엘, 절멸(혹은 부정), 진리, 죽음(혹은 복수).. 현재까지 나온 4라인들 상징한다고 할 수 있는 테마들이 죄다 애초에 부정적이거나 너무 과하거나 삐끗하면 나락으로 떨어질 수 있는 것들이네요. 역시 4라인은 파멸을 기본전제로 희생과 상실 또는 흑화와 타락을 다루는건가.. 아직 4라인이 절반도 안 나왔으니 벌써 판단내리기에는 이른것 같긴 하지만요.
My bae doesn't play elsword anymore (been over 3-4 years). His main character was Raven. Today I sent him a videos of new Raven class with combos and skills, after 10 minutes I had this ominous feeling as the chills went down my spine. The next thing I heard was "keke..." followed by "MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA" hysterical laughter coming from opposite room where my bae was located. Thats when I realized... I made a mistake.
So basically Alterasia is a corruptive-nature plant with possible origins from the Demon Realm that it adapted in Altera. Then, as Raven progresses, the Alterasia mutates according to the wielder's negative feelings (as well as intensifying the wielder's), which might be pointing the Alterasia either be a plant that adapts the surrounding environment to corrupt things around it and/or a plant imbued with Dark-El that corrupts things and becomes more powerful if it has a user resistant to it (or feeds on their negative feelings). Additional notes: The Alterasia plants in Altera might not have Dark-El imbued on them, since Altera lacks any source of Dark-El, this plant had to adapt to such environment without Dark-El in order to survive.
Isn't Alterasia the plant that was developed to be used in the Nasod War by a group called "Nasod Ruler" (the group that Add's mother and father is also in that was founded by Adrian) to destroy Nasods? How can it be related to the demon word then? Or am I mistaken something since I can't really remember the background lore that much.
@@SodaPancake Yeah lol It's not, they have no connection with demon realm or dark el but they might be connected to something similar, I suspected it had to be a plant that originally fed off of energy, native to elrios but was mutated by seed of life to be entirely parasitic since the some debrian were secretly engaging in forbidden research and the nasod ruler needs a quick way to deal with the nasods, so they probably took one of the plant samples Grace was original was working on and mutated it through henir chaotic energy to make it parasitic to anything el. That's my only guess. Plants aren't normally parasitic and create spores, so it's not outside the ordinary that their nature have been completely mutated for nefarious reasons. It's not likely Raven will have any marks of henir you would see on things mutated by henir since it would be only localized to the plant itself, but the henir energy is likely diluted by constantly feeding on el on the dead nasods, we've seen many examples of experiment on botanic life with henir energy like titania's garden, we don't see much mark on the plants at all such as Gramans who barely have any, but since Titania mutated herself with the henir energy she should have the mark. We could also look at code unknown and how it also utilize Henir energy to be a virus against the nasods but wind up empowering them instead. Also the theming makes me believe it's henir since we see Henir do a lot of mutating, Raven calls himself mutant reaper, Alterasia being mutated by the Seed of Life seems to make sense.
I wonder if everyone from el search party would meet each other someday since fourth path / timeline, they didn't met each other. I guess this el search party ( 4 path) team would be strongest among the 4 team in my opinion.
@@류효동-q4u 다른 4라인도 자신의 중요한 것을 부정하는 모습을 보이네요(근데 부정 말고도 중요한 것을 '포기'한다고 해석해도 말이 됩니다) 엘소드 4라인 - 엘을 수호한다는 신념 아래 자신의 자아를 부정(포기) 아이샤 4라인 - 진리 탐구에 열을 올리다 그동안 눈길도 주지 않았던 영생을 원하게 되고 불멸자가 됨으로써 자신의 필멸성을 부정(포기)
Not the Raven main, but bruh, he's more badass than Immortal and NI together and it speaks volumes.. And as I see that's the only character path that achieved 3rd Class/Job way before reaching Elrianode. Can't wait for some kind sir/madam to translate this, 'cause I don't understand anything he's saying.
krlw... eu nunca imaginei q ele botaria a alterazia no braço... eu imaginava isso vindo pra eve mas nunca pro raven... parabens pra kog pela criatividade...
