Bit of context for the Mexican one. The Ambassador Jeremy did an impression of actually invited them to the Mexican embassy where they proceeded to get drunk on tequila and the ambassador explained how he found it hilarious.
@@JimmyS.25I mean, that is also funny. A nation of people is completely able to recognize that their domestically produced goods are pretty crap, I mean, the only Danish "car" ever made was a three-wheeled electric.. car that couldn't turn without tipping over, that would literally be a penalty to drive lol like the shittiest tuktuk
If that’s true that’s hilarious - even as a resolute defender of top gear over the years even i rewatched that and thought Hammond had some serious Mexican animosity going on 😂
tbh that's a trait that every country accepting the mega leftist narrative, including for example Canada, New Zealand or Sweden (where i'm from), shares... But it does originate from the united states...
Another stereotype, but I really do think she didn't quite understand half the jokes, especially involving history (Germany invading Poland, white Aussies' ancestors) or involving geography and other general info that most people in the world understand.
To be fair Clarkson and the boys HAVE taken the piss out of themselves / the UK plenty of times. And Richard Hammond loves all things American so it's all in good humour. They are the reason I travelled north to south Vietnam, their Vietnam special is legendary
Tell your wife not to get offended, Clarkson takes the piss out of everyone. Its his hallmark. Plus in the UK if people take the piss out of you, weirdly, its because they really like you!
About the stereotypes u didn’t understand. Stereotypes are different in britain. We don’t have Mexican immigrants, the stereotypes they’re referring to are Mexicans living in Mexico are stereotypically lazy, not the Mexican immigrants in the US. Also a random stranger asking u how are you and talking to you is rude in the U.K. and unwanted. In the US that’s friendly, that’s why we have that stereotype
In America they are known as lazy and trashy . Many of them apply for welfare as soon as they get here. They also get free healthcare. In NYC an upscale hotel allowed new arrivals from south of the border to stay and they trashed it ,refused to eat the food ,got drunk ,had sex out in the open and refused to leave till they were forced out Many of Britain's assumptions about what goes on in North America are erroneous
The N word clip pisses me off for two reasons 1. That rhyme was very common when I was a child before I even understood what the ward meant and Clarkson is much older than me so this was clearly a slip of the tounge. 2. This clip was never publicly aired because they realised his mistake and edited it out of the show but some rat on the production staff leaked it to make a quick buck and embarrassed him.
The thing is that in Europe we dont really care about the N-word. Middle and Eastern Europe especially. Its not so bad like in US or in Canada. Its not a big deal
americans like to laugh about themself too... for example when they say: land of the free and brave... i live in germany near two big air base stations and in over 40 years i never met one GI with an iq over 80, but they all think they have 180...^^
@@seelenwinter6662 Ah, proof of the stereotype that all Americans (who visit other countries) are idiots. Oh and the whole "Americans are rude" thing is a stereotype of their tourists especially who don't seem able to accept other cultures.
I think this gave you slightly the wrong impression, these really are just jokes. But I got the impression you might just think they’re anti anyone not British when actually in their shows they’re incredibly well travelled and are very complimentary and appreciative of other countries. Some of their specials travelling through Africa showed a beautiful side of the people and landscape in Botswana. Another fascinating watch is their Christmas special where they spent time in Syria (before the war) and really demonstrates the wonderful country Syria was before the war.
This is all a great preface to the n word discussion. They're generally offensive to all (with not bad reason). When it comes to the n word, and why it's untouchable is bc of the centuries of suffering they endured mainly down to whites, but not exclusively. Most of top gears/grand tours controversial humour is largely xenophobic nonsense (hopefully not heartfelt), but some times they do run close to the wind, and until there is a closer societal take on races that will continue to be the case.
Very well said and so true. I have the entire Top Gear series and all the specials on my HDD. It is 150GB. Huge but I copy it from installation to installation. It is one of the best things ever created.
I'll always remember when they all had a challenge to make an ad for a BMW. Jeremy's was a bunch of people screaming and running away as though Godzilla was attacking. Then it fades to the car and Jeremy's voice saying, "from Germany to Poland in 1 tank." Because the mileage on the car was good. He pitched the ad to BMW execs and they did not look happy. 🤣
Yep. He punched one of the producers. This was after a long day shooting in frigid weather, and when coming back to the hotel found the producer had arranged cold food, not hot food. The punch followed a verbal exchange where the producer called him a little whiney girl. Jeremy and the rest of the cast and crew deserved better considering the inclement weather, and Jeremy snapped. I would have too.
@@lunsmann in a book I read i believe it said his mother had also recently passed and he was going through a divorce also, so he was not in a great place. Although punching the producer wasn't the best idea they were going to smooth everything out but when they sat Clarkson down to calm him down the producer drove himself to the hospital (for a burst lip) and the hospital called the police saying he was attacked.
Hammond and May were never sacked..... the BBC were desperate to continue to make their cash cow "Top Gear" without Jeremy but in a show of solidarity Hammond & May said "we are a trio" and they were as good as their word ! Top Gear has never been the same since.......
They get the Mexican Stereotype from Mexico itself, I have been there several times and its exactly like that. The hard working , industrious Mexicans have left and work in USA, Canada and a lot in Europe too, They are very hard working , hence why they left their home country to make a life fro themselves. They thing is , the British are unique in the ability of taking the piss out of themselves so sometimes they dont understand why other cultures and people cant do the same
I would say that it probobly partly to do with western time, and partly a clash between Anglo-Saxon work ethics and how siesta works. Where Mexicans sleep during the time of day when north europans work the most. It's still strange to me, and I been to Spain like 10 times
We can laugh at ourselves where as a lot of other countries seem incapable. I know a few German people who cannot take any sort of joke about WW2 where as us Brits will have a laugh about anything
@@Cyapowit's like when european media freaks out over the 10 german bombers song. Plenty of germans love it though. Also to the people who dislike the song, would you rather the luftwaffe won?
