I'm fine disagreeing with other Christians about bodily resurrection, the appropriate age for baptism, original sin, the nature of the relationship between the Father and the Son, the relationship of faith and works, and many other important points that we've been disagreeing about for almost two millennia. But if one doesn't agree that Jesus in some way provides an opportunity for reconciliation between God and Man, then I don't know how to apply the label of Christian. (Those who do not believe in Jesus as a potential Savior or Redeemer are still my brothers and sisters, though, and deserve my respect and friendship.)
Kinda unrelated to this video, but it'd be cool if you created a test for people to take that helps determine which denomination best suits them. Until I started watching your videos, I never thought much about attending Church, but now wish to do so. However, I also didn't realize 1. The sheer number of denominations that exist and 2. How much they differ. I have an idea of what I believe personally on various topics (thanks to your videos!), but am having trouble matching those beliefs to the best suited denomination. There are online quizs of course, but I'd be much more trusting of one from you. Or maybe at the very least, could you reccomend online tests that you would personally reccomend? Thank you!
Many of the differences between denominations are small things that hardly anyone cares about, and different churches within a denomination can be incredibly different. So IMO it makes more sense to investigate the churches near you, eliminate ones that have theological positions you find unacceptable, and try out the others until you find one you like.
This will probably be controversial, but have you thought to ask "which church has had the most consistent teaching through its history?" versus "what church fits my beliefs?" In otherwords are you looking for something that just rubber stamps what you already believe or are you seeking truth every if it challenges you to reevaluate what you believe?
The first question you might consider is how many local congregations are near your home. A denomination that matches your beliefs 100% won't do you much good if the closest church in that denomination is two hours away. From there, you should consider your view on baptism, as that factor helps to eliminate options quite quickly. If you're fine with infant baptism, you can knock out all the Baptists, churches/Disciples of Christ, Assemblies of God, and other groups that teach against it. If you take the opposite position, you can limit yourself to the groups I just mentioned. At that point, you might find a quiz more useful in narrowing down the options further. Or you may simply choose to start visiting come of the places and seeing how you feel there.
I didn't think much about locality, that's a good point! I live in a metropolitan area so I'd be surprised if a specific denomination wasn't represented near me, but that also doesn't mean another denomination that I closely fit with might be closer!
As a religious and gay man, I never really got the MCC. I've been to an MCC church and it honestly doesn't feel like a church, more like a club to talk about being gay with a cross in the background. Very weird, but I guess there are weirder churches
I'm gay, and Methodist. I grew up in my church. It's been very community oriented, with a mixture of theological viewpoints. When I came out, there was no threat of rejection from my church.
@JS-fm7ch the theology, the pastor at my church is incredibly well read and well spoken, and presents a very coherent doctrine of universal salvation. The specific community in our congregation is also really tight-knit and supportive. It's an incredibly decentralized denomination where, by design, no MCC congregation looks like any other. So, I have no idea what theology the other congregations teach
So the Episcopal Church has bishops (episcopii) running the church, the Presbyterian Church has elders (presbyters) running the church, but why does Metropolitan Community Church have no metropolitans running their church? 😄
this type of church can be easily confused with the law "love thy neighbor" but they put this above "love the lord your god with all you soul, heart, mind, and strength"
Unfortunately many churches in the modern era fall into a similar trap. Many have abandoned any form of theocentric view of existence and now embrace a primarily anthropocentric worldview where man's wants and desires are placed about what God has revealed. To challenge God is now a virtue because denouncing anything stemming from the basest part of our fallen nature is somehow morally reprehensible. It's almost like the story of Eden and Babel when man presumed to be on equal footing with God.
Self-important Christians are showing that they are adding exceptions to Jesus words that are not there. "Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved." That's it. No asterisks or parentheses. Queer Christians follow Jesus just like you do. They love the The Lord They God with all their heart, mind and strength just like you do. They're just a bit more willing to follow the part about judging than you are.
@@cijmoYou must be born again to enter into the kingdom of God. Please read first John. It's a very short 5 chapter book. Then get back with me and let me know if you still really believe what you just said.
“It would seem that Our Lord finds our desires not too strong, but too weak. We are half-hearted creatures, fooling about with drink and sex and ambition when infinite joy is offered us, like an ignorant child who wants to go on making mud pies in a slum because he cannot imagine what is meant by the offer of a holiday at the sea. We are far too easily pleased.” ― C.S. Lewis, The Weight of Glory, and Other Addresses
@@daniellevinson6975 There is only one true Church. And that Church condems gay sexual acts and not an orientation because God hates men or women having sexual relations with the same gender. And your pseudo church can not change a thing about it.
I agree that this isn't Christianity. I get where they're coming from, but when someone starts to fiddle with whether or not a historical Jesus even existed and was or was not resurrected... that sounds like non-Christianity. I mean, even Muslims and Jews acknowledge that Jesus existed. I guess it is a religion inspired by elements of Christianity, but it's not enough for it to be fully Christian.
That is appalling. You can't Follow Christ while believing He may or may not have even lived much less was crucified and resurrected! I don't understand this weird desire some people have to claim the name Christian while actively going against every teaching of Christ.
I think... well, for some it might be a matter of wishful thinking, wanting to justify some of the things they think/do. However, on the other hand, I think they're more philosophically Christian, meaning they agree with some of the values/principles and they do think there is a form of divinity (I always defined religion as philosophy with a God), but to be honest, they seem to disagree with some of the most basic things that make one a Christian: whether or not Jesus existed and was resurrected. I mean, even Muslims and Jews acknowledge Jesus was a real person. So, in some ways, they might be further from Christianity than Islam. I don't want to dunk on them or insult them, but with all due respect, they don't really qualify exactly as Christian in my book.
@octavianpopescu4776 Yeah. It's odd that they barely even meet the bare minimum of what is expected of a Christian and their core beliefs. Like James said: You believe that there is one God. Good! Even the demons believe that-and shudder.
But ... so are you, right? Jesus said that all you have to do is believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved. You, a mortal citizen of the planet is claiming to be Christian yet judging others and deciding who is and isn't Christian. How is loving one another going against the teaching of Jesus? How is the ONLY means of salvation, that is to believe in the Lord Jesus Christ going against the teachings of Jesus? Not Paul. Not Poop Gregory (he amended the bible, you know that, right?) but Jesus?
