It's amazing to see her right before she goes out on stage. I always wonder what goes through her mind right before going out there. It's gotta be like nothing else, just amazing! I love her!
my auntie always said she was dumb! but i don’t see it! i agree she is so intelligent and fiercely beautiful! i wish i could know why my auntie thought she was dumb but she’s dead:(
Esse documentário mostra o quão GENTIL ela é. E reitera o quão GIGANTE ela se tornou no início dos anos 2000. Foi um fenômeno e influenciou muitas que vieram depois.
Love this photo shoot cause it's so simple and she's not all dolled up with tons of make-up. The photographer recently released a book with all of the photos from this shoot.
I remember her cancelling a show in Mexico cause of the rain. People were so mad. I was all "it's raining! Britney can slip and hurt herself and then there would be no show! shut up people!!!!!"
the police said the show couldn't go on because there was lightning too. And anyways, she made it up with Stages AND the free Femme Fatale tour concert in Foro del Sol
Yeah I think real fans understanding I can get that you wanna see the show or would you want to get her to do a show for you know I wouldn’t have that anyway if she got her to suffer real fans
@@lilo638 And Madonna and Elvis Presley and John Lennon. They were all much bigger than Britney to be honest. What Britney went through wasnt anything different than many artists went through with the music industry. Sometimes u got what u want, sometimes u dont. Roll with the punches and move on already.
& it finally has! when my brother told me i was like “thank god!!!” it should never have happened & ended a long fucking time ago! brit didnt deserve 2 be under it 4 13 damn years. she deserves 2 be free again, allowed 2 make her own decisions, handle her own dough & do whatever the hell she wants again & now she is!!! but i just hope sam actually loves & cares about her like justin, not her money & fame like that dickhead kevin. that piece of shit & the stupid fucking paparazzi ruined her
@@SurahOnline 'I’ll never forget the image because Britney Spears just like, came out, and she was in a bralette-thing and she ran at me and started berating me and telling me that she was going to make sure that nothing came of my career and that she was going to make sure of it … she was like, ‘no one messes with my sister,’ and she’s screaming at me.” - ALEXA NIKOLAS Seems this was a way for BRITNEY to stand up for her sister whom she probably trusted to tell her the truth about the situation and thought at the time JAMIE ', her sister was being mistreated. It's still not the best choice of action to take 🕊️✨✨✨
تو نسبت بخودت ظالم هستی یعنی چه خودش خودشو آزار میداد مبهم ننویس در تمام مسیر زندگیش اگر شرافتمندانه اورا قضاوت کنم عادلانه باید همه موارد راکنار هم بزارم بله اینکه بی احترامی دیگران را پاسخ نمیداد بخودش ظلم کرد اینکه بین گرفتن حقش و رفاه و تضمین بقا ی خانواده اش خودشو نادیده گرفت ایثار و فداکاری کرد ثروتشو به اونها و صنعت شیطان ایلومیناتی هالیوودی بخشید بخودش ظلم کرد ولی دراون شرایط مافیایی که تمام دستگاه قضایی و پلیسی و امنیتی و بالاتر قانون در دست مافیای ماسونی قرار دارد حق داشت. چون حامی نداشت بیپناه بود اگر تو بجای بریتنی اسپیرز میبودی چه میکردی به احترام بریتنی اسپیرز خیلی بخودم فشار آوردم که مثل بریتنی اسپیرز مودب باشم
Como ela disse, era o primeiro show externo da turnê. Ela estava com medo do que poderia acontecer. Pensaram na segurança da equipe, dela e dos dançarinos. O público fica triste sim, mas só quem está nos bastidores sabe como é arriscado continuar em um temporal daqueles, há aparelhos elétricos, já plataformas que sobem e descem, tudo precisa estar seguro pro bem de todos. Hoje, assistindo o documentário podemos ver o que realmente aconteceu. Ela não abandonou o palco.
