She was hot. But, it's too bad that she doesn't allow the same rights for human beings that she advocates for animals. Bardot wasn't that great of an actress. "Contempt" of 1964 was her best role, showing promise as an actress that was never matched again.
I admire Brigitte Bardot very much. Im an American but she is great for her love of her country and French culture, one if the most beautiful cultures in the world. There is nothing the muslum invaders can do but destroy it. 😢
I love her for standing up for her beliefs and against the invasion of those who would take advantage of a place of refuge, then proceed to destroy it. She is an icon, and when she goes she will be sorely missed. She is also the ultimate babe for the ages.
It wasn't very big in Bardots time. Madonna did it more because of her career choice than anything. How is she suppose to look "sexy" and sell music if she ages? She would have gotten bashed for ageing as much as she does for her plastic surgery.
Just unbelievably beautiful. Her look in her films seems contenporary even today which is so unlike a lot of movie stars of her aged who seem to like dated by today's standards. Just a timeless beauty.
The comments here are baffling. Most people singing her praises while ignoring the whole bit about trying to beat a baby out of her body and then turning her back on him his whole life. Some icon.
It is awful if she tried to beat a baby out of her body back in the day! AND it is also wonderful that she tries to live with compassion for animals now. BOTH are true! I cannot understand black & white thinking. That’s how the US got into such a mess! Why can’t we be against the cruel practices of ANY culture without being accused of being racist? Being hyper-reactive and throwing out accusations of racism is simplistic and NOT helpful! It just perpetuates more hate!!
@@paulsmith7836 No one mentioned Alabama, but your judgement that people from a particular place are of lower intelligence points to your ignorance. I suggest that your state appears to be a better candidate for producing morons with superiority complexes.
Being critical of "Muslims do not make you a "racist" since the majority of them would be what you would consider "Caucasions". She may be slightly "Ethnocentric" , but a lot of Europeans are when they see massive third World immigration change the character of they're homeland rather than adopt to it. I'm saying this as a Black in America and would like to see Europe the way it was when I was there during my Military service in the 60s' and early 70s'. Europe did not experience terrorism until large scale Immigration from 5he Middle East and parts of Africa.
What an ignorant and racist statement you made. You're black? Your comment shows that you haven't understood oppression towards your own community if you can't see the racism in her comment. You're someone who puts white first in other people. Even if majority of Europeans thought of Muslims as the same race ( which they don't), doesn't make it true. People don't exist inside the opinions of white people and neither does reality bec they're not the masters and creators. Your comment is mentally I'll. Your comment shows that you do not include anyone but white, you don't allow space for everyone; so much so; that you see Muslims through the lens of white. I just love the way you use your opinion that majority of Muslims are considered Caucasian by Europeans to erase peoples existence. What better way to discount peoples grievances by eliminating the ground in which their complaint rests. You're a messed up, white serving fool who wasted his life. Also, only a racist like yourself would call a kickback for team white murdering 2 million civilians in Iraq terrorism. You're really indoctrinated in "west good, everyone else bad" Did you get brainwashed in the military not to think for yourself? "Europe did not experience terrorism until large scale immigration from...." Lol ever heard of ww2? Your comment is so cringe, no wonder the black community is so dilapidated.
You cant be racist against a religious ideology. Do you ever hear the term christianphobic? No, cause we are allowed to criticise christianity. Criticise islam and you are a racist. Makes no sense, islam aint compatible with the west. Bardots opinion of muslims is how most europeans feel about em. Only the gobshite americans would be outraged at her statements.
Brigitte Bardot congratulation with your birthday!!! 🥳 Turned 88 today.🥳 I wish you many more healthy and happy years!! You are a beautiful person inside and out!! We love you forever!!!!! many 😘😘😘 from a big fan
It's ridiculous she gets fined for standing up for animal rights. Europe has absolutely no free speech. Animal rights are above religion in every aspect.
Wow. Barring the animal activism, she sounds pretty awful. As the mother of one son, her treatment of him is repugnant. And her xenophobia and racism? Ugh.
Just last year the masses where yelling “it’s not our place to accept someone else’s apology” yet here we are brushes off her bashing an entire group of ppl in the name of animals and everyone is like that’s great.
The most beautiful woman ever! Even today her photos are like breath of fresh air that can make any interior look amazing! Love her dedication to animals!
BB is someone with a lot of compassion, courage and perseverance. She done so much for animals. There are many evil and envious people who malign her but they are nowhere like her.
Yes, the most compassionate moment is calling her own son a tumor growing inside of her while she said goodbye to her flat stomach, oh and not raising him, very compassionate, at least she didn't eat him.
Hmm they don't make men like 60's men anymore, they're some of the handsomest of all today with their disgusting shaved and tattooed heads and bodies, smelly beards down their chests, beer bellies, Harley riding tub-o'-lards... fixed that for you
I admire her beauty and skills, but I will never like her. She was trying to abort her child in such a cruel and unnecessary way, without taking any responsibility. She defends animal rights, but is cruel to people. And she is also very shortsighted and has no empathy for Muslims or for women, who were the victim of sexual assaults or rape. Just because SHE did not experience sexual assaults. Maybe that is true, but even if it is true, then she could have some empathy for women, who were not that lucky. She is not authentic but self-centered with no empathy for others, except for animals (they cannot talk to contradict her if that is really true).
And they love you no matter what you do and also you can put them outside for hours and not worry. Not a huge responsibility as a humans are. I do t tho k she ever evolved really. Stuck at that same stage in life when she was young.
