Thank you for watching. If I recall, Zatch pretty simply defeated Clear Note with the golden book while the latter was in their ultimate form. At that point, Brago wasn't much a factor in the fight. And Zatch possesses enough hax for me to feel comfortable enough saying that he can easily defeat practically anyone else in the series.
In my opinion, Zofis should have been much lower at around 45 as he had strong spells but he was still pretty weak and had to use mind control to seem strong and act like sacrificial lambs while he hid in safety for a majority of the Ancient Momodo arc. He kept distancing himself during his fight with Brago and never got in close unlike every other Momodo.
I think 45 might be too low, lol. I think your statement is mostly fair. But his main fight was against the 3rd strongest demon we had been introduced to so far at that point in the story. So it's a bit hard to tell. Zofis isn't weak per se. Brago is just dumb strong.
List is not accurate enough. Kyanchome should be number 1. He was defeated by clear only because he was too focused on beating Gorm. If he were to cast shin poruku on vino (instead of giving the bird drawing to gorm), he would have been able to crush his mind and kill him, and clear wouldn't have a book reader anymore. Furthermore, in a 1 v 1 kyanchome can beat Gash (even if he has the golden book and Kiyomaro's answer talker is activated) because if he manages to fight him that 1st means Gash can't cast Kyanchome's spells (since The golden book uses the power of all the participants wishing to help gash). Then, casting a single shin poruku on gash and kiyomaro would make him insta win : he can disable the answer talker, negate any spell gash casts, and hit him whenever he wants.. Have a nice day ! :D
Oh bet. So for one thing, when making a top list all things attributes have to be kept in mind. Speed, DC, intelligence, hax, striking strength, etc. On average, Zatch is the best at each of those things, not Kyanchome. Secondly, Kyanchome is not beating Zatch with the golden book, no questions asked. That one spell from Yopopo basically solos anyone below him, for he can simply stop them from casting a spell through taking control of their body. I also think you are severely underestimating two things, the speed of the characters above him, and the power of the answer talker in terms of Durfort and Kiyomaru. The answer talker provides an answer to every question. With the golden book, Zatch has access to every spell in the entire series. Kiyomaru has some many answers to Kyanchome's one spell, that he wouldn't know what to do with them. Clear is relatively self explanatory, as he was relative to Zatch with the golden book. Both of them are immensely superior to Ponygon in terms of speed, and Ponygon was vastly superior to Kyanchome in terms of speed. While a blitz doesn't mean a win, a win here only involves burning a book, which is what would happen to Kyanchome. Also, keep in mind their character. Unlike Clear, Kyanchome and Folgore don't go for their most powerful spells right away, and would likely momentarily be struck in fear of Clear, which is all the time he needs to overwhelm they with spells (the same way he was overwhelming the others from hundreds of miles away with his spells in the last arc). Kyanchome may have some above them beat in terms of hax, but they are certainly lacking in the other departments, speed, DC, etc, and their average is not high enough to warrant them a much greater spot. But them beating Zatch with the golden book is not something that would really happen as long as Kiyomaru has the answer talker.
Litentric Teon Through Shin Poruku, Kyanchome lacks nothing. He is a god (literally) while he casts the spell. He can just negate any spell that is cast. Kyanchome has beaten gash and kiyomaro (kiyomaro using his answer talker and full power baou against kyanchome). As long as shin poruku is active, kyanchome just wins since he can take any form he want, making him as fast as he wants, as strong as he wants and as smart as he wants. Also, he has 2 other spells : the one that absorb and negate the spell cast by an ennemy and the other one to just use the same spell used by the opponent (i forgot their names). That way, he can just absorb all clear's spell and bounce them back at him, which would be super effective against clear itself because he hasnt much resistance (see Kiyomaro using zakeruga against him, which made Clear bleed). Yopopo's spell just makes the opponent unable to move, but no proof given that a spellcan't be cast at the same time. Even if Kyanchome couldn't cast a spell, he would just negate Yopopo's spell with shin poruku. Yopopo's spell deals no damage by itself. Also, Shin Poruku can negate natural ability (he stopped Gorm's warping) so he can negate the Answer Talker. As Dufaux said, Shin Poruku is the ultimate spell in the fight to decide the king, since it allows Kyanchome to do anything while the spell is cast. The only problem of shin poruku is that the spell isn't permanent (because it uses Folgore's stamina which isnt infinite). However, 1 second of Shin Poruku is enough to kill an opponent (through detaching the opponent's heart and head from the body, leaving the ennemy with a permanent mind damage that is death itself). So, pros and cons of Kyanchome : Pros : - While Shin Poruku is on, he wins any fight he wants. No chance for the opponent to win since he can do what he wants whenever and wherever he wants. - his other spells (the 2 others discovered at the same time as shin poruku, during the clear note arc) are pretty much overpowered by themselves making the opponent struggle to deal a single damage through spells. - Kyanchome has a lot of self confidence since he learnt Shin Poruku, which doesn't make him hesitate during a fight, which directly leads to victory Cons : - Like all demon candidates, he has to pair with a human who don't have infinite Heart power, which makes his spells not being able to be cast infinitely (note here that in the demon world, since it doesn't cost anything to cast a spell, Kyanchome can just cast shin poruku as much as he wants lol), but Folgore has enough stamina to cast the spell long enough to win anyfight.
I have just a few issues with this. Kyanchome is not invincible while casting the spell. Two, you have to take into account how they fight, for they don't start off the battle with their strongest spell, unlike Clear or Brago. Second, with Yopopo's shin spell, Zatch can just make Folgore cover his eyes so he can't read any spells from the book. Third, Kyanchome negating the answer talker is pure speculation, and there is no proof that he can do the same to Kiyomaru. Gorm is a demon while Kiyomaru isn't, so it might just be that Kyanchome has the capcity to negate the natural abilities of demons, not of humans. But as that is pure speculation, it cannot be used as a sound point. Again, the point of their speed was never addressed. As Kyanchome was defeated during the ten month time skip, he never got to the level of the others in terms of speed (or even DC, which also wasn't addressed. Him having the capacity to supposedly do as he desires doesn't equate to DC or speed unless it's been acutely shown. Even sho Folgore must still cast the spell without being full on blitzed by the other demon, as Kyanchome is slow compared to them. The reason Tia is under him despite having the full ten months training is partially because she's a defensive type, but also because she's slower than him). Also, simply because Dufort says that Kyanchome's spell is the, 'Ultimate Spell' doesn't automatically make it the best. There are plenty of other grand spells out there such a Brago's gravity manipulation, Clear's pure destruction, Tia's supreme defenses, Yopopo's body control. That is simply Dufort's opinion and not actual fact. Baou has frequently been made out to be far superior to any other spell, for Baou Zakeruga was as strong as a shin spell, and the actually shin spell version was leagues above anything else, hittinig planet level. Kyanchome's shin spell has not been shown to have that wide a radius, and seeing as how Kiyomaru would likely already have knowledge of the spell beforehand, he'd already have an answer to it via the answer talker. However, once again, Kyachome's speed is really hindering him. A blitz doesn't kill, no. But a blitz can knock the book out of Folgore's hands, which is all that needs to happen.
