabaksay9255 10 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    Greatest show British television has ever produced. Please keep the episodes coming!!

  • @shannonm.1550
    @shannonm.1550 9 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    To move away from the topic at hand in the comments section, Alex's English is really good. I imagine within a few years you wouldn't be able to hear his slight accent at all. Just with his English skills he does have a real chance of succeeding if he plays his cards right and keeps focused.

  • @J0c3rk
    @J0c3rk 10 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    nu stiu de unde atata ura, dar cei din film, merita mai mult respect decat unii romani mari...

  • @europeanguy8773
    @europeanguy8773 10 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    I'd be more worried about Indians, Arabs and Blacks populating England, they are in mass. Romania is statistically safer than France, Italy, Ukraine etc. Actually, not once out of all the 8 times I visited, have I ever had trouble there. Local people were friendly, the food was good, the country side was outstanding, the women were really beautiful. I went to Cluj Napoca and Sibiu city center and saw people that didn't look any different from the ones I saw in Czech Republic, Poland, Hungary, Serbia..very similar features etc. The whole atmosphere was more slow paced and peaceful than most of the places I've been in Europe,. Only a small portion are gypsies the rest are Caucasian, so I don't think it's fair to call the whole country "gypsy" it wouldn't be fair for the rest of the population. It amazes me that we are in 2015 and we don't look at the bigger picture here.

  • @ddirkhendel1
    @ddirkhendel1 10 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    The correct title of this TV Series should be : " The ( Rroma ) Gypsies are coming " ! Even though some of them are citizens of Romania, they are nomadic people of a different ethnicity, of Indian origin. Check Wikipedia for the word
    " Gypsy " and you will see that they are spread out in many countries throughout the world. I think Great Britain would also not like it if the English would be confused with the Gypsies that came over from Asia and lived there for decades. Romanians are Romanians, Gypsies are Gypsies.
    Wikipedia quote : Romani people = " Not to be confused with Romanians, an unrelated ethnic group and nation. "

  • @mobilitysportsmassage4201
    @mobilitysportsmassage4201 4 ปีที่แล้ว

    Ffff bine facut documentarul ...bravo

  • @GeorgianGrec
    @GeorgianGrec 10 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Wow, didn't know Steve Buscemi was a homeless guy in London.

    • @roycephantom4me
      @roycephantom4me 10 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      the canadian guy sounded and looked just like Kevin Bacon...i swear the God

  • @bobbioehlkers7461
    @bobbioehlkers7461 9 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    What was that in the sky at 27:55 - 27:57?

  • @narcisg
    @narcisg 10 ปีที่แล้ว +8

    Pentru contii si contesele din romania ofensati de filmul asta. Va reamintesc ca cei care au plecat si pleaca, nu se duc ca nu mai pot de bine in tara. Credeti ca e o minciuna ? Sau poate vreti sa traiti intr-o minciuna? Ia dati o tura cu masina de la oras sau luati personalul sa vedeti cum e viata in romania. Eu chiar cred ca oamenii de la channel 4 puteau sa ii filmeze pe aia care fura, dau in cap sau cersesc agresiv sa vezi atuncea. Astia sunt niste oameni saraci dar foarte ok.. si chiar se spune ca ei sunt 3% din romanii care emigreaza. Cine ar vrea sa vada un film despre viata normala?!

    • @Ciolan
      @Ciolan 10 ปีที่แล้ว

      Bai vito, esti o cretina! Tu crezi ca aia 5000 de IT-isti reprezinta Romania? Esti o idioata si mai mare daca chiar crezi asta.

    • @KeillaSellay
      @KeillaSellay 10 ปีที่แล้ว

      Nu ma.
      Romania este reprezentata exclusiv de confratii tai 'cimishoreni' din clanul Carpaci.
      Haoles baoles, in limba ta de haryan din Cimishoara.

    • @narcisg
      @narcisg 9 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      KeillaSellay in Orice presa din lume nu sunt prezentate lucrurile normale .. cui ii pasa ca tu ai o casa si un job... ii doare in cur. Vor sa vada crime, omoruri, saracie samd. Ce a aratat aicea chiar ne prezinta frumos - oameni care vor sa faca ceva, sa isi ajute familiile, sa faca un ban cinstit .. crezi ca nu se putea mai rau?!

