@Bezawit, denying change and development is a sign of fear and shallowness. If you cannot see the positive achievements, then I am sorry to say you are an enemy of Ethiopia. Where were you the last 45years, when Ethiopia was at a stand still full of fear and despondency? Ethiopia is moving forward and if you don't see this I am sorry but you are blinded by hate and fear.
ኢቲቪዎች በርቱ እንዲህ የተሰሩ እዉነቶችን ዘግቡልን በመንደር በጎጥ በብሔር አትሾገጡ ከዚህ በበለጣ እንጠብቃለን 🙏🙏🙏🇪🇹🇪🇹🇪🇹🇪🇹
አብቹ ብርቅ ድንቅ ምርጥ መሪያችን አብቹን የሰጠን አምላክ ይክበር ይመስገን !!❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Changes often encounter resistance from some stakeholders, but the most effective approach is to educate and persist with the work. Well done!
wow, that magic work and easy to create artificial lakes
መንግስትን ለማክበር እፈልጋለሁ ደሀን መደገፍ የሚበረታታ ነው 🇪🇹❤️🇪🇹
የአዳማው ኮሪደር ልማት እንዲሁ ሰሩ ለመባል እንጂ የመኪና መንገድ ስፋት እና የእግረኛ መንገድ አልተከናወነም
በፍጹም የዛፍና የሳር አለባበሱም ጉራማይሌ የሆነ የሆይሆይታ እንጂ በስርአት አልተሰራም
መስተዳደሩ ቆም ብሎ በማሰብ ክለሳና የማረም ስራ ቢደረግ
የባይስክል ተጠቃሚ ብዛት ስላለ የባይስክል መንገድም ቢታሰብበት
Seeriibiiyaa akkadhabuun siirniibiiyaa akkadhabudhaa dhiibiiyaa.gudadhaa.dhugaanbakkadhabdee eenyuuleen dhabatee hubatuuqabaa
Kedada hulu. Adama zirfiya enji min tesera? Ye OPDO kiritoch mesrek new yemichilut.
kedada sew eyegedelk zaf besew dem talemaleh
ደጉ ያገሬ ገበሬ በሂወት መኖር ብርቅ ሆኖበታል እናንተ እዚህ ተቃናጡ ሃገር እያፈረሰ በሰው ደም ቺግኝ የሚያበቅል ደንቆሮ መሪ አለን. 😢😢
Bezi, endezih yesefawen Afeshen betesebesebi ayeshalem? Maneneteshen, ena yaleshibeten tenekeken enawkalen, endategerefi!!
@Bezawit, denying change and development is a sign of fear and shallowness. If you cannot see the positive achievements, then I am sorry to say you are an enemy of Ethiopia. Where were you the last 45years, when Ethiopia was at a stand still full of fear and despondency? Ethiopia is moving forward and if you don't see this I am sorry but you are blinded by hate and fear.
😂😂 የፋኖ ለቅሶ ነው እዬዬ በይ😅
ጨለምተኛ አትሁን ያ ሌላ ጥያቄ ነው ይሄ ደሞ የብዙ ሰዎች ድካም ነው ደግሞ ለገበሬዎች አስበክ ሳይሆን እንዴት እቃወማለው ብለክ ነው እንጂ