THE HUNT. The baby born, the next thing was to find him. This was no ordinary matter. The whole human family were so engaged in their festivities on that night, that no one knew of or cared for the Madonna's whereabouts. Had she been so minded, as are many of our frail sisters now-a-days, she might have disposed of our Savior, and nobody had been the wiser for it. The whole thing was in her hand, but being the most excellent mother, she saved our Savior. Ought we not, then, as the Catholics do, to reverence and worship her above all things else in the world? Well, some shepherds (they were all astronomers “in those days” -wish there were more of them in these days) were abroad that night -how lucky. The angel of the Lord (Aries on his meridian) found them and told them of the little Jesus. You'll find him, said they, “wrapped in swaddling clothes lying in in a manger.” (Luke 2: 12.) I bring you these glad tidings; they shall be to all people. Ah! gentlemen; to you this day, is born in the city of David” a Savior, which is Christ, the Lord. Suddenly the heavenly host (the summer constellations) was with the angel, when they all shouted together: “Glory to God in the highest, and on Earth peace, good will toward men.” Having learned of the young Savior’s whereabouts, the shepherds hasted to the place, where they “found Mary and Joseph and the babe lying in a manger”-all in a pile! The thing was soon noised abroad and all wondered. But Mary said nothing. However, certain wise men having seen his star (Spica Virginis, which rises just before midnight when the Savior is born) in the east, were guided by it to where the child was. These were the three Magi (Melchior, Gaspar and Belthazar = the three seasons of the year = the Christian Trinity.) They at once fell down and worshiped him, and offered him gold, frankincense and myrrh, i.e., they offered him the year then before him. Gold = the harvest of spring; frankincense = summer, and myrrh = bitterness = winter.
This is the full extended interview from my earlier video which you can watch here:
Great interview
Daniel is, literally, the Ram is my Judge, i.e., Daniel is Aries during the year.
The baby born, the next thing was to find him. This was no ordinary matter. The whole human family were so engaged in their festivities on that night, that no one knew of or cared for the Madonna's whereabouts. Had she been so minded, as are many of our frail sisters now-a-days, she might have disposed of our Savior, and nobody had been the wiser for it. The whole thing was in her hand, but being the most excellent mother, she saved our Savior. Ought we not, then, as the Catholics do, to reverence and worship her above all things else in the world?
Well, some shepherds (they were all astronomers “in those days” -wish there were more of them in these days) were abroad that night -how lucky. The angel of the Lord (Aries on his meridian) found them and told them of the little Jesus. You'll find him, said they, “wrapped in swaddling clothes lying in in a manger.” (Luke 2: 12.) I bring you these glad tidings; they shall be to all people. Ah! gentlemen; to you this day, is born in the city of David” a Savior, which is Christ, the Lord. Suddenly the heavenly host (the summer constellations) was with the angel, when they all shouted together: “Glory to God in the highest, and on Earth peace, good will toward men.”
Having learned of the young Savior’s whereabouts, the shepherds hasted to the place, where they “found Mary and Joseph and the babe lying in a manger”-all in a pile! The thing was soon noised abroad and all wondered. But Mary said nothing. However, certain wise men having seen his star (Spica Virginis, which rises just before midnight when the Savior is born) in the east, were guided by it to where the child was. These were the three Magi (Melchior, Gaspar and Belthazar = the three seasons of the year = the Christian Trinity.) They at once fell down and worshiped him, and offered him gold, frankincense and myrrh, i.e., they offered him the year then before him. Gold = the harvest of spring; frankincense = summer, and myrrh = bitterness = winter.