My rant about learning real world skills from playing World of Warcraft

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 21 มิ.ย. 2014
  • This video is kind of inspired by a recent article I read about WoW being a real life skill in the workplace. Personally I think that for 95% of people who raid or play WoW this is absolute bullshit and I'm going to give you guys my examples of why.
    As I said with the title, this is kind of a rant so it's a lot longer than my usual videos, and also more off-topic. Hopefully it won't be too shitty as I did cut out quite a bit of pointless talking.
    If you have any video requests, feel free to comment them below :D
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ความคิดเห็น • 140

  • @DANJOHN82
    @DANJOHN82 10 ปีที่แล้ว +54

    I went for a job interview, told them I ninja'd Invincible. They called me a thief and had me removed from the building. ;)

  • @iMarcism
    @iMarcism 10 ปีที่แล้ว +28

    You are a unique youtuber who is able to combine games and real life content together well. Keep it up

  • @wizardenjoyer
    @wizardenjoyer 9 ปีที่แล้ว +25

    I actually used this on my application to work in the Aria Hotel & Casino in las vegas about 5 years ago now, mentioning I was the Raid Leader / Guild Leader of a rank 48 u.s. and 82 world guild. Where I was constantly dealing with 30 people (as we always kept about 5 people extra in our rotation) and how I had to deal with basically employee relations with them to ensure fairness and equality while remaining very competitive in an ever changing enviroment. Dealing with constant losses, or acquisitions of raiders(employees) and all of the other micro management that went along with it. Today, I'm the floor supervisor, making over 6 figures. and I honestly believe if I didnt mention my people skills, and leadership skills at that level I wouldnt be here today being as I have 0 college background unlike the rest of the floor supervisors Ive talked to.

    • @brunobarak3603
      @brunobarak3603 7 ปีที่แล้ว

      Donald Sterling send money

    • @blakeknopf2721
      @blakeknopf2721 6 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      you got lucky dude, if I tried that here in seattle people would look at me like I was a jacka**

  • @wowtippercom
    @wowtippercom 10 ปีที่แล้ว +61

    Nice rant. Here's my story :
    I was with a guild for almost TWO years. I LOVED my rl and adored him I was like his minion. I had much respect for him. I had 100% raid attendance FOR TWO YEARS! My raid attendance was SO GOOD that my rl adjusted team's EPGP based on MY attendance! And I was their 2nd best healer on meters per all fights and good dispeller and always was quick to BR when a br was called. I ALWAYS showed up 15 min before raid always ready and even showed up for our 10 man achieves run we did in BWD and BOT I was always there when he needed me.
    MOP rolls out and our RL spams trade and recruits some "bodies" he over recruited healers big time. 8 to be exact and nobody wanted to sit outside of instance wasting their time while others were raiding. I hope you agree with me. So as a good raider or just being stupid I began offering to sit because only I and another shaman would ever offer to sit but deep inside I HATED it. I was thinking "why do I have to SIT while someone who just re-rolled made a new class has HORRIBLE Internet connection and just dies by standing in bad stuff gets to take my place?"
    My rl recruited another resto druid who was our 8th healer out of 25 man roaster and I had to rotate with him. He was raiding from India and his IT connection was horrible. If I were a RL I'd tell him "fix your IT connection then come back" instead my RL gave him too many chances and he'd just die RIGHT AWAY either to connection or to something stupid and they'd just 4 heal the entire encounter!
    My final "straw" was when we were killing Elegon in MSV and the following week my RL made me sit outside even though we used EPGP (DKP system) and I was #1 in DKP and wanted boots from Elegon. Fine I sat on that encounter. The other resto drood died right away, they began to 4 healing it, they BR him he dies right away again, they BR him AGAIN, he DIES AGAIN for the 3rd time so they just kept him dead. The boots dropped he got them by default because there was no other resto druid in raid with him plus they did an achievement so he received an achievement while laying DEAD! I was so furious, I just announced next day that I was DONE. But we had to put in our 2 weeks notice and what they did, they'd summon me for trash pulls to heal the tank so the other resto druid was ALWAYS afk during trash pulls and when we'd get to the boss, they'd kick me from the raid! Then they'd summon me back again for another trash pull. I don't even know why the f.... I did those 2 weeks because when they had a "spot" for a healer they invited me to raid back with them but again I found myself sitting outside and even in shitty gear I could pull high hps numbers and be their 2nd best healer (after very geared holy priest). I finally left for good and just went casual mode for MOP.
    The conclusion : You think you are being valued and respected, you treat this stupid game like it's your damn job, you show up before the start time, you perform, you are noted for your performance/participation etc and they they treat you like crap and give your "earned" spot to some rookie. /end of rant Sorry for it being too long.
    I now pug SOO via openraid.

