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hey man i was bor in the us but live in poland you did a great job on the video . the raczizm in poland is mostly beacouse of our elders they are not used to this type of divercity and dont tealy know how to act. we don t realy mean it or just use it as a joke . Poland people love dark humor so they use racizm as a joke they think is harmless. i have a black friend and he also is polish so he doesn t care if people call him the n word and he even call white people the word beacouse he doesn t mean it really. i think we use dark humor so much beacouse of our past . i a constat state war or under somone comend we used what we could to get a bit better time by laughing.
Uważam, że Azjaci to bardzo porządni ludzie. W Polsce jest mnóstwo Azjatów i mają bardzo dobrą reputację. Przyjechali tu w latach 90 i dorabiali się od zera jak Polacy. Dziś to ludzie sukcesu. Do tego spokojni, grzeczni, pracowici. Przy całym bezpieczeństwie w Polsce nie słyszałem, że ani jednym przypadku, żeby Azjata coś ukradł, upił się, pobił kogoś, albo okradł. Bardzo grzeczni ludzie.
Przyslowiowa grzecznosc Azjatow jest traktowana w niektorych krajach jako slabosc my jeszcze potrafim docenic dobre wychowanie. Odnosnie pracowitosci mamy takie powiedzenie "Sadzisz ze zrobiles cos dobrze? Zawsze znajdzie sie Azjata,ktory zrobi to lepiej". :)
As a Pole I can confirm that Asians are more then welcome here. Interesting foreign culture combined with hard work and not causing troubles is a dream combo. I notice a lot of Koreans coming to Poland in recent years to study and work. Sadly I cant say the same positive things about people coming from other parts of the world than Asia. There are still not that many of them but we can already feel the tension on the streets and how our cities becoming less and less safe. Wonder why.
As a black American, I share your sentiment entirely. I recently watched a video of your PM and was wishing we had this mindset in America. Genuine racism I will never support, but not allowing people into your country that won't or can't appreciate and respect your country, it's history and culture ,..I rally behind you all day, every day. If someone doesn't like what you are, they can go someplace else. Yes, there is ( A LOT) of complexity involved to be sure; and EVERY country or region or village wrestles with the push-and-pull of ongoing change. Poland certainly has for centuries! But there are also those clear and obvious examples of those that are a detriment and lack respect.
South Korea has many 24/7 unmanned self serve stores. This means there are NO clerks working there and you walk in and get food or other products and pay. It is based on the honor system. What other country would stores like this work other than in S. Korea and Japan? I praise Poland for standing up and not taking in "migrants" from Africa and Muslim countries. Please keep your country safe especially for your women.
the nation that is most frequently commiting crimes in Poland is Georgia (number of instances per capita) and if I am not mistaken Georgia is part of Asia, so what other part of the world are you talking about?
I mean it was a Vietnamese guy who started something that can be now called a massive instant noodle empire, importing a lot and I mean a lot of different types of Asian spices, quick dishes and whatnot.
Man after watching so many videos you made on Poland I can see clear progression of yours, you are slowly but surely understanding why we are who we are and how we act in certain situations. Knowing a bit of Polish history is also a BIG BIG plus for you.
when I lived in Poland under the Soviet's regime we were used to tell this joke: A foreigner asks a Pole, why did you say that you wish for China to invade Poland? A Pole replied: because they would have to march through Russia.
I got better one. A German, a Russian, and a Pole go fishing. They catch a golden fish that grants three wishes, and they decide to share them - one wish for each of them. The German says, "Golden fish, I wish for a big wall around my country so that no immigrant can get through." The fish grants the wish. The Russian says, "Golden fish, I wish for a big wall around my country so that no one can get out." The fish grants this wish as well. The Pole then asks, "Golden fish, I have a question. Are those walls completely sealed?" The fish replies, "YES!" The Pole says, "Then flood it all with water."
@@jarosawmasowski3170I heard different version Pole, German and Russian caught a golden fish. German says he wishes that all Germans would come back to the fatherland. Russian doesn't think much and he says the same, that he wishes that all Russians go back to motherland and live their lives. Pole doesn't say a world so the fish ask; "what about you? What to you want?" "Now? Nothing."
Poland used to be dangerous. Especially in he 90s and early 2000s. Things have changed recently a lot. When it comes to rasism it is never serious. I have a black American friend. We always have those rase based jokes: "what because I am black?" - "what because I am white?". Because we don't rake personal roasts seriously, the same is with race. It doesn't matter who is what race, it what person he or she is.
Yep. About racism we're racist AF, but only to the ones that cannot behave and socialize. Similiar to Japan 🤔 However you can even be green and with four tits. No one would care, as long as your honest working and geniuine person.
It's fucking crazy how safety in poland changed. In the 90's and early 2000's, just like you said, there were town districts you don't even go (especially at night). Now they mostly turned into hipster districts with cafes, restaurants and stuff. I'm a bit older and still have eyes around my head tho, a bit like a trauma i guess hahah Goood thing that younger generation doesn't have to deal with that stuff. I would not want to live in a place where you can't go out at night. And it's fucking sad that you can't safely go out at night in the west. Wonder why....
Poles complain a lot, but it's a good strategy. E.g. We complained a lot about bad roads. The government had enough of this and improved the condition of the roads. We don't have to complain about the roads anymore.
Yes, I always see our complaining as a way to demand progress. We're not the only ones to complain. Many Western Europeans do, too. That's because when you complain you demand change. When you feel you have no influence over anything there's no sense to complain.
That's the last thing the government would take into consideration. We complain about healthcare for decades. Can you see a similar improvement as it was in the case of roads? No? There's your answer - your complaining has nothing to do with government actions.
Funnily enough, the US had good looking architecture and dense walkable urbanism, but in the 1950s they said nah screw that and tore it all down to accommodate cars
They even had pretty impressive projects for public transportation, like vast tram network in SF if I remember correctly, but it all went poof with few brib.. I mean successful lobbying attempts from automotive industry.
There was inspiration from German Autobahn and President Eisenhower wanting to improve infrastructure. You do have a point that US is overly car and airplane heavy when Europe has found balance with walking and trains as supplement.
@@weirdo1060 President Eisenhower was a very wise man (read his farewell address). Unfortunately nobody listened to Him and America degenerated to its present version.
I think that Poles due to very bad experiences with communism, like traditional values more . In Poland, safety and education are taken care of, working people are respected, and slackers are not tolerated. Poles travel a lot, are ambitious, open to new technological and civilizational achievements. They are enterprising and helpful, with high social sensitivity. Quite a few advantages in general.
