Cetatea Feldioara - Cetatea cavalerilor teutoni

  • āđ€āļœāļĒāđāļžāļĢāđˆāđ€āļĄāļ·āđˆāļ­ 11 āļ•.āļ„. 2019
  • ðŸ”ī Video subtitles available in ENG and ROM.
    ROM "Cetatea din Feldioara, comuna Feldioara, județul Brașov,
    a fost construită ÃŪn secolul XIII,
    cetatea de la Feldioara fiind cea mai importantă fortificație ridicată
    de cavalerii teutoni ÃŪn Transilvania.
    Cetatea a fost pÃĒnă ÃŪn anul 2013 o ruină.
    Ea a fost restaurată ÃŪn totalitate ÃŪn perioada anilor 2013 - 2017.
    Denumirea ÃŪn maghiară a localității este "FÃķld-VÃĄr", cu semnificația de "cetate de pămÃĒnt", iar ÃŪn germană Marienburg cu ÃŪnțelesul de "Cetatea Mariei". Fecioara Maria era patroana Ordinului cavalerilor teutoni.
    Construirea acestei cetăți s-a derulat ca urmare a acordării cavalerilor teutoni, de către Andrei al II-lea, a dreptului de a se așeza ÃŪn această zonă și a popula "terra deserta et inhabitata"
    cu scopul de a apăra teritoriile coroanei maghiare de frecventele incursiuni ale cumanilor. Controversatul termen "inhabitata" duce la
    ideea unui teritoriu pustiu și nelocuit, idee contrazisă de mărturiile arheologice care confirmă existența unui cimitir săsesc ÃŪn localitate care a fost datat ÃŪncă de la mijlocul secolului al XII-lea,
    perioadă cunoscută a fi primul val al colonizării sașilor ÃŪn Transilvania.
    Ca urmare, teutonii s-au stabilit ÃŪn "Terra Borza" (Țara BÃĒrsei),
    ei avÃĒnd inițial doar dreptul de ridicare al fortificațiilor din lemn și de pămÃĒnt. Cum ÃŪn Europa Occidentală astfel de fortificații erau deja de domeniul trecutului și cum probabil au construit fortificația direct din piatră, Andrei al II-lea a acordat ÃŪn anul 1222 ordinului teutonic dreptul de a construi "castra et urbes lapideas".
    Cum cavalerii și-au extins teritoriile controlate pÃĒnă ÃŪn Țara Brodnicilor spre nord și au făcut incursiuni ÃŪnspre sud spre Dunăre,
    regele Ungariei ÃŪngrijorat de posibilitatea creării unui stat ÃŪn stat,
    a intrat cu armatele sale ÃŪn anul 1225 și i-a alungat din Țara BÃĒrsei.
    Un act papal menționează faptul că teutonii au construit
    cum multa labore... quinnquie castra fortia".
    Turnurile erau prevăzute cu niveluri separate prin platforme, ele comunicÃĒnd prin intermediul scărilor din lemn.Turnul din est se presupune că era prevăzut și el cu platforme dar avea o boltă semicilindrică. Din turnul din sud se mai păstrează doar elementele de la bază. Curtina are o ÃŪnălțime de 6 pÃĒnă la 7 metri, la jumătatea sa putÃĒndu-se observa găurile ÃŪn care se fixau bÃĒrnele consolelor care susțineau drumul de strajă.
    O refacere a fortificației este posibil să fi fost făcută după anul 1420, fapt determinat de existența unui document din 1439
    care menționează că locuitorii Feldioarei au fortificat un "castrum"
    ÃŪn vederea apărării bunurilor lor.Astfel, pe vremea lui Sigismund de Luxemburg, cetatea Feldioarei era una țărănească și localitatea primea dreptul, datorită ei, de a fi oraș.
    Cetatea a fost distrusă ÃŪn 1430 de turci precum și de Vlad Țepeș ÃŪn campania din 1457, locuitorii refăcÃĒnd-o ÃŪn același an.
    Zidul de incintă din partea de sud a fost probabil distrus după bătălia de la Feldioara de oștile lui Petru Rareș.
    Pe zidăria turnului din spre nord există scrijelit anul 1657,
    dar nu se știe dacă inscripția este datorată construirii turnului
    sau a unei renovării a lui. "
    ðŸ”ī Music: Night Snow by Asher Fulero from TH-cam Audio Library
    Foto "Cetatea Feldioarei" de la Stan Ioan Ovidiu - Operă proprie, CC BY-SA 4.0, commons.wikimedia.org/w/index...
    #CetatiSiCasteleDinRomania, #CetatiMedievaleDinTransilvania, #CetateaFeldioara

āļ„āļ§āļēāļĄāļ„āļīāļ”āđ€āļŦāđ‡āļ™ • 337

  • @MyTravelChannel-RO
    @MyTravelChannel-RO  2 āļ›āļĩāļ—āļĩāđˆāđāļĨāđ‰āļ§

    ðŸ”ī *RO* Dacă v-a plăcut, sunt sigur că o să vă placă și Cetatea RÃĒșnov th-cam.com/video/WwoST7aYGSw/w-d-xo.html
    ðŸ”ī *EN* If you liked it, I'm sure you'll like this one, too Cetatea RÃĒșnov th-cam.com/video/WwoST7aYGSw/w-d-xo.html

  • @aatravelling7625
    @aatravelling7625 4 āļ›āļĩāļ—āļĩāđˆāđāļĨāđ‰āļ§ +1

    Beautiful video of the Fortress and great music too. Thank you for sharing.
    Like 108 + full view..

    • @MyTravelChannel-RO
      @MyTravelChannel-RO  4 āļ›āļĩāļ—āļĩāđˆāđāļĨāđ‰āļ§

      Hello, my friend! Thank you, so much, for your appreciation! Kindest regards!

  • @4cryingoutloud604
    @4cryingoutloud604 4 āļ›āļĩāļ—āļĩāđˆāđāļĨāđ‰āļ§ +1

    Like 76. Another gorgeous place! I loved! Thanks for sharing. Enjoy your week.

    • @MyTravelChannel-RO
      @MyTravelChannel-RO  4 āļ›āļĩāļ—āļĩāđˆāđāļĨāđ‰āļ§

      I appreciate your kind words. Many thanks!... best wishes for a lovely day!

  • @BluemoonTraveler
    @BluemoonTraveler 4 āļ›āļĩāļ—āļĩāđˆāđāļĨāđ‰āļ§ +1

    Very nice place and scenery is good!
    Thanks for sharing my dear friend.
    Your video is so complete and touching.
    I hope I can travel there someday.
    Big Like 80.
    Have a great weekend.👍👍

    • @MyTravelChannel-RO
      @MyTravelChannel-RO  4 āļ›āļĩāļ—āļĩāđˆāđāļĨāđ‰āļ§

      Thank you very much for the great and generous feedback!!
      It really means a lot and give me great joy:)))
      Have a wonderful day my friend!!!!

  • @aatravelling7625
    @aatravelling7625 3 āļ›āļĩāļ—āļĩāđˆāđāļĨāđ‰āļ§ +1

    Impressive footage of this castle in Cetatea Feldioara and the conservation status is just amazing. Thank you very much for sharing... Like 116 + full view....