Good with animals but racist, antisemite, islamophobe, homophobe, dodgy on women's rights...etc. she was stunning but all her hate shows on her face now.
@@50ismjazz I don't know anything about her views on homosexuality or feminism but the "racist" accusation is off. How would an R&B club night go if 10% of those who turned up demanded heavy metal be played and reminded the club owners that the legal proceedings they threatened if heavy metal were _not_ played would, by the laws of the land, resolve in their favour? As for "Islamophobia", what a preposterous word/idea. A phobia means an unreasonable fear of something. In a civilised enlightened society, there's nothing whatsoever unreasonable about fearing women being given a third of the legal rights of a man, or fearing the introduction of legal death sentences for homosexuals, or fearing the legal stoning to death of adulterers or 'blasphemers' - all unchangeable Islamic Sharia Law and something supported by a disturbing volume of so-called 'moderate' Muslims living in the west. The fact that the term 'Islamophobia' was coined by so-called 'liberals' is off the chart hypocrisy. Yours, a liberal.
Marilyn died very young which helped cement her legendary status. Bardot is still with us and people have watched her grow old like everyone else. I think this really has a lot to do with why Marilyn is so highly thought of.
Stunning Woman I Love Everything About Her Acting Intelligence Free Spirit & Animal Rights Activism Her Love Of Life & Freedom Straightforwardness . Complete Beauty . ♥️
She supported animals great, everyone's ignoring the fact that she said the Metoo movement was hypocritical. Down playing sexual assault. She also was a Nazi sympathizers if I remember correctly. She seems like kind of a bad person who just liked animals. Love her style and her look but idealizing her is probably not the best idea.
She’s not a nazi sympathiser and I doubt she had any ill intention regarding the me too movement, she just said it’s hypocritical to sleep your way up to the top and then complain harassment. She’s also from a different time so she wouldn’t understand what it’s like being a young woman today, I don’t think she had heinous intent.
I find myself in agreement with Brigitte , also about the MeeToo movement . We both are not Americans and have a very different view about a lot of things . BB was never vain and it is wonderful that she found a great purpose in her life to help Animals . God bless you BB !
@@PsychedelicScience010 Sorry for your terrible experiences ,but what does that have to do with my comment on BB ? Your vile outburst is not very becoming and your hate is wrongly directed . Spitting on other people does not change anything within you and your anger will not ease the pain of your past . Turn to Jesus Christ Savior and Lord He is the only one can and will save your soul and heal all the wounds inflicted on you .
she only dislike a certain group of people and ! think most people feel the same way these days but do no have the gut to say it out loud. She is a strong woman.
Yeah, it’s selfish and despicable to stand up for voiceless animals who are treated with cruelty, even though people unfairly condemn her for being racist.
@@dshe8637 Brigitte used her fortune to create an animal sanctuary. How is that selfish? Why can’t we care about both?! Don’t humans AND animals deserve fairness, respect, and mercy? It’s easy to just go along with tradition rather than evolving. It’s easy to rationalize that we are better than those we exploit, and comfort ourselves with platitudes which do nothing for those who suffer at our hands.
@@Vintagestylewins no. Libras want harmony but at times, depends on the human, lie...coz of harmony. Also have many affairs. Again, it depends ..on the individual.
Brijitte bardot est éternel et intemporel femme divine notre grande dame est toujours bien présente femme de coeur bonté d âme qui continue sont combat pour nos amis . Mme brijitte bardot du plus profond du coeur je vous admire et vous adore que dieu vous protège .
It seems like people who admire her don't understand what her choices and behaviour says about her character. Doing good for animals says just that and that's wonderful behaviour. But it says nothing about having true empathy and a conscience. It would'nt surprise me if she scores high on the psychopath-test.
She cared more for animals then her OWN SON she disgusts me. Caused a lot of heart ache and tears to him with her selfishness. I can’t fathom how she could just not CARE. GREAT. she was a sex symbol. Big deal
My thoughts are not very positive. In her younger years, she play games with men, never satisfied with their attantion. Talking a lot about being serious dramatic actress, but never masters it. Hates her little unborn child because of losing perfect belly. Then, when her outer level fades, she become people hater and animal lover. She openly states, how she despises humans. Her dedication to animals allows her to do this. Lot of people buy it as sincere and serious, well motivated action, which it is not. Loneliness and need for warmth lead this type of older women to dedicate them to animal rights. That's more of subtle petverdion of healthy social human ties. Empty life of hatred and misery. Magic and beauty is only on outer level. I try to find anything deep and truly good in her life, but all I see is based on very primitive feelings, not a true devotion. I would not want for any woman that kind of life. And there is no logic in hating humans for being animal-like. She herself acts towards her child as some pigs who kill and eat their offspring. Hypocritical and self serving. Also denies reality of sexual abuse just because it never happened to her. Which is evil. I try to find any good examples in her life. But everything is very ....basic. Flat. And ego centered. Her life does not inspire me in any way. Probably because of lack of true compassion or even bit of true wisdom. Or creatovity. Or pure, not ego-leaden, curiosity.
No matter our words ......what are our actions , she has done more for the rights of other sentient beings than most of us put together . I respect and admire her honesty even sadly when she was not a natural mother to her son . They did have a better relationship once she was a grandmother . We are not all natural parents , not an excuse , just a fact that we need to acknowledge .We are all made up of many (at times ) contradictory shades
The only thing that is good about this woman is her love for animals. That is it. It doesn't excuse the fact she is a racist and she literally was abusive neglecting her child. I know no one is perfect but she really isn't a nice person.