    • @Evedelacroix
      @Evedelacroix 9 ปีที่แล้ว

      Da e o realitate. Dar se folosesc de realitatea asta ca sa-si impinga agenda parlamentara si sa intoarca britanicii impotriva uniunii europene. Intre timp imaginea romanilor e victima din prima linie.. daca vad in fiecare zi din an campanii si documentare despre romanii cei saraci si sub-educati.. in mod normal se va crea o imagine nu tocmai favorabila noua in toata lumea.

    • @alinoprean
      @alinoprean 9 ปีที่แล้ว

      Si ca sa fie de toate ... "Leana!? Adã' fa' popcornu' ca s-or incins ãstia" :)

  • @tortellinifettuccine
    @tortellinifettuccine 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Essentially these gypsies were deported from romania, but also people just balme romanians for them despite the fact that every other European country has far more gypsies than us both before and after we deported them

  • @makita3680
    @makita3680 5 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    This would be like making a documentary about the Rotherham child abusers and calling it "The British are coming"

  • @PhoenixBird35
    @PhoenixBird35 8 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I'm a romanian, born and raised here. I watch your shows in perspective. I think it's important for both of us cultures(if I might) to be aweare of the situation . Not meant to be offensive, things aren't well here there's no need to argue with that. You should be aware a romanian has to deal with the shit you saw on a daily. I don't wanna go further. I'm on of the few who still dream of a humble, proud and ethic community. I enjoy this show. Do romanians disgust you? happens to me as well, you could be the difference tho, we are still humans dude..

  • @xAstronomy
    @xAstronomy 9 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Bah nu stiu despre voi dar mie mila tare de oamenii astia.. bravo lor ca vor sa munceasca si sa nu fure!

  • @adeelkj81
    @adeelkj81 9 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    For all the Romanians out there: Why do you feel discriminated when the first thing that comes out from your mouth is "We are not Gypsies".
    When you people discriminate within yourselves, how do you expect others to treat you with dignity.
    Britains are the most tolerant nation on Earth if they treat like this maybe its high time and the heads must roll and start treating your own people with dignity rather than slinging mud on others.
    Remember the old English saying "As you sow, so shall you reap".
    This is just an observation that i made after watching this documentary, reading comments on youtube and meeting some Romanians. So please be tolerant and respect!

  • @alexanderconstantin8395
    @alexanderconstantin8395 9 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    This is a fantastic documentary, very well done and moving. And I like the sadly, yet positive and humorous tone. It shows warm and nice people, being forced to move away to find a better life but willing to work hard for that. I’m a foreigner working in Romania and sure know that the countries has very modern and beautiful parts as well. Surely that’s not the story you wanted to tell with this documentary and that’s why it doesn’t have to be here. It upsets me to read all those comments of people writing “now all foreigners think we’re all gypsies”. I think this just reveals a very racist point of view that always automatically seems to get activated as soon as someone deals with the Roma people in media. I have recognized this attitude here often (of course thankfully not always) and I hope the majority of Romanians will one day stop blaming the Roma for everything that doesn’t work great in their country and start recognizing them as citizens of the same value. There is need of a general shift of attitude (and of course not only in Romania). A documentary like that can help with that, at least as long as it is really watched and not just automatically shitstormed because it activates mental patterns of racism of some people thinking they have to defend the image of their country. So Romanians (and I include everyone having a Romanian ID with that): You have a beautiful country and also because of the Roma minority a rich and diverse culture. That’s something to be proud of and to work with.

  • @peye0unu
    @peye0unu 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    stie cineva cum care e numele complet a lui Alex baiatul din Canada? sau daca aveti twitterul sau facebook ul lui?

  • @oakyngw
    @oakyngw 10 ปีที่แล้ว +12

    Oamenii astia nu ne fac de rusine in niciun fel prin comportamentul lor, ei sunt ok, vor sa munceasca, vor sa scape de saracie, se sacrifica pentru familiile lor, noi ar trebui sa interpretam documentarul ca o critica la adresa politicienilor nostrii care nu au luat masuri sociale pentru astfel de oameni, care n-au interes sa-i scoata din saracie si li se rupe total de ei, uitati-va la documentar, nu face parte din propaganda rasista promovata de unele mass-media din UK, e ok documentarul, nu sariti in sus fara sa-l vedeti.

