I’ve flew into terminal 2 quite a few times over the last 6 months. Back and to to Spain. I’ve never seen the KFC and the Pret a manger open once, they’re always closed.
Is security on the same floor as where the check in counters are? As when i last travelled in 2018 uou had to go up the stairs at t2 for security. Is security near zone E of t2 on the same floor as check in counters? Ans then aftee security where do you go to find the gates
It was about as empty as this when we was there on the 10th Sept.The escalators opposite the Randox testing area sounded like a tumble dryer!
5:09 Why did they change that security announcement the mans voice was so much better :((
I’ve flew into terminal 2 quite a few times over the last 6 months. Back and to to Spain. I’ve never seen the KFC and the Pret a manger open once, they’re always closed.
oh cool
It was closed on Sat 10th Sept too,in fact it was a while before anything opened after security too.
Is security on the same floor as where the check in counters are? As when i last travelled in 2018 uou had to go up the stairs at t2 for security. Is security near zone E of t2 on the same floor as check in counters? Ans then aftee security where do you go to find the gates
Looks so depressing with nobody there
It looks very quiet l like that not very noisy
Flew from here, not great to be honest
Manchester airport is a joke
Yeah Lagos airport is better