Naxxramas Rogue Gear Prio

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 27 ต.ค. 2024

ความคิดเห็น • 72

  • @Zatar
    @Zatar  3 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    The ap version of Mark of the Champion I was referring to has 150ap vs demons and undead.

  • @miyelleSEJI
    @miyelleSEJI 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Good comment about AP coming out as better once world buffs have fallen off. Helped me adjust some of my wishlist items and I'm happier with it now :)

  • @alfert5673
    @alfert5673 3 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    To be honest I don’t even play WoW too much at all but it’s cool to see the gear and your vids are nice to listen to

  • @denisivanchev7491
    @denisivanchev7491 3 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Note that r14 claw and frost wyrm will still be more relevant than most of the sword or dagger combos

  • @BarakGage
    @BarakGage 3 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Thats a damn good video learned a lot even as a warrior

  • @simmot5213
    @simmot5213 3 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Thanks for the vid, I play enhance shaman and its cool just seeing what others are after. I know its meme spec but I always bring world buff and out dps some rogues and warriors sometimes :) hoping for might of menthill and 2x servo arms honestly lol

    • @ki1631
      @ki1631 3 ปีที่แล้ว +7

      must be some shitty ass rogue and warriors in your guild then mate no offence

    • @jebus7x7
      @jebus7x7 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@ki1631 was just thinking that lmfao

    • @retrocny5625
      @retrocny5625 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      Yeah... playing enhancement shaman in a raid in classic is pretty much the biggest "dad" thing you can do. It's just nowhere near being competitive. if you're out-dpsing rogues and warriors, even sometimes, that says a lot about the competence of those rogues and warriors. Like...A LOT. Nothing against people who choose to play the class/spec, it's not their fault Blizzard never designed it around being even remotely competitive in a raid setting. It's a meme pvp spec. Nothing more.

    • @kangarogue5774
      @kangarogue5774 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@ki1631 haha totally, our enh shammies decked out with MoM, they do half of my dps on most fights in naxx

  • @HOZI_Y
    @HOZI_Y 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    First of all, Thank you for making this great video! I'm also trying to deliberate with my own guild about Naxxramas Pio and you provided some interesting points! Being as Kiss and Gressils are the best of the best it makes sense that rogues and warriors around the globe are losing sleep over these items. I offer you the perspective of a fury warrior who is apart of a semi hard core guild. We aren't a optimized speed running guild or required to world buff(but a lot of us do), and we have just as many casuals as we do sweatys in our raid team. We run about 6 fury warriors,6 rogues, and historically the fury warriors perform better than the rogues in raw damage and world parse %. We do have a dagger rogue that likes to give us a run for our money though. (thankfully there is no legit case to argue against taking his kings fall.)
    Our guild master is a sword rogue, with thunderfury and all that jazz. During AQ, rogues were giving first prio on T2.5 while all other items were split prio between the two. The first 4 or 5 weeks of this wasn't awful, it was new content and we were enjoying the atmosphere of splattered bug carcases and the occasional C'thun whisper. "You're friends will abandon you" (more on that later ;) So yeah! Naxx drop, nearly 2 weeks! Loot prio? Rogue > warriors for tier 3, NO loot council strikes (because warriors dont use tier for dps but imo, its some fine ass pvp gear). Okay, were used to it. Take your tier. There's lots of items boss drop for only warriors! Like Ribbed abominations Chest guard! And legplates of carnage! And yeah, i kinda lied, theres not that many items, 10 of our BIs items are from previous raid tiers. 2 of them (Lions heart, and Titanic Leggings) are extremely expensive (lions heart being irreplaceable) (Titanics being better than the legs from naxx in many cases). SO what were left with are scraps to fight over, while rogues get uncontest prio on 8 items which equate to about a 72 dps increase roughly. I still dont know how good the 4 set bonescythe is but i did the math for replacing all the tier t2.5 with t3 and each item was worth an average of 8-10 dps each, including the chest. WoWzers. Then comes the 8 pc, where some your items are down grades like t3 belt for Belt of agony and Gloves which are virtually the same after world buffs, and boots being a solid upgrade.
    Ofcourse if your guild is running a loot council, mine and yours probably dont work exactly the same, but I imagine its similar. My guild is giving rogues T3 uncontest and they will not dock them for need rolls. For some reason.... I imagine they just look and think " huh well, its tank stats for warriors, so, by default it goes to rogues and we shouldn't punish rogues for that.". So they let rogues vacuum up all the T3, AND they want to give them Equal prio on ALL the big hitters, like Gressils, THC, Kiss of the Spider ect. Why? Why.
    TLDR: Sword rogues (in my guild) Historically are underperformers in comparison to warriors in raw dps AND world parses %. Warrior Kit is basically an accumulation of rare drops. Rogues Throw the previous tier in the trash every new raid and my guild gives them prio on everything that warriors want. My advice, take your tier 3, its a massive dps increase and its uncontested. You should feel happy about that. Take your slayers crest. We dont want it because we want spiders kiss. Take your iblis, because w e a r e t a k i n g G r e s s i l s. Heck, we'll even give rogues prio on Band of Unatural forces, Might of the scourge, and Mark of the champion. And if you don't like it, WELL HAVE FUN EVASION TANKING 4 HORSEMEN.
    Sincerely, your pal,
    PranK from Kurinnaxx

