Cet arrangement pour orgue et le jeu de pieds de Jonathan Scott sont un vrai régal, tant pour les oreilles que pour les yeux grâce à ces prises de vue. Un grand bravo, j'aime beaucoup !
Absolutely amazing. Quite a workout for the legs! I never imagined a transcription of this piece using just the pedals. Such a talent. I know Bach loved to exhibit his pedal technique, but you are surely living up to that inheritance here.
Marvelous performance! Love to see solos on such things as tubs's, bassoons, upright bass's & these pedals...all of which are usually only heard as accompanies to other primary instruments. Love how you turn your feet somewhat sideways to be able to play two notes simultaneously with heel & toe! I've never seen an organist do that before. Also, I appreciate that you did not allow the limitations of the pedals to force a drastic modification of the composition. Bravo!
Absolutely fantastic!!!!!! I could never believe that it was possible to DO what you just did!!! Fantastic!!!!🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰 Thank you Jonathan! You improve My life so much!!!🙏🙏🙏🎹🎹🎹
Eccellente esecutore di una musica stupenda dedicata alla chitarra e tradotta e interpretata con sola pedaliera organo. Inimmaginabile possibilità...realizzata meravigliosamente.
Feet and legs should *not* be able to do that!! 😆 How you contorted yourself into some of those positions is beyond me. If that was played to someone without the video (beautifully shot by the way, Tom, thank you!) they would never believe it was played on the foot pedals only. I've said it before and I'll say it again; The King of Fancy Footwork is back! Amazing! 🙆👏👏👏👏🫶
As both and organist and a long-time fan of the original work, I cannot help but marvel at this transcription. It is marvelous! (Both from a performance and arranger's standpoint.) You play it so well, but you've also managed to make it fit the organ really well, without doing undue harm to the original. Bravo!
At last!! I adore your piano duet version with Tom & have known for a while that you perform this piece as a pedal solo at live concerts. Now, finally we have a video of your most recent performance of it as a pedal solo from your concert in Germany! My patience has been rewarded! Fabulous footwork Jonathan & impeccably edited video Tom - wow, loved it!! I need to watch it again now, in fact I suspect I will watch it many times!!
Hello!! O amazing! Jonathan has flying feet on the pedals. And great filming from Tom! Fantastic to see en listen to this performance. Thank you so much. With Love from the Netherlands.
River dancers have nothing against your footwork Jonathon! Wonderful transcription. Thanks Tom for capturing this. For those interested in a slightly more traditional version checkout one of my favourite guitarists, John Williams, playing this piece at the Alcazar palace in Spain.
Gosh, Jonathan - I never saw this one coming! It probably goes without saying that I was completely unfamiliar with this piece - but what a spectacularly skilful performance you have just uploaded. Your footwork is always amazing, but (with my limited knowledge of trigonometry) I don't think that I've ever seen (at certain points) the feet of an organist at a complete right angle to the pedalboard!! Best wishes to you both - stay safe 🇺🇦
It's traditionally a spanish guitar piece, I've fiddled with it on piano a bit, but playing it with feet only is truly impressive, playing chords with a single foot...
@@snowgods2195 That is not correct. The piece was composed for piano, but it emulates the effect of tremolo as commonly found in spanish guitar playing. The orignal composition is not playable on guitar though due to its range, but there exist some arrangements for classical guitar.
God is hearing Your music and is going to heaven and he is blessing you more , and he will take care of you in each and every step of your music , I am very happy to listen to your music ,
God is hearing Your music and is going to heaven and he is blessing you more , and he will take care of you in each and every step of your music , I am very happy to listen to your music , God is hearing Your music and is going to heaven and he is blessing you more , and he will take care of you in each and every step of your music , I am very happy to listen to your music ,
Absolutely divine and amazing performance. Real quickstep dance! First you mentioned tongue twister & finger twister in Kempen, now you have expanded to leg twister. You are so crazy, both of you. How many cores do you have in your brain? Dear bros, you mean so much to me, you can't even imagine. I love you guys so very deeply!
Olé, olé y olé!! Bravo!! 😘😘 This is a real gift!! A spectacular arrangement! You never disappoint!! You made me happy this rainy day!! Thank you very much!! 👏👏👏💖💖
Wow! I bet no one else in the world can do that and produce music that actually sounds good. It's perfect to listen to, with the thunderstorm [in Costa Rica] in the background. Thank you Jonathan (and Tom for filming)!!