My boy they did you bad. I am sorry, I couldn't help you. The character that was never understood till the end. You never had the story you deserve. You never had that character development that you needed. The character who was suppose to be cool, mature and wise, not edgy, angry or depressed. You were suppose to be the man who learns and help oders learn what is important in life and how to never give up no matter how bad things get. R. I. P. Raven Crownwell.
the moment i seen this path i knew i had to make another raven (now my 5th raven ever made). this path is insanely cool the combos the skills god its a beast and im glade i made a 5th raven for it
엘소드 왕국기사성기사 아이샤 원소술사연금술사 이브 자애로운 여왕 독선적인 여왕 레이븐 나소드 핸드를 받아들인 전사 VS 나소드 핸드를 부정한 전사 확실히 4라인들은 에픽의 정반대적인 성질을 띄고 있어요. 아이샤의 경우는 원소를 있는 그대로 다루는 자와 원소를 자기가 원하는 형태로 바꾸는 자로 구분짓는다면 확실히 정반대예요.
Oh, so his nasod arm went strange while he's full of vengeance, so he's trying to absorb alterasia to at least, "calm down" his nasod arm, but it just went the other way. He gets more corrupted and the more alterasia consumes him, the more vengeance he felt until he reached the point where he just went full vengeance, and he wont stop And goddamn that awakening, it's cool as F
He absorb Alterasia to "destroy" the arm. It works but also mutated. Mutated Alterasia cause a lot of poison. Pongo make some Erosion preventing Armor for him. Posion keep stacking in his mutated arm and turn everything into ashes. TLDR his new poison arm Thanos'd everything that get in his way.
Holy Shi..t has a bloodlust for his old friend and if that damn was alive. Raven without hesitation kills him. the love for Seris is still intact and that hood when using his transformation. ✍️
My theory is when each fourth path for different would come are After Ara come out in February , they take a break in March and resume back in April ( maybe Eve) and may ( maybe Chung) Then take a break in June and resume in July ( maybe add) and August ( maybe elesis so she came out same month as her brother ) Take a break in September and resume in October ( lu/ ciel) and November ( Ain) Probably by February , they would finished with all the fourth classes
역시 레이븐이다.... 남들이 기낌이니 중2병이니 해도 엘소드 남캐들 중 솔직히 제일 간지나는 캐릭터가 레이븐이다..... 모든 레이븐 4라인 중 제일 취향인 애까지 나와버렸다... 맨날 성능 때문에 아인이나 애드만 키웠는데 레이븐 오랜만에 키워보고 싶다....
엘소드 4라인 컨셉
엘소드 : 뒤틀린 신념을 가진 성기사
아이샤 : 진리의 노예가 된 연금술사
이브 : 독선적인 나소드의 여왕
레이븐 : 걸어다니는 사신
ㄹㅇ 혼돈 그 자체네
재밋다 퇴폐미 폐쇄적 서정적 감성 개조아
ㄹㅇ 죽을 사 라인 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
남다른 외모 진짜 진짜
남다르긴하죠 피부가 저리까만데
ㄹㅇㄹㅇ 남다른 외모 진짜 너무 잘생김
엘, 절멸(혹은 부정), 진리, 죽음(혹은 복수)..
현재까지 나온 4라인들 상징한다고 할 수 있는 테마들이 죄다 애초에 부정적이거나 너무 과하거나 삐끗하면 나락으로 떨어질 수 있는 것들이네요. 역시 4라인은 파멸을 기본전제로 희생과 상실 또는 흑화와 타락을 다루는건가..
아직 4라인이 절반도 안 나왔으니 벌써 판단내리기에는 이른것 같긴 하지만요.
전 엘소드 라인이 4가지로 나뉘어서 이브 4라인은 흑화고 이브 3라인처럼 무언가 잃어버리는 전직이 있는게 아닐까 싶습니다. 엘소드 1라인처럼요. 아니면 그냥 그런거 생각 안 하고 만든 걸수도?
확실히 이브와 노아와 레이븐은 3라인이 흑화가 아닌 희생이였죠
어째 아라만 살아남고 나머지는 흑화하거나 맛탱이가 간 것 같음..
3전직 흑화없는캐는 4라에 흑화나오고 3전직중 흑화있으면 4라는 희생아니면 서브에픽같이 나오는듯 루시엘4라인도 희생루트임
곰곰히 생각을 해보니까 원래스토리에 나오는 1,2라인들은 계속 같이 동행하는스토리인것같고 4라인은 초반(노전직)에는 같이 있다가 전직하면서 각자 따로 활동하는 스토리인것같네요
엘소드가 엘의회랑에서 엘과 동화했을때 부르는 목소리가 있댔으니까 엘수색대는 4라인도 다 같이다닐거같아요 🙃
@@송송솜 사람들이 부르는 목소리를 들었던 것 같다. 이름을… 어떤 이름을 불렀는데, 기억이 나질 않는다.
