Well, thought out an excellent points. I like the way that you establish that there is truth and there is falsehood, but you also don’t deny people’s agency to choose one or the other. It’s important that we don’t let the notion of letting people choose their path be confused with accepting that all paths are equally valid. It can definitely be difficult to stand for truth these days, we should stand and point to Jesus, saying that He is the way, the truth, and the light!
Well, thought out an excellent points. I like the way that you establish that there is truth and there is falsehood, but you also don’t deny people’s agency to choose one or the other. It’s important that we don’t let the notion of letting people choose their path be confused with accepting that all paths are equally valid. It can definitely be difficult to stand for truth these days, we should stand and point to Jesus, saying that He is the way, the truth, and the light!
Amen brother, appreciate your kind words and insights!