In the Czech (Moravian dialect): 1. Teče voda, teče cez velecký majír, |: nehal si ma, nehal, starodávný frajír. :| 2. Nehal si ma, nehal, dobre ty vieš komu, |: čo ty réči nosí do našeho domu. :| 3. Do našeho domu, pod naše okénka, |: čo som sa naplakal, sivá holubienka. :| Translation in English: 1. Water flows, the water flows prez Velecký village, |: You're leaving me, you left, old-fashioned boy: | 2. Those you left me, you left, you know perfectly well whom, |: what do these words bring to our house. : | 3. In our house, under our windows | What I cried a lot, dove gray. : |
augustin excellent sur ce chant. comme toujours. bravo
joyeux Noël ainsi qu'à votre famille. Paix sur terre aux hommes de bonne volonté. Merci de ce très beau choix avec les PCCB.
Une très bvelle chanson !!
Belles voix !!
Merci de ce partage, Joyeux Noël
In the Czech (Moravian dialect):
1. Teče voda, teče cez velecký majír, |: nehal si ma, nehal, starodávný frajír. :|
2. Nehal si ma, nehal, dobre ty vieš komu, |: čo ty réči nosí do našeho domu. :|
3. Do našeho domu, pod naše okénka, |: čo som sa naplakal, sivá holubienka. :|
Translation in English:
1. Water flows, the water flows prez Velecký village, |: You're leaving me, you left, old-fashioned boy: |
2. Those you left me, you left, you know perfectly well whom, |: what do these words bring to our house. : |
3. In our house, under our windows | What I cried a lot, dove gray. : |
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