How long will artists be able to get beautiful clear logs like this? It was estimated it was 800 years old. To grow like this without knots it grew in a forest as a seedling. Heavy logging will make it impossible to find trees like this in the future. Forests need to be preserved to provide an environment where this type of growth is possible. Trees like this should not be cut for lumber. They should only be used for respectful activities like this artist practices.
imagine do pool barn but instead of do bunch boards glued together for pools you had bunch totem pole look in have out side bordes or metale attached to it. to make barn.
I met uncle Harold a cuple years ago. A great teacher and a real wise man!
Thank you so much for posting this video,his words are very true and well by me and I'm sure a few others as well.
thanks for such an intimate look
Beautiful partner thank you for sharing I have a lot to learn about myself from this story xoxo
How long will artists be able to get beautiful clear logs like this? It was estimated it was 800 years old. To grow like this without knots it grew in a forest as a seedling. Heavy logging will make it impossible to find trees like this in the future. Forests need to be preserved to provide an environment where this type of growth is possible. Trees like this should not be cut for lumber. They should only be used for respectful activities like this artist practices.
imagine do pool barn but instead of do bunch boards glued together for pools you had bunch totem pole look in have out side bordes or metale attached to it. to make barn.