Eder Sampaio esses mexicanos queriambque a Britney e os bailarinos fossem atingidos pelo um raio só pra ñ abandonar o palco e triste mais equipe dela sabia que aquilo ñ valeria arisca á vida da Britney e os demais no palco com ela
Eu não tinha imaginado a barra pesada que tava nesse show. Só sabia que ela tinha "cancelado" e pronto. Só queria que ela fizesse mais documentários nesse estilo, assim todos (fãs e não fãs) saberiam que ela é incrível!
oh no don't fall Britney! my heartbeat actually spec up for a sec. I love loving Britney. There's just no substitute for Britney...I love her music and then I find myself as in love with all that's behind the music (and I really can't stand reality tv or home footage stuff other than of Brit)
@@donnavarian565 you should watch the making of I'm not a girl not yet a woman. They shot a scene where she's on the edge of a cliff and they had all safety measures but she sat on the cliff with no problem, they seemed more nervous than her saying "is it okay? are you alright?"
devolveram o dinheiro dos ingressos mas mesmo assim a empresa processou ela tentando conseguir uma indenização , isso durou 2 anos e Britney ganhou a causa .
She should've performed Overprotected with the same outfit she had for Oops and Crazy. After that, Boys, Stronger and I'm Not a Girl with the usual outfit, then Lonely and Don't Let Me Be the Last to Know with the outfit of Not a Girl. Then a costume change for Anticipating, Slave and perform Baby One More time with the same outfit. That way she could've finished half the show with very little time wasted in costume changes and videos.
glacier8 that sounds so damn stupid wow who is talking to psyches thing is actually a fun thing to do to there’s nothing to do with shit you’re the one that sounds like you have a problem
O público gritava "perra"? As pessoas nunca compreendem essas situações. o pior é que na época da turnê eu tinha uma reportagem de uma revista e na época eu pensei "nossa, por que ela fez isso?" porque eu tinha 10 anos e a reportagem distorcia o real motivo do show ter sido curto. Em resumo, a reportagem colocava a culpa no final do relacionamento dela com o Justin. Não sei se alguém lembra, a reportagem era "Oops! Britney quer sombra e água fresca", acho que era da revista Quem.
Acho que as pessoas queriam que um dancer ou até mesmo a Britney caísse no palco, quebrasse uma parte do corpo ou alguém levasse um raio na cabeça. Eles fizeram o certo de ter cancelado, e olha que devolveram o dinheiro a cada pessoa que foi no show, mas mesmo assim processaram a Britney e ainda quebraram as coisas no estádio (ainda bem que ela ganhou a causa).
She started moving her hands like that when they took the songs out of her mouth and she started lip-synching. She is singing with her hands subconsciously
mas vc viu que o produtor perguntou pro moço se iria haver outro show amanhã pra compensar esse , e ele ainda fala se da pra arcar com os custos para fazê-lo . A realidade é : ela poderia ter feito o show no dia seguinte e ter avisado o público assim não haveria problemas .
Cara, era o último show da tour, duvido que a Jive ia arcar com os custos. Tour é complicado. Além de bancar o palco e equipamentos, você tem que hospedar não só a Britney, mas toda a equipe pessoal, de show, dançarinos e o aluguel do lugar para fazer o evento, não sai de graça.
No, he could not see the future. Most of the people that do such work are in the business of taking advantage of people. He also told her she would have one child. We all know now she is a mother of two. I understand tarot and psychics can be fun, but these people are often highly deceitful, manipulative, and not to be trusted.
I dont understand what the big deal is. Just dont go on the runway and do the whole show on the main stage. She also doesnt have to do all the dances. And yes cut a big part of the show.
ela sabia sim que o show poderia ser cancelado, tanto que várias vzs ela fala: pq simplesmente não para de chover? e oq eu falo é que qdo a avisaram ela podia ter dito algo, mas tranquilo, acho q aconteceu pq ela nunca tinha passado por isso, hj seria diferente.
sou super fã dela, mas nunca fui no show dela. mas deve ser ruim pra quem compro ingresso caro (acredito que nao seja barato)... mas nesse documentario mostra o lado dela tbm que eh muito bom, para o publico ver que ela nao e egoista. sera que teve alguma recompensa??
I do Tarot cards because I am a Twin and see what my Twin is up to. What we Feminines supposed to be on the Journey. My TwinFlame looks like me. When he saw my picture he ran, He couldn't believe it at first.