    • @MyTravelChannel-RO
      @MyTravelChannel-RO  3 āļ›āļĩāļ—āļĩāđˆāđāļĨāđ‰āļ§

      Thank you for your visit and comment! I don't think we can talk about conservation.
      The fortress was rebuilt from the ground up. Best regards!

  • @Paseando
    @Paseando 4 āļ›āļĩāļ—āļĩāđˆāđāļĨāđ‰āļ§ +1

    The fortress looks very interesting! Good walking-through my friend! ðŸĪ— Nice filming! Full view, like #8! Greetings!

    • @MyTravelChannel-RO
      @MyTravelChannel-RO  4 āļ›āļĩāļ—āļĩāđˆāđāļĨāđ‰āļ§ +1

      Thank you for your time watching my video and for your nice comment! I’m always happy to see you on my channel!
      Best regards!

  • @Anna-ly2mh
    @Anna-ly2mh 4 āļ›āļĩāļ—āļĩāđˆāđāļĨāđ‰āļ§

    ДÐūÐąŅ€Ņ‹Ðđ ÐēÐĩŅ‡ÐĩŅ€.КаК ÐēŅÐĩÐģÐīа ÐūŅ‡ÐĩÐ―ŅŒ ÐļÐ―Ņ‚ÐĩŅ€ÐĩŅÐ―ÐūÐĩ Ðļ КŅ€Ð°ŅÐļÐēÐūÐĩ ÐēÐļÐīÐĩÐū.
    ОÐģŅ€ÐūÐžÐ―Ņ‹Ðđ ЛаÐđК 67.ÐĢÐīаŅ‡Ð―Ņ‹Ņ… Ðļ ŅŅ‡Ð°ŅŅ‚ÐŧÐļÐēŅ‹Ņ… ÐēаО ÐēŅ‹Ņ…ÐūÐīÐ―Ņ‹Ņ….

    • @MyTravelChannel-RO
      @MyTravelChannel-RO  4 āļ›āļĩāļ—āļĩāđˆāđāļĨāđ‰āļ§

      Thanks for watching and leaving such a beautiful comment, I really appreciate your support!!

  • @BoRaXiN72
    @BoRaXiN72 4 āļ›āļĩāļ—āļĩāđˆāđāļĨāđ‰āļ§

    Really beautiful, liked 21. Have a cool Sunday Sorin ;)

    • @MyTravelChannel-RO
      @MyTravelChannel-RO  4 āļ›āļĩāļ—āļĩāđˆāđāļĨāđ‰āļ§ +1

      Thank you very much, Bora, for your kind comment!
      Best regards!

  • @MPDSCreations
    @MPDSCreations 4 āļ›āļĩāļ—āļĩāđˆāđāļĨāđ‰āļ§ +1

    Wow so beautiful..thanks for sharing another great viido friend ðŸĪ—

    • @MyTravelChannel-RO
      @MyTravelChannel-RO  4 āļ›āļĩāļ—āļĩāđˆāđāļĨāđ‰āļ§

      Thank you! I'm glad you liked it. Greetings!

  • @getschannel
    @getschannel 4 āļ›āļĩāļ—āļĩāđˆāđāļĨāđ‰āļ§ +2

    Is really great and very beautiful video from Feldioara Fortress and amazing music, my dear friend Sorin,
    many congratulations, i like it very much!!!
    I send you warm and friendly greetings from me and Greece !!
    Have a good Monday's afternoon and a happy new week!! Best regards, George + like 39

    • @MyTravelChannel-RO
      @MyTravelChannel-RO  4 āļ›āļĩāļ—āļĩāđˆāđāļĨāđ‰āļ§

      Thank you so very much! I really appreciate your support and your kind words, and I wish you, all the best!

  • @sunflowerslots364
    @sunflowerslots364 4 āļ›āļĩāļ—āļĩāđˆāđāļĨāđ‰āļ§

    Beautiful view pics image footage. Love the music. Thanks for sharing. Big thumbs up 32 💖💖ðŸŒŧ👍

    • @MyTravelChannel-RO
      @MyTravelChannel-RO  4 āļ›āļĩāļ—āļĩāđˆāđāļĨāđ‰āļ§

      Thanks a lot for your lovely comment! Wish you a wonderful day! :)

  • @CutieLandEvelina
    @CutieLandEvelina 4 āļ›āļĩāļ—āļĩāđˆāđāļĨāđ‰āļ§

    Amazing upload. Fantastic fortress, wonderful castle. So interesting share. Enjoyed it until the end. Super like#45. With my best wishes dear friend. Stay blessed xx

    • @MyTravelChannel-RO
      @MyTravelChannel-RO  4 āļ›āļĩāļ—āļĩāđˆāđāļĨāđ‰āļ§

      Thank you so much for stopping by, my friend!
      I really appreciate your marvelous comment! Best regards!

  • @Ricco3Dworld
    @Ricco3Dworld 4 āļ›āļĩāļ—āļĩāđˆāđāļĨāđ‰āļ§ +1

    *_My respect!! The medieval order castle of the Teutonic Order has been fantastically restored, exceptionally impressive work. (2013-2017)_*
    *_Excellent video and sensational shots, Sorin!! Thank you, I really liked it. Big thumbs up._* 👍86
    *_Kindest regards and a nice week for you :-) Richard_*

    • @MyTravelChannel-RO
      @MyTravelChannel-RO  4 āļ›āļĩāļ—āļĩāđˆāđāļĨāđ‰āļ§ +1

      I always appreciate you taking the time to watch my videos. In fact, they didn't have much to restore.
      They rebuilt the fortress. That's why it seems so new :)
      Thank you, so much, Richard!

  • @BuzzStudioA
    @BuzzStudioA 4 āļ›āļĩāļ—āļĩāđˆāđāļĨāđ‰āļ§

    Wonderful tour. This place is nicely decorated. Full support as always. Thanks for sharing. Best Regards, my friend!

    • @MyTravelChannel-RO
      @MyTravelChannel-RO  4 āļ›āļĩāļ—āļĩāđˆāđāļĨāđ‰āļ§

      Thank you so very much! I really appreciate your support and your kind words, and I wish you, all the best!

  • @lara8550able
    @lara8550able 4 āļ›āļĩāļ—āļĩāđˆāđāļĨāđ‰āļ§

    Excellent, dear Friend
    Have a wonderful time

    • @MyTravelChannel-RO
      @MyTravelChannel-RO  4 āļ›āļĩāļ—āļĩāđˆāđāļĨāđ‰āļ§

      *_Thank you! I'm glad you liked it. Greetings!_*

  • @ratdalifestyleinfinland7549
    @ratdalifestyleinfinland7549 4 āļ›āļĩāļ—āļĩāđˆāđāļĨāđ‰āļ§ +1

    Very beautiful place and very nice views. Inside building have many things very beautiful.

    • @MyTravelChannel-RO
      @MyTravelChannel-RO  4 āļ›āļĩāļ—āļĩāđˆāđāļĨāđ‰āļ§

      Thanks for watching, I’m always happy to see you on my channel!
      Best regards!