WTF is with Bari's position 10 are u kidding showing tia, kanchome and ponygon showing ahead of him.... and the blunder was not at all showing Rein & kyle..
zayn malik I did say in the beginning that I left out a few characters. Bari is below them for various reasons. He's below Tia because none of his spells can break her stronger shields. He's below Kanchome because of his great hax, and He's below Ponygon because of his immense speed. The three of them also had a ten month time skip of specialized training, unlike Bari. He's simply overrun by the gains they have made by the final arc.
Pretty good list. Only thing I disagree with is Demolt being below all the Faudo cultists besides Zeno, Riou and possibly Roudeaux. The dude was a complete monster, one shotting Wonrei and fodderizing the entire main cast with almost no effort. Pretty much any spells below Dioga class didn't even phase him either.
Rabbi Ishmael Ya know, that's probably a fair point. Though he's definitely inferior to anyone who gained Faudo's power. I can see him above Wonrei and Karudio Maybe. Thanks for watching though, and for the nice critique.
I'd put him above Unko Tin Tin, Buzarai, and Zaruchim without a doubt, as well as Riya and Karudio. Even some of the lesser Godufa powered henchmen like Fango, Gyaron, Cherish and Keith I'd put him above. Fango was straight up losing to pre training Ponygon, Gyaron and Cherish were displayed as inferior to Ted, and Keith got absolutely fodderized by Bari even with his Godufa upgrade. While Bari would definitely beat Demolt pretty easily, I don't see him completely fodderizing him like he did with Keith. Roudeaux and Jedun were definitely the strongest henchmen, and I'd probably put them at the same general level as Demolt which could go either way. The only non Kings Festival mamodo I see as being straight up above him are Bari, Elzador, Riou, Zeno, Ted and The Heart Warrior.
I can't say that I truly disagree. Demolt is very strong in his own right and foderizes practically everyone inside his arc. I think your points are valid, I simply may have credited their power-ups during said arc too much. I don't think that Demolt would be a match for Roudeax and Jedun with their power-up from Faudo, but I can definitely see him above Unko Tin Tin, Karudio, Cherish, and Wonrei as well. But, a good deal of the cast from the Faudo arc can use dioga class spells, and a couple can use multiple spells that are also around that level of strength. Lastly, Demolt seems to be lacking in overall speed compared to most other demons in the series, and I think that this would work to his extreme disadvantage later on when the demons are stronger.
I mean, all of the 4 supreme Mamodo had Dioga class spells aswell, with Pamoon and Demolt each having 2. I don't think the strength level of the villains increased at all between the two arcs, until Faudo power ups and Faudo's organs became a thing. Also, at full power, Demolt was actually insanely fast. Laila wasn't able to tag him with her ultimate spell that had almost perfect accuracy, and they wouldn't have won if Wonrei didn't sneak attack him with a high tier Gigano class spell (That didn't even hurt him. Just knocked him down). Plus Demolt has flight which gives him pretty good maneuvarability for his size. It's all up for speculation anyway so I wouldn't dwell on it too hard. I just believe his portrayal as being the ultimate Demon the heroes had fought up to that point keeps his strength relevant into the next arc
Rabbi Ishmael Yeah. These are all good points. No real or true disagreents, except that the villains in the Faudo arc are generally stronger than those in the arc before. Not by leagues, but I believe they are stronger as Zatch had to fight the robot demon in between those two arcs, and it was made apparent that he, and presumably everyone else, had gotten quite a bit stronger after the experience. But I do concede. Demolt should be much higher than he is.
Totally disagree about the top spot. Clear note is hands down the strongest momoto in the series by far. Zatch Bell with the golden book is circumstantial. Thats all the momoto in the series helping zatch defeat clear. It’s not zatchs raw powers. Kinda like saying a Honda Civic is faster than a Lamborghini. Yeah maybe if you put all nascar/racing car parts in it, then maybe it is. But then it’s not really a Honda Civic. Point I’m saying is Clearnote vs zatch in a 1v1 without any outside forces or special circumstances. Clear wins 10 out of 10 times.
But that's not how its ranked. It says in the video that he's number one with the golden book. And he is indeed the strongest in the series with the golden book. I don't disagree that without the golden book, Clear Note is indeed stronger. But that is not how this is ranked. The strongest version of Zatch is him with the golden book. So that's the version that is ranked.
Você assistiu o mesmo anime que eu? Mano. Kachome,umagon,gash, tio,brago estão em outro nível depois da saga do clear note. Zeon não tem chance contra nenhum deles depois daquilo. Os caras tavam atacando, defendendo escala continental cê é louco
I’ll bite, what about Gorren and Maurice? I didn’t see him, and maybe I just missed him, but Gorren was capable of beating forty of the demons in the last competition. Not only do they beat some rather strong opponents, such as Pamoon, but it takes four demons, including Zatch’s father, the demon king, to defeat him. Of course he isn’t top ten, that much is clear, especially as we see a number of demons he put in tablets beaten at once by Brago, but having beaten the ancient demons, placing him lower than many of the ancient demons seems counter intuitive no? Even if we use the case that he only won because of fear factor, that’d still be an impact on behavior in these fights he’s already shown to win, and even setting aside that, it took four demons that were stronger than all those made tablets to best him, surely that counts for something?