This is exactly what abortion is. What the video doesn't say is that she didn't want this child. Abortion was not legal at the time and even people who practiced it illegally didn't want to take the risk because it was her. I'm not saying that I agree but I was not in her place and I didn't gave birth in the horrible conditions that were hers so I try not to judge.
It is not ‘racial hate’ to call out a culturally-driven, barbaric practice which is cruel to animals! She is to be admired for speaking up despite the inevitable condemnation of the PC police. Like the ‘Me Too’ movement, political correctness has lost all semblance of reason and fairness and instead become weaponized hatred itself!
unless you are a vegan your point about barbaric practices to animals is invalid. i applaud mz bardots animal rights activism but she was a racist. she wanted france to remain white..thats white supremacy. what you have written shows that you too are a racist and i shudder that you are a woman who stands against the Me Too movement. i hope the underlying reason is not that you were sexually abused but then not supported and maybe even blamed and im so sorry if you were. do not let that cause you to continue the rape culture we live in. now if you were fortunate enough not to have been sexually abused, i shake my head at women like you and hope you do not have daughters.
@@sumicar8593 You miss the point. Stop the black and white thinking. I am against ALL abuse and exploitation. These movements started for noble reasons but have become weaponized and abusive themselves!
@@goldenlass9488 i am so glad you are vegan!! i am too!!here is the thing though, there are one too many racist and misogynistic vegans and im sad that you are one.
@@sumicar8593 It makes me happy to know you have compassion for animals! I don’t know whether Brigitte is racist or not. Please do not assume she is or that I am. That is not fair. I am against all cruelty and unfairness.
Unlike MM, BB was from a privileged, educated, upperclass professional family, and from childhood was trained in the discipline of ballet and to respect herself.
Utterly different. Both beautiful but Marilyn genuinely cared for people and wasn't racist. She also was the first and only to be a walking brand who everyone still dresses up as. Jayne mansfield, Diana dors, other people emulate Marilyn
Wow..never really knew about her had a high-school friend named after her, back in the day..1st her life her life..between her, her son and a higher source..for her opinions even though usa is changing (looks like constitution maybe dying) she would've been more free to express opinions here in usa the book 1984. .
Hit the ground running all the girls wanted to be Bridget..... still a Sizzler's Dreamland! The girls got rythmn ain't love Grand? Hahaha yeah that's what I like the old man's down the road........
@@kushistoyvideos216 I agree with how she’s devoted her fortune and the rest of her life to helping animals, and in spite of all the unfair hate she gets as a result. How does judging and condemning her add value or help ease suffering in the world?
Just reading through the backwards gammonism comments on here, I can't even finish the video. And the fawning over animal activism but excusing her racial comments as a misunderstanding 🙄🙄🙄 behave
Your video is nothing but nasty Gossip about BB. She is no a criminal. Leave her alone. She has done so much for animals more than anyone else in the world cos she has compassion.
I think she has more of a distaste for religion that slaughters animal. But they eat every bit of that animal. It is not an unwarranted slaughter but a beautiful tradition that brings people together. I know she is Vegan but some of us still like meat!
@@goldenlass9488 well like it or not God made us to be hunters. Are bodies were designed to digest eat meat. You can make a choice not to and I respect that.
@@goldenlass9488 girl shut up .mankind was supported by eating meat . We only learnt how to grow crops recently. Realistically all of man cannot be supported only by plants . You can be vegan sure but don’t push your stupid views on anyone else .
I very much doubt that she was a vegetarian. She most likely disliked the Muslim religion because, like Judaism, it insists on killing animals without stunning them first, and generally treats women badly.
The "Me Too" movement, as an overdue reaction to overlong male sexual oppression as an abuse of professional power in the workplace, is the antithesis of "silly" and "hypocritical."
How is the me too movement hypocritical? I mean do you agree that women should be xsexuslly abused and sexually assaulted? Do you know Brock Turner? The guy who raped a drunken woman and got off cuz the judge thought “he’s a good boy”? That’s why me-too became so men like that don’t get off.
Obvious from what a TH-cam video? Do you know her? How many books have you read with dozens of accounts about her life and what factual events do you know? I’m guessing zero. Post a photo of your Book collection & primary sources or don’t make comments.
I don't think anyone is taking away her accomplishments as a star or icon, they're simply talking about her being a horrible human being. The icon and the person are not the same, like in any other job, a person can be at the top of their profession and still be monsters as human beings. And she's not what anyone would call a stellar selfless human being.
@@makdle66 Do you know Brigitte? You base this on propaganda that you read and judge without knowing the truth. “Before you judge a man, walk a mile in his shoes” Her first husband Roger Vadim wrote about BB from when she was age 15. She did the best she could in her circumstances. Men intentionally impregnate beautiful women to trap them. In the 1970’s abortion was not common. Most people judging her would think nothing of aborting a growing fetus in their body. The hate, judgment and projection is over the top. People should work on themselves & stop judging and projecting!! She embodies beautiful energy and no one can take that from her. She became world famous because she was not only beautiful but authentic & real. Not a phony.
@@dianaprince3228 Have you ever heard her saying those things herself? And have you not read her book, her own words? Her first husband wasn't abusive to her so why vilify him or men for that matter? She simply is a horrible person and she is very proud of it according to her own words and voice so why are you making excuses for her? Bardot the icon has nothing to do with Bardot the person, her professional accomplishments which are based on the image created by the first husband she insisted on marrying and you attempted to smear to justify her are not being taken away from her, but that still doesn't mean she's a not a monster as a person according to her selfish shameless self. What kind of animal calls her own child a tumor growing inside her? And what makes you as a person if you find her fantastic?
