I have the hormonal Mirena IUD as well. I've had it for about 2 years now. Since I have been on it, my periods are now a week of spotting and cramps whereas before it was very heavy with rare cramps. I have also gained 15+ pounds even though my exercise and diet are the best they've ever been. And I have increased 2-3 bra cup sizes.
I tried the hormonal coil last year. Putting it in wasn't too bad. But the childbirth-like pains two hours later, as well as day 7-12 after insertion was one of the worst things I've ever been through. My body managed to push it out a little bit, and then I accidentaly pulled it out with my menstrual cup because the midwife who put it in had left the strings a bit longer than usual "just in case", while also telling me that using a cup was completely fine... (If the strings are short and/or laying around the cervix it is fine, but if they're long and just "haing down" there's a really high risk that one might accidentally pull on them...). I am NOT going through that pain again. And I'm so fucking jealous of people whose bodies agree with the hormonal coil. I too would love to have contraception with 99% statistics that reduces or gets rid of my painful period... For now I'm using the cervical cap/diaphragm instead (and kind of loving it), combined with condoms and/or avoiding sperm-in-vagina-sex during ovulation for added security. Just three more years until I can get sterilized, yay!
I got the coil "Gold T" about three weeks ago. It's basically the same thing as the copper coil but it is said to cause less discomfort as opposed to the copper coil (this hasn't been officially proven but I thought I'd give it a go). It can stay in for up to 5 years. The procedure to put the coil in was uncomfortable but it wasn't as bad as I tought it would be. About 20 min after the procedure I started to get quite strong cramps but they only lasted for about 4 hours and were bearable. Before the coil I was on the pill (Azalia) with which I didn't get any period at all so my whole menstruational cycle is still a bit out of whack. I'm curious to see what my natural cycle is like and especially how my period pains are going to be.
I was planning on getting the copper coil about a year ago and when it came to inserting it, they weren't able to place it correctly... my cervix wasn't too happy with this process apparently, which sucks. So it's been a while since then, and I've not had a great time on the pill (POP pill as combined didn't work well on my mental health), and have been doing research into both coils again, so this was helpful! Might actually try the Mirena this time as the low dosage sounds more encouraging and the generic symptoms also! Thanks for making this video, such good timing! haha
Hello Hannah,I am a 42 year old father of two girls 11 and 15 I started watching your videos a couple of years back as a way to understand my oldest daughter more and what she's going through with puberty. While my wife understands what they're going through I have had trouble and your videos have been very insightful and helpful. I would especially like to thank you forYour hormone Diaries series. And while I have watched many of your other videos on sexuality and stomas these ones have proven most helpful with my teenage daughters. While my wife has done a very good job of keeping me informed on how life goes for girls and women sometimes it's good to hear it from another source, thank you very muchI love your content your videos are very well made and very informative. I admire your openness and ability to share with the world your own experiences with stuff that could be considered by many taboo.Thank you once again keep the videos coming you're awesome .
Ugh this is such a rare and wonderfully wholesome comment. You're already a great dad because you're doing your best to understand the way your daughters bodies are changing and how they experience the world so that you can support them. You'd be saddened to know that most fathers are freaked out by their daughters having periods because they didn't. Your understanding will foster in them a self acceptance that is so important, instead of the shame a lot of women feel about the natural way our bodies work. That's one less thing they'll have to work through. Keep being a cool dad. Spread the word.
Again a huge praise to the nhs! The coil and all other contraceptives are free in the UK! In Germany, I have to pay 300€ minimum for having it placed. Be grateful for your great health system!
We actually have a problem in Canada where women have been sterilized without consent or even against their will by doctors. They are usually indigenous women.
I have the copper coil! I've had it for nearly three years at this point, and it definitely made my periods heavier, but for me the peace of mind knowing it wasn't hormonal based is worth it
I’ve got a doctors appointment in two days because I wanna get off the pill but I’m not quite sure yet which contraception to try next! So this video is just perfect 😊
I was watching this last night and freaking out about the pain of getting the copper coil to the point I was going to cancel the appointment. Even once the speculum was in I almost said to stop. If anyone else is doing this let me tell you, for me it was almost painless. A small pinch but not even painful and the cramps after have been minimal had it done about 5 hours ago and I have hardly noticed it. I cant feel and threads poking so far Not everyone has a bad experience . You'll do great
As someone with Crohn's I can't, take the morning after pill (or rather I can but it probably won't work) so it's interesting to learn the copper coil can be used as a form of emergency contraception.
I’m on the patch! Nobody seems to talk about it and I’ve found it incredible. The first 2 months of use clearly made my hormones go crazy (insane apetite, mood swings...) but after those 2 months everything settled again and I’ve had no change in my period 🤗
Darcia G. Laucerica I’m also on the patch, about 5 years now! I agree, I feel like it’s never brought up and I think it’s a great non-invasive option for younger people. You only change it once a week so it’s less to remember!
I wish I could use the patch. I tried it and each time I needed to take off the patch, it actually removed a layer of my skin. It was bad enough that my skin bled and left a scrape-like mark for a month.
This is super interesting... I had the I had the copper coil, after two children. Had it for three years and had persistent vaginal thrush for almost 2.5years... After removal, I was asked why I wanted it out, and they then said that persistent thrush can be extremely common for some women with the copper coil.
I’m on my second mirena coil now after being on a few different types of the pill as a teenager. I would never go back! It sits there minding its own business, doing its thang. I love that I don’t have to remember to take a tablet at the same time everyday, nor worry about observing the 7 day rule if I get sick or have a stomach upset. Plus, and I cannot express how wonderful this is, I DON’T HAVE PERIODS! The only downside is I do still experience ‘coming on’ symptoms like tender boobs and low mood. But such is being female!
Just a bit more info on the copper coil (IUD): There are two types: for 5 or 10years. They are not always for 10 years. It depends what they can fit in your uterus basically. The 10 year one is bigger. You don't have to have had kids to have a coil either, just for anyone wondering. Also the period thing - yes, it really depends on the person. I am on my second copper coil now (total so far 9 years; had a new one inserted after the first 5 years passed) and I barely had any change in my period pain or sensitivity. I can even run during periods. Also when I had it inserted I didn't feel almost anything, had a slight pain afterwards but that was it. When they took the first coil out to insert the new one it was definitely more painful but again very bearable. I couldn't recommend the copper coil enough! It's the best for me.
God the timing for them has been so confusing for me. EVERYONE everywhere says it lasts 10 years but when I got mine at planned parenthood they said it would last for 12 years. I actually called the clinic a few years ago to make sure and they said: "yes it lasts 12 years, you don't have to take it out until 2022." So I'm kind of shrugging and keeping it in and hopefully at the ten-year mark of me having mine, I'll be able to get sterilized since I'll be 30 (medical practitioners apparently don't like sterilizing childfree women???? in NYC??????)
I have the copper IUD (That's what we call them in the US.), and I love it! I am transgender and on testosterone, so I don't get a period anymore. It's the perfect combo!
How interesting! Ive never heard that perspective. Do you still have cramps? Cause apparently the copper makes it really intense. Hope its okay to ask.
@@Raev222 I don't understand the scientific details. But when you go on HRT, the doctors tell you to assume that you will be infertile but also that you have to be on birth control because people have gotten pregnant while on T, and it's very dangerous.
@@Sobit21 Fair enough, it's a complicated subject. But thanks for your answer! Better safe than sorry indeed. I've read stories about transgender men becoming pregnant and I always wondered why that wouldn't be very problematic on many areas.. But I suppose there are doctors involved in those cases when it's intentional pregnancy, and for various reasons it apparently must be safe enough for those individuals. I suppose they stop with T but still I assume there is still too much of it in the body and not enough female hormones.. But I don't know. I haven't found any information about it.
Hey! There is at least 1 other type of coil available (in England at least) called the Jaydess, I only know because I have it! Not many people seem to know about it, but just putting it out there for people who may be interested in getting a coil fitted and want to know about all options. Love you Hannah and your content!
My girlfriend had the Merina coil for several years. After many months of spotting her doctor ordered a bunch of tests and she ended up having a hysterectomy. At almost 50 she was glad to be period free. She had multiple medical issues and she decided it was the best choice. I am eternally great full for your honesty and open manner about women's issues.
I ended up getting the mirena coil last year after seeing your HD video last year and it was the best decision for me. I don't need to worry about the pill and periods until I'm 26 now! 😁
I have the Hormonal Coil at the moment (have had it for over a year) and even the small dose of hormone is turning me into someone I don’t recognise. My next option is definitely switching to the Copper coil! I’ve loved the freedom of the coil so far and it’s made me feel incredibly empowered.
I’ve used the pill and the implant before but you inspired me to go hormone free! I now have the copper coil and my mental health is soooo much better. Like Lucy I do get the same pain as when it went in, on every period but paracetamol and ibuprofen sort me out. Great video as always!!
Wow, thank you SO much for talking about getting cramps but no period and getting worried about it. I’ve had a Liletta (another hormonal at the same dose as the Mirena) for about 8 months and I get those period symptoms but with no actual periods, and it stresses me out! Added on to the fact that I already have anxiety, that’s probably my least favorite part of having a coil.
Anja D. Yeah, that totally makes sense and you should do what’s best for you! I don’t mind the part about not actually bleeding, as part of the reason I went with a hormonal coil/IUD in the first place is because I had started to have more cramping and mood-related symptoms surrounding my period that the hormonal IUDs are meant to help with, and since it’s localized, I wouldn’t have to have artificial hormones running through my entire body, which I didn’t want. Overall I love it, especially as a super convenient means of contraception, but the cramping or other period symptoms with no period does, as Hannah mentioned, make me worry sometimes. For me personally, that little bit of anxiety is worth all the pros!
Even though y’all only talked about it for a second acknowledging that you can work from home because of painful periods made my feel so understood and hopefully!! I have painful periods and I have worried about how they may effect my work life one day. Just knowing that it’s ok to admit that some days will be to much to go to work but that it doesn’t mean you don’t want to be productive. So thank you very much, it made me feel happy!!
I'm on my second hormonal coil/IUD and have loved both! I got the Skyla (smaller than mirena, rated for 3 years in US though my doc told me EU rates it for 5 years). Getting fitted and inserted was pretty bad cramps for like 3 minutes, a little cramp-y the next two days, then I spotted off and on for 2-3 months. After that, it was great! Lighter periods where I only needed a panty-liner, no side effects. Still some cramping/general period symptoms. Switched to a Kyleena (also supposed to be smaller than mirena and rated for 5 years). Cramps again during insertion, but removal of the first one wasn't bad at all (just real weird feeling). No spotting, no cramping after that. Periods are even lighter and longer between. Definitely recommend and like to tell people that not everyone has terrible pain/cramping with insertion.