Slacking are not tolerated???? Goverment pays money to people who don't work and have children, I know more than 20 people that live in flats and don't work because they have 3 children but they don't spend money on these children, they are beating them, they are not giving them food, and goverment pays them for having children
@@mourdebars I think the point was that the Poles were broken by the communist system. The brainwashing and injustice has taken its toll on the population during that era.
Historically, Poland used to be a go to place for immigrants from all over Europe just as the USA is today, a true melting pot from the medieval times onwards. They spoke different languages and observed various religions. What united them back then were the common values, ideals, tolerance, and adhering to the rule of law. There are still villages in Eastern Poland where Catholics, Orthodox and Muslims live together and the villagers abstain from work on each other's religious holidays out of respect for their neighbours.
Czyli pracują dwa, trzy, czy cztery dni w tygodniu? To i tak mało. Ja tak bardzo szanuję pracę, że w ogóle powstrzymuję się od niej, z szacunku do niej.
Przestań pierdolić wszystko to co było złego w Polsce to było związane z tym ze te wszystkie ludy zamieszkujące polske nie czuło się Polakami niemcy Żydzi rusini i później ukraincy nienawidzili polski i polakow tylko 10% Żydów w Polsce mówilo po polsku ty to nazywasz współżyciem? Żydzi w Polsce kolaborowali z każdym najeźdźcą i Polacy po 1 wojnie powiedzieli im nie tym razem mosze i juz niechcieli Żydów w Polsce mówiących nam jak ma być w Polsce gość to gość a nie ze oni chcieli byc gospodarzem.
Poland is not racist, just xenophobic. It's not because we hate other cultures or countries - it's just that history has kicked our ass many times and we are afraid that someone might try again.
It's not xenophobia for fuck sake! It's the goddamn "reason" and "logic"! Xenophobia means that you hate other nations for no particular reason, or for some irrelevant reason! And we don't do that here. We hate only people's who have gave us a solid reason.
I'm glad you have such a good opinion about Poland. It's nice to hear all this words from a foreigner. Enjoy your stay in our beautiful country. Cheers!
its a common misconception that being a nationalist = being against the other cultures. There is another word for that which is a xenophobia and that isn't the same as being a nationalist.
@@exclibrionThis. I am after Political Studies and there is a lot of moments when people use Nationalism as equivalence of N**ism or Xenophobia. And that annoys the hell out of me.
Speaking of foreign powers that invaded Poland in the past, you forgot to mention Sweden. Their repetitive invasions between 1655 and 1708 were marked by epic destruction, plunder and robbery. The 1st State (the Polish-Lithuanian I Rzeczpospolita) never fully recovered after all that. Most of the once-glorious Polish castles of which only ruins today remain, were destroyed by Swedes.
@@albertwolanski7688 My też napadaliśmy. Szkoda, że ludzkość nie może się tego oduczyć i żyć w harmonii. Najnowsze odkrycia pokazały, że przyroda opiera się nie na darwinowskiej walce, ale na współpracy. Nazwaliśmy się homo sapiens sapiens, ale chyba mocno na wyrost.
@@urszulaurszula1164 Naturą Homo Sapiens jest wojna, jesteśmy najbardziej agresywnymi i brutalnymi zwierzętami na tej planecie. Zaraz po nas są nasi najbliżsi kuzyni, czyli Szympansy. Ostatnie badania pokazały że Bonobo, mimo łatki hipisa wśród małp który załatwia wszystko seksem, są 3 razy bardziej agresywne niż zwykłe szympansy. Także tyle na temat tej harmonii.
As a pole, i constantly hear that poland is a racist country and what not, but the truth is the minorities, that are quote unqoute discriminated, earned their reputaion for it, unlike asians who obey the law and culture, and have earned a good reputation amongst poles, you really are welcome here
Your Chinese and our Polish "blood" places a strong emphasis on deeply rooted culture, education, and respect for elders. This fosters respect for education, family, and our national treasures. I am not surprised that you are welcomed and well treated in Poland. Thank you for your kind and insightful videos.
I'm very impressed by your insights - they're so accurate. However, I'm not sure if I want to watch it since I just decided to move out, and your videos are very convincing about the pros of my country 😄
I wouldn't say that the LGBT subject isnt brought up in Poland. It just depends on how much you are into Polish politics to really start noticing it, but yeah, the general sentiment is that the queer community doesnt really want all that much and they are just integrated into the community, but there is a huge movement villainizing them for wanting be gay or trans in Poland at all. It's definetly less visable in the everyday life and that should probably be the norm for how it impacts people's lives (that is not at all) but the LGBT question definetly is up there.
We simply don't care. It's not an important topic, everyone in Poland is equal. There are more important topics like: - lack of housing - inflation - corruption - illegal immigration - lack of prospects for the future - declining birthrate We are not as easily distracted by propaganda as western countries. We have more important issues going on.
@@danielhd6719 I mean, it's not like we can't take care of those issues at the same time. It's just important to focus on the real priorities and don't let the smaller stuff overtake the entire political discourse. It is imporant for gay people to able to legally recognize their relationships and it should be addressed and not invalidated as a non-issue, but it doesn't mean it should eclipse all of the other struggles the country faces. We can do more than one thing at once.
LGBT in the US tends to be invisible in most regular life if you: 1. Do not live in San Francisco 2. Do not watch the news, right wing media in particular oddly enough. The media is the primary reason it has large enduring visibility. 3. Do not live in a state that pushes legislation focusing on lgbt issues. They do this because wedge issues such as these animates voters even though these issues should otherwise be innocuous if left alone. Politics in the US is about ferrying awful policies and puppet politicians into office on trojan horse issues.
@@danielhd6719 "- declining birthrate" Well, if some of people can't marry it's hard to ask them to bring up children. If some of people can't get proper medical care it's not proper to ask them to get pregnant. Also: YOU don't care, because it's not your problem. Normal people think we just should get other people live their lives in peace. All the more it's just the matter of changing a few laws and a few forms, you don't have to spend any money like to need to solve lack of housing or inflation.
please don't leave your belongings on the table in public places 🙏 it's ok if it's clothes you hanged on chair but valuables should be kept on you only when you are with other person, who can keep watch on your belongings while you are gone it's ok to leave them there it's safe in Poland but petty thieft does exist, don't provoke them by giving them the chances that's goes for cars as well, leaving backpack) purses or things that could be valuable on view is a bad idea if we leave something like that in a car, it's left in a car trunk, in order not to tempt anyone
This is sad. I spoke with a manager in UK who said that, from all people who are hired in his transport/warehouse company - "polish does 80% of all thefts, fights, etc". I wish everyone to meet only those kind Poles and I hope everyone to experience the good things.. 🙂👍
Please stop spreading those lies. Crime is very low in Poland theft is not worth the jail time. It is much safer than western Europe for sure. Most people here seeing you leave something behind will chase you so you can get it back.