What are your thoughts on Brigitte Bardot?
I love her she is wonderful.
She was hot. But, it's too bad that she doesn't allow the same rights for human beings that she advocates for animals. Bardot wasn't that great of an actress. "Contempt" of 1964 was her best role, showing promise as an actress that was never matched again.
@@willowsloughdx we can smell envy in your comment. She has tons of compassion. Animals deserve it too.
Calling her a "racist" is ridiculous.
@@csillag4 people who hate her accuse her of hundred of things even if they not half the human being she is. They haters very negative and jealous.
I admire Brigitte Bardot very much. Im an American but she is great for her love of her country and French culture, one if the most beautiful cultures in the world. There is nothing the muslum invaders can do but destroy it. 😢
I love her for standing up for her beliefs and against the invasion of those who would take advantage of a place of refuge, then proceed to destroy it. She is an icon, and when she goes she will be sorely missed. She is also the ultimate babe for the ages.
Of course she was against muslims flooding into France. They would change everything French and change everything Brigette lived for!
Islamists are no good anywhere.
shut up
She was so beautiful when she was younger. She has aged gracefully and her love for animals has always been the reasons I like her.
It shows that you don't always have to go through radical plastic surgery to still look good when you're older!
A real shame they can't surgically remove her fascist sympathies and naked racism!
And her racism has also not changed.
Anyone who prefers animals to her own child is not someone I aspire to
@@princeofholyafghanistan Beautiful Bardot ❤️ 😘😘
I admire her decisions and her growing old gracefully. She didn’t get the plastic surgery route like Madonna who now looks ridiculous.
It wasn't very big in Bardots time. Madonna did it more because of her career choice than anything. How is she suppose to look "sexy" and sell music if she ages? She would have gotten bashed for ageing as much as she does for her plastic surgery.
It's a different generation
Bingo 👍
I think Madonna looks great considering HER AGE and she STILL works hard that's why she has to constantly evolve and change
@@faycoleman9023 Are you kidding? Jane Fonda, she can go head to head with all the Kardashians and Madonna. That’s definitely not true.
Muslim is not a "race". It's a religion.
Just unbelievably beautiful. Her look in her films seems contenporary even today which is so unlike a lot of movie stars of her aged who seem to like dated by today's standards. Just a timeless beauty.
I like a lot of her hairstyles and makeup looks!
The comments here are baffling. Most people singing her praises while ignoring the whole bit about trying to beat a baby out of her body and then turning her back on him his whole life. Some icon.
Glad that somebody said it. And not to mention the fact that she was an open racist. But none of that matters she was friendly to animals.
@@courtneyjohnson8365 whatever she said is true or worst...ignoring rapes,shame on you
It is awful if she tried to beat a baby out of her body back in the day! AND it is also wonderful that she tries to live with compassion for animals now. BOTH are true! I cannot understand black & white thinking. That’s how the US got into such a mess! Why can’t we be against the cruel practices of ANY culture without being accused of being racist? Being hyper-reactive and throwing out accusations of racism is simplistic and NOT helpful! It just perpetuates more hate!!
@@paulsmith7836 No one mentioned Alabama, but your judgement that people from a particular place are of lower intelligence points to your ignorance. I suggest that your state appears to be a better candidate for producing morons with superiority complexes.
@@paulsmith7836 And you continue to prove my point.
BB's political views (also those of Alain Delon) were and are absolutely right.
Luckily BB doesn't give a sh. about all those clowns with double standards. She is the queen in her life.
whoopee doo
She was the definition of beauty, her pasión is an inspiration and her values have solid her as the definition of integrity
Being critical of "Muslims do not make you a "racist" since the majority of them would be what you would
consider "Caucasions". She may be slightly "Ethnocentric" , but a lot of Europeans are when they see
massive third World immigration change the character of they're homeland rather than adopt to it.
I'm saying this as a Black in America and would like to see Europe the way it was when I was there during my
Military service in the 60s' and early 70s'. Europe did not experience terrorism until large scale
Immigration from 5he Middle East and parts of Africa.
What an ignorant and racist statement you made.
You're black? Your comment shows that you haven't understood oppression towards your own community if you can't see the racism in her comment.
You're someone who puts white first in other people. Even if majority of Europeans thought of Muslims as the same race ( which they don't), doesn't make it true. People don't exist inside the opinions of white people and neither does reality bec they're not the masters
and creators. Your comment is mentally I'll. Your comment shows that you do not include anyone but white, you don't allow space for everyone; so much so; that you see Muslims through the lens of white.
I just love the way you use your opinion that majority of Muslims are considered Caucasian by Europeans to erase peoples existence. What better way to discount peoples grievances by eliminating the ground in which their complaint rests. You're a messed up, white serving fool who wasted his life.
Also, only a racist like yourself would call a kickback for team white murdering 2 million civilians in Iraq terrorism. You're really indoctrinated in "west good, everyone else bad" Did you get brainwashed in the military not to think for yourself?
"Europe did not experience terrorism until large scale immigration from...." Lol ever heard of ww2?
Your comment is so cringe, no wonder the black community is so dilapidated.
Boomerang effect. Look it up
You cant be racist against a religious ideology. Do you ever hear the term christianphobic? No, cause we are allowed to criticise christianity. Criticise islam and you are a racist. Makes no sense, islam aint compatible with the west. Bardots opinion of muslims is how most europeans feel about em. Only the gobshite americans would be outraged at her statements.