The copper coil also works in preventing pregnancy by irritating the lining of the womb. That's why some people can expect to experience heavier and more painful periods (student nurse who just did a placement in a sexual health clinic heh)
I got the copper coil fitted in November... I couldn't cope on the pill any longer as it made me anxious/down 24/7. The fitting of the coil and the pains afterwards were AWFUL, but I'm so glad I chose to get it! My first period after getting it fitted was equally as painful as the fitting itself but since then my period pains have pretty much gone back to how they were before. My periods are longer and slightly heavier now, and my cycles are averaging around 35 days but I think that's my body still adjusting from coming off the pill. I don't think I would've considered getting the coil if it wasn't for your hormone diaries shedding light onto options other than the pill! Thanks Hannah x
Ive had my copper coil about 2 years now and my cycle is still about 28-35 days lol my body like to mess around with how many days it is each time 😹 keeps me guessing
I’ve loved the Mirena coil, I’ve had it for like 6 months and I get those ghost periods too with a bit of cramping and basically no bleeding. I had so much trouble with the pill and even the implant made me feel super out of control emotionally. Mirena has just been a really good balance of low dosage hormones that don’t really seem to affect me and the ghost periods just don’t seem to last more that a couple days. Anyway, thanks for all this, I’ve found the series super helpful!
I LOVE my copper coil. Periods got heavier after i had it put in but after a while it got less and now i feel like i'm back to my normal flow. The pain of insertion and afterwards was barable xx
I HIGHLY recommend the Kyleena IUD(coil). It is smaller than the mirena but also lasts 5 years. I never feel it now! Also idk if you can request this for the insertion, but my doctor waited to insert the iud until I was on my period, told me to take extra painkillers before hand, and put numbing cream on my cervix. I know a lot of women that were in a lot of pain when there IUDs were put in, but I had very little pain and only moderate cramping (I also had an amazing obgyn!). I wish everyone luck finding their right birth control!
I got the copper coil because my mental health was affected really badly by the hormonal pill so I wanted to steer well clear of any extra hormones! My periods are slightly more painful but nothing extreme, I still carry on my day as normal and just get a bit more pain just before. If anything they're lighter too and I have one less thing to worry about! highly recommend!!!
So useful! I tried the POP for a few months but as Lucy found, I felt nothing like myself and couldn't face knowingly taking these pills that were making me feel like a monster! I've been weighing up the IUD and whether I'd rather have copper or hormonal for some time (I'm in a LDR so I do need birth control but very infrequently), so this has definitely come at the right time. Thank you so much to both of you!
@@hannahwitton Just finished watching and seriously think I need to come off the pill and try the coil. I've been on the pill for 11 years now, so it's scary thinking about coming off it, but it needs to be done, I think! Xx
I have the copper coil and oddly it made my periods much shorter (1-3 days versus 4-7) but the days I am on my period are heavier. I also have a version that is smaller because you have to have a certain sized uterus to have the full sized one. It only lasts 5-7 years.
Great video! I've had the copper coil for about 6 months now, and I feel like amongst all the negatives you see there are some of us which have had no problems whatsoever! Even when I had it inserted, I was on my period which apparently helps, I set aside a full day of doing nothing but experienced next to no pain, no more than any average period cramp. And since, while I may bleed a bit heavier on the two heavy days, my period is the same length, I don't spot throughout the month and have experienced no pain due to it. I'd really recommend trying a coil if like me you're weary of hormonal contraception, and try to avoid the horror stories online before you have it inserted hahaha
This is so interesting! I actually got the copper coil after watching your first video. I liked the idea of having no hormones in my body and to be honest I didn’t like the idea of not having a period. Also I worried it might take a while for my body to readjust if I wanted to get pregnant. My periods are heavier which is sometimes a nuisance due to work but my periods are so less painful than before! I used to have two days of pain and cramps before my period but now it’s fine, I experience some labour like cramps but that’s all. I sometimes worry about it moving because I never check it because I’m a prude...but I literally think it’s the best contraception ever. Even when I had it inserted the doctor was like ‘you probably won’t leave here thinking this was a dream’ and I literally did 😂 It might have been due to having a child, but I had no pain just a slight pressure then cramping afterwards. I wanted to post because I know there is a lot of negative experiences regarding this and the copper coil. Thanks Hannah for your fab videos x
I had mirena for four years, ended up on the implant then back on the pill. After 14 years on different hormonal contraception I'm getting the copper iud and hoping my anxiety improves. I'm scared about the bleeding but hoping for the best.
I have the GyneFix, which is similar to the copper coil, but it is a tiny copper chain and it is anchored in your uterus. There is a smaller risk of it falling out and the pain is supposedly less than with a copper coil. I’ve had it for nearly 4 years now and I love it!
I had the Mirena for the full 5 yrs after baby #4 and loved it while I had it, no periods, clearer skin. I had ever intention of having it replaced with the same but after having it removed and while waiting for my insurance ( good ol USA) to approve a new one had a serious spike in my libido. I apparently hadn't even realized that my sex drive had been missing until it came back and didn't want to loose it again, so decided to go with the 10 yr copper one instead. Which I am having no problems with approaching yr 4 of. I do have heavier periods but not the cramping part. The biggest adjustment was going from no period to bleeding through tampons, but now it's no big deal.
I have the hormonal coil and I'm loving it. I was s little scared when my doctor just said "yeah we're gonna pit this in you" because I have epilepsy so I cant use pills. But now when the cramps and bleeding is over I can just chill and live with my coil in peace 😆😆 the first night with the coil when the cramps kicked in I actually watched your whole hormone diaries playlist through like 5 times with my hot waterbottle on my tummy😁😁
I have the copper coil. I was discouraged from getting the copper coil because of my horrendous history of period pains but I wanted to try a non hormonal birth control. I had been through so much on hormonal methods, from increased depression, weight gain, anxiety, constant bleeding including on the coil and they didn't help with my period pains. Ironically, whilst my period is now the Niagara falls I actually have less cramping than prior. So if you've tried everything else, I think the copper coil has been worth the risk of trying it
Right after I got my copper IUD, I was in excruciating pain. I literally cried myself to unconsciousness 😂 My first period was the same level of pain as when I got it inserted and HEAVY. Since then, I just have slightly worse cramps but a much heavier flow than before getting it.
I have the jaydess (smaller mirena) coil which has been a life saver. My body is very reactive to hormonal contraceptives (migraines/constant bleeding) but with the jaydess being such a small dose of hormone I’ve settled really well. I’m just over 6 months in and I’ve not had any side effects and haven’t had a period for the last couple of months. Won’t be looking back!
My implant is due to come out soon and would love something with less side effects. I am so scared of the insertion pain, but would be worth it to be childfree for 3 years
I ended up getting my IUD (Mirena) taken out because of all the side effects I had, and went back to the pill, which had no side effects for me. Interesting to see how everybody responds dramatically differently.
@@loz7994 I gained a lot of weight and losing it was near impossible (only a few weeks after the device was removed, I lost 10 lbs). The pain also never went away - the first month was horrible, and then it was just a dull ache in my lower abdomen for the rest of the year I had it. I didn't have periods, which was nice, but I was spotting randomly, which meant I was wearing pads/panty liners anyway just in case. I've also had a few ovarian cysts, and the one I ended up having when I had the IUD was excruciating. I went to the doctor several times due to pain (worrying the device had shifted to an improper placement), only for it to be right where it should be. Finally couldn't take it anymore.
I wanted to get Mirena out so I can go back on ortho tri cyclen (pill). My doctor talked me out of getting Mirena removed because she told me the hormones are so mild compared to the pill, I shouldn't be getting side effects and they must be from something else. My side effects are fatigue, no sex drive, weight gain (no change in diet. And my clothes still all fit?? But the number on the scale is a lot higher), very tender breasts 24/7 to the point that I can only wear bralettes, and severe cystic acne. She did hemoglobin tests and thyroid tests but I don't have any deficiencies :( So now I need to go back to the lab and get my B12 tested but I already know my diet is really well balanced and my blood tests have always been great. She said it could also be depression (I have a diagnosis from 5 years ago when I was a teenager but I'm honestly doing great right now despite feeling like a fat, acne plagued lump). I'm thinking about getting it taken out anyway regardless of what she says. I've had it for a year. Did your side effects diminish when you went back on the pill?
@@eggfishy I totally forgot my acne came back on the IUD too. And yes, only a few weeks after getting the IUD out and back on the pill my symptoms went away. I was looking for convenience with the IUD, but everything that came with it was just too much.
I LOVE my hormonal coil. Best thing I ever did for myself in that department. And it's so much cheeper, when I also do not get my period. All those saved tampons!
I'm a transmasculine nonbinary person and I've had the Mirena IUD for about 1.5 years. I don't use it for birth control, instead I got it to control/stop my periods. I had about 95 days or something of tiny spotting and it was terrible to get in, but after that I have had no periods since then. It's been blissful to avoid the terrible mood swings of PMS, bleeding, cramping, and dysphoria of periods. I never have to worry how many days it's been since I last bled! Highly recommend. Getting it hurt quite a lot and the spotting sucked a little, but after that, it's been worth it many times over!
After watching your first video on the coil and many years of rubbishness (bleeding daily for over a year, being miserable all the time, bad skin and anemia) and only being offered a handful of pills (limitations due to migraines) I decided to take the plunge and get the hormonal coil and I have to say 3 months in it is the best decision I have ever made. For anyone reading this yes it is terrifying (fear of the uknown) and yes it is true you will have to take a day to recover, it is painful initially and after a few days you do still feel slightly tender but the pros far outweigh this (believe it or not!). From my experience going from bleeding every day to not feels like such a weight has been lifted. I don't feel as miserable, my skin is better and I don't have to worry about being caught short or excruciating period pains. It lasts 5 years and you barely notice it is there, there is the odd occasion like Hannah said where you feel a tightness in your abdomen and tender boobs but nothing compared to what the pill can cause. For some people it works and for others it doesn't. Do your research and don't let the negative comments put you off, remember people only post about the bad rather than the good! Thanks again Hannah for your honesty!
I'm getting the Mirena fitted at the end of this month, really glad I seem to have made the right decision! Did it take a while for the periods to stop after having it fitted?
@@samsewellart - great decision! Yes, it did take a while. They just got lighter and lighter over the course of a year. I would very occasionally get spotting, and always get mild PMS symptoms even with no period
I got the copper coil as my first ever contraceptive choice (besides condoms, of course) right after my 20th birthday. I was attracted to it because I didn't really want to do something hormonal, because I'd heard a lot of bad stories, but I also didn't want to mess around with condoms anymore (I was and am in a long-term relationship, and we both got tested before we made the switch.). Also, I liked the idea of not having to think about it everyday. It definitely made my periods worse. Before that I had a very "average" period of 5 days, with the first 2 being heavier and the last day being barely there. With the coil my period lengthened to a full 7 days, with the first 5 days being really heavy (as in, multiple full menstrual cups a day) and the last 2 being a somewhat medium flow. It also made my cramps worse, and about 1-2 days of my period they would be quite debilitating. I had my first copper coil for about a year, and then it fell out when I was taking my menstrual cup out. I had heard about the coil not vibeing that well with the cup, but my doctor had told me it should be fine. So I went back to the doctor, coil in hand, and told her what happened. She was really surprised, and I had a new one put in that same day. That second one came half-way out about a month later, during my next period, which was really weird. I could, like, feel it sticking out of my cervix. Not great. After that I was really sick of the coil, and just wanted something that would just work, without all the hassle. So, I decided to go with something hormonal, yet low dose, and low maintenance, and that is the nuvaring! I've had that now for about 8-ish months, and it's working really well! I haven't felt any weird side effects emotionally or physically, and it's made my periods the most manageable they've ever been. I now only bleed for 3 days, and 2 of the days are really just spotting. Also, extremely minimal cramps. Honestly great. Would recommend.
couldn't believe my eyes when I saw this video! I just spent all weekend watching your other coil videos from the Hormone Diaries for research!! Brilliant timing
I had the Mirena for about 7 months before getting it removed- I was still having abnormally intense pain all the time and it was not worth it. I've been on the Nuva-ring since (14 months now!) and I love it! Almost as zero-effort as the coil/IUD, same limited hormonal effects, and no pain!