@@gregoriodia Maybe the one who commented on me is, but I'm not lying ^^ this is not Japan where there is strong group mentality on respecting rules. We have many different people who act in different ways. The majority is great and overall safety is present. But there are still those who act when you are not watching. The number of crimes is low, one of the reason is, we act in a way not provoke the thieves who DO exist. We should be aware there can be a thief so we can avoid any such thing happen. People will chase you with your dropped/forgotten items cause they want to help you is normal thing here as well.
I recently subscribed. I like how you are not content with first appearances (which seems to be common amongst foreign youtubers in Poland), and try to get a deeper understanding of the things and people you are talking about. That's why you usually nail it, and even if you are off, it's still acceptable, because you refrain from talking nonsense. It's easy to get fooled by first appearances, to misunderstand others, especially if you are from another country/culture - people tend to forget that. Kudos!
My family is here in Poland now and you are spot on with what we've seen in the last month. I love the family values. As a SAHM, I can relate more to the wives here than in the U.S. My family has experienced no racism and actually get so much love, especially once they find out we are American! I will binge watch the rest of your content. Glad you found a place that you love. We remember watching you when you lived in Colombia.
when it comes to immigration I think that the current situation is quite good. Thanks to it being moderated polish values are maintained, but of course immigration is an option to foreigners on the conditions that you mentioned. Just the other day I met a black lady in my apartment block who I think just moved in, she was very nice and even spoke a bit of polish. Saying "Dzień Dobry" is all it takes to make a polish person smile and I 100% consider her my neighbor :)
In Poland you dont have to be Polish citizen to vote in local govt elections on community level. EU countries & UK citizens, who live in Poland and got registered are allowed.
@@WheresWes State level? Hell no, foreigners who could affect state's politics would be much too much 😄 On local level it is 100% fair imo, if you are a part of a community, you should have right to choose those who administer the area you live in. Also, to be a candidate for any position at any level one has to be Polish citizen.
Obcokrajowiec, który nie ma obywatelstwa polskiego nie ma praw wyborczych i od tego nie ma odwołania, nawet na szczeblu samorządowym. Wszelkie wypisywanie takich głupot świadczy o tym, że się nie przeczytało nawet pobieżnie polskiej konstytucji. Jeśli chodzi o państwo jesteśmy państwem unitarnym, a nie federalnym.
@@Chaixxod.Chajddc. co ty bredzisz 😂 Wpisz w Google zamiast się ośmieszać. Trybunał konstytucyjny o tym rozstrzygnął. Mają prawo glosowac w wyborach na poziomie gminy i nie jest to niezgodne z konstytucją.
That's the Palace Of Culture And Science in Warsaw. It was "a gift" from ZSSR to Poland back when they still had control over our country, so many Polish people, especially elders, really hate it as it is kind of a symbol of Russian domination of that era. However, for majority of people it's just a landmark and tourist attraction.
About polish girls and spliting bills: last time i payed for both me and girl and she got angry because she hate when someone pay for her. This is why i love polish women (ofc there are many more reasons 😅)
What an awesome video. I think I need to appreciate living in Poland more. There is so many things that I naver cared about, because I wasn't aware, that in some other countries, citizens are deprived of some of those services, like public transportation or higher education paid by the government.
In terms of racism, most poles don't care if you are white yellow or an immigrant as long as: - you are respecting our culture and values -you are trying to assimilate with us -work and pay taxes as a regular person The saddest thing about that, in Poland there are lot's of immigrant (and also native poles) that are abusing the system and are giving a bad name to those who really try their best
During USSR times. Capral comes to private and asks: - WHO IS YOUR MOTHER? - My mother is soviet Russia! - Good, good, and who is your father? - My father is comrade Stalin! - Very good, very good. And who you want to be in feature? - AN ORPHAN!!!
On a more positive note it also serves as 'an advertisement' for Poland and at least some of us Poles - not all of course - have nothing against hard-working, intelligent people coming to our country whether as just tourists or immigrants.
1:25 This is a popular misconception. The US used to have a lot of very good public transport systems. If you read a bit, you can for example find out that a lot of european trams were based on a design from Chicago from the 60s up until not so long ago. The lack of good public transport nowadays was caused by the rich car manufacturing companies buying transport companies in order to shut them down and force people to buy cars.
Dude, I so respect you summarized so easily what's the problem with modern societies - "soft bigotry". Love it. "hey don't say that it may offend a gay / black person / whoever from minority / or people with some sort of disorder". Fuck. We can't be so protective to everybody because we'll forget to live and express our thought and emotions.
Wow! Thank You for recognising the difference. I'm Polish and 41 years old. Asian people were honestly the first "real" foreigners we got to experience in Poland. In the 90ties after the dissolution of the USSR - a lot of Vietnamese and Chinese people started to make their way to Poland, not only to Warsaw, but even into my own smaller city called Kalisz. In the early nineties they were mostly selling textile wares at my local "street market", You could buy bootleg Nike or Adidas clothes, cheap chinese socks and underpants. Up to that point, we've always had foreigners at the market doing the same hustle, but they were mostly slavic people from other USSR countries - Georgians, Moldovans, Bulgarians and so forth. They were part of 'the great USSR trip' my father told me about one time. I do not remember the order correctly - but the point was, that every communist country had some factories that were good at something, but lacked some other thing, and my father took a couple of trips doing some bartering in different countries just with 2 bags and travelling by bus/train. The idea was, that You'd stock up on a certain item, for example in Poland he would buy some nice Amber jewellery or womens stockings, then go to Russia by train. My dad - he'd sell all that stuff at a random street market. He'd buy some soviet battery-operated radios and electic beard-shavers. Go to Georgia by bus - sell all the electronic stuff at a local market. Buy rubber wellington boots. Go to Turkey. Sell wellingtons at a profit, coz they had a shortage in Turkey, then go buy something else, go to Bulgaria. Buy fur coats. Sell fur coats in Romania. I guess You should get it by now? ;) He did it twice when i was a small child and to this day i do not comprehend how he did it without knowing any of the languages those other countries spoke. But back to the point. You could buy some bootleg Adidas from the Georgians at my local Kalisz market, but me? - in my younger days I was mostly interested in their rectified spirit 90% alcohol content. It's called 'Spirytus' in polish. You could prepare it plain with only water, leave it for couple of hours, and You'd get a 'vodka' of sorts. Or do it with with lemon. Or with sweet candy. Or not dilute at all and add lots of fresh fruit or berries. Everybody had their own recipe. ;) When dealing with other slavs, unless You had You a "buddy" that You knew and