@@Pqo215 제 느낌엔 후반가서 3차전직 할때쯤 서로 흩어지는것 같은데
2차까지는 완전히 타락?? 흑화한건 아니라서 같이 다닌거 같음
나소드핸드를 놔두든, 조지든 시한부란게 참 눈물난다
레이븐 2라인은 지금의 자신을 받아들이고 속죄의 길을 걸어가는 반면 레이븐 4라인은 지금의 자신을 부정하고 복수의 길을 걸어가고 있으니 그야말로 2라인의 안티태제가 아닌가 싶어요. 이는 이브의 2,4라인의 관계하고도 아주 유사해요.
엘소드는 스토리 뮤비봤을때 4라인이 1라인하고 대조 되는거 같아요
@@우리온-o8j 둘의 컨셉은 왕국기사와 성기사니까
아마 왕권과 신권이 대립한 역사를 참조하지 않았나 싶어요.
@@류효동-q4u 아이샤4라인은 어떤라인과 대조되는지 잘 모르겠네요
@@우리온-o8j 4라인 모두가 에픽라인과 대조되고 있어요.
왕국기사와 성기사
자애로운 여왕과 독선적인 여왕
나소드 핸드를 받아들인 전사와 나소드 핸드를 부정한 전사
원소술사와 연금술사
@@우리온-o8j 아이샤의 경우는 끼워맞추자면 원소술사와 대조된다고 볼 수 있는데
원소술사가 원소를 있는 그대로 사용한다면 연금술사는 원소를 자신이 원하는 대로 바꾼다고 보면 충분히 대조된다고 볼 수 있어요.
레이븐 메인 컬러인 블랙을 이렇게 매력적으로 사용한 전직이 또 있을까...... 오늘 플레이 해봤는데 사신이라는 컨셉부터 복수까지 너무 잘 어울리고 전체적인 4라인 흑화루트에도 정석이라고 생각될 정도로 디자인도 잘 뽑았음 다만 레이븐이 행복했으면 좋겠다
0:33 타락 라인인 4라인에서 레이븐의 '빛'이라 할 수 있는 세리스가 제대로 등장하다니, 레이븐이 '어둠'으로 빠질 거라는 복선이었던 건가?
My bae doesn't play elsword anymore (been over 3-4 years). His main character was Raven.
Today I sent him a videos of new Raven class with combos and skills, after 10 minutes I had this ominous feeling as the chills went down my spine. The next thing I heard was "keke..." followed by "MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA" hysterical laughter coming from opposite room where my bae was located.
Thats when I realized... I made a mistake.
hahaha looks like your partner found a new reason to begin playing Elsword again XDDDDD
@@cultureandhistorynerd6739 same here ngl xD
It's just a game, what's the matter haha
Lmao thats so funny, he's gonna quit again in a few weeks or moths most likely
so in away when you heard that mwahahaha was that one of those at this moment you knew you messed up
So basically Alterasia is a corruptive-nature plant with possible origins from the Demon Realm that it adapted in Altera. Then, as Raven progresses, the Alterasia mutates according to the wielder's negative feelings (as well as intensifying the wielder's), which might be pointing the Alterasia either be a plant that adapts the surrounding environment to corrupt things around it and/or a plant imbued with Dark-El that corrupts things and becomes more powerful if it has a user resistant to it (or feeds on their negative feelings).
Additional notes: The Alterasia plants in Altera might not have Dark-El imbued on them, since Altera lacks any source of Dark-El, this plant had to adapt to such environment without Dark-El in order to survive.
Isn't Alterasia the plant that was developed to be used in the Nasod War by a group called "Nasod Ruler" (the group that Add's mother and father is also in that was founded by Adrian) to destroy Nasods? How can it be related to the demon word then? Or am I mistaken something since I can't really remember the background lore that much.
@@SodaPancake Yeah lol It's not, they have no connection with demon realm or dark el but they might be connected to something similar, I suspected it had to be a plant that originally fed off of energy, native to elrios but was mutated by seed of life to be entirely parasitic since the some debrian were secretly engaging in forbidden research and the nasod ruler needs a quick way to deal with the nasods, so they probably took one of the plant samples Grace was original was working on and mutated it through henir chaotic energy to make it parasitic to anything el. That's my only guess. Plants aren't normally parasitic and create spores, so it's not outside the ordinary that their nature have been completely mutated for nefarious reasons.