    • @asmongold1341
      @asmongold1341  10 ปีที่แล้ว +25

      Yeah that is quite a story, this exact thing happened to me during Firelands, another warrior got the BiS Shannox neck over me (We also used EPGP) when we couldn't even let him into progression because he was a liability. What I did is I told my guild leader at the time how demotivating it is to have your gear given to someone else who didn't earn it and I explained to him what my problem was one on one. He was very understanding and agreed with me and nothing like that ever happened again.It's really important to make sure that people know your feelings, sometimes you may think that people are on the same page as you, but they're not. Quite a few times I've had raiders think that I knew about some problem they were having and I was ignoring it, but the fact is that I was just overwhelmed with other stuff and didn't remember, or they had never cleared communicated the problem in the first place. My best advice to you going forward is if something like that happens, talk to your guild leader/raid leader etc directly and expressly communicate exactly what you have a problem with to make sure they know where you're coming from.

    • @SuperSteve180
      @SuperSteve180 9 ปีที่แล้ว

      wow tipper That's incredibly messed up my friend.

    • @CrysisBunny
      @CrysisBunny 9 ปีที่แล้ว +6

      +wow tipper Interesting story though I think this is where the line between loyalty and becoming someone's bitch becomes VERY thin. I think you became the latter, should have put the foot down.

    • @ericberkbigler293
      @ericberkbigler293 8 ปีที่แล้ว

      +wow tipper man, that sucks - I feel for you, I haven't had the same experience, but had started a guild with someone, signed their roster (he had been a friend and co-worker at the time), and everything was great.. until Yoko shows up (his girlfriend joined and started playing) she starts playing and all hell breaks loose - she starts yelling at folks when SHE screws up, calling people names, telling them off and even kicking them out of the guild. Now, this was after the trial period, she was nice all through that - and the guild master promoted her to officer and things went downhill from there.. smh

    • @lynchsmith2310
      @lynchsmith2310 8 ปีที่แล้ว

      +wow tipper dude that fucking sucks! hahaha

  • @ashtron7k
    @ashtron7k 9 ปีที่แล้ว

    I really like the videos you post. It's interesting to hear some of these vague facets of WoW, coming from someone who knows the game.

  • @pennclick
    @pennclick 9 ปีที่แล้ว

    It's really an interesting discussion you bring up. I want to preface this by saying I love your videos, and I really appreciate the candid presentation you put out. Having said that, I think the title is a bit misleading, because the discussion was moreso about gaining experience purely for use in a societal workplace as opposed to learning "real world" skills in general.
    I think the best way to summarize it is that factually, the game has the potential to teach or impart real world skills. However, it is not a guarantee, it is not a given, and certainly isn't a definite variable. Depends on the person, the place, the time, as with a lot of things. Whether society as a whole accepts experience in World of Warcraft or gaming as something to bring to the table in a workplace environment is something that can just as easily shift with the times. In 5-10 years, we could be swamped in a gaming culture so vast it'd be silly not to bring it up. This goes both ways, though. Just 5-10 years ago, bringing up gaming at all in any non-entertainment context was preposterous.
    My conclusion would be that by playing World of Warcraft, you run the possibility of gaining some real world skills. Whether those skills aids you in the workplace environment is dependent on the person and the workplace itself; just like bringing up that skill in a job interview is dependent on the interviewer and the job they represent. Ultimately, when you're going in for a job interview, you should use common sense. If you're interviewing for a regular slot at a hip and new club as a comedian, you might throw out a racist joke and assuming it was funny, it would count as a point in your favor. Throwing out a racist joke at an interview for a position at a law firm will probably only serve to seal your unemployment. All this taken into account however, yeah, I wouldn't want a ragey, entitled, power-hungry guild leader working at my job.

  • @CEORobbo
    @CEORobbo 7 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    I miss these kind of videos

  • @Peo145
    @Peo145 10 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Btw love the channel, keep it up. Will share it with my friends

  • @josephorona6614
    @josephorona6614 9 ปีที่แล้ว

    Good Video. I like what you bring up here. People are quick to stereotypes gamers for best or worst. And a lot of emphasis on those two words. People only consider the extremes when making judgements about a group, but often time people fall in the middle ground. Love the depth and personal experience you give.