The "lazy Mexican" stereotype was likely borne due to the fact that Mexicans (historically at least) were used to taking mid-day naps (called siestas), but when having to work with Americans (who never had that habit), they (the Americans) would notice Mexicans getting sleepy or taking naps in the middle of the day and assumed that they were lazy.
@@AlexBrown230 So basically, the Spanish sleep in the day because its too hot to work. Then when a person from a cooler climate sees this behaviour regularly occurring, they obviously conclude that the Spaniard is a lazy bum who can't be bothered to work. Which is sort-of true, but they can't really help it because: 1) It's a cultural norm. 2) It's a habitual action that is hard to stop. 3) If they remain too lazy to try to break the habit, they will just do it everywhere they go.
Everyone who doesnt understand that these are jokes i feel sorry for. The trio are definitely high up in my hero list, or kore precisely clarkson is a hero in my book. His new show is such a wonderful thing can only recommend Clarkson farm.
@@Dave534They actually got invited to come to the mexican embassy by the mexican ambassador where they had drinks and he said the jokes were hilarious iirc
"I would love to hear them say something about their own culture!" They actually were commenting on the latest Bently, a car made in England for English people. The joke that was being made was the fact that the car was designed by a german, made with german parts, and is way overpowered compared to normal English Cars, a very German trait :)
The way I understood Top Gear was it was 3 blokes who were having a good time and occasionally said something about cars. That's the normal episodes. Then there are the specials which are stupendously funny and entertaining. Side note, refreshments while watching the specials is a must.
Think its a term from The Simpson's that was repeated by George Bush, which is why Jeremy put the American accent on. Jeremy loves France, he's made shows about the place but it doesn't stop him taking the piss.
Great reaction and top gear always makes fun of the British just as much as everyone else they diss it out but always take the piss out of the uk just as much
Hi, I am British and I get why you reacted the way you did, but they do take the piss out of everything and everybody including each other. You need to see a whole episode to really get them. Great reaction.
The "Slope" one was surprising because very few people knew it was a slur, especially in my generation, until that episode came out, now everyone does.
I've heard it, many years ago, when he said that I knew he'd done it deliberately. Got what he deserved thankfully, he's gone off the edge and now has his hard core gammon base as his own, he's welcome to that.
Clarkson wasn't fired, his contract wasn't renewed, Hammond and may didn't renew their contracts, all three went to Amazon and did The Grand Tour which had a bigger budget.
@@SarahEnglishBird No Read the Nwes properly his Contract was not renewed, and the other two didn't renew their contracts because the BBC had dumped him.
Same difference. You more or less say so by saying he was dumped. James and Richard presented the last episode on their own. If Jeremy’s contract wasn’t renewed for the next series but hadn’t been terminated, he would have presented that last episode too.
"They did get fired" - Incorrect, Jeremy was the only one who got fired, Hammond and May both left the BBC willingly because they knew the show would never work without Clarksson!
That is not the worst, and not the best either, in my mind. You should let her see the part with the boys driving thru Texas (I think). That is not PC at all, and cringy af 🤣
11.17 'should't it all be equal...' yes Clarkson took the piss out of everyone - he literally states that the reason the Dutch love Top Gear so much is because they take a lot of drugs (as Calrkson puts it)
As a parisian, working in bars, americans are rude but they don't mean it, of you dig a bit they're usually really nice . They're just not that good to understand that everywhere is not america, politeness, curtesy, manners are not the same everywhere
When Japanese people started going to Paris they developed Paris Syndrome and helplines were setup and therapists made a fortune. I’m not sure who that says more about Parisians or the Japanese
Lazy Mexican stereotype in my opinion comes from all the westerns we used to get on TV back in the 60's and 70's. I remember watching lots of them and there were always a few Mexicans lying around dozing in the sunshine, setting the scene
A lot of it too needs to be watched in the context of the show itself to be honest. I mean, these were "most offensive" clips, not "funniest" necessarily. The funniest bits were the 3 of them winding each other up an their banter and there 'offensive bits' simply added another layer to that.
Some context for the Lorry Driver "murder a prostitute" part: This is very likely a reference to a serial killer known as the Yorkshire Ripper (real name: Peter Sutcliffe) who was a lorry driver and also murdered a number of prostitutes in the 1970s. I believe there may also have been other lorry driver/prostitute murderers also but dont know their names.
Eeny, meeny, miny, moe was uttered by kids everywhere several times a day back in the 60's. We used it for choosing the odd one out before starting many of our games like tag. It never occured to me that it referred to a human with feelings, it just seemed like a convenient word to use Perhaps the lack of any ethnic minorities where I lived contributed to it - probably about 99% white British back then, and still around 90% + now. There wasn't anybody to be offended by lots of words that we used.
She's right on all accounts. Americans are not mean.. in fact back when I used to visit chatrooms, the ones who acted the most rude were the British folks. Americans were usually open and friendly and willing to give you the benefit of the doubt even if you're from another culture. And yeah, the double standard.. a lot of it is politically driven and in today's political climate there is a strong tendency to attack white people because of their history. It's a very charged subject that would require a lot of debate. But basically it's like "your ancestors did some messed up stuff, and even though it has nothing to do with you guys, we'll still punish you for it because we feel it's fair to do so." It's just petty cultural revenge, since the real culprits are long dead and they can't punish them... so they're like, "let's punish their great-great-great-great grandkids." It's stupid on a lot of levels. But then that's just how we humans are as a species, I suppose.
If you listen to the bit where he's supposed to say the N word he doesn't actually say it, he just mumbles over it. Unfortunately the British press just jumped on it. The Mexican stereotype comes from the image of a guy sitting asleep with his back against a wall wearing a poncho and a sombrero during a siesta. They reviewed some of the old British Leyland cars which was hysterical because I remember what a load of shite they were. Even if you're not into cars as such, apart from the banter and constantly sabotaging each others cars, some of the cars like the Lamborghini's, Ferraris, Bugatti veyron etc do make you go WOW. Star in a reasonably priced car was one of my favourite parts of the show.