Tinha mais era q cancelar o show mesmo. Super perigoso tanto pra ela e pros dançarinos escorregarem ou levar raio qnto pro público levar um raio num campo aberto. Povo ignorante mesmo.
Eu discordo. Teria sido falta de maturidade se ela simplesmente cancelasse o show sem nem tentar. Mas ao contrário, ela foi lá, realizou o show onde pode. O lugar era aberto, raios estavam aparecendo com frequência e havia equipamentos. Qualquer pessoa com o mínimo de noção teria abandonado tudo e ido embora, a chance de dar um curto e atingir a todos era gigantesca, não fazia sentido continuar.
El escenario estaba empapado y resbaladizo . Era demasiado peligroso . Ella o los bailarines podría haber caído y hecho daño . Y con el aligeramiento del cualquier parte del estadio podría haber sido golpeado.
+luciano valdiviezo she wasn't thinking about herself.She was thinking about the dancers going out and do back handsprings on a slippery floor .And it's not like she did not peform.She just cut after overprotected.And all the money went back to the fans back. Now your facts right before cussing.
What about HER life or body parts. She could eriously hurt.....cause is dancing & jumping etc. Honestly if they or U are a real fan u woild understand!!!
اینهمه ادب متانت اونهم زمانی که در اسارت قانون سرپرستی برده داری هستی درکنار آرامش از کجا نشات میگیره همیشه هم به هوادارانش احترام گذاشته
Why is she like actually the sweetest person alive? Britney Spears?!
She seems devastated about her mom ..i know the feeling
She polite, considerate, talented and beautiful inside and out! Wow ❤
It's amazing to see her right before she goes out on stage. I always wonder what goes through her mind right before going out there. It's gotta be like nothing else, just amazing! I love her!
she is not just cute & lovely. she is also a very smart girl.
yes she's not dumb like some people think
my auntie always said she was dumb! but i don’t see it! i agree she is so intelligent and fiercely beautiful! i wish i could know why my auntie thought she was dumb but she’s dead:(
Esse documentário mostra o quão GENTIL ela é. E reitera o quão GIGANTE ela se tornou no início dos anos 2000. Foi um fenômeno e influenciou muitas que vieram depois.
Love this photo shoot cause it's so simple and she's not all dolled up with tons of make-up. The photographer recently released a book with all of the photos from this shoot.
Completamente educada, sempre sorrindo e sendo gentil. E muito receptiva
I love the photos that were taken from that photoshoot.
I remember her cancelling a show in Mexico cause of the rain. People were so mad. I was all "it's raining! Britney can slip and hurt herself and then there would be no show! shut up people!!!!!"
Alannis Croft omg I remember people flipped over that smh
Right. And it may not have been her call, her management or the venue may have cancelled it.
the police said the show couldn't go on because there was lightning too. And anyways, she made it up with Stages AND the free Femme Fatale tour concert in Foro del Sol
Yeah I think real fans understanding I can get that you wanna see the show or would you want to get her to do a show for you know I wouldn’t have that anyway if she got her to suffer real fans
u said it. they were so selfish. brit couldve gotten hurt if she kept going
They broke her so bad, she acts tottaly diferent now, i hope she's still that sweet southern girl when the cameras aren't rolling.
Thiago Cecatti Braga ikr!!! They really messed her up BADDD
I dont understand why people kept on saying they broke Britney. Every top selling artists have to go through what she has gone through.
fix nah. Only a few artists went what Britney went through, I’d say honestly just MJ and Brit,
@@lilo638 And Madonna and Elvis Presley and John Lennon. They were all much bigger than Britney to be honest. What Britney went through wasnt anything different than many artists went through with the music industry. Sometimes u got what u want, sometimes u dont. Roll with the punches and move on already.
fix none of them were forced to be in a conservatorship
Esse documentário respondeu muitas perguntas mal respondidas na época, Stages é divisor demais, amo 💜
A legend. She's so sweet. Praying for this conservatorship to end. She is a sweet soul.