    • @Zatar
      @Zatar  3 ปีที่แล้ว

      It just depends on how long your guild plans on raiding. If you are going to be raiding until tbc, or at least for a while, everyone will get the tier. The 6 rogues will have their full tier in roughly 9 weeks, meaning if you are raiding the next 4-5 months, rogues and warriors will get full tier.
      Warriors generally have prio on the cloak, neck, soulstring / crossbow (after hunters), with some guilds even leaning prio on kiss and BoUF.
      Also, don't forget that warriors have access to numerous 2 handers in the raid for pvp, whereas gressil is the bis pvp weapon for rogue. Ultimately, gressil should be going to the most deserving players, and I think that includes rogues.

    • @HOZI_Y
      @HOZI_Y 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@Zatar If your giving warriors prio on the clock,neck,range weapons, either A. The warriors in your guild don't sim their gear so they don't know that all these items are down grades (AQ 20 cloak quest cloak, eye of hakkor from zg neck, Ony head quest neck, and strikers mark all being better) or B. the LC making this call is trying desperately to compensate for the fact that rogues are just getting so much more, but they won't throw a real bone to the warriors. But yeah, Band Of Unnatural forces is technically our best upgrade excluding Gressils, THC, Kiss.
      THC, Gressils, Kiss, and BoUF are our only upgrades. I've come to understand that even if all these items can be crunched down into a dps number, like 8 pcs of T3 = 70 dps upgrade (before set bonus are factored in) for rogues Vs a warrior taking gressils and a Kiss or THC = 70 dps, it doesn't matter to some people because of vanity reasons. Best weapons in the game > Best tier in the game. I get it, Its hard to accept not having a chance at the best weapon. But if you are a rogue competing with warriors and i mean regularly keeping up and beating them on boss fights and trash fights, then yes, absolutely you should be in consideration. But far too often that is not the case.
      A note about the 2 handers from Naxx. Most guilds gear with PVE encounters in mind first and then PVP after. Yeah, there are two really big hitters. Both of which we won't have uncontested prio on. Ashbringer is a paladins wet dream and so is Might of Menethil. The other 2h items are sub par considering Ashkandi, and Dark edge. And in the same token, rogues have various options for pvp daggers including kings fall. I could see a guild who has a hemo rogue with Rank 14 and 100,000+ HKs putting up a very defensible argument for wanting Gressils, but a rogue with less than 20k.... no shot. For the purpose of killing NPCs faster, Gressils and THC will 9 times out of 10 be more useful in the hands of a fury warrior. Of Course it's all on a case by case basis. If you are the only rogue out of 6 who is legitimately keeping up with the top 4 warriors then perhaps there should be a rotation of order.

