Zeri, I don't understand why you left me, you say you're going to come back, but you don't even know how you're going to find me, so many things I wish I had told you, and in a short text I won't be able to express myself, I didn't have time to admit it. When I love you, how much I loved you, and say a true love you, I have no doubt that we are half of each other, we are soulmates. I have problems in everyday life, you do too, and I was waiting every late afternoon for a notification on my cell, waiting for your message, I'm not eating, I'm not sleeping, just Living in my room looking at the ceiling waiting for your "I love you, my Goddess " I will never forget you, and I love you very much, I want to marry you, I want to have you all to myself, Zeri, I want you just for me... I love you, and please come back... come back, I can't live with this Lady_Vyolet Te amo meu americano
Although I don't speak Hmong, I had to get this song translated. Absolutely love it.
Austerulous. He said she's like the flower and he's a piece of shit. That's it
Austerulous lol
Ure like a flower and im like a pile of poop, but when u put poop by flowers, it blooms beautiful;p
guns and roses ICU RocCStars
number 1 Hmoob band in the world. ilove this song
his lyrics are true he is a very talent writer and singer
Not his lyrics. It clearly says written by jai chang
zoo mloog nkawg
2019 ใครยังฟังยุบ้างคับ
2020ยังฟังจ้า ใครยังฟังอยู่บ้างเอ่ย👇👇
The lyrics are deep and poetic. Propssss
Icu yg tu tub hu nkauj suab zoo heev
this song is so beautiful ICU ROCCSTARS
Still playing in 2020
this song is good for me
If I had to be honest
The movements that ICU dude do in his songs is not necessarily
But other than that
His songs are pretty good
Zoo heev li o
ua tsaug rau koj
Zoo heeh li os
tij laug koj zaj nkauj hu raug kuv siab heev li os vim kuv zoo li koj zaj nkauj
vang koob huas y th ppl lugtxaj. lugtxajhmong
Koj zaj nkauj no mas ua cas kuv nyiam heev li
Deep lyrics, if you think about it.
+Jerry Lor its about a guy having a hot gf or wife. people are jealous when they see that and they gonna bad mouth the guy or lady.
There is more to it than that. For example, he said that even if he is like dung, dung is good for fertilizing the flower, which she is like.
Jerry Lor ok
lee yang h
Zoo mloog kawg li os.tu tij laug.kuv muaj ib tug hlua nkauj hu pajhuab no os.kuv ma mloog koj zaj nkauj no ta li xwb os
Tsimmuaj Thoj
Judye Lor b
Zeri, I don't understand why you left me, you say you're going to come back, but you don't even know how you're going to find me, so many things I wish I had told you, and in a short text I won't be able to express myself, I didn't have time to admit it. When I love you, how much I loved you, and say a true love you, I have no doubt that we are half of each other, we are soulmates. I have problems in everyday life, you do too, and I was waiting every late afternoon for a notification on my cell, waiting for your message, I'm not eating, I'm not sleeping, just Living in my room looking at the ceiling waiting for your "I love you, my Goddess " I will never forget you, and I love you very much, I want to marry you, I want to have you all to myself, Zeri, I want you just for me...
I love you, and please come back... come back, I can't live with this
Te amo meu americano
is this yellow my uncles friend called vang
Who's the beautiful lady
Koua Yang mum
lub paj thiab tawb quav
I beast
eeeeeeeeeheheehueueuehh3heheueuhe u hehee4 AZeeeeew8lwiw_el8ejeuwiie87eel8e8e9wjwweeej2w I 2 week
wi 12
j 2w2i29u3uwuRe ew w
Kuv Pab koj pab kuv