  •  4 āļ›āļĩāļ—āļĩāđˆāđāļĨāđ‰āļ§

    It was a great pleasure to visit the wonderful historical places of Romania with you.

    • @MyTravelChannel-RO
      @MyTravelChannel-RO  4 āļ›āļĩāļ—āļĩāđˆāđāļĨāđ‰āļ§

      *_Thank you for your visit and a marvelous comment, my dear friend! Best regards!_*

  • @soloinjungle
    @soloinjungle 4 āļ›āļĩāļ—āļĩāđˆāđāļĨāđ‰āļ§

    Nice sharing, I'm really enjoy to watch this video.
    Full watch like friend.

    • @MyTravelChannel-RO
      @MyTravelChannel-RO  4 āļ›āļĩāļ—āļĩāđˆāđāļĨāđ‰āļ§

      Thanks a lot for your lovely comment! Wish you a wonderful day! :)

  • @videotravel_TsarskoyeSelo
    @videotravel_TsarskoyeSelo 4 āļ›āļĩāļ—āļĩāđˆāđāļĨāđ‰āļ§ +1

    Beautiful old fortress. Very intereno in the museum. Great video! Have a good evening!

    • @MyTravelChannel-RO
      @MyTravelChannel-RO  4 āļ›āļĩāļ—āļĩāđˆāđāļĨāđ‰āļ§

      *_Thank you so very much! I really appreciate your support and your kind words, and I wish you, all the best!_*

  • @1HarryH
    @1HarryH 4 āļ›āļĩāļ—āļĩāđˆāđāļĨāđ‰āļ§

    Great video my dear friend. So beautiful filming, thank you 🙋ðŸŧ
    I wish you happy day

    • @MyTravelChannel-RO
      @MyTravelChannel-RO  4 āļ›āļĩāļ—āļĩāđˆāđāļĨāđ‰āļ§

      Thank you so much for stopping by, my friend!
      I really appreciate your marvelous comment! Best regards!

  • @Traveler_Greg
    @Traveler_Greg 4 āļ›āļĩāļ—āļĩāđˆāđāļĨāđ‰āļ§

    Wonderful video and beautiful music. Very interesting fortress. Greetings dear friends and wish you a happy week. 👍

    • @MyTravelChannel-RO
      @MyTravelChannel-RO  4 āļ›āļĩāļ—āļĩāđˆāđāļĨāđ‰āļ§

      Thank you so much, Greg, for stopping by, my friend!
      I really appreciate your marvelous comment! Best regards!

    @LARABELLYDANCETRAVELS 4 āļ›āļĩāļ—āļĩāđˆāđāļĨāđ‰āļ§ +1

    Wonderful my dear friend.70

    • @MyTravelChannel-RO
      @MyTravelChannel-RO  4 āļ›āļĩāļ—āļĩāđˆāđāļĨāđ‰āļ§

      Thanks for watching and leaving such a beautiful comment, I really appreciate your support!!

  • @JulchensWelt
    @JulchensWelt 10 āļŦāļĨāļēāļĒāđ€āļ”āļ·āļ­āļ™āļāđˆāļ­āļ™

    Interesting and nice captures many thanks my friend like 132 wish you a good day warm greetings from Lower Bavaria Petra

    • @MyTravelChannel-RO
      @MyTravelChannel-RO  10 āļŦāļĨāļēāļĒāđ€āļ”āļ·āļ­āļ™āļāđˆāļ­āļ™

      Thank you so much for taking the time to watch and for your kind words. Your support is greatly appreciated.

  • @dnbtravels
    @dnbtravels 4 āļ›āļĩāļ—āļĩāđˆāđāļĨāđ‰āļ§

    Beautiful and interesting place, enjoyed watching my friend, big like👍👍👍

    • @MyTravelChannel-RO
      @MyTravelChannel-RO  4 āļ›āļĩāļ—āļĩāđˆāđāļĨāđ‰āļ§

      Hello, my friend! Thank you, so much, for your appreciation! Kindest regards!

  • @MariaTravelNaturePOLAND
    @MariaTravelNaturePOLAND 4 āļ›āļĩāļ—āļĩāđˆāđāļĨāđ‰āļ§

    Hi, Sorin! Welcome and greet to you! It was nice to be on your channel
    and enjoy the beauty you present while listening to great music - thank you!/+22/

    • @MyTravelChannel-RO
      @MyTravelChannel-RO  4 āļ›āļĩāļ—āļĩāđˆāđāļĨāđ‰āļ§

      Thank you very much for your kind comment!
      Best regards!

  • @N.D.Veronikasandul
    @N.D.Veronikasandul 4 āļ›āļĩāļ—āļĩāđˆāđāļĨāđ‰āļ§

    Like16...sub fonul muzicii, siluetele mici ,filmate la distanta ,parca voiau să ne ÃŪmbie la călătoria ce urma...plina de misterul "inhabitatei terra"👀👁ïļ...Ador locurile istorice... Mulțumesc Sorin!👁ïļ

    • @MyTravelChannel-RO
      @MyTravelChannel-RO  4 āļ›āļĩāļ—āļĩāđˆāđāļĨāđ‰āļ§ +1

      Wow! Cu un comentariu atat de frumos parca si clipul e mai interesant. Multumesc mult, Veronika! Amabila ca-ntotdeauna :) O zi minunata!

  • @macky-HomelikeMusic
    @macky-HomelikeMusic 4 āļ›āļĩāļ—āļĩāđˆāđāļĨāđ‰āļ§

    So beautiful and calming place I feel Wonderful movie,dear my friend!!!Happy new week!~Macky:))😉ðŸŒđ

    • @MyTravelChannel-RO
      @MyTravelChannel-RO  4 āļ›āļĩāļ—āļĩāđˆāđāļĨāđ‰āļ§

      Thank you so very much! I really appreciate your support and your kind words, and I wish you, all the best!

  • @OlivierRodriguez
    @OlivierRodriguez 4 āļ›āļĩāļ—āļĩāđˆāđāļĨāđ‰āļ§ +1

    Wow... A lot of historia in this place... Thank you, friend...!!!

    • @MyTravelChannel-RO
      @MyTravelChannel-RO  4 āļ›āļĩāļ—āļĩāđˆāđāļĨāđ‰āļ§

      Thank you, my friend! As always,
      I appreciate your visit and wonderful comment! Have a wonderful day!

  • @moodyblooms
    @moodyblooms 4 āļ›āļĩāļ—āļĩāđˆāđāļĨāđ‰āļ§ +1

    *Awesome Castle and footage! Another excellent video with great editing!! Hope you have a wonderful day!!*

    • @MyTravelChannel-RO
      @MyTravelChannel-RO  4 āļ›āļĩāļ—āļĩāđˆāđāļĨāđ‰āļ§

      *Thank you, my friend! I really appreciate your warm comment. Enjoy your weekend!*

  • @ceyoday9137
    @ceyoday9137 4 āļ›āļĩāļ—āļĩāđˆāđāļĨāđ‰āļ§

    Hi my friend, thanks for sharing this beautiful video....it's a great channel, I enjoyed watching it!