    • @Zatar
      @Zatar  3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      That's what I meant by give it to a deserving player, you don't just roll it off.
      You should double-check some of the items I mentioned though, Strikers Mark is not better than Soul string, the KT neck is bis unless you value crit very low. Saphiron cloak is bis for horde, probably not Alliance.

    • @HOZI_Y
      @HOZI_Y 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@Zatar depends on the set up/race. Strikers make for sure better in my case, and same again with KT neck and Saph cloak. Heres some resorces i put together a week or so ago, maybe it can help you? bottom line, the gearing situation is a phiasco in classic. i know we can both agree on that xD

  • @lucamuca6578
    @lucamuca6578 3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Most guilds won't raid for long after Kt is killed. You really need to make sure you are first prio on what you want or you might never get the chance for a second drop. Unless your guild is really lucky with the drops, you won't have more than 1 gressil before most quit the game.
    You say everybody will get the tier pieces eventually but some warrs will still go for their tier just for the looks. Also the bracers for them are decent and they might go for the 2 set bonus. If you prio your bracers last just because they are bad dps, you might never get them.
    The biggest prob is time + the timing with holidays. I simply don't see ppl raiding this for more than 1.5-2 months. There is little time to get your 8 set bonus and at least 1 weapon unless you get funneled gear sadly.

    • @Zatar
      @Zatar  3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      It is much easier to join a new Guild and get tier than Premier items. I do not think tier should be a high priority.
      Also, obviously if you want to get the tier 3 set eventually, but there are some pieces that are going to be more beneficial to get quicker.

    • @yeee321
      @yeee321 3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      lmao BC hasnt even been announced yet stfu, youre looking at a solid 6 months of naxx before BC plenty of time

    • @joakimjansson6399
      @joakimjansson6399 3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Very wierd comment. You are arguing that what he is telling in the video is right but trying to make it sound like he is wrong. If people quit early you should even more prio exactly what Zatar is telling you 😄

    • @MRkriegs
      @MRkriegs 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      Good guilds plan on raiding nax after they kill KT. They want to raid for one, get fully p6 bis, and also get geared for tbc. Like that other comment said we got 6 months of nax until tbc. People that actually play the game will be raiding nax!

  • @bullwien10
    @bullwien10 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Thanks for your Vids. Hope to see u soon on Twitch again 🙂

  • @tatarjj2007
    @tatarjj2007 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Human sword rogue here. Fo you know why kiss of the spider sims significantly lower than slayer’s crest on the garcia spreadsheet?
    But I think I’m going to defy your advice on Iblis, Iblis is 75% as much of an upgrade that Gressil is for my human rogue- assuming garcia is right- and I just got my guilds first AQR. The sword rogue who’s still using Vis’kag is gonna be getting Gressil...

    • @Zatar
      @Zatar  3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Sorry if I was not clear enough, I ranked iblis much higher for human. It is bis oh. I still would value gressil higher, but it is the 2nd best item.
      For the trinkets oh, most people use the Simon spreadsheet as Garcia is not the best with trinkets. Spider's Kiss gets better with Buffs and as you get more geared.

    • @sunderwire
      @sunderwire 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      Nice. I’m probably going to have to do the same, we got tons of sword warriors, and only two of us sword rogues, but the other rogue has TF offhand, so I’m the only one who will need iBlis really

  • @Steve8864
    @Steve8864 3 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    Hope videogame rehab is going well for you ...

  • @sunderwire
    @sunderwire 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Never seen gloves of enforcement ever yet, but we finally got the first Cthun belt last week.

    • @DomSchu
      @DomSchu 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      We got gloves twice in a row the first 2 weeks and haven't since. RNG sucks sometimes. Hoping for better luck in Naxx.

  • @ripsonac
    @ripsonac 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    Nice one Z as always!

  • @tsaikkala
    @tsaikkala 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Some feedback, your lateral head movements and talking off to the right or left is pretty offputting. Just keep your head still and rely on your opinions! You also have a great mic while your head is still, but the volume/pickup changes as you swing your head left and right for emphasis.

