RedEdain - EAS imagine if it had touched down and stayed on the ground. Long track destruction. This system came to new Hope where I live. Very scary moment
🌪 Amazing how it went from not making up its mind if it was going to stay formed to this and staying down so long . Looks to be a very active spring already ❗️Makes you wonder what’s to come .
The same cell kept rotating for 3 hours + it's insane
RedEdain - EAS imagine if it had touched down and stayed on the ground. Long track destruction. This system came to new Hope where I live. Very scary moment
Is this the same storm that hit us in Tishomingo, Mississippi? Pieces of out Dollar Generals sign hit the groung just south of Cherokee, Alabama.
This tornado scared the actual soul out of me when I saw it on the news. luckily it didnt get to where I lived.
🌪 Amazing how it went from not making up its mind if it was going to stay formed to this and staying down so long . Looks to be a very active spring already ❗️Makes you wonder what’s to come .
6.Coming from Heaven.time to pay.
God of Christian soul energy.Jesus Ya Shua Ya Shyxa High.