    • @MyTravelChannel-RO
      @MyTravelChannel-RO  4 āļ›āļĩāļ—āļĩāđˆāđāļĨāđ‰āļ§

      *_Thanks a lot for your lovely comment! Wish you a wonderful day! :)_*

  • @SuperAliceleo
    @SuperAliceleo 4 āļ›āļĩāļ—āļĩāđˆāđāļĨāđ‰āļ§

    Wow ! Amazing views my friend ,,I enjoyed it very much watching the video...thanks for sharing it...take care ..

    • @MyTravelChannel-RO
      @MyTravelChannel-RO  4 āļ›āļĩāļ—āļĩāđˆāđāļĨāđ‰āļ§ +1

      Thanks for watching, I’m always happy to see you on my channel!
      Best regards!

    • @SuperAliceleo
      @SuperAliceleo 4 āļ›āļĩāļ—āļĩāđˆāđāļĨāđ‰āļ§

      My Travel Channel You are most welcome my dear friend ..have a great weekend..

  • @sergeymagel8715
    @sergeymagel8715 4 āļ›āļĩāļ—āļĩāđˆāđāļĨāđ‰āļ§ +1

    *A Beautiful Tour, Friend. Really Sound. Regards You.*

    • @MyTravelChannel-RO
      @MyTravelChannel-RO  4 āļ›āļĩāļ—āļĩāđˆāđāļĨāđ‰āļ§

      Thanks for watching and leaving such a beautiful comment, I really appreciate your support!!

  • @r11hno
    @r11hno 4 āļ›āļĩāļ—āļĩāđˆāđāļĨāđ‰āļ§

    amazing video, Hi Sorin here supporting watching again with a full view always- wishing you a wonderful day

    • @MyTravelChannel-RO
      @MyTravelChannel-RO  4 āļ›āļĩāļ—āļĩāđˆāđāļĨāđ‰āļ§

      Thank you so very much! I really appreciate your support and your kind words, and I wish you, all the best!

  • @iratravlvodyanitskaya
    @iratravlvodyanitskaya 4 āļ›āļĩāļ—āļĩāđˆāđāļĨāđ‰āļ§

    Hi my friend nice place, many thanks for sharing

    • @MyTravelChannel-RO
      @MyTravelChannel-RO  4 āļ›āļĩāļ—āļĩāđˆāđāļĨāđ‰āļ§

      Thank you, my friend! I really appreciate your warm comment. Enjoy your weekend!

  • @ActNaturally
    @ActNaturally 4 āļ›āļĩāļ—āļĩāđˆāđāļĨāđ‰āļ§ +1

    Totally spectacular, great filming and edits!! Sure would like to travel to that destination!! LIKE #60

    • @MyTravelChannel-RO
      @MyTravelChannel-RO  4 āļ›āļĩāļ—āļĩāđˆāđāļĨāđ‰āļ§

      Hello, my friend! Thank you, so much, for your appreciation!
      Kindest regards!

  • @LiliEssFlyandSmile
    @LiliEssFlyandSmile 4 āļ›āļĩāļ—āļĩāđˆāđāļĨāđ‰āļ§

    I’m old castles lover .. I simply adore heritage places and its stories .. thx for sharing

    • @MyTravelChannel-RO
      @MyTravelChannel-RO  4 āļ›āļĩāļ—āļĩāđˆāđāļĨāđ‰āļ§

      Thank you so much for your kind words and great comment on my video dear friend! It was so damaged that it had to be rebuilt almost entirely. Best regards!

  • @ratdalifestyleinfinland7549
    @ratdalifestyleinfinland7549 4 āļ›āļĩāļ—āļĩāđˆāđāļĨāđ‰āļ§ +1

    Very beautiful building and very good nature.

    • @MyTravelChannel-RO
      @MyTravelChannel-RO  4 āļ›āļĩāļ—āļĩāđˆāđāļĨāđ‰āļ§

      Thank you so much for stopping by, my friend! I really appreciate your marvelous comment! Best regards!

  • @r11hno
    @r11hno 4 āļ›āļĩāļ—āļĩāđˆāđāļĨāđ‰āļ§

    love fortified buildings - great upload Sorin like 24 with a full view as always

    • @MyTravelChannel-RO
      @MyTravelChannel-RO  4 āļ›āļĩāļ—āļĩāđˆāđāļĨāđ‰āļ§

      I appreciate your kind words. Many thanks, Naomi!... best wishes for a lovely day!

  • @SaigonScenes
    @SaigonScenes 4 āļ›āļĩāļ—āļĩāđˆāđāļĨāđ‰āļ§

    So beautiful, thanks for sharing. One like from me #18. Have a great Sunday my friend.

    • @MyTravelChannel-RO
      @MyTravelChannel-RO  4 āļ›āļĩāļ—āļĩāđˆāđāļĨāđ‰āļ§ +1

      Thank you for watching as always and for your marvelous comment :)
      Best regards!

    • @SaigonScenes
      @SaigonScenes 4 āļ›āļĩāļ—āļĩāđˆāđāļĨāđ‰āļ§

      @@MyTravelChannel-RO 💖💖💖

  • @Mstrknk
    @Mstrknk 4 āļ›āļĩāļ—āļĩāđˆāđāļĨāđ‰āļ§

    nice village, love watching your video my friend, keep safe always

    • @MyTravelChannel-RO
      @MyTravelChannel-RO  4 āļ›āļĩāļ—āļĩāđˆāđāļĨāđ‰āļ§

      Thank you for your visit and a marvelous comment, my dear friend! Best regards!

  • @KittysAlliance
    @KittysAlliance 4 āļ›āļĩāļ—āļĩāđˆāđāļĨāđ‰āļ§

    Spectacular our dear friend Sorin! Love the structures on top!

    • @MyTravelChannel-RO
      @MyTravelChannel-RO  4 āļ›āļĩāļ—āļĩāđˆāđāļĨāđ‰āļ§

      I appreciate your kind words. Many thanks!... best wishes for a lovely day!

  • @MickAngelhere
    @MickAngelhere 4 āļ›āļĩāļ—āļĩāđˆāđāļĨāđ‰āļ§

    Love the workmanship of the fortress it’s great see the restoration of a country’s heritage 👍👍👍

    • @MyTravelChannel-RO
      @MyTravelChannel-RO  4 āļ›āļĩāļ—āļĩāđˆāđāļĨāđ‰āļ§

      Thank you, Mick! I really appreciate your warm comment. Enjoy your weekend! Sorin

  • @VideoProduction100
    @VideoProduction100 4 āļ›āļĩāļ—āļĩāđˆāđāļĨāđ‰āļ§

    Beautiful place with wonderful Fortress! Great job! 👍 Have a nice day

    • @MyTravelChannel-RO
      @MyTravelChannel-RO  4 āļ›āļĩāļ—āļĩāđˆāđāļĨāđ‰āļ§

      Thank you for watching as always and for your marvelous comment :)
      Best regards!