Brigitte Bardot congratulation with your birthday!!! 🥳 Turned 88 today.🥳 I wish you many more healthy and happy years!! You are a beautiful person inside and out!! We love you forever!!!!! many 😘😘😘 from a big fan
She does amazing things for animals, all over the world. She leads a full life. God bless her!
@Bobby Lee Trump she’s changed since then, i heard she gets along with her son now. she’s redeemed herself through working with animals.
@Bobby Lee Trump stop gossiping you writing utter non sens
I completely respect her dedication to animal rights.
What about her fascism?
Ah yes, that totally makes trying to abort her child okay. And then resenting her son for most of his life
It's ridiculous she gets fined for standing up for animal rights. Europe has absolutely no free speech. Animal rights are above religion in every aspect.
It shouldn’t come along with a hatred of humans.
@@tru2thastyle Well, islamistic immigrants are not really the best thing that happened to Europe, especialy now. She was right.
The most beautiful woman to walk this earth and her love of animals only adds to her beauty🌼🌼
A real shame she doesn't like people of different colours and cultures though!
with a big racist heart.
Love for animals is greater than love for people of different colour these days lol
She just doesn’t love people who murder animals for ritual purposes especially in cruel ways.
Wow. Barring the animal activism, she sounds pretty awful. As the mother of one son, her treatment of him is repugnant. And her xenophobia and racism? Ugh.
Your viper tongue is the most awful thing here. You can envy her courage, intelligence and generosity.
@@metalbelles3662 im envying her pilloweather face, racism and old age 100%
@@metalbelles3662 To trash people? Sure
Just last year the masses where yelling “it’s not our place to accept someone else’s apology” yet here we are brushes off her bashing an entire group of ppl in the name of animals and everyone is like that’s great.
@@paulsmith7836 Explain the Nazi sympathizing than? Is it French to support genocide? I doubt it
@@faycoleman9023 Bardot was never a Nazi sympathizer. I think you are thinking about Coco Chanel.
@@faycoleman9023 still she’s racist
@@faycoleman9023 ridiculous comment based on nothing
The most beautiful woman ever! Even today her photos are like breath of fresh air that can make any interior look amazing! Love her dedication to animals!
she was and still is, today nobody is on her league
But is her heart? Abandoned son, racist tirades,
Her beauty was only skin deep, inner beauty is what makes a persons outer beauty “exquisitely beautiful” unfortunately I can’t say that about Brigitte
BB is someone with a lot of compassion, courage and perseverance. She done so much for animals. There are many evil and envious people who malign her but they are nowhere like her.
Thank God..I happened to love my children and not despise people from other cultural or religious backgrounds
Yes, the most compassionate moment is calling her own son a tumor growing inside of her while she said goodbye to her flat stomach, oh and not raising him, very compassionate, at least she didn't eat him.
They don’t make them like this anymore. 60s women are some of the prettiest of all time.
Meh. I've met prettier girls
I'd argue that Bardot was at her most attractive in the 50's honestly.
Hmm they don't make men like 60's men anymore, they're some of the handsomest of all today with their disgusting shaved and tattooed heads and bodies, smelly beards down their chests, beer bellies, Harley riding tub-o'-lards... fixed that for you
You're definitely not looking in the right place then.
that first cousin incest really added a nice touch
I admire her beauty and skills, but I will never like her. She was trying to abort her child in such a cruel and unnecessary way, without taking any responsibility. She defends animal rights, but is cruel to people. And she is also very shortsighted and has no empathy for Muslims or for women, who were the victim of sexual assaults or rape. Just because SHE did not experience sexual assaults. Maybe that is true, but even if it is true, then she could have some empathy for women, who were not that lucky. She is not authentic but self-centered with no empathy for others, except for animals (they cannot talk to contradict her if that is really true).
And they love you no matter what you do and also you can put them outside for hours and not worry. Not a huge responsibility as a humans are. I do t tho k she ever evolved really. Stuck at that same stage in life when she was young.
She's so beautiful! It's hard to be like she!
She is a beautiful person because she wants animals to have what they need.
She's literally a racist
@@itslilibabes Correct! She fights hard to keep foreign immigrants out of her country.
@@itslilibabes yeah and ?
Good with animals but racist, antisemite, islamophobe, homophobe, dodgy on women's rights...etc. she was stunning but all her hate shows on her face now.
@@50ismjazz I don't know anything about her views on homosexuality or feminism but the "racist" accusation is off. How would an R&B club night go if 10% of those who turned up demanded heavy metal be played and reminded the club owners that the legal proceedings they threatened if heavy metal were _not_ played would, by the laws of the land, resolve in their favour?
As for "Islamophobia", what a preposterous word/idea. A phobia means an unreasonable fear of something. In a civilised enlightened society, there's nothing whatsoever unreasonable about fearing women being given a third of the legal rights of a man, or fearing the introduction of legal death sentences for homosexuals, or fearing the legal stoning to death of adulterers or 'blasphemers' - all unchangeable Islamic Sharia Law and something supported by a disturbing volume of so-called 'moderate' Muslims living in the west. The fact that the term 'Islamophobia' was coined by so-called 'liberals' is off the chart hypocrisy. Yours, a liberal.
She was and is herself. Authenticity is important in her world full of fakery.
10:23….that looks like an uncomfortable position for that dog to be held.
Love her! Ahead of her time indeed. Everyone credits Marilyn for being the trendsetter for today when really it was the Goddess Brigitte.
Marilyn died very young which helped cement her legendary status. Bardot is still with us and people have watched her grow old like everyone else. I think this really has a lot to do with why Marilyn is so highly thought of.
