Yog yus mug ua neej es luagghl li no es rov pom tej qub hl nraug ntsheyug yuav mob siab heev. Saib zajj nam no thaum twg log kuv quaj thiab kho siab heev. Ntev xyoo log tseem nco ntsoov og
Zaj nkauj kj hu hauj daim movie no lub npe nkauj hu li cas los tij teem aw qhia kuv xav mloog zaj nkauj no heev os qhia kuv tau nloog zaj nkauj movei no heev o
Ua tsaug nej txhua tus los ssib Zak movie no nawb mog Yog kuv Zaj History nawb mog Cov Nksuj no Yog kuv Yog tus Tswv nawb mog Xav tau no Hus Email: dannyfang2012@gmail.com
Thov zam txim os tus tij laug koj zaj movie no es cas saib tsis tau li.. Puas kam tso rua peb tau sauj thb os vim tseem tshuav coob coob xav xav saib os tij laug.
Okay...what kind of stuuupid ending is this? This story developed so well....and then it got messy during the middle....and then it went everywhere...this movie is inconsistent. The beginning was super adorable, and then from the middle to the end was just trash. 3.33333/10
Zoo saib heev li tij laug ntev ntev lawm rov tau saib ma zoo saib thiab tu siab heev li puas daim txuag ntxiv lawm ne
Tsov must saib kom tag 3 parts eskoj thiaj paub txog zaj dabneeg nawb mog
19/5/2023 tau so hawj lwm rov tuaj saib cov nam qub no lom zem kawg
Ua tau zoo heev li os tij teem ua rau yus lub siab tseem nco2 txog yav thaum ub kawg li os tij teem
Yog yus mug ua neej es luagghl li no es rov pom tej qub hl nraug ntsheyug yuav mob siab heev. Saib zajj nam no thaum twg log kuv quaj thiab kho siab heev. Ntev xyoo log tseem nco ntsoov og
Yuav tau nco xwb luaj
Koj nyob twg
Têdm cav zoo ntraug hab ua tu tu siab kawg li😢😢
Hauv ntiaj teb no ces kev hlub zoo li no tiag🥺🥺🥺
Tug yus hlub es tsi sib tau mas thiaj mob siab tiag² li os.. 🥺🥺
Koj tso kuv kuv tso luag sim neej no mas thiaj li txawj mob siab kho siab. T7 2022 leej twg tseem saib
Yog kawg tsi yog tus tav ces lom zem ib vuag xwb
12/3 tsem xav saib 😊😊
Said ntxiv nawb muaj 3 parts kuv you tug tswv
Nyiam nkauj kiab nkawv txoj kev hl kawg
nkauj kiab ces yog kuv tus hluas nkauj lub npe tiag tiag li mas yeej mob siab heev thiaj muab ua tawm rau neeg ntiaj teb saib nawb mog
@@keebkwmmoobfaajchannel2317 tij aw kj zaj neej neeg no txau hlub ua luaj nrog kj tu siab
Peb ua neeg nyob es yus dag nws hos nws dag lwm tus hos yom. 😂
You kawg neeg lub siab
Yg vim li cag
02/12/2024 😢😢😢😢
saib neb zaj movie nos thaum twg ces phib xav tsog kev ntau yam heev li os, yim saib ces yim mob siab thiab yim tus siab xwb os tij teem
Nrov los pom txog es nco2 cov phaj ej no heev os, txog tas nov es mus twg tag lawm. Tiam tam sim no tsi muaj cov txhawj li lawm
Kuv nyiam zaj nkauj tug txiv neej hu hauv zaj nam no heev li og
yog kub lauj kuv yog tus tswv
Ha ha ha ... Sim neej no kuv twb tsis tau pum plua mika ua neeb ha
Ntuj rauv kaav
Cu song voi ki niem . Thoi mn a ben song cuoc song cua hien tai ..