It's not likely Raven will have any marks of henir you would see on things mutated by henir since it would be only localized to the plant itself, but the henir energy is likely diluted by constantly feeding on el on the dead nasods, we've seen many examples of experiment on botanic life with henir energy like titania's garden, we don't see much mark on the plants at all such as Gramans who barely have any, but since Titania mutated herself with the henir energy she should have the mark. We could also look at code unknown and how it also utilize Henir energy to be a virus against the nasods but wind up empowering them instead. Also the theming makes me believe it's henir since we see Henir do a lot of mutating, Raven calls himself mutant reaper, Alterasia being mutated by the Seed of Life seems to make sense.
이야..오드아이에 각성 모습이 무슨 사신같은..ㄷㄷ
컨셉을 그쪽으로 잡았으니까요.
마지막 후드 쓰는 모습만 봐도 흑사병이나 사신계열 쪽으로 컨셉을 잡은 것을 알 수 있죠.
@@류효동-q4u 아하..저번주 티저 영상에도 2차 전직 이름이 뮤턴트 '리퍼' 였는데 다시 곱씹어보니 이미 여기 저기에 단서가 많이 있었었네요.
충고 감사합니다 :)
군대가기 전에 레이븐 4라인 보고가니...
넘 기분이 좋네여 ! ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ
논산에서 훈련 다받구 나서 .... 아라 4라인 보겠군오
후... ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ
화이팅! 별 탈없이 건강하게 돌아오시길ㅠㅠ
전역 2달전인데 엘소드가 갑자기 생각나서 온 제 입장에선 허허
@@짱구는옷말려-y1m 아라 4라 보니 가슴이 웅장해집니다 ....
@@카뿅 저도 집가고싶숩니다...
노바로 전직하시네
2:51 ㅈ간지다 4라인은 전체적으로 자기희생이 필수인가봄ㅠ
I wonder if everyone from el search party would meet each other someday since fourth path / timeline, they didn't met each other. I guess this el search party ( 4 path) team would be strongest among the 4 team in my opinion.
이브는 3라인이 희생인걸요
희생보다는 '부정'이 더 어울린다고 봐요. 이브 4라인은 자기에게 반발하는 것을 부정했고
레이븐 4라인은 지금의 자신을 부정(나소드 핸드를 오염시킴)했으니까요.
@@류효동-q4u 다른 4라인도 자신의 중요한 것을 부정하는 모습을 보이네요(근데 부정 말고도 중요한 것을 '포기'한다고 해석해도 말이 됩니다)
엘소드 4라인 - 엘을 수호한다는 신념 아래 자신의 자아를 부정(포기)
아이샤 4라인 - 진리 탐구에 열을 올리다 그동안 눈길도 주지 않았던 영생을 원하게 되고 불멸자가 됨으로써 자신의 필멸성을 부정(포기)
이번에도 레이븐은 깐지다...졲깐지다....제발 성능 좋아라!!
Not the Raven main, but bruh, he's more badass than Immortal and NI together and it speaks volumes.. And as I see that's the only character path that achieved 3rd Class/Job way before reaching Elrianode. Can't wait for some kind sir/madam to translate this, 'cause I don't understand anything he's saying.
이것이 레이븐의 4라인 흑화 전직!
엘리시스 블러디퀸 스토리무비가 나올 때까지 기다리고 있지만 레버넌트도 굉장하군요!
성능이 좋아야 할텐데...
0:33 드디어 세리스의 모습이 나오는구나ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ
레이븐이 레나보고 세리스라고 오해한게 이해가 간다
@@배성원-x5d ㅇㅈ
예전이미지보다 눈매가 좀 더 올라가서 더 레나같이 된듯...
와 멋지다 진짜 ㅠㅠ 그리고 흑화네요....ㅠㅜ
잘생긴게 최고다 진짜 레이븐 하고싶은거 다 해!!!!!!!!!!!!!!@!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
krlw... eu nunca imaginei q ele botaria a alterazia no braço... eu imaginava isso vindo pra eve mas nunca pro raven... parabens pra kog pela criatividade...