I am sorry but the bible mentions that homosexuality is a sin multiple times, saying that it is a sin is not hate speech but saying that it isn't a sin is denying people salvation, as we say in our church Hate the sin not the sinner
@@stevenwiederholt7000 I would say that you are gonna be in for a rude surprise when you die and realize that nothing happens, but you'll be dead so you wont even know lol
I'm a gay Christian. I'm still attracted to men but attraction alone is not sin. This is called temptation, acting on it either in my mind (as a fantasy) or physically is a sin. Christ forgave our sins and died to save us from their effects. I don't think ignoring that and continuing my lifestyle would honor Christ's death. I don't like to bash atheists because all atheists are different from one another. I was once one. I thought if God was real then he hated me for making me gay and having his servants constantly disparage me. The truth is in Corinthians, Paul says that it's a very good thing to marry but an even better one to dedicate your life to serving Christ, not a spouse. So I chose Christ, he has become more of a desire in my heart than easy sex or a 60 year marriage. To all of those saying that Jesus would've accepted gay marriage, I'm sorry but you're mistaken. Jesus would've accepted the 'homosexual' not the 'homosexual-ity.' John 7:53 8-11 speaks of a woman caught in adultery and the Pharisees were about to stone the woman for her sins, and Jesus stopped them and told the one who was without sin to cast the first stone. None were without sin and Jesus was the only one who could stone her. Instead, he told her to go and LEAVE YOUR LIFE OF SIN. Therefore, while Jesus loved her and accepted her, he did NOT accept her sin. I'm just telling you what the bible says about sin. If you want to argue that the bible says homosexuality is okay then fine, I'll listen to your argument. Don't try to say for one second that living a sinful life is okay however, Jesus clearly said it was NOT.
So you say that homosexuality is sinful and leads to a sinful lifestyle, yet you admit to currently living that same kind of lifestyle and even tried to embrace it? This is illogical. The Bible is quite clear on the subject according to Leviticus 18:22 and 1 Corinthians 6:9-11, yet you're trying to excuse the very thing that you deem sinful.
Can anyone provide a background as to how unorthodox sexual and gender doctrines entered in to the teachings of a lot of churches like this, as well as many of the mainline Protestant churches. Does anyone know the timeline and the major figures involved in spreading this stuff, as well as what their attempted arguments are to dealing with the clear prohibitions on homosexuality and promiscuity in the Bible, both new and old Testaments ?
I think part of it depends on what you consider orthodox. For the majority of Christian history, divorce and remarriage was considered immortal. It wasn't until the 1930 Anglican Lambert conference that any major group of Christians allowed the use of artificial birth control. But both of those things in the last 50-60 years have become acceptable (if not the norm) within large swaths of christiandom. Personally I would say much of it stems from a move away from having a teaching authority and going to the individual being the arbiter of what is moral. At that point it became easier to say "my interpretation of scripture is that what I want is good and therefore it is moral"
In reality, it is just the push of modernity on a church body that causes these doctrinal errors. As the other commenter already said, divorce and and birth control were immoral and forbidden, but then they weren't, homosexuality and promiscuous sex were immoral, until some said they weren't. It's more of a general erosion of morality than a single, defining event that catapults these things into doctrine. Mainlines like the ELCA and PCUSA allow gay marriage (in general), while churches like the LCMS, WELS, ECO, PCA, etc; do not. So simply fall into the sin trap of believing our own desires are in line with God's, they are not.
I would encourage you to be open to the idea that this obsession with regulating sexual expression is a relatively "new" idea within Christian teaching. Christianity should be about resurrection, not sexual ethics.
@@rosas9135 Christianity is a wholistic religion, morality, and lifestyle. Morality and conduct (which sexual behavior has been regulated for centuries both for crucial moral and secular purposes) are intertwined with salvation and worship. Traditional Christian morality is black and white; there are truly good and truly good bad moral actions. Progressives have a similar outlook; i.e. “there are no rational basis for standards, all conduct is permissible, and any critique of paraphilia or traditionally identified antisocial behavior is wrong and needs to be deemed “anti liberal”, “hateful” or “bigoted”.”
@@rosas9135I could respond with a similar challenge to you view, that there is an obsession on the part of progressives and jews in society to make paraphilia and antisocial sexual behavior a common, accepted practice, when in reality it is deviant behavior that destroys familiar cohesion and is strongly intertwined to all other forms of harmful behaviors (mental disorder, drug use, sociopathy and STDs)
Yes, that's why only catholics, those members of the holy roman catholic apostolic Church that Our Lord is the head and founder, in St. Peter (cf. St. Matthew XVI, 16-19), who became the first pope, outside Which there's absolutely no salvation (Extra Ecclesiam nulla salus): Are christians, and thus can be saved. Being those outside Her, as the sacrossanct council of Trent teached, in order: Excommunicated, schismatics, heretics, jews and pagans; all doomed to hell ipso facto.
Does it? In what sense? As the current fiery realm of demons where sinners are tormented day and night? This idea is pagan in origin. Most of the time the word he'll appears in scripture it is better understood as simply the grave. There will be a lake of fire in which unbelievers will be cast. Is that what you meant?
Get where? Please explain. You referenced hell, and then I mentioned the lake of fire. Do you want me to guess? You have obviously fallen for the lie of immortal souls going to eternal punishment. Even though the bible clearly talks about the destruction of the damned. It's funny how your idea of a soul has ears, eyes, a mouth, and can feel pain. So is the soul a body? The bible says man is a soul. God breathed into Adam's nostrils and he became a living soul. Do you even read scripture?
@@GratiaPrima_ I agree it is all you say it is, but mercy is not merited, else why bother caring. I say Lord have mercy on those who are not tempted into sin.
@@GratiaPrima_ I agree it is all you say it is, but mercy is not merited, else why bother caring. I say Lord have mercy on those who are not tempted into sin.
@@simonskinner1450 Nobody _deserves_ God's mercy, and yet God shows mercy upon all of us. "I say to you, love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you, that you may be sons of your Father in heaven; for He makes His sun rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the just and on the unjust. For if you love those who love you, what reward have you?" (Matthew 5:44-46)
@@joshvarges9230 I feel the same too. However, many presbyters deny that they're truly "Anglicans" but just "reformed". I know we're Anglicans but still in confusion. Thanks.
From a strictly theological perspective, most churches I'm aware of don't teach that experiencing same-sex attraction is inherently sinful, but rather that acting on those impulses is sinful. In practice, however, many people in those churches will act in a way that says, "You're gay, and that makes you of less worth as a human being."
