Jedi Robes are WRONG?

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 10 ก.ย. 2024
  • Did you ever wonder how Jedi robes came to be? There is a glairing plot hole in Star Wars and that is the Jedi Robe. Why would Luke Skywaker wear a Jedi Robe before he even knows he is connected to the Jedi. Why would Obi Wan Kenobi wear one while in hiding? Luke Skywalker actually ears black when he is a Jedi. Tell me what you think?
    #jedi #jedirobes #starwars
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ความคิดเห็น • 32

  • @AntonyCummins
    @AntonyCummins  หลายเดือนก่อน

    Get a copy of the books here (USA ONLY)
    How to be a Modern Samurai

  • @Machina03exe
    @Machina03exe หลายเดือนก่อน +12

    If it's a robe and it's owned by a jedi, then it's a jedi robe.

    • @johnnyboy8832
      @johnnyboy8832 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Same thing with a Jedi Cruiser, it’s a cruiser but it’s commanded by a Jedi general

  • @flyingfox09
    @flyingfox09 หลายเดือนก่อน +14

    It was the 70's and 80's When people didn't take there entertainment so seriously as today. Probably just thought the tatooine robes looked cool and went with, and no one was bothered. Feels like alot of the original trilogy was made up as they went along. Liea being Luke's sister and Lukes father being dead "from a certain point of view" obviously had 0 foreshadowing and came out of nowhere.

    • @robpolaris7272
      @robpolaris7272 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Saying “You weren’t ready for such devastating information” is a lot more Jedi to me than saying basically “I wasn’t lying, it’s sort of true.” This makes Kenobi sound like a 4 year old busted lying.

  • @deathsythelui
    @deathsythelui หลายเดือนก่อน +6

    Now that you mention it, it seems like the Jedi-style garb is just an in-universe "peasants garb" of sorts, common among the lower and working classes in the poorer regions of the galaxy, and so adopted by the Jedi as a simple uniform of humility.
    And Luke going for the more military uniform look, to me, just says Luke feels he's overcome his own humble origins on Tattooine, and so eschews the poor farmers garb, but is still being professional and austere with the more "Starfleet" look. It's not until he's much older and operating the new Jedi Temple by himself that he finally adopts the simple robes, probably as an example to the students (and perhaps a nod to his own humility now that he's the Grand Master and barely feels deserving of it).

  • @SatisfactoryUX
    @SatisfactoryUX หลายเดือนก่อน +6

    The reason all Tatooine clothing looking the same was likely due to a limited budget on the first movie. At some point Lucas decided Jedi robes looked like what Ben was wearing in Episode IV which made it cannon.
    What Luke’s wearing in Return of the Jedi is his attempt at an approximation of jedi robes, since there’s no Jedi Robe Mart. When every member of a religious order has been eradicated, apart from two individuals, for around 30 years it’s hard to find their outfits.

    • @OmegaPointZen
      @OmegaPointZen หลายเดือนก่อน

      I thought that Luke's clothing in ROTJ was to indicate that he was becoming like his Farther, a Sith Lord.

  • @SengokuStudies
    @SengokuStudies หลายเดือนก่อน +6

    Anakin aka Vader was a slave on Tatooine before he was found and taken in by the Jedi. So, if we were to say this was Tatooine clothing at the time of the original trilogy, the force ghost of Anakin dressed like that would still fit.

  • @OmegaPointZen
    @OmegaPointZen หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    I have always thought that if the Jedi had been hunted down by Vader and the Empire, Ben Kenobi walking around dressed in Jedi robes would make him a moron.

  • @homiefromfl
    @homiefromfl หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Lore-wise, Jedi were supposed to be quite humble looking. The most simple, basic, FUNCTIONAL robes would've been fine for them.

  • @Arthurmorgan9987
    @Arthurmorgan9987 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    1:15 I don’t think Dagobah has clothes shops

    • @CaseyBartley
      @CaseyBartley หลายเดือนก่อน

      Or people at all, it's literally just populated by Yoda and a bunch of animals. And well a strong force presence that masks Yoda from the Emperor.

  • @rickjones8005
    @rickjones8005 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

    John Mollo and Ralph McQuarrie designed the costumes of a New Hope. People at Lucasfilm know about this but you could explain it in your head however you want. Mollo thought it was a good idea at the time...✌️☮️

    • @correctopinion4708
      @correctopinion4708 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      it makes sense for obiwan, but originally jedi meant to wear jedi KNIGHT armour

  • @Thatonebioshockfan
    @Thatonebioshockfan หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    there is a canon reason jedi are oddly like Assassins from Assasssin's creed they hide in plain sight by wearing the robes of the simple folk