Mano, eu to surtando aqui kskakskak essa classe ficou foda demaaaaais
All the 4th path till now waz Beyond my expectations, can't wait for Add, Ain and Ciel
사랑의 포로여~
노래 해봐요 내 마음의 HEART~
I think absorbing the alterasia (may bad if i misspelled ) has turned him into some weird biomechanical vampire
Probably because him want revenge about the traitor, Ceris is dead because of him.
Happy we can see now his past with her girlfriend (Ceris) and the traitor. For me this is the best job.
......말그대로 곰팡이흡수하고 곰팡이독이 온몸에 퍼진거자나....
알테라시아가 이렇게 가능성이 있는 놈이었다니 ㅋㅋㅋ 설정활용을 잘한 캐릭인듯...
My boy they did you bad. I am sorry, I couldn't help you. The character that was never understood till the end. You never had the story you deserve. You never had that character development that you needed. The character who was suppose to be cool, mature and wise, not edgy, angry or depressed. You were suppose to be the man who learns and help oders learn what is important in life and how to never give up no matter how bad things get. R. I. P. Raven Crownwell.
raven turned into venom be like
raven : wow , i got parasite
venom : PARASITE!!!
Sorry Furius Blade you can't continue being my favorite Raven Revenant is my new Favorite Raven.
Friendship ended with Furious Blade. Now Revenant is my best friend
Doesnt even go to the 3rd job place. Bro just becomes the Ghost of Velder
that's Elrianode
@@DanYami Where in Elrianode? I’m too used to seeing Forgotten El Sanctum’s look.
@@Broken_Max That's Elrianode City
1라인(퓨리어스 블레이드):초신속의 극한을 보여주는 검사
2라인(레이지 하츠):이질적인 힘을 받아들인 투사
3라인(노바 임퍼레이터):자신조차 불태워 전투에 임하는 용병기사
4라인(레버넌트):복수심 하나로 움직이는 망령기사
와.. 레버넌트 진짜 잘생겼다. 근데 나소드 핸드를 통해서 몸 안까지 알테라시아 퍼지면 그건 그거대로 시한부일지도 모를텐데 진짜 불쌍하다..
이것이 어른의 맛..!
We gonna see Black Freiturnier armor Chung for 4th path, easy
the moment i seen this path i knew i had to make another raven (now my 5th raven ever made). this path is insanely cool the combos the skills god its a beast and im glade i made a 5th raven for it
에픽의 정반대라 흥미있음
자애로운 여왕 독선적인 여왕
나소드 핸드를 받아들인 전사
나소드 핸드를 부정한 전사
확실히 4라인들은 에픽의 정반대적인 성질을 띄고 있어요. 아이샤의 경우는 원소를 있는 그대로 다루는 자와 원소를 자기가 원하는 형태로 바꾸는 자로 구분짓는다면 확실히 정반대예요.
Ow holy milk.... okay I watched this multiple times in a row, each time with passion and getting goosebumps! I felt it 0_0
와 각성 엘소드처럼 변신하네
BRUHHHHHH This Raven just became the biggest EDGELORD in Elsword
My first ever MALE character incoming
둘다 변신하는거 멋있어요
어우 남자는 ㄹㅇ 머리빨이구나 존잘
근데 성우님 목소리 베스타의 도윤이 같음..
@@예리한감자 그 성우분 맞습니다
레이븐이 이렇게 잘생길리 없어!!
Please include translation in these videos as soon as you upload them.
They will, a month or two from now
I feel like the awakening mode is a reference to one of the old Elsword trailers? with Raven walking in some desert, iirc.
2 weeks later and I still can't find that trailer, BUT I do remember it!
Seria looks like Rena but with human ears, and also, Raven as Revenant reminds me of my OC Elona's 4th path.
Yeah I was thinking the same thing. It's kinda crazy
Oh, so his nasod arm went strange while he's full of vengeance, so he's trying to absorb alterasia to at least, "calm down" his nasod arm, but it just went the other way. He gets more corrupted and the more alterasia consumes him, the more vengeance he felt until he reached the point where he just went full vengeance, and he wont stop
And goddamn that awakening, it's cool as F
He absorb Alterasia to "destroy" the arm. It works but also mutated. Mutated Alterasia cause a lot of poison. Pongo make some Erosion preventing Armor for him. Posion keep stacking in his mutated arm and turn everything into ashes.
TLDR his new poison arm Thanos'd everything that get in his way.