Fen, we all need to know how you ended up in America and how you and Akasha met. And Akasha, don't worry, they take the piss out of Brits ALLLLLLLL the time. Especially the Scots, Irish, and Welsh. It's just the British way; we take the piss out of ourselves more than others.
Yeah, i mean they had to say sorry to the mexican ambassador while there is nearly no week were there isn't any Nazi-joke on page one of the Sun - we Germans just accept it as what it is: Jealousy ;-) But to be serious, i think we Germans can handle british humour better than for example the yanks is that we are basically the same (Hey, it's called Anglo-Saxon for a reason, all those tribes we didn't want in Germany got shipped to the Isles, basically our very own little Botany Bay /s).
This was so entertaining. You are wonderful as a team. Any offence in Top Gear was deliberately constructed to demonstrate a kind of old-fashioned pretence of ignorance and prejudice. It was there to criticise people who actually do have these racial and national prejudices. And that is why it was funny. It made us laugh at our own sad history of narrow-mindedness and exploitation, and deflect that regret to a sympathy for all people. These presenters are not truly prejudiced. The target for criticism is viewers who remain stuck in the past, dreaming of another empire. Most obviously, us British. If you can see through that humour, you can understand us British when we scorn and mock ourselves.
I love how they said " fat, dumb and rude " and her reaction was " We aren't rude ". I have never been to the US yet but I have only heard that they are extremely friendly and helpful people so i do agree.
No matter how many times i watch these old clips i cant get over the fact that Jeremy and James looks basically exactly the same as they do today but older but Richard looks like a completely different person
I don't think you really remembering that these clips were like 20 years of Top Gear. That's literally one per season, if that. This clip just makes it look like a nationalist programme.
The Aussies arriving in the police van episode had a fun race where the cars were two connected, one on top of the other, one steering and the other doing power and brakes, for the Aussie episode they put the top car upside down, the drivers were a bit ill
Not sure this is the best take on an absolute classic of a show and presenters. Take the piss out of everyone going including themselves. And also slightly different times when these jokes were allowed. Their true specials in different countries shows how much they love other culture
9:36 British and American definitions of rude are quite different. Rude to an American is sweary, confrontational and arrogant. Rude to a Brit is loud, obnoxious, arrogant and full of themselves. Which is a lot of Americans although they're usually not aware of it because of Americans culture.
RE-WIND BUTTON GUYS!!!!!!!! I like you guys and long ago Subscribed but(apart from me, until recently😀) you seem the only people on TH-cam who do not realize there is a rewind button and you never laughed once immediately after you paused and re-started the clip for a good reason. lol and the reason was the continuation bore no relation to the bit that you paused or you separated the Tag Line from the Punchline. lol So,for example after the "Gay Cowboy/Terrorist" you never heard James's comeback and twice seemed to miss Mexican references. I noticed you did what I used to and physically moved the mouse back rather than press the button:) Good Luck...
@@Cybertruck1000 Yes, so we have the bit that our friend reacts to, then the longish explanation, and then the punchline with the build-up, long forgotten so you just hear the word "cactus" or he talks over the last bit, if he doesn't immediately pause. lol
You've clearly not explained top gear to your Mrs it got so many complaints over the years but the viewers loved it especially with Clarkson/ Hammond and May presenting it I mean I have no interest in cars I can't even drive but loved top gear
@8:00 you don;t need to stand up for Mexicans. You are not Mexican. It's not required. The joke is brilliant. Off course it's not stereotypical. Most probably incorrect, but doesn't matter. It says enough that the actual ambassador was mad :) And tried to ban Top Gear. Which is silly.
My uncle always used to complain about all the "Lazy Mexicans taking American's jobs. " I tried to point out what an oxymoron that statement is, by stating, wow, American's must be really really lazy.
We have a whole political party dedicated to complaining about all that lazy refugees living of social security while stealing our jobs over here in Germany too... It's good to recognize idiots before they open their mouths because of the stickers they're wearing...
We both know what happened to Gingers in medieval times. They were lined up and they would all have to watch as the first one was hung up by his legs and then sawed COMPLETELY IN HALF by two very mean executioners. Then the main executioners would stop halfway through, before the saw reached major arteries in the abdomen, to turn a quick and horribly painful death into a slow and ridiculously painful death. So we are making progress in our attitude towards THe Ginger Nation..
"Cheese eating surrender monkeys" refers to the French. He was speaking in a heavy American accent when he said it, because a lot of Americans think poorly of the French.."Surplus French army rifles, only dropped once." :)
The Mexican stereotype is really old so most young people probably don't get it unless they're into old western movies and or old comics, that's where it's from.
I miss these days of Top Gear. Making fun out of stereotypes. Nowadays its all like person on the right sadly as opposed to person on the Left who actually gets it. And proves that yanks just follow some bulting agenda as demonstrated here 8:37 where he after 3 years actually knows that not all people coming from the south are Mexicans as opposed to.....
Top gear critisised British cars and why we took an entire industry into mediocrity up to the point that they dropped british cars off of helicopters. Seriously, they didn't just hit America, Mexico Korea and the rest of the world they hit Britain hard. What made the show a Woirld top TV rating was that they dared to say funny things about anybody. It was a car show so they got away with it most of the time. If I do that about the pope, the queen, the new king, the president or an N... I get arrested.