Tus txiv ntxawm ntawm zaj movie tsim nuj no nim no nws nyob teb chaws twg lawm og cas yuav muaj ib zaj keeb kwm z ua luaj
2024 puas muaj tưg saib lawm os😢
Yaj yuar xinh quá
Soi đèn hay buồn cười quá 😂
Zoo hv li
daim na e cov poj niam ua thxim mag ncaws dhau lawm o
zoo saib heev
Zaj nkauj "wb sib hlub tsis sib tau " lub npe hu li cas os
Vim txoj hmoo
Muaj CD 2 xuv
Zaj nkauj kj hu hauj daim movie no lub npe nkauj hu li cas los tij teem aw qhia kuv xav mloog zaj nkauj no heev os qhia kuv tau nloog zaj nkauj movei no heev o
Zaj teem hus yog hus nyob movie xwb
Mekas ua neeb haib kawg yom
Phần tiếp theo ik
Thank you for subscribed
Cas g pom tus me kas no ua naam li lm ne
Zaj nkauj 1:47:20 lub npe hu li cas hi😆
puas yog zaj lawv txiav wb txoj kev hlub ne
Sib Hlub Tsis Sib Tau
Vãi 😂😂😂😂
vừa vui vừa buồn 😂😂😢
Z hv Li o
Hy vy ek oi
based on true story?
Mhm! Seems so! For the past two episodes, the one who uploaded these episodes has commented that it’s based on a true story.
tu siab
Txiab ntaus puas mob os?
UA tsaug
hay vãi
Z li kuv yog cov uas nyob thaib thiab tsiv rog thaum ntawv log cas nim no mloog txog kuv hnov kho siab ua luaj li og
Kho xwb luaj vim peb muaj kev txomnyem ne
Nyob li cas lawm
pàb caum kuv thiab os cov phooj ywm aws kuv mam caum nej thiab os
UA tsaug
Kev hlub tsis zoo li npau suav
You kawg nkaus
ib laj yog dab tsi os
Saib thaum twg ces kua muag ntws...
Saib kom txaus vim mob txiv neej siab heev
Kv nias rau kj lawm kj pab tuaj nias rau kv thiab os py
Vim tej laug xwb os 🥺
1:50:33 what this music call
Tos Lwm tiam
Txiab! Koj tus ntxhais luam li cas lawm os? I also have a real story similar like that.
Nws cov ntxhais tiag ntaem nkauj kiab ces loj muaj vauv tag lawm os nyob meka teb lawm
whats the song
Ua tsaug nej txhua tus los ssib Zak movie no nawb mog
Yog kuv Zaj History nawb mog
Cov Nksuj no Yog kuv Yog tus Tswv nawb mog
Xav tau no Hus Email: dannyfang2012@gmail.com
Kuv nyiam cov nkauj no heev. Tshaj mas tug txiv neej zaj og. Thov koj tso rau youtube peb mloog og yuam. Kuv mloog thaum ywg mas kua muas ntws si.phim zaj movie kawg li og
Zaj nkauj 1:20:35 hu li cas na los?
Tug tswv zaj dab neeg tsim nuj no nim no nyob rooj teb twg lawm og
kuv zaj dabneeg tiag me muam aws koj puas xav paub naj lov ua tsaug koj tseem mob siab nrog kuv thiab nawb mog
@@keebkwmmoobfaajchannel2317 kuv thov koj lub npe txoj nkauj uas muaj tug tub hluas hu hu tias tiam neej no tau txoj hmoo phem os😥
cas tso g laib li
Ế sao may thang nay bt noi chuyen . Voi gai tan gai de dàng that nhi . Sao minh thi. Chang ai thich
What’s the music call 1:30
Cái j
nej pheej hai moo pheeb es pua yog ib lub moo pheeb no xwb ne
ZOG Moos Pheeb yog Muag phong xwb mas
yog mas lub moos pheeb nrov nrov nyob rau qaum vang vieng es lawv muab tau pa dlej lawm xwb mas
Zaj movie no
Kuv muaj copyrights @2008
zwm rsu Libery of Washington DC
Thov zam txim os tus tij laug koj zaj movie no es cas saib tsis tau li.. Puas kam tso rua peb tau sauj thb os vim tseem tshuav coob coob xav xav saib os tij laug.
@@ncokuvhaivhmoob9353 ua caag koj hos saib tsi tai nua
Kuv saib tub tau thaim pib txug thaum xau ne
Okay...what kind of stuuupid ending is this? This story developed so well....and then it got messy during the middle....and then it went everywhere...this movie is inconsistent. The beginning was super adorable, and then from the middle to the end was just trash.
sorry the story is very sad movie but the actor so crazy
Ua tau zoo heev li os tij teem ua rau yus lub siab tseem nco2 txog yav thaum ub kawg li os tij teem
Kuv xaiv teem sawv cev kuv xwb
Yog kuv zaj dabneeg kiag