The orthodox say the same thing. Being gay isn’t a sin, anymore than being tempted is. Being tempted (in this case to pursue homosexual acts) isn’t a sin. Jesus Christ was Himself tempted by Satan in the desert, which isn’t a sin. But of course acting on this temptation is a different story.
@@ChristianEphraimson I'm not a theologian, but I'll give it a shot. The Catholic Church teaches that we are born with concupiscence (the tendency of humans to sin). Everyone has the tendency to sin, and that is not sinful in and of itself. The person who has same-sex attraction is as beloved of God as anyone else. However, cultivating the desire to sin, and actually indulging in those acts separates a person from God. The person has put their attachment to bodily desires before loving God. Scripture teaches that nothing unclean will enter the presence of God. Purgatory is a state of existence after death for those who have died in God's grace but are insufficiently purified. They are still attached to sin. They are purified with God's help. It's an entirely different thing than hell, which is the complete absence of God.
Modernity swapped a belief in the sanctity of the soul for the sanctity of sex. Therefore it's not entirely surprising that there would be churches that conflate sexuality with the soul, believing that to pass judgment on sexual expression is to deny a person their very spirit. I don't hold this view but it's out there captivating people by the mililions.
Don’t take the Bible literally… Jesus: Everyone who is angry with his brother is liable to judgement. These guys: Listen my friend, don’t take the words of the Bible literally. Instead take Christs words here figuratively, you can actually get as angry as you like with your brother. Let wrath consume you OK? 😌 Just whatever you do don’t EVER read the Bible literally. Now go forth nag angrily fued with your brothers and sisters, make this community as toxic as possible.
funny thing 2 + months ago. There was this thing about "The Millstone Knights of Christ are hosting awards ceremonies at coastal libraries from Nova Scotia to Acapulco" they stopped one week before bammers cheif drwon. @@happyjosiah
@@ChristianEphraimson the world is a dark place, my friend. The fire of the holy spirit will guide you, but in the wake of sin, you will see truly abominable things.
Well, one could argue that an "everything is allowed" welcoming space is just what some people need. And, religion or no, the homosexual community in the USA has been pretty good at caring for their own through multiple support structures and caring for your fellow member while asking others to do likewise. Indeed, I suspect many evangelical Christian communities do the exact thing, even though many of them are convinced gays are evil and will all go hell.
Of course it doesn't. What's your point? Islam is deeply intolerant with rare exceptions. Are you saying you want modern Christianity to return to being as intolerant and murderous as Islam? The 17th century was a bloodbath for Christianity.
Then you should be here for the channel as well. Learn more about these types of churches, why the Bible is important, and why you should stay away form churches like the MCC.
TLDR: they aren’t a real church and should never be recognized as such. And any member that denies the resurrection of Christ is not a Christian, full stop
Only one Gospel: The Gospel of Reconciliation. Jesus Christ came into THEIR kingdom to reconcile fallen angels unto Himself. We are the fallen angels kept in DNA chains of darkness. If you do not confess being a fallen angel in Lucifer's kingdom, then you are an unbeliever. Unbeliever = those that claim to be made in the image of God.
Sounds like a cult. I study cults. This has nothing to do with Christ. Not all cults have a direct leader but can follow an idea/philosophy. Regular churches need to open their arms to the LGBT and show them love. Or they end up here in this non sense. Souls are souls and everyone is deserving of a healthy relationship with Christ.
A lot of people in these comments conflating the denomination not having a required creed with the denominations members not believing in things lol. Every MCC church member ive talked to is solidly christian and every service ive attended is solidly christian, they just dont kick you to the door if you say you dont believe in any of it lol
1 Corinthians 6:9-11 Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived. Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor homosexuals, nor sodomites, nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners will inherit the kingdom of God. And such were some of you. But you were washed, but you were sanctified, but you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus and by the Spirit of our God. When you cherry pick the bible as the MCC does you are making God in your own image and essentially inventing their own religion.
Only one Gospel: The Gospel of Reconciliation. Jesus Christ came into THEIR kingdom to reconcile fallen angels unto Himself. We are the fallen angels kept in DNA chains of darkness. If you do not confess being a fallen angel in Lucifer's kingdom, then you are an unbeliever. Unbeliever = those that claim to be made in the image of God.
@@qwerty-so6ml "If you do not confess being a fallen angel in Lucifer's kingdom, then you are an unbeliever." Perfect example of what you responded to you are literally making up your own religion please provide scripture stating we are fallen angels.
@@crazboy84 Daniel 12:4 But thou, O Daniel, shut up the words, and SEAL UP THE BOOK, even to the time of the end: many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased. This is Daniel's sealed scroll, unsealed. Genesis 1 is Lucifer and the fallen angels making man in their image. Man is an idol, a trap for angels. (tares) Genesis 1 only uses the word ELOHIM. Genesis 2:7 the Lord God forms His representative in THEIR system. (wheat) Genesis 2:4 is where the word Lord God (YHWH ELOHIM) is found. Exodus 20:4 YHWH ELOHIM forbids idols and likeness (embodiment = human host body). Jesus called you a god/angel. John 10:34 Jesus answered them, Is it not written in your law, I said, Ye are gods? What law? Psalm 82:6 I have said, Ye are gods (H430); and all of you are children of the most High. 7 But ye shall die like men, and fall like one of the princes. Strongs H430 Elohim = angels, gods (little g). Right there, he called you a god (angel) that shall die like man, and fall. A fallen angel. Romans 5:10 For if, when we were enemies, we were reconciled to God by the death of his Son, much more, being reconciled, we shall be saved by his life. No mention of unrepentant man in Matthew 25:41. Matthew 25:41 Then shall he say also unto them on the left hand, Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels: Pray that your eyes are opened. th-cam.com/video/d5cFNlKXYbo/w-d-xo.html
I like the MCC as a concept way more than other denominations TBH I feel like we all have to agree on who Jesus is tho that's honestly where they lose me
Oh, how many ones ordained on the RCC being gay before 1972!... Don't be ingenuous, sir!... Simply those ones on the "7 sisters" are being honest with themselves and their communities, while the RCC ones, are many of them the disgrace one would imagine. Next!
The “mother church” of my own communion - the Ecumenical Catholic Church, founded by Mark Shirilau - was heavily influenced by the MCC. Bishop Shirilau, himself homosexual, sought a more affirming church than the Lutheran church he was raised in, and almost joined the MCC (his husband was ordained an MCC deacon). However, the MCC did not meet his growing love of liturgy and Catholic ritual. He was consecrated by Bishop Donald Jolly-Gabriel of the American Orthodox Catholic Church for independent catholic ministry in what would become the ECC.