I have the marina and got it put in at 16, now i'm 23 and its still in there (7 years and still working.. oops). I noticed that the hormones decreased at the 5 year mark, and realised the negative affect the hormones had on my mental health. I can now feel emotions, get hormonal and have pains during periods (which is bloody nice after feeling numb for so long!) I also don't feel as boring as a sterilised dog. Now I am needing to get it changed, and don't want to go back to the hormones so I am pretty set on getting the copper coil, but I am waiting for a time where it is most convenient to have a possible of 6 months bleeding like others have experienced. Being a woman sucks.
I got the Mirena at the end of Jan and had 6 weeks of constant, often debilitating, cramps. Finally had it removed after an ultrasound showed it was all in the right place, doc was like 'it can take 3 months to settle' 🙅 I feel like I wasn't made aware of the chances of ongoing cramping, and now have (maybe permanent) scars all over my stomach from hot water bottle usage. Never again.
I had a horrible experience with the pill, tried about 5 different ones and they all didn't work for me, both physically (making me throw up and nauseous) and mentally (making me dangerously depressed and anxious). Now I'm on the mirena and haven't had any of those problems so it's definitely worth trying even if you had a bad experience with the pill! Xxx
I originally got the copper coil and was allergic to it. I had a big rash on my tummy and bled continuously for 6 months heavily. Went to the clinic 3 times during that time and they refused to remove it! Finally got a nurse who booked me in for the next week and now I have the marina coil which has been a dream. I spotted for about 3 weeks and have had nothing with no side effects for over a year ☺️
I personally have the arm implant, nexaplanon. For those who do not feel comfortable with contraception being inserted vaginally, I recommend you look into it. It lasts three to five years depending on the brand. The symptoms for it vary but for me personally I have just had light periods, inconsistent spotting/bleeding at first, and now my period comes rarely and it is very light. I haven't had acne, weight gain or mood swings, but I have had tender breast and some cramps during spotting. Other than that I am happy with it and I don't even have a scar from where it was inserted. You do get a nasty bruise the first week though.
only1tacynne I’ve got the nexaplanon implant too and my experience pretty much spot on matches theirs ^ I’ve had it in about 2 years now and it took about 2/3 months for my periods to stop being like they had before (they kinda just faded out). Since then they’ve been MUCH MUCH lighter (only need liners, really) and I only get one once every 3 or 4 months? After really shite periods for years + several bad experiences with different pills, i stan the implant lol 🙌
Yea, my experience is similar, but I get bad mood swings. Also, had months of no period, then a month and a half of period then no period again for 4months. It feels like its finally settling into a rhythm now, just recently finished a period that went for 5 days, so it seems the same as my periods beforehand. Would recommend, except for the mood swings, I find doing lots of walking helps.
I got the mirena a few months ago, and your videos were so useful in the build up. It was good to go in knowing what to expect. I was very lucky and had basically no pain afterwards and my period stopped pretty much immediately. I had spotting for a few days after getting it put in, but absolutely nothing since then. It's wonderful!!
The Mirena coil is great! When I got mine fitted the doctor told me that pretty much everyone who works within the sexual health sector has one because they’re so reliable. I switched to it from the implant after hearing about hormonal contraception affecting mental health issues, and it helped lower my depression pretty much instantly, I still get depressed but it’s turned the intensity down hugely!
Just stumbled across your channel while deep diving into the depth that is TH-cam. I really appreciate your entire channel. It's so raw and it makes me feel like I'm getting real information with no bullsh*t. So thank you💕
I had the copper coil inserted when I was 18, and my periods much longer and much much heavier. At 19, I unfortunately got pregnant on it, as it had moved upwards and was floating around somewhere (as can happen with either coil!). Whilst under general anaesthetic for a termination of the pregnancy, a mirena coil was inserted. Since then (4 years), it’s been incredible - I still get my period but it lasts about 3 days, symptoms are minimal and definitely manageable - I love my mirena!
These videos are so so important for me. I am currently researching into getting the copper coil myself as I do not want any contraception with hormones. I was put off though because I don't want to have to check that its still in place myself, and now hearing of the heavy periods I am a little unsure. This videos are so useful and I'm glad girls are more open to discuss these issues :) thanks hun xxxxxx
Probably not the copper one if you have very painful endometriosis and period pain as it may increase the pain ... (it did not on me but everybody's different) + the hormonal one could block your period completely which could be good if you handle hormones well !
the mirena coil is the only sort of contraception they recommend for treating endometriosis (at least here in the uk). I have endometriosis as well and just got it fitted a week ago because the pill wasn't working for me anymore! Hope it goes fine!!
If you don't mind hormonal contraception, I highly recommend Implanon [the rod] in terms of convenience [inserted every three years] and incredibly effective. It gave me great piece of mind. I went off hormonal birth control to track the mental side effects after 5 years, and have definitely felt better since having it removed, so I appreciate learning more about the copper IUD, cheers!
I'd love to hear a discussion about the NuvaRing! I was experiencing period-related migraines while on birth control pills. My doctor recommended remaining on some form of systemic hormones to help manage my endometriosis symptoms. I ended up switching to the NuvaRing because it is delivers hormones into the body more consistently (no hormonal blood level spikes like you get after taking the pill each day). I like it thus far! My migraines have decreased in frequency, and I love not needing to take a pill every day. I think the NuvaRing could be a great option for more people, but it is not well known.
thank you for writing about the ring. I was just looking for a comment about it before I wrote my own because I think that it is not talked about enough. The ring was my first contraception method - I couldn't take the pill because I had to throw up from time to time. I think the ring is so much easier to use, you don't have to remember it every day and it's also directly where the hormones are supposed to go just like the coil. So if it has to be hormonal contraception, that's what I would recommend, too.
I have the gynefix. It is a copper coil but much smaller which is why it doesn't make you have stronger and more painfull periods. It is actually just a string with copper pearls. Very glad i got it!
This was a really helpful video as I'm thinking of switching from the pill to the coil and I think I'll move to the hormonal after watching this as my periods before the pill were SO bad
I took Accutane too!! It's SUCH a struggle to deal with but it's truly so worth it!! I took the pill while on Accutane, and stayed on it for another year since it helped so much with my period pain/duration. I recently decided to take a break from the pill, but if my periods get unbearable again I'm definitely considering the hormonal coil!
I had a a copper iud and I met my best friend online in the iud divas group on livejournal back in 2005. She had Mirena so we’d compare notes as ours were inserted the same day. And the friendship blossomed from there. I named my copper coil “Penny” as in a copper penny. I think that she named hers Isabella, but I might have mixed that up with another IUD friend. I had very light periods on mine to the point that I was curious if I had the copper. I did (I have it saved from my removal). I just have light periods so I’m sure that it’s related to that.
I have the Kyleena (a slightly smaller hormonal IUD designed for women who haven't had children yet for easier insertion). I love it, though same as you Hannah, I get phantom period symptoms. Every couple of months I will also have a little spotting, but that's about it. Interestingly, when I got it inserted, I actually fainted. I went to an IUD clinic for the procedure and they said that it's common for women in their 20s to faint with IUD placement, they think it's probably a vasovagal response, but not as common for teens or women in their 30s and older!
@@oliviamiller-davis4667 the insertion itself really wasn't that bad, I think it's just getting over the fear. I was always really nervous about even a PAP smear, but I knew it would be worth it. I didn't faint for pain, I think it was just my bodies response to what was happening. The clinic I went to was really knowledgeable and helpful. The pain mostly came after, I had bad cramping for a few days, but that's normal.
I have the marina Coil (same as Hannah) and just wanted to share that I did not experience any pain both during and after the procedure to have it fitted. Everyone is different so I really feel for the individuals out there that do experience such a pain to get the bugger in! However, for anyone tempted by the Coil and looking for some guidance on the pain aspect of it, please be assured that there are some of out there that experience no pain at all and try not to let that be the deciding factor for you. Cheers Hannah for helpful and informative content as always.
Before I had the marina coil, I couldn’t get any answers for my questions. Literally everyone around me said that they didn’t know anything about it and were too scared to get it. I had my coil a few months after you posted your experience video of getting the coil. I always refer people to your videos because I feel like it’s probably the most comfortable way to learn about the marina coil. I have the marina coil and I had a very similar experience when having it put in! I still have periods though and they are definitely more painful. On the plus side, they are a lot lighter and the pain is definitely manageable! I totally agree when you mentioned that it’s so easy now that you don’t have to think about it for 5 years!
I had the Mirena coil put in last summer after having an absolutely awful experience with the implant. Aside from the cramping after getting it fitted I haven't had any problems at all! My periods are pretty regular now, I've lost a lot of the weight I put on whilst on the implant and my anxiety and depression have massively improved. If anyone's looking into it definitely give it a shot! It may not work for you but I won't be using any other contraception in future
I have the Jaydess - which is like the Mirena but a smaller T shape. I had the Mirena for about 6 months and the bleeding just never stopped/got a lot worse after sex, it was not fun at all. BUT I've been on the Jaydess for 3 years now and it's great, I'm pretty sure that when I have it out next year I'll have another one put straight back in :P On the Jaydess I've had 3 (maybe?) periods, usually about 3-4 months apart. I don't get cramping at any point and I get boob ache maybe once every two months whether I bleed or not. Other than that, no symptoms at all. Sometimes I miss having a period and feeling like I know my cycle, but most of the time I really enjoy having the Jaydess and feeling confident in my contraception. Before the Jaydess (and Mirena) I was on the combined pill and then after 5 years of being on that I had a mini-stroke and that was that for me and oestrogen... I was on the Progesterone Only Pill for a while in between the Mirena not working and getting the Jaydess, it was fine. I can't really remember why I decided to have a coil again, I think I just liked the idea of not having to think about it. I used to wish I could go back on the combined pill, it worked really well for me up until the oestrogen related health issues... but now I really like the Jaydess, I just sometimes wish for more regular periods. Definitely would recommend the Jaydess to people if you're looking for a Long Acting Reversible Contraception.
@@zouzoumusic. Yes, one of the listed potential negatives for the Jaydess (and the Mirena) is having lighter/less regular periods or they just stop completely. I was pretty regular before going onto the PoP and then the Jaydess.