I likely just forgot him. I noted in the beginning of the video that I likely left a few characters out as I forgot them as I was making the video. Though, to be fair, many of Maurice's wins were based on trickery from what I can recall. And petrification. While such a hax would place him pretty high, once we get to demons on par with demolt or higher, they have enough AP to take him out before he gets started.
I definitely agree he wouldn’t be top-tier, in fact if not as afraid as he was I’d anticipate even Pamoon could probably have beaten him, though that’s based on only two of his spells. Forgetting him is p fair tbh, as much like Zatch’s father (also should probably be placed but we have zero on him) he had next to no screentime, I believe his only physical appearance was in Pamoon’s flashback to their fight.
The video is cool but how is demolt so behind when he could literally beat most of them easily? Rodeaux was pretty weak and still he is way ahead in your list... Other than that, nice to watch
▐ ᴇʟᴍᴏᴅᴏ7▐ Thanks for watching. I'm really glad you enjoyed it. The reason I placed Demolt so far down is because I view the characters in the arcs subsequent as being stronger, or at the very least fast enough combined with strength greater than what was shown in the thousand year demon arc in order to successfully burn his book. The characters in each arc are quite a bit stronger than those in the previous with a few exceptions.
LadyRos1 Clear Note has over all stronger spells and he also has beaten Brago before. in addition, only Zatch with the golden book could best him and Brago is on Zatch's level minus the golden book.
They do, Cause it supose that are stronger that kido, and the difference is that the only time kido needed a new spell among the battle to defeat a enemy, was that
I believe if Zeon is still alive at Clear Note arc and get a chance to train like the others, he could beat Brago and Ashuron. I mean come on, only Kiyomaro has the power to counter Duffort's ability. Don't forget that they could be that strong and could beat Clear because of Duffort's help.
Zofis actually is weak. She is strong only because of her mind control ability and cunning trait. A lot of demons from Faudo arc would cripple her easily in fair battle.
Honestly, Kyanchome is pretty hard to rank given his hax. But the top 4 can likely blitz him or Folgore. Brago and Ashunron can probably tank their strongest attack as well. And Kyanchome can't mimic latent demon abilities like Dragon scales or Brago's learned gravity manipulation. They're just stronger demons overall. I think Top 10 is still extremely solid given his general lack of AP and speed. The practice match was also off screen so it's difficult to use for scaling. It's likely Zatch and Kiyo were caught off guard.
@@healthywayfijo5496 Have you read the manga? In the manga, Kyanchome can hijack your mind and use your own spells against you. He defeated Gash. Tia has shields that can block attacks from the first form of the final antagonist, Clear Note. Ponygon was capable of fighting against one of Clear Note's spells and also gained a huge boost in speed. Conversely, Wonlei at his strongest lost to someone significantly weaker than Clear Note.
GAMERS LIFE I left a few out as I mentioned in the video. If he is that mamodo from the movie then he's not canon to the manga and wouldn't be included on the list.
GAMERS LIFE Zatch with the golden book completely overwhelmed him. Even in his final form using his ultimate attack, Zatch completely obliterated it with his own Shin class spell. Thus, Zatch with the golden book is superior to Clear Note.
GAMERS LIFE That heart energy allows him unlimited spell usage. But even with that Zatch still overwhelmed him. Heart energy isn't necessarily a direct correlation of strength, it's the energy source of the series. Similar to chakra or ki. Him having unlimited energy doesn't change the fact that Zatch overwhelmed him. Zatch was overall stronger with the golden book. So he was able to defeat him. If heart energy was directly correlated to strength then Clear Note should be able to wipe out universe, but he can't. As with everyone else he can only use his heart energy in finite amounts depending upon the spell.
GAMERS LIFE True, but that doesn't change the fact that Zatch bear him, because, at that point, Zatch was stronger. Had he been weaker, the world would have been destroyed. But it wasn't, simply because Zatch was stronger. He overpowered his strongest attack. By virtue of that Zatch is stronger.
hiraga saito No, sorry. He couldn't even beat one of the four emperors by himself. He would get destroyed by anyone in the Faudo arc, all of whom are about emperor level to start. Not including Demolt.
He do, easily, but he had bad luck, that mamodo could not do nothing with kido`s spell, and kido were stronger than zatch when they fought, if you look for those fights you will see what am i talking about, and, at the end, he was one of the mamodos whom used a shin spell to fight clear note
hiraga saito But Kido doesn't have the capacity to use a shin spell himself. Otherwise he would have cast it against the emperor. Second, him beating Zatch occurred way earlier on in the series, before Zatch obtained numerous powerups. Thirdly, if in a two on one battle, Kido barely won against an emperor, then he's weaker than said emperor one on one. That being said, strong as he is, he was simply knocked out of the competition before he could cultivate his hidden potential.
Brago even with all that training he couldn't beat zatch and zeno is way physically stronger than zatch and is better with the mantle plus Dufort its a clear win they lost to zatch who was a downgrade version of zeno without the golden book. Zeon is more stronger than Brago
No way, lol. Zeon would get demolished by Clear Note, whereas Brago was holding his own against him to stall until Zatch could get there. Zeon also has zero feats of tanking an annihilation spell, which is meant to disintegrate the body. Brago has tanked such attacks multiple times, demonstrating durability and spell resistance much higher than anything zeon has displayed. Also, the Zatch Brago faced literally has Zeon's power, as he gifted it to Zatch. And Brago says that the giant Bao Zakeruga at the end of the Faudo arc was strong, but not quite as strong as them. Zeon lost to a dramatically weaker Bao Zakeruga.
@@litentricteon3823 brago only got stronger because of Zeon's partner who trained him for 10 months, if Zeon trained for 10 months he would beat him. Brago 10 months ago was nothing but garbage
@@Style-BA I'm confused. You just admitted that Brago with the 10 months training would beat Zeon. Zeon didn't have the 10 months of training. Brago did. So he would be stronger.
@@Style-BA Also, the Brago of 10 months ago boasts that he could essentially defeat Faudo and demonstrated that he could indeed throw the giant demon around. Whereas Zeon wanted to control Faudo, likely because he couldn't defeat it.
@@litentricteon3823 what you talking about zeno did that without the golden book zatch wouldn't of beat him. So that would mean he deserves a higher spot on the list.