@@Mick116When you walk away and teach a different faith to the point you have to form your own church. You don't have apostolic succession. If you want to change/redefine something you have to form an ecumenical council and have it affirmed.
@@jacobortega3424 God can and may have mercy on whomever He wishes, whenever He wishes, by whichever means He wishes, regardless of whether His means are apparent to us or not. So we definitely do not know if anyone in particular will be lost forever.
In my opinion, from my experience I fee that this place is like a cult. I am so glad that I left it. I am still a proud Gay man and I don’t hate anybody.
I have no relationship with this church but this video spends a lot of time emphasizing the church's tolerance towards sexual diversity and no time trying to understand their theology properly.
If they don’t believe in Jesus or the resurrection how are they Christian?
They aren't.
They simply identify as christian.
I'm fine disagreeing with other Christians about bodily resurrection, the appropriate age for baptism, original sin, the nature of the relationship between the Father and the Son, the relationship of faith and works, and many other important points that we've been disagreeing about for almost two millennia. But if one doesn't agree that Jesus in some way provides an opportunity for reconciliation between God and Man, then I don't know how to apply the label of Christian.
(Those who do not believe in Jesus as a potential Savior or Redeemer are still my brothers and sisters, though, and deserve my respect and friendship.)
@@TheFranchiseCA the nicene creed defines the fundamentals of Christianity.
@TheFranchiseCA denying the bodily resurrection removes someone from Christianity. The church has always affirmed the bodily resurrection of Christ.
Kinda unrelated to this video, but it'd be cool if you created a test for people to take that helps determine which denomination best suits them. Until I started watching your videos, I never thought much about attending Church, but now wish to do so. However, I also didn't realize 1. The sheer number of denominations that exist and 2. How much they differ. I have an idea of what I believe personally on various topics (thanks to your videos!), but am having trouble matching those beliefs to the best suited denomination. There are online quizs of course, but I'd be much more trusting of one from you. Or maybe at the very least, could you reccomend online tests that you would personally reccomend? Thank you!
Many of the differences between denominations are small things that hardly anyone cares about, and different churches within a denomination can be incredibly different. So IMO it makes more sense to investigate the churches near you, eliminate ones that have theological positions you find unacceptable, and try out the others until you find one you like.
This will probably be controversial, but have you thought to ask "which church has had the most consistent teaching through its history?" versus "what church fits my beliefs?"
In otherwords are you looking for something that just rubber stamps what you already believe or are you seeking truth every if it challenges you to reevaluate what you believe?
The first question you might consider is how many local congregations are near your home. A denomination that matches your beliefs 100% won't do you much good if the closest church in that denomination is two hours away.
From there, you should consider your view on baptism, as that factor helps to eliminate options quite quickly. If you're fine with infant baptism, you can knock out all the Baptists, churches/Disciples of Christ, Assemblies of God, and other groups that teach against it. If you take the opposite position, you can limit yourself to the groups I just mentioned.
At that point, you might find a quiz more useful in narrowing down the options further. Or you may simply choose to start visiting come of the places and seeing how you feel there.
@@dustinduncan2444 I am glad you said this!
I didn't think much about locality, that's a good point! I live in a metropolitan area so I'd be surprised if a specific denomination wasn't represented near me, but that also doesn't mean another denomination that I closely fit with might be closer!
As a religious and gay man, I never really got the MCC. I've been to an MCC church and it honestly doesn't feel like a church, more like a club to talk about being gay with a cross in the background. Very weird, but I guess there are weirder churches
Yeah like the SBC where they diddle small children and hide and ignore it.... Ffs
I’m an Episcopalian. I love their liturgy and am orthodox in my theology, but appreciate the welcoming and inclusive nature of The Episcopal Church
I'm gay, and Methodist. I grew up in my church. It's been very community oriented, with a mixture of theological viewpoints. When I came out, there was no threat of rejection from my church.
Huh, I'm a member of MCC and that's not my experience with it
@JS-fm7ch the theology, the pastor at my church is incredibly well read and well spoken, and presents a very coherent doctrine of universal salvation. The specific community in our congregation is also really tight-knit and supportive. It's an incredibly decentralized denomination where, by design, no MCC congregation looks like any other. So, I have no idea what theology the other congregations teach
So the Episcopal Church has bishops (episcopii) running the church, the Presbyterian Church has elders (presbyters) running the church, but why does Metropolitan Community Church have no metropolitans running their church? 😄
Jokes aside, there's an actual tier in the Catholic and Orthodox church called a "Metropolitan". It's a bishop in charge of a Metropolis
@@joaovitormatos8147 is that different from archbishop?
@@hurinthalion5984all Metropolitans are Archbishops. But not all Archbishops are Metropolitans.
The short version is, it's heresy.
And the even incredibly shorter version: It's a cult! So very similar to the conservative ones, but a woke one! Next!
One man's heresy is another man's chosen faith.
@kennethbrock1400 Yeah
this type of church can be easily confused with the law "love thy neighbor" but they put this above "love the lord your god with all you soul, heart, mind, and strength"
Unfortunately many churches in the modern era fall into a similar trap. Many have abandoned any form of theocentric view of existence and now embrace a primarily anthropocentric worldview where man's wants and desires are placed about what God has revealed. To challenge God is now a virtue because denouncing anything stemming from the basest part of our fallen nature is somehow morally reprehensible. It's almost like the story of Eden and Babel when man presumed to be on equal footing with God.
Self-important Christians are showing that they are adding exceptions to Jesus words that are not there. "Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved." That's it. No asterisks or parentheses. Queer Christians follow Jesus just like you do. They love the The Lord They God with all their heart, mind and strength just like you do. They're just a bit more willing to follow the part about judging than you are.
@@cijmoYou must be born again to enter into the kingdom of God. Please read first John. It's a very short 5 chapter book. Then get back with me and let me know if you still really believe what you just said.
@@bobbyadkins6983Yeah, like I haven't read it before. I take my messages from God. Not a runny nosed yokel on social media.
I don't get these liberal "churches" that openly flout God's commands. Why even bother to call yourself Christian at that point?
to feel like they've been "saved" and following "the right path"
I mean, I don't think that many churches follow all 613 commands so you're gonna have to use scare quotes for all of them aren't you?
since when do liars need a reason to lie?