@@karennoble1076 Yes Karen, I can't even imagine how many hours of practice Jonathan dedicated to this beautiful piece. He and Tom are beyond talented.
@@thinkpositive550 yes, i have never encountred such super human and creative talent, even beyond their music. And being so prolific!! It is like a continuous flow of creation.
@@karennoble1076 Hello Karen, I'm listening to Jonathan (again) on a stormy afternoon and happened to see you replied. It reminds me of days long ago with 'snail-mail' and 'pen-pals'. Wherever you are, I send greetings and hope you are doing well. And, of course still enjoying the Scott brothers talent.
@@thinkpositive550 thank you, that was so nice to hear from you, especially because we share the same great admiration for Jonathan and Tom. I love also their duets and Tom best musical videos on YT and everything about them. I recommend highly Jonathans "Vltava Smetana organ" a lovely exquisite masterpiece from my native country. Vltava is a river and follows her journey from its source to Prague. And so beautiful on Jonathans arrangement for organ. May you enjoy! And also sending my best to you!
my smaller HT room is only 10 x 10 but the amazing size / ambiance soaring sonority the talent delivers and the 3 subwoofers carry the bottom , not a note missed and even some TR
Just to play two different progressions with your hands is complex enough, then throw in the feet. To master such an instrument and play it at such a high level as you do, obviously took many, many hours of practice. People speak of talent, but what they miss is that the "talent" they speak of is 99% perspiration, 10% inspiration. Talk about a workout. Great stuff.
I presume you shoes are especially made to give more sensitivity, although interesting to see you use the heals to allow you bridge. I was wondering about ‘flats’ (as in shoes!), bit clearly not. It’s also interesting to see how hard it is to span the keyboard with feet and legs when you’re sat on them v arms which are much freer to move. I think to play this ‘by hand’ would be something, much less by feet 😲
Excellent performance, Jonathan! It must be difficult and taxing on your legs and feet to do what you did on this video. I know you must have a exercise regimen to keep your body strong. I sang in a choir and the choir director had a beautiful tenor voice. Before every performance he would go through a series on vocal and breath exercises in order to keep his singing voice in perfect condition. Best regards, Will Ortiz
Cet arrangement pour orgue et le jeu de pieds de Jonathan Scott sont un vrai régal, tant pour les oreilles que pour les yeux grâce à ces prises de vue. Un grand bravo, j'aime beaucoup !
Absolutely amazing. Quite a workout for the legs! I never imagined a transcription of this piece using just the pedals. Such a talent. I know Bach loved to exhibit his pedal technique, but you are surely living up to that inheritance here.
Marvelous performance! Love to see solos on such things as tubs's, bassoons, upright bass's & these pedals...all of which are usually only heard as accompanies to other primary instruments. Love how you turn your feet somewhat sideways to be able to play two notes simultaneously with heel & toe! I've never seen an organist do that before. Also, I appreciate that you did not allow the limitations of the pedals to force a drastic modification of the composition. Bravo!
Wow! I'm speechless! I keep watching it over and over again! Bravo bravissimo Jonathan!!
My jaw dropped to the floor by seeing this, it's not only a musical exercise, but also a gymnastic exercise.
W-O-W...Who knew?! Gotta hold on tight to that bench to keep from sliding off!
Absolutely fantastic!!!!!! I could never believe that it was possible to DO what you just did!!! Fantastic!!!!🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰 Thank you Jonathan! You improve My life so much!!!🙏🙏🙏🎹🎹🎹
Wow… so crazy!!
Eccellente esecutore di una musica stupenda dedicata alla chitarra e tradotta e interpretata con sola pedaliera organo.
Inimmaginabile possibilità...realizzata meravigliosamente.
Amazing organs!!!
Asturias is my favourite guitar piece so this is a real treat for me to see and hear. Jonathan’s pedal technique is out of this world!! Bravo! 👏
Feet and legs should *not* be able to do that!! 😆 How you contorted yourself into some of those positions is beyond me. If that was played to someone without the video (beautifully shot by the way, Tom, thank you!) they would never believe it was played on the foot pedals only.
I've said it before and I'll say it again; The King of Fancy Footwork is back! Amazing! 🙆👏👏👏👏🫶
Great organ pedal solo, great tribute to Isaac Albéniz, c'mon Asturias!!
Ole!! 💃 That was riveting and delightful. 🤩 My poor old legs ache just from watching.👞 😬👞 Love it - thanks for sharing!! 👏👏👏🎹🎶
Bravissimo !!!!
