A Critique of the Theology of Steven Paulson

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 27 ต.ค. 2024

ความคิดเห็น • 110

  • @fantafan02
    @fantafan02 ปีที่แล้ว +25

    "might as well read nietzsche" "thanks, james lindsay", this one really had me laughing too hard.

  • @redeemedzoomer6053
    @redeemedzoomer6053 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    Honestly, Jordan Cooper reacts the same way to Lutherans who deny classical metaphysics as I do to Presbyterians who deny sacramental efficacy. I think we all have a tendency to be most militant against those within our own tradition who contribute to the negative stereotypes of our tradition, such as the stereotype that Lutherans are un-scholastic or that Presbyterians are un-sacramental

    • @DrJordanBCooper
      @DrJordanBCooper  ปีที่แล้ว +3


    • @ohoegh
      @ohoegh 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      @@DrJordanBCooper I hear, from the exasperation and/or uncomfortable laughter when engaging with Dr. Paulson's writing in this video, that Dr. Cooper is feeling an attack on the foundation of his work in his vocation. As resistant as all of us can be to the Gospel that announces our righteousness apart from the law (which includes our good works, the way we're being used in the world, our family roles, our systematic theology, our intellectual understanding of theology or church history or philosophy, etc.), the Gospel is the one word that endures forever. It is the one promise that justifies the sinner. I hear Dr. Cooper rejecting that this Gospel would justify, and not the law. I hear him, like the pharisees and religious leaders, balk that this Word would get to sinners through the mouth of a preacher like Dr. Paulson or through the voice of another (forgiven) sinner/betrayer of Christ. We'd love to be justified for something we can produce. That's just not how God, the one who can operate outside of the law and inside of it, decided to produce righteousness in those He elects. The old you, Dr. Cooper, will attempt to elect himself and harden his heart to the pure promise of mercy that Christ proclaims. This is a Living Word, as Forde, Bayer, Paulson, and others, thankfully, are willing to boldly proclaim. The death of the old you has already been announced in your baptism, and God chooses to unite you (the new one with a clean, forgiven heart) to Christ's resurrection. The means God uses to do this is a promise delivered in Word and Sacrament, not a proper understanding or description of this action before or after the fact (doctrine). You're not saved by your intellect, or because God "had to" according to metaphysics or philosophy, but an outside, pure, undeserved promise (not the law). It's always been this way.

    • @tickmann
      @tickmann 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@ohoegh Thank you! .finally... Couldn't have articulated it better myself. When I have listened to Cooper and Scaer talk about 1517 and Forde.. I always imagine seeing the Rabbis arguing how many steps it would be legal to take on the Sabbath. They seem to be using the Keys to lock the gate not open it.

  • @jbheavenlyfootman
    @jbheavenlyfootman ปีที่แล้ว +11

    Thank you, Dr. Cooper, for this clear treatment of Paulson. As one who left lifelong membership in the SBC for the LCMS, I find it very concerning that he is being given any kind of platform in our synod. The robust biblical and theological faithfulness of confessional Lutheranism is threatened by such an influence.

    • @henrka
      @henrka ปีที่แล้ว

      He is very seductive, he speaks about the benefits of Christ and the benefits of Lutheranism, so he is deceiving many Lutherans that have no clue the guy does not believe Christ’s substitution for sinners that saved us from the wrath of God. His gospel is a gospel of love, where there is no wrath, and we do not need
      Christ to save us from the wrath of God (Romans 5:9). There is no gospel in Paulson’s preaching, just a God that loves without the need of the cross.

    • @ohoegh
      @ohoegh 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@henrka I find this to be a strange and inaccurate take. Have you heard Dr. Paulson preach? He consistently distinguishes "love" (as the fruit for the neighbor) from the "faith" that clings to the true Gospel as the promise of Christ (the only mercy Word that establishes one as a good tree). Your characterization of Paulson not preaching the gospel has me wondering if you've heard the gospel before. Paulson places the work of Christ on the Cross as an event that is much more than "unnecessary". Jesus Christ takes all the sins upon His body, and Christ bears the wrath of God - all that the law and the devil would like to hold in front of the sinner - Christ takes all of the full, complete accusation unto death. With no sin left to accuse, the law's job is complete. The Father raises the Son, according to His enduring promise. The Gospel is the word that endures forever, not the law. But the resurrected Christ isn't done; He finds His betrayers and delivers them peace. Jesus gives them the keys to forgive others in His name, and that is what the Church is built upon. The Holy Spirit continues to deliver Living (Evangelical) Word, this gospel promise of forgiveness, through Word and Sacrament. God is using forgiven sinners who possess the promise of being children of God to bestow this to others today. God is using people that know what this Gospel promise sounds like, people like Dr. Paulson, to proclaim this promise of Christ to sinners. I would encourage you to hear Dr. Paulson (or another one who knows of this Gospel and how it is to be distinguished from "love" or "law") preach this Word of Christ, for he'd love to give this wonderful gift to you.

    • @ohoegh
      @ohoegh 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@henrka I'll just post my response to your comment once more, and then hope than, rather than deleting the comment, Dr. Cooper could allow the dialogue to move forward. I would think he'd want the comment section to remain true to the actual dialogue that the video has provoked, rather than an inaccurate, revised, propagandist portrayal in which certain comments are silenced and taken away rather than responded to. Here is that comment from before:
      I find this to be a strange and inaccurate take. Have you heard Dr. Paulson preach? He consistently distinguishes "love" (as the fruit for the neighbor) from the "faith" that clings to the true Gospel as the promise of Christ (the only mercy Word that establishes one as a good tree). Your characterization of Paulson not preaching the gospel has me wondering if you've heard the gospel before. Paulson places the work of Christ on the Cross as an event that is much more than "unnecessary". Jesus Christ takes all the sins upon His body, and Christ bears the wrath of God - all that the law and the devil would like to hold in front of the sinner - Christ takes all of the full, complete accusation unto death. With no sin left to accuse, the law's job is complete. The Father raises the Son, according to His enduring promise. The Gospel is the word that endures forever, not the law. But the resurrected Christ isn't done; He finds His betrayers and delivers them peace. Jesus gives them the keys to forgive others in His name, and that is what the Church is built upon. The Holy Spirit continues to deliver Living (Evangelical) Word, this gospel promise of forgiveness, through Word and Sacrament. God is using forgiven sinners who possess the promise of being children of God to bestow this to others today. God is using people that know what this Gospel promise sounds like, people like Dr. Paulson, to proclaim this promise of Christ to sinners. I would encourage you to hear Dr. Paulson (or another one who knows of this Gospel and how it is to be distinguished from "love" or "law") preach this Word of Christ, for he'd love to give this wonderful gift to you.