  • @ericberkbigler293
    @ericberkbigler293 8 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    leading a raid is one thing, being a GOOD raid leader shows leadership ability if you do it for any length of time and actually put forth effort assigning tasks and deadlines for those tasks to people and assigning them teams or partners to accomplish those tasks
    personally, I've NEVER been a part of a good guild - and the one I'm in now is basically just me with a bunch of grayed-out names in the roster (8 are my other alts and 2 are my ex's characters)
    a great guild leader encourages, helps the lowbe accomplish the tasks they want to accomplish, sets goals for the members like 'level up to 30 this week' or 'work on learning how to heal in raids by watching video footage of people who know how to do it really well', etc
    there should be a 'lfgg' (looking for good guild) search tool in wow ;)

  • @UltraJordanGaming
    @UltraJordanGaming 10 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Such a cool channel! I might have to try World of Warcraft out sometime. :)

  • @SimplyAstonished
    @SimplyAstonished 8 ปีที่แล้ว +10

    My guild is a mythic guild full cleared atm. we always have calm heads and if someone is being bad we politely ask them to sit this one out its just a game not a job

  • @Xylarxcode
    @Xylarxcode 8 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    The problem with this, I have found is best described in one word. Nepotism.
    It's always so that a guild leader will favor his real life friends, partners and family members over complete strangers. Whether those people are good, mediocre or bad players, they get more chances, easier invitations and more rights to gear then someone who's a relative stranger, even if that stranger's raid performance was above expectation.
    They'll favor someone they actually know, even if that person's raid performance is below that of the others, just because they know each other in real life.
    From my personal experience, I was once in a guild that I loved being in. It moved at the right pace, it had a learning curve that fit me perfectly and people were generally well behaved. But there were two things that always bugged me about it.
    The first was that the guild leader could never trust anyone else to lead a raid, other then himself. So we only ever got to form one raid group with him as the leader because he couldn't trust anyone else to do an adequate job. As a result, we could only take 25 people with us, which lead to many being forced to sit out and eventually even leave because they had to pug it due to not getting an invite for the umpteenth time.
    The second problem was that he always, ALWAYS took his girlfriend with him. No exception. She was a resto druid and a real bitch, to boot. She was insanely jealous, petty and controlling. She was so paranoid of any other resto druid, she forbade any from joining. If you were a resto dudu, you had to respecc to something else, or you would never get an invite. I might have overlooked it if she was a good healer, but she wasn't. She was always last or tied for last. And every damn time, she would always spout her poisonous, derogatory filth at anyone who dared point anything bad about her out. God, I hated that bitch.
    I don't think I have ever been in a guild were people didn't favor someone because of a friendship/family connection they shared.
    In a real life work environment, there are rules in place that forbid people from enforcing nepotism. In an MMO, there are no such rules. And, let's face, although there are many normal people playing this game that you can reason with, it's still an online game where your anonimity is protected, so people are much quicker to insult you and say stuff they'd never dare say to your face. Even the people who are more socially awkward will lash out at you and say things they'd never dream of saying otherwise.

  • @Sweet_Reverb
    @Sweet_Reverb 8 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I think I saw that same article a while back, exactly. Putting that you run a group on a game filled with shitty kids, I wouldn't use that as a basis to even be friends with a person, let alone hire them. I wonder how many people were thrown off the beaten track by that article. Good vid, as always. Same thing with hosting servers for games. TF2 server host/used to be admins of other servers, this shit goes on constantly. When people would ask to be a mod of a server of mine, they'd bring up being mods of other servers (basically the same thing) doesn't make me bat an eye, and if I was looking to employ someone, that'd probably make me think less of them, even. Someone says they were a mod of Skial, hell, I'm going to look at him negatively.
    All in all, great vid.

  • @Natshara
    @Natshara 10 ปีที่แล้ว

    WoW raiding helped me massively with overcoming anxiety problems and dealing with people, but as you said towards the end unless I was a world first raider and knew the person who was interviewing knew about the game outside of the South Park episode and such I wouldn't even dare put WoW onto a resume

  • @gustavbrolos4862
    @gustavbrolos4862 10 ปีที่แล้ว

    again why does this guy not have 100k subs?:p Your statement and they way you argue for your opinion(s) is amazing!