& it finally has! when my brother told me i was like “thank god!!!” it should never have happened & ended a long fucking time ago! brit didnt deserve 2 be under it 4 13 damn years. she deserves 2 be free again, allowed 2 make her own decisions, handle her own dough & do whatever the hell she wants again & now she is!!! but i just hope sam actually loves & cares about her like justin, not her money & fame like that dickhead kevin. that piece of shit & the stupid fucking paparazzi ruined her
"You're very cruel to yourself" that's a shame yet she's sweet to others
*I'm sure Alexa Nikolas will disagree with you. You should hear what Britney did to her when she was just 13 years old.*
@@SurahOnline 'I’ll never forget the image because Britney Spears just like, came out, and she was in a bralette-thing and she ran at me and started berating me and telling me that she was going to make sure that nothing came of my career and that she was going to make sure of it … she was like, ‘no one messes with my sister,’ and she’s screaming at me.” - ALEXA NIKOLAS
Seems this was a way for BRITNEY to stand up for her sister whom she probably trusted to tell her the truth about the situation and thought at the time JAMIE ', her sister was being mistreated. It's still not the best choice of action to take 🕊️✨✨✨
تو نسبت بخودت ظالم هستی یعنی چه خودش خودشو آزار میداد مبهم ننویس در تمام مسیر زندگیش اگر شرافتمندانه اورا قضاوت کنم عادلانه باید همه موارد راکنار هم بزارم بله اینکه بی احترامی دیگران را پاسخ نمیداد بخودش ظلم کرد اینکه بین گرفتن حقش و رفاه و تضمین بقا ی خانواده اش خودشو نادیده گرفت ایثار و فداکاری کرد ثروتشو به اونها و صنعت شیطان ایلومیناتی هالیوودی بخشید بخودش ظلم کرد ولی دراون شرایط مافیایی که تمام دستگاه قضایی و پلیسی و امنیتی و بالاتر قانون در دست مافیای ماسونی قرار دارد حق داشت. چون حامی نداشت بیپناه بود اگر تو بجای بریتنی اسپیرز میبودی چه میکردی به احترام بریتنی اسپیرز خیلی بخودم فشار آوردم که مثل بریتنی اسپیرز مودب باشم
Esses vídeos são perfeitos...tá incrivelmente linda ela
her job is so hard.. and nonone gives her credit for that. If I'm in her position, i would also have my meltdown.
Como ela disse, era o primeiro show externo da turnê. Ela estava com medo do que poderia acontecer. Pensaram na segurança da equipe, dela e dos dançarinos. O público fica triste sim, mas só quem está nos bastidores sabe como é arriscado continuar em um temporal daqueles, há aparelhos elétricos, já plataformas que sobem e descem, tudo precisa estar seguro pro bem de todos. Hoje, assistindo o documentário podemos ver o que realmente aconteceu. Ela não abandonou o palco.
Eder Sampaio esses mexicanos queriambque a Britney e os bailarinos fossem atingidos pelo um raio só pra ñ abandonar o palco e triste mais equipe dela sabia que aquilo ñ valeria arisca á vida da Britney e os demais no palco com ela
The best time of Britney. I miss that time too much
Eu não tinha imaginado a barra pesada que tava nesse show. Só sabia que ela tinha "cancelado" e pronto. Só queria que ela fizesse mais documentários nesse estilo, assim todos (fãs e não fãs) saberiam que ela é incrível!
De nada! Que bom que gostou!
Sim, esses dois são o DVD completo, em torno de uma hora de duração. :D
oh no don't fall Britney! my heartbeat actually spec up for a sec. I love loving Britney. There's just no substitute for Britney...I love her music and then I find myself as in love with all that's behind the music (and I really can't stand reality tv or home footage stuff other than of Brit)
No matter how many times I watch this it always scares me when she sits on the window 😐
omg me too this is the first time that I seen this and when she got on it you could hear me sigh
@@donnavarian565 you should watch the making of I'm not a girl not yet a woman. They shot a scene where she's on the edge of a cliff and they had all safety measures but she sat on the cliff with no problem, they seemed more nervous than her saying "is it okay? are you alright?"
DONNA VARIAN oh it’s an mtv show that goes behind the scenes of making the music video. Wish they brought it back
@@LarryOfilms Oh snap. Well okay and thanks for the reply back : )
I know it scares me every single time as well lol
I just love her
I love Britney ❤
Eu amo a britney spears😍🇧🇷❤️
Love Britney!