    • @henrka
      @henrka 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@ohoegh there you go, what I just heard from you has nothing to do with the gospel. God gave us the keys to forgive some and condemn others, not to forgive everybody. The gospel is not about the forgiveness of sins but the condemnation of sinners as well, and you have just killed the gospel by making it solely about the love and forgiveness of God, and not the wrath of God against sinners. We cannot preach the gospel if we do not preach the law, Christ talked about hell more than heaven, condemnation more than forgiveness, I do not see this in Paulson, he does not preach the gospel simply because a gospel without law is no gospel at all. Yes, the gospel can be logically separated from the law, but not preached apart from it, our sins are forgiven solely for Christ sake and solely for the merits of Christ, but you cannot preach the gospel like that to everybody, Christ never preached the gospel to Judas or the rich young ruler and neither should we. Paulson on the other hand is announcing the absolution to everybody, when as I said at the beginning, we must clearly practice the office of the keys by delivering forgiveness for some and condemnation to others, we ought to retain the sins of many and absolve the sins of a few ( the narrow gate), and this is not what Paulson does. Lutheran tradition talks about preaching both law and gospel, law to some and the gospel to others, Paulson instead preaches the gospel to everybody which really means he is preaching the gospel to nobody because it is no longer the gospel, but a complete destruction of it.

    • @ohoegh
      @ohoegh 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@henrka Who shall we withhold the gospel from then? Shall we reserve the gospel - God's Mercy - for only the righteous? Good luck finding one by the measurement of the law! That theoretical person won't have need of it anyway, as they're "right" already! Shall we put you in charge of who receives God's promise of forgiveness and who shouldn't? God determined that Judas would not hear the promise, and the wrath of God remained. I don't question why. By faith, I trust God in the matters of faith. Are you more worthy than Judas to receive the forgiveness of your sins? What you've done here is put yourself in the position of God. When you withhold God's Mercy through Jesus Christ and His Living Word, the sinner in front of you remains in bondage - unelected - dead in sin - destined to hell. Neither I nor Dr. Paulson are denying that God's law must be preached. It must! All fall short of the glory of God when the Law is the measurement. All are fallen sinners. If the Law is not proclaimed, the old sinner remains alive, thinking he can make it by his obedience. God has wrath for sin and that wrath comes to the sinner. But the Law is to be DISTINGUISHED FROM the Gospel. God's just wrath against sinners is not "good news" for the sinner, as you've incorrectly suggested, for the Law is not the Gospel. The Gospel is the good news, that the sins have been mercifully forgiven, a sheer act of God and pure gift given to the sick and unworthy. The Gospel is altogether different than the Law. The Law condemns the guilty sinner. The Gospel raises him to new life. That's quite a difference. The gate of salvation IS as narrow as it can get. It comes through faith in the one and only God, the mercy of the risen Jesus Christ. Those who hear the promise and believe it by the Holy Spirit have life and salvation. You don't determine who gets to hear this. God does. You are not God. You have one. You don't elect others. God does. God radically gives his forgiveness to sinners. He uses sinners like Dr. Paulson, and He might even use you if you're moved by God to let his law AND his gospel fly. Here's an example I can extend to you right now: "God's law condemns your pride, your idolatry, and your desire to be a god who elects some and not others instead of receiving God's word of mercy and giving it to other sinners in the name of Christ. But now, @henrka, receive the absolution. Christ gives you His Death, His Resurrection, and you have peace with God for He forgives your sins." I don't know if the note here will work to deliver faith, so I'd suggest finding Dr. Paulson or another preacher of God's law and gospel to proclaim this Living Word to you.

  • @chemnitzfan654
    @chemnitzfan654 ปีที่แล้ว +13

    Thank you for doing this and resisting the terrible liberal theology trying to infiltrate Lutheranism.
    In the future, could you do videos dealing with the essence and energy distinction and dealing with the Provisionism of Leighton Flowers. Wildly, different topics, but both would probably be worthwhile.

  • @joabthejavelin5119
    @joabthejavelin5119 ปีที่แล้ว +8

    Great video, Dr. Cooper. I recently showed you video series on the Lutheran Confessions to my churches elders. They were very pleased and excited to see more. We might take a break from that series today because I want to show them this video because I think it's important since we are LCMS.
    P.S. I'm still waiting for that interior design video.

  • @fluklix
    @fluklix ปีที่แล้ว +10

    Hey Dr. Cooper, thanks for yet another great video on the problems of (post-)modern pseudolutheran theology! I really appreciate it.
    Maybe this request is a little bit off-topic: Can you do a talk on Mark Mattes' approach to Luther's theology of beauty since you got a lot to say about the classic christian concept of beauty?

  • @bionicmosquito2296
    @bionicmosquito2296 ปีที่แล้ว +8

    Dr. Cooper: "People tell me that you shouldn't get into inter-Lutheran debates."
    Well, to do that, you would have to be debating a Lutheran.

    • @henrka
      @henrka ปีที่แล้ว

      Well, Dr. Cooper is right in exposing this satanic teaching that God is a God of love and forgiveness, and forgives because he just loves to forgive. Away with this nonsense, we have a God of Justice that will punish the majority of people in hell and a God that solely forgives because Christ by his blood redeemed a people for himself by fulfilling the law perfectly and thus abolishing the law for all who believe (Ephesians 2:15). Paulson is in all likelihood not saved and on judgment day will face the God of Justice that he denies it exists, and not the God of forgiveness and absolution he has made up for himself. It is idolatry to worship a God that can forgive sins without satisfaction for sin being made, for without blood there is no remission of sin. This is not an inter-Lutheran debate, we have a heretic in the Lutheran house that must be excommunicated and it is fine for Jordan Cooper to point out the heresies, if anything he was too charitable.to Paulson. Penal substitution is the gospel and Paulson denies it, so he must be dealt with harshly, when the gospel is at stake we cannot be soft and nice. As you correctly pointed out Paulson is not Lutheran, and I would add he is not even Christian since he denies the necessity of Christ’s satisfaction for salvation.

    • @ohoegh
      @ohoegh 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@henrka Is your confession saying that God chose to save through the law? This does not jive with the Scripture you've cited, nor does it with the Scripture you've not cited (Romans 1, 3, 10, Matthew 16, John 16, 20, Mark 16, Ephesians 2, 1 Peter 2, Genesis 12, 15, 18, etc. - all of Scripture points to Christ saving apart from the law). You are defending your atonement theory that maintains the law; you're attempting to keep the Gospel inside the boundaries of the law. The Gospel - and the one, true God that gives it - is not bound by the law. The forgiveness of sins by Christ - through his death (that defeated and ended the law) and resurrection - has been declared to you, and it will not return empty. You are united to Christ's victory. The means of grace is this promise Word, and the Word in the Lord's Sacraments, bestowed to you. This is complete promise. Jesus Christ is not merely your example to follow, but the gift given to you. His robe of righteousness is yours. He accomplished this without the law. The law's result is justice, and it killed Christ since he took your sins (and mine) upon His body. Mercy (forgiveness) has been given to you and me, and it's not fair according to the law. Yet this mercy is given to you by God so that you can say, "Amen. Have it your way. You're not a liar, and I believe your promise." The Holy Spirit gives you faith in God's promise word, and you are justified. This is your new confession: "Not only has God saved His chosen people apart from the law, but He has saved ME apart from it."