trusted? I would say there was always that 10% Chance of going blind after consuming bootleg spirytus, or the guy taking Your money for that brand new Adidas tracksuit and just running away with Your cash. But when the Asians took up the textile game? It was legit! Always polite, always on point with the quality, also willing to bargain a bit. They were picking up the slack after our Slavic colleagues. With no violence, i would even venture there could have been some violence against THEM in the first run.... but i don't know that. Soon they pushed out them slavic middlemen - just because they were closer into the delivery-chain and could offer better prices. Started selling their textiles to polish enterpeneurs. Saving money and opening the first asian restaurants. From zero to hero. The american dream but in Poland. Oh my god! The first taste of something from the other World hemisphere!!! Awesome! Something other than "schabowy" and kielbasa !? That fn fried banana?! Unreal. But You don't frie a banana! It's a tropical fruit! The only way i saw and tasted a banana as a young boy - was when my mother was coming back from ChemiTextil. ChemiTextil was an Expo on the textile industry held in West Berlin. So my mother would get this pass, which allowed Her to travel to the evil-capitalist country of west Berlin from Poland, to this weird world of West Germany, where toilet paper existed... I love my mum - She always took a great big suitcase, but the suitcase was almost empty. Only some spare underwear and basic clothes - so she could have all the empty space to bring us all the spoils of the western-world, not available in the USSR. Bananas, Oranges, and ALL the chocolate!!! Always lots of chocolate, always some nice clothes in that suitcase. But back to the point again! Good people them Asians. They do not come alone. The men, once they feel financialy secure - they bring their WHOLE families. Not only the wife and children, but many a time also the grandfather and grandma… which is so so sweet. I love them for that. They do not leave them to die alone in Vietnam. Which is i'm sorry to say, a dissapointing but relevant trend in Europe. Leaving Your parents to die alone while Youre having the time of Your life. :/ There was no KFC in Poland, no MickyDees, hard to believe but not even a single Kebab in sight!! We in Poland percieve the fact, that Asian people are polite and docile, as a very positive trait, just as You've recognised in Your video. And we respect them for that. They are very hard working people and they learn one of the most difficult languages in the world so SO FAST! After 2 years my main man in my favourite Vietnamese place was speaking such good polish, i was fn embarassed that sometimes i confuse Ż and RZ. ;) Bonus points - They do not want to suddenly assert dominance, form local gangs, terrorise local communities? So we should percieve them as weak and as loosers because of that.......? Nah - i guess it only happens in the US of A.
I really liked what you said about racism. So important! I also feel like many times we like to speak about equality and try to sort of compensate it to someone of another race for instance or skin color, which only creates more polarization and I sooo dislike it. We can just be normal to each other as human beings.
im so happy seeing and hearing foreigner saying good things about Poland im proud of my nation and of my people making this country so great Polska Górą🇵🇱🇵🇱🇵🇱
Oh yeah, I can totally agree with your statement at the end. In Poland you earn less than in the US but your quality of life is so much different, on the better spectrum of that word. I come from eastern Poland, so even by Poles it's considered lesser part of Poland, like poorer to some extent. Currently I live in the US, Chicago suburbs to be more precise. Chicago as a city is pretty much a city full of immigrants, a lot of stuff is made to adapt to immigrants, or so they say. Whenever I go back to Poland to visit, to my city of Białystok, I feel like I'm alive again. Don't wanna bash the country of USA as a whole but it's nothing like Poland, although I feel like I'm a little bit biased lol. I'm already planning to move back to Poland and even though some Poles might say that I'm crazy, I don't feel like I'm at home here. Money isn't everything and people in the US seems to forget that more and more often...
i really like your videos and you're doing them cool to watch keep it up :d Im polish but overall i like to listen to foreigners experience because if you live here sicne always you sometimes ideolize or underestimate your country and i like to see someones other view ebcause it shows you that its not so bad as sometiems we tend to think
9:26 That's true and I think it's repetitive pattern in polish society. We argue with each other and we have often opposite opinios, but when it comes to crisis, we always bound and work together (for example now with the floods).
In my (Polish) house, there is a narration that Asian people are disciplined and hard working, and thats why there are ingeneers and scientist, and in America and Europe influencers and stuff like furries or something
Yes I LOVE being "respected" by threats and insults when I'm visibly gay a.k.a. wear pink or hold hands with my partner. Luckily I respectfully carry a gun and pepper spray (each for appropriate respectful occasion when I'm respected too much by the respectful people in here).
$30 000 a year is actually alot for an average Polish citizen. The lowest you can earn is actually 3 times less than that, most people who would consider their job semi-decent earn around half that much.
It's new that Poland is safe. 20-30 years ago it was very dangerous and there were gangs running rampant in the streets. Things are much better now, maybe because the quality of life has improved.
W niektórych miastach w Polsce transport publiczny jest za darmo,rok temu byłem na wakacjach na Pomorzu i pojechałem do Malborka i rozwaliło mi mózg na strzępy jak dowiedziałem się z autobusy miejskie są za Free😍👍✌️
Not everyone in America think they can do whatever they want. There are actually people who have love for their neighbour, follow Cesar's laws as long as it does not infringe on their Christian standards.
I w dodatku jesteśmy wielkimi patriotami. Na przykład kiedy ktoś mówi Maria Curie a nie Maria Skłodowska-Curie albo mylą nas z Rosją i myślą że polska jest jej częścią. Ogólnie jeśli jesteś uprzejmy i nie zachowujesz się jak pępek świata to każdy to doceni i nie doświadczysz żadnych przykrych sytuacji :D A co do "rasizmu" w Polsce to jeśli ktoś jest innego pochodzenia etnicznego może to co najwyżej "bawić" mniej dojrzałych ludzi, ale ogólnie to nie ma tak że np czarny to niższa klasa człowieka. Bardzo ciekawy film i cieszę się że ci się tu podoba :)
when you talked about safety it reminded me that some dude's throat was slit near where I live Im Polish myself and yeah I do feel safe mostly but I gotta say that every couple months something bad is very likely to happen
I am Polish and i had two friends: One from Dominicana and one from Japan. They both were pretty chill dudes. They had no problem with some racist jokes, and sometimes even joked about their own race. They felt accepted in our country and they were really happy.
I think it should be a norm for all: when sb goes to other country he/she should respect their cultural norms, laws and people.That is basic thing you have to remember traveling abroad.
I watch many videos with such comparisons (on different countries) and i think this is good one: interesting points, no sugarcoating. Specially one about wars- i would add to that density of population. In Poland im 'worried' what is happening in neighbouring cities because it affects my city. In Usa i saw such a vast spaces between places😮 - i thought that maybe all that 'best country in the world' talk is kind of necessary to keep it together?