Your point? @marriage4life893
"Then Jesus said: hate thy neighbor and treat them like trash" - Theologically conservative "churches"
“It would seem that Our Lord finds our desires not too strong, but too weak. We are half-hearted creatures, fooling about with drink and sex and ambition when infinite joy is offered us, like an ignorant child who wants to go on making mud pies in a slum because he cannot imagine what is meant by the offer of a holiday at the sea. We are far too easily pleased.”
― C.S. Lewis, The Weight of Glory, and Other Addresses
delusional children's author who was certainly molested as a child, don't care too much about his ramblings
Yeah! The self-indulgence around which this denomination revolves can't possibly facilitate spiritual growth!!
Who needs such a "church"?
@@brotherandrew3393 Unfortunately, for too long, this was the only church available to people who were *literally banished* for their orientation.
@@daniellevinson6975 There is only one true Church. And that Church condems gay sexual acts and not an orientation because God hates men or women having sexual relations with the same gender.
And your pseudo church can not change a thing about it.
That's not real Christianity
You're just jealous.
I agree that this isn't Christianity. I get where they're coming from, but when someone starts to fiddle with whether or not a historical Jesus even existed and was or was not resurrected... that sounds like non-Christianity. I mean, even Muslims and Jews acknowledge that Jesus existed. I guess it is a religion inspired by elements of Christianity, but it's not enough for it to be fully Christian.
@@MicaiahBaronJealous of what exactly?
no objectively it is not christian at all. @@MicaiahBaron
Hello, good sir. I see you everywhere.
Hi Joshua, in which MCC document can you find the statements made in the video? Would be really helpful for an article I’m writing! Thanks
His sources are available for members of his website.
@@RepublicofEwhy should we have to pay money to see the sources for a video??
Here you go: mccchurch.org/files/2016/08/HolyConversations.pdf
@@ReadyToHarvest Thanks so much! Really helpful
That is appalling. You can't Follow Christ while believing He may or may not have even lived much less was crucified and resurrected! I don't understand this weird desire some people have to claim the name Christian while actively going against every teaching of Christ.
I think... well, for some it might be a matter of wishful thinking, wanting to justify some of the things they think/do. However, on the other hand, I think they're more philosophically Christian, meaning they agree with some of the values/principles and they do think there is a form of divinity (I always defined religion as philosophy with a God), but to be honest, they seem to disagree with some of the most basic things that make one a Christian: whether or not Jesus existed and was resurrected. I mean, even Muslims and Jews acknowledge Jesus was a real person. So, in some ways, they might be further from Christianity than Islam. I don't want to dunk on them or insult them, but with all due respect, they don't really qualify exactly as Christian in my book.
@FranzAntonMesmer Absolutely! Those Itching Ears need a Voice, after all.
@octavianpopescu4776 Yeah. It's odd that they barely even meet the bare minimum of what is expected of a Christian and their core beliefs. Like James said: You believe that there is one God. Good! Even the demons believe that-and shudder.
False chruch with damnable teachings. Just Vultural Marxism masking as a"church"
But ... so are you, right? Jesus said that all you have to do is believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved. You, a mortal citizen of the planet is claiming to be Christian yet judging others and deciding who is and isn't Christian. How is loving one another going against the teaching of Jesus? How is the ONLY means of salvation, that is to believe in the Lord Jesus Christ going against the teachings of Jesus? Not Paul. Not Poop Gregory (he amended the bible, you know that, right?) but Jesus?
So it's not a church?
No, it's a church, just not Christian.
@@AdirondackRubyit’s a church a christian term? like you don’t call a jewish place of worship a church its called a synagogue.
It’s a pagan temple
@@AdirondackRubywhich make it not a church.
Sure it is. A spiritually dead church of Satan.
I am sorry but the bible mentions that homosexuality is a sin multiple times, saying that it is a sin is not hate speech but saying that it isn't a sin is denying people salvation, as we say in our church Hate the sin not the sinner
Nothing to be sorry about.
Sounds like their theology is more like "Whatever makes you feel good...do it."
Man are they going to be in for a rude surprise when they die.
Hell isn't real lol.
Man are they going to be in for a rude surprise when they die.
@@hieldjivYou really don't want to test that theory of yours
@@FeloCoptic hell isn't real, it isn't a theory lol.
@@stevenwiederholt7000 I would say that you are gonna be in for a rude surprise when you die and realize that nothing happens, but you'll be dead so you wont even know lol
Christians who don't believe in the resurrection or even the historicity of Christ.
God will not be mocked. You can count on it.
Well, He was- numerous times throughout His earthly life, especially during His Passion.
@@thomasburke9060 Yes, and they were subject to covenantal judgment in AD70.
Exactly! Galatians 6:7-8.
@@thomasburke9060That means they won't get away with it. They will reap what they sew, like it goes on to say.
For most denominations, I don't consider that differences important to salvation. This stuff though, flat heresy.
I'm a gay Christian. I'm still attracted to men but attraction alone is not sin. This is called temptation, acting on it either in my mind (as a fantasy) or physically is a sin. Christ forgave our sins and died to save us from their effects. I don't think ignoring that and continuing my lifestyle would honor Christ's death. I don't like to bash atheists because all atheists are different from one another. I was once one. I thought if God was real then he hated me for making me gay and having his servants constantly disparage me. The truth is in Corinthians, Paul says that it's a very good thing to marry but an even better one to dedicate your life to serving Christ, not a spouse. So I chose Christ, he has become more of a desire in my heart than easy sex or a 60 year marriage.
To all of those saying that Jesus would've accepted gay marriage, I'm sorry but you're mistaken. Jesus would've accepted the 'homosexual' not the 'homosexual-ity.'
John 7:53 8-11 speaks of a woman caught in adultery and the Pharisees were about to stone the woman for her sins, and Jesus stopped them and told the one who was without sin to cast the first stone. None were without sin and Jesus was the only one who could stone her. Instead, he told her to go and LEAVE YOUR LIFE OF SIN. Therefore, while Jesus loved her and accepted her, he did NOT accept her sin.
I'm just telling you what the bible says about sin. If you want to argue that the bible says homosexuality is okay then fine, I'll listen to your argument. Don't try to say for one second that living a sinful life is okay however, Jesus clearly said it was NOT.
"Apostle to the homosexual and the transsexual": th-cam.com/video/oMCcMX-rApM/w-d-xo.html
So you say that homosexuality is sinful and leads to a sinful lifestyle, yet you admit to currently living that same kind of lifestyle and even tried to embrace it? This is illogical.