  • @CaseyBartley
    @CaseyBartley หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    So from a design perspective, really what Ralph Mcquarrie did was create a design language for the films (used to sell the film prior to funding) that combined the aspects of Flash Gordon and Akira Kurasawa movies. George's 2 favorite things. The story itself was a loose remake of Kurosawa's Hidden Fortress, with elements and characters of the Seven Samurai (Luke and Ben) and Han Solo is probably Yojimbo. He wanted Mifune for Ben after all.
    I think what Ben is wearing would have been what George envisioned as "Jedi robes", but that like the Japanese during muramachi and edo, many aspects of the samurai garb cross over into normal wear. And it wasn't just on Tatooine. There is a mix of the more swashbuckling attire that the rest of the people wear, riding boots etc along with tighter fitting more military inspired garb. We don't, after all, see anything of the real universe in the original trilogy, just a few back water planets, or military bases for the rebels on sparsely populated worlds, many of which you only see people in military wear. Tatooine after all boasts several space port cities, so really it's garb represents the larger universe as you can't really distinguish it's exact attire outside of "brown".
    George has specifically commented on this (pre prequels). He wanted the good guys / normal people in more browns, and the Empire in dark greys like Nazi uniforms. Then the bad guys like Vader and Palpatine in black. Stark white for the Storm Troopers. The evil guards in red. A very clear representation visually of whether a character is good or evil, whether we shoot root for them or not.
    In Empire, Luke is specifically wearing brown, but darker brown than ANH. He still holds on to the blaster, and almost prefers it up until the Vader confrontation. It's a visual evolution.
    In ROTJ Luke isn't wearing Jedi robes because George is visually playing with the audience to make Luke's path ambiguous. He specifically put him in black, and in something that mimics more of what his father wears. Only once Luke refuses to join the dark side, does the white flap comes down to show the white suit underneath to show his light alignment against his black gear. It's a visual touch and another evolution. It's doubtful Lucas would have put Luke in black in any further installment IF he had made it, although the Mandelorian's portrayal of him riding the line between his father's fighting style and the jedi that taught him was pretty interesting while still wearing his style from ROTJ.
    Once the prequels come into play, we get to see a little more of what Lucas really planned for the look of the whole universe. And yeah Jedi wear robes and have more elements that look closer to samurai garb than maybe the rest of the universe, much like real shinobi they wear stuff that allows them to fit in wherever they went to be able to pull off missions. Probably did have waaaaay more to do with Lucas really having less concern about budget or less people telling him what he could or couldn't do or trying to stick exactly with what his visual language was in the OT. It's one of the reasons I don't like prequels. I just think they are for better or worse just not a great idea. It's definitely what Lucas desired for the Jedi to look like, maybe all along.
    In TPM Anakin only really knows Qui-gon is a Jedi by spotting his lightsaber. Probably a much better indicator of what a Jedi is than the actual garb. There is a ton of variation, and some Jedi wear stuff closer to maybe what their cultures would consider "robes" rather than what would be shown as an official "jedi robe". Only in the Acolyte do we see something that looks more like official robes, and even then it's separated into different functions. And really super important they were wearing brown, as it hasn't classically been seen as the "bad guy" color. Even if the show portrays them as the "bad guys".
    The same sort of play on Anakin that happened to Luke can be seen as he gets a little darker in look as the prequels go on, and even getting a face scar to look a little more edgy. His robes have straight black elements, while really most of the rest of the Jedi it's a very dark brown at the most. This is telling the audience visually that he is wearing some black leather in his garb, so he is probably not going to be a good guy after all.
    Darth Maul and Dooku both wear black, while the red and black of Maul with the permanent sith yellow eyes shows that he is pure evil. Dooku retains a bit more of a neutral stance, so no Sith eyes, and a more regal, classic cinema swashbuckler look with mostly black but some hints of brown. It tells visually what to expect from the character.
    Palpatine is seen wearing opulent attire throughout, and more and more of his wardrobe gets visually darker / moves toward red to indicate his dark side alignment in a visual nature to the audience. He is in blue and black in TPM, looses the blue in AOTC, and moves almost full sith color palette by the ROTS.

  • @ramibairi5562
    @ramibairi5562 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    Please a video on battlefield Combat where two samurais on horseback and their retainers clash against eacher other ( killing teams)

  • @tiffanybatcheller-harris522
    @tiffanybatcheller-harris522 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    There aren’t Jedi robes. 😂 There are robes that Jedi wear. 😉

  • @davidthomas8825
    @davidthomas8825 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    I think lucas just wanted to pay homage to his kurosawa inspiration. With the tatooine costumes.

  • @PeregrinTintenfish
    @PeregrinTintenfish หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    I realized that Kenobi must have been the worst at hiding. Wearing the Jedi uniform and barely changing his name.
    You should make a video series, about the Japanese influence on Star Wars.