Your taking it too seriously.. he's been sarcastic about all the different countries & people in them.. I'm not a fan of Jeremy but although he sounds very insulting he's just been sarcastic.. the British have a sarcastic witty sence of humour but we're not normally as insulting as Jeremy c
The N-word incident was off the record (not to excuse it by any measure) and was released to the media by a disgruntled ex-employee of the production company
The reason theres no clips if them making fun of britain is becsuse british people making fun of Britain isnt seen as offensive especially if your british and its on a british show
You ever hear 2 brits banter it's like a live roast, they do it all the time. You can see them taking the piss of everyone on TopGear. And also some celebrity interviews in the show when they roast each other but it's all in good humor.
The idea behind Mexicans is a stereo type from old American movies, a bit like the American idea on teeth or speech with the British Eeny, meeny, miny, moe is a rhyme from before the 1800s
I imagine the lazy mexican stereotype comes from a tradition of sleeping through the day because of the high temperatures. It was a big thing in Northern South America because of how ridiculously hot the humidity made that area.
A bit of context, Jeremy said americans are rude cause he was attacked by americans. Hammond was quite racist to the mexicans, but he then apologized by making a review on the mexican sports car they were talking about. And yes they do shit on the brits a lot too, Birmingham, Wales, Scotland, and a few other places and they shit on their government too
When you watch carefully, James Blunt - a musician and former British Army officer in the Household Cavalry - is very quick with the self-deprecating wit and savage comeback to Clarkson's insinuating that motorcycles meant being homosexuality, saying he wrote most of his songs about him, his most memorable being "You're Beautiful".
My memory is not perfectly sure about it, but I think the "mean americans" thing was born from one of their trips to the US. At the end they gifted their cars (to try and help people manage the loses from hurricane Katrina) and one member got sued for gifting a broken car. One other time they were threatened by angry texans with guns, that got mad because one of the top gear cars had "Gay love rules" written on it as a joke. And that are just the top of my head, basically everytime they went to USA they angried somebody, so I see why they would see americans as "mean".
There was never any amount of hate towards any of the "offended" countries. We can laugh at ourselves and our neighbours, just as long as it doesn't go too personal. Stereotypes are funny for a reason. I just wish I could get the old Top Gear back. The one where they tested cars I can't afford, but which I can enjoy by seeing and hearing them.
Top Gear took the piss out of British people more than any other group. It's well-known to anyone who has watched more than one season.
Or more than just one video...
I agree they hate people from birmingham
That's true, intact they shit on their own Britain more than they did elsewhere
@@MASViper exactly
Yeah I'm from Cheshire, there's a youtube video 10 minutes long just about Top Gear Cheshire jokes. They're great
Bit of context for the Mexican one. The Ambassador Jeremy did an impression of actually invited them to the Mexican embassy where they proceeded to get drunk on tequila and the ambassador explained how he found it hilarious.
That is awesome 😀
Didn't they review a mexican car as a "penalty" ?
@@JimmyS.25I mean, that is also funny. A nation of people is completely able to recognize that their domestically produced goods are pretty crap, I mean, the only Danish "car" ever made was a three-wheeled electric.. car that couldn't turn without tipping over, that would literally be a penalty to drive lol like the shittiest tuktuk
I think it was just Jeremy alone that went to the embassy
If that’s true that’s hilarious - even as a resolute defender of top gear over the years even i rewatched that and thought Hammond had some serious Mexican animosity going on 😂
As a German i can assure you that the German jokes are very funny
"Take the third Reich!" always gets me ;-)
Saying " As a German " negates the rest of the sentence:):)
@@axelvanveen9068 We Germans do have a sense of humour though...
When we are allowed to... :D
@ferrari2k at least you know it's a Joke
I know Germanys can be funny as Seb Vettel is the proof 😂👍
Just the fact that she makes a problem out of everything that doesn't effect her makes her the most American...
right haha, the american stereo type of getting offended for others
tbh that's a trait that every country accepting the mega leftist narrative, including for example Canada, New Zealand or Sweden (where i'm from), shares... But it does originate from the united states...
Another stereotype, but I really do think she didn't quite understand half the jokes, especially involving history (Germany invading Poland, white Aussies' ancestors) or involving geography and other general info that most people in the world understand.
Thankfully we aren’t all like that. Just the loud ones
Yea as an American it’s very sad that people are genuinely like this.
To be fair Clarkson and the boys HAVE taken the piss out of themselves / the UK plenty of times. And Richard Hammond loves all things American so it's all in good humour.
They are the reason I travelled north to south Vietnam, their Vietnam special is legendary
yeah he loves American Muscle cars lol show him a Mustang and I'll show you a popped tent in this pants lol
Yeah the rule was nothing was off limits
My favorite is the Bolivia and the Patagonia
@@jimmybobsap8729 😂
@Aussie Pom 😂 brilliant
Tell your wife not to get offended, Clarkson takes the piss out of everyone. Its his hallmark. Plus in the UK if people take the piss out of you, weirdly, its because they really like you!
Yup, you should hear how they take the piss out of each other. I thought this concept was familiar in the US, the home of the "roast".
About the stereotypes u didn’t understand. Stereotypes are different in britain. We don’t have Mexican immigrants, the stereotypes they’re referring to are Mexicans living in Mexico are stereotypically lazy, not the Mexican immigrants in the US. Also a random stranger asking u how are you and talking to you is rude in the U.K. and unwanted. In the US that’s friendly, that’s why we have that stereotype
In America they are known as lazy and trashy . Many of them apply for welfare as soon as they get here. They also get free healthcare.
In NYC an upscale hotel allowed new arrivals from south of the border to stay and they trashed it ,refused to eat the food ,got drunk ,had sex out in the open and refused to leave till they were forced out
Many of Britain's assumptions about what goes on in North America are erroneous
i think its also has to do with the spanish being stereotypically lazy
Rude in the UK? Not in scotland anyway 😂 maybe cuz we r the friendly bunch
@@kgames3563 nor the north, its southerners who are like that
@@Gekko978 yup just where all the people live
The N word clip pisses me off for two reasons
1. That rhyme was very common when I was a child before I even understood what the ward meant and Clarkson is much older than me so this was clearly a slip of the tounge.
