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Puzzle solution is Bd3 Queen is trapped. If it moves away, there is mate in 1 on h7. They can grab the rook but you will still win the queen in the next few moves.
► Chapters 00:00 Schliemann Defense Against the Ruy Lopez Opening 00:29 3...f5 is more aggressive than you think! 01:47 1) If White plays 4.exf5 (mistake by White) 03:33 White loses in just 7 moves! 05:03 2) If White plays 4.Bxc6 and 5.Nxe5 07:28 3) If White plays 4.d3 09:25 Black's plan of kingside attack 10:44 Puzzle of the day: Can you find the winning move?
I think there is Qxh1 after that in which after the king moves, black can take the rook on a1, sacrifice the queen, and get two rooks for a queen. After bishop takes, then black can play Bg7 right?
@@GreatestClips00 You said that there is Qxh1+ then the king moves to d2 or e2, black then can take the rook on a1; however, white does not have to take the queen on a1. White can simply move the bishop to h7 for mate.
@@GreatestClips00 That one doesn't really change much. Qxh1+ is just prolonging the inevitable. The queen can't protect the h7 square from there to protect against checkmate. So "the best" defense for black is to give up the queen for the bishop. But that should still be winning.
Great vidéo !!! Despite it's already my favourite opening against the Ruy lopez, in only 11 minutes it teached me 2 cases letting Qh5 happen (as a trap) and then Kd8 (when it's not anoying) instead of playing the profilactic move Nf6 (that can loose some innitiative). Very usefull. I hope (and bet) that it's not the last video about Schliemann Gambit ;-)
@@БогданКовальчук-й3н Line I posted (Tartakower variation with 5...Nf6, a textbook move) is what Stockfish says is best for black, since 5...d5 is a mistake and not recommended. After Knights are exchanged, 6. Nxf6 Qxf6 7.0-0 Be2 8.Re1 0-0 and black is just fine.
Loved this video Igor! I'll definitely try this against the Ruy Lopez as I dislike the slow, manoeuvring and positional structures it normaly ends up in.
Hello Igor. I would love for you to make a video going over a weapon against the Sicilian defense after 1.e4 C5 2.Nf3 e6. Love your videos keep it up! 👍
The simplest way is 3.c3 to avoid the trendy variations. You can transfer the opening to the Alapin or Delayed Alapin Sicilian, to the Advanced French or the Tarrasch French, possibly to the Kings Indian Attack depending on your favourite opening method.
Bd3. Threaten Queen and Bh2# after Qxh1+ play Kd2 to prevent Rxe3+ which may allow black to draw or simplify. Black cannot save his queen and prevent mate from Bh2# in one move, therefore winning material.
Not completely losing the queen. You take the h rook with check then move the f pawn to temporarily save the game. Your queen will be taken by the other rook though but still playable if blitz or something. Since all other black pieces are underdeveloped it will most likely still lose the game.
@@abysswatcher4907 The queen being taken by the other rook is completely losing the queen. There are other scenarios but unless white blunders black will either lose their queen or get checkmated.
@@tykemorris Sorry if I worded poorly, but my interpretation of losing a piece is it is being taken by something else and you can't reclaim it. This is a forced exchange between queen and a minor piece (rook or bishop) and it's important to note the material difference before deciding. For example, exchanging a queen with a rook and bishop might not be losing in many scenarios and such an exchange could even be advantageous. If your definition of losing a piece is making an unwilling but necessary exchange, then of course I agree with you. I'm merely pointing out other ways for black to desperately save the game.
@@abysswatcher4907 You're good. Actually I was thinking later about what you said and wondered if by "losing completely" you meant losing without any compensation. I think we are all 3 meaning the same thing.
Thank you for this video! It was very helpful and instructive for me. I think there are not many videos that explain what to do against the bishop f4 move in the Ruy Lopez Opening. I was stuck for a while trying to figure out how I could still use the Rousseau Gambit against whites bishop.