I live in the country side. If you want to experience more of the true Poland, come. We can drink caffe/beer/vodka and talk about differences between us and rest of the "modern" world. I saw many of movies about differences between Poland and other countries and from all this movies your thoughts about us are the best I've heard.
LGBTQ rights (there is a lot of violence towards LGBT community), abortion rights are important - we care about it. Racism is still a problem, toxic nationalism as well. We don't want toxic masculinity anymore, there is huge problem with alcoholism and domestic violence. You are not right in part of this video.
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I am from Poland
Great video
^ can't get more straight forward without bs than that... ; )
hey man i was bor in the us but live in poland you did a great job on the video . the raczizm in poland is mostly beacouse of our elders they are not used to this type of divercity and dont tealy know how to act. we don t realy mean it or just use it as a joke . Poland people love dark humor so they use racizm as a joke they think is harmless. i have a black friend and he also is polish so he doesn t care if people call him the n word and he even call white people the word beacouse he doesn t mean it really. i think we use dark humor so much beacouse of our past . i a constat state war or under somone comend we used what we could to get a bit better time by laughing.
Uważam, że Azjaci to bardzo porządni ludzie. W Polsce jest mnóstwo Azjatów i mają bardzo dobrą reputację. Przyjechali tu w latach 90 i dorabiali się od zera jak Polacy. Dziś to ludzie sukcesu. Do tego spokojni, grzeczni, pracowici. Przy całym bezpieczeństwie w Polsce nie słyszałem, że ani jednym przypadku, żeby Azjata coś ukradł, upił się, pobił kogoś, albo okradł. Bardzo grzeczni ludzie.
Przyslowiowa grzecznosc Azjatow jest traktowana w niektorych krajach jako slabosc my jeszcze potrafim docenic dobre wychowanie. Odnosnie pracowitosci mamy takie powiedzenie "Sadzisz ze zrobiles cos dobrze? Zawsze znajdzie sie Azjata,ktory zrobi to lepiej". :)
Poza tym, wielu Azjatów, którzy mieszkają w Polsce od dziecka to tzw. Banany żółci na zewnątrz ale biali w środku.
porzadnie to oni trafkę umią uhodować :D
pierwsi Azjaci zaczęli tu przyjezdzac w 13 wieku 😅
@@AD-gl2bl Umią,rozumią.. szkola sie przypomina. Jeszcze jest "przyszlem ,poszlem"
As a Pole I can confirm that Asians are more then welcome here. Interesting foreign culture combined with hard work and not causing troubles is a dream combo. I notice a lot of Koreans coming to Poland in recent years to study and work. Sadly I cant say the same positive things about people coming from other parts of the world than Asia. There are still not that many of them but we can already feel the tension on the streets and how our cities becoming less and less safe. Wonder why.
As a black American, I share your sentiment entirely. I recently watched a video of your PM and was wishing we had this mindset in America. Genuine racism I will never support, but not allowing people into your country that won't or can't appreciate and respect your country, it's history and culture ,..I rally behind you all day, every day. If someone doesn't like what you are, they can go someplace else. Yes, there is ( A LOT) of complexity involved to be sure; and EVERY country or region or village wrestles with the push-and-pull of ongoing change. Poland certainly has for centuries! But there are also those clear and obvious examples of those that are a detriment and lack respect.
@@tracyshannon1795Thank you for understanding this worldview and not calling it racism mediately. Thank you.
South Korea has many 24/7 unmanned self serve stores. This means there are NO clerks working there and you walk in and get food or other products and pay. It is based on the honor system. What other country would stores like this work other than in S. Korea and Japan? I praise Poland for standing up and not taking in "migrants" from Africa and Muslim countries. Please keep your country safe especially for your women.
the nation that is most frequently commiting crimes in Poland is Georgia (number of instances per capita) and if I am not mistaken Georgia is part of Asia, so what other part of the world are you talking about?
I mean it was a Vietnamese guy who started something that can be now called a massive instant noodle empire, importing a lot and I mean a lot of different types of Asian spices, quick dishes and whatnot.
Man after watching so many videos you made on Poland I can see clear progression of yours, you are slowly but surely understanding why we are who we are and how we act in certain situations. Knowing a bit of Polish history is also a BIG BIG plus for you.
He is only allowed to say the good things about Poland or Polish people get mad 😂
when I lived in Poland under the Soviet's regime we were used to tell this joke: A foreigner asks a Pole, why did you say that you wish for China to invade Poland? A Pole replied: because they would have to march through Russia.
Twice going in and out of poland
Oh I know the wish fish version haha!
I got better one.
A German, a Russian, and a Pole go fishing. They catch a golden fish that grants three wishes, and they decide to share them - one wish for each of them.
The German says, "Golden fish, I wish for a big wall around my country so that no immigrant can get through." The fish grants the wish.
The Russian says, "Golden fish, I wish for a big wall around my country so that no one can get out." The fish grants this wish as well.
The Pole then asks, "Golden fish, I have a question. Are those walls completely sealed?"
The fish replies, "YES!"
The Pole says, "Then flood it all with water."
@@jarosawmasowski3170I heard different version
Pole, German and Russian caught a golden fish.
German says he wishes that all Germans would come back to the fatherland.
Russian doesn't think much and he says the same, that he wishes that all Russians go back to motherland and live their lives.
Pole doesn't say a world so the fish ask; "what about you? What to you want?"
"Now? Nothing."
all quiet on the Polish-Chinese border...
Poland used to be dangerous. Especially in he 90s and early 2000s. Things have changed recently a lot. When it comes to rasism it is never serious. I have a black American friend. We always have those rase based jokes: "what because I am black?" - "what because I am white?". Because we don't rake personal roasts seriously, the same is with race. It doesn't matter who is what race, it what person he or she is.
Crime has evolved into less violent crimes 😂
True, Poland was VERY different country before we joined EU.
About racism we're racist AF, but only to the ones that cannot behave and socialize.
Similiar to Japan 🤔
However you can even be green and with four tits. No one would care, as long as your honest working and geniuine person.
It's fucking crazy how safety in poland changed. In the 90's and early 2000's, just like you said, there were town districts you don't even go (especially at night). Now they mostly turned into hipster districts with cafes, restaurants and stuff. I'm a bit older and still have eyes around my head tho, a bit like a trauma i guess hahah Goood thing that younger generation doesn't have to deal with that stuff. I would not want to live in a place where you can't go out at night. And it's fucking sad that you can't safely go out at night in the west. Wonder why....