  • @tradershon
    @tradershon ปีที่แล้ว +9

    I know absolutely nothing about any of this Lutheran stuff but I started listening to you and the 1517 channel. Should I be concerned about all the teachers on 1517 or just Paulson? Thank You!

    • @Ben_G_Biegler
      @Ben_G_Biegler ปีที่แล้ว +1

      I am only a layman so dont put to much weight on my answer but I would say some of it is ok such as when Chad Bird talks about Christ in the OT. However, I no longer listen to their stuff on law gospel or sanctification.

    • @ChericeGraham
      @ChericeGraham ปีที่แล้ว +4

      Dr. Rod Rosenbladt is sound, as far as I can tell. Some of the others seem quite sound, too, but it is sad that they're giving Paulson a platform.

    • @henrka
      @henrka ปีที่แล้ว +2

      The issue with Paulson is that he is so powerful, if you listen to him he is a great speaker, way better than Jordan Cooper. He speaks against the law, he speaks about how free we are in Christ , and this type of stuff excites Lutherans. And I do not agree with everything Jordan Cooper says in this video either, a lot of what Paulson teaches is good, because Satan disguises as an agent of light and is a master at mixing some truth with lies to deceive. The reason we must reject Paulson is because he thinks God can forgive without his justice being satisfied, his wrath appeased, as if we did not need a mediator between God and man, Jesus Christ. The God of Paulson is a false God of forgiveness and absolution that does not care about justice, this is not the God of the Bible, forgiveness is granted on the grounds of justification (God’s justice must be satisfied first and his Son fulfill the law). God is not some kind of Santa Claus that goes around handing out gifts (of forgiveness) willy-nilly and absolving people of their sin for no reason whatsoever other than he is merciful, no on the contrary we have a just God that does not forgive because he is a nice guy, but rather because Christ with his blood purchased forgiveness and satisfied for sinners by fulfilling all the requirements of the law.

    • @lemondedusilence5895
      @lemondedusilence5895 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      I would also say that chad bird’s exegetical work is also pretty good. I’ve benefited a lot from it personally. A lot of the more topical/systematic videos/articles I have seen on 1517 are somewhat tinged with these sorts of currents of thought though.

    • @henrka
      @henrka ปีที่แล้ว

      @@ChericeGraham How could Rod Rosenbladt approve a heretic like Paulson who denies not only the doctrine of justification faith in the vicarious substitutionary atonement of Christ and the doctrine of unconditional election of believers unto life before the foundation of the world. It is beyond me, because Rod was one of the founders (with his son) and like you said he is pretty solid, or at least he appeared to be. One thing you have to watch about Rod, though, is that he has admitted he disagrees with other LCMS pastors and the LCMS pastoral leadership. I do not know exactly what this is about, I know Rod is much more comfortable with Calvin than the LCMS leadership ever would. And I am on Rod's side on this one, but there could be more that I am not aware of. The other thing where Rod is pretty bold is that he does not seem to think after somebody becomes a Christian that there is any change in the person's character or ability to keep the moral law. I would have to disagree with Rod, because as an example when you trust that Christ forgave your sins it becomes much easier to forgive others compared to what it was before your conversion. I do not believe Rod is an antinomian, but in this video with his son he sounds like one by refusing to acknowledge any change in moral character after people repent and come to Christ. He clearly is out of confessional lutheranism and the Lutheran Confessions, and also contradicts Martin Luther who wrote that after conversion a christian cannot stop doing good works. This is also a slap in the face of all the Christian martyrs that died for Christ, what is Rod thinking when says stuff like this. He may not be an antinomian, but he is opening the door for them to come in. Let me put it this way, I do not know enough about Rod Rosenbladt's faith to say whether it is genuine or not, I presume it is though, but to state that Christ does not transform or change your life is a gross heresy. I hope I misunderstood, listen here for yourself, th-cam.com/video/zYxlJe_HoQg/w-d-xo.html

  • @theemptyatom
    @theemptyatom 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Maybe you guys should have a public debate on these matters.

  • @MrCamBRock
    @MrCamBRock ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Could you please do a scriptural refutation of or at least address the ideas of Dr. Leighton Flower's Provisionism? I have been raised and still attend a non-reformed Southern Baptist Church, but I am on the fence about coverting to Confessional Lutheranism.

    • @chemnitzfan654
      @chemnitzfan654 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      I also think Dr. Cooper should do a video on Flowers and provisionism. Of course, only Leighton Flowers truly understands provisionism and he thinks Lutherans are Calvinists lol.

  • @jbheavenlyfootman
    @jbheavenlyfootman ปีที่แล้ว +3

    If, with Paulson, we reject Aristotle’s law of non contradiction, then how can the the positive gospel declaration, “Your sins are forgiven” ever be of any comfort to us?

    • @ohoegh
      @ohoegh 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      God creates through His spoken Word. God was not bound by Aristotle's laws to create the world, and He is not bound to create faith in you with those laws either. When God chooses to give you a promise, apart from Aristotle's or any form of the law whatsoever, you can believe it. He does not lie. "But how did this happen?", you might say. The Lord spoke it. It is done. He is not partly mighty, but Almighty. He uses His power to do His will, and that is to save you; to justify you apart from works of the law. His mercy - the forgiveness of sins - is unfairly distributed to you. This is incredibly comforting. The Gospel removes you from your hamster wheel law and your bound, limited intellect. Your faith is certain, for it is in a promise that God has made. God's mercy contradicts His justice/wrath that was hanging over your conscience. Now, in faith, you are free. You have peace. You have comfort because He said so, and God gave it to you without you having anything to do about it.

    • @tickmann
      @tickmann 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@ohoegh Chef's kiss! Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit!

    • @tylerkroenke7804
      @tylerkroenke7804 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@ohoeghLots of beautiful, edifying words about the Gospel in your comment, but I think you are missing the point of the original post. Logic is indispensable to reasoning, knowledge of God, or anything else for that matter.
      If the Law of Contradiction is not true, why can’t God make a promise and then break it, and still be the source of all Goodness and Truth? Because it’s a contradiction. God cannot deny himself. How do we know we aren’t justified by works? Because it contradicts the Word of God. Jesus Christ is himself the logos. The Laws of Logic didn’t originate with Aristotle, they originated from God. God invites us trust in his promises because breaking them would be contradictory to his nature:
      “The saying is trustworthy, for: If we have died with him, we will also live with him; if we endure, we will also reign with him; if we deny him, he also will deny us; if we are faithless, he remains faithful- for he cannot deny himself.”
      ‭‭(2 Timothy‬ ‭2‬:‭11‬-‭13‬)
      ““For I the Lord do not change; therefore you, O children of Jacob, are not consumed.”
      ‭‭(Malachi‬ ‭3‬:‭6‬)
      If your view of God is correct, could God go back on his promise and not forgive you?