  • @Jaidon441
    @Jaidon441 7 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    If you stare at the corner of the back wall for long enough it starts to play with your mind

  • @tgrgaming1564
    @tgrgaming1564 9 ปีที่แล้ว

    I love your vids dude, you're awesome xD

  • @Boompass
    @Boompass 8 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    My old GM in vanilla used to apply the same management techniques in our guild as he did to his own company, he was the best GM ever.

  • @blakeknopf2721
    @blakeknopf2721 6 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    you're a wise dude asmon, you are very understanding and it seems like you try looking at things from multiple points of view

  • @chuck7514
    @chuck7514 ปีที่แล้ว

    Damn where is this assman now? The greatest humblest of all human warriors back in the day. We need u back ASSman please bring me on a journey of raiding so I can gear up. I mostly do deadmines and sfk but I'm ready for the hogger raid

  • @Mr.Knubbles
    @Mr.Knubbles 10 ปีที่แล้ว

    What you mention about the stereotypes is completely true. People always tell me stories of extreme scenarios that happened to their friends or relatives whenever I mention that I play Warcraft.

  • @kayle7155
    @kayle7155 8 ปีที่แล้ว

    Wow, you've come so far lol. Still a great rant though, love your content

  • @MrSpukinator
    @MrSpukinator 9 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    yeah dont ever admit u play WoW in ur workplace. personally everyone i work with talks to me adn complains about how their children are "always playing those damn TV games" of course i am secretly smilying to myself because i play games to, but i wouldnt admit that. the generation who will be ur boss in the workforce is like 40+ at least, and they had arcades, not video games growing up, and all they see is negative things that come with gameing. and with all that said in my experience world of warcraft carries even more negativity with it than other games, people here warcraft and they think u are roleplaying for 12+ hours a day. so yeah, unless u go in for ur interview and find urself in a room with a bunch of "For the horde/alliance!" gear, and screen shot print outs of raid boss kills hanging on the wall, keep ur gameing habit, and ESPECIALLY the fact that ur gameing habit includes warcraft, to urself.

  • @dylandean1553
    @dylandean1553 7 ปีที่แล้ว

    wow this video makes me feel so much better about my raid leading. sometimes you forget how bad it can get with bad leaders.

  • @Peo145
    @Peo145 10 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    I do indeed think raidleading and guildleading teaches you something helpful irl but as you said, wouldnt mention it in a applycation

  • @Bachiok
    @Bachiok 9 ปีที่แล้ว

    I think that if you are a raid leader someone that has to control a guild or a raid team, well isn't that the same job description as a manager at a store

  • @dementedasylum7817
    @dementedasylum7817 10 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Good points, Asmo.

  • @crouchingsmartass
    @crouchingsmartass 8 ปีที่แล้ว

    100% correct. There are tons of GMs & Raid leaders. How many are actually successful at the task tho? It would be like putting on a resume you were a platoon leader in the military. Well great you were in charge of a group. Did you ever lose any? Well yea 6. Being in charge of a group of people doesn't mean you did the job well. The only time I'd suggest putting something like that on a resume is if you accomplished the task well & you're applying for a job in the gaming community. GM/RL doesn't = Great at leading. I did an amazing job as an officer in my old guild. I however have held positions in real life where I managed large groups of people well. I have excellent people & communication skills, & I am able to get people to do what needs to be done. I have a BA. I would never put my experience as a guild officer on my resume though. As someone who has been in charge of hiring if I saw that all it would do is make me chuckle. In large part because I am aware of the fact that once again being a GM/RL doesn't mean you did the job well.

  • @matsen1153
    @matsen1153 7 ปีที่แล้ว

    why does your voice sound a bit lower than usual?

  • @arnotehgamer1824
    @arnotehgamer1824 7 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    i miss these rants

  • @leeamefinch2694
    @leeamefinch2694 10 ปีที่แล้ว

    I think it does teaches you more a bout life skills such as keeping your money like I'm up to gold cap now as I saved my money up

  • @Zenophics
    @Zenophics 10 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    12:05- 12:26 You were 2nd in the US achievement ladder,had a job and school? WTF teach me your ways master!

  • @Versudan
    @Versudan 9 ปีที่แล้ว

    I'd agree with you for the most part. In personal experience though, the kind of bosses that say shit like "oh my nephew/that guy on TV/the man on the internet told me of a turtle that played WoW once and they're deadbeats so this guy must be too" tend to be terrible people to work for anyway.