  • @safouanerihane572
    @safouanerihane572 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Pvp prio . Been couple of days . Also u rock

  • @dominik-pavelholobrada8219
    @dominik-pavelholobrada8219 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    So in your opinion I should prio Band of unnatural forces over Iblis ? Did you did these calculations over phase 5 BiS right ? So if I have a ZG off-hand and i have a big chance of not geting hungering cold and very small to almost none chance of seeing Gressil should I go then for Iblis ?

    • @Zatar
      @Zatar  3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Maladath -> iblis is a smaller upgrade than accuria -> BOUF without world buffs. With world buffs the iblis upgrade would be a little more.
      You do not have Maladath and I am assuming you are not human, so iblis would be a much better choice for you.

  • @Gbrsh
    @Gbrsh 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    we need the pvp naxx bis list now)

  • @adrianhirt815
    @adrianhirt815 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    What do you recommend for me if i have Jom Gabbar, R14 swords? (Human rogue) So because i have JG i don't really value Slayer's Crest, that much. I think Kiss of Spider would be higher upgrade. Since i have R14 swords, i don't think that weapons should be my first priority, unless KoS is not dropping on the first raid b4 first KT Gressil drop.

    • @Zatar
      @Zatar  3 ปีที่แล้ว

      I think it is a mistake to not go for gressel just because you have rank 14 weapons. In AQ it makes sense because your weapons are better if not just as good, naxx a different story. If anything you can argue that you did not get any weapons in AQ and that should be a reason why you should be considered in naxx first.
      Especially because you already have a really nice trinket, and you can't kiss and jom at the exact same time, go for gressel.

    • @adrianhirt815
      @adrianhirt815 3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      @@Zatar thanks for the fast answer, i'm in a dkp guild and 2nd place on dkp points, so the first gressil will go for the other rogue. :/ - but still gressil is a gressil.

  • @mrinfinity3480
    @mrinfinity3480 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    I have dark mantle set and muggers belt with fang of faceless + gutgore, I am in a semi casual guild. Should I grab some trash weapons like maces and would they increase my raid dps? I mainly raid so I have PvP gear, ty bro

    • @mrinfinity3480
      @mrinfinity3480 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      I would probably not have prio on swords and daggers btw, I want raid naxx and contribute and right now I am still doing very good dmg relative to the aq geared rogues in my build

    • @Zatar
      @Zatar  3 ปีที่แล้ว

      Yes, the lower-tier naxx weapons would be a DPS upgrade

  • @AlmightyStee
    @AlmightyStee 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    I'm a dagger rogue with JB trinket.Is it still worthwhile going for kiss or slayers crest on my prio list?

    • @Zatar
      @Zatar  3 ปีที่แล้ว

      Yes although you might not want to prioritize it as high as it will not be as big of an upgrade since you have Jom

    • @AlmightyStee
      @AlmightyStee 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@Zatar ok thanks

  • @soab24
    @soab24 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    can you explain why a faster mainhand is worse? if the weapon dmg is higher, the weapon being faster should actually be better for procs right?

    • @Zatar
      @Zatar  3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Faster weapons do less damage per hit. This means sword spec procs will be less impactful and the weapon damage contribution to Sinister strike will be lower than if you had it harder hitting weapon

    • @peterlustig9374
      @peterlustig9374 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      ​@@Zatar all youre looking for in your mh is max dmg the speed shouldnt matter whatsoever (obviosly the swordspecc as well as sinsiter strike hit harder with higher weapondamage and not with slower speed)
      what people are usually refering to is 2 weapons with the same dps means the slower one hits harder
      ive seen way too many people with the slower but less basedmg weapon in their mainhand...

  • @trancet
    @trancet 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    I dont have Prestors (damn hunters) and we wont be running bwl once naxx comes out, should i grab the talisman of seething ?

    • @Zatar
      @Zatar  3 ปีที่แล้ว

      It is not very good with world buffs, barely adding more damage than onyxia neck and potentially causing crit cap issues. Without World Buffs, it would be a small to medium upgrade over in onyxia neck.