    • @tylerkroenke7804
      @tylerkroenke7804 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@ohoeghCould God go back on his promises? Why or why not?

    • @ohoegh
      @ohoegh 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@tylerkroenke7804 In a hypothetical world governed only by philosophy and other forms of the law, that question could haunt a person. Indeed, many in this world will have the law hanging over their heads like that. What if God made a promise to be with me and for me, to give me his own death and resurrection, to grant mercy to me once and for all --- and then decided to back out? It's haunting. But, thanks be to God, we have a Lord who remains faithful to His promises. This is His chief attribute. Philosophy doesn't decide what God can and cannot do, hypothetically or otherwise. Scripture reveals what God actually does with His Word. When He delivers a promise to you, it sticks. His Word of Gospel is the Truth. So rather than ponder or answer whether God COULD go back on his promises, He'll now have you hear and even proclaim to others the good news that He DOES not.

  • @Ben_G_Biegler
    @Ben_G_Biegler ปีที่แล้ว +2

    I appreciate this crituqe and that you quote so from your oponents own writings in these videos. I also apriciate all the work you've done on drawing attention to issues like doctrine of God, and the third use of the Law which have been neglected in Lutheranism for some time. While inter lutheran debates can be annoying, I really just see issues like this as calling Lutherans to be faithful to their confessions and the scriptures.

  • @martianuslucianus4485
    @martianuslucianus4485 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    I own a couple of his books from within the Luther’s Outlaw God series and have listened to his podcast material on 1517. His written material strikes me as being very rhetorically charged but in substance saying very little. He seems to be someone carried off in ecstasy while he writes, which is what I think commits him to making some of the more egregious mistakes at the end concerning Jesus having sinned. I liked him at first because of his anti-metaphysical stance, which comported with my reading of Heidegger and Heidegger’s take on the young Luther drawn from the Heidelberg disputation. But now I see that I must more closely distinguish between my own tastes for this brand of philosophical theology and an orthodox confession within a broadly Christian framework. Thanks for the video!

    • @ohoegh
      @ohoegh 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Is it your "taste" that drew you into agreement with an "anti-metaphysical" stance, or was it something else... like Scripture? I'm with Dr. Paulson, Scripture, and the Apostle Paul with this. God's Word is operative. "God" does not equal "Law". Dr. Cooper continually defends metaphysical arguments back to scholastic philosophy or Lutheran orthodoxy, as if Christianity itself is based on those entities rather than Word of God that is the decisive power inside and outside of all history. Dr. Cooper claims that "philosophy" decided these things already, and becomes exasperated that Paulson won't go along with "17th century othodoxy" or "Christian philosophy". God orchestrates all things and He will decide what makes His Church, not man's philosophical theories or even the doctrines that we defend. Faith is not about our descriptions/explanations of the events, but the events themselves through His Word being proclaimed. Philosophy and Doctrine have a lot to say in this world, and they have their utility, but these things bound by the law are not what make the capital C Church what it is.
      Is God subject to the Laws He created? No! Will He use it the way He will use it? Yes! As the Apostle Paul points out, the Law came 430 years after speaking His Promise to Abraham. God is not the law; the law is a word that He uses. God did not create the universe (or the metaphysical laws that govern its movement, appearance, etc.) because the metaphysical properties commanded Him to. God is not bound by His own laws. He created the universe by speaking. He creates faith in Christ through the spoken Word as well.
      In your comment, you assert that Paulson's words are rhetorically charged but that they say very little when it comes to substance. When I read his books, listen to his podcasts, and hear him preach -- I would assert that he is saying a lot, supported by extensive use of Scripture and by the writings of Martin Luther and great knowledge of church history.
      I find that Dr. Jordan Cooper is the one saying very little. He quotes Paulson, and then offers sounds of exasperation or shock. Perhaps he will offer solid rationale for the shock? No. His pattern will then continue by pointing out where Paulson's claim goes against scholastic philosophy, Augustine, a post-Lutheran Orthodox thinker, or another philosopher -- as if claims that oppose Lutheran Orthodoxy or a medieval Scholastic philosopher are inherently wrong. Cooper than uses a phrase like "I mean, ugh" or "I've gone so much deeper into this but I can't right now" or "we're not even going to get into that". Cooper then criticizes Paulson of not apologizing for his assertion, despite offering no concrete reason to do besides these phrases that teenage girls use to gain more influence in their friend group.

    • @ohoegh
      @ohoegh 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

      I noticed this comment had been taken down. We'll see if this sticks this time.
      Is it your "taste" that drew you into agreement with an "anti-metaphysical" stance, or was it something else... like Scripture? I'm with Dr. Paulson, Scripture, and the Apostle Paul with this. God's Word is operative. "God" does not equal "Law". Dr. Cooper continually defends metaphysical arguments back to scholastic philosophy or Lutheran orthodoxy, as if Christianity itself is based on those entities rather than Word of God that is the decisive power inside and outside of all history. Dr. Cooper claims that "philosophy" decided these things already, and becomes exasperated that Paulson won't go along with "17th century othodoxy" or "Christian philosophy". God orchestrates all things and He will decide what makes His Church, not man's philosophical theories or even the doctrines that we defend. Faith is not about our descriptions/explanations of the events, but the events themselves through His Word being proclaimed. Philosophy and Doctrine have a lot to say in this world, and they have their utility, but these things bound by the law are not what make the capital C Church what it is. Is God subject to the Laws He created? No! Will He use it the way He will use it? Yes! As the Apostle Paul points out, the Law came 430 years after speaking His Promise to Abraham. God is not the law; the law is a word that He uses. God did not create the universe (or the metaphysical laws that govern its movement, appearance, etc.) because the metaphysical properties commanded Him to. God is not bound by His own laws. He created the universe by speaking. He creates faith in Christ through the spoken Word as well. In your comment, you assert that Paulson's words are rhetorically charged but that they say very little when it comes to substance. When I read his books, listen to his podcasts, and hear him preach -- I would assert that he is saying a lot, supported by extensive use of Scripture and by the writings of Martin Luther and great knowledge of church history. I find that Dr. Jordan Cooper is the one saying very little. He quotes Paulson, and then offers sounds of exasperation or shock. Perhaps he will offer solid rationale for the shock? No. His pattern will then continue by pointing out where Paulson's claim goes against scholastic philosophy, Augustine, a post-Lutheran Orthodox thinker, or another philosopher -- as if claims that oppose Lutheran Orthodoxy or a medieval Scholastic philosopher are inherently wrong. Cooper than uses a phrase like "I mean, ugh" or "I've gone so much deeper into this but I can't right now" or "we're not even going to get into that". Cooper then criticizes Paulson of not apologizing for his assertion, despite offering no concrete reason to do besides these phrases that teenage girls use to gain more influence in their friend group.