  • @CalebSundance
    @CalebSundance 10 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I like your videos.

  • @MissPopuri
    @MissPopuri 3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    That sounds like the mind of a lawyer to me. You could have done well in Law School even considering making videos as a hobby/side project to what type of Law to specialize. DMCA, Copyrights, and Entertainment types could have used someone like you in their court.

  • @Nuzz604
    @Nuzz604 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    My experience as a Guild Master helped me at my interview with Riot Games. They weigh that kind of experience as up to around 20% of the interview score. For the record, I was not the vulgar, abusive sort that Asmongold talks about, and I made sure to communicate what my philosophy was with guild leading, during the interview.

  • @Tipspid
    @Tipspid 10 ปีที่แล้ว

    Hahahah that mcdonalds cup in the background is killing me. Good video though

  • @KexiOfficial
    @KexiOfficial 9 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Teachers say, that gaming is not good for your brain or shit. You learn things like i did from WoW. Social Talking Skills. My fingers are fast to react (or brain) English, and i'm happier when i play it :D

  • @marcuspower6565
    @marcuspower6565 8 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Dude, you are cool as fuck! I am technically unemployed but do graphic design on the side. I design NHL goalie masks and still make my money on the side and yes, I have time to play Wow.

  • @Feateous
    @Feateous 10 ปีที่แล้ว

    I believe that WoW can help teach you learn real life skills, from typing to management. So i'd say that you not learning from the game is out of the question.
    What is with the question is the chance of those skills being recognised. And this is where i agree with you quinton, that the chance of being recognised for these skills is rather low and something you're best keeping to yourself is probably around 95% of the time.

  • @Desperado070
    @Desperado070 8 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Oh man playing since 2 week before burning crusade came out.
    I haven't seen a single guild leader that knows how to lead... It is a shame yea.
    But to be real honest whit you what i find even worse is how the average wow player interacts whit others.
    Even in arma the enemy's on the other-side at a team death-match are more helpful social and friendly.
    Not to mentioned in WoW you play at the same side & need to work together!...

  • @galusa88
    @galusa88 10 ปีที่แล้ว

    WoW helps real life skills in the workplace, maybe but also WoW is a mirror of real life, managers sometimes don't have skills, you always have a person who does nothing in the raid, and cryers... Everything is interconnected, whatever skill you develop (in WoW or outside) will most likely help you in the other place...

  • @cartooniverse8891
    @cartooniverse8891 8 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    A friend of mine offered to get me 3 months subscription to WoW free, and I was like nope, I like going outside (I've had my mmo phase, and don't feel like going back)

  • @hildewutbrandt2940
    @hildewutbrandt2940 9 ปีที่แล้ว

    Asmon stood up and fought!

  • @stevejonas5572
    @stevejonas5572 9 ปีที่แล้ว

    Gaming does not correlate to a professional workplace very well at all. Great points about how WoW players are actually viewed at work. It is more acceptable to talk about going to the bar everynight, getting drunk and barely being able to make it in because of a hangover than to play WoW. It is a sad thing but it's reality.

  • @Coldfox84
    @Coldfox84 9 ปีที่แล้ว

    Hey Asmongold, you might wanna read "Reality Is Broken" by Jane Mcgonigal.

  • @Sh4zamftw
    @Sh4zamftw 10 ปีที่แล้ว

    I generally don't tell people I play wow as it has this negative stigma attached to it. Even other gamers enjoy telling me about how 'addictive' it is... gets tiring after a while.

  • @Wallerbi
    @Wallerbi 9 ปีที่แล้ว

    Subb'd. You had me at shit in a cup.

  • @josephhill7728
    @josephhill7728 8 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    The world is changing. Despite some recent negative events, the world IS changing. Most people are beginning to think and use real logic; such as realizing that comparing this to that, is not always the best route to take, and that you shouldn't judge someone from their outward appearance or their certain hobbies.
    Now obviously if someone goes around killing someone then its safe to probably make a quick judgement in the form of saying 'HEY I SHOULD PROBABLY STAY AWAY FROM THAT GUY", but if it's something as small and meticulous as what video game he plays in his free time? That just doesn't make any sense.
    Which is why I mentioned that I lead a guild in a MMO called World of Warcraft; to a leadership program at my University that I am attending in August, 2016. I told them that I have a vast multitude of leadership experiences, but the most notable would be the guild and raid team that I lead in a video game. I made sure to mention that the people I 'lead' are REAL LIFE PLAYERS, players that look up to me when helping them do the best thing that they possibly can when it comes to the benefit of the ENTIRE team and guild. I let them know that there is a strategy and a lot of planning involved when leading a guild; such as appointing internal administration and dealing with problems (drama) in the best and least painful way. I let them know that there is a certain structure of protocol to follow, and how structuring your guild members can always lead to a positive result.
    And now I'm at my University 2 months earlier than expected, earning extra-credit equal to an entire quarters worth of classes.