Oh, so he just want to "destroy" his nasod arm by absorbing alterasia but it went the exact opposite huh...
1:41 칼 어깨 깔고 앉아있니?
레이븐이 저러면 아라는 도대체...
아니....애가 복수맨이 됬어....
0:32 she looks literally like rena
is he become something that isn't human anymore ? like herrscher and mad paradox ?
레이븐 간지 무엇....
유튜브 광고로 떠서 보러왔는데 쌉간지다ㄷㄷ
ㅋㅋㅋ저도 광고로 떠서 보러왔는데 뭔가 성우 목소리가 신기해서 보러왔네요ㅣ...
이거보니까 그랜드체이스 라스랑 로난 생각나네요... 이번에 제로나온다던데... 엘소드마저 그랜드체이스의 길을 걷고있으니...웃프네요.역시 추억은 추억인가요. 우노였나 걔 나왔을때까지 했는데ㅋㅋ ... 레이 린 리르 에이미... 다들진짜 추억의 캐릭터이긴하네요. 더 소름돋는건 아직도 제 머리맡에는 그랜드체이스캐릭터들이 그려져있는 소형쿠션이 있습니다. (드럽고 뜯어지고함...) 빨기도 겁난다이젠... 하도빨고해서.. 쨋든 저도 스팀으로 다시 나오자마자 해봤는데요. 대전버그도 옛날그대로고 지금까지 안고쳐진거보면 ...ㅎ ㅜㅜ...정말 게임이라는게 이렇게 .. .보내주기 힘들줄이야
Powerful, edgy, cool, dark, king, god
That 3rd job transformation is good and cool
Relevant? wdym
4라인 복수귀라..간지가 엄청난다.ㅎㄷ
사신? 이건 못 참지 ㅋㅋ 당장 복귀함
Que hermoso esta el Raven por dios 😍😍❤
스토리는 이해됐는데 이게 망령이랑 무슨 연관성이있는거임? 죽음에 가까운 삶을 연장하며 사는거랑 망령이랑은 좀 다르지 않나?
Holy Shi..t has a bloodlust for his old friend and if that damn was alive. Raven without hesitation kills him. the love for Seris is still intact and that hood when using his transformation. ✍️
Ci sono riusciti hanno reso ancora più edgy raven
얽... 내 알고리즘에 진짜 오랜만에 엘소드 떳다...
코그님들은 2022년에도 컨텐츠가 4라인 업데이튼가
접은지 7년인데 이런거 보니 묘하네
미쳣냐너......?알테라시아에냅다비벼..? 미쳣냐.......?
So the ruination did reach Elrios
하.. 미쳤네…
Does anyone know the name of the soundtrack?
ㅁㅊ;; 세리스 레나랑 엄청 닮았어.. ㅠㅠ 레레커플 흥해라
Lol Raven got himself a Byakugan
그래서 앞으로 1년만 더기다리면 나머지 4라인 다나온다는거죠?
My theory is when each fourth path for different would come are
After Ara come out in February , they take a break in March and resume back in April ( maybe Eve) and may ( maybe Chung)
Then take a break in June and resume in July ( maybe add) and August ( maybe elesis so she came out same month as her brother )
Take a break in September and resume in October ( lu/ ciel) and November ( Ain)
Probably by February , they would finished with all the fourth classes
그런건 모르겠고 잘생겼어요
레이븐: 내 왼손이 하얀사신
enter revenant as another contestant on "who's the edgiest character path in elsword"
I wonder when the new altersia is raid is coming out, since thats the theme now.
형 갑자기 안대는 왜 꼈어 간지나게
Literally my entire face the whole reveal lol
오드아이가 아니라 의안아님? 2차까지만 해도 안대를 썼는데 3차에 없는거 보면
all of raven's path just points to self destruction, except for furious blade, its sad
너무 멋있네
죽음의 사신인가..? 레이븐 무셩...
와,, 차암나,,, 오빠 ㅠㅠ 나 오빠 얼굴에 진심이야
성우 누구임? 베리드 스타즈에 나오는 도윤인데 ?ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ도윤이 맞지 너
역시 기대에 저버리지 않게 점점 까매진다
He quite literally became Shigaraki, oof
So you guys made him hotter? Cool.
그래서 레이븐을 마비노기 키홀로 만드셨다?
적들에게는 죽음만이 있을뿐이다... 이건가...
amazing metal can move like that!
미치겠다 오빠