  • @DrRezaAliRumi
    @DrRezaAliRumi 3 āļ›āļĩāļ—āļĩāđˆāđāļĨāđ‰āļ§

    Nothing to say any new words dear friend - Full watched with a big like just for you only 💕ðŸĨ°ðŸ’•

    • @MyTravelChannel-RO
      @MyTravelChannel-RO  3 āļ›āļĩāļ—āļĩāđˆāđāļĨāđ‰āļ§

      Thank you, my friend! As always, I appreciate your visit and wonderful comment! Have a wonderful day!

  • @ABritInThePhilippines
    @ABritInThePhilippines 4 āļ›āļĩāļ—āļĩāđˆāđāļĨāđ‰āļ§

    You cover so much in this video, i very much enjoyed this tour.. Well done my friend, that was brilliant.. Have a great coming weekend there... Carl

    • @MyTravelChannel-RO
      @MyTravelChannel-RO  4 āļ›āļĩāļ—āļĩāđˆāđāļĨāđ‰āļ§

      Thank you so very much! I really appreciate your support and your kind words, and I wish you, all the best!

  • @TanyaLDelaVida
    @TanyaLDelaVida 4 āļ›āļĩāļ—āļĩāđˆāđāļĨāđ‰āļ§

    Very nice video.Magnificent panorama. LK 48

    • @MyTravelChannel-RO
      @MyTravelChannel-RO  4 āļ›āļĩāļ—āļĩāđˆāđāļĨāđ‰āļ§

      Thank you for watching as always and for your marvelous comment :)
      Best regards!

  • @AdventureswithDanTracie
    @AdventureswithDanTracie 4 āļ›āļĩāļ—āļĩāđˆāđāļĨāđ‰āļ§

    I love the vintage photographs and other displays in this beautiful castle. Parts of the fortress reminded me of The Globe in London. Wonderful video--thank you for sharing this!

    • @MyTravelChannel-RO
      @MyTravelChannel-RO  4 āļ›āļĩāļ—āļĩāđˆāđāļĨāđ‰āļ§

      Thank you so very much! I really appreciate your support and your kind words, and I wish you, all the best!

  • @JohnCRV
    @JohnCRV 4 āļ›āļĩāļ—āļĩāđˆāđāļĨāđ‰āļ§

    What a great restoration! Almost a living museum. Great share Sorin👍

    • @MyTravelChannel-RO
      @MyTravelChannel-RO  4 āļ›āļĩāļ—āļĩāđˆāđāļĨāđ‰āļ§

      Thanks for watching and leaving such a beautiful comment, I really appreciate your support!!

  • @HBMaverick
    @HBMaverick 4 āļ›āļĩāļ—āļĩāđˆāđāļĨāđ‰āļ§ +1

    What a great cinematic look at the fortress! 👍😎 ~Maverick

    • @MyTravelChannel-RO
      @MyTravelChannel-RO  4 āļ›āļĩāļ—āļĩāđˆāđāļĨāđ‰āļ§ +1

      Thank you so very much! I really appreciate your support and your kind words, and I wish you, all the best!

  • @MichaelFijal
    @MichaelFijal 4 āļ›āļĩāļ—āļĩāđˆāđāļĨāđ‰āļ§

    Wonderful views of this fascinating old fortress! Thumbs up, Sorin!!

    • @MyTravelChannel-RO
      @MyTravelChannel-RO  4 āļ›āļĩāļ—āļĩāđˆāđāļĨāđ‰āļ§

      Many thanks, my friend! Glad to see you here again! :)
      Best regards!

  • @esana
    @esana 4 āļ›āļĩāļ—āļĩāđˆāđāļĨāđ‰āļ§

    wow very nice for visiting,Good night friend

    • @MyTravelChannel-RO
      @MyTravelChannel-RO  4 āļ›āļĩāļ—āļĩāđˆāđāļĨāđ‰āļ§

      Thank you so much for stopping by, my friend!
      I really appreciate your marvelous comment! Best regards!

  • @Melpedraspreciosas58
    @Melpedraspreciosas58 4 āļ›āļĩāļ—āļĩāđˆāđāļĨāđ‰āļ§

    Acest fort este prea realist pentru a reveni la strămoși!

    • @MyTravelChannel-RO
      @MyTravelChannel-RO  4 āļ›āļĩāļ—āļĩāđˆāđāļĨāđ‰āļ§

      I'm not sure I understood what you meant (Google Translate is not very good yet) but the fortress was *completely* rebuilt. So it's not old at all, it is about two years :) Thank you for your visit and comment! Best regards!

  • @itsmeTrisha
    @itsmeTrisha 4 āļ›āļĩāļ—āļĩāđˆāđāļĨāđ‰āļ§

    Very beautiful share 💜love this place

    • @MyTravelChannel-RO
      @MyTravelChannel-RO  4 āļ›āļĩāļ—āļĩāđˆāđāļĨāđ‰āļ§

      Thank you for your visit and a marvelous comment, my dear friend!
      Best regards!
      L.E. I watched your video "What to do when you’re BORED AT HOME|bored at home" and I enjoyed very much :)

  • @DutchPinay
    @DutchPinay 4 āļ›āļĩāļ—āļĩāđˆāđāļĨāđ‰āļ§

    Great camera work. Very interesting place. You really do a fantastic work, my friend. Have a wonderful week!

    • @MyTravelChannel-RO
      @MyTravelChannel-RO  4 āļ›āļĩāļ—āļĩāđˆāđāļĨāđ‰āļ§ +1

      Thank you so very much! I really appreciate your support and your kind words, and I wish you, all the best!

  • @LavidamismaconMich
    @LavidamismaconMich 4 āļ›āļĩāļ—āļĩāđˆāđāļĨāđ‰āļ§

    Amazing footage and place, stunning work my friend, kind regards !!!

    • @MyTravelChannel-RO
      @MyTravelChannel-RO  4 āļ›āļĩāļ—āļĩāđˆāđāļĨāđ‰āļ§

      Thanks a lot for your lovely comment! Wish you a wonderful day! :)

  • @MiaRodas
    @MiaRodas 4 āļ›āļĩāļ—āļĩāđˆāđāļĨāđ‰āļ§

    Cetati și castele din Romania all watched your travel destinations videos my friend My Travel Channel, you did it well nice editing skills

    • @MyTravelChannel-RO
      @MyTravelChannel-RO  4 āļ›āļĩāļ—āļĩāđˆāđāļĨāđ‰āļ§

      Hello, my friend! Thank you, so much, for your appreciation!
      Kindest regards!

  • @FredyViajero
    @FredyViajero 4 āļ›āļĩāļ—āļĩāđˆāđāļĨāđ‰āļ§ +1

    Very beautiful & interesting video, great castle, well done. Congratulations!

    • @MyTravelChannel-RO
      @MyTravelChannel-RO  4 āļ›āļĩāļ—āļĩāđˆāđāļĨāđ‰āļ§

      I appreciate your kind words. Many thanks!... best wishes for a lovely day!