Dude!!!!! I've been on the Mirena for 2 and a bit years now, and my 'breakthrough' bleeding has never stopped. I'm in the same situation as you in that I can't have oestrogen and I've been at a total loss about what else I could try. I've never even HEARD of the Jaydess. Sounds like I need to talk to my doc about it. :D
I've had my copper coil since December 2014 and overall it's been a great experience- minimal insertion pain, initially some weird cramps (first 6mon) and then no concerns since
Hi Hannah, Just thought you should clarify that some copper IUDs are actually 5 year use length also. (We tend to fit more copper 5y coils in younger women as they are slightly narrower to insert. Also, the breast tenderness using the Mirena coil is most like as you are still ovulating (around 50% of women still do and some will as the device gets older even if they weren’t before). Hope that’s helpful! A (sexual health doc, London)
@@Bunnylovescoffee i believe the progesterone prevents implantation of the blastocyst into the womb so fertilisation can occur but a pregnancy cant. it is also suggested to thicken the cervical mucus making it harder for sperm to 'swim'.
Alex Clare I was wondering what the name/brand of the 5 year copper coil is? I want to get one, and if there is one that is slightly narrower/smaller than the 10 year one I think I would choose that as I’m 20 with no kids.
I got the marina coil about 7 months ago because I had been bleeding/spotting for 2 and a half years, everyday! After about 2 months of getting the coil the bleeding stopped - best day ever! Although the pain of getting the coil in was horrendous I would 100% do it again as it stopped all the bleeding. I’ve only had 1 period since getting it - it’s been amazing!
Everyone's experience is soo different! I was expecting debilitating cramps after my copper coil insertion but it only felt like a bad period, and all I needed was pain killers, then I was all good by the next day :D First period since coming on it, definitely heavier and longer, (upgraded from regular pads to plus ones on the first 4 days) only slightly more painful than I was used to, but not unmanageable. Went from 5-6 days to 6-7 days, never stopped me from participating in sport! Really happy despite reading horror stories about it lol. Couldn't find much online so thanks hannah for this!
I had the 3 year Jaydess (they no longer make it) and now on the 5 year Mirena. I love it (and the prospect of not bleeding for 5 years!) :) My sister has the copper and it was really rough for her the first year or so but I think it has gotten better. My other sister is on the Mirena also and loves it because she has heavy periods. Yay for IUDs!
I've had the copper coil for almost 2 years now and I'm very happy I decided to quit the pill and switch. Hormones just do not agree with me and ever since I quit, I've felt so much more in balance. However: I had exactly the same experience as Hannah! For the first few months I just kept spotting. Sometimes it would even be more than that. So it just felt like I had my period for half a year. My doctor prescribed me 1 month on the pill, which 'reset' my cycle. After that my period has been regular! So even with the set back, I am a big fan of the copper coil.
I'm very unlucky when it comes to hormonal contraception. I started using contraception at uni with the not so excellent student surgery, so I was first put on a pill. However, I was just really bad at taking it and after my first run in with the day after pill, which left me in debilitating pain for 3 days, I decided that it was time for something more permanent. Enter: Mirena. It took me a year to realise that it wasn't for me: I not only did not stop having periods, but in fact the cramps got worse; deep penetrative sex just straight up HURT; and last but not least I started getting very severe depressive symptoms. I had to literally fight my way through that whole damn surgery for them to finally extract that monstrosity out of me and then to replace it with an implant. Implant made me bleed only 1.5 - 2 months, but once it started, it just wouldn't stop without extra medication (= more artificial hormones). However after 8 months of this, my blood pressure started skyrocketing and I wasn't allowed more hormones but it was really difficult to arrange for the implant to be removed and finally replaced by the copper coil. A lot of it was due to me moving and changing surgeries, but a lot of it was general attitudes of "this [your past experiences with hormonal contraception] doesn't happen." and "copper coil isn't really that good, why not just use condoms". So in the end I spent literally 2 months constantly bleeding and having blood pressure almost twice as high as it should be. Long story short, now I'm almost half a year into the copper coil. Bleeding is heavy, sure, but it lasts 5 days (not a month), sex doesn't hurt and is actually much better (I think the hormones were fucking up my libido?), my brain is finally back to normal and I won't have to worry about it until I'm 33. I'm not saying that hormonal contraception is bad and a spawn of satan but it's a little concerning to me that the procedure of prescribing hormones doesn't include diagnostics, blood tests and other ways of determining what might be most suitable. Especially, since the methods preferred by doctors seem to be hormonal, even though the copper coil works just as well, but can last longer and has less side effects. I lost over 3 years of my life thinking that there is something wrong with me, because each of the options being thrown at me by doctors was messing up my (apparently) delicately balanced hormonal equilibrium. Why is that normal?
I went through multiple birth control pills, the mirena, a smaller version of the mirena called the jaydess which was meant to match me better as it was lower dosage, and like you have ended up with the copper coil. I was discouraged from it because of my history of terrible period pain which was why I was originally put on hormones and ironically I bleed more, but have less pain
I completely agree with your last point! I wish there was some sort of diagnostic procedure to see which birth control is best for you based on you hormone levels or something, it could have saved me (and you) a lot of pain 😩 Just one thing to note though-- doctors tend to suggest hormonal birth control over non-hormonal because they are more effective/"safer" in the sense that they stop the process required to get pregnant. Hormonal birth control prevents you from ovulating, and you can't get pregnant if you don't ovulate in the first place! The copper coil is the most effective of non-hormonal birth control, and while it kills sperm and makes your uterus basically inhabitable for a fetus, you still ovulate. The fact that you ovulate creates risk, because if some sperm somehow survives, you run a high risk of an ectopic pregnancy which is very dangerous.
@@co_co_chantal I agree that removing the ovulation sounds like the safest option, but I think it only does so due to the general trend of people (including doctors) infantilising women and disregarding the severity of their symptoms. It is a very common occurrence (one I felt myself) that symptoms caused by hormonal contraception are disregarded to an extent, either based how uncommon they are ( "this doesn't happen so you must be exaggerating") or how common they are (" thousands of women experience this so it's fine if you do too"). By now everyone has surely heard of the reasons behind stalling the development of male hormonal contraception. The symptoms described by the test patients seem completely trivial to most women who on an everyday basis endure much much worse with only response from doctors being "take some ibuprofen" or "it's normal" : /
Yes!! There absolutely should be some kind of procedure for doctors to prescribe the best contraception for you! Some school friends of mine actually had blood tests done before they ever got the pill (maybe because they were in their teens), but my doctor at the time (I was 20) just gave me a random brand to test out. And I felt like shit on it. I was having anxiety attacks and symptoms of depression. I almost lost an entire semester of uni because I just couldn't function and had to leave seminars to go cry in the bathrooms for no reason. I was also bleeding throughout the entire time I took the pill and had cramps. When I asked the doctor on the phone about going on another pill she just said I should keep going for another three months and see how it developed. I'm actually scared of trying any hormonal birth control again, but I'm also hesitant about the copper coil, since I have pretty heavy, painful periods. So now I just use condoms which actually works quite well, but I'd love to have something as a backup :/
I have the Copper Coil and the insertion was the worst part for me, absolute agony and nearly passed out afterwards! 😂 Like Lucy, my PMS cramps are the worst I’ve had before but other than that, I’m really glad I have the coil and after 6 months I finally feel that bit more back to normal again! Loved this video Hannah, thank you so much for talking about this! ❤️
I am in Canada and have the Jaydess IUD. I had horrible random cramping throughout the first year. I didn’t get a period for just over 1.5 years, occasionally random spotting. Now I do get a period once a month but it’s much lighter than it was without my IUD and I hardly get any cramping. Sadly the Jaydess IUD can only be kept in for 3 years.
I got the IUB Ballerine two weeks ago and so far so good. I was attracted to an IUD also because you don't have to think about it every single day. I also was a mad woman on the hormonal pill, so that scared me off ANY hormonal contraception. I'm happy with my choice so far...
Great to hear of someone else getting the random cramps, I always thought I was crazy! Good to know it’s a real thing 😂 I’ve got the hormonal coil and had it for the last 6 months or so. Honestly the best thing I ever did, the pill worked and kept my skin clear, but I didn’t feel like me, I felt like another human and I was so anxious (and not great at remembering to take it), the rod took my beautiful clear skin (that had been clear for a year off of the pill) and ruined it, covered me in pimples, destroyed my sex drive, made me a nightmare of a human being. I got the hormonal coil and I will never ever go back! Best decision I ever made, I just ignore it, I spot bled for about 2 months then it gradually stopped, no periods at all now, it’s amazing! I get the occasional boob soreness and the occasional cramping, but other than that I’m set for 5 years and I have no side effects and can’t get pregnant, what could be better?
I never learnt about the coil ever - just choices of pills. It is so annoying having to remember every day to take it! (you have reminded me tonight - thanks!) Would be good to think about hormonal imbalance and actually if it is affecting myself. Periods have definitly changed since being on the pill. Thanks for your insight ladies!
I had the copper coil for about a year but had to get it removed because of recurrent BV that was related to it. It's really sad because I love being on it but with recurrent infections it was unbearable. Now I am back to the pill.
I’m the same way in that I never see myself going back on the pill. Please Lucy, if you switch to mirena, come back and talk about the difference for you as a hormone sensitive person!
i was on the pill for about two years but now i use 'natural cycles' after realising i have really extreme highs and lows (with anxiety) with the pill! no more hormones for me
Yes the period information is what I was looking for between these two methods! Im likely getting the IUS, recommend from my GP cuz my periods are really heavy that my irons levels dropped too much. Great informative video, thank you 😊
Thanks for watching! Do you have the coil or thinking about getting the coil? Which one? What are your experiences?
I have the hormonal Mirena IUD as well. I've had it for about 2 years now. Since I have been on it, my periods are now a week of spotting and cramps whereas before it was very heavy with rare cramps. I have also gained 15+ pounds even though my exercise and diet are the best they've ever been. And I have increased 2-3 bra cup sizes.
I tried the hormonal coil last year. Putting it in wasn't too bad. But the childbirth-like pains two hours later, as well as day 7-12 after insertion was one of the worst things I've ever been through. My body managed to push it out a little bit, and then I accidentaly pulled it out with my menstrual cup because the midwife who put it in had left the strings a bit longer than usual "just in case", while also telling me that using a cup was completely fine... (If the strings are short and/or laying around the cervix it is fine, but if they're long and just "haing down" there's a really high risk that one might accidentally pull on them...).
I am NOT going through that pain again. And I'm so fucking jealous of people whose bodies agree with the hormonal coil. I too would love to have contraception with 99% statistics that reduces or gets rid of my painful period...
For now I'm using the cervical cap/diaphragm instead (and kind of loving it), combined with condoms and/or avoiding sperm-in-vagina-sex during ovulation for added security. Just three more years until I can get sterilized, yay!
I got the coil "Gold T" about three weeks ago. It's basically the same thing as the copper coil but it is said to cause less discomfort as opposed to the copper coil (this hasn't been officially proven but I thought I'd give it a go). It can stay in for up to 5 years. The procedure to put the coil in was uncomfortable but it wasn't as bad as I tought it would be. About 20 min after the procedure I started to get quite strong cramps but they only lasted for about 4 hours and were bearable. Before the coil I was on the pill (Azalia) with which I didn't get any period at all so my whole menstruational cycle is still a bit out of whack. I'm curious to see what my natural cycle is like and especially how my period pains are going to be.