  • @ki1631
    @ki1631 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    lol wtf does iblis have to do with getting gressil? its an offhand wep not a mh obviously if you get iblis you shouldnt expect hungering cold but gressil is still deff getable

    • @Zatar
      @Zatar  3 ปีที่แล้ว

      In most loot Council guilds getting iblis first could affect getting gressel. In dkp guild, if you used dkp on iblis it could affect getting gressil

    • @ki1631
      @ki1631 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@Zatar you make no sense at all....idk what kinda guild you are but how does getting an offhand effect getting a mh theres totaly 0 logic in what your saying and if your in a guild thats thinks like this i would immediatly leave lol

    • @Zatar
      @Zatar  3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      It's pretty simple, I'm in a loot Council Guild, and if you got gressil and Iblis before another Rogue got a weapon from Naxx, that Rogue with no weapons would be rightfully upset and would probably leave the guild.
      Unless you are in some awful Guild where officers take all the loot, you have to spread the loot amongst the Raiders so people happy and don't leave. Some hardcore guilds will give Premier items to top performers, and in this situation that might mean the best players should get gressil, but getting the best item in naxx for melee should keep you happy while other people get lesser items.

    • @Zatar
      @Zatar  3 ปีที่แล้ว

      It's pretty simple, I'm in a loot Council Guild, and if you got gressil and Iblis before another Rogue got a weapon from Naxx, that Rogue with no weapons would be rightfully upset and would probably leave the guild.
      Unless you are in some awful Guild where officers take all the loot, you have to spread the loot amongst the Raiders so people happy and don't leave. Some hardcore guilds will give Premier items to top performers, and in this situation that might mean the best players should get gressil, but getting the best item in naxx for melee should keep you happy while other people get lesser items.

  • @LJith
    @LJith 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    Hunter here....I’m taking all rogues shit >:)

  • @xKingsfall
    @xKingsfall 3 ปีที่แล้ว

  • @Zeslaster
    @Zeslaster 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    How are you talking about sword main hand and NOT mentioning top end dmg? You keep talking about “Gressil is 15 DPS better than AQR and that makes it better”... no, lol. It’s the top end and damage on each swing in general. Damn man.

    • @Zatar
      @Zatar  3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Fair enough, obviously weapons of similar speed are going to have large differences in weapon damage if there is a big dps disparity. I will be more explicit in the PvP video on the weapon damage, that is where it matters most anyway.

    • @yeee321
      @yeee321 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@Zatar Dude its p6 no one gives a shit about pvp gear, why did you make two videos on pvp gear bis? So irrelevant. Gressil is around a 50 to 60 dps increase from AQR/CTS. Maybe look at snomie or sarthes vid for starters

  • @nagaomg11
    @nagaomg11 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    all of these are warrior prio

    • @HOZI_Y
      @HOZI_Y 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      check my comment above :) ^^^^

  • @riku8037
    @riku8037 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    sword or dagger rogue for raiding?

    • @Zatar
      @Zatar  3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Both good

  • @Jesse3beards
    @Jesse3beards 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    For those weirdos still doing the RFD farm, Mark of the Champion is BIS 😎

  • @Jathiel88
    @Jathiel88 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    ACLGs for lyfe bois!!! 😂😂😂😅🥲😢😭

  • @marknicklason
    @marknicklason 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    Save might of the scourge for t6, still tbc bis XD

  • @Hyman8991
    @Hyman8991 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1


  • @crjm2001
    @crjm2001 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    When you move your head left to right all the time it gets kinda spooky and certainly annoying after 20 mins

  • @Rave.-
    @Rave.- 3 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    I literally just come here to watch a blue parser tell other people how they should play the game. The poor man's Snomie.

    • @Zatar
      @Zatar  3 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Long time no speak Rave. Glad to see you haven't changed.

    • @Rave.-
      @Rave.- 3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      As always, you bring out the best in me.

  • @GS-el8ll
    @GS-el8ll 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    replace all rogues with furies : )

  • @justinverdugo9920
    @justinverdugo9920 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    Wtffff I don’t even play