The Bible is quite clear on the subject according to Leviticus 18:22 and 1 Corinthians 6:9-11, yet you're trying to excuse the very thing that you deem sinful.
You're not a Christian. Repent and stop having unions with men. Bible says you can't and you should know better not to.
@@cxarhomell5867he said that acting on his desires is a sin but feeling those desires is not.
Reminds me of that verse in Romans “and God gave them up to a reprobate mind”
Romans chapter 1:18-32
Many bible verses come to mind.
Can anyone provide a background as to how unorthodox sexual and gender doctrines entered in to the teachings of a lot of churches like this, as well as many of the mainline Protestant churches. Does anyone know the timeline and the major figures involved in spreading this stuff, as well as what their attempted arguments are to dealing with the clear prohibitions on homosexuality and promiscuity in the Bible, both new and old Testaments ?
I think part of it depends on what you consider orthodox. For the majority of Christian history, divorce and remarriage was considered immortal. It wasn't until the 1930 Anglican Lambert conference that any major group of Christians allowed the use of artificial birth control. But both of those things in the last 50-60 years have become acceptable (if not the norm) within large swaths of christiandom.
Personally I would say much of it stems from a move away from having a teaching authority and going to the individual being the arbiter of what is moral. At that point it became easier to say "my interpretation of scripture is that what I want is good and therefore it is moral"
In reality, it is just the push of modernity on a church body that causes these doctrinal errors. As the other commenter already said, divorce and and birth control were immoral and forbidden, but then they weren't, homosexuality and promiscuous sex were immoral, until some said they weren't. It's more of a general erosion of morality than a single, defining event that catapults these things into doctrine. Mainlines like the ELCA and PCUSA allow gay marriage (in general), while churches like the LCMS, WELS, ECO, PCA, etc; do not. So simply fall into the sin trap of believing our own desires are in line with God's, they are not.
I would encourage you to be open to the idea that this obsession with regulating sexual expression is a relatively "new" idea within Christian teaching. Christianity should be about resurrection, not sexual ethics.
@@rosas9135 Christianity is a wholistic religion, morality, and lifestyle. Morality and conduct (which sexual behavior has been regulated for centuries both for crucial moral and secular purposes) are intertwined with salvation and worship. Traditional Christian morality is black and white; there are truly good and truly good bad moral actions. Progressives have a similar outlook; i.e. “there are no rational basis for standards, all conduct is permissible, and any critique of paraphilia or traditionally identified antisocial behavior is wrong and needs to be deemed “anti liberal”, “hateful” or “bigoted”.”
@@rosas9135I could respond with a similar challenge to you view, that there is an obsession on the part of progressives and jews in society to make paraphilia and antisocial sexual behavior a common, accepted practice, when in reality it is deviant behavior that destroys familiar cohesion and is strongly intertwined to all other forms of harmful behaviors (mental disorder, drug use, sociopathy and STDs)
There really should be a line drawn, of which churches you present as 'Christian'. This is frankly ridiculous
We're getting too lax on what it means to be a Christian. So you don't even have to believe in Jesus now?
Yes, that's why only catholics, those members of the holy roman catholic apostolic Church that Our Lord is the head and founder, in St. Peter (cf. St. Matthew XVI, 16-19), who became the first pope, outside Which there's absolutely no salvation (Extra Ecclesiam nulla salus): Are christians, and thus can be saved. Being those outside Her, as the sacrossanct council of Trent teached, in order: Excommunicated, schismatics, heretics, jews and pagans; all doomed to hell ipso facto.
@@josephmariaotf Vatican II says otherwise. Know your own lore.
The first surprise you’ll have of Hell: is that it exists.
Does it?
In what sense?
As the current fiery realm of demons where sinners are tormented day and night?
This idea is pagan in origin.
Most of the time the word he'll appears in scripture it is better understood as simply the grave.
There will be a lake of fire in which unbelievers will be cast.
Is that what you meant?
@@geordiewishart1683 do you know what the second thing you’ll be surprised to see when you get there will be?
Get where?
Please explain.
You referenced hell, and then I mentioned the lake of fire.
Do you want me to guess?
You have obviously fallen for the lie of immortal souls going to eternal punishment. Even though the bible clearly talks about the destruction of the damned.
It's funny how your idea of a soul has ears, eyes, a mouth, and can feel pain.
So is the soul a body?
The bible says man is a soul.
God breathed into Adam's nostrils and he became a living soul.
Do you even read scripture?
@@geordiewishart1683 the second shock you’ll find is that you got there so fast.
@@geordiewishart1683 do you know what the third thing that would shock you about Hell will be?
their very existence is blasphemy
would be interested in any sources you can provide for the quotes you've made in your videos.
Here is the source for the quote in this video. mccchurch.org/files/2016/08/HolyConversations.pdf
looking forward to this comment section 🍿
I hate this comment, I hate my own comment!
I'm sure it will be very civil and filled with genuine desire for interdenominational dialogue 🙂
Thank you for all you do to keep us informed! It’s hard to believe that they’d even call themselves a church.
Or christians/christianity.
Not to be confused with Metropolitan TABERNACLE Church(es) !!
Lord, have mercy.
Please Lord not on them. They do not deserve mercy. I think you were probably saying Lord have mercy on your soul not theirs.
@@simonskinner1450I mean Lord have mercy on this fallen stupid world where stuff like this goes on. Blasphemy, plain and simple.
@@GratiaPrima_ I agree it is all you say it is, but mercy is not merited, else why bother caring. I say Lord have mercy on those who are not tempted into sin.
@@GratiaPrima_ I agree it is all you say it is, but mercy is not merited, else why bother caring. I say Lord have mercy on those who are not tempted into sin.
@@simonskinner1450 Nobody _deserves_ God's mercy, and yet God shows mercy upon all of us.
"I say to you, love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you, that you may be sons of your Father in heaven; for He makes His sun rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the just and on the unjust. For if you love those who love you, what reward have you?" (Matthew 5:44-46)
I just learned there is one of these literally two minute walking distance from my house and I somehow never cared to notice, wow
Gay clubs tend to be discreet.
Safe to say it is not a Christian church.
You have an error in your title. This is not a church. Not a Christian one anyway.
Hi Joshua, please do a video on the Church of North India and it's Theology. Thanks.
they are anglicans like the CSI their more relevant sibling church
@@joshvarges9230 I feel the same too. However, many presbyters deny that they're truly "Anglicans" but just "reformed". I know we're Anglicans but still in confusion. Thanks.