I can't decide what contraception to go on. I did want the coil, but I'm so scared about the pain people talk about :S
I was planning on getting the copper coil about a year ago and when it came to inserting it, they weren't able to place it correctly... my cervix wasn't too happy with this process apparently, which sucks. So it's been a while since then, and I've not had a great time on the pill (POP pill as combined didn't work well on my mental health), and have been doing research into both coils again, so this was helpful! Might actually try the Mirena this time as the low dosage sounds more encouraging and the generic symptoms also!
Thanks for making this video, such good timing! haha
Hello Hannah,I am a 42 year old father of two girls 11 and 15 I started watching your videos a couple of years back as a way to understand my oldest daughter more and what she's going through with puberty. While my wife understands what they're going through I have had trouble and your videos have been very insightful and helpful. I would especially like to thank you forYour hormone Diaries series. And while I have watched many of your other videos on sexuality and stomas these ones have proven most helpful with my teenage daughters. While my wife has done a very good job of keeping me informed on how life goes for girls and women sometimes it's good to hear it from another source, thank you very muchI love your content your videos are very well made and very informative. I admire your openness and ability to share with the world your own experiences with stuff that could be considered by many taboo.Thank you once again keep the videos coming you're awesome .
Fatherhood done right 👌👌
this is very sweet! this should be a thing that all parents do if their children are a different gender from them
This is seriously the best thing ever!!! What lucky girls to have you as their father!
Aw those ladies are lucky to have such an amazing Dad!
Ugh this is such a rare and wonderfully wholesome comment. You're already a great dad because you're doing your best to understand the way your daughters bodies are changing and how they experience the world so that you can support them. You'd be saddened to know that most fathers are freaked out by their daughters having periods because they didn't. Your understanding will foster in them a self acceptance that is so important, instead of the shame a lot of women feel about the natural way our bodies work. That's one less thing they'll have to work through. Keep being a cool dad. Spread the word.
Again a huge praise to the nhs! The coil and all other contraceptives are free in the UK! In Germany, I have to pay 300€ minimum for having it placed.
Be grateful for your great health system!
I don't know if this is related but is it possible to do an episode with someone who's had a surgery to become sterilized?
Yes please +
Childfree hormone diaries! Yes please. So much information about contraception is focused on the "reversible" aspects.
Preferably young.
We actually have a problem in Canada where women have been sterilized without consent or even against their will by doctors. They are usually indigenous women.
I have the copper coil! I've had it for nearly three years at this point, and it definitely made my periods heavier, but for me the peace of mind knowing it wasn't hormonal based is worth it
Did it cause weight gain and bloating?
I took the pill for 15 years and 3 years ago i just said to myself "this is enough! I'm done" since then i feel much better and more like myself
I’ve got a doctors appointment in two days because I wanna get off the pill but I’m not quite sure yet which contraception to try next! So this video is just perfect 😊
I was watching this last night and freaking out about the pain of getting the copper coil to the point I was going to cancel the appointment. Even once the speculum was in I almost said to stop. If anyone else is doing this let me tell you, for me it was almost painless. A small pinch but not even painful and the cramps after have been minimal had it done about 5 hours ago and I have hardly noticed it. I cant feel and threads poking so far
Not everyone has a bad experience . You'll do great
As someone with Crohn's I can't, take the morning after pill (or rather I can but it probably won't work) so it's interesting to learn the copper coil can be used as a form of emergency contraception.
I’m on the patch! Nobody seems to talk about it and I’ve found it incredible. The first 2 months of use clearly made my hormones go crazy (insane apetite, mood swings...) but after those 2 months everything settled again and I’ve had no change in my period 🤗
Darcia G. Laucerica I’m also on the patch, about 5 years now! I agree, I feel like it’s never brought up and I think it’s a great non-invasive option for younger people. You only change it once a week so it’s less to remember!
Darcia G. Laucerica a few of my friends are on it and have found it really helpful
I wish I could use the patch. I tried it and each time I needed to take off the patch, it actually removed a layer of my skin. It was bad enough that my skin bled and left a scrape-like mark for a month.
Sorry, but what's the patch? I've never heard of a patch when talking about contraception. Intrigued
Oooh, I'll have to ask my dr about that next time
This is super interesting... I had the I had the copper coil, after two children. Had it for three years and had persistent vaginal thrush for almost 2.5years... After removal, I was asked why I wanted it out, and they then said that persistent thrush can be extremely common for some women with the copper coil.
I’m on my second mirena coil now after being on a few different types of the pill as a teenager. I would never go back! It sits there minding its own business, doing its thang. I love that I don’t have to remember to take a tablet at the same time everyday, nor worry about observing the 7 day rule if I get sick or have a stomach upset. Plus, and I cannot express how wonderful this is, I DON’T HAVE PERIODS! The only downside is I do still experience ‘coming on’ symptoms like tender boobs and low mood. But such is being female!
Just a bit more info on the copper coil (IUD):
There are two types: for 5 or 10years. They are not always for 10 years. It depends what they can fit in your uterus basically. The 10 year one is bigger. You don't have to have had kids to have a coil either, just for anyone wondering.
Also the period thing - yes, it really depends on the person. I am on my second copper coil now (total so far 9 years; had a new one inserted after the first 5 years passed) and I barely had any change in my period pain or sensitivity. I can even run during periods.
Also when I had it inserted I didn't feel almost anything, had a slight pain afterwards but that was it. When they took the first coil out to insert the new one it was definitely more painful but again very bearable.
I couldn't recommend the copper coil enough! It's the best for me.
God the timing for them has been so confusing for me. EVERYONE everywhere says it lasts 10 years but when I got mine at planned parenthood they said it would last for 12 years. I actually called the clinic a few years ago to make sure and they said: "yes it lasts 12 years, you don't have to take it out until 2022." So I'm kind of shrugging and keeping it in and hopefully at the ten-year mark of me having mine, I'll be able to get sterilized since I'll be 30 (medical practitioners apparently don't like sterilizing childfree women???? in NYC??????)
They dont like to sterilize any women, period.
We dont have control over anything.
This is ONE good experience among so, so many of bad ones.
It's so scary.
I have bloating 2 days post copper insertion. I'm worried it will make my tummy bigger and cause weight gain?
I have the copper IUD (That's what we call them in the US.), and I love it! I am transgender and on testosterone, so I don't get a period anymore. It's the perfect combo!
How interesting! Ive never heard that perspective. Do you still have cramps? Cause apparently the copper makes it really intense. Hope its okay to ask.
@@madisonbrown3296 totally okay to ask! I had cramps for the first two months, but now they're gone.
@@Sobit21 So you can still get prenant even though you're on testosterone? Are you still ovulating?
@@Raev222 I don't understand the scientific details. But when you go on HRT, the doctors tell you to assume that you will be infertile but also that you have to be on birth control because people have gotten pregnant while on T, and it's very dangerous.
@@Sobit21 Fair enough, it's a complicated subject. But thanks for your answer! Better safe than sorry indeed. I've read stories about transgender men becoming pregnant and I always wondered why that wouldn't be very problematic on many areas.. But I suppose there are doctors involved in those cases when it's intentional pregnancy, and for various reasons it apparently must be safe enough for those individuals. I suppose they stop with T but still I assume there is still too much of it in the body and not enough female hormones.. But I don't know. I haven't found any information about it.
Hey! There is at least 1 other type of coil available (in England at least) called the Jaydess, I only know because I have it! Not many people seem to know about it, but just putting it out there for people who may be interested in getting a coil fitted and want to know about all options. Love you Hannah and your content!
My girlfriend had the Merina coil for several years. After many months of spotting her doctor ordered a bunch of tests and she ended up having a hysterectomy. At almost 50 she was glad to be period free. She had multiple medical issues and she decided it was the best choice. I am eternally great full for your honesty and open manner about women's issues.
I ended up getting the mirena coil last year after seeing your HD video last year and it was the best decision for me. I don't need to worry about the pill and periods until I'm 26 now! 😁
yay!! I don’t have to worry until I’m 30! YIKES.
Same here! So happy with it
I have the Hormonal Coil at the moment (have had it for over a year) and even the small dose of hormone is turning me into someone I don’t recognise. My next option is definitely switching to the Copper coil! I’ve loved the freedom of the coil so far and it’s made me feel incredibly empowered.
I’ve used the pill and the implant before but you inspired me to go hormone free! I now have the copper coil and my mental health is soooo much better. Like Lucy I do get the same pain as when it went in, on every period but paracetamol and ibuprofen sort me out. Great video as always!!
Wow, thank you SO much for talking about getting cramps but no period and getting worried about it. I’ve had a Liletta (another hormonal at the same dose as the Mirena) for about 8 months and I get those period symptoms but with no actual periods, and it stresses me out! Added on to the fact that I already have anxiety, that’s probably my least favorite part of having a coil.
Anja D. Yeah, that totally makes sense and you should do what’s best for you! I don’t mind the part about not actually bleeding, as part of the reason I went with a hormonal coil/IUD in the first place is because I had started to have more cramping and mood-related symptoms surrounding my period that the hormonal IUDs are meant to help with, and since it’s localized, I wouldn’t have to have artificial hormones running through my entire body, which I didn’t want. Overall I love it, especially as a super convenient means of contraception, but the cramping or other period symptoms with no period does, as Hannah mentioned, make me worry sometimes. For me personally, that little bit of anxiety is worth all the pros!
Even though y’all only talked about it for a second acknowledging that you can work from home because of painful periods made my feel so understood and hopefully!! I have painful periods and I have worried about how they may effect my work life one day. Just knowing that it’s ok to admit that some days will be to much to go to work but that it doesn’t mean you don’t want to be productive. So thank you very much, it made me feel happy!!
Just got the mirena coil fitted and this video has helped me a lot of understanding it better ❤
I'm on my second hormonal coil/IUD and have loved both! I got the Skyla (smaller than mirena, rated for 3 years in US though my doc told me EU rates it for 5 years). Getting fitted and inserted was pretty bad cramps for like 3 minutes, a little cramp-y the next two days, then I spotted off and on for 2-3 months. After that, it was great! Lighter periods where I only needed a panty-liner, no side effects. Still some cramping/general period symptoms. Switched to a Kyleena (also supposed to be smaller than mirena and rated for 5 years). Cramps again during insertion, but removal of the first one wasn't bad at all (just real weird feeling). No spotting, no cramping after that. Periods are even lighter and longer between. Definitely recommend and like to tell people that not everyone has terrible pain/cramping with insertion.
It feels so good to be one of the first people here to watch Hannah. You're awesome :D
The copper coil also works in preventing pregnancy by irritating the lining of the womb. That's why some people can expect to experience heavier and more painful periods (student nurse who just did a placement in a sexual health clinic heh)
I got the copper coil fitted in November... I couldn't cope on the pill any longer as it made me anxious/down 24/7. The fitting of the coil and the pains afterwards were AWFUL, but I'm so glad I chose to get it! My first period after getting it fitted was equally as painful as the fitting itself but since then my period pains have pretty much gone back to how they were before. My periods are longer and slightly heavier now, and my cycles are averaging around 35 days but I think that's my body still adjusting from coming off the pill. I don't think I would've considered getting the coil if it wasn't for your hormone diaries shedding light onto options other than the pill! Thanks Hannah x
Ive had my copper coil about 2 years now and my cycle is still about 28-35 days lol my body like to mess around with how many days it is each time 😹 keeps me guessing
I’ve loved the Mirena coil, I’ve had it for like 6 months and I get those ghost periods too with a bit of cramping and basically no bleeding.