  • @trashgarb
    @trashgarb 10 ปีที่แล้ว

    You're right. It's the equivalent of saying. "I'm also the team Cpt of my frisbee team" on a resume..

    • @isaaclowe7212
      @isaaclowe7212 ปีที่แล้ว

      Still sounds better than a guild master in world of warcraft lol

  • @flawl3sslogic
    @flawl3sslogic 10 ปีที่แล้ว

    I was a good leader before I played WoW..... and I lead pretty well in WoW.... I don't think WoW can actually improve your leadership though

  • @gabrieljuarez1609
    @gabrieljuarez1609 10 ปีที่แล้ว

    the guild im in had this rl who was rly good we loved him from wotlk to end of cata he leaves and we get this new guy. An insulting negative rl who only cared about his dps and that if healers werent healing him we were all fucked. He one time kicked me from heroic SoO run because i decided to heal our tank instead of healing him while he was full hp shitting out them dps bothing to worry about he kicked me after boss and banned me from all raids for 3 weeks and he kept on doing it to other people for stupid reasons like showing up 2 mins late for raid etc but we decided to stip showing up to raids and eventualy there was no one but him and gm kicked him and i was back in the raiding buissnes

  • @GabrielMillerd
    @GabrielMillerd 5 ปีที่แล้ว

    I told a applicant we were full on Shaman.

  • @PwningLifeProduction
    @PwningLifeProduction 10 ปีที่แล้ว

    I mentioned it in a job interview and I didnt really want the job. They said, wow, thats great, strategy games will really help you think strategically and will help you succeed in this job.
    Then I got the job. =S

    • @RapiDEraZeR
      @RapiDEraZeR 9 ปีที่แล้ว

      ***** oh actually got a fucking job? that's terrible

  • @sumsar01
    @sumsar01 9 ปีที่แล้ว

    one of my friends have actually had classes at university about leading skills from wow... lol

  • @MistahTeeLecksAhFly
    @MistahTeeLecksAhFly 6 ปีที่แล้ว +1


  • @federicocastillo7324
    @federicocastillo7324 8 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    LOL! steals hub caps and sells pirated DvDs

    • @Andonysis
      @Andonysis 8 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      +Federico Castillo feel like he's talking from personal experience lol.

  • @ihyperizei
    @ihyperizei 8 ปีที่แล้ว

    henry cavil (superman) cleared mythic HFC

  • @PietroM94u
    @PietroM94u 10 ปีที่แล้ว

    Jace Hall - I Play W.O.W Music Video

  • @danforbes4513
    @danforbes4513 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    all in work know i play wow i even play it some times with lads from work the office girls hocked me up with the girl cleaner that played cod i was with her for 4.5 years. but we spit nil wrong being a nerd

  • @skeltter6399
    @skeltter6399 9 ปีที่แล้ว

    what server do you play on?

  • @1991kcin
    @1991kcin 9 ปีที่แล้ว

    Hey its Caroline:)

  • @McManus667
    @McManus667 8 ปีที่แล้ว

    A "boss" screaming at people when he does something wrong? Yeah that sounds like a real job tbh

  • @karzy5603
    @karzy5603 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    To be honest the best raid leaders and guild leaders I’ve met were successful women

  • @xxxSolidShrimpxxx
    @xxxSolidShrimpxxx 8 ปีที่แล้ว

    Is that.... daylight in asmongold's room?

    @PLANETNAMIC 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    this that and the other thing

  • @xMorketx
    @xMorketx 10 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Damn guys please somebody right it down for me what are THE EXACT words he usually opens out with in every video...can't figure one out)

    • @asmongold1341
      @asmongold1341  10 ปีที่แล้ว +51

      Sup yall it's me it's ya boy Asmongold

    • @SIideAway
      @SIideAway 10 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Sup yall, ischmaboy Asmongold

    • @Varmyth
      @Varmyth 10 ปีที่แล้ว +31

      Asmongold Sup yaw Shibuya ass-mongled.