I think the solution is Qc3, if Qxh1 then Kd2 and black can't defend against Qh8# or they're gonna lose their queen, anyway, thank you so much for this video GM Igor !
Qc3 doesn't work because Qxh1 would not be black's response. Black would go Re5 blocking mate. It would allow white to save a rook, but white loses all positional advantages and remains disadvantaged by piece count. The better move by white is Bd3 threatening mate.
Very Nice 🎉 would be very glad if you made a continuation of this video about the remaining moves after f5: Nc3,d4, O-O. In little bit higher rating they allready correspong to 30% of the games.
There is bd3, qxh1+, kd2 and there is no more check for black and check mate looks unstoppable at h7. Also the queen is attacked by the a1 rook. Thought about qc3 too, but black has re5 to start with I guess to close down the diagonal
I have always found the Schliemann to be very interesting & dynamic. Top players seem to prefer being safe by choosing 4.d3, otherwise if 4. Nc3?!, the position can get very wild if black plays 4..Nd4! (instead of fxe). It might appear that white has a great attack, and can chase the black king to the queenside, but black can still survive, as in this amazing draw: e4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 Bb5 f5! Nc3?! Nd4! exf5 c6 Nxd4 exd4 Qh5 ch Ke7 0-0 dxc3 dxc3 Nf6 Re1 ch Kd6 Bf4 ch Kc5 Be3 ch Kd6 Bf4 1/2-1/2 I would be very interested if you could post an updated video on the Schliemann that analyzes 4. Nc3 Nd4! and what white's best continuation is.
The puzzle answer is Bd3! Black would thought you are dumb and tkae our rook on h1 with check, but we will just play Kd2 and all the sudden, we are threatening Bh7# and Rxh1 at the same time, so black is defenseless.
Sir, can you make a video that covers, How to completely play the Owen's Defense Some players play Bd3, Qe2 and play Nd2 and not Nc3 Its difficult when it is played
Bd3 Qxh1+ Kd2 Be7 Rxh1 would be my guess edit actually Qc3 is probably an even better finish as after Be7 black can no longer close the diagonal with their rook
However I would play Bg7 for Black rather than Be7, so that if Qc3 Black still has Re5. White still has Q+P for R+N and the initiative, probably h4 next.
In the Rousseau gambit accepted, after you advance your pawn, white can play Knight d4, and its a killer if you take it because of Qh5+ (plus bishop). So I never take that knight. Is this the same with the Schliemann defense? Will I be doomed if I take the knight of the apocalypse?
Well, Igor, what about my question about russo gambit. What if attacked white knight doesnt escape to the 1 line but go to d4 immidietely. if you take with your knight, white moves the queen and attacs your king and its all over.
I love this opening. But I wonder when white takes our knight with the bishop, would it be better to take back with the d pawn instead of the b pawn? I'm thinking the open file in front of the queen keeps white's knight from jumping to d4.
Since white has no knight's, the best response would be to tell black to take his knight back off the board and do a legal move. If it were possible, it would be a terrible move resulting in Qxh1 loss of a rook and a check. Black would then have multiple options with no fear of mate or loss of the queen.
Would you not rather trade a rook for a queen rather than a bishop? Or are you more concerned about thwarting the checkmate threat? There are ways to avoid checkmate but the queen is doomed.
Bd3 wins the queen after black trades it for a rook, and then comes back to d4 to prevent checkmate. Then white wins the queen, but there's no more forced checkmate after white moves Bfg7. But if black can't see those tactics, it's game over for black.