I had so much trouble with the pill and even the implant made me feel super out of control emotionally. Mirena has just been a really good balance of low dosage hormones that don’t really seem to affect me and the ghost periods just don’t seem to last more that a couple days.
Anyway, thanks for all this, I’ve found the series super helpful!
I'm not on birth control, don't even have sex but love learning about these topics.
I LOVE my copper coil. Periods got heavier after i had it put in but after a while it got less and now i feel like i'm back to my normal flow. The pain of insertion and afterwards was barable xx
I HIGHLY recommend the Kyleena IUD(coil). It is smaller than the mirena but also lasts 5 years. I never feel it now! Also idk if you can request this for the insertion, but my doctor waited to insert the iud until I was on my period, told me to take extra painkillers before hand, and put numbing cream on my cervix. I know a lot of women that were in a lot of pain when there IUDs were put in, but I had very little pain and only moderate cramping (I also had an amazing obgyn!). I wish everyone luck finding their right birth control!
I got the copper coil because my mental health was affected really badly by the hormonal pill so I wanted to steer well clear of any extra hormones! My periods are slightly more painful but nothing extreme, I still carry on my day as normal and just get a bit more pain just before. If anything they're lighter too and I have one less thing to worry about! highly recommend!!!
I had merina coil on 2018, i didn't felt any pain or experienced any bad side effect like weight gain, mental health issue etc
I love it
Really love these discussions. Perspective I never get otherwise. Thank you.
So useful! I tried the POP for a few months but as Lucy found, I felt nothing like myself and couldn't face knowingly taking these pills that were making me feel like a monster! I've been weighing up the IUD and whether I'd rather have copper or hormonal for some time (I'm in a LDR so I do need birth control but very infrequently), so this has definitely come at the right time. Thank you so much to both of you!
ANOTHER Hormone Diaries episode so soon? YES HANNAH 🙌💙
@@hannahwitton Just finished watching and seriously think I need to come off the pill and try the coil. I've been on the pill for 11 years now, so it's scary thinking about coming off it, but it needs to be done, I think! Xx
I have the copper coil and oddly it made my periods much shorter (1-3 days versus 4-7) but the days I am on my period are heavier. I also have a version that is smaller because you have to have a certain sized uterus to have the full sized one. It only lasts 5-7 years.
Great video! I've had the copper coil for about 6 months now, and I feel like amongst all the negatives you see there are some of us which have had no problems whatsoever! Even when I had it inserted, I was on my period which apparently helps, I set aside a full day of doing nothing but experienced next to no pain, no more than any average period cramp. And since, while I may bleed a bit heavier on the two heavy days, my period is the same length, I don't spot throughout the month and have experienced no pain due to it. I'd really recommend trying a coil if like me you're weary of hormonal contraception, and try to avoid the horror stories online before you have it inserted hahaha
This is so interesting! I actually got the copper coil after watching your first video. I liked the idea of having no hormones in my body and to be honest I didn’t like the idea of not having a period. Also I worried it might take a while for my body to readjust if I wanted to get pregnant. My periods are heavier which is sometimes a nuisance due to work but my periods are so less painful than before! I used to have two days of pain and cramps before my period but now it’s fine, I experience some labour like cramps but that’s all. I sometimes worry about it moving because I never check it because I’m a prude...but I literally think it’s the best contraception ever. Even when I had it inserted the doctor was like ‘you probably won’t leave here thinking this was a dream’ and I literally did 😂 It might have been due to having a child, but I had no pain just a slight pressure then cramping afterwards. I wanted to post because I know there is a lot of negative experiences regarding this and the copper coil. Thanks Hannah for your fab videos x
I had mirena for four years, ended up on the implant then back on the pill. After 14 years on different hormonal contraception I'm getting the copper iud and hoping my anxiety improves. I'm scared about the bleeding but hoping for the best.
I have the GyneFix, which is similar to the copper coil, but it is a tiny copper chain and it is anchored in your uterus. There is a smaller risk of it falling out and the pain is supposedly less than with a copper coil. I’ve had it for nearly 4 years now and I love it!
Wow I've never heard of this kind of this kind of coil !! It's not available in my country thought (France) which explains why.
Louariell yeah probably, I live in Germany and it is quite new here as well. Maybe it will come to France soon! 🇫🇷
I had the Mirena for the full 5 yrs after baby #4 and loved it while I had it, no periods, clearer skin. I had ever intention of having it replaced with the same but after having it removed and while waiting for my insurance ( good ol USA) to approve a new one had a serious spike in my libido. I apparently hadn't even realized that my sex drive had been missing until it came back and didn't want to loose it again, so decided to go with the 10 yr copper one instead. Which I am having no problems with approaching yr 4 of. I do have heavier periods but not the cramping part. The biggest adjustment was going from no period to bleeding through tampons, but now it's no big deal.
I'm so excited for The Hormone Diaries book!!!!
I have the hormonal coil and I'm loving it. I was s little scared when my doctor just said "yeah we're gonna pit this in you" because I have epilepsy so I cant use pills. But now when the cramps and bleeding is over I can just chill and live with my coil in peace 😆😆 the first night with the coil when the cramps kicked in I actually watched your whole hormone diaries playlist through like 5 times with my hot waterbottle on my tummy😁😁
I have the copper coil. I was discouraged from getting the copper coil because of my horrendous history of period pains but I wanted to try a non hormonal birth control. I had been through so much on hormonal methods, from increased depression, weight gain, anxiety, constant bleeding including on the coil and they didn't help with my period pains. Ironically, whilst my period is now the Niagara falls I actually have less cramping than prior. So if you've tried everything else, I think the copper coil has been worth the risk of trying it
Did you have weight gain and stomach bloating with the copper coil?
Right after I got my copper IUD, I was in excruciating pain. I literally cried myself to unconsciousness 😂 My first period was the same level of pain as when I got it inserted and HEAVY. Since then, I just have slightly worse cramps but a much heavier flow than before getting it.
I have the jaydess (smaller mirena) coil which has been a life saver. My body is very reactive to hormonal contraceptives (migraines/constant bleeding) but with the jaydess being such a small dose of hormone I’ve settled really well. I’m just over 6 months in and I’ve not had any side effects and haven’t had a period for the last couple of months. Won’t be looking back!
My implant is due to come out soon and would love something with less side effects. I am so scared of the insertion pain, but would be worth it to be childfree for 3 years
I ended up getting my IUD (Mirena) taken out because of all the side effects I had, and went back to the pill, which had no side effects for me. Interesting to see how everybody responds dramatically differently.
What were your side effects?
@@loz7994 I gained a lot of weight and losing it was near impossible (only a few weeks after the device was removed, I lost 10 lbs). The pain also never went away - the first month was horrible, and then it was just a dull ache in my lower abdomen for the rest of the year I had it. I didn't have periods, which was nice, but I was spotting randomly, which meant I was wearing pads/panty liners anyway just in case. I've also had a few ovarian cysts, and the one I ended up having when I had the IUD was excruciating. I went to the doctor several times due to pain (worrying the device had shifted to an improper placement), only for it to be right where it should be. Finally couldn't take it anymore.
I wanted to get Mirena out so I can go back on ortho tri cyclen (pill). My doctor talked me out of getting Mirena removed because she told me the hormones are so mild compared to the pill, I shouldn't be getting side effects and they must be from something else. My side effects are fatigue, no sex drive, weight gain (no change in diet. And my clothes still all fit?? But the number on the scale is a lot higher), very tender breasts 24/7 to the point that I can only wear bralettes, and severe cystic acne. She did hemoglobin tests and thyroid tests but I don't have any deficiencies :( So now I need to go back to the lab and get my B12 tested but I already know my diet is really well balanced and my blood tests have always been great. She said it could also be depression (I have a diagnosis from 5 years ago when I was a teenager but I'm honestly doing great right now despite feeling like a fat, acne plagued lump). I'm thinking about getting it taken out anyway regardless of what she says. I've had it for a year.
Did your side effects diminish when you went back on the pill?
@@kizzyneetyan oh that sounds awful, thank you very much for taking the time to write all this for me though x
@@eggfishy I totally forgot my acne came back on the IUD too. And yes, only a few weeks after getting the IUD out and back on the pill my symptoms went away. I was looking for convenience with the IUD, but everything that came with it was just too much.
I LOVE my hormonal coil. Best thing I ever did for myself in that department. And it's so much cheeper, when I also do not get my period. All those saved tampons!
I'm a transmasculine nonbinary person and I've had the Mirena IUD for about 1.5 years. I don't use it for birth control, instead I got it to control/stop my periods. I had about 95 days or something of tiny spotting and it was terrible to get in, but after that I have had no periods since then. It's been blissful to avoid the terrible mood swings of PMS, bleeding, cramping, and dysphoria of periods. I never have to worry how many days it's been since I last bled! Highly recommend. Getting it hurt quite a lot and the spotting sucked a little, but after that, it's been worth it many times over!
After watching your first video on the coil and many years of rubbishness (bleeding daily for over a year, being miserable all the time, bad skin and anemia) and only being offered a handful of pills (limitations due to migraines) I decided to take the plunge and get the hormonal coil and I have to say 3 months in it is the best decision I have ever made.
For anyone reading this yes it is terrifying (fear of the uknown) and yes it is true you will have to take a day to recover, it is painful initially and after a few days you do still feel slightly tender but the pros far outweigh this (believe it or not!).
From my experience going from bleeding every day to not feels like such a weight has been lifted. I don't feel as miserable, my skin is better and I don't have to worry about being caught short or excruciating period pains. It lasts 5 years and you barely notice it is there, there is the odd occasion like Hannah said where you feel a tightness in your abdomen and tender boobs but nothing compared to what the pill can cause.
For some people it works and for others it doesn't. Do your research and don't let the negative comments put you off, remember people only post about the bad rather than the good!
Thanks again Hannah for your honesty!
I’ve tried both the copper and mirena IUD- MUCH prefer Mirena, it stopped my periods completely 🙌🙌🙌
I'm getting the Mirena fitted at the end of this month, really glad I seem to have made the right decision! Did it take a while for the periods to stop after having it fitted?
@@samsewellart - great decision! Yes, it did take a while. They just got lighter and lighter over the course of a year. I would very occasionally get spotting, and always get mild PMS symptoms even with no period
I got the copper coil as my first ever contraceptive choice (besides condoms, of course) right after my 20th birthday. I was attracted to it because I didn't really want to do something hormonal, because I'd heard a lot of bad stories, but I also didn't want to mess around with condoms anymore (I was and am in a long-term relationship, and we both got tested before we made the switch.). Also, I liked the idea of not having to think about it everyday.
It definitely made my periods worse. Before that I had a very "average" period of 5 days, with the first 2 being heavier and the last day being barely there. With the coil my period lengthened to a full 7 days, with the first 5 days being really heavy (as in, multiple full menstrual cups a day) and the last 2 being a somewhat medium flow. It also made my cramps worse, and about 1-2 days of my period they would be quite debilitating.