Wonderful execution! Sure makes it easy to change registrations!
Amazing, Jonathan surprises one all the time by his genius creativity!! And one can hardly catch up with his producing one piece after another!!
As both and organist and a long-time fan of the original work, I cannot help but marvel at this transcription. It is marvelous! (Both from a performance and arranger's standpoint.) You play it so well, but you've also managed to make it fit the organ really well, without doing undue harm to the original. Bravo!
At last!! I adore your piano duet version with Tom & have known for a while that you perform this piece as a pedal solo at live concerts. Now, finally we have a video of your most recent performance of it as a pedal solo from your concert in Germany! My patience has been rewarded! Fabulous footwork Jonathan & impeccably edited video Tom - wow, loved it!! I need to watch it again now, in fact I suspect I will watch it many times!!
O amazing! Jonathan has flying feet on the pedals. And great filming from Tom! Fantastic to see en listen to this performance. Thank you so much.
With Love from the Netherlands.
I am amazed
I’ve only ever seen one other person play Asturias on the organ, you just took the piece to a whole new level absolutely amazing.
Oh my days! I'd love to see you on the dance floor with nifty footwork likes that! Fabulous! Cracking filming Tom!
Great blessing from god ,
An amazing performance - thank you for letting us see it. With such superb footwork, Jonathan, I'm sure you must also be a fantastic dancer!
Eccezionale!!! La più bella trascrizione di Asturias in assoluto!!! Complimenti Jonathan!!!
Scored a pair of similar "pedalling" shoes at Value Village for $4, but it takes more that the shoes. This video is remarkable!
Grazie, Maestro.
I'm flashed. TOTALLY flashed!
you got me with those feet chords thats some crazy shit right there
An absolutely amazing performance
beautiful music🍃Thank you
River dancers have nothing against your footwork Jonathon! Wonderful transcription. Thanks Tom for capturing this. For those interested in a slightly more traditional version checkout one of my favourite guitarists, John Williams, playing this piece at the Alcazar palace in Spain.
Gosh, Jonathan - I never saw this one coming! It probably goes without saying that I was completely unfamiliar with this piece - but what a spectacularly skilful performance you have just uploaded. Your footwork is always amazing, but (with my limited knowledge of trigonometry) I don't think that I've ever seen (at certain points) the feet of an organist at a complete right angle to the pedalboard!! Best wishes to you both - stay safe 🇺🇦
It's traditionally a spanish guitar piece, I've fiddled with it on piano a bit, but playing it with feet only is truly impressive, playing chords with a single foot...
@@snowgods2195 Thanks for the background information. I hadn't looked it up, but instinctively felt that it was Spanish in origin! Best wishes.
@@snowgods2195 That is not correct. The piece was composed for piano, but it emulates the effect of tremolo as commonly found in spanish guitar playing. The orignal composition is not playable on guitar though due to its range, but there exist some arrangements for classical guitar.
@@TheVoitel Interesting I've always thought Albénitz's pieces were originally Spanish guitar, they certainly sounds better on them
UNBELIEVABLE!!! (and, just plain fun :)
Fabuloso!!! Felicitaciones!!
That was an amazing performance of this difficult piece - you are a wonderful organist - the best! Thank you.
Incredible playing; brilliant video editing!
We will only see this performance here and only for him. Jonathan really likes challenges. I hope the hands and legs are safe.
breathtakingly mesmerizing. Bravo!
Thank you both very much. The pedals fascinate me. I tried to keep up with your leg motions; no wonder you're so fit, I was exhausted, but happily so.
This hits different
God is hearing Your music and is going to heaven and he is blessing you more , and he will take care of you in each and every step of your music , I am very happy to listen to your music ,
You many it look easy. Your amazing love it
God is hearing Your music and is going to heaven and he is blessing you more , and he will take care of you in each and every step of your music , I am very happy to listen to your music , God is hearing Your music and is going to heaven and he is blessing you more , and he will take care of you in each and every step of your music , I am very happy to listen to your music ,
Exceptionnel ! Superbe ! Magnifique ! j'
Marvelous transcription for organ pedal !
WOW!! That is amazing!👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼❤️
Mad pedal works! Enjoyed it!
As i said..impossible!! But totaly impressive!!!🤗🤘🥰
Exceptional pedal technique!
Vc é um gênio mesmo. Parabéns!!
Virtuoso !!!