  • @RodCornholio
    @RodCornholio หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    I never was sure what Jedi Knights wore, as referred to by Kenobi (1977's _Star Wars_ ) until Phantom Menace. I suspect, Lucas _et al._ didn't even know save, perhaps, in the mid '80's some time when George was thinking about making the prequels in the future. I would guess that by the mid '90's his notions were more solidified. His creative style seems to be a.) write a story b.) describe visuals in broad brush strokes and/or c.) delegate concept art to others d.) approve the art e.) let the creators create (e.g. costume makers).
    Obviously, that's simplified. There are probably countless examples where an iterative process was used (e.g. in filming the Wampa, the costumed version wasn't working well, for _Jedi_ the Rancor went through an iterative process too, eventually using a puppet/marionnette (?) )
    Antony...a _Star Wars_ nerd, nor sartorialist, you are not. There's inner tunics, outer tunics, etc. Knowing these helps in discernment. Kylo Ren's costume had a ridiculous amount of layers...(sigh)

  • @Dogger557
    @Dogger557 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    The outfit Luke has in Jedi is literally just a black jump suit it’s not that deep

    • @CaseyBartley
      @CaseyBartley หลายเดือนก่อน

      I mean it's a little deeper than that. George has talked about this for years that he wanted Luke to look closer to Vader to make his alignment more ambiguous. I mean he force chokes a guard in Jaba's palace as well, so this sort of maybe he is going to become bad is a very real visual representation in the film and was definitely intentional. White flap at the end shows the "light side" aligmnet was always there once he finally passes his final test in his confrontation with Vader and Palps.

  • @Dogger557
    @Dogger557 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Well they are the Jedi robes now and have been for 50 years so cope with it lmao

  • @-RONNIE
    @-RONNIE หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Personally everyone makes fun of me because I have never seen any of the Star Wars, Star Trek or any other typical sci-fi movies or series it was never really my thing. I only know a couple characters just by other people reference in them & even sometimes I mess them up 🤣🤣🤣

  • @edwinofnorthumbria2511
    @edwinofnorthumbria2511 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    Very spooky, I literally just watched a new hope and the empire strikes back for the very first time last night. (I ignored them as a kid because I thought they were boring films for adults. That was a stupid mistake, don't know why I'd think that.)
    I actualy noticed the luke thing, I did wonder about that.

    • @OmegaPointZen
      @OmegaPointZen หลายเดือนก่อน

      Did you like the films?

    • @edwinofnorthumbria2511
      @edwinofnorthumbria2511 หลายเดือนก่อน

      ​@@OmegaPointZen just finished return of the jedi. Yeah they were really good movies, I can see why they were so popular, they've not aged much honestly and are better than most movies made today. Return of the jedi I will say has aged the most, at least around the mid section with some wooden dialog from Luke and Leya, and Palestine quite as impressive as I'd expected. But I did still like the ending, the Vader part actually surprised me I didn't know that's how it ended, It was still fun at least and the jabba part was great, and again the first two films were brilliant all round. Even made me laugh a few times, I wasn't expecting it to be so comedic.
      I will say there were some things I thought were going to be more important from hearing about star wars than ended up being the case, boba fett wasn't as important as I expected him to be. And I'm not sure what the arguments about Han solo of the green alian shooting first were about, I thought it was going to be an offscreen mystery but you can both see them clearly shoot at the same time.
      Was there a comic or short between the second and third films, Luke has a new light saber and clothes and acts like he's gotten better since the empire strikes back. I feel I've missed something?
      Also I noticed they replaced the anakins force ghost actor shown in Antony's vid with the prequel actor in the version I watched. Funnily enough a detail I wouldn't have caught if I hadn't watched this vid this morning.
      In the end you can now consider me a star wars fan (yes I just bought a light sabre) I actually enjoyed even more than lord of the rings despite me preferring fantasy. Guess I'll move on to the the prequels, I know they have a reputation for being bad, but knowing that beforehand I think I'll enjoy them.

    • @OmegaPointZen
      @OmegaPointZen หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@edwinofnorthumbria2511 I you haven't yet, I recommend not watching the prequels. If you do follow my advice, I will envy you, because you will have experienced Star Wars, contamination free; mostly. I'm not a prequel hater, but some things in them clash with the originals. What ever you do, don't watch any Disney Star Wars. Disney Star Wars is like those fat men who dress in black and say that they are Ninjas - Fake!

    • @edwinofnorthumbria2511
      @edwinofnorthumbria2511 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@OmegaPointZen unfortunately I've already started. Though I'm not minding them too much. I'm okay with separating two series mentaly. Though I was never planning on watching the Disney stuff so I'm safe there.

    • @CaseyBartley
      @CaseyBartley หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@edwinofnorthumbria2511 The who shoots first is in which edit did you watch. Lucas changed it in the 97 cut to them both shooting. in the OG cut Greedo doesn't shoot at all, only Han.
      As far as the new lightsaber in Return of the Jedi, there is a deleted scene of Luke assembling his new lightsaber that was cut. It's just assumed he did it in between in the several official versions. Black was simply just to make sure the audience thought Luke was aligning with Vader, and the white flap showing at the end shows via his attire he was good the entire time.
      The post Revenge of the Sith edit on Jedi included Hayden instead, Lucas thought it just made the audience connect with the Anakin they know knew from the prequels that existed.
      And yes, Boba Fett was mostly an "I look cool in the background" character and not really much more. Lot's of characters where there to just look cool in the background. It does have western DNA in it's making, as Kurosawa films often were trying to mimic the feel of an American western. Which then inspired gritty spaghetti westerns and space operas with a gritty, western / historical look to them.