  • @hightoryman3482
    @hightoryman3482 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    From these snippets you read it seems that Paulsons thinking is a kinda bizarre inverse of Nietzsche.

  • @p.h.magelssen9633
    @p.h.magelssen9633 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I would pay top dollar to watch a debate between John Hoyum and Jordan Cooper. How do we make this happen?

    • @chemnitzfan654
      @chemnitzfan654 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Why do you want to see this debate?

    • @p.h.magelssen9633
      @p.h.magelssen9633 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@chemnitzfan654 hoyum and cooper are the two best young lutheran intellectuals around who come from different camps and can eloquently defend their positions. I think there is more common ground between them, then either of them would like to admit. I would pay top dollar to watch or listen to them challenge each other and defend their theological positions. The plot twist is I think they both attended college together at some point. I could be wrong, but I think I heard that somewhere.

  • @JP-rf8rr
    @JP-rf8rr ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I actually am not aware of the major differences between you and 1517 project. Is Steve Paulson representative of 1517 in general? I do not know much about them but I heard of a book from Chad Bird and I thought I would check it out but haven't yet.

    • @HERObyPROXY
      @HERObyPROXY ปีที่แล้ว +1


  • @rangerswampyclay
    @rangerswampyclay ปีที่แล้ว

    Very nice work. Thanks for putting this together.

  • @williampeters9838
    @williampeters9838 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Wow. I didn't think liberal churches attempted theology anymore for this reason. It's disturbing that this ideology could be so lacking in responsibility and blind to it. I am puzzled on a human level to think of who would be responsible enough to be motivated read it while simultaneously blaming God for everything.

  • @Outrider74
    @Outrider74 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Btw, you do realize you may need to make a part 2 of this, right? 🙂

  • @markhorton3994
    @markhorton3994 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    ELCA says enough. Either they (ELCA) should drop the name Lutheran or we (confessional Lutherans) should. There is just too much difference to be associated even in name.

    • @vngelicath1580
      @vngelicath1580 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      There's good people in the ELCA -- most of them are laity/retired pastors, unfortunately. It's very much a "Babylonian Captivity" by a corrupt hierarchy situation.

    • @paulblase3955
      @paulblase3955 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Well, it's just that "The Church of the Book of Concord and the unaltered Augsburg Confession" gets a bit awkward.

  • @paulblase3955
    @paulblase3955 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Re "lex aeterna". Could you perhaps expound sometime on the eternal Law vs the parts of the Law that were fulfilled and have passed - notably the ceremonial and civil components that passed with Christ. This always comes up in debates, and it's complicated to argue against. The moral Law is eternal, it is God's plan for a sane and stable human society. The ceremonial and civil laws were given to the Jews for the period prior to Christ's coming. However, Exodus et al do not clearly label each component.
    Please correct me if I'm wrong, but I'd phrase it like this: the moral Law (epitomized by the 10 Commandments), being God's plan for a sane and stable human society, is eternal. It will not pass in the New Earth, following Judgement, but we will follow it naturally, as Adam and Eve did at the beginning, having been sanctified by the Holy Spirit who is even now working in us. Indeed, this is what "sanctification" means! The Gospel, being the Good News of Christ's redeeming sacrifice on the cross, is what allows us to pass the final Judgement with a verdict of "righteous", so that the Holy Spirit's sanctifying work is possible and has a goal (of course, if we reject Christ's atoning sacrifice, we reject the Holy Spirit also).

    • @ohoegh
      @ohoegh 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

      The law was never meant to save. We could attempt to separate out the different types of law -- but this is a fruitless attempt to perceive or find a law that doesn't accuse in the end. Scripture (including God's commands and laws - even the moral ones) reveals that you and I are guilty. There is an accusation, and new life is not found by it. . You cannot produce the righteousness that the law requires. You have loved one, but you've forsaken another. So, there is not a need to distinguish between some laws and others in terms of their effects - the effect of the law on your heart is that you are guilty and in need of Christ your Savior.

  • @vngelicath1580
    @vngelicath1580 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    I have a thought on the "existential encounter" theme.
    There is such an emphasis on _rootedness_ in the "present, local, here and now." Which is really just the modern turn toward God's radical immanence (the democratizing of spirituality, which is easy to hitch up with Lutheran emphases).
    This is pitted against what is regarded as an overly transcendant/distant approach to God (the Greek "God" of Aristotle, etc).
    But I wonder if this is a failure to properly understand Neoplatonic ontology. Immanence and Transcendance are BOTH clearly features of classical conceptions of Being, united and mediated by _participational_ metaphysics. And I feel that the language of "relational ontology" in contrast to "static ontology" is really just a
    misplaced hunger for participation.
    So for e.g., in theology:
    Is divine activity located in God Himself/Heaven or here on earth? (Think predestination, sacramental theology, Christ's location, etc.)... Because Lutherans want to dunk on the Reformed, we're trained to respond "here on earth", but the truth is it's a both/and.
    The earthly activity of Christ originates in the Heavenly realm and manifests by way of participation (the sacramental presence is rooted in the local presence like a platonic form, individual election participates in the eternal decree, etc.)
    When we encounter God in the here and now, that is real -- but it originates elsewhere.

    • @pretty-white-lamb
      @pretty-white-lamb ปีที่แล้ว

      Profound thoughts. I think the key theological concept missing here is-not the Neoplatonic idea of participation-but the true, robust, theological concept of _prayer_ . What both the modern existentialist concept and the more essentialist Neoplatonic concept (the existence vs. essence polarity) both lack with respect to the Lord our God as revealed to us in the scriptures: is the truly radical notion of _distance_ by which the God of the prophets reveals Himself: "Clouds and darkness are round about him: righteousness and judgment are the habitation of his throne." (Ps. 97:2)
      The pagans tried to approach God both ways. The less learned through immanence resulting in gross idolatry. The more learned through transcendence resulting in a false (often pantheistic or panentheistic) spiritualism. The God of the scriptures is neither in immanence nor in transcendence. Trying to approach Him in either way is deadly presumption. Yet in prayer we immediately acknowledge our radical dependence on God. The simplest prayer of the simplest man, a spontaneous crying out to the Lord, has more theological truth and accuracy than the most sublime philosopher's intellection of the God of immanence or the God of transcendence. In the latter case there is always the sneaking suspicion that one is approaching God by one's own efforts, either by the immanent or the transcendental powers of one's soul; but the man of prayer knows he is empty handed and has nothing to offer God but his need or necessity.
      I've been tempted, so to speak, by the "God of the philosophers" (Pascal) myself, and what I noticed is that this God is not one you can pray to. The true God is the one that you pray to. As for existential encounter - if it's in the spirit of prayer, it is true; if it is outside the spirit of prayer, it is deception.