I had my first copper coil for about a year, and then it fell out when I was taking my menstrual cup out. I had heard about the coil not vibeing that well with the cup, but my doctor had told me it should be fine. So I went back to the doctor, coil in hand, and told her what happened. She was really surprised, and I had a new one put in that same day. That second one came half-way out about a month later, during my next period, which was really weird. I could, like, feel it sticking out of my cervix. Not great.
After that I was really sick of the coil, and just wanted something that would just work, without all the hassle. So, I decided to go with something hormonal, yet low dose, and low maintenance, and that is the nuvaring! I've had that now for about 8-ish months, and it's working really well! I haven't felt any weird side effects emotionally or physically, and it's made my periods the most manageable they've ever been. I now only bleed for 3 days, and 2 of the days are really just spotting. Also, extremely minimal cramps. Honestly great. Would recommend.
couldn't believe my eyes when I saw this video! I just spent all weekend watching your other coil videos from the Hormone Diaries for research!! Brilliant timing
I had the Mirena for about 7 months before getting it removed- I was still having abnormally intense pain all the time and it was not worth it. I've been on the Nuva-ring since (14 months now!) and I love it! Almost as zero-effort as the coil/IUD, same limited hormonal effects, and no pain!
I have the marina and got it put in at 16, now i'm 23 and its still in there (7 years and still working.. oops). I noticed that the hormones decreased at the 5 year mark, and realised the negative affect the hormones had on my mental health. I can now feel emotions, get hormonal and have pains during periods (which is bloody nice after feeling numb for so long!) I also don't feel as boring as a sterilised dog. Now I am needing to get it changed, and don't want to go back to the hormones so I am pretty set on getting the copper coil, but I am waiting for a time where it is most convenient to have a possible of 6 months bleeding like others have experienced. Being a woman sucks.
I got the Mirena at the end of Jan and had 6 weeks of constant, often debilitating, cramps. Finally had it removed after an ultrasound showed it was all in the right place, doc was like 'it can take 3 months to settle' 🙅 I feel like I wasn't made aware of the chances of ongoing cramping, and now have (maybe permanent) scars all over my stomach from hot water bottle usage. Never again.
I had a horrible experience with the pill, tried about 5 different ones and they all didn't work for me, both physically (making me throw up and nauseous) and mentally (making me dangerously depressed and anxious). Now I'm on the mirena and haven't had any of those problems so it's definitely worth trying even if you had a bad experience with the pill! Xxx
I originally got the copper coil and was allergic to it. I had a big rash on my tummy and bled continuously for 6 months heavily. Went to the clinic 3 times during that time and they refused to remove it! Finally got a nurse who booked me in for the next week and now I have the marina coil which has been a dream. I spotted for about 3 weeks and have had nothing with no side effects for over a year ☺️
I personally have the arm implant, nexaplanon. For those who do not feel comfortable with contraception being inserted vaginally, I recommend you look into it.
It lasts three to five years depending on the brand.
The symptoms for it vary but for me personally I have just had light periods, inconsistent spotting/bleeding at first, and now my period comes rarely and it is very light. I haven't had acne, weight gain or mood swings, but I have had tender breast and some cramps during spotting.
Other than that I am happy with it and I don't even have a scar from where it was inserted. You do get a nasty bruise the first week though.
Lesly How long have you had the arm implant? And how long until your periods were altogether gone?
only1tacynne I’ve got the nexaplanon implant too and my experience pretty much spot on matches theirs ^
I’ve had it in about 2 years now and it took about 2/3 months for my periods to stop being like they had before (they kinda just faded out). Since then they’ve been MUCH MUCH lighter (only need liners, really) and I only get one once every 3 or 4 months?
After really shite periods for years + several bad experiences with different pills, i stan the implant lol 🙌
Yea, my experience is similar, but I get bad mood swings. Also, had months of no period, then a month and a half of period then no period again for 4months. It feels like its finally settling into a rhythm now, just recently finished a period that went for 5 days, so it seems the same as my periods beforehand. Would recommend, except for the mood swings, I find doing lots of walking helps.
Hannah. I truly admire you and your work. XO. Thanks for being such a positive influence.
I got the mirena a few months ago, and your videos were so useful in the build up. It was good to go in knowing what to expect. I was very lucky and had basically no pain afterwards and my period stopped pretty much immediately. I had spotting for a few days after getting it put in, but absolutely nothing since then. It's wonderful!!
The Mirena coil is great! When I got mine fitted the doctor told me that pretty much everyone who works within the sexual health sector has one because they’re so reliable. I switched to it from the implant after hearing about hormonal contraception affecting mental health issues, and it helped lower my depression pretty much instantly, I still get depressed but it’s turned the intensity down hugely!
Just stumbled across your channel while deep diving into the depth that is TH-cam. I really appreciate your entire channel. It's so raw and it makes me feel like I'm getting real information with no bullsh*t. So thank you💕
I had the copper coil inserted when I was 18, and my periods much longer and much much heavier. At 19, I unfortunately got pregnant on it, as it had moved upwards and was floating around somewhere (as can happen with either coil!). Whilst under general anaesthetic for a termination of the pregnancy, a mirena coil was inserted. Since then (4 years), it’s been incredible - I still get my period but it lasts about 3 days, symptoms are minimal and definitely manageable - I love my mirena!
These videos are so so important for me. I am currently researching into getting the copper coil myself as I do not want any contraception with hormones. I was put off though because I don't want to have to check that its still in place myself, and now hearing of the heavy periods I am a little unsure. This videos are so useful and I'm glad girls are more open to discuss these issues :) thanks hun xxxxxx
Been looking at different forms of contraception due to pain with endometriosis; so glad this came into my sub list!
Probably not the copper one if you have very painful endometriosis and period pain as it may increase the pain ... (it did not on me but everybody's different)
+ the hormonal one could block your period completely which could be good if you handle hormones well !
the mirena coil is the only sort of contraception they recommend for treating endometriosis (at least here in the uk). I have endometriosis as well and just got it fitted a week ago because the pill wasn't working for me anymore! Hope it goes fine!!
Andrea Pelirroja thank you! Hope everything goes well with you and the coil x
If you don't mind hormonal contraception, I highly recommend Implanon [the rod] in terms of convenience [inserted every three years] and incredibly effective. It gave me great piece of mind.
I went off hormonal birth control to track the mental side effects after 5 years, and have definitely felt better since having it removed, so I appreciate learning more about the copper IUD, cheers!
I'd love to hear a discussion about the NuvaRing! I was experiencing period-related migraines while on birth control pills. My doctor recommended remaining on some form of systemic hormones to help manage my endometriosis symptoms. I ended up switching to the NuvaRing because it is delivers hormones into the body more consistently (no hormonal blood level spikes like you get after taking the pill each day). I like it thus far! My migraines have decreased in frequency, and I love not needing to take a pill every day. I think the NuvaRing could be a great option for more people, but it is not well known.
thank you for writing about the ring. I was just looking for a comment about it before I wrote my own because I think that it is not talked about enough.
The ring was my first contraception method - I couldn't take the pill because I had to throw up from time to time. I think the ring is so much easier to use, you don't have to remember it every day and it's also directly where the hormones are supposed to go just like the coil. So if it has to be hormonal contraception, that's what I would recommend, too.
I have the gynefix. It is a copper coil but much smaller which is why it doesn't make you have stronger and more painfull periods. It is actually just a string with copper pearls. Very glad i got it!
This was a really helpful video as I'm thinking of switching from the pill to the coil and I think I'll move to the hormonal after watching this as my periods before the pill were SO bad
I took Accutane too!! It's SUCH a struggle to deal with but it's truly so worth it!! I took the pill while on Accutane, and stayed on it for another year since it helped so much with my period pain/duration. I recently decided to take a break from the pill, but if my periods get unbearable again I'm definitely considering the hormonal coil!
I had a a copper iud and I met my best friend online in the iud divas group on livejournal back in 2005. She had Mirena so we’d compare notes as ours were inserted the same day. And the friendship blossomed from there. I named my copper coil “Penny” as in a copper penny. I think that she named hers Isabella, but I might have mixed that up with another IUD friend. I had very light periods on mine to the point that I was curious if I had the copper. I did (I have it saved from my removal). I just have light periods so I’m sure that it’s related to that.
I have the Kyleena (a slightly smaller hormonal IUD designed for women who haven't had children yet for easier insertion). I love it, though same as you Hannah, I get phantom period symptoms. Every couple of months I will also have a little spotting, but that's about it.
Interestingly, when I got it inserted, I actually fainted. I went to an IUD clinic for the procedure and they said that it's common for women in their 20s to faint with IUD placement, they think it's probably a vasovagal response, but not as common for teens or women in their 30s and older!
Was it painful?
@@oliviamiller-davis4667 the insertion itself really wasn't that bad, I think it's just getting over the fear. I was always really nervous about even a PAP smear, but I knew it would be worth it. I didn't faint for pain, I think it was just my bodies response to what was happening. The clinic I went to was really knowledgeable and helpful. The pain mostly came after, I had bad cramping for a few days, but that's normal.
I have the marina Coil (same as Hannah) and just wanted to share that I did not experience any pain both during and after the procedure to have it fitted. Everyone is different so I really feel for the individuals out there that do experience such a pain to get the bugger in! However, for anyone tempted by the Coil and looking for some guidance on the pain aspect of it, please be assured that there are some of out there that experience no pain at all and try not to let that be the deciding factor for you. Cheers Hannah for helpful and informative content as always.
Thank you for texting every video ❤
At work but looking forward to catching up on the hormone diaries later after work. Always insightful Hannah! X
Before I had the marina coil, I couldn’t get any answers for my questions. Literally everyone around me said that they didn’t know anything about it and were too scared to get it. I had my coil a few months after you posted your experience video of getting the coil. I always refer people to your videos because I feel like it’s probably the most comfortable way to learn about the marina coil.
I have the marina coil and I had a very similar experience when having it put in! I still have periods though and they are definitely more painful. On the plus side, they are a lot lighter and the pain is definitely manageable! I totally agree when you mentioned that it’s so easy now that you don’t have to think about it for 5 years!
I had the Mirena coil put in last summer after having an absolutely awful experience with the implant. Aside from the cramping after getting it fitted I haven't had any problems at all! My periods are pretty regular now, I've lost a lot of the weight I put on whilst on the implant and my anxiety and depression have massively improved. If anyone's looking into it definitely give it a shot! It may not work for you but I won't be using any other contraception in future
I have the Jaydess - which is like the Mirena but a smaller T shape. I had the Mirena for about 6 months and the bleeding just never stopped/got a lot worse after sex, it was not fun at all. BUT I've been on the Jaydess for 3 years now and it's great, I'm pretty sure that when I have it out next year I'll have another one put straight back in :P On the Jaydess I've had 3 (maybe?) periods, usually about 3-4 months apart. I don't get cramping at any point and I get boob ache maybe once every two months whether I bleed or not. Other than that, no symptoms at all. Sometimes I miss having a period and feeling like I know my cycle, but most of the time I really enjoy having the Jaydess and feeling confident in my contraception.