They have certainly never read about Sodom and Gomorrah.
In Roman Catholicism, they separate the human being from the behavior as far as the LGBTQ+ community is concerned. Do other churches do that?
What's purgatory then? Haha
If you could elaborate on what you mean that'd be great.
Every protestant church I've been to says the same
From a strictly theological perspective, most churches I'm aware of don't teach that experiencing same-sex attraction is inherently sinful, but rather that acting on those impulses is sinful. In practice, however, many people in those churches will act in a way that says, "You're gay, and that makes you of less worth as a human being."
The orthodox say the same thing. Being gay isn’t a sin, anymore than being tempted is. Being tempted (in this case to pursue homosexual acts) isn’t a sin. Jesus Christ was Himself tempted by Satan in the desert, which isn’t a sin.
But of course acting on this temptation is a different story.
@@ChristianEphraimson I'm not a theologian, but I'll give it a shot. The Catholic Church teaches that we are born with concupiscence (the tendency of humans to sin). Everyone has the tendency to sin, and that is not sinful in and of itself.
The person who has same-sex attraction is as beloved of God as anyone else. However, cultivating the desire to sin, and actually indulging in those acts separates a person from God. The person has put their attachment to bodily desires before loving God.
Scripture teaches that nothing unclean will enter the presence of God. Purgatory is a state of existence after death for those who have died in God's grace but are insufficiently purified. They are still attached to sin. They are purified with God's help. It's an entirely different thing than hell, which is the complete absence of God.
This is what happens when you put YOURSELF over GOD.
Modernity swapped a belief in the sanctity of the soul for the sanctity of sex. Therefore it's not entirely surprising that there would be churches that conflate sexuality with the soul, believing that to pass judgment on sexual expression is to deny a person their very spirit. I don't hold this view but it's out there captivating people by the mililions.
We have an MCC church near me and it always has something rainbow related on their marque
Jesus told the woman to go and sin no more, that also applies to us.
Havent you already covered this before?
Yes, as linked in the end card, I have a full video on MCC. But this is the first video on them in my 2 minute series.
If they don’t believe in Jesus then why are they even getting baptized..
How are these Christian church?
They're not
Don’t take the Bible literally…
Jesus: Everyone who is angry with his brother is liable to judgement.
These guys: Listen my friend, don’t take the words of the Bible literally. Instead take Christs words here figuratively, you can actually get as angry as you like with your brother. Let wrath consume you OK? 😌 Just whatever you do don’t EVER read the Bible literally. Now go forth nag angrily fued with your brothers and sisters, make this community as toxic as possible.
This is just Heresy
aka _Ready to drown_
Millstone Community Churches
funny thing 2 + months ago. There was this thing about "The Millstone Knights of Christ are hosting awards ceremonies at coastal libraries from Nova Scotia to Acapulco" they stopped one week before bammers cheif drwon. @@happyjosiah
The Bible says let the person without sin cast the first stone
yes, but it also says in 1st John 3:8 "the one who practices sin is of the devil"
@@Gr4nto didn’t Jesus also say love thy neighbour as I have loved you
@@BramptonAnglicanJesus also said that those who don't believe in Him as their Lord and Savior are to be condemned. John 3:16-18.
Three verses further Jesus also said "go and sin no more".
Ya. . . "Christians". . . right. . .
The Protestant reformation and it’s consequences
I would rather be in this excuse of a church than in the papist cult of Catholicism
The Filioque and it's consequences
This comment section is gonna be something
Kyrie Eleison.....
I think it’s called Church of the Devil in scripture
Saw a video recently of a “pastor” leading the “Sparkle Creed”. Most unholy idiotic thing I’ve ever heard.
That can't be real
@@ChristianEphraimson Unfortunately, it's real
@@ChristianEphraimson the world is a dark place, my friend. The fire of the holy spirit will guide you, but in the wake of sin, you will see truly abominable things.
So they are diverse.diverse.diverse.diverse.maximus.
Eh, what do they actually STAND for in the end if everything is allowed?
Well, one could argue that an "everything is allowed" welcoming space is just what some people need.
And, religion or no, the homosexual community in the USA has been pretty good at caring for their own through multiple support structures and caring for your fellow member while asking others to do likewise. Indeed, I suspect many evangelical Christian communities do the exact thing, even though many of them are convinced gays are evil and will all go hell.
@@darreljones8645They will if they don't accept Jesus Christ as Lord and don't change from their sinful ways.
Not the body of Christ. Not the Church.
Wheres the LGBTQ mosque hey?
Bet that doesnt happen
Of course it doesn't. What's your point? Islam is deeply intolerant with rare exceptions.
Are you saying you want modern Christianity to return to being as intolerant and murderous as Islam? The 17th century was a bloodbath for Christianity.
Some real Synagogue of Satan energy.
Sodom and Gomorrah would’ve loved this one
You say any were, but does that include other countries?? I assume this group would include western Europe, but that's about it.?
I’m just here for the comment section. 😎
Then you should be here for the channel as well. Learn more about these types of churches, why the Bible is important, and why you should stay away form churches like the MCC.
This sounds like a club, not a church.
A total freak show
TLDR: they aren’t a real church and should never be recognized as such. And any member that denies the resurrection of Christ is not a Christian, full stop
Only one Gospel:
The Gospel of Reconciliation.
Jesus Christ came into THEIR kingdom
to reconcile fallen angels unto Himself.
We are the fallen angels kept in DNA chains of darkness.
If you do not confess being a fallen angel in Lucifer's kingdom, then you are an unbeliever.
Unbeliever = those that claim to be made in the image of God.
Sounds like a cult. I study cults. This has nothing to do with Christ. Not all cults have a direct leader but can follow an idea/philosophy. Regular churches need to open their arms to the LGBT and show them love. Or they end up here in this non sense. Souls are souls and everyone is deserving of a healthy relationship with Christ.
Provide a series of videos about Judaism please. THANKS!
There is no such thing as a gay Christian. God does not validate sin. You guys better wake up and fast.
I Corinthians 6:9-20
A lot of people in these comments conflating the denomination not having a required creed with the denominations members not believing in things lol. Every MCC church member ive talked to is solidly christian and every service ive attended is solidly christian, they just dont kick you to the door if you say you dont believe in any of it lol
If they don't believe in the Bible and Jesus' Resurrection, then they are not Christians.