@@Aaron_Heininger No. After Zatch defeated Zeno they underwent a ten month time skip where they all got stronger. At this point, Gash and Brago were stronger than Zeno because they could push Clear into his final form, which Zeno can't do. Clear in his final form was only defeated by Golden book Gash. They're also the only two in verse who can unleash spells that can destroy the planet. Zeno is good where he is. Below the characters that can actually damage Clear Note. (Keep in mind that Clear Note casually deflected a Zakerugs from Gash who had already absorbed all of Zeno's power).
@@litentricteon3823Zeno Would Absolutely Destroy Brago with the help of Dufort and is Powerful thunder which was able to outperform True Bao Of Zatch for one time. And also if you say that the bao that defeated faudo was still weaker than Brago's spell because "Brago said that" Remember he just said it not prove it, and Brago has literally nothing against the Bao who defeated Faudo, what Brago would do against it? Shin Gravidon? Can't do shit. Even after 10 months of training given the potential zeno had, if zeno would hypothetically gets the chance to train for 10 months, then again, he would destroy Brago, and this is not even a struggle for Zeno. His mantle control, agility, Thunder, And Dufort is just far above sherry and Brago.
Acho que se os dois tivessem em uma luta o feitiço nivel shin do yopopo daria vantagem a ele, e acho que tbm conta o fato da Kolulu não gostar de lutar pq tenho certeza que se ela lutasse com tudo o Yopopo teria dificuldade
@@brunoreis1366 Tbm teria receio de lutar se eu fosse uma mamodo com um problema que descontrola meus poderes no mangá me deu a impressao de ser TDI trastorno depreciativo de identidade ja que ela fala depois que a crise passa em terceira pessoa como se fosse realmente outra pessoa e n reconheçe aquelas magias que provocam a crise como suas...
@@brunoreis1366 sim a doença faz isso vc fica com personalidade multiplas inclusive tem varios casos no nosso mundo dessa doença com pessoas tendo 2, 3 12 a quantidade depende do motivo que desencadeou a doença no caso dela foi ser mandada a outro mundo a força pena que isso e a depressão de Shiori/ Lori n devem ser comentadas ja que mesmo no mangá foi bem interpretativo n houve mensão mas indicíos
@@brunoreis1366 no propio anime ela fala tbm mas foi mais evidente no mangá pois lá mostra mais cenas e ela volta no final fora q no original japonês do anime ela fala rapido e so algumas palavras...
kulderp singh Mad? I'm not angry if that's what you mean. But Ashura, Clear Note, and Faudo are all must stronger than Zeno. EOS Brago is also much stronger. His new spell puts him in a different tier.
Bari is very strong, but I wouldn't place him above Zeno. Zeno also has Dufort who has the answer talker, which places him above those who can beat him physically. Not to mention that him and Bari are likely around the same speed. Still, Zeno has access to overall stronger attacks. He could have crushed Keith with a Teozakeru whereas with Bari he had to use a gigano, and I believe a Dioga class spell against him.
Im impressed u r the first person i seen make a spell list video and include the whole series. Youve done the series justice
^_^ Thank you.
Perfect list! I couldn't of made it better myself.
ZERO_Cali_ Thanks bud. I'm glad you enjoyed it.
Nope 1 is clear note because all modo come to kill him otherwise zatch would alone not
@@SpadeGamingX only listed of anime
I miss watching Zatch bell. I hope they’re gonna continue with the series.
The manga is finished. It's possible that they could reboot the series given that both Bleach and Shaman King are scheduled for an anime release.
Yeah a reboot would be awesome in my opinion
@@litentricteon3823 good news they announced that it will have a sequel
@@Recorderenjoyer This is great news. Thanks a bunch for letting me know.
@@litentricteon3823 np :D
I'm biggest fan of zatchbell
Bari was my favorite, wish we had seen more of him, great list btw 👌
Thank you. I also liked Bari are a character. I wish we could've seen all of what happened to him after he beat Gash.
@@litentricteon3823 in manga his book was burnt in order to save zatch but was never defeated
Nice video man. You really put a lot of effort into it.
Hey, thank you. I'm glad you enjoyed it.
I love your video wow like know that zatch will always be in first
Thank you so much!! I used to watch this in 2013.I was finding that character whose name and look I forgot, guess what, it was Hyde!! THANKS!!
Lightning GamerYT Oh, lol. Np. I'm glad you enjoyed.
Very good video!, you did such a great job :D
Thank you! :D
@@litentricteon3823 You are welcome :D
I always knew Kanchome was truly strong deep inside :0
2:20 She was awesome!
Yes! One of the best characters!
Actually the only mistake i found was clear note and Zatch powers, i would put Zatch as N2 and Clear note as N1 in a 1 vs 1
Thank you for watching.
If I recall, Zatch pretty simply defeated Clear Note with the golden book while the latter was in their ultimate form. At that point, Brago wasn't much a factor in the fight. And Zatch possesses enough hax for me to feel comfortable enough saying that he can easily defeat practically anyone else in the series.
@@litentricteon3823 yeah that Shin. Barun Zakeruga (3 Headed Dragon) shredded clearnote.🪓
In my opinion, Zofis should have been much lower at around 45 as he had strong spells but he was still pretty weak and had to use mind control to seem strong and act like sacrificial lambs while he hid in safety for a majority of the Ancient Momodo arc. He kept distancing himself during his fight with Brago and never got in close unlike every other Momodo.
I think 45 might be too low, lol. I think your statement is mostly fair. But his main fight was against the 3rd strongest demon we had been introduced to so far at that point in the story. So it's a bit hard to tell. Zofis isn't weak per se. Brago is just dumb strong.
Bohot hi Bhadiya Hai bhai
This showa also legend in 2022
My favourite is only Zatchbell. And Ponygon also.
How are there so many spells of Zatch and others? There were not in the Anime!
List is not accurate enough. Kyanchome should be number 1. He was defeated by clear only because he was too focused on beating Gorm. If he were to cast shin poruku on vino (instead of giving the bird drawing to gorm), he would have been able to crush his mind and kill him, and clear wouldn't have a book reader anymore.
Furthermore, in a 1 v 1 kyanchome can beat Gash (even if he has the golden book and Kiyomaro's answer talker is activated) because if he manages to fight him that 1st means Gash can't cast Kyanchome's spells (since The golden book uses the power of all the participants wishing to help gash). Then, casting a single shin poruku on gash and kiyomaro would make him insta win : he can disable the answer talker, negate any spell gash casts, and hit him whenever he wants..