2. This clip was never publicly aired because they realised his mistake and edited it out of the show but some rat on the production staff leaked it to make a quick buck and embarrassed him.
@@aspiretospidey he didn’t purposely mumble it. Watch his apology video
I yet to see a problem about it as I know a white guy who has a work buddy response to big N word as it the guys nickname even though he is white
BBC say no more WOKE BBC
@@jimmunro4649 they’re not woken extremely right wing and shills for government authoritarianism
The thing is that in Europe we dont really care about the N-word. Middle and Eastern Europe especially. Its not so bad like in US or in Canada. Its not a big deal
We British like to laugh at other nations but we also love to laugh at ourselves to be able to laugh at oneself is the height of love and affection
americans like to laugh about themself too... for example when they say: land of the free and brave... i live in germany near two big air base stations and in over 40 years i never met one GI with an iq over 80, but they all think they have 180...^^
@@seelenwinter6662 Ah, proof of the stereotype that all Americans (who visit other countries) are idiots.
Oh and the whole "Americans are rude" thing is a stereotype of their tourists especially who don't seem able to accept other cultures.
I think this gave you slightly the wrong impression, these really are just jokes. But I got the impression you might just think they’re anti anyone not British when actually in their shows they’re incredibly well travelled and are very complimentary and appreciative of other countries. Some of their specials travelling through Africa showed a beautiful side of the people and landscape in Botswana. Another fascinating watch is their Christmas special where they spent time in Syria (before the war) and really demonstrates the wonderful country Syria was before the war.
This was several years worth of clips squeezed into 10 minutes. It's not like they were insulting people every minute of the show.
This is all a great preface to the n word discussion.
They're generally offensive to all (with not bad reason). When it comes to the n word, and why it's untouchable is bc of the centuries of suffering they endured mainly down to whites, but not exclusively.
Most of top gears/grand tours controversial humour is largely xenophobic nonsense (hopefully not heartfelt), but some times they do run close to the wind, and until there is a closer societal take on races that will continue to be the case.
americans over analyse jokes, but this humour does require some understanding of cartoon stereotypes.
Very well said and so true. I have the entire Top Gear series and all the specials on my HDD. It is 150GB. Huge but I copy it from installation to installation. It is one of the best things ever created.
@@jeffredd9965if youre gonna talk about cartoon stereotypes then you should look into the racism of walt disney
I'll always remember when they all had a challenge to make an ad for a BMW. Jeremy's was a bunch of people screaming and running away as though Godzilla was attacking. Then it fades to the car and Jeremy's voice saying, "from Germany to Poland in 1 tank." Because the mileage on the car was good. He pitched the ad to BMW execs and they did not look happy. 🤣
Ahahaha, that's brilliant! XD
That was actually VW, the car they used was a Scirocco TDi with the tagline Berlin to Warsaw in 1 tank.
It was Volkswagen, founded by the third Reich.
I wonder why 😂😂😂
Jeremy got fired because he punched someone and then the rest quit and joined him. Wasn't because they were too offensive
Yep. He punched one of the producers. This was after a long day shooting in frigid weather, and when coming back to the hotel found the producer had arranged cold food, not hot food. The punch followed a verbal exchange where the producer called him a little whiney girl. Jeremy and the rest of the cast and crew deserved better considering the inclement weather, and Jeremy snapped. I would have too.
@@lunsmann in a book I read i believe it said his mother had also recently passed and he was going through a divorce also, so he was not in a great place. Although punching the producer wasn't the best idea they were going to smooth everything out but when they sat Clarkson down to calm him down the producer drove himself to the hospital (for a burst lip) and the hospital called the police saying he was attacked.
Nah, BBC was already looking to fire Jeremy. He was on his last warning before the punch, they had bought the rights from him hoping to fire him..
Hammond and May were never sacked..... the BBC were desperate to continue to make their cash cow "Top Gear" without Jeremy but in a show of solidarity Hammond & May said "we are a trio" and they were as good as their word ! Top Gear has never been the same since.......
@@garymoore2535 I didn't say they were sacked I said they quit
They get the Mexican Stereotype from Mexico itself, I have been there several times and its exactly like that. The hard working , industrious Mexicans have left and work in USA, Canada and a lot in Europe too, They are very hard working , hence why they left their home country to make a life fro themselves. They thing is , the British are unique in the ability of taking the piss out of themselves so sometimes they dont understand why other cultures and people cant do the same
Well also think its because the Spanish are stereotypically lazy
I would say that it probobly partly to do with western time, and partly a clash between Anglo-Saxon work ethics and how siesta works. Where Mexicans sleep during the time of day when north europans work the most.
It's still strange to me, and I been to Spain like 10 times
Says she doesnt get offended, "hang on, i need to stand up fpr the mexicans"
Top gear does have a go at the British, it’s a British thing. We can laugh at ourselves that’s the humour
We can laugh at ourselves where as a lot of other countries seem incapable. I know a few German people who cannot take any sort of joke about WW2 where as us Brits will have a laugh about anything
we Germans do the same! We laugh about the British. Maybe we are not so different after all.
@@Cyapowit's like when european media freaks out over the 10 german bombers song. Plenty of germans love it though. Also to the people who dislike the song, would you rather the luftwaffe won?
This is called "Taking the Piss"! It's what we do in Blighty!😂😂
The "lazy Mexican" stereotype was likely borne due to the fact that Mexicans (historically at least) were used to taking mid-day naps (called siestas), but when having to work with Americans (who never had that habit), they (the Americans) would notice Mexicans getting sleepy or taking naps in the middle of the day and assumed that they were lazy.
Siestas were a Spanish thing, not a Mexican thing. Spanish people brought it everywhere they went.
Yup, it's a Spanish thing.