1 Corinthians 6:9-11
Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived. Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor homosexuals, nor sodomites, nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners will inherit the kingdom of God. And such were some of you. But you were washed, but you were sanctified, but you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus and by the Spirit of our God.
When you cherry pick the bible as the MCC does you are making God in your own image and essentially inventing their own religion.
Only one Gospel:
The Gospel of Reconciliation.
Jesus Christ came into THEIR kingdom
to reconcile fallen angels unto Himself.
We are the fallen angels kept in DNA chains of darkness.
If you do not confess being a fallen angel in Lucifer's kingdom, then you are an unbeliever.
Unbeliever = those that claim to be made in the image of God.
@@qwerty-so6ml "If you do not confess being a fallen angel in Lucifer's kingdom, then you are an unbeliever."
Perfect example of what you responded to you are literally making up your own religion please provide scripture stating we are fallen angels.
Daniel 12:4 But thou, O Daniel, shut up the words, and SEAL UP THE BOOK, even to the time of the end: many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased.
This is Daniel's sealed scroll, unsealed.
Genesis 1 is Lucifer and the fallen angels making man in their image. Man is an idol, a trap for angels. (tares)
Genesis 1 only uses the word ELOHIM.
Genesis 2:7 the Lord God forms His representative in THEIR system. (wheat)
Genesis 2:4 is where the word Lord God (YHWH ELOHIM) is found.
Exodus 20:4 YHWH ELOHIM forbids idols and likeness (embodiment = human host body).
Jesus called you a god/angel.
John 10:34 Jesus answered them, Is it not written in your law, I said, Ye are gods?
What law?
Psalm 82:6 I have said, Ye are gods (H430); and all of you are children of the most High.
7 But ye shall die like men, and fall like one of the princes.
Strongs H430 Elohim = angels, gods (little g).
Right there, he called you a god (angel) that shall die like man, and fall. A fallen angel.
Romans 5:10 For if, when we were enemies, we were reconciled to God by the death of his Son, much more, being reconciled, we shall be saved by his life.
No mention of unrepentant man in Matthew 25:41.
Matthew 25:41 Then shall he say also unto them on the left hand, Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels:
Pray that your eyes are opened.
Pray for the conversion of such 'churches'
I like the MCC as a concept way more than other denominations TBH I feel like we all have to agree on who Jesus is tho that's honestly where they lose me
Uh... But, it's OK to forget about the parts where Jesus called hoors to repent of their sins??
Protestants can't even divorce white supremacy lmao. Give me a break
Get the flamer, the Heavy flamer
The United Church of Church ordained a gay man to the ministry in 1972 it was the first religion in the world to ordain a gay minister.
Oh, how many ones ordained on the RCC being gay before 1972!... Don't be ingenuous, sir!... Simply those ones on the "7 sisters" are being honest with themselves and their communities, while the RCC ones, are many of them the disgrace one would imagine. Next!
The “mother church” of my own communion - the Ecumenical Catholic Church, founded by Mark Shirilau - was heavily influenced by the MCC.
Bishop Shirilau, himself homosexual, sought a more affirming church than the Lutheran church he was raised in, and almost joined the MCC (his husband was ordained an MCC deacon). However, the MCC did not meet his growing love of liturgy and Catholic ritual.
He was consecrated by Bishop Donald Jolly-Gabriel of the American Orthodox Catholic Church for independent catholic ministry in what would become the ECC.
This person is not any kind of Bishop. He does not have Apostolic succession. This is a Protestant cosplaying Catholic.
@@isoldam Apostolic succession is through Carlos Duarte Costa, Milton Cunha, and the Catholic Apostolic Church of Brazil.
@@Mick116When you walk away and teach a different faith to the point you have to form your own church. You don't have apostolic succession.
If you want to change/redefine something you have to form an ecumenical council and have it affirmed.
@@KillerofGods No dogma was changed.
@@Mick116 If that were the case he would've joined the Catholic church or an EO church.
Yep… We are *SO* in the End times…
First half of the trib...well into the red horse. The churches are spewed out, btw.
@@notapplicable430 We, including me must pray ceaselessly.
@@metalrocker627 When you fully understand what is happening...ceaseless prayer will come effortlessly to you.
What a hot mess!
All going merrily to hell hand in hand. Terribly sad.
That church is heretical!
A grift for tax exempt status.
The church of man will not end well.
Amen 🙏
6th Upload asking for a video on the NALC
Well we know where they will go
No, we don't.
@@thomasburke9060 yeah. We can faithfully apply God's word to this situation. Hell
@@jacobortega3424 How does one apply the person of the Lord Jesus Christ to a situation to come to a conclusion?
@@thomasburke9060 what?? Because it seems apparent you either don't know or believe in the Bible, I'll follow the words of Proverbs ch 26.
@@jacobortega3424 God can and may have mercy on whomever He wishes, whenever He wishes, by whichever means He wishes, regardless of whether His means are apparent to us or not. So we definitely do not know if anyone in particular will be lost forever.
Multiple baptisms? Oh lord. Not to mention other things.
This is a church of Ishtar. The Lord will destroy this teaching and cast its spiritual influencers into the fiery pit of hell.
well if you see it this way if they create their own club they can't infiltrate our churches anymore 🤣
So it's hedonism with the bible sprinkled in.
The sprinkling may or may not be literal.
@@ChristianEphraimson 🤣
That is not a Church in any way.
Nor christianity.
@@SGOV86 , Christianity is.
Ah yes the church of satan.
In my opinion, from my experience I fee that this place is like a cult. I am so glad that I left it. I am still a proud Gay man and I don’t hate anybody.
You misspelled cult
So heretics.
Demonic horde of snakes
So basically .... not a church?
"Christians"...... No.
Going to a church like this just seems like a waste of time to me.
It is a waste of time indeed.
Sorry, but this isn't a church. This is an abomination to God. I pray for their souls. Hope to see them in heaven one day.
The hope of the believer is in the physical resurrection, on the earth.
Quote from scripture where it teaches that man will dwell in heaven.
Oh dear!
Wouldn't they be more comfortable worshipping Hedone or one of the other deities associated with erotic pleasure?
I'm a gay Christian, snd this is APPALLING!
That's very doubtful given the fact that it supports your sins and the very lifestyle that you currently live.
@@cxarhomell5867No one said anything about what lifestyle he lives. That's just you.
I have no relationship with this church but this video spends a lot of time emphasizing the church's tolerance towards sexual diversity and no time trying to understand their theology properly.