Poles complain a lot, but it's a good strategy. E.g. We complained a lot about bad roads. The government had enough of this and improved the condition of the roads. We don't have to complain about the roads anymore.
now we complain more about other drivers on those roads 😂
to fix something you first have to see that it's broken
Yes, I always see our complaining as a way to demand progress. We're not the only ones to complain. Many Western Europeans do, too. That's because when you complain you demand change. When you feel you have no influence over anything there's no sense to complain.
That's the last thing the government would take into consideration.
We complain about healthcare for decades. Can you see a similar improvement as it was in the case of roads? No? There's your answer - your complaining has nothing to do with government actions.
@@impliedfacepalm8769 but it has a lot with all election propaganda and promises 😂 and anti-campaign against their opponents
Funnily enough, the US had good looking architecture and dense walkable urbanism, but in the 1950s they said nah screw that and tore it all down to accommodate cars
Lobbism and corporationism does that to a country
They even had pretty impressive projects for public transportation, like vast tram network in SF if I remember correctly, but it all went poof with few brib.. I mean successful lobbying attempts from automotive industry.
There was inspiration from German Autobahn and President Eisenhower wanting to improve infrastructure. You do have a point that US is overly car and airplane heavy when Europe has found balance with walking and trains as supplement.
@@weirdo1060 President Eisenhower was a very wise man (read his farewell address). Unfortunately nobody listened to Him and America degenerated to its present version.
And what is wrong with that?
Live outside big city is a nightmare without a car, even in Europe lol
I think that Poles due to very bad experiences with communism, like traditional values more . In Poland, safety and education are taken care of, working people are respected, and slackers are not tolerated. Poles travel a lot, are ambitious, open to new technological and civilizational achievements. They are enterprising and helpful, with high social sensitivity. Quite a few advantages in general.
There are no good experiences with communism
Traditional values? Stop PiSsiη please
Slacking are not tolerated???? Goverment pays money to people who don't work and have children, I know more than 20 people that live in flats and don't work because they have 3 children but they don't spend money on these children, they are beating them, they are not giving them food, and goverment pays them for having children
Poland had good to great experiences with communism. Worst with Reagan sanctions in 1980s (60 Trillion USD).
@@mourdebars I think the point was that the Poles were broken by the communist system. The brainwashing and injustice has taken its toll on the population during that era.
Historically, Poland used to be a go to place for immigrants from all over Europe just as the USA is today, a true melting pot from the medieval times onwards. They spoke different languages and observed various religions. What united them back then were the common values, ideals, tolerance, and adhering to the rule of law. There are still villages in Eastern Poland where Catholics, Orthodox and Muslims live together and the villagers abstain from work on each other's religious holidays out of respect for their neighbours.
Czyli pracują dwa, trzy, czy cztery dni w tygodniu? To i tak mało. Ja tak bardzo szanuję pracę, że w ogóle powstrzymuję się od niej, z szacunku do niej.
Przestań pierdolić wszystko to co było złego w Polsce to było związane z tym ze te wszystkie ludy zamieszkujące polske nie czuło się Polakami niemcy Żydzi rusini i później ukraincy nienawidzili polski i polakow tylko 10% Żydów w Polsce mówilo po polsku ty to nazywasz współżyciem? Żydzi w Polsce kolaborowali z każdym najeźdźcą i Polacy po 1 wojnie powiedzieli im nie tym razem mosze i juz niechcieli Żydów w Polsce mówiących nam jak ma być w Polsce gość to gość a nie ze oni chcieli byc gospodarzem.
Polish Tatars which live here for about 600 years.
Sadly ethnic purges and deportations by many occupants destroyed that...
The other nations just blended in 😮
@@odszczepciesie5128Wez sie nie wypowiadaj jak nie masz pojecia o czym mowisz.
Poland is not racist, just xenophobic. It's not because we hate other cultures or countries - it's just that history has kicked our ass many times and we are afraid that someone might try again.
It's not xenophobia for fuck sake!
It's the goddamn "reason" and "logic"!
Xenophobia means that you hate other nations for no particular reason, or for some irrelevant reason!
And we don't do that here. We hate only people's who have gave us a solid reason.
I'm glad you have such a good opinion about Poland. It's nice to hear all this words from a foreigner. Enjoy your stay in our beautiful country. Cheers!
i don't think that we are all nationalistic, just patriotic because we also have respect for other countries and its people
Niestety jest też sporo osób (zazwyczaj dzieci i wnuki komunistów), którzy są kosmopolitami, a Polskę mają znacznie po niżej serca...😮💨
@@PanProperNiestety. Brak dekomunizacji odbija nam sie do teraz.
its a common misconception that being a nationalist = being against the other cultures. There is another word for that which is a xenophobia and that isn't the same as being a nationalist.
@@exclibrionThis. I am after Political Studies and there is a lot of moments when people use Nationalism as equivalence of N**ism or Xenophobia. And that annoys the hell out of me.
Haiti is the best example 😊
Speaking of foreign powers that invaded Poland in the past, you forgot to mention Sweden. Their repetitive invasions between 1655 and 1708 were marked by epic destruction, plunder and robbery. The 1st State (the Polish-Lithuanian I Rzeczpospolita) never fully recovered after all that. Most of the once-glorious Polish castles of which only ruins today remain, were destroyed by Swedes.
Noze napisz kto z sasiadow na ans nie napadal, lista bedzie krotsza.
@@albertwolanski7688 My też napadaliśmy. Szkoda, że ludzkość nie może się tego oduczyć i żyć w harmonii. Najnowsze odkrycia pokazały, że przyroda opiera się nie na darwinowskiej walce, ale na współpracy. Nazwaliśmy się homo sapiens sapiens, ale chyba mocno na wyrost.
@@albertwolanski7688 Bałtyk na tym się kończy lista
@@urszulaurszula1164 Naturą Homo Sapiens jest wojna, jesteśmy najbardziej agresywnymi i brutalnymi zwierzętami na tej planecie. Zaraz po nas są nasi najbliżsi kuzyni, czyli Szympansy. Ostatnie badania pokazały że Bonobo, mimo łatki hipisa wśród małp który załatwia wszystko seksem, są 3 razy bardziej agresywne niż zwykłe szympansy. Także tyle na temat tej harmonii.
@@thaib2724Słowacji nigdy nie napadliśmy ;)
As a pole, i constantly hear that poland is a racist country and what not, but the truth is the minorities, that are quote unqoute discriminated, earned their reputaion for it, unlike asians who obey the law and culture, and have earned a good reputation amongst poles, you really are welcome here
Your Chinese and our Polish "blood" places a strong emphasis on deeply rooted culture, education, and respect for elders. This fosters respect for education, family, and our national treasures. I am not surprised that you are welcomed and well treated in Poland. Thank you for your kind and insightful videos.