  • @MiaRodas
    @MiaRodas 3 āļ›āļĩāļ—āļĩāđˆāđāļĨāđ‰āļ§

    beautiful houses and nice scenery big likes

    • @MyTravelChannel-RO
      @MyTravelChannel-RO  3 āļ›āļĩāļ—āļĩāđˆāđāļĨāđ‰āļ§

      _*Thank you for watching and for your kind word! I really appreciate your support.
      There isn't about houses. It's about a very old fortress that they rebuilt it from scratch.*_

  •  4 āļ›āļĩāļ—āļĩāđˆāđāļĨāđ‰āļ§

    Hi dear, beautiful work...enjoyed watching...thanks and have a great new week 😊

    • @MyTravelChannel-RO
      @MyTravelChannel-RO  4 āļ›āļĩāļ—āļĩāđˆāđāļĨāđ‰āļ§

      *_Thank you so very much! I really appreciate your support and your kind words, and I wish you, all the best!_*

  • @KittysAlliance
    @KittysAlliance 4 āļ›āļĩāļ—āļĩāđˆāđāļĨāđ‰āļ§

    Very unique structures, love those bricks, those rocks walls! Another fantastic upload!

    • @MyTravelChannel-RO
      @MyTravelChannel-RO  4 āļ›āļĩāļ—āļĩāđˆāđāļĨāđ‰āļ§

      *_Thanks a lot for your lovely comment! Wish you a wonderful day! :)_*

  • @KostasGertzos
    @KostasGertzos 4 āļ›āļĩāļ—āļĩāđˆāđāļĨāđ‰āļ§

    A beautiful, well reserved fortress. Useful info at the first seconds of your video. Thx for sharing my friend and greetings from Greece

    • @MyTravelChannel-RO
      @MyTravelChannel-RO  4 āļ›āļĩāļ—āļĩāđˆāđāļĨāđ‰āļ§ +1

      Thanks for watching and leaving such a beautiful comment, I really appreciate your support!! I don't understand why you said "Useful info at the first seconds of your video" There should have been subtitles by the end of the clip ?!

  • @user-lq2xs4gf8s
    @user-lq2xs4gf8s 4 āļ›āļĩāļ—āļĩāđˆāđāļĨāđ‰āļ§

    Hello dear my friend.Very nice video. Have a nice day.

    • @MyTravelChannel-RO
      @MyTravelChannel-RO  4 āļ›āļĩāļ—āļĩāđˆāđāļĨāđ‰āļ§

      Thanks a lot for your lovely comment! Wish you a wonderful day! :)

  • @craftstest
    @craftstest 4 āļ›āļĩāļ—āļĩāđˆāđāļĨāđ‰āļ§

    Great Work > Super like 👍
    good luck 😍âĪïļðŸ˜âĪïļðŸ˜âĪïļ

    • @MyTravelChannel-RO
      @MyTravelChannel-RO  4 āļ›āļĩāļ—āļĩāđˆāđāļĨāđ‰āļ§

      Thank you for your visit and a marvelous comment, my dear friend!
      Best regards!

  • @eliorossi8794
    @eliorossi8794 4 āļ›āļĩāļ—āļĩāđˆāđāļĨāđ‰āļ§

    Meraviglioso e interessante tour, ricco di informazioni sulla fortezza di Feldioara!!!😊👍 Fantastico video!!!👍😊👏

    • @MyTravelChannel-RO
      @MyTravelChannel-RO  4 āļ›āļĩāļ—āļĩāđˆāđāļĨāđ‰āļ§ +1

      Thank you for watching as always and for your marvelous comment :)
      Best regards!

    • @eliorossi8794
      @eliorossi8794 4 āļ›āļĩāļ—āļĩāđˆāđāļĨāđ‰āļ§

      Prego!!!😊 Cari saluti da Elio e Patrizia.

  • @unowhotravelchannel
    @unowhotravelchannel 4 āļ›āļĩāļ—āļĩāđˆāđāļĨāđ‰āļ§

    Amazing fortress, they did a brilliant restoration! Thanks for a great tour and share, super stuff😀👍

    • @MyTravelChannel-RO
      @MyTravelChannel-RO  4 āļ›āļĩāļ—āļĩāđˆāđāļĨāđ‰āļ§

      In fact, I think they rebuilt it, they didn't renovate it. Anyway, it looks very "new" :)
      Thank you for your visit and a marvelous comment, my dear friend! Best regards!

  • @europaacompanada
    @europaacompanada 4 āļ›āļĩāļ—āļĩāđˆāđāļĨāđ‰āļ§

    Amazing castle and place,your video quality is wonderful as always. Great work,thumb up and greetings!

    • @MyTravelChannel-RO
      @MyTravelChannel-RO  4 āļ›āļĩāļ—āļĩāđˆāđāļĨāđ‰āļ§

      Thanks for watching, I’m always happy to see you on my channel and read your beautiful comments! :)
      Best regards!

  • @ActNaturally
    @ActNaturally 4 āļ›āļĩāļ—āļĩāđˆāđāļĨāđ‰āļ§

    Excellent video & channel, thanks for sharing!! Stay safe!! 👍âĪïļ nicely done!

    • @MyTravelChannel-RO
      @MyTravelChannel-RO  4 āļ›āļĩāļ—āļĩāđˆāđāļĨāđ‰āļ§

      *_Thank you! I'm glad you liked it. Greetings!_*

  • @patriziapiccirilli3717
    @patriziapiccirilli3717 4 āļ›āļĩāļ—āļĩāđˆāđāļĨāđ‰āļ§

    Very nice video, my friend!I enjoyed this a lot! 😃👍..79

    • @MyTravelChannel-RO
      @MyTravelChannel-RO  4 āļ›āļĩāļ—āļĩāđˆāđāļĨāđ‰āļ§

      Thank you, my friend! As always,
      I appreciate your visit and wonderful comment! Have a wonderful day!

  • @LolaK
    @LolaK 4 āļ›āļĩāļ—āļĩāđˆāđāļĨāđ‰āļ§

    Thank you for this wonderful sharing'

    • @MyTravelChannel-RO
      @MyTravelChannel-RO  4 āļ›āļĩāļ—āļĩāđˆāđāļĨāđ‰āļ§

      Thank you so very much! I really appreciate your support and your kind words, and I wish you, all the best!

  • @TakisTravel
    @TakisTravel 4 āļ›āļĩāļ—āļĩāđˆāđāļĨāđ‰āļ§

    Very well preserved fortress. Nice presentation. 👍👍👍👍👍
    Best wishes from Athens. Have a great new week.

    • @MyTravelChannel-RO
      @MyTravelChannel-RO  4 āļ›āļĩāļ—āļĩāđˆāđāļĨāđ‰āļ§

      Thank you, Takis, for watching as always and for your marvelous comment :)
      Best regards!

  • @JTQuicksJesusChristLoveHeaven
    @JTQuicksJesusChristLoveHeaven 4 āļ›āļĩāļ—āļĩāđˆāđāļĨāđ‰āļ§

    Awesome Video !! âœĻâœĻ Liked 👍👍 Thank you 😎😎

    • @MyTravelChannel-RO
      @MyTravelChannel-RO  4 āļ›āļĩāļ—āļĩāđˆāđāļĨāđ‰āļ§

      Thanks for watching, I’m always happy to see you on my channel! Best regards!