Ela tem uma voz tão fofa
Living in Florida, we get the Rainy season and it is bad because it comes down so much and hard.
Iluminada... maravilhosa...😘
me too. she is a fearless girl:)
Britney and her team did the right thing. The stage itself almost got hit by lightning. Too dangerous to run down that catwalk and onto that B stage.
devolveram o dinheiro dos ingressos mas mesmo assim a empresa processou ela tentando conseguir uma indenização , isso durou 2 anos e Britney ganhou a causa .
She should've performed Overprotected with the same outfit she had for Oops and Crazy. After that, Boys, Stronger and I'm Not a Girl with the usual outfit, then Lonely and Don't Let Me Be the Last to Know with the outfit of Not a Girl. Then a costume change for Anticipating, Slave and perform Baby One More time with the same outfit. That way she could've finished half the show with very little time wasted in costume changes and videos.
It was actually very dangerous. It was all wet, she or her dancers would trip and fell and hurt themselves. It wasn't just for the wardrobe...
More of her please and thank you
Ai gente tadinha da Brit... todo mundo fala que o Justin que sofreu, mas ela ficou mal p/ kct!!! Olha carinha dela...
Britney's problem is how much she's talked with psychics. You pay a price for that.
glacier8 what do you mean you pay a price for that? I saw a psychic she was full of shit though
glacier8 that sounds so damn stupid wow who is talking to psyches thing is actually a fun thing to do to there’s nothing to do with shit you’re the one that sounds like you have a problem
I agree, psychics open doors to demonic entities and eventually to the Devil, Lou Taylor
Did she sign the bill or was it an autograph
O público gritava "perra"? As pessoas nunca compreendem essas situações. o pior é que na época da turnê eu tinha uma reportagem de uma revista e na época eu pensei "nossa, por que ela fez isso?" porque eu tinha 10 anos e a reportagem distorcia o real motivo do show ter sido curto. Em resumo, a reportagem colocava a culpa no final do relacionamento dela com o Justin. Não sei se alguém lembra, a reportagem era "Oops! Britney quer sombra e água fresca", acho que era da revista Quem.
Who said in the end "you have to make a decision you're 20 years old" ??
her assistant felicia
Fame murdered that sweet southern girl.
no, the stupid damn paparazzi & that piece of shit kevin did
She looks so sad
She just broke up with Justin.
I was so afraid for her when she was on that ledge.
Every artists will hv to go through this. It sucks having to cancel a show. But u just hv to roll with the punches.
Cute >.
1:39 palm and tarot cards
12:30 the most female female
A girl daydreaming of wedding vows
how can i be perfect like her? soft spoken, hot, polite, sweet.... lmao i am like the antichrist
Laura Padron actually be yourself. ❤️😉
8:15 tarot
Acho que as pessoas queriam que um dancer ou até mesmo a Britney caísse no palco, quebrasse uma parte do corpo ou alguém levasse um raio na cabeça. Eles fizeram o certo de ter cancelado, e olha que devolveram o dinheiro a cada pessoa que foi no show, mas mesmo assim processaram a Britney e ainda quebraram as coisas no estádio (ainda bem que ela ganhou a causa).
nossa acho que eu lembro disso, mas mt pouco! que memória boa! xD
She started moving her hands like that when they took the songs out of her mouth and she started lip-synching. She is singing with her hands subconsciously
mas vc viu que o produtor perguntou pro moço se iria haver outro show amanhã pra compensar esse , e ele ainda fala se da pra arcar com os custos para fazê-lo . A realidade é : ela poderia ter feito o show no dia seguinte e ter avisado o público assim não haveria problemas .
Cara, era o último show da tour, duvido que a Jive ia arcar com os custos. Tour é complicado. Além de bancar o palco e equipamentos, você tem que hospedar não só a Britney, mas toda a equipe pessoal, de show, dançarinos e o aluguel do lugar para fazer o evento, não sai de graça.
que ano foi isso ???
Britney fez o certo, pena que nao refez o show !