  • @pixiepower8052
    @pixiepower8052 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Respect to these guys. It must be horrible to have to live separate from your family just so they can eat 😢

  • @tomaalimosh
    @tomaalimosh 10 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Mi-au dat lacrimile uitandu-ma la povestile oamenilor din filmul asta.
    UKIP sunt finuti fata de ce exemplare avem noi in tara, si care se vad si prin comentarii p-aici!

  • @afrocipri
    @afrocipri 5 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    This is so fucking wrong...
    "Gypsyes are coming". not "Romanians ".

  • @Alex-jy9je
    @Alex-jy9je 10 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    27:58 - WTF in the sky ?

  • @Lore86Ma
    @Lore86Ma 9 ปีที่แล้ว

    This video is not offensive against romanians. This video only shows the difficulty of romanian people trying to find work . I cried when i saw it because is so true. This is the true life.

  • @Dorli.
    @Dorli. 10 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    This is really really wrong.First of all most of those shown in this episode were not ROMANIANS,they were gypsies.Everywere around the world every country has gypsies.You can take the piss off every nation you want by flaunting the gypsies,the poor and the stupid.Why would someone want to depict ROMANIA by showing off a fucking miserable gypsy ghetto.....??? There is a HUGE difference between ROMANIANS and gypsyes.Gypsyes from ROMANIA are called RROM.They might name theirselves romanians but they re not...they might even look romanian,be white skinned blue eyed etc but they re still gypsies ffs....whoever made this had the evil ideea of creating confusion....romanians are twice as much smarter than english people in many cases...I mean we speak more languages,we do bother to learn something else..we do work hard and we manage to do lots of things and have lots of qualifications...we are ahead of you in many ways...the reason we leave Romania is because we re not happy with our government ...they don t give too many chances or opportunities especially to the youth...ofcourse we look for something better when it comes to living somewere with bigger sallaries for example...This should be named ''THE GYPSIES ARE COMING'' lol...we all know you people are snobs and somehow retarded but...seriously...did you had to proove it...again..?By eating shit...?

    • @StefanAndreiRosu
      @StefanAndreiRosu 10 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      If they have Romanian IDs, they are Romanians, in this case Romanian gipsies. Your hate filled speech is making you look bad. Relax.

    • @catalinamihai7831
      @catalinamihai7831 10 ปีที่แล้ว

      ***** they are indians not romanians

    • @KeillaSellay
      @KeillaSellay 10 ปีที่แล้ว

      Cu cine vorbesti?

  • @Romanian8888
    @Romanian8888 10 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    So they are calling the show " The romanians are coming " but they are talking about the romanian gypsies? Or are they calling all Romanian people gypsies ?
    They either should rename the show, or remove it.

    • @hungariansubzero
      @hungariansubzero 10 ปีที่แล้ว

      where they from? from romania... so they are romanians. its eeeeasy. ;)

  • @horiapopescu1
    @horiapopescu1 9 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Dont worry Britain,more are on the way!

  • @Fedotdotdot
    @Fedotdotdot 10 ปีที่แล้ว

    Where de hell did you find this guy? He had his own business in Canada, and now he has this job in the UK?

  • @octavkmc
    @octavkmc 10 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Draga audienta, citind comentariile de mai jos, realizez cu stupoare ca toti cei care se cred "europeni" sunt de fapt sub nivelul etniei pe care o detesta, aparent sau nu (pentru ca mai nou este un adevarat trend). Suntem asa cum spuneti, in anul 2015 si nu am fost in stare pana acum sa rezolvam problema rasismului. In mare parte acest lucru este cauzat de cei ca voi. Sunteti niste ipocriti si de altfel, buni de politicieni; stati foarte bine la capitolul critica, insa sunteti repetenti la capitolele solutii, responsabilitate sociala, gandire integrata, samd. Nu mai fiti frustrati pentru ca ei ajung mai repede peste granita decat voi; nu va vor lua niciodata locul daca sunteti cu adevarat pregatiti si nu va duceti la cersit un trai mai bun. Nu mai ganditi ca niste gaini si faceti si voi cunostinta cu oameni din tarile europene si veti vedea ca nu sunt atat de prosti precum ii credeti! Da, am scris corect! Ii jigniti! Stiu si ei sa faca diferenta intre noi si cei de etnie roma. Cei care nu o fac, sunt exact cei care gandesc ca voi, iar aceasta forma gresita de exercitare a presupusei inteligenta, este motivul pentru care nu putem evolua! Pana la urma, cascati ochii si vedeti ca avem ce invata de la acesti romi: sunt uniti! asa ca, GET OVER IT! multumesc si ma astept sa va dovediti in continuare nivelul la care sunteti/traiti/ganditi, prin manifestarile vitrege pe care le veti compune in urma acestui comentariu.
    If anyone is interested to read this in english, and google translate is not accurate enough, please ask.