From over 7000 languages bro choosed language of facts.
That's why he refuses to learn Polish!
Wow, what an in-depth analysis. Really impressive!
As a Pole I think that we just don’t care about other people’s life. Everyone live their life and as long as you don’t affect me I don’t give a fuck
I'm very impressed by your insights - they're so accurate. However, I'm not sure if I want to watch it since I just decided to move out, and your videos are very convincing about the pros of my country 😄
Greetings from Tricity in Poland :-)
More East Asians in Poland please, thank you
You couldn't be more accurate, thank you for your video and the courage to give your opinion in 2024, hugs from Brazil!
I wouldn't say that the LGBT subject isnt brought up in Poland. It just depends on how much you are into Polish politics to really start noticing it, but yeah, the general sentiment is that the queer community doesnt really want all that much and they are just integrated into the community, but there is a huge movement villainizing them for wanting be gay or trans in Poland at all. It's definetly less visable in the everyday life and that should probably be the norm for how it impacts people's lives (that is not at all) but the LGBT question definetly is up there.
We simply don't care. It's not an important topic, everyone in Poland is equal. There are more important topics like:
- lack of housing
- inflation
- corruption
- illegal immigration
- lack of prospects for the future
- declining birthrate
We are not as easily distracted by propaganda as western countries. We have more important issues going on.
@@danielhd6719 I mean, it's not like we can't take care of those issues at the same time. It's just important to focus on the real priorities and don't let the smaller stuff overtake the entire political discourse.
It is imporant for gay people to able to legally recognize their relationships and it should be addressed and not invalidated as a non-issue, but it doesn't mean it should eclipse all of the other struggles the country faces. We can do more than one thing at once.
Ponieważ polska to kraj chrzechcijański i "męski" dlatego wolimy nie mieć takich osób w kraju
LGBT in the US tends to be invisible in most regular life if you:
1. Do not live in San Francisco
2. Do not watch the news, right wing media in particular oddly enough. The media is the primary reason it has large enduring visibility.
3. Do not live in a state that pushes legislation focusing on lgbt issues. They do this because wedge issues such as these animates voters even though these issues should otherwise be innocuous if left alone. Politics in the US is about ferrying awful policies and puppet politicians into office on trojan horse issues.
@@danielhd6719 "- declining birthrate"
Well, if some of people can't marry it's hard to ask them to bring up children. If some of people can't get proper medical care it's not proper to ask them to get pregnant.
Also: YOU don't care, because it's not your problem. Normal people think we just should get other people live their lives in peace. All the more it's just the matter of changing a few laws and a few forms, you don't have to spend any money like to need to solve lack of housing or inflation.
Good video Wes!!!
please don't leave your belongings on the table in public places 🙏
it's ok if it's clothes you hanged on chair but valuables should be kept on you
only when you are with other person, who can keep watch on your belongings while you are gone it's ok to leave them there
it's safe in Poland but petty thieft does exist, don't provoke them by giving them the chances
that's goes for cars as well, leaving backpack) purses or things that could be valuable on view is a bad idea
if we leave something like that in a car, it's left in a car trunk, in order not to tempt anyone
This is sad. I spoke with a manager in UK who said that, from all people who are hired in his transport/warehouse company - "polish does 80% of all thefts, fights, etc".
I wish everyone to meet only those kind Poles and I hope everyone to experience the good things.. 🙂👍
Are you polish, if so where do live bro. I’ve only had one thing ever stolen in Poland…
Please stop spreading those lies. Crime is very low in Poland theft is not worth the jail time.
It is much safer than western Europe for sure. Most people here seeing you leave something behind will chase you so you can get it back.
@@gregoriodia Maybe the one who commented on me is, but I'm not lying ^^
this is not Japan where there is strong group mentality on respecting rules.
We have many different people who act in different ways.
The majority is great and overall safety is present. But there are still those who act when you are not watching.
The number of crimes is low, one of the reason is, we act in a way not provoke the thieves who DO exist.
We should be aware there can be a thief so we can avoid any such thing happen.
People will chase you with your dropped/forgotten items cause they want to help you is normal thing here as well.
@4:20 hot topic, respect our laws, respect our culture and you're most welcome here, we love having guest
I recently subscribed. I like how you are not content with first appearances (which seems to be common amongst foreign youtubers in Poland), and try to get a deeper understanding of the things and people you are talking about. That's why you usually nail it, and even if you are off, it's still acceptable, because you refrain from talking nonsense. It's easy to get fooled by first appearances, to misunderstand others, especially if you are from another country/culture - people tend to forget that. Kudos!
My family is here in Poland now and you are spot on with what we've seen in the last month. I love the family values. As a SAHM, I can relate more to the wives here than in the U.S. My family has experienced no racism and actually get so much love, especially once they find out we are American! I will binge watch the rest of your content. Glad you found a place that you love. We remember watching you when you lived in Colombia.
when it comes to immigration I think that the current situation is quite good. Thanks to it being moderated polish values are maintained, but of course immigration is an option to foreigners on the conditions that you mentioned. Just the other day I met a black lady in my apartment block who I think just moved in, she was very nice and even spoke a bit of polish. Saying "Dzień Dobry" is all it takes to make a polish person smile and I 100% consider her my neighbor :)
In Poland you dont have to be Polish citizen to vote in local govt elections on community level. EU countries & UK citizens, who live in Poland and got registered are allowed.
How about federal government?
@@WheresWes State level? Hell no, foreigners who could affect state's politics would be much too much 😄 On local level it is 100% fair imo, if you are a part of a community, you should have right to choose those who administer the area you live in. Also, to be a candidate for any position at any level one has to be Polish citizen.
@@WheresWesNo such thing like federal government here bcoz we’re not federation :)
Obcokrajowiec, który nie ma obywatelstwa polskiego nie ma praw wyborczych i od tego nie ma odwołania, nawet na szczeblu samorządowym. Wszelkie wypisywanie takich głupot świadczy o tym, że się nie przeczytało nawet pobieżnie polskiej konstytucji. Jeśli chodzi o państwo jesteśmy państwem unitarnym, a nie federalnym.
@@Chaixxod.Chajddc. co ty bredzisz 😂 Wpisz w Google zamiast się ośmieszać. Trybunał konstytucyjny o tym rozstrzygnął. Mają prawo glosowac w wyborach na poziomie gminy i nie jest to niezgodne z konstytucją.
Cool video bro :) and welcome to Poland, hope you'll stay here forever and make Poland your new home :)
4:29 well, as a Pole some of us are racist but mostly kind of 'jokingly racist'
0:50 what a beautiful view! The building is cool too
That's the Palace Of Culture And Science in Warsaw. It was "a gift" from ZSSR to Poland back when they still had control over our country, so many Polish people, especially elders, really hate it as it is kind of a symbol of Russian domination of that era. However, for majority of people it's just a landmark and tourist attraction.
