Crime rate lowers as the suicide rate drastically increases...Gentrification is a middleclass utopian dream perpetuated by the higher/wealthier classes profiting off this demented dream they are selling to the working class.
Gentrification tears up the neighborhood physically and culturally. Displace family that anchor the culture which took decades to build. End up with a fake ready-made artificial city filled of strangers. Crime increase and places like DC becomes increasingly Unsafe to walk.
I thought diversity is our strength??
Preaching to the gentrifiers
Rent control is the answer... all the other things are benefits
Differently a killer of culture . It may probably will cut crime a great deal tho
Say it isnt so!? :o
Crime rate lowers as the suicide rate drastically increases...Gentrification is a middleclass utopian dream perpetuated by the higher/wealthier classes profiting off this demented dream they are selling to the working class.
it doesn't fix the crime it just spreads it out
Gentrification tears up the neighborhood physically and culturally. Displace family that anchor the culture which took decades to build. End up with a fake ready-made artificial city filled of strangers.
Crime increase and places like DC becomes increasingly Unsafe to walk.
If crime increase then property values will go down :D
Insane lefties
Ruining downtown Omaha
Pretty and intelligent !