    • @xMorketx
      @xMorketx 10 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Asmongold thanks man! couldn't figure out the "its ya boy" part. Always heard something like "sheboy asmongold". Keep up with good stuff man!

    • @IanVickrey
      @IanVickrey 10 ปีที่แล้ว

      Would be better if it was proper English, but I digress...

  • @Tiredofthestupid
    @Tiredofthestupid 10 ปีที่แล้ว

    I think you have it backwards.... Real life people skills enhance your WoW people skills. Just saying.

  • @itisimatadvc
    @itisimatadvc 8 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Raid leading is a real life skill = total fucking joke. Anyone who thinks that is dumb, it's something a kid would say because they have not yet been exposed to the pressures and demands that real life places on people.
    Real life is far less forgiving than a video game and raid leaders answer to nobody besides their guild and them self.
    Working for a company you would be under allot more pressure and with allot more at stake, you would have middle management and HR department making sure you meet targets while treating your workers in accordance with employment law and company policy.
    If you fuck up, you lose your job and then you can't pay your mortgage.
    Being a raid leader is not going to prevent that from happening, it won't make you perform better at work, that's what company training is for.
    If your communication skills are in need of improvement then go on a training course, playing wow and talking in team speak will not teach you a damn thing.

  • @petrusventer5506
    @petrusventer5506 9 ปีที่แล้ว


  • @m00rtin4
    @m00rtin4 9 ปีที่แล้ว

    too much drama

  • @Parasite_Eve_1776
    @Parasite_Eve_1776 8 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Nope not a skill

  • @domydishes
    @domydishes 7 ปีที่แล้ว

    sure people with leader skills play wow
    but that sure as hell doesnt mean wow gives you leadership skills
    sounds like a bunch of self important insecure people needing to justify glorify playing a video game
    haha people actually put the video games theyve played on a resume..

  • @andrepereira6452
    @andrepereira6452 10 ปีที่แล้ว

    "man he loves the attention... fucking disgusting !"
    not hating on youre channel, i acctually enjoy youre videos but that comment was the disgusting thing. You dissapointed me.

    • @andrepereira6452
      @andrepereira6452 10 ปีที่แล้ว

      kinda misunderstood you for someone... yea... sorry for the mistakenned coment :(

  • @elusiveone9189
    @elusiveone9189 9 ปีที่แล้ว

    it helps with maths thats for sure lol

  • @kennethbautista3456
    @kennethbautista3456 7 ปีที่แล้ว

    you have something stick in your hair asmon

  • @dudeathischair22
    @dudeathischair22 9 ปีที่แล้ว

    you can definetly learn and develop new skills from playing games like wow but i wouldnt go telling anyone that you play wow haha

  • @mikehillenbrand2559
    @mikehillenbrand2559 9 ปีที่แล้ว

    you need a shower brother

  • @david21ss
    @david21ss 10 ปีที่แล้ว

    Come on dude.. Relax you're not climbing the social or cooprate ladder by playing WoW.
    What is your occupation?

    • @david21ss
      @david21ss 10 ปีที่แล้ว

      AND PS. If a guy on the internet tells you that he is a CEO and plays wow, you should call bullshitt pretty quick not state it as fact dude.

  • @inventor3939
    @inventor3939 8 ปีที่แล้ว

    You sound Crazy !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's a GAME........ Play the game and enjoy it......

  • @drfrodo
    @drfrodo 10 ปีที่แล้ว

    If you cut your hair and did a little grooming... some clothes that fit you would be a handsome guy. Just an observational opinion.

  • @Joooooooooooosh
    @Joooooooooooosh 9 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Alright man, three points…
    - Shower and change of clothes before videos would be great.
    - That McDonalds cup on the shelf is distracting. I find myself wanting to check other videos to see how long it takes for you to throw it out.
    - Don't take video games so seriously.

    • @blakeknopf2721
      @blakeknopf2721 6 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      lol funny how its two years later and nobody cares what you think

  • @Parasite_Eve_1776
    @Parasite_Eve_1776 8 ปีที่แล้ว

    Nope not a skill

  • @Parasite_Eve_1776
    @Parasite_Eve_1776 8 ปีที่แล้ว

    Nope not a skill