  • @gunnertravel
    @gunnertravel 4 āļ›āļĩāļ—āļĩāđˆāđāļĨāđ‰āļ§

    this is so amazing, i always love to watch and go to old castle, very historical place. Thumbs up

    • @MyTravelChannel-RO
      @MyTravelChannel-RO  4 āļ›āļĩāļ—āļĩāđˆāđāļĨāđ‰āļ§

      Thanks for watching and leaving such a beautiful comment, I really appreciate your support!!

  • @pfiatdideutschland
    @pfiatdideutschland 4 āļ›āļĩāļ—āļĩāđˆāđāļĨāđ‰āļ§

    so beautiful there to make vacation. Very nice scenery.

    • @MyTravelChannel-RO
      @MyTravelChannel-RO  4 āļ›āļĩāļ—āļĩāđˆāđāļĨāđ‰āļ§

      Thank you for your kind words! Much appreciated

  • @impatimitulmuntelui
    @impatimitulmuntelui āļŦāļĨāļēāļĒāđ€āļ”āļ·āļ­āļ™āļāđˆāļ­āļ™

    Buna ziua,foarte frumoasa realizare cu o prezentare pe masura!

    • @MyTravelChannel-RO
      @MyTravelChannel-RO  āļŦāļĨāļēāļĒāđ€āļ”āļ·āļ­āļ™āļāđˆāļ­āļ™

      Mulțumesc mult pentru vizită și comentariu! O zi minunată!

  • @thomasmcmullan4223
    @thomasmcmullan4223 4 āļ›āļĩāļ—āļĩāđˆāđāļĨāđ‰āļ§ +1

    A grand video, & your unyielding feedback, always appreciated. âĪïļ

    • @MyTravelChannel-RO
      @MyTravelChannel-RO  4 āļ›āļĩāļ—āļĩāđˆāđāļĨāđ‰āļ§

      *_Thank you, it's so much appreciated! I always return support to channels who support me!_*

  • @DestinationEarth
    @DestinationEarth 4 āļ›āļĩāļ—āļĩāđˆāđāļĨāđ‰āļ§

    What a very beautiful fort. The history in that area is interesting. The Teutonic knights have always been of some interest to me.

    • @MyTravelChannel-RO
      @MyTravelChannel-RO  4 āļ›āļĩāļ—āļĩāđˆāđāļĨāđ‰āļ§

      *_Thank you so very much! I really appreciate your support and your kind words, and I wish you, all the best!_*

  • @costiniucmircea
    @costiniucmircea 4 āļ›āļĩāļ—āļĩāđˆāđāļĨāđ‰āļ§

    Am vizitat aceasta cetate acum 15-16 ai . Era cam ruinata ,. Ma bucur ca a fost readusa in circuitul turistic . Ma voi duce sa o revizitez . Foarte frumos video !

    • @MyTravelChannel-RO
      @MyTravelChannel-RO  4 āļ›āļĩāļ—āļĩāđˆāđāļĨāđ‰āļ§

      De fapt am inteles ca au reconstruit-o din temelie. Arata cam nou, dar prefer asa decat ruina :)
      Daca ajungeti pana la Feldioara ar fi pacat sa ratati Cetatea Rupea. A fost redata si ea circuitului turistic. Va doresc un weekend minunat!

    @KINGJESHUA 4 āļ›āļĩāļ—āļĩāđˆāđāļĨāđ‰āļ§

    Beutiful 👍ðŸū. Hallelujah 🙌🏞

    • @MyTravelChannel-RO
      @MyTravelChannel-RO  4 āļ›āļĩāļ—āļĩāđˆāđāļĨāđ‰āļ§

      *_Thank you, my friend! As always, I appreciate your visit and comment! Have a wonderful day!_*

  • @otebasi403
    @otebasi403 4 āļ›āļĩāļ—āļĩāđˆāđāļĨāđ‰āļ§

    Nice place, very good visit. Thank you

    • @MyTravelChannel-RO
      @MyTravelChannel-RO  4 āļ›āļĩāļ—āļĩāđˆāđāļĨāđ‰āļ§

      Hello, my friend! Thank you, so much, for your appreciation! Kindest regards!

  • @succulentplant
    @succulentplant 4 āļ›āļĩāļ—āļĩāđˆāđāļĨāđ‰āļ§

    We live in a different world.
    But the relationship is linked
    This is a very good relationship.
    I will be a good friend ^^
    Thank you ^^

    • @MyTravelChannel-RO
      @MyTravelChannel-RO  4 āļ›āļĩāļ—āļĩāđˆāđāļĨāđ‰āļ§

      Thank you so much for your kind words and great comment on my video dear friend!
      I regret that I answer late, but your comment ended in my spam folder and I don't check too often the spam folder 😀. Maybe you've posted the same comment ( identical ) on multiple channels :) Thank you, so much, for your visit and comment! Best regards!

  • @CanalDaGleice
    @CanalDaGleice 4 āļ›āļĩāļ—āļĩāđˆāđāļĨāđ‰āļ§

    this is a very nice castle - great video - thumb up! - greetings from Spain my friend

    • @MyTravelChannel-RO
      @MyTravelChannel-RO  4 āļ›āļĩāļ—āļĩāđˆāđāļĨāđ‰āļ§

      Thank you for watching as always and for your marvelous comment :)
      Best regards!

    @BOOMBIGZ 4 āļ›āļĩāļ—āļĩāđˆāđāļĨāđ‰āļ§

    Really interesting site to discover! You captured beautiful footage and created a lovely video as always!

    • @MyTravelChannel-RO
      @MyTravelChannel-RO  4 āļ›āļĩāļ—āļĩāđˆāđāļĨāđ‰āļ§

      *_Thank you very much for your kind comment! Best regards!_*

  • @MariaKalinowska
    @MariaKalinowska 4 āļ›āļĩāļ—āļĩāđˆāđāļĨāđ‰āļ§

    Welcome and greet to you!
    Your video is very nice and interesting,
    it was nice to see it all - thank you!
    Have and nice weekend:) /+13/

    • @MyTravelChannel-RO
      @MyTravelChannel-RO  4 āļ›āļĩāļ—āļĩāđˆāđāļĨāđ‰āļ§

      Thank you so very much! I really appreciate your support and your kind words, and I wish you, all the best!

  • @AgionOros
    @AgionOros 2 āļ›āļĩāļ—āļĩāđˆāđāļĨāđ‰āļ§

    Happy new week my friend.

    • @MyTravelChannel-RO
      @MyTravelChannel-RO  2 āļ›āļĩāļ—āļĩāđˆāđāļĨāđ‰āļ§

      Thank you! Same to you!

  • @NomadTerraCrawlers
    @NomadTerraCrawlers 4 āļ›āļĩāļ—āļĩāđˆāđāļĨāđ‰āļ§

    Love that castle. Well, I love all castles. Thanks for this. Gives us a great tour. Love how you shoot the small details.

    • @MyTravelChannel-RO
      @MyTravelChannel-RO  4 āļ›āļĩāļ—āļĩāđˆāđāļĨāđ‰āļ§

      Thanks for watching and leaving such a beautiful comment, I really appreciate your support!!

  • @aatravelling7625
    @aatravelling7625 4 āļ›āļĩāļ—āļĩāđˆāđāļĨāđ‰āļ§

    I just had to watch this fortress again. Thank you for sharing..