Have a nice day ! :D
Lol, I can't tell whether or not you want me to reply.
Litentric Teon Yeah i do, I always do :P
Oh bet. So for one thing, when making a top list all things attributes have to be kept in mind. Speed, DC, intelligence, hax, striking strength, etc. On average, Zatch is the best at each of those things, not Kyanchome. Secondly, Kyanchome is not beating Zatch with the golden book, no questions asked. That one spell from Yopopo basically solos anyone below him, for he can simply stop them from casting a spell through taking control of their body. I also think you are severely underestimating two things, the speed of the characters above him, and the power of the answer talker in terms of Durfort and Kiyomaru. The answer talker provides an answer to every question. With the golden book, Zatch has access to every spell in the entire series. Kiyomaru has some many answers to Kyanchome's one spell, that he wouldn't know what to do with them. Clear is relatively self explanatory, as he was relative to Zatch with the golden book. Both of them are immensely superior to Ponygon in terms of speed, and Ponygon was vastly superior to Kyanchome in terms of speed. While a blitz doesn't mean a win, a win here only involves burning a book, which is what would happen to Kyanchome. Also, keep in mind their character. Unlike Clear, Kyanchome and Folgore don't go for their most powerful spells right away, and would likely momentarily be struck in fear of Clear, which is all the time he needs to overwhelm they with spells (the same way he was overwhelming the others from hundreds of miles away with his spells in the last arc). Kyanchome may have some above them beat in terms of hax, but they are certainly lacking in the other departments, speed, DC, etc, and their average is not high enough to warrant them a much greater spot. But them beating Zatch with the golden book is not something that would really happen as long as Kiyomaru has the answer talker.
Litentric Teon Through Shin Poruku, Kyanchome lacks nothing. He is a god (literally) while he casts the spell. He can just negate any spell that is cast. Kyanchome has beaten gash and kiyomaro (kiyomaro using his answer talker and full power baou against kyanchome). As long as shin poruku is active, kyanchome just wins since he can take any form he want, making him as fast as he wants, as strong as he wants and as smart as he wants. Also, he has 2 other spells : the one that absorb and negate the spell cast by an ennemy and the other one to just use the same spell used by the opponent (i forgot their names). That way, he can just absorb all clear's spell and bounce them back at him, which would be super effective against clear itself because he hasnt much resistance (see Kiyomaro using zakeruga against him, which made Clear bleed).
Yopopo's spell just makes the opponent unable to move, but no proof given that a spellcan't be cast at the same time. Even if Kyanchome couldn't cast a spell, he would just negate Yopopo's spell with shin poruku. Yopopo's spell deals no damage by itself.
Also, Shin Poruku can negate natural ability (he stopped Gorm's warping) so he can negate the Answer Talker.
As Dufaux said, Shin Poruku is the ultimate spell in the fight to decide the king, since it allows Kyanchome to do anything while the spell is cast.
The only problem of shin poruku is that the spell isn't permanent (because it uses Folgore's stamina which isnt infinite). However, 1 second of Shin Poruku is enough to kill an opponent (through detaching the opponent's heart and head from the body, leaving the ennemy with a permanent mind damage that is death itself).
So, pros and cons of Kyanchome :
Pros :
- While Shin Poruku is on, he wins any fight he wants. No chance for the opponent to win since he can do what he wants whenever and wherever he wants.
- his other spells (the 2 others discovered at the same time as shin poruku, during the clear note arc) are pretty much overpowered by themselves making the opponent struggle to deal a single damage through spells.
- Kyanchome has a lot of self confidence since he learnt Shin Poruku, which doesn't make him hesitate during a fight, which directly leads to victory
Cons :
- Like all demon candidates, he has to pair with a human who don't have infinite Heart power, which makes his spells not being able to be cast infinitely (note here that in the demon world, since it doesn't cost anything to cast a spell, Kyanchome can just cast shin poruku as much as he wants lol), but Folgore has enough stamina to cast the spell long enough to win anyfight.
I have just a few issues with this. Kyanchome is not invincible while casting the spell. Two, you have to take into account how they fight, for they don't start off the battle with their strongest spell, unlike Clear or Brago. Second, with Yopopo's shin spell, Zatch can just make Folgore cover his eyes so he can't read any spells from the book. Third, Kyanchome negating the answer talker is pure speculation, and there is no proof that he can do the same to Kiyomaru. Gorm is a demon while Kiyomaru isn't, so it might just be that Kyanchome has the capcity to negate the natural abilities of demons, not of humans. But as that is pure speculation, it cannot be used as a sound point.
Again, the point of their speed was never addressed. As Kyanchome was defeated during the ten month time skip, he never got to the level of the others in terms of speed (or even DC, which also wasn't addressed. Him having the capacity to supposedly do as he desires doesn't equate to DC or speed unless it's been acutely shown. Even sho Folgore must still cast the spell without being full on blitzed by the other demon, as Kyanchome is slow compared to them. The reason Tia is under him despite having the full ten months training is partially because she's a defensive type, but also because she's slower than him).
Also, simply because Dufort says that Kyanchome's spell is the, 'Ultimate Spell' doesn't automatically make it the best. There are plenty of other grand spells out there such a Brago's gravity manipulation, Clear's pure destruction, Tia's supreme defenses, Yopopo's body control. That is simply Dufort's opinion and not actual fact. Baou has frequently been made out to be far superior to any other spell, for Baou Zakeruga was as strong as a shin spell, and the actually shin spell version was leagues above anything else, hittinig planet level. Kyanchome's shin spell has not been shown to have that wide a radius, and seeing as how Kiyomaru would likely already have knowledge of the spell beforehand, he'd already have an answer to it via the answer talker. However, once again, Kyachome's speed is really hindering him. A blitz doesn't kill, no. But a blitz can knock the book out of Folgore's hands, which is all that needs to happen.
please tell me that will new deson 4 of zatchbell come
Prem Mishra No, there isn't a season four. I'm sorry.
oh no I love this cartoon 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
Está faltando algunos Sppels principalmente los de mangá tipo o Shin de Patty/ Penny...
