It's being reflected onto 4 flat see=through panels that give off the illusion of a 3D object in the center when really your just looking at at a flat plane. Think the creepy painting where the eyes seem to fallow you. Too bad no one posted the video of how to set it up. its on there website. Looks really good though
around 0:38 it passes through a corner and seems to me it has depth and the image appears just like a 3-d object inside. has anyone here seen these at fairs and such
It's being reflected onto 4 flat see=through panels that give off the illusion of a 3D object in the center when really your just looking at at a flat plane. Think the creepy painting where the eyes seem to fallow you. Too bad no one posted the video of how to set it up. its on there website. Looks really good though
it is real in a sense, as it's free floating but it's not volumetric, and you will see the same image from any angle.
amazing song, does anybody know its name?
Do you sell or rent the product?
around 0:38 it passes through a corner and seems to me it has depth and the image appears just like a 3-d object inside.
has anyone here seen these at fairs and such
Song pls????
You may be able to view it at 360 degrees, but there are only 4 source images. This is a cheat, not a hologram.