Knight G4 is not bad for white, lose the knight yes... but in next move check and strong attack comming to black king... i played this versus engine (one cheater player invictus 1500 elo) and i lose to amazing checkmatevin this variation
Advice for stupide chess players like me: These instructions probably must be learned by heart. Why? The black for example after taking by the white the pawn f5 - 1:50, which is the crucial mistake of the white/, mustn´t play Nf6 defending the square h5, where could go the white queen, but black must play e4, which is the winning move. I am the man who is not creative enough without sufficient informations /so probably I am not creative at all/ and I think that most of chess players are like this kind of man. But maybe in every branch of science and some other sort of things /the music and so on/ the man could be creative only after mastering these branches first with his memory - by pouring the informations to his head. And maybe that is the mistake of most of the people - they say that they have no talent but the cause of their fail is their lazyness to work, to memorize such things like these combinations in chess or in other branches - for example science - the mastering of some informations, some associations of informations be their repeating. Sorry for my rugged English. The most frequent fault of the teachers is that they don´t say about this reality their pupils, so many of them think that their success is in so called "talent" not in hard and long work, and they don´t work enough to have better results. I recommend you the book: Matthew Syed: Bounce. Mr. Smirnov thanks for your work. You are a good teacher, even if you do not say your pupils about the reality which I have written above.
🎁 Celebrate Father's Day with RCA, get up to 80% OFF on all courses (till 22nd June) - online.chess-teacher.com/
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Igor Nation rise up
Puzzle solution is Bd3
Queen is trapped. If it moves away, there is mate in 1 on h7. They can grab the rook but you will still win the queen in the next few moves.
The most concise, educational chess teacher!
► Chapters
00:00 Schliemann Defense Against the Ruy Lopez Opening
00:29 3...f5 is more aggressive than you think!
01:47 1) If White plays 4.exf5 (mistake by White)
03:33 White loses in just 7 moves!
05:03 2) If White plays 4.Bxc6 and 5.Nxe5
07:28 3) If White plays 4.d3
09:25 Black's plan of kingside attack
10:44 Puzzle of the day: Can you find the winning move?
Please cover Calabrese countergambit next, it's powerful and unknown.
I suppose the solution to the puzzle could be Bd3 attacking the queen and if the queen moves there is checkmate on h7
I think there is Qxh1 after that in which after the king moves, black can take the rook on a1, sacrifice the queen, and get two rooks for a queen. After bishop takes, then black can play Bg7 right?
But black does not have to take..it is simply mate
@@Random-hc6vd Hi can you explain more because I don't understand how it would be mate. Thanks!
@@GreatestClips00 You said that there is Qxh1+ then the king moves to d2 or e2, black then can take the rook on a1; however, white does not have to take the queen on a1. White can simply move the bishop to h7 for mate.
That one doesn't really change much. Qxh1+ is just prolonging the inevitable. The queen can't protect the h7 square from there to protect against checkmate. So "the best" defense for black is to give up the queen for the bishop. But that should still be winning.
I am very proud to be a part of Igor Nation!
Great vidéo !!!
Despite it's already my favourite opening against the Ruy lopez, in only 11 minutes it teached me 2 cases letting Qh5 happen (as a trap) and then Kd8 (when it's not anoying) instead of playing the profilactic move Nf6 (that can loose some innitiative).
Very usefull.
I hope (and bet) that it's not the last video about Schliemann Gambit ;-)
4.. Nc3 fxe4 5. Nxe4 d5 6. Nxe5 dxe4 7. Nxc6 Qg5 8. Qe2 and white is crushing.
Not at all! 4. Nc3 fxe4 5.Nxe4 Nf6. (Not d5!) 6.Nxf6 Qxf6
@@tobias4411 That is just the passive variation that is very tame and gets no girls xd
@@БогданКовальчук-й3н Line I posted (Tartakower variation with 5...Nf6, a textbook move) is what Stockfish says is best for black, since 5...d5 is a mistake and not recommended. After Knights are exchanged, 6. Nxf6 Qxf6 7.0-0 Be2 8.Re1 0-0 and black is just fine.
Loved this video Igor! I'll definitely try this against the Ruy Lopez as I dislike the slow, manoeuvring and positional structures it normaly ends up in.
Hello Igor. I would love for you to make a video going over a weapon against the Sicilian defense after 1.e4 C5 2.Nf3 e6. Love your videos keep it up! 👍
Thanks for the suggestion, We will make note of it for a future video. 👍
The simplest way is 3.c3 to avoid the trendy variations. You can transfer the opening to the Alapin or Delayed Alapin Sicilian, to the Advanced French or the Tarrasch French, possibly to the Kings Indian Attack depending on your favourite opening method.