WTF is with Bari's position 10 are u kidding showing tia, kanchome and ponygon showing ahead of him.... and
the blunder was not at all showing Rein & kyle..
zayn malik I did say in the beginning that I left out a few characters. Bari is below them for various reasons. He's below Tia because none of his spells can break her stronger shields. He's below Kanchome because of his great hax, and He's below Ponygon because of his immense speed. The three of them also had a ten month time skip of specialized training, unlike Bari. He's simply overrun by the gains they have made by the final arc.
If bari would of had training and utilized his full potiental he probley would win
''Probably'' but at the same time i doubt he would have anything to defeat Kanchome. Whie Tia's ultimate shields can block anything and everything
Manga bro manga
Pretty good list. Only thing I disagree with is Demolt being below all the Faudo cultists besides Zeno, Riou and possibly Roudeaux. The dude was a complete monster, one shotting Wonrei and fodderizing the entire main cast with almost no effort. Pretty much any spells below Dioga class didn't even phase him either.
Rabbi Ishmael Ya know, that's probably a fair point. Though he's definitely inferior to anyone who gained Faudo's power. I can see him above Wonrei and Karudio Maybe.
Thanks for watching though, and for the nice critique.
I'd put him above Unko Tin Tin, Buzarai, and Zaruchim without a doubt, as well as Riya and Karudio. Even some of the lesser Godufa powered henchmen like Fango, Gyaron, Cherish and Keith I'd put him above. Fango was straight up losing to pre training Ponygon, Gyaron and Cherish were displayed as inferior to Ted, and Keith got absolutely fodderized by Bari even with his Godufa upgrade. While Bari would definitely beat Demolt pretty easily, I don't see him completely fodderizing him like he did with Keith.
Roudeaux and Jedun were definitely the strongest henchmen, and I'd probably put them at the same general level as Demolt which could go either way.
The only non Kings Festival mamodo I see as being straight up above him are Bari, Elzador, Riou, Zeno, Ted and The Heart Warrior.
I can't say that I truly disagree. Demolt is very strong in his own right and foderizes practically everyone inside his arc. I think your points are valid, I simply may have credited their power-ups during said arc too much. I don't think that Demolt would be a match for Roudeax and Jedun with their power-up from Faudo, but I can definitely see him above Unko Tin Tin, Karudio, Cherish, and Wonrei as well. But, a good deal of the cast from the Faudo arc can use dioga class spells, and a couple can use multiple spells that are also around that level of strength. Lastly, Demolt seems to be lacking in overall speed compared to most other demons in the series, and I think that this would work to his extreme disadvantage later on when the demons are stronger.
I mean, all of the 4 supreme Mamodo had Dioga class spells aswell, with Pamoon and Demolt each having 2. I don't think the strength level of the villains increased at all between the two arcs, until Faudo power ups and Faudo's organs became a thing.
Also, at full power, Demolt was actually insanely fast. Laila wasn't able to tag him with her ultimate spell that had almost perfect accuracy, and they wouldn't have won if Wonrei didn't sneak attack him with a high tier Gigano class spell (That didn't even hurt him. Just knocked him down). Plus Demolt has flight which gives him pretty good maneuvarability for his size.
It's all up for speculation anyway so I wouldn't dwell on it too hard. I just believe his portrayal as being the ultimate Demon the heroes had fought up to that point keeps his strength relevant into the next arc
Rabbi Ishmael Yeah. These are all good points. No real or true disagreents, except that the villains in the Faudo arc are generally stronger than those in the arc before. Not by leagues, but I believe they are stronger as Zatch had to fight the robot demon in between those two arcs, and it was made apparent that he, and presumably everyone else, had gotten quite a bit stronger after the experience. But I do concede. Demolt should be much higher than he is.
Totally disagree about the top spot. Clear note is hands down the strongest momoto in the series by far. Zatch Bell with the golden book is circumstantial. Thats all the momoto in the series helping zatch defeat clear. It’s not zatchs raw powers. Kinda like saying a Honda Civic is faster than a Lamborghini. Yeah maybe if you put all nascar/racing car parts in it, then maybe it is. But then it’s not really a Honda Civic. Point I’m saying is Clearnote vs zatch in a 1v1 without any outside forces or special circumstances. Clear wins 10 out of 10 times.
But that's not how its ranked. It says in the video that he's number one with the golden book. And he is indeed the strongest in the series with the golden book.
I don't disagree that without the golden book, Clear Note is indeed stronger. But that is not how this is ranked. The strongest version of Zatch is him with the golden book. So that's the version that is ranked.
Leon now I am also making videos on TH-cam can you tell me how to record what I am doing on my phone and upload on youtube
Você assistiu o mesmo anime que eu? Mano. Kachome,umagon,gash, tio,brago estão em outro nível depois da saga do clear note. Zeon não tem chance contra nenhum deles depois daquilo. Os caras tavam atacando, defendendo escala continental cê é louco
I’ll bite, what about Gorren and Maurice? I didn’t see him, and maybe I just missed him, but Gorren was capable of beating forty of the demons in the last competition. Not only do they beat some rather strong opponents, such as Pamoon, but it takes four demons, including Zatch’s father, the demon king, to defeat him. Of course he isn’t top ten, that much is clear, especially as we see a number of demons he put in tablets beaten at once by Brago, but having beaten the ancient demons, placing him lower than many of the ancient demons seems counter intuitive no?
Even if we use the case that he only won because of fear factor, that’d still be an impact on behavior in these fights he’s already shown to win, and even setting aside that, it took four demons that were stronger than all those made tablets to best him, surely that counts for something?
I likely just forgot him. I noted in the beginning of the video that I likely left a few characters out as I forgot them as I was making the video.
Though, to be fair, many of Maurice's wins were based on trickery from what I can recall. And petrification. While such a hax would place him pretty high, once we get to demons on par with demolt or higher, they have enough AP to take him out before he gets started.
I definitely agree he wouldn’t be top-tier, in fact if not as afraid as he was I’d anticipate even Pamoon could probably have beaten him, though that’s based on only two of his spells.
Forgetting him is p fair tbh, as much like Zatch’s father (also should probably be placed but we have zero on him) he had next to no screentime, I believe his only physical appearance was in Pamoon’s flashback to their fight.