@@winnienguyen4420 Yeah I agree
Why not both? Reminds me of comparing Christinia with Britney both were giant Influences on fashion and pop culture it's not always a competition.
@@trashbasket11 I'm not making it a competition, I just personally think Brigitte is more of a trendsetter and deserves more credit. That's all.
Err what? They are different leagues. Marilyn is the most emulated but never duplicated
her beauty was beyond reality,,,a timeless beauty
She not racist she's a legend
Just one histrionic woman, and her relationship with her son tell us all about her :(((
Stunning Woman I Love Everything About Her Acting Intelligence Free Spirit & Animal Rights Activism Her Love Of Life & Freedom Straightforwardness . Complete Beauty . ♥️
She supported animals great, everyone's ignoring the fact that she said the Metoo movement was hypocritical. Down playing sexual assault. She also was a Nazi sympathizers if I remember correctly. She seems like kind of a bad person who just liked animals. Love her style and her look but idealizing her is probably not the best idea.
She’s not a nazi sympathiser and I doubt she had any ill intention regarding the me too movement, she just said it’s hypocritical to sleep your way up to the top and then complain harassment. She’s also from a different time so she wouldn’t understand what it’s like being a young woman today, I don’t think she had heinous intent.
Go and wash your mouth with soap for spreading such calomnies. You are deluded
I am French and you are 100% a liar, she never been a nazi, and don't twist what she said. You should be ashamed to lie this way !!!
@@PetiteLicorne Just racist to Muslims then
@@PetiteLicorne ok what about her baby though
Sounds like she was a shallow person.
I find myself in agreement with Brigitte , also about the MeeToo movement . We both are not Americans and have a very different view about a lot of things . BB was never vain and it is wonderful that she found a great purpose in her life to help Animals . God bless you BB !
As someone who has been sexually abused more than once, I spit at your comment.
@@PsychedelicScience010 Sorry for your terrible experiences ,but what does that have to do with my comment on BB ? Your vile outburst is not very becoming and your hate is wrongly directed . Spitting on other people does not change anything within you and your anger will not ease the pain of your past . Turn to Jesus Christ Savior and Lord He is the only one can and will save your soul and heal all the wounds inflicted on you .
Ironic that she loved animals....but had such dislike for other human beings
Utter rubbish. You need to wash your mouth with soap.
@@metalbelles3662 troll
she only dislike a certain group of people and ! think most people feel the same way these days but do no have the gut to say it out loud. She is a strong woman.
I totally respect and admire BB...her support to animal rights has been unlimited and from the bottom of her heart! Love from Chile!
💝Happy Birthday beautiful Brigitte Bardot. Today 89 years old. I wish her all the best and good health, love!!! Forever B.B. 🎉🎊🎈💐
She behaved the way a boy might................boys need same type of girls to behave that way
The only thing that makes me sad for her is that she couldn't adjust to motherhood.
Y'all don't have to give the reason why 75 percent of y'all children was cared for by blk women.
Une femme exceptionnelle belle et intelligente et qui sait se faire respecter sans l'aide de personne !
She loved animals and hated her child. She's no icon.
She is a despicable, over-privileged, selfish person.
People who are over indulgent of animals, while hating humans are not worthy of any respect.
Yeah, it’s selfish and despicable to stand up for voiceless animals who are treated with cruelty, even though people unfairly condemn her for being racist.
@@goldenlass9488 how immature 🙄
@@dshe8637 What is immature? Choosing a life of compassion?
@@goldenlass9488 It's selfish indulgence. Animals are easy to care about. People take maturity and effort
@@dshe8637 Brigitte used her fortune to create an animal sanctuary. How is that selfish? Why can’t we care about both?! Don’t humans AND animals deserve fairness, respect, and mercy? It’s easy to just go along with tradition rather than evolving. It’s easy to rationalize that we are better than those we exploit, and comfort ourselves with platitudes which do nothing for those who suffer at our hands.
La plus grande star de tout les temps ❤❤❤❤
She was a Libra 😂
Cold hearted sign
Shes still is.
@@Vintagestylewins no. Libras want harmony but at times, depends on the human, lie...coz of harmony. Also have many affairs. Again, it depends ..on the individual.
Ur so corny
No, Librans are not cold hearted at all. We want balance and justice
It’s a shame. Her legacy could have been amazing but she preferred to be remembered for her association with Le Pen and outspoken racist.such a shame
She's not racist. You just jealous of her figures
Not racist, muslim is a religion. not a race as far as i know.
Brijitte bardot est éternel et intemporel femme divine notre grande dame est toujours bien présente femme de coeur bonté d âme qui continue sont combat pour nos amis . Mme brijitte bardot du plus profond du coeur je vous admire et vous adore que dieu vous protège .
Broke out in herpes???
She will never compare to Betty White.
As a comedian no. As a beautiful, blonde bombshell? Yes, that she far exceeded.
Noone even knows who's Betty White. Maybe you mean Betty boob.
@@winnienguyen4420 🤣🤣🤣👍👍👍
@@winnienguyen4420 I think she meant she would never compare as a person.
It seems like people who admire her don't understand what her choices and behaviour says about her character. Doing good for animals says just that and that's wonderful behaviour. But it says nothing about having true empathy and a conscience. It would'nt surprise me if she scores high on the psychopath-test.
Who do understand and still halleluja her aren't such good of a person themselves.
She cared more for animals then her OWN SON she disgusts me. Caused a lot of heart ache and tears to him with her selfishness. I can’t fathom how she could just not CARE. GREAT. she was a sex symbol. Big deal
I agree with Bardot's views, I think your commentary is very biased trying to make her views look bad.