Before the Jaydess (and Mirena) I was on the combined pill and then after 5 years of being on that I had a mini-stroke and that was that for me and oestrogen... I was on the Progesterone Only Pill for a while in between the Mirena not working and getting the Jaydess, it was fine. I can't really remember why I decided to have a coil again, I think I just liked the idea of not having to think about it. I used to wish I could go back on the combined pill, it worked really well for me up until the oestrogen related health issues... but now I really like the Jaydess, I just sometimes wish for more regular periods. Definitely would recommend the Jaydess to people if you're looking for a Long Acting Reversible Contraception.
thanks for sharing! I remember I hadn't even heard of the Jaydess when I went to get my coil - wish I'd known all the options!
@@hannahwitton I was only told about it after the Mirena didn't work for me. I basically hadn't heard of it until I got it!
@@CazAvery is not having your period related to the hormones of the coil?
@@zouzoumusic. Yes, one of the listed potential negatives for the Jaydess (and the Mirena) is having lighter/less regular periods or they just stop completely. I was pretty regular before going onto the PoP and then the Jaydess.
Dude!!!!! I've been on the Mirena for 2 and a bit years now, and my 'breakthrough' bleeding has never stopped. I'm in the same situation as you in that I can't have oestrogen and I've been at a total loss about what else I could try. I've never even HEARD of the Jaydess. Sounds like I need to talk to my doc about it. :D
I've had my copper coil since December 2014 and overall it's been a great experience- minimal insertion pain, initially some weird cramps (first 6mon) and then no concerns since
Hi Hannah,
Just thought you should clarify that some copper IUDs are actually 5 year use length also. (We tend to fit more copper 5y coils in younger women as they are slightly narrower to insert.
Also, the breast tenderness using the Mirena coil is most like as you are still ovulating (around 50% of women still do and some will as the device gets older even if they weren’t before).
Hope that’s helpful!
A (sexual health doc, London)
Alex Clare If it is still ovulating, how can IUD effectively prevent pregnancy? Feel a little bit scared 😱
@@Bunnylovescoffee i believe the progesterone prevents implantation of the blastocyst into the womb so fertilisation can occur but a pregnancy cant. it is also suggested to thicken the cervical mucus making it harder for sperm to 'swim'.
Alex Clare I was wondering what the name/brand of the 5 year copper coil is? I want to get one, and if there is one that is slightly narrower/smaller than the 10 year one I think I would choose that as I’m 20 with no kids.
I got the marina coil about 7 months ago because I had been bleeding/spotting for 2 and a half years, everyday! After about 2 months of getting the coil the bleeding stopped - best day ever! Although the pain of getting the coil in was horrendous I would 100% do it again as it stopped all the bleeding. I’ve only had 1 period since getting it - it’s been amazing!
Everyone's experience is soo different! I was expecting debilitating cramps after my copper coil insertion but it only felt like a bad period, and all I needed was pain killers, then I was all good by the next day :D First period since coming on it, definitely heavier and longer, (upgraded from regular pads to plus ones on the first 4 days) only slightly more painful than I was used to, but not unmanageable. Went from 5-6 days to 6-7 days, never stopped me from participating in sport! Really happy despite reading horror stories about it lol. Couldn't find much online so thanks hannah for this!
I had the 3 year Jaydess (they no longer make it) and now on the 5 year Mirena. I love it (and the prospect of not bleeding for 5 years!) :) My sister has the copper and it was really rough for her the first year or so but I think it has gotten better. My other sister is on the Mirena also and loves it because she has heavy periods. Yay for IUDs!
I’ve been back and forth between getting the copper or hormonal IUD and this definitely helped A LOT!! Thank you Hannah!!
I've had the copper coil for almost 2 years now and I'm very happy I decided to quit the pill and switch. Hormones just do not agree with me and ever since I quit, I've felt so much more in balance. However: I had exactly the same experience as Hannah! For the first few months I just kept spotting. Sometimes it would even be more than that. So it just felt like I had my period for half a year.
My doctor prescribed me 1 month on the pill, which 'reset' my cycle. After that my period has been regular! So even with the set back, I am a big fan of the copper coil.
I'm getting the copper coil fitted tomorrow!! Can't tell if watching this helped or not...... it'll all be fine *deep breaths*
I'm very unlucky when it comes to hormonal contraception.
I started using contraception at uni with the not so excellent student surgery, so I was first put on a pill. However, I was just really bad at taking it and after my first run in with the day after pill, which left me in debilitating pain for 3 days, I decided that it was time for something more permanent.
Enter: Mirena. It took me a year to realise that it wasn't for me: I not only did not stop having periods, but in fact the cramps got worse; deep penetrative sex just straight up HURT; and last but not least I started getting very severe depressive symptoms.
I had to literally fight my way through that whole damn surgery for them to finally extract that monstrosity out of me and then to replace it with an implant.
Implant made me bleed only 1.5 - 2 months, but once it started, it just wouldn't stop without extra medication (= more artificial hormones). However after 8 months of this, my blood pressure started skyrocketing and I wasn't allowed more hormones but it was really difficult to arrange for the implant to be removed and finally replaced by the copper coil. A lot of it was due to me moving and changing surgeries, but a lot of it was general attitudes of "this [your past experiences with hormonal contraception] doesn't happen." and "copper coil isn't really that good, why not just use condoms". So in the end I spent literally 2 months constantly bleeding and having blood pressure almost twice as high as it should be.
Long story short, now I'm almost half a year into the copper coil. Bleeding is heavy, sure, but it lasts 5 days (not a month), sex doesn't hurt and is actually much better (I think the hormones were fucking up my libido?), my brain is finally back to normal and I won't have to worry about it until I'm 33.
I'm not saying that hormonal contraception is bad and a spawn of satan but it's a little concerning to me that the procedure of prescribing hormones doesn't include diagnostics, blood tests and other ways of determining what might be most suitable. Especially, since the methods preferred by doctors seem to be hormonal, even though the copper coil works just as well, but can last longer and has less side effects. I lost over 3 years of my life thinking that there is something wrong with me, because each of the options being thrown at me by doctors was messing up my (apparently) delicately balanced hormonal equilibrium. Why is that normal?
I went through multiple birth control pills, the mirena, a smaller version of the mirena called the jaydess which was meant to match me better as it was lower dosage, and like you have ended up with the copper coil. I was discouraged from it because of my history of terrible period pain which was why I was originally put on hormones and ironically I bleed more, but have less pain
I completely agree with your last point! I wish there was some sort of diagnostic procedure to see which birth control is best for you based on you hormone levels or something, it could have saved me (and you) a lot of pain 😩 Just one thing to note though-- doctors tend to suggest hormonal birth control over non-hormonal because they are more effective/"safer" in the sense that they stop the process required to get pregnant. Hormonal birth control prevents you from ovulating, and you can't get pregnant if you don't ovulate in the first place! The copper coil is the most effective of non-hormonal birth control, and while it kills sperm and makes your uterus basically inhabitable for a fetus, you still ovulate. The fact that you ovulate creates risk, because if some sperm somehow survives, you run a high risk of an ectopic pregnancy which is very dangerous.
@@co_co_chantal luckily copper IUDs have an even smaller fail rate than condoms, the pill, the shot, the patch, you name it.
@@co_co_chantal I agree that removing the ovulation sounds like the safest option, but I think it only does so due to the general trend of people (including doctors) infantilising women and disregarding the severity of their symptoms. It is a very common occurrence (one I felt myself) that symptoms caused by hormonal contraception are disregarded to an extent, either based how uncommon they are ( "this doesn't happen so you must be exaggerating") or how common they are (" thousands of women experience this so it's fine if you do too"). By now everyone has surely heard of the reasons behind stalling the development of male hormonal contraception. The symptoms described by the test patients seem completely trivial to most women who on an everyday basis endure much much worse with only response from doctors being "take some ibuprofen" or "it's normal" : /
Yes!! There absolutely should be some kind of procedure for doctors to prescribe the best contraception for you! Some school friends of mine actually had blood tests done before they ever got the pill (maybe because they were in their teens), but my doctor at the time (I was 20) just gave me a random brand to test out. And I felt like shit on it. I was having anxiety attacks and symptoms of depression. I almost lost an entire semester of uni because I just couldn't function and had to leave seminars to go cry in the bathrooms for no reason. I was also bleeding throughout the entire time I took the pill and had cramps. When I asked the doctor on the phone about going on another pill she just said I should keep going for another three months and see how it developed.
I'm actually scared of trying any hormonal birth control again, but I'm also hesitant about the copper coil, since I have pretty heavy, painful periods. So now I just use condoms which actually works quite well, but I'd love to have something as a backup :/
I have the Copper Coil and the insertion was the worst part for me, absolute agony and nearly passed out afterwards! 😂 Like Lucy, my PMS cramps are the worst I’ve had before but other than that, I’m really glad I have the coil and after 6 months I finally feel that bit more back to normal again! Loved this video Hannah, thank you so much for talking about this! ❤️
I am in Canada and have the Jaydess IUD. I had horrible random cramping throughout the first year. I didn’t get a period for just over 1.5 years, occasionally random spotting. Now I do get a period once a month but it’s much lighter than it was without my IUD and I hardly get any cramping. Sadly the Jaydess IUD can only be kept in for 3 years.
I got the IUB Ballerine two weeks ago and so far so good. I was attracted to an IUD also because you don't have to think about it every single day. I also was a mad woman on the hormonal pill, so that scared me off ANY hormonal contraception. I'm happy with my choice so far...
I want to get this, do you recommend it? Has it worked out ok?
Great to hear of someone else getting the random cramps, I always thought I was crazy! Good to know it’s a real thing 😂
I’ve got the hormonal coil and had it for the last 6 months or so. Honestly the best thing I ever did, the pill worked and kept my skin clear, but I didn’t feel like me, I felt like another human and I was so anxious (and not great at remembering to take it), the rod took my beautiful clear skin (that had been clear for a year off of the pill) and ruined it, covered me in pimples, destroyed my sex drive, made me a nightmare of a human being. I got the hormonal coil and I will never ever go back! Best decision I ever made, I just ignore it, I spot bled for about 2 months then it gradually stopped, no periods at all now, it’s amazing! I get the occasional boob soreness and the occasional cramping, but other than that I’m set for 5 years and I have no side effects and can’t get pregnant, what could be better?
Been needing this video for ever! So glad you’ve finally filmed one! 💜❤️
I never learnt about the coil ever - just choices of pills. It is so annoying having to remember every day to take it! (you have reminded me tonight - thanks!) Would be good to think about hormonal imbalance and actually if it is affecting myself. Periods have definitly changed since being on the pill. Thanks for your insight ladies!
I had the copper coil for about a year but had to get it removed because of recurrent BV that was related to it. It's really sad because I love being on it but with recurrent infections it was unbearable. Now I am back to the pill.
I’m the same way in that I never see myself going back on the pill. Please Lucy, if you switch to mirena, come back and talk about the difference for you as a hormone sensitive person!
i was on the pill for about two years but now i use 'natural cycles' after realising i have really extreme highs and lows (with anxiety) with the pill! no more hormones for me
man I so wanted/needed this !! Came off the pill a couple months ago and was thinking of getting the copper coil soon
Yes the period information is what I was looking for between these two methods!
Im likely getting the IUS, recommend from my GP cuz my periods are really heavy that my irons levels dropped too much. Great informative video, thank you 😊
Thank you so much Hannah ! I was thinking about switching from the pill to the coil. Now I'll be informed. Have a good day! ❤