@@damiencopenhaver2888 Agreed. I wish the demon world was explored more. Or that Gash gaiden would've been an actual series.
Its the best zatch is on 1 and his friends are also in top 10 like tia ,kanchome and ponygon
affuashuzuhaali shaikh hahahah kanchome
The video is cool but how is demolt so behind when he could literally beat most of them easily?
Rodeaux was pretty weak and still he is way ahead in your list...
Other than that, nice to watch
▐ ᴇʟᴍᴏᴅᴏ7▐ Thanks for watching. I'm really glad you enjoyed it. The reason I placed Demolt so far down is because I view the characters in the arcs subsequent as being stronger, or at the very least fast enough combined with strength greater than what was shown in the thousand year demon arc in order to successfully burn his book. The characters in each arc are quite a bit stronger than those in the previous with a few exceptions.
Pamoon underrated
Bhai zatch bell 8 to 14 spells ki specialty ke Bare me bato please bhai i request
Read manga
please tell me please
Not canon
How is clear note is ahead of brago
LadyRos1 Clear Note has over all stronger spells and he also has beaten Brago before. in addition, only Zatch with the golden book could best him and Brago is on Zatch's level minus the golden book.
Are you kidding me, clear is clearly more powerful than brago.. but according to me, zeon can defeat brago or at the very least, he is equal to him
@@illusma7822 no brago can Easilly diffect zeno
They do, Cause it supose that are stronger that kido, and the difference is that the only time kido needed a new spell among the battle to defeat a enemy, was that
Bro zeon is on top 4,he is more powerful than brago
hey your list is wrong 1) clear note
No. Zatch has the golden book
Zatch is powerful that's why he is king
Zeno on 2nd bro
Not in this case. Zeno isn't as strong as those above him. Clear and Zatch easily beat Zeno EoS.
Clear note destroys zeno loll
You're definitely doesn't read the manga......
I believe if Zeon is still alive at Clear Note arc and get a chance to train like the others, he could beat Brago and Ashuron. I mean come on, only Kiyomaro has the power to counter Duffort's ability. Don't forget that they could be that strong and could beat Clear because of Duffort's help.
@@felixoktafmidza5512 no brago can Easily diffect zeno
It's good list and im not totaly ok but Zofis 28?! this demon is top 5 potential character and faudos is not One of 100.
Zofis actually is weak. She is strong only because of her mind control ability and cunning trait. A lot of demons from Faudo arc would cripple her easily in fair battle.
Watched by Japanese
I think pamoon will come under 30
Hold the F up Kanchome beat zatch in a practice match and defeated him he should be at least at the 4th spot
Honestly, Kyanchome is pretty hard to rank given his hax. But the top 4 can likely blitz him or Folgore. Brago and Ashunron can probably tank their strongest attack as well. And Kyanchome can't mimic latent demon abilities like Dragon scales or Brago's learned gravity manipulation. They're just stronger demons overall.
I think Top 10 is still extremely solid given his general lack of AP and speed. The practice match was also off screen so it's difficult to use for scaling. It's likely Zatch and Kiyo were caught off guard.
sorry zatch
are you kidding demolt is very strong
video dhamaka Yes, Demolt is very strong.
How is it possible that Tia, kanchome, ponygon and Karu do are stronger than the wonlei?
They got a lot stronger during the timeskip.
@@healthywayfijo5496 Have you read the manga?
In the manga, Kyanchome can hijack your mind and use your own spells against you. He defeated Gash. Tia has shields that can block attacks from the first form of the final antagonist, Clear Note. Ponygon was capable of fighting against one of Clear Note's spells and also gained a huge boost in speed.
Conversely, Wonlei at his strongest lost to someone significantly weaker than Clear Note.
hey you mad zeno is second and zatch is first
ilove bargo spell
And where is maestro. He is also a mamodo
GAMERS LIFE I left a few out as I mentioned in the video. If he is that mamodo from the movie then he's not canon to the manga and wouldn't be included on the list.
Litentric Teon he's not from movie the one without book holder
Konchomi is number 1
Clear note is the strongest character in this anime. He has a power to beat zatch and brago together with his partner
GAMERS LIFE Zatch with the golden book completely overwhelmed him. Even in his final form using his ultimate attack, Zatch completely obliterated it with his own Shin class spell. Thus, Zatch with the golden book is superior to Clear Note.
Litentric Teon clear note is more powerful because his partner gave him unlimited heart enery
GAMERS LIFE That heart energy allows him unlimited spell usage. But even with that Zatch still overwhelmed him. Heart energy isn't necessarily a direct correlation of strength, it's the energy source of the series. Similar to chakra or ki. Him having unlimited energy doesn't change the fact that Zatch overwhelmed him. Zatch was overall stronger with the golden book. So he was able to defeat him. If heart energy was directly correlated to strength then Clear Note should be able to wipe out universe, but he can't. As with everyone else he can only use his heart energy in finite amounts depending upon the spell.
Litentric Teon he use his most powerful spell unlimited times. It means that he has a power to destroy whole world
GAMERS LIFE True, but that doesn't change the fact that Zatch bear him, because, at that point, Zatch was stronger. Had he been weaker, the world would have been destroyed. But it wasn't, simply because Zatch was stronger. He overpowered his strongest attack. By virtue of that Zatch is stronger.
Totally wrong list 🙄🙄🙄🙄
Kido should be in the top 20
hiraga saito No, sorry. He couldn't even beat one of the four emperors by himself. He would get destroyed by anyone in the Faudo arc, all of whom are about emperor level to start. Not including Demolt.
He do, easily, but he had bad luck, that mamodo could not do nothing with kido`s spell, and kido were stronger than zatch when they fought, if you look for those fights you will see what am i talking about, and, at the end, he was one of the mamodos whom used a shin spell to fight clear note
hiraga saito But Kido doesn't have the capacity to use a shin spell himself. Otherwise he would have cast it against the emperor.
Second, him beating Zatch occurred way earlier on in the series, before Zatch obtained numerous powerups.
Thirdly, if in a two on one battle, Kido barely won against an emperor, then he's weaker than said emperor one on one.
That being said, strong as he is, he was simply knocked out of the competition before he could cultivate his hidden potential.