@@AlexBrown230 So basically, the Spanish sleep in the day because its too hot to work. Then when a person from a cooler climate sees this behaviour regularly occurring, they obviously conclude that the Spaniard is a lazy bum who can't be bothered to work. Which is sort-of true, but they can't really help it because:
1) It's a cultural norm.
2) It's a habitual action that is hard to stop.
3) If they remain too lazy to try to break the habit, they will just do it everywhere they go.
She's definitely American 😆 she proves Jeremy's point
Everyone who doesnt understand that these are jokes i feel sorry for. The trio are definitely high up in my hero list, or kore precisely clarkson is a hero in my book. His new show is such a wonderful thing can only recommend Clarkson farm.
you should have explained the australian one in the prison van to your wife, australia was a penal conoly, we sent law breakers there
As a Mexican i dont find it offensive it was funny for the time but i couldn't stop laughing
They did manage to get the attention of the Mexican government once I think the problem is a lot of people don’t expect English sense of humour
@@Dave534They actually got invited to come to the mexican embassy by the mexican ambassador where they had drinks and he said the jokes were hilarious iirc
"I would love to hear them say something about their own culture!" They actually were commenting on the latest Bently, a car made in England for English people. The joke that was being made was the fact that the car was designed by a german, made with german parts, and is way overpowered compared to normal English Cars, a very German trait :)
The Murican getting offended xD
The way I understood Top Gear was it was 3 blokes who were having a good time and occasionally said something about cars. That's the normal episodes. Then there are the specials which are stupendously funny and entertaining. Side note, refreshments while watching the specials is a must.
4:36 Jeremy called the French cheese eating surrender monkeys.
But the workers don't take any shit from the government unlike us in the UK who just roll over to get our tummies tickled
Think its a term from The Simpson's that was repeated by George Bush, which is why Jeremy put the American accent on. Jeremy loves France, he's made shows about the place but it doesn't stop him taking the piss.
@@richardhall6034 they kinda do though. They still pay taxes yes?
I honestly feel this couple barely understood any of the references.
Great reaction and top gear always makes fun of the British just as much as everyone else they diss it out but always take the piss out of the uk just as much
I’m British and the only Mexican stereotype i am aware of is the sleepy thing and its solely from US TV (South Park, family guy, the office…)
Hi, I am British and I get why you reacted the way you did, but they do take the piss out of everything and everybody including each other. You need to see a whole episode to really get them. Great reaction.
For a great bit of them taking the piss out of themselves, their special where they review British Leyland cars is hilarious.
I love when they open the door and the inside panel stayed closed.
"It's come beck t'Longbridge!"
That was my favourite one. And the Italian Supercars for less than £10k challenge
The "Slope" one was surprising because very few people knew it was a slur, especially in my generation, until that episode came out, now everyone does.
I'm their generation, I'd never heard it.
I've heard it, many years ago, when he said that I knew he'd done it deliberately. Got what he deserved thankfully, he's gone off the edge and now has his hard core gammon base as his own, he's welcome to that.
@@lunacougarGet a grip lmao
As a dutch person I'm actually sad he didnt include us as much. It's an honour being roasted by Clarkson.
Yeah top gear made fun of the British just as much as anyone else to be fair
this is 90% about cars, 10% banter carried the show
You're looking at the Mexican thing out of context, Mexico attack top gear over an article or something and this was their get back.
Clarkson wasn't fired, his contract wasn't renewed, Hammond and may didn't renew their contracts, all three went to Amazon and did The Grand Tour which had a bigger budget.
He was fired. The very last episode he was not in.
@@SarahEnglishBird No Read the Nwes properly his Contract was not renewed, and the other two didn't renew their contracts because the BBC had dumped him.
Same difference. You more or less say so by saying he was dumped. James and Richard presented the last episode on their own. If Jeremy’s contract wasn’t renewed for the next series but hadn’t been terminated, he would have presented that last episode too.
By the time the last episode was shown Clarksons contract had expired and therefore wasn’t on the show.
Love how she accepts everyone is fat and stupid but she's like "Don't you dare call us rude!" 😂 okay just don't invade me please 😅
"They did get fired" - Incorrect, Jeremy was the only one who got fired, Hammond and May both left the BBC willingly because they knew the show would never work without Clarksson!
That is not the worst, and not the best either, in my mind. You should let her see the part with the boys driving thru Texas (I think). That is not PC at all, and cringy af 🤣
Alabama but yes. 😂
10:00 I believe the americans being rude part was more of joke for him being so very ”polite” in saying that line😂😂
I can excuse fat and stupid but rude is where I draw a line😂
You're not the only one with a "weird mix". I'm British-Swedish lol 🇬🇧🇸🇪
11.17 'should't it all be equal...' yes Clarkson took the piss out of everyone - he literally states that the reason the Dutch love Top Gear so much is because they take a lot of drugs (as Calrkson puts it)
As a parisian, working in bars, americans are rude but they don't mean it, of you dig a bit they're usually really nice . They're just not that good to understand that everywhere is not america, politeness, curtesy, manners are not the same everywhere
When Japanese people started going to Paris they developed Paris Syndrome and helplines were setup and therapists made a fortune. I’m not sure who that says more about Parisians or the Japanese
Lazy Mexican stereotype in my opinion comes from all the westerns we used to get on TV back in the 60's and 70's.
I remember watching lots of them and there were always a few Mexicans lying around dozing in the sunshine, setting the scene
A lot of it too needs to be watched in the context of the show itself to be honest. I mean, these were "most offensive" clips, not "funniest" necessarily. The funniest bits were the 3 of them winding each other up an their banter and there 'offensive bits' simply added another layer to that.
Some context for the Lorry Driver "murder a prostitute" part: This is very likely a reference to a serial killer known as the Yorkshire Ripper (real name: Peter Sutcliffe) who was a lorry driver and also murdered a number of prostitutes in the 1970s. I believe there may also have been other lorry driver/prostitute murderers also but dont know their names.