    • @pretty-white-lamb
      @pretty-white-lamb ปีที่แล้ว

      I should add that the philosophical approach to God has some truth and usefulness. I'm something of a Thomist myself. But there's a cutting off or circumcision of the intellect that needs to take place so that one doesn't end worshipping merely one's own intellectual image of the Lord, no matter how exalted.

    • @vngelicath1580
      @vngelicath1580 ปีที่แล้ว

      ​​​​​​​@@pretty-white-lamb Sure, and I'm speaking not of the gospel but of cosmology. God lays the world in a certain pattern "in Him we live and move and _have_ our being." All things exist in God (His mind) and share in his Being. That's just how reality is shaped.
      The gospel works within that framework, so while we are not saved by adherence to the moral Law for the sake of Christ (which is also connected to God's ontology: His perfect/immutable nature; the True, Good and Beautiful), the paradigm of encountering God, even in ways that seem "existential" is not divorced from the way the cosmos is constructed.
      Prayer IS participation. Prayer is worshipful communication from a status of faith (itself, grounded in an ontological 'union with Christ' and subsequent participation in the divine life of the Holy Trinity).

    • @StoicHippy
      @StoicHippy ปีที่แล้ว

      The neoplatonists go too far with emanations and hierarchy of being; what is transcendent is very close to us.

    • @vngelicath1580
      @vngelicath1580 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@StoicHippy There's a difference between Plotinus and St Augustine -- despite both being Neoplatonists. Neoplatonism is a massive spectrum that includes ALL the early church fathers (and their gnostic heretical counterparts). You can't paint it with a broadly dismissive brush without the danger of losing the entire first millenia of Christian intellectuals.
      You also have to keep in mind that there are distinctions between Early, Middle and Neo-Platonism. By the time of the Church Fathers, Neoplatonism had (for the most part) integrated the hylemorphic theorem of Aristotle and thus posited that while "Being" did exist on a hierarchy (emanated, or otherwise), the universal did in some sense fully inhere within the particular -- which is where the Patristic notion of Dypartism/Tripartism; body, spirit, soul, comes from (the universal understanding of the early church is that "nephesh", or breath-of-God, is identical with _the form of the body_ which orders our prime matter, giving us our essence as rational animal by participating in the universal Form of "human" in the mind of God).
      While emanationism as such was rejected by the Church (favoring creatio ex nihilo), they nonetheless affirmed the notion that contingent-matter is in some "less real" than its necessary/Supernatural foundation. God IS Being, all creatures _have being_ by participation in Him (His energies). We have to acknowledge that physical creation is "less real" than God, on some level. Nevertheless, creation has been "enobled" by the incarnation, but that is a change in the natural order of things and corresponds to the pattern of redemption rather than creation.

  • @daffodilaura
    @daffodilaura ปีที่แล้ว

    Hmm... I'm trying to listen to both you and Paulson, and trying to evaluate what's being said by both of you. For what it's worth, I don't divorce the Law from God, rather, I think that the Law is only a partial reflection of God's Nature- specifically, it is a reflection of His Justice as opposed to the Gospel which is a reflection of God's Mercy. Any thoughts on this?

    • @ohoegh
      @ohoegh 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Yes! You've articulated this nicely - that Mercy is opposed to Wrath/Justice. The Law is not the only Word that God has chosen to speak. He creates life - and faith in Christ - through the gospel promise. On the cross, the Word of Mercy defeats the wrath is the one that will endure forever. This is now the age of preaching this good news so that the word - the real word of God's mercy through Jesus Christ and the forgiveness of sins - can do it's proper work of electing unto salvation. It seems, in this video, that Dr. Cooper is not willing to distinguish the Gospel as the mercy of God, or that the law is brought to an end on the Cross and the declaration of forgiveness by Christ's death and resurrection. He, like many of us old sinners, want there to be something left for us to do; or for the law to have a cuddly/positive effect in justification, rather than the inevitable accusation it produces.

    • @daffodilaura
      @daffodilaura 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@ohoegh I don't think that the Law is any less eternal than the Gospel. I also don't deny that the Law had to be satisfied by Christ's obedience as well as His Death on the Cross. In other words, unlike Paulson, I do not deny Christ's vicarious, substitutionary atonement upon the cross, nor do I deny that you must bear fruit in keeping with repentance. With all that said, however, I do not believe that I can bear that fruit apart from Christ working in me, so I am a Monergist.

    • @ohoegh
      @ohoegh 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@daffodilaura Faith doesn't come by what you think, or what you ascend to with the Law as your guide. It doesn't depend on your evaluation, but what you hear. The apostle Paul delivers this so strongly and comfortingly in Romans 10 - "Christ is the end of the law." "Faith comes by hearing." Indeed, faith does not come by your work or through the Law at all; salvation is the work of God, as you have confessed. Since you confess to be a Monergist - that God alone is the giver of faith through the Holy Spirit - that His promise of forgiveness to you is to be believed unto eternal life - that Jesus Christ took your sins upon himself, died, and was raised to give you Mercy through a preached word that you (passively) hear and believe - you know that all of salvation is the work of God. How is the Law eternal if Christ has brought it to an end? How does the Law stay in front of you when you are in Christ and He has fulfilled it already? How can the Law accuse your sin if God Himself has forgiven it? With faith in Christ's promise of mercy, the law can no longer prod or condemn the new, regenerated you. It's in the rear view mirror, and there's no need to look at it. In faith, you are a good tree. You simply DO "bear fruit in keeping with repentance", and not because the Law is saying "Yeah, but you MUST...". In faith, this fruit grows like crazy - not because the Law is in front of you anymore, but because you heard Christ's promise and can now truly hear your neighbor in need. The fruit being produced in you is for your neighbor.
      Now, the Law does continue for that old you as long as you're in this old world. He continues to remain alive for the span of my earthly life. The new you in faith will live eternally, but this old you will expire. You've been given Christ's death, and the new you shares in Christ's resurrection. The Law will not be there, for Christ will be there. He has ended the Law.