Obviulsly, he hadn`t unlok it, but it was not even necessary
Furthermore, gash and umagon could not beat pamoon, and he did not use all his power
Brago even with all that training he couldn't beat zatch and zeno is way physically stronger than zatch and is better with the mantle plus Dufort its a clear win they lost to zatch who was a downgrade version of zeno without the golden book. Zeon is more stronger than Brago
No way, lol. Zeon would get demolished by Clear Note, whereas Brago was holding his own against him to stall until Zatch could get there. Zeon also has zero feats of tanking an annihilation spell, which is meant to disintegrate the body. Brago has tanked such attacks multiple times, demonstrating durability and spell resistance much higher than anything zeon has displayed.
Also, the Zatch Brago faced literally has Zeon's power, as he gifted it to Zatch. And Brago says that the giant Bao Zakeruga at the end of the Faudo arc was strong, but not quite as strong as them. Zeon lost to a dramatically weaker Bao Zakeruga.
@@litentricteon3823 brago only got stronger because of Zeon's partner who trained him for 10 months, if Zeon trained for 10 months he would beat him. Brago 10 months ago was nothing but garbage
@@litentricteon3823 Zeon only loses to zatch and clear note
@@Style-BA I'm confused. You just admitted that Brago with the 10 months training would beat Zeon. Zeon didn't have the 10 months of training. Brago did. So he would be stronger.
@@Style-BA Also, the Brago of 10 months ago boasts that he could essentially defeat Faudo and demonstrated that he could indeed throw the giant demon around. Whereas Zeon wanted to control Faudo, likely because he couldn't defeat it.
Zatch can't Defeat Clear note in proper 1v1 fight
With the golden book and the answer talker he can.
@@litentricteon3823 not he can't
@@sumanbalodi4650 Please explain.
becousec zatch with golen book and answer talkar can diffeat him with the help of brago, shrey and other 30 moomodo and but clear not is alone
Surprised zeno wasn't higher on this list. Bargo seemed like a number 2 since the final fight was with him and zatch.
Brago still doesn't compare to Clear Note. He's the only one who can push Gash into needing the Golden Book.
@@litentricteon3823 what you talking about zeno did that without the golden book zatch wouldn't of beat him. So that would mean he deserves a higher spot on the list.
@@Aaron_Heininger No. After Zatch defeated Zeno they underwent a ten month time skip where they all got stronger. At this point, Gash and Brago were stronger than Zeno because they could push Clear into his final form, which Zeno can't do. Clear in his final form was only defeated by Golden book Gash. They're also the only two in verse who can unleash spells that can destroy the planet.
Zeno is good where he is. Below the characters that can actually damage Clear Note. (Keep in mind that Clear Note casually deflected a Zakerugs from Gash who had already absorbed all of Zeno's power).
@@Aaron_Heininger zeno lost a new spell not golden book
This list is not correct
What specifically do you disagree with?
@@litentricteon3823Zeno Would Absolutely Destroy Brago with the help of Dufort and is Powerful thunder which was able to outperform True Bao Of Zatch for one time.
And also if you say that the bao that defeated faudo was still weaker than Brago's spell because "Brago said that"
Remember he just said it not prove it, and Brago has literally nothing against the Bao who defeated Faudo, what Brago would do against it? Shin Gravidon? Can't do shit.
Even after 10 months of training given the potential zeno had, if zeno would hypothetically gets the chance to train for 10 months, then again, he would destroy Brago, and this is not even a struggle for Zeno. His mantle control, agility, Thunder, And Dufort is just far above sherry and Brago.
Desde quando yopopo é forte kkk a Kolulu é forte q ele
Acho que se os dois tivessem em uma luta o feitiço nivel shin do yopopo daria vantagem a ele, e acho que tbm conta o fato da Kolulu não gostar de lutar pq tenho certeza que se ela lutasse com tudo o Yopopo teria dificuldade
@@brunoreis1366 Tbm teria receio de lutar se eu fosse uma mamodo com um problema que descontrola meus poderes no mangá me deu a impressao de ser TDI trastorno depreciativo de identidade ja que ela fala depois que a crise passa em terceira pessoa como se fosse realmente outra pessoa e n reconheçe aquelas magias que provocam a crise como suas...
@@jessicamaciel4946 tendi, eu pensava que a personalidade foi colocada nela como uma forma de fazer ela lutar a força
@@brunoreis1366 sim a doença faz isso vc fica com personalidade multiplas inclusive tem varios casos no nosso mundo dessa doença com pessoas tendo 2, 3 12 a quantidade depende do motivo que desencadeou a doença no caso dela foi ser mandada a outro mundo a força pena que isso e a depressão de Shiori/ Lori n devem ser comentadas ja que mesmo no mangá foi bem interpretativo n houve mensão mas indicíos
@@brunoreis1366 no propio anime ela fala tbm mas foi mais evidente no mangá pois lá mostra mais cenas e ela volta no final fora q no original japonês do anime ela fala rapido e so algumas palavras...
and zofis is much stronger than ash
I am saying that zatch should not be at first no
Okay. Is there any rational behind this statement?
Very wrong
list was good except kanchome should be #1, I mean he did beat your #1 Zatch
So much worse.
extremely bad top
Ovi Garcia Okay. Thanks for watching.
Litentric Teon im sorry man bit believe me is was pretty bad, and also zeon was stronger than brago
Ovi Garcia The list is based upon the manga. In the manga, Brago got a major power boost both after the time skip and after clear Note was defeated.
Oh ok can u send me a link with all the mangas?
Ovi Garcia Sure.
hey you mad zeno is second and zatch is first
kulderp singh Mad? I'm not angry if that's what you mean. But Ashura, Clear Note, and Faudo are all must stronger than Zeno. EOS Brago is also much stronger. His new spell puts him in a different tier.
+Litentric Teon Bari is stronger than Zeno
Bari is very strong, but I wouldn't place him above Zeno. Zeno also has Dufort who has the answer talker, which places him above those who can beat him physically. Not to mention that him and Bari are likely around the same speed. Still, Zeno has access to overall stronger attacks. He could have crushed Keith with a Teozakeru whereas with Bari he had to use a gigano, and I believe a Dioga class spell against him.
but Bari have a shin class of spell . Zeno don't have shin class of spell
Bari doesn't have a shin class spell that he himself can use. And Zeno has spells that are on par with some shin class spells.