Look at TH-camr called "Ame in a Van". She looks beautiful just like Brigitte and she hangs around in Saint Tropez.
My thoughts are not very positive.
In her younger years, she play games with men, never satisfied with their attantion.
Talking a lot about being serious dramatic actress, but never masters it.
Hates her little unborn child because of losing perfect belly.
Then, when her outer level fades, she become people hater and animal lover. She openly states, how she despises humans. Her dedication to animals allows her to do this. Lot of people buy it as sincere and serious, well motivated action, which it is not. Loneliness and need for warmth lead this type of older women to dedicate them to animal rights. That's more of subtle petverdion of healthy social human ties.
Empty life of hatred and misery. Magic and beauty is only on outer level.
I try to find anything deep and truly good in her life, but all I see is based on very primitive feelings, not a true devotion.
I would not want for any woman that kind of life.
And there is no logic in hating humans for being animal-like. She herself acts towards her child as some pigs who kill and eat their offspring. Hypocritical and self serving.
Also denies reality of sexual abuse just because it never happened to her. Which is evil.
I try to find any good examples in her life.
But everything is very ....basic. Flat. And ego centered. Her life does not inspire me in any way.
Probably because of lack of true compassion or even bit of true wisdom. Or creatovity. Or pure, not ego-leaden, curiosity.
Isn't this the lady that abused her baby and openly said the baby was never wanted ...
Thts indeed unbelievable!
She didn't bond with her baby ....not a crime you know
@@anonymiss495 she abused/neglected the child...
@@moonstar313 No, she couldn’t have an abortion and gave him up for adoption
@@anonymiss495 she's awful
No matter our words ......what are our actions , she has done more for the rights of other sentient beings than most of us put together . I respect and admire her honesty even sadly when she was not a natural mother to her son . They did have a better relationship once she was a grandmother . We are not all natural parents , not an excuse , just a fact that we need to acknowledge .We are all made up of many (at times ) contradictory shades
I read her son and his family and indeed her own family want nothing to do with her! I don't blame them
In my schooldays brigitte was just about the hottest woman on the planet except perhaps raquel Welsh
The only thing that is good about this woman is her love for animals. That is it. It doesn't excuse the fact she is a racist and she literally was abusive neglecting her child. I know no one is perfect but she really isn't a nice person.
a woman of beauty ,dignity and integrity.
I love her!! I really relate to her!!
What???She picks up animals on the side of the rode...BUT wanted to kill the baby inside her?😢wowwww...TWIIISTED 🤯
This is exactly what abortion is. What the video doesn't say is that she didn't want this child. Abortion was not legal at the time and even people who practiced it illegally didn't want to take the risk because it was her. I'm not saying that I agree but I was not in her place and I didn't gave birth in the horrible conditions that were hers so I try not to judge.
i agreed with her. i don't mind anyone telling me im beautiful.
I'm pretty sure it wasn't "herpes" show broke out in, but rather "hives". Lol
Y'all are a mess.
Knowing Bardot, it was probably both.
Super based ❤️
It is not ‘racial hate’ to call out a culturally-driven, barbaric practice which is cruel to animals! She is to be admired for speaking up despite the inevitable condemnation of the PC police. Like the ‘Me Too’ movement, political correctness has lost all semblance of reason and fairness and instead become weaponized hatred itself!
unless you are a vegan your point about barbaric practices to animals is invalid. i applaud mz bardots animal rights activism but she was a racist. she wanted france to remain white..thats white supremacy. what you have written shows that you too are a racist and i shudder that you are a woman who stands against the Me Too movement. i hope the underlying reason is not that you were sexually abused but then not supported and maybe even blamed and im so sorry if you were. do not let that cause you to continue the rape culture we live in. now if you were fortunate enough not to have been sexually abused, i shake my head at women like you and hope you do not have daughters.
@@sumicar8593 I AM vegan! I think for myself I don’t blindly follow culture.
@@sumicar8593 You miss the point. Stop the black and white thinking. I am against ALL abuse and exploitation. These movements started for noble reasons but have become weaponized and abusive themselves!
@@goldenlass9488 i am so glad you are vegan!! i am too!!here is the thing though, there are one too many racist and misogynistic vegans and im sad that you are one.
@@sumicar8593 It makes me happy to know you have compassion for animals! I don’t know whether Brigitte is racist or not. Please do not assume she is or that I am. That is not fair. I am against all cruelty and unfairness.
She actually tried to induce her own abortion? She sounds like a monster.
Adore BB and frankly, she's right.
Perfect bone structure. My Tante looks so much like her
The French Marilyn Monroe.
She was far more natural than MM.
@@metalbelles3662 true.
Unlike MM, BB was from a privileged, educated, upperclass professional family, and from childhood was trained in the discipline of ballet and to respect herself.
Utterly different. Both beautiful but Marilyn genuinely cared for people and wasn't racist. She also was the first and only to be a walking brand who everyone still dresses up as. Jayne mansfield, Diana dors, other people emulate Marilyn
Exactly! and she's the smart one she's still alive. 😏
It's disgusting how yall ignore the fact that she was a terrible mother and open racist like wtf she was gross
Problème à l' œil mais pas un obstacle
It is now 2022, I am pretty sure, I a have been seeing this for a few years now
That "background" music is beyond annoying.
Much prettier than pamela anderson
I think Pamela tried to model herself after her. But yes, Brigitte so much prettier!
Definitely succeeded in writing the most beautiful love song! Bonnie et Clyde!
She sang on 'Bonnie and Clyde' but it was Serge Gainsbourg who wrote it.