  • @iliedumitrescu9739
    @iliedumitrescu9739 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Why don't they talk about the doctors that went to work in britain, people working in IT, chefs, engineers? Why you only show the bad side?

  • @johnpaulsteeler
    @johnpaulsteeler 10 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    I don't see anything out of proportion (Keepers style) in the story. I think a lot of Romanians are over reacting just because of the title "The Romanians" are coming. Obviously none of us like to be associated with Gypsy(Roma) minority, but after years of negative media campaign blending maliciously apples with grenades in the same basket, what are you expecting ? I would like to see all Chanel4 series before taking any conclusion. So far this doc is pretty close of Romania reality, I don't deny it. It shouldn't be a truly shock for the Brits either.

  • @elenasirbu8866
    @elenasirbu8866 10 ปีที่แล้ว

    Although there are so many people with critics, i am proud with this people for their outstanding force to never give up and go on and fight with each day problems. And it doesn't matter if them are gypsy or romanian or indian or african and so on, we are all HUMAN being on this earth, or at least i want to believe in that, i want to believe also in tolerance, in charity and goodness. By the way not all of them are gypsy, as the case of Alex (in this video) - great guy, even though he is in need, he helps others. A big LIKE for this king of people, never give up and God help You! Concluding i'd like to say with the words of one of the woman that i admire: "Being born in a poor country is not a choice. The choice is to live or not in such a country".

  • @M.S.........
    @M.S.........  6 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    This video was posted 3 years ago and you still fight over it.
    I've been reading the comments from time to time since I get notified at every damn action and I can proudly say that 95% got no idea why were these series created, you have understood nothing from it and you provide proof that the nation of Romania is pretty dumb since you have an internet connection and a loud keyboard.
    Hats off for the 5% that still know on what planet they are living.
    And for the last time, I did not make the episodes nor do I narrate them.
    Now reevaluate your worth before you leave a comment.
    Ktnxbye. xoxo

    • @alinavoroneanu9446
      @alinavoroneanu9446 6 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Hun, I didn't even need to watch the series to judge you. Judge you for posting/sharing it whatever. Reevaluate your worth before leaving a comment?! Refuckinevaluate your own comment when you throw shit like "the nation of Romania is pretty dumb" while defending yourself as being misunderstood. Fuck you honey! Fuck you straight in that stuck up ass of yours!

    • @kariokaspot
      @kariokaspot 6 ปีที่แล้ว

      They are dumb. They do not represent, hopefully, the majority. This documentary was heart wrenching, warm and sincere. Displayed real people, with such amazing life stories, who fight for a better life, for health, for hope. I cried my eyes out several times during this documentary. When that mane is in awe looking at a mall, his humbleness and admiration.... more than 1000 critics gawking at Mona Lisa. And when he missed that job and just scurried away out the door, in broke my heart. I am Romanian and I believe this was one of the best documentaries I have ever seen and not just about my country. Whoever made this had amazing heart, soul. Thank you so much.
      And thank you too for uploading. We cannot see Channel 4 here.

    • @M.S.........
      @M.S.........  5 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@alinavoroneanu9446 Read my comment again. Slowly.

  • @danw3735
    @danw3735 9 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I don't know much about Romanian Gypsies vs Romanians but NO ONE chooses to go to another county and struggle to find work for no reason. Most of us cannot understand how difficult these peoples lives are.
    Makes me realise how lucky i am to live in Australia with a job and a roof over my head.