Just started learning the main line in modern chess openings, wondered why it didnt say what happens if they take on f5, chuffed this video is here!
Bd3. Threaten Queen and Bh2#
after Qxh1+ play Kd2 to prevent Rxe3+ which may allow black to draw or simplify.
Black cannot save his queen and prevent mate from Bh2# in one move, therefore winning material.
Bishop d 3 wins the game for the puzzle because they either lose the queen or get mated o h7
Not completely losing the queen. You take the h rook with check then move the f pawn to temporarily save the game. Your queen will be taken by the other rook though but still playable if blitz or something. Since all other black pieces are underdeveloped it will most likely still lose the game.
@@abysswatcher4907 The queen being taken by the other rook is completely losing the queen. There are other scenarios but unless white blunders black will either lose their queen or get checkmated.
@@tykemorris Sorry if I worded poorly, but my interpretation of losing a piece is it is being taken by something else and you can't reclaim it. This is a forced exchange between queen and a minor piece (rook or bishop) and it's important to note the material difference before deciding. For example, exchanging a queen with a rook and bishop might not be losing in many scenarios and such an exchange could even be advantageous. If your definition of losing a piece is making an unwilling but necessary exchange, then of course I agree with you. I'm merely pointing out other ways for black to desperately save the game.
@@abysswatcher4907 You're good. Actually I was thinking later about what you said and wondered if by "losing completely" you meant losing without any compensation. I think we are all 3 meaning the same thing.
Thank you for this video! It was very helpful and instructive for me. I think there are not many videos that explain what to do against the bishop f4 move in the Ruy Lopez Opening. I was stuck for a while trying to figure out how I could still use the Rousseau Gambit against whites bishop.
I think the solution is Qc3, if Qxh1 then Kd2 and black can't defend against Qh8# or they're gonna lose their queen, anyway, thank you so much for this video GM Igor !
@gehteuchnichtsan8306 Urs ans is correct
Qc3 doesn't work because Qxh1 would not be black's response. Black would go Re5 blocking mate. It would allow white to save a rook, but white loses all positional advantages and remains disadvantaged by piece count. The better move by white is Bd3 threatening mate.
Great lesson! Thanks
Waited a LOOOOOOONG time for this!!!!!!!
Great great lesson. ..Many ideaa and tactical move to include in knowledge...thank you
Thanks GM Smirnov! God bless!
Can you do a video on the latvian gambit (Greco Counterattack)? 1 e4 e5 2 Nf3 f5!!
They always go Nc3 as 5th move.
Very Nice 🎉 would be very glad if you made a continuation of this video about the remaining moves after f5: Nc3,d4, O-O. In little bit higher rating they allready correspong to 30% of the games.
Igor I'd really appreciate a video on the Dutch, specifically the leningrad (not sure of the spelling) Dutch
There is bd3, qxh1+, kd2 and there is no more check for black and check mate looks unstoppable at h7. Also the queen is attacked by the a1 rook.
Thought about qc3 too, but black has re5 to start with I guess to close down the diagonal
It's not unstoppable. For example, Bg7 gives Black some space. But Black can't both prevent the checkmate and defend its queen.
@@almondmagnum8604 yeah.. either gets mated or looses the queen.
Very entertaining as always.
Thank you!
Thanks for the video igor!
Suggestions : Can you cover about scandinavian defense modern variation about the line e4 d5 exd5 nf6 nf3
2:19 N can go to e5, so it's better to capture dxc6 always in this opening
Puzzle solution: 1. Qc3!! Qxh1+ 2. Kd2 and wins because of the double threat of Qh8# and Rxh1.
I'm silly. 1.Bd3 is even better.