    • @ohoegh
      @ohoegh 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      @@daffodilaura Hoping that Dr. Cooper won't delete this comment this time, as I feel that this space can be a useful place for helpful dialogue. Thanks! Now to the reply:
      Faith doesn't come by what you think, or what you ascend to with the Law as your guide. It doesn't depend on your evaluation, but what you hear. The apostle Paul delivers this so strongly and comfortingly in Romans 10 - "Christ is the end of the law." "Faith comes by hearing." Indeed, faith does not come by your work or through the Law at all; salvation is the work of God, as you have confessed. Since you confess to be a Monergist - that God alone is the giver of faith through the Holy Spirit - that His promise of forgiveness to you is to be believed unto eternal life - that Jesus Christ took your sins upon himself, died, and was raised to give you Mercy through a preached word that you (passively) hear and believe - you know that all of salvation is the work of God. How is the Law eternal if Christ has brought it to an end? How does the Law stay in front of you when you are in Christ and He has fulfilled it already? How can the Law accuse your sin if God Himself has forgiven it? With faith in Christ's promise of mercy, the law can no longer prod or condemn the new, regenerated you. It's in the rear view mirror, and there's no need to look at it. In faith, you are a good tree. You simply DO "bear fruit in keeping with repentance", and not because the Law is saying "Yeah, but you MUST...". In faith, this fruit grows like crazy - not because the Law is in front of you anymore, but because you heard Christ's promise and can now truly hear your neighbor in need. The fruit being produced in you is for your neighbor. Now, the Law does continue for that old you as long as you're in this old world. He continues to remain alive for the span of my earthly life. The new you in faith will live eternally, but this old you will expire. You've been given Christ's death, and the new you shares in Christ's resurrection. The Law will not be there, for Christ will be there. He has ended the Law.

  • @HolgerSonntag
    @HolgerSonntag ปีที่แล้ว +1

    The reason Paulson never really engages with the Bible, I suspect, has to do with his very system. Relying on the Bible to prove his system would be to read it in a legalistic way as a source of information so as to justify himself--see, my system is correct while yours sucks. Of course, then he turns around and grabs onto a couple de-contextualized quotes from Luther to say: see, my system is correct while yours sucks. Ironic how people who are against information have so much information to share. Reminds me of Luther's critique of the spiritualists of his day: if the Spirit doesn't come by human words, why are you guys speaking so many words? You ought to be just silent.

    • @ohoegh
      @ohoegh 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

      You are revealing your ignorance here - Paulson is consistently engaging with the Bible, and he rejects the systems (including the doctrinal or theological systems you're bringing up) that would attempt to replace the spoken, Living Word of Christ (the absolution) - the Gospel - as the event that justifies sinners. Please consider reading Dr. Paulson's books, listen to his podcasts, or hear his sermons.

  • @txgsu43
    @txgsu43 ปีที่แล้ว

    Who are the intended audience for these books? Are they academic books or popular theology books? While this does not impact your thesis that Paulson should avoid universalized statements, it will impact the character for the argument by making presumed assumptions. 32:24

  • @zacharyraak2376
    @zacharyraak2376 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Have you considered changing your video titles to something like "Jordan Cooper OWNS Steven Paulson with FACTS and THEOLOGY!!!"

    • @ohoegh
      @ohoegh 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

      That title would not be an apt description of the content of the video.

  • @jeffb1275
    @jeffb1275 ปีที่แล้ว

    Thank you, Dr. Cooper. I thought to ask you, if the opportunity ever arose, how to read points of view abhorrent to one's own without giving up in frustration. I see now it is done as no small sacrifice. To listeners, please keep in mind that but for Dr. Cooper, we might find no clear and authoritative refutations of Paulson and others who make bold claims, without evidence, aimed at bringing down the whole tradition. We must $upport Just & Sinner.

    • @ohoegh
      @ohoegh 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

      I don't agree that this has been done. Dr. Cooper is quite frustrated in this video. The abhorrence is not masked or dealt with using any clear or authoritative refutation of Paulson's confession. What seems to be authoritative for Dr. Cooper is the Book of Concord or post-Luther Orthodoxy and medieval, scholastic "Christian Philosophy", not the Scriptures that attest a true confession of faith. The frustration comes out often in phrases such as "I can't even", "I don't get it", or "pretty much everyone agrees about this". Dr. Cooper does not offer clear refutation in the video, and instead claims that "I took this up in my book". He quotes Paulson, and then says, "Paulson is rejecting 3rd use!", "He's rejecting Christian philosophy as gospel", or "this flies against the Lutheran Orthodoxy of the 17th century". To which Paulson would say, "Yes, of course I am!"

  • @pauln5785
    @pauln5785 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Maybe you ought to have Paulson on for a discussion/debate of his theology instead of gossiping about him like you're the fifth Plastic in "Mean Girls."

  • @RobertEWaters
    @RobertEWaters 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I hope you are not equating 1517 with Forde's antinomianism!

  • @ChericeGraham
    @ChericeGraham ปีที่แล้ว

    I wonder what Paulson does with "just and yet justifier" from Romans 3, if God has nothing to do with law?

  • @matswinther8991
    @matswinther8991 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I don't see how we can think of the divine law as existing as an abstraction. After all, "whereof one cannot speak, thereof one must be silent" (Wittgenstein). Only when written on paper it is called 'law', like the Mosaic law, civil law, or the laws of nature. Luther himself emphasized the concrete working of the law upon sinners. He says: "18. Whatever shows sin, wrath, and death exercises the office of the law, be it in the Old or in the New Testament" ("Solus Decalogus"). So he defines the law as synonymous with its oppressive effect upon sinners. Thus, the law is not an abstraction to him. In this issue I side with Luther and the radical Lutherans.

    • @pete3397
      @pete3397 ปีที่แล้ว

      Luther doesn't simply define the Law at the point of showing sin, wrath and death as its only purpose. That would be an incomplete rendering of Luther's view of the Law.
      He states his views quite clearly in the Small Catechism:
      "What purposes does the Law then serve?
      First, the Law helps to control violent outbursts of sin and keeps order in the world (a curb).
      Second, the Law accuses us and shows us our sin (a mirror).
      Third, the Law teaches us Christians what we should and should not do to live a God-pleasing life (a guide). The power to live according to the Law comes from the Gospel.”
      The Law is not only confined to the thesis of Point 2. Luther quite clearly notes the validity of the 1st and 3rd uses of the Law, with the 3rd point being synonymous with the lex aeterna.

    • @pete3397
      @pete3397 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@matswinther8991 No, it does not corrupt his teachings as the BoC clearly lays out that Luther taught this in several of his sermons that are referred to in the discussion of the Third Use of the Law. Moreover, the recognition of the Third Use is explicit in the Confessions and is normative for all confessing Lutherans. In Article VI of the Formula on The Third Use, it is noted that "Dr. Luther has fully explained this at greater length in the Summer Part of the Church Postil, on the Epistle for the Nineteenth Sunday after Trinity." It is incorrect to say that Luther did not hold to the Third Use.

    • @matswinther8991
      @matswinther8991 ปีที่แล้ว

      Yes, Lutherans speak of the third use of the law, but Luther did not. The law does not establish a "positive demand", or a third use, in front of the believer. Rather, it is _behind_ the believer as fulfilled.