Eeny, meeny, miny, moe was uttered by kids everywhere several times a day back in the 60's.
We used it for choosing the odd one out before starting many of our games like tag.
It never occured to me that it referred to a human with feelings, it just seemed like a convenient word to use
Perhaps the lack of any ethnic minorities where I lived contributed to it - probably about 99% white British back then, and still around 90% + now.
There wasn't anybody to be offended by lots of words that we used.
This. Clarkson was literally just using the version of eeny meeny miny moe he and most people around his age grew up with
She's right on all accounts. Americans are not mean.. in fact back when I used to visit chatrooms, the ones who acted the most rude were the British folks. Americans were usually open and friendly and willing to give you the benefit of the doubt even if you're from another culture.
And yeah, the double standard.. a lot of it is politically driven and in today's political climate there is a strong tendency to attack white people because of their history. It's a very charged subject that would require a lot of debate. But basically it's like "your ancestors did some messed up stuff, and even though it has nothing to do with you guys, we'll still punish you for it because we feel it's fair to do so." It's just petty cultural revenge, since the real culprits are long dead and they can't punish them... so they're like, "let's punish their great-great-great-great grandkids." It's stupid on a lot of levels. But then that's just how we humans are as a species, I suppose.
he never said the N word. Basically the things they learned made them think that.
Honestly if the younger generation were around when this was on it would’ve being cancelled straight away worlds gone softer then a marshmallow 😂
If you listen to the bit where he's supposed to say the N word he doesn't actually say it, he just mumbles over it. Unfortunately the British press just jumped on it. The Mexican stereotype comes from the image of a guy sitting asleep with his back against a wall wearing a poncho and a sombrero during a siesta. They reviewed some of the old British Leyland cars which was hysterical because I remember what a load of shite they were. Even if you're not into cars as such, apart from the banter and constantly sabotaging each others cars, some of the cars like the Lamborghini's, Ferraris, Bugatti veyron etc do make you go WOW. Star in a reasonably priced car was one of my favourite parts of the show.
You're still laughing!.... They take the piss out of everyone equally!.....🤣 Nuff said.
Fen, we all need to know how you ended up in America and how you and Akasha met.
And Akasha, don't worry, they take the piss out of Brits ALLLLLLLL the time. Especially the Scots, Irish, and Welsh. It's just the British way; we take the piss out of ourselves more than others.
Yeah, i mean they had to say sorry to the mexican ambassador while there is nearly no week were there isn't any Nazi-joke on page one of the Sun - we Germans just accept it as what it is: Jealousy ;-)
But to be serious, i think we Germans can handle british humour better than for example the yanks is that we are basically the same (Hey, it's called Anglo-Saxon for a reason, all those tribes we didn't want in Germany got shipped to the Isles, basically our very own little Botany Bay /s).
'Allo Allo' is the goto comedy series to see every nationality having the pee taken out of them. An absolute classic.
This was so entertaining. You are wonderful as a team. Any offence in Top Gear was deliberately constructed to demonstrate a kind of old-fashioned pretence of ignorance and prejudice. It was there to criticise people who actually do have these racial and national prejudices. And that is why it was funny. It made us laugh at our own sad history of narrow-mindedness and exploitation, and deflect that regret to a sympathy for all people. These presenters are not truly prejudiced. The target for criticism is viewers who remain stuck in the past, dreaming of another empire. Most obviously, us British. If you can see through that humour, you can understand us British when we scorn and mock ourselves.
I love how they said " fat, dumb and rude " and her reaction was " We aren't rude ".
I have never been to the US yet but I have only heard that they are extremely friendly and helpful people so i do agree.
I have heard the opposite
the best trio in the history of television
No matter how many times i watch these old clips i cant get over the fact that Jeremy and James looks basically exactly the same as they do today but older but Richard looks like a completely different person
I don't think you really remembering that these clips were like 20 years of Top Gear. That's literally one per season, if that. This clip just makes it look like a nationalist programme.
I laughed mostly because I know we are all dead anyway. That is what makes it even more hilarious.
The Aussies arriving in the police van episode had a fun race where the cars were two connected, one on top of the other, one steering and the other doing power and brakes, for the Aussie episode they put the top car upside down, the drivers were a bit ill
Course we rip the fuck out of ourselves one cant make fun of another without making fun of themselves
Not sure this is the best take on an absolute classic of a show and presenters. Take the piss out of everyone going including themselves. And also slightly different times when these jokes were allowed. Their true specials in different countries shows how much they love other culture
9:36 British and American definitions of rude are quite different. Rude to an American is sweary, confrontational and arrogant. Rude to a Brit is loud, obnoxious, arrogant and full of themselves. Which is a lot of Americans although they're usually not aware of it because of Americans culture.
RE-WIND BUTTON GUYS!!!!!!!! I like you guys and long ago Subscribed but(apart from me, until recently😀) you seem the only people on TH-cam who do not realize there is a rewind button and you never laughed once immediately after you paused and re-started the clip for a good reason. lol and the reason was the continuation bore no relation to the bit that you paused or you separated the Tag Line from the Punchline. lol So,for example after the "Gay Cowboy/Terrorist" you never heard James's comeback and twice seemed to miss Mexican references. I noticed you did what I used to and physically moved the mouse back rather than press the button:) Good Luck...
He just over explains...