Igor, you should try out the calasbrese counter gambit
Mate in three. Bd3,Qf3,Bh7#
Bxd3 direct mate.😂😂😂😂😂
I have always found the Schliemann to be very interesting & dynamic. Top players seem to prefer being safe by choosing 4.d3, otherwise if 4. Nc3?!, the position can get very wild if black plays 4..Nd4! (instead of fxe). It might appear that white has a great attack, and can chase the black king to the queenside, but black can still survive, as in this amazing draw:
e4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 Bb5 f5! Nc3?! Nd4! exf5 c6 Nxd4 exd4 Qh5 ch Ke7 0-0 dxc3 dxc3 Nf6 Re1 ch Kd6 Bf4 ch Kc5 Be3 ch Kd6 Bf4 1/2-1/2
I would be very interested if you could post an updated video on the Schliemann that analyzes 4. Nc3 Nd4! and what white's best continuation is.
I'm a citizen of IgorNation 😎
At 4:43 White could play d3 planning Nc3 and Be3 instead pof pressing the self-destruct button
Hello Igor! thanks for such usefull videos, can u prepare a couple videos how deal against scotch opening? заранее спасибо!
Here is a video about how to play against the scotch defense.
@@GMIgorSmirnov o thank you! )
The puzzle answer is Bd3! Black would thought you are dumb and tkae our rook on h1 with check, but we will just play Kd2 and all the sudden, we are threatening Bh7# and Rxh1 at the same time, so black is defenseless.
How about the 4.Nc3 line? Isn't this best for white vs the Schliemann?
I need a video about Scott gambit
Sure. Here is video about scotch gambit.
I love this continuation of the King's pawn Gambit themes! Is there openings for white that you recommend with the same theme?
You are allwyse unique 💐
Sir, can you make a video that covers, How to completely play the Owen's Defense
Some players play Bd3, Qe2 and play Nd2 and not Nc3
Its difficult when it is played
Yep I always take a long think when they play f5!
Bd3 Qxh1+ Kd2 Be7 Rxh1 would be my guess
edit actually Qc3 is probably an even better finish as after Be7 black can no longer close the diagonal with their rook
However I would play Bg7 for Black rather than Be7, so that if Qc3 Black still has Re5. White still has Q+P for R+N and the initiative, probably h4 next.
You should call your viewers Smirvs of the Smirv Village.
In the Rousseau gambit accepted, after you advance your pawn, white can play Knight d4, and its a killer if you take it because of Qh5+ (plus bishop). So I never take that knight.
Is this the same with the Schliemann defense? Will I be doomed if I take the knight of the apocalypse?
Well, Igor, what about my question about russo gambit. What if attacked white knight doesnt escape to the 1 line but go to d4 immidietely. if you take with your knight, white moves the queen and attacs your king and its all over.
Thanks Sir it’s just what the doctor ordered 😊Bd3,qxh1 Kd2
Very good
bb3 qxh1 + now make sure to go kd2 not ke2 or rxb3 + if kxb3 then qxh3 + or if b2xrb3 qh2 + qxqc2 after the king moves
Igor could you please make a video of the Grünfeld Defence
He has one, search with his name & Grünfeld
Here is a video about Grunfeld defense. It is quite an old one.
You attack the queen with bishop then give up two rooks and throw checkmate with bishop h7. Master plz cover Catalan opening as well.
It's like Kings Gambit. I'm always, if can, try open king rook vertical... Powerfull! Rools for white, rools for black!!!
white queen to c3, if black take rook. move King to D2. putting pressure on the black queen to move. white queen to H8 check mate
I love this opening. But I wonder when white takes our knight with the bishop, would it be better to take back with the d pawn instead of the b pawn? I'm thinking the open file in front of the queen keeps white's knight from jumping to d4.
Igor do you have merchandizers? T-shirts alike?
Is the solution of the puzzle be Bd3? that way black must sacrifice the queen for the bishop, otherwise Bh7 will be checkmate
Igor💪 > gotham chess🙄
Of course dude. He is a GM
Can we call this the Ruysseau Gambit?