@@blackmore4 Yes, thank you! I was referring to Serge.
Wow..never really knew about her had a high-school friend named after her, back in the day..1st her life her life..between her, her son and a higher source..for her opinions even though usa is changing (looks like constitution maybe dying) she would've been more free to express opinions here in usa the book 1984.
My favourite ❤
The comments made by the journalist were the most silly
She's not wrong about most of her opinions tbh.
Hit the ground running all the girls wanted to be Bridget..... still a Sizzler's Dreamland! The girls got rythmn ain't love Grand? Hahaha yeah that's what I like the old man's down the road........
It's amazing how much we have in common. Philadelphia USA
Not impressed at all... In fact she makes me sick ... 😡🤮🤬
Must feel good to be so perfect you can condemn others!
@Kushi's Toy Videos But who asked?
And I suppose you agree with her punching her stomach with baby inside.... 😡
@@kushistoyvideos216 shut up 8 year old
@@kushistoyvideos216 I agree with how she’s devoted her fortune and the rest of her life to helping animals, and in spite of all the unfair hate she gets as a result. How does judging and condemning her add value or help ease suffering in the world?
Just reading through the backwards gammonism comments on here, I can't even finish the video. And the fawning over animal activism but excusing her racial comments as a misunderstanding 🙄🙄🙄 behave
@Bobby Lee Trump whatever floats your boat. But don't be surprised if large holes start to appear, and you take on water 💁♀️
I didn’t know a certain religion is a race. Don’t know if you’d say the same glowing things if they were Christians.
Cos she did so much for animals and is not racist. But you the one intolerant, and who is specist
@@ophanimangel3143 Ironic how they always use the race card..
A true beauty inside out ❤
Should work break out in herpes when she was stressed on set … what?
She seemed very based to me.
she is my idol since childhood.
beautiful inside and out ❤️
yes she is
Stop using the g slur please
Your video is nothing but nasty
Gossip about BB. She is no a criminal. Leave her alone. She has done so much for animals more than anyone else in the world cos she has compassion.
Hanging shoulders.........And she ruined her lips.
I've got her dvds and her bio's.
I think she has more of a distaste for religion that slaughters animal. But they eat every bit of that animal. It is not an unwarranted slaughter but a beautiful tradition that brings people together. I know she is Vegan but some of us still like meat!
Yuck..horrible dogs.
Do you think it helps the animals who are killed that they eat every part of its body? We do not need to eat meat.
@@goldenlass9488 well like it or not God made us to be hunters. Are bodies were designed to digest eat meat. You can make a choice not to and I respect that.
@@goldenlass9488 girl shut up .mankind was supported by eating meat . We only learnt how to grow crops recently. Realistically all of man cannot be supported only by plants . You can be vegan sure but don’t push your stupid views on anyone else .
I very much doubt that she was a vegetarian. She most likely disliked the Muslim religion because, like Judaism, it insists on killing animals without stunning them first, and generally treats women badly.
she looks like claudia schiffer
You mean Claudia Schiffer looks like Brigitte!
@@rongendron8705 👍
Lol vice versa actually
@@rongendron8705 🤣👍but Bardot was way more beautiful. Schiffer has Rabbit teeth ..ugly ..
She gave up her career for animals vs her own child
She is absolutely right in all her statements | Protect Animals and against the hypocrisy of the silly Me-Too Movement
The "Me Too" movement, as an overdue reaction to overlong male sexual oppression as an abuse of professional power in the workplace, is the antithesis of "silly" and "hypocritical."
How is the me too movement hypocritical? I mean do you agree that women should be xsexuslly abused and sexually assaulted? Do you know Brock Turner? The guy who raped a drunken woman and got off cuz the judge thought “he’s a good boy”? That’s why me-too became so men like that don’t get off.
I love Brigitte Bardot! There are still jealous people attacking her, but she will always be an icon and goddess of the 20th Century.
😂 stating the obvious has become "jealousy" now, huh..
Obvious from what a TH-cam video? Do you know her? How many books have you read with dozens of accounts about her life and what factual events do you know? I’m guessing zero. Post a photo of your Book collection & primary sources or don’t make comments.
I don't think anyone is taking away her accomplishments as a star or icon, they're simply talking about her being a horrible human being. The icon and the person are not the same, like in any other job, a person can be at the top of their profession and still be monsters as human beings. And she's not what anyone would call a stellar selfless human being.
@@makdle66 Do you know Brigitte? You base this on propaganda that you read and judge without knowing the truth. “Before you judge a man, walk a mile in his shoes” Her first husband Roger Vadim wrote about BB from when she was age 15. She did the best she could in her circumstances. Men intentionally impregnate beautiful women to trap them. In the 1970’s abortion was not common. Most people judging her would think nothing of aborting a growing fetus in their body. The hate, judgment and projection is over the top. People should work on themselves & stop judging and projecting!! She embodies beautiful energy and no one can take that from her. She became world famous because she was not only beautiful but authentic & real. Not a phony.
@@dianaprince3228 Have you ever heard her saying those things herself? And have you not read her book, her own words? Her first husband wasn't abusive to her so why vilify him or men for that matter? She simply is a horrible person and she is very proud of it according to her own words and voice so why are you making excuses for her? Bardot the icon has nothing to do with Bardot the person, her professional accomplishments which are based on the image created by the first husband she insisted on marrying and you attempted to smear to justify her are not being taken away from her, but that still doesn't mean she's a not a monster as a person according to her selfish shameless self. What kind of animal calls her own child a tumor growing inside her? And what makes you as a person if you find her fantastic?