2:23 It's actually a motor run capacitor, not start capacitor since it's always connected to the motor at all times. Also, why connect multiple capacitors in parallel when you can just buy a new 1uf capacitor to replace the old one? No need to reuse the old capacitor. Bad way of repairing.
2:23 It's actually a motor run capacitor, not start capacitor since it's always connected to the motor at all times.
Also, why connect multiple capacitors in parallel when you can just buy a new 1uf capacitor to replace the old one? No need to reuse the old capacitor. Bad way of repairing.
On my fan, at power 1 and 2 it is very weak, but at 3 it is strong, the difference is very noticeable from 2 to 3, is this normal?
Where can i buy a xiaomi motor?i will replace the motor of my unit