    • @MyTravelChannel-RO
      @MyTravelChannel-RO  4 āļ›āļĩāļ—āļĩāđˆāđāļĨāđ‰āļ§

      Thank you so very much! I really appreciate your support and your kind words, and I wish you, all the best!

  • @ActNaturally
    @ActNaturally 4 āļ›āļĩāļ—āļĩāđˆāđāļĨāđ‰āļ§ +1

    Amazing, great filming!!

    • @MyTravelChannel-RO
      @MyTravelChannel-RO  4 āļ›āļĩāļ—āļĩāđˆāđāļĨāđ‰āļ§

      Thank you very much for your kind comment! Best regards!

  • @RasulRauma
    @RasulRauma 4 āļ›āļĩāļ—āļĩāđˆāđāļĨāđ‰āļ§

    Nice place and video my friends 👍ðŸŧ👍ðŸŧ👍ðŸŧ

    • @MyTravelChannel-RO
      @MyTravelChannel-RO  4 āļ›āļĩāļ—āļĩāđˆāđāļĨāđ‰āļ§

      Many thanks, my friend! Glad to see you here again!
      Best regards!

  • @carmenbindiu5546
    @carmenbindiu5546 4 āļ›āļĩāļ—āļĩāđˆāđāļĨāđ‰āļ§

    Minunat! Mulțumim!âĪ

    • @MyTravelChannel-RO
      @MyTravelChannel-RO  4 āļ›āļĩāļ—āļĩāđˆāđāļĨāđ‰āļ§ +1

      Placerea a fost de partea mea :) O duminica minunata! Sorin

  • @jcshaven6093
    @jcshaven6093 4 āļ›āļĩāļ—āļĩāđˆāđāļĨāđ‰āļ§

    for my best friend, thank u very much

    • @MyTravelChannel-RO
      @MyTravelChannel-RO  4 āļ›āļĩāļ—āļĩāđˆāđāļĨāđ‰āļ§

      *_Thank you, so much!_*

    @CROCHETLOVE701 4 āļ›āļĩāļ—āļĩāđˆāđāļĨāđ‰āļ§ +1

    Wow. This video is amazing. Great job. Thanks for sharing.

    • @MyTravelChannel-RO
      @MyTravelChannel-RO  4 āļ›āļĩāļ—āļĩāđˆāđāļĨāđ‰āļ§

      Thank you for watching and for your marvelous comment :)
      Best regards!

  • @archanakirasoi939
    @archanakirasoi939 4 āļ›āļĩāļ—āļĩāđˆāđāļĨāđ‰āļ§

    Beautiful place thanks for sharing

    • @MyTravelChannel-RO
      @MyTravelChannel-RO  4 āļ›āļĩāļ—āļĩāđˆāđāļĨāđ‰āļ§

      Thank you for your visit and comment!
      Best regards!

  • @ALDChannel-travel
    @ALDChannel-travel 4 āļ›āļĩāļ—āļĩāđˆāđāļĨāđ‰āļ§

    Great castle, nice museum. Thanks for sharing.

    • @MyTravelChannel-RO
      @MyTravelChannel-RO  4 āļ›āļĩāļ—āļĩāđˆāđāļĨāđ‰āļ§

      Thanks for watching and leaving such a beautiful comment, I really appreciate your support!!

  • @TheLaughingLion
    @TheLaughingLion 4 āļ›āļĩāļ—āļĩāđˆāđāļĨāđ‰āļ§ +1

    Amazing how this fortress would be completely destroyed with one bomb in modern times, but back then it was formidable.

    • @MyTravelChannel-RO
      @MyTravelChannel-RO  4 āļ›āļĩāļ—āļĩāđˆāđāļĨāđ‰āļ§

      Haha! Science is evolving. Now we can kill more, faster, more far away.
      I appreciate your kind words. Many thanks!... best wishes for a lovely day!

  • @ceyoday9137
    @ceyoday9137 4 āļ›āļĩāļ—āļĩāđˆāđāļĨāđ‰āļ§

    Amazing video my dear friend

    • @MyTravelChannel-RO
      @MyTravelChannel-RO  4 āļ›āļĩāļ—āļĩāđˆāđāļĨāđ‰āļ§

      Thank you so much for stopping by, my friend! I really appreciate your marvelous comment! Best regards!

  • @PeUrmeleMantuitorului
    @PeUrmeleMantuitorului 4 āļ›āļĩāļ—āļĩāđˆāđāļĨāđ‰āļ§

    Frumoasa noastra Romania!

    • @MyTravelChannel-RO
      @MyTravelChannel-RO  4 āļ›āļĩāļ—āļĩāđˆāđāļĨāđ‰āļ§

      Bună dimineața, Cristian! Foarte frumoase cuvintele tale.
      Iți mulțumesc mult, și ÃŪți doresc tot binele din lume! Sorin

  • @ItStartsWithAStep
    @ItStartsWithAStep 4 āļ›āļĩāļ—āļĩāđˆāđāļĨāđ‰āļ§

    Very cool fortress and exhibition I loved the pov shots up the stairs and that view from there is amazing too what a great backdrop x

    • @MyTravelChannel-RO
      @MyTravelChannel-RO  4 āļ›āļĩāļ—āļĩāđˆāđāļĨāđ‰āļ§

      Thank you for your kind words! Much appreciated

  • @MiaRodas
    @MiaRodas 3 āļ›āļĩāļ—āļĩāđˆāđāļĨāđ‰āļ§

    big likes for the video you shared nice footage

    • @MyTravelChannel-RO
      @MyTravelChannel-RO  3 āļ›āļĩāļ—āļĩāđˆāđāļĨāđ‰āļ§

      Thanks a lot for your lovely comment! Wish you a wonderful day! :)

  • @DanthyDOnofrio
    @DanthyDOnofrio 4 āļ›āļĩāļ—āļĩāđˆāđāļĨāđ‰āļ§

    Like 53 nice video

    • @MyTravelChannel-RO
      @MyTravelChannel-RO  4 āļ›āļĩāļ—āļĩāđˆāđāļĨāđ‰āļ§

      Thank you so very much! I really appreciate your support and your kind words, and I wish you, all the best!
      I regret that I answer late, but your comment ended in my spam folder and I don't check too often the spam folder 😀. Maybe you've posted the same comment ( identical ) on multiple channels :) Thank you, so much, for your visit and comment! Best regards!

  • @levkriscoins9115
    @levkriscoins9115 4 āļ›āļĩāļ—āļĩāđˆāđāļĨāđ‰āļ§

    Awesome video 👍 really enjoyed watching this my friend 😊

    • @MyTravelChannel-RO
      @MyTravelChannel-RO  4 āļ›āļĩāļ—āļĩāđˆāđāļĨāđ‰āļ§

      Thanks a lot for your lovely comment! Wish you a wonderful day! :)
      I regret that I answer late, but your comment ended in my spam folder and I don't check too often the spam folder 😀. Maybe you've posted the same comment ( identical ) on multiple channels :) Thank you, so much, for your visit and comment! Best regards!