@@Cybertruck1000 Yes, so we have the bit that our friend reacts to, then the longish explanation, and then the punchline with the build-up, long forgotten so you just hear the word "cactus" or he talks over the last bit, if he doesn't immediately pause. lol
@TheYorkshiremanReacts Yes and when we resume,we all just hear a random word or phrase which was the punchline to the missed earlier set up:)
Was a great watch until the princess got offended 😂
19:59 minutes of an English man really trying not to laugh
Ahhh you’ve broken her into top gear have ya? Good man 🤣
You've clearly not explained top gear to your Mrs it got so many complaints over the years but the viewers loved it especially with Clarkson/ Hammond and May presenting it I mean I have no interest in cars I can't even drive but loved top gear
@8:00 you don;t need to stand up for Mexicans. You are not Mexican. It's not required. The joke is brilliant. Off course it's not stereotypical. Most probably incorrect, but doesn't matter. It says enough that the actual ambassador was mad :) And tried to ban Top Gear. Which is silly.
I am mexican, and I still though it was funny, I can see where those stereotypes come from.
And americans can be rude, just watch a Karen, those are a very popular specimen there
@5:55 that German joke as legendary. He didn't do a "heil Hitler" ... that's a different salute. Bloody brilliant to come up with that.
My uncle always used to complain about all the "Lazy Mexicans taking American's jobs. " I tried to point out what an oxymoron that statement is, by stating, wow, American's must be really really lazy.
We have a whole political party dedicated to complaining about all that lazy refugees living of social security while stealing our jobs over here in Germany too... It's good to recognize idiots before they open their mouths because of the stickers they're wearing...
I really don't understand why people are so sensitive. Learn to have a thick skin and deal with shit
Try being Ginger. Apparently I have no soul
We both know what happened to Gingers in medieval times. They were lined up and they would all have to watch as the first one was hung up by his legs and then sawed COMPLETELY IN HALF by two very mean executioners. Then the main executioners would stop halfway through, before the saw reached major arteries in the abdomen, to turn a quick and horribly painful death into a slow and ridiculously painful death.
So we are making progress in our attitude towards THe Ginger Nation..
"Cheese eating surrender monkeys" refers to the French. He was speaking in a heavy American accent when he said it, because a lot of Americans think poorly of the French.."Surplus French army rifles, only dropped once." :)
For the Mexican stereotype, look no further than the Speedy Gonzales cartoons.
It’s funny how Americans act like they’re standing up for other nations. When every other nation in the world constantly mocks them 😂
The Mexican stereotype is really old so most young people probably don't get it unless they're into old western movies and or old comics, that's where it's from.
I miss these days of Top Gear. Making fun out of stereotypes. Nowadays its all like person on the right sadly as opposed to person on the Left who actually gets it. And proves that yanks just follow some bulting agenda as demonstrated here 8:37 where he after 3 years actually knows that not all people coming from the south are Mexicans as opposed to.....
Top gear critisised British cars and why we took an entire industry into mediocrity up to the point that they dropped british cars off of helicopters. Seriously, they didn't just hit America, Mexico Korea and the rest of the world they hit Britain hard. What made the show a Woirld top TV rating was that they dared to say funny things about anybody. It was a car show so they got away with it most of the time. If I do that about the pope, the queen, the new king, the president or an N... I get arrested.
That rhyme was written scores of years ago with the word he tried not to say clearly
If she thinks these jokes are bad get her to watch Roy Chubby Brown 🤣
Your taking it too seriously.. he's been sarcastic about all the different countries & people in them.. I'm not a fan of Jeremy but although he sounds very insulting he's just been sarcastic.. the British have a sarcastic witty sence of humour but we're not normally as insulting as Jeremy c
Americans: Take that back! We are NOT RUDE! Rest of the world: You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means..
The N-word incident was off the record (not to excuse it by any measure) and was released to the media by a disgruntled ex-employee of the production company
And it was part of the rhyme I learned when I was young.
The reason theres no clips if them making fun of britain is becsuse british people making fun of Britain isnt seen as offensive especially if your british and its on a british show
Unfortunately he's right Brits have become as sensitive gone are the days of the top gear generation...
You ever hear 2 brits banter it's like a live roast, they do it all the time. You can see them taking the piss of everyone on TopGear. And also some celebrity interviews in the show when they roast each other but it's all in good humor.
Correction they were never fired. Jeremy did not have his contract renewed. The other two went with him to make a very successful
series for cable tv.
The idea behind Mexicans is a stereo type from old American movies, a bit like the American idea on teeth or speech with the British
Eeny, meeny, miny, moe is a rhyme from before the 1800s
I imagine the lazy mexican stereotype comes from a tradition of sleeping through the day because of the high temperatures. It was a big thing in Northern South America because of how ridiculously hot the humidity made that area.
The most offensive bit is that an Englishman felt entitled to shit on another country's food.
A bit of context, Jeremy said americans are rude cause he was attacked by americans.
Hammond was quite racist to the mexicans, but he then apologized by making a review on the mexican sports car they were talking about.
And yes they do shit on the brits a lot too, Birmingham, Wales, Scotland, and a few other places and they shit on their government too
When you watch carefully, James Blunt - a musician and former British Army officer in the Household Cavalry - is very quick with the self-deprecating wit and savage comeback to Clarkson's insinuating that motorcycles meant being homosexuality, saying he wrote most of his songs about him, his most memorable being "You're Beautiful".
My memory is not perfectly sure about it, but I think the "mean americans" thing was born from one of their trips to the US. At the end they gifted their cars (to try and help people manage the loses from hurricane Katrina) and one member got sued for gifting a broken car.
One other time they were threatened by angry texans with guns, that got mad because one of the top gear cars had "Gay love rules" written on it as a joke. And that are just the top of my head, basically everytime they went to USA they angried somebody, so I see why they would see americans as "mean".
There was never any amount of hate towards any of the "offended" countries. We can laugh at ourselves and our neighbours, just as long as it doesn't go too personal. Stereotypes are funny for a reason.
I just wish I could get the old Top Gear back. The one where they tested cars I can't afford, but which I can enjoy by seeing and hearing them.
11:00 he did punch a BBC producer, punch Piers Morgan though so maybe don't gloss over that lol