Just one word AMAZING
Absolutely fantastic Jonathan!😁👍👏👏👏👏👏👏
Wow! Besser als andere mit 2 Händen...
Absolutely divine and amazing performance. Real quickstep dance! First you mentioned tongue twister & finger twister in Kempen, now you have expanded to leg twister. You are so crazy, both of you. How many cores do you have in your brain? Dear bros, you mean so much to me, you can't even imagine. I love you guys so very deeply!
pfouuuu ! ce musicien est vraiment au top du top (il doit avoir plusieurs cerveaux)
j adore ce qu il joue (son frere n est pas mal non plus au piano)
maravilhoso!!.sou apaixonada pelas suas
músicas. te assisto sempre.
Olé, olé y olé!! Bravo!! 😘😘
This is a real gift!! A spectacular arrangement! You never disappoint!! You made me happy this rainy day!! Thank you very much!! 👏👏👏💖💖
Wonderful! You are awesome! Despite being very beautiful, it seems very painful and tiring to touch with your feet🥰❤❤❤👏👏👏
Absolutely breathtaking performance.
foot chords! WOW!
Wow! I bet no one else in the world can do that and produce music that actually sounds good. It's perfect to listen to, with the thunderstorm [in Costa Rica] in the background. Thank you Jonathan (and Tom for filming)!!
I also believe, Positive thinking, nobody can do what Jonathan did!! does. Nor did in the past.
Todays Best and incredibly prolific organist.
@@karennoble1076 Yes Karen, I can't even imagine how many hours of practice Jonathan dedicated to this beautiful piece. He and Tom are beyond talented.
@@thinkpositive550 yes, i have never encountred such
super human and creative talent, even beyond their music. And being so prolific!! It is like a continuous flow of creation.
@@karennoble1076 Hello Karen, I'm listening to Jonathan (again) on a stormy afternoon and happened to see you replied. It reminds me of days long ago with 'snail-mail' and 'pen-pals'. Wherever you are, I send greetings and hope you are doing well. And, of course still enjoying the Scott brothers talent.
@@thinkpositive550 thank you, that was so nice to hear from you, especially because we share the same great admiration for Jonathan and Tom. I love also their duets and Tom
best musical videos on YT and everything about them.
I recommend highly Jonathans "Vltava Smetana organ" a lovely exquisite masterpiece from my native country. Vltava is a river and follows her journey from its source to Prague. And so beautiful on Jonathans arrangement for organ. May you enjoy!
And also sending my best to you!
Brilliant, just brilliant.
Love it! Wonderful job!
Great music and fantastic organist !
Wow, really impressive!
Very nice. It never occurred to me to play two notes with one foot. This is the first time I've seen this technique. I certainly wasn't taught it.
Absolutely magnificent Johnathan 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
my smaller HT room is only 10 x 10 but the amazing size / ambiance soaring sonority
the talent delivers
and the 3 subwoofers carry the bottom , not a note missed and even some TR
Incrível! Jamais imaginei ouvir essa música tocada assim! Você é um organista incrível!!
Браво, маэстро!!!
Most enjoyable
Can't believe that...
Just to play two different progressions with your hands is complex enough, then throw in the feet. To master such an instrument and play it at such a high level as you do, obviously took many, many hours of practice. People speak of talent, but what they miss is that the "talent" they speak of is 99% perspiration, 10% inspiration. Talk about a workout. Great stuff.
We could do with that sort of footwork at Wolverhampton Wanderers!!!
cómo dicen en el rancho, este pelao toca con las patas 😵 de puro gusto guarde el vídeo y lo voy a compartir
For that, Jonathon, you deserve cuff-links on your socks
I presume you shoes are especially made to give more sensitivity, although interesting to see you use the heals to allow you bridge. I was wondering about ‘flats’ (as in shoes!), bit clearly not. It’s also interesting to see how hard it is to span the keyboard with feet and legs when you’re sat on them v arms which are much freer to move. I think to play this ‘by hand’ would be something, much less by feet 😲
WOW! Just wow! What a performance. Did you need help from bench afterwards?! 😅👋👋
quel exploit !!!
You show off! Hahaha
that’s awsome
Excellent performance, Jonathan! It must be difficult and taxing on your legs and feet to do what you did on this video. I know you must have a exercise regimen to keep your body strong. I sang in a choir and the choir director had a beautiful tenor voice. Before every performance he would go through a series on vocal and breath exercises in order to keep his singing voice in perfect condition. Best regards, Will Ortiz