Igor nation ♟
Call that queen ABBA, cause she never stopped dancing 💃
When they accept the gambit and you push e4, what if they play Qe2 and pin the pawn?
Ruy Lopez should be the slow game but now we will change that
Computer suggests nf4 as a brilliant move just giving up a knight for Qh5+
What's the best response if white plays Nc3?
Since white has no knight's, the best response would be to tell black to take his knight back off the board and do a legal move. If it were possible, it would be a terrible move resulting in Qxh1 loss of a rook and a check. Black would then have multiple options with no fear of mate or loss of the queen.
Thank you. Finally i have weapon against the most boring opening possible. All ruy lopez player are nerd that memorize so much line
2:19 most often they go Qe2
ரொம்ப நாளாக தேடிகிட்டு இருந்தேன் ஆசானே..
Sir please give some more long time video🙏
What if they castle before they develop the knight
Bd3 for mat or queen death ! :D
Bd3,Kd2 then Bh7 mate
after the Rousseau and the Schliemann, can't wait for Igor to cover the Winawer Defense against the Three Knights Opening
Mmmm... what happens after e4, the Qe2, pinning pawn to K.
The Rousseau gambit is so strong it works against a different opening
What about d4 move?
1. Bd3!! this is win move for white.
1.Bd3 Qxh1 2.Kd2 Q f3, but I would sacrifice my Queen and play though me being 1200 rated 2...Qxd3 3.Qxd3
Would you not rather trade a rook for a queen rather than a bishop? Or are you more concerned about thwarting the checkmate threat? There are ways to avoid checkmate but the queen is doomed.
@@tykemorris more fear of checkmate
@@dandonna852 OK, thanks
What if White goes 4. d4? Answer: fxe4; Nxe5 - Nxe5; dxe5 - c6
my great great great great great great uncle’s cousin created this
Everybody gangsta until your opponents play a random move that does nothing...
Develop forward! :D
Bd3 wins the queen after black trades it for a rook, and then comes back to d4 to prevent checkmate. Then white wins the queen, but there's no more forced checkmate after white moves Bfg7. But if black can't see those tactics, it's game over for black.
Bd3- Queen traped!
no one falls I to it.. simple pawn push instead
2:14 if white plays Qe7?
So it's a Vienna gambit for black
Vidit clearly didn't watch this video
Bro... why did my opponent play this we're both 450 elo
Its a literally a better latvin gambit... (If they accept it and then trade bishop for a knight)
Bd3, Qxh1+, Ke2, Qh2, Bh7#
Knight G4 is not bad for white, lose the knight yes... but in next move check and strong attack comming to black king... i played this versus engine (one cheater player invictus 1500 elo) and i lose to amazing checkmatevin this variation
No-one falls for this.
I think Bd3...
Advice for stupide chess players like me: These instructions probably must be learned by heart. Why? The black for example after taking by the white the pawn f5 - 1:50, which is the crucial mistake of the white/, mustn´t play Nf6 defending the square h5, where could go the white queen, but black must play e4, which is the winning move. I am the man who is not creative enough without sufficient informations /so probably I am not creative at all/ and I think that most of chess players are like this kind of man. But maybe in every branch of science and some other sort of things /the music and so on/ the man could be creative only after mastering these branches first with his memory - by pouring the informations to his head. And maybe that is the mistake of most of the people - they say that they have no talent but the cause of their fail is their lazyness to work, to memorize such things like these combinations in chess or in other branches - for example science - the mastering of some informations, some associations of informations be their repeating. Sorry for my rugged English. The most frequent fault of the teachers is that they don´t say about this reality their pupils, so many of them think that their success is in so called "talent" not in hard and long work, and they don´t work enough to have better results. I recommend you the book: Matthew Syed: Bounce.
Mr. Smirnov thanks for your work. You are a good teacher, even if you do not say your pupils about the reality which I have written above.
If Rousseau was Spanish...
Bd3 Qxh1 Ke2 Qe4 (Qxa1 Ba7#) Bxe4 Rxe4 Qxe4 and white wins