This guy with the tarot, dont see whats coming in her life? Why he dont warned her?
No, he could not see the future. Most of the people that do such work are in the business of taking advantage of people. He also told her she would have one child. We all know now she is a mother of two. I understand tarot and psychics can be fun, but these people are often highly deceitful, manipulative, and not to be trusted.
7:56 ...awnnnn
🖐 hi one momento ( you make it sweet .. because you do what☝️ don't mean to question you SWEET? 👌🙄😳😒 STRANGE
ela ñ sabia, só estava aguardando o chefe da produção resolver tudo,
Ela parecia uma pessoa depressiva e solitaria
I dont understand what the big deal is. Just dont go on the runway and do the whole show on the main stage. She also doesnt have to do all the dances. And yes cut a big part of the show.
Oyuncu olabilirmiş mimikleri çok iyi
Por qué no lo pusieron en español :@
mireya cervantes Porque era yo quien traduje, y no puedo traducir del Inglés al español, porque no puedo hablar español :/ sorry
ela sabia sim que o show poderia ser cancelado, tanto que várias vzs ela fala: pq simplesmente não para de chover? e oq eu falo é que qdo a avisaram ela podia ter dito algo, mas tranquilo, acho q aconteceu pq ela nunca tinha passado por isso, hj seria diferente.
sou super fã dela, mas nunca fui no show dela.
mas deve ser ruim pra quem compro ingresso caro (acredito que nao seja barato)...
mas nesse documentario mostra o lado dela tbm que eh muito bom, para o publico ver que ela nao e egoista.
sera que teve alguma recompensa??
Mew o cara falou que ela iria ter somente um filho hahaha.
O psiquico (?) disse que ela iria ter um só filho?
If rob thomas would've been in this video
Do ra'ma
I do Tarot cards because I am a Twin and see what my Twin is up to. What we Feminines supposed to be on the Journey. My TwinFlame looks like me. When he saw my picture he ran, He couldn't believe it at first.
Faltou um pouco de sensatez da Britney de avisar q o show seria só aquilo por causa da chuva, mas ok.
Tinha mais era q cancelar o show mesmo. Super perigoso tanto pra ela e pros dançarinos escorregarem ou levar raio qnto pro público levar um raio num campo aberto. Povo ignorante mesmo.
Faltou maturidade pra ela na época e mais profissionalismo pra produção dela lidar com isso. Acho que hoje se acontecesse seria diferente.
Eu discordo. Teria sido falta de maturidade se ela simplesmente cancelasse o show sem nem tentar. Mas ao contrário, ela foi lá, realizou o show onde pode. O lugar era aberto, raios estavam aparecendo com frequência e havia equipamentos. Qualquer pessoa com o mínimo de noção teria abandonado tudo e ido embora, a chance de dar um curto e atingir a todos era gigantesca, não fazia sentido continuar.
Britney is crazy lol
Felisha need a beuty operation with her ears...
She’s twin flame
britney you cant do it this to yours fans. The reason is so stupid.Poor people. I cant believe it . The show must go on.
El escenario estaba empapado y resbaladizo . Era demasiado peligroso . Ella o los bailarines podría haber caído y hecho daño . Y con el aligeramiento del cualquier parte del estadio podría haber sido golpeado.
+luciano valdiviezo she wasn't thinking about herself.She was thinking about the dancers going out and do back handsprings on a slippery floor .And it's not like she did not peform.She just cut after overprotected.And all the money went back to the fans back. Now your facts right before cussing.
Really smh it was dangerous
What about HER life or body parts. She could eriously hurt.....cause is dancing & jumping etc. Honestly if they or U are a real fan u woild understand!!!
she did the right thing, it was dangerous
کاملا آشکاره بریتنی اسپیرز داره زنده میخونه
اینهمه ادب متانت اونهم زمانی که در اسارت قانون سرپرستی برده داری هستی درکنار آرامش از کجا نشات میگیره همیشه هم به هوادارانش احترام گذاشته
اینهمه کارگر کارمند طراح کارگردان همه از برکت وجود بریتنی اسپیرز دارند روزی کسب میکنند
بریتنی اسپیرز میدانست چه غذایی داره بخوردش میدهند