  • @CrushingRiffsWreckords
    @CrushingRiffsWreckords 5 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Imi place cum 99,8% din comentarii sunt date de catre romani, in limba engleza :)). Chiar daca n-a comentat niciun englez pe subiect :)))

  • @bbase_romania
    @bbase_romania 9 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    These are Romanians, We are all Romanians, this is US. Nu sunt "ei" si "noi". Rasismul si discriminarea apar la nivel de sistem, iar de sanatatea sistemului suntem responsabili cu totii si fiecare in parte pentru ca suntem cetateni ai aceleiasi tari, si mai mult, ai lumii. Deasemenea pentru ca suntem fiinte inzestrate cu empatie si ratiune. Este usor atunci cand te nasti provilegiat sa nu intelegi ca in afara universului tau comfortabil si safe, sunt si oameni care nu au avut norocul sa se nasca intr-un loc bun sau sa aiba parte de o educatie precum a ta. Videou-rile promoveaza o mai mare intelegere cu scopul de a promova intrebarea "ce este de facut?" Nu doar in UK ci si in Romania. Mesaje de ura de mai jos ar trebui sa dezamageasca profund pe orice om care doreste o avansare spre o tara in care exista bunatate si respect reciproc. Stiu ca este greu si nu se face prin batere din palme, dar se incepe macar prin cercetare si prin lasarea ipocriziei deoparte. Suntem toti romani.

  • @linziwoos
    @linziwoos 10 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    All i see are people trying to find work for their families, not benefit scroungers like the silly cows with 12 kids getting pregnant again to stay off work. Good luck to them. ( from a brit ) 😉

    • @likemusic965
      @likemusic965 10 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      But they could just as well search for those kind of jobs at their homeplaces,too!!!!! And let only the people,who indeed For Real would need to Live,and Work there to do it so!!! You don't know unfortunately... :( :( :( !!!! :D And good for you!!! :3 :) ;)

    • @mihaelapopa3493
      @mihaelapopa3493 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      A real brit would write british grammar better than I do.

  • @demettuncer9331
    @demettuncer9331 9 ปีที่แล้ว

    What is the full name of Alex? (the guy who stayed in Canada)

    • @ghiote
      @ghiote 9 ปีที่แล้ว

      He is a big liar. Dont trust him, he is a big time con man.

    • @demettuncer9331
      @demettuncer9331 9 ปีที่แล้ว

      we wanna help him with some money and some clothes.. (me and my fiance)

  • @cristibejan8945
    @cristibejan8945 9 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Thanks to romanians you have..
    Ejection seat
    Jet engine
    Divice wich can see if a person have cancer in less then 6 min
    A suit wich paralised people can walk
    1st gas laser
    Quadrotor helicopter
    Theory of Sonics

    • @fashion9319
      @fashion9319 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      And professional pickpockets,dont forget that mate

    • @denisnedelcu9034
      @denisnedelcu9034 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@fashion9319 sounds like you lost your wallet to an indian lad

    • @GholaTleilaxu
      @GholaTleilaxu 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@fashion9319 Professional pickpockets originated somewhere in Britain or Eire. Before that their were amateur.

  • @jonpaul22
    @jonpaul22 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

    The gypsy settlement at 6:33 has since been redeveloped into clean modern apartments. But they won’t show u that of course

    • @riana639
      @riana639 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      where can they show that in a video that has been posted 9 years ago...? and what relevance does it have? its GOOD that romania did something for its people, but it took too long.

  • @alinabobean4021
    @alinabobean4021 4 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    9:00 all true romanians have this memory with them😂

  • @jakej2256
    @jakej2256 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Personally I think they should be welcome with open arms, there's too many stereotypes surrounding them which have been exaggerated by the media, at the end of the day loads of Romanians want to help British society in all occupations and therefore they should be accepted as fellow humans like everyone else
    as well.

  • @driverantonio7753
    @driverantonio7753 10 ปีที่แล้ว +5


  • @timxpro
    @timxpro 10 ปีที่แล้ว

    When about will come the second episode?

    • @nicumc443
      @nicumc443 10 ปีที่แล้ว

      Where'd you get all this fake people,how much money did you pay them to do all this shit for you, mother ......????
      For all those who's watching this shit, i want to tell you...this is just a fake show,just a bullshit like u see on TV every day..lies,for rating.