    • @matswinther8991
      @matswinther8991 ปีที่แล้ว

      (Why is this message removed again and again?) No, Luther does not say this, in neither of his catecheses. This seems to derive from Schwan's exposition of Luther's Small Catechism (1912). Evidently, it gravely corrupts his instruction.
      In Antinomian Disputations Luther says: "38. In sum: The law is neither useful nor necessary for justification _or for any good works,_ let alone salvation".
      Unlike the orthodox Lutherans, Luther defines the law as synonymous with its afflictive influence on sinners. The law does not exist as a 'lex aeterna', apart from its worldly manifestation. Says Luther: "When we speak of the law, we speak about the law's proper effect, which it can have or perform in this corrupt nature" (Antinomian Disputations), and that's why we "are not concerned about the word 'law,' but about the thing itself" (WA 39I:416).
      Another thing that bothers me is that Dr. Cooper, along with the orthodox, reasons in term of substance and accidents, as if the former were prime (neutral) matter and the latter the qualities that 'clothe' matter. This is Aristotelian science. Today we know that bread and wine are the same at molecular level, and there is no such thing as prime matter. The reason why salt tastes salty is because the salt ion (atom) stimulates our salt-sensitive taste cells. So qualities are really _functions_ of matter. There are no accidents, and no neutral substance exists. It is time to do a revision of Lutheran metaphysics. (Otherwise I very much appreciate Cooper's videos.)

    • @pete3397
      @pete3397 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@matswinther8991 Not sure. I got it and it's letting me reply via TH-cam.

  • @zacheryheward1904
    @zacheryheward1904 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Someone should send Paulson the screwtape letters.

  • @socksthemusicalcat
    @socksthemusicalcat ปีที่แล้ว

    Some of this sounds as if someone fed a list of theological and metaphysical terminology without any definitions into an AI language model and asked it to write books on theology.

  • @Jm20375
    @Jm20375 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Spoiler alert: No!

  • @EcclesiastesLiker-py5ts
    @EcclesiastesLiker-py5ts 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Tbf don't all trinitarians need to reject the law of non-contradiction?

  • @guyparker1749
    @guyparker1749 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Hilter skelter,type ,,scary..Have a good Lent..I've read some Tobias ,suggestions

  • @henrka
    @henrka ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Thank you for this presentation. Paulson is a great preacher, even charismatic, I love the way he talks. But his sweet lips betray the bitterness behind his words, anybody that rejects the substitutionary atonement of .Christ as the only possible way for God to save sinners is a heretic. The fact of the matter is God is not a God of absolution as Paulson teaches, and certainly not a God of forgiveness, not at the expense of his Justice, never does forgiveness take precedence over Justice, except at the cross of Christ where God’s Justice is first satisfied, the punishment exerted, and forgiveness purchased at the most expensive price possible, the blood of God’s son. Yes mercy triumphs over Justice at Calvary, but it could not have triumphed in any other way but by the shed blood of Christ.

    • @pauln5785
      @pauln5785 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Paulson is a great preacher because he preaches the truths of the Gospel, not because he's a captivating public speaker. Some of the greatest public speakers are wolves.

    • @henrka
      @henrka 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@pauln5785 wrong, Paulson is not a great preacher. Nobody that is a disciple of Forde who denied penal substitution can possibly be a great preacher of the gospel.

    • @pauln5785
      @pauln5785 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@henrka Penal substitution isn't the only theory out there. We're supposed to be Lutherans, not Reformed theobros.

  • @BartinButher
    @BartinButher ปีที่แล้ว +4

    You're a heretic because of your teaching on Christification but Paulson's rejection of Divine Immutability and the law of non contradiction is perfectly sane and Christian. I see.

  • @tickmann
    @tickmann 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

    LCMS..'Thanking God they are not like other men since 1872'...

  • @somedude6653
    @somedude6653 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Can I ask why they called you a heretic? Do they not like the Christification theology? Because calling you a heretic is laughable and I'm a member of a more reformed baptist church so we're not even in agreement on everything 😂

    • @DrJordanBCooper
      @DrJordanBCooper  ปีที่แล้ว +5

      Yes, it's because of my doctrine of Christification.

    • @somedude6653
      @somedude6653 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      ​@@DrJordanBCooper I have to pick your book up on that! Your teaching on Union with Christ has been impactful for my faith and would love to go deeper on christification because I am pretty sure I agree with how you state the doctrine because what are we being sanctified into but Christ!

    • @vngelicath1580
      @vngelicath1580 ปีที่แล้ว

      A "heretic" moreso by confessional Lutheran standards. They think he directly contradicts the Formula of Concord (Book of Concord) by teaching that 'union with Christ' precedes our justification. They conflate "mystical union/sanctification" with "formal union of faith", and if they were confused, that would contradict our confessions (because that's the Osiandrian error: indwelling sanctification is the cause of justification and not vice-versa).
      They haven't read him to know the different senses of "union."

  • @darrenmatson6946
    @darrenmatson6946 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Paulson makes far more since to me then you do! The end.

  • @Outrider74
    @Outrider74 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Let’s be frank: Paulson is a heretic, as was Forde.

    • @henrka
      @henrka ปีที่แล้ว

      Anybody that denies the necessity of the substitutionary atonement of Christ for salvation is a heretic. Obviously Paulson thinks Christ went to the cross for nothing, since God forgives sin without any satisfaction or shedding of blood required. God is a nice guy that loves everybody according to Paulson and forgives freely without any regard to his justice, the God of Paulson us an idol that does not exist, the God of the Bible clearly states that without blood there is no remission of sin.

  • @HenryLeslieGraham
    @HenryLeslieGraham ปีที่แล้ว +2

    This guy does not sound good.

  • @user-zero0945
    @user-zero0945 ปีที่แล้ว

    Thanks for exposing the seed of the serpent

    • @ohoegh
      @ohoegh 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      The seed that the serpent always attempts to plant is doubt. Sin is unbelief in God's promise to be God and to provide life with Him. Dr. Paulson is preaching a promise that faith clings to - the promise of Christ and His mercy. This promise is complete. God is the one who speaks it. Dr. Paulson has received this promise, and he is boldly proclaiming it.

  • @مستريحالبال-غ7ر
    @مستريحالبال-غ7ر ปีที่แล้ว

    Islam is the true religion, the religion of love, tolerance and forgiveness

    • @felixcharles9773
      @felixcharles9773 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Surah 5:38 “As for male and female thieves, cut off their hands for what they have done-a deterrent from Allah. And Allah is Almighty, All-Wise”
      Doesn’t sound like love, tolerance, or forgiveness to me

    • @benmizrahi2889
      @benmizrahi2889 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Of all the false religions on planet Earth, none have done the damage Islam and Judaism did to the world.

    • @fluffyhead04
      @fluffyhead04 ปีที่แล้ว

      Lol 😂