@@blem14 yeah he is right but it was White and IT got Dirty
@@Hjjhshfjfdi was going to write same thing
About polish girls and spliting bills: last time i payed for both me and girl and she got angry because she hate when someone pay for her. This is why i love polish women (ofc there are many more reasons 😅)
👍 Thank you for the great material and thumbs up for the coverage 👍
What an awesome video.
I think I need to appreciate living in Poland more.
There is so many things that I naver cared about, because I wasn't aware, that in some other countries, citizens are deprived of some of those services, like public transportation or higher education paid by the government.
Great take. 100% agreed.
In terms of racism, most poles don't care if you are white yellow or an immigrant as long as:
- you are respecting our culture and values
-you are trying to assimilate with us
-work and pay taxes as a regular person
The saddest thing about that, in Poland there are lot's of immigrant (and also native poles) that are abusing the system and are giving a bad name to those who really try their best
Very good observations. Wise summaries. I like to listen to WHAT you say and HOW you say it.
About personal freedom there is a saying: freedom of your fist ends at the edge of my nose" 😊
maybe there is such a saying somewhere but not in poland.
During USSR times.
Capral comes to private and asks:
- My mother is soviet Russia!
- Good, good, and who is your father?
- My father is comrade Stalin!
- Very good, very good. And who you want to be in feature?
Hahaha 👏😂
We have a lot of asian people here. They are very respectful, quiet people. We love that. They are very nice, and we welcome them.
A balanced and articulate presentation focused on common sense as the essence of a healthy society.
ah yes milking polish audience
Gotta give the people what they want
low hanging fruit but hey it works and contrary to pranks and other cancerous behaviour it's harmless.
well, he is currently in Poland
On a more positive note it also serves as 'an advertisement' for Poland and at least some of us Poles - not all of course - have nothing against hard-working, intelligent people coming to our country whether as just tourists or immigrants.
@piotrek4603 Haha, true that. We're a good crowd for this with all our complexes
Sounds great!
Keep the good work up bro welldone
1:25 This is a popular misconception. The US used to have a lot of very good public transport systems. If you read a bit, you can for example find out that a lot of european trams were based on a design from Chicago from the 60s up until not so long ago. The lack of good public transport nowadays was caused by the rich car manufacturing companies buying transport companies in order to shut them down and force people to buy cars.
Dude, I so respect you summarized so easily what's the problem with modern societies - "soft bigotry". Love it. "hey don't say that it may offend a gay / black person / whoever from minority / or people with some sort of disorder". Fuck. We can't be so protective to everybody because we'll forget to live and express our thought and emotions.
Wow! Thank You for recognising the difference.
I'm Polish and 41 years old.
Asian people were honestly the first "real" foreigners we got to experience in Poland. In the 90ties after the dissolution of the USSR - a lot of Vietnamese and Chinese people started to make their way to Poland, not only to Warsaw, but even into my own smaller city called Kalisz.
In the early nineties they were mostly selling textile wares at my local "street market", You could buy bootleg Nike or Adidas clothes, cheap chinese socks and underpants.
Up to that point, we've always had foreigners at the market doing the same hustle, but they were mostly slavic people from other USSR countries - Georgians, Moldovans, Bulgarians and so forth.
They were part of 'the great USSR trip' my father told me about one time.
I do not remember the order correctly - but the point was, that every communist country had some factories that were good at something, but lacked some other thing, and my father took a couple of trips doing some bartering in different countries just with 2 bags and travelling by bus/train.
The idea was, that You'd stock up on a certain item, for example in Poland he would buy some nice Amber jewellery or womens stockings, then go to Russia by train. My dad - he'd sell all that stuff at a random street market. He'd buy some soviet battery-operated radios and electic beard-shavers.
Go to Georgia by bus - sell all the electronic stuff at a local market. Buy rubber wellington boots. Go to Turkey. Sell wellingtons at a profit, coz they had a shortage in Turkey, then go buy something else, go to Bulgaria. Buy fur coats. Sell fur coats in Romania. I guess You should get it by now? ;)
He did it twice when i was a small child and to this day i do not comprehend how he did it without knowing any of the languages those other countries spoke.
But back to the point.
You could buy some bootleg Adidas from the Georgians at my local Kalisz market, but me? - in my younger days I was mostly interested in their rectified spirit 90% alcohol content. It's called 'Spirytus' in polish.
You could prepare it plain with only water, leave it for couple of hours, and You'd get a 'vodka' of sorts. Or do it with with lemon. Or with sweet candy. Or not dilute at all and add lots of fresh fruit or berries. Everybody had their own recipe. ;)
When dealing with other slavs, unless You had You a "buddy" that You knew and trusted? I would say there was always that 10% Chance of going blind after consuming bootleg spirytus, or the guy taking Your money for that brand new Adidas tracksuit and just running away with Your cash.
But when the Asians took up the textile game? It was legit!
Always polite, always on point with the quality, also willing to bargain a bit. They were picking up the slack after our Slavic colleagues. With no violence, i would even venture there could have been some violence against THEM in the first run.... but i don't know that.
Soon they pushed out them slavic middlemen - just because they were closer into the delivery-chain and could offer better prices. Started selling their textiles to polish enterpeneurs.
Saving money and opening the first asian restaurants. From zero to hero. The american dream but in Poland.
Oh my god! The first taste of something from the other World hemisphere!!! Awesome! Something other than "schabowy" and kielbasa !?
That fn fried banana?! Unreal. But You don't frie a banana! It's a tropical fruit!
The only way i saw and tasted a banana as a young boy - was when my mother was coming back from ChemiTextil.
ChemiTextil was an Expo on the textile industry held in West Berlin.
So my mother would get this pass, which allowed Her to travel to the evil-capitalist country of west Berlin from Poland, to this weird world of West Germany, where toilet paper existed...
I love my mum - She always took a great big suitcase, but the suitcase was almost empty. Only some spare underwear and basic clothes - so she could have all the empty space to bring us all the spoils of the western-world, not available in the USSR. Bananas, Oranges, and ALL the chocolate!!! Always lots of chocolate, always some nice clothes in that suitcase.
But back to the point again!
Good people them Asians.
They do not come alone. The men, once they feel financialy secure - they bring their WHOLE families. Not only the wife and children, but many a time also the grandfather and grandma… which is so so sweet. I love them for that.
They do not leave them to die alone in Vietnam. Which is i'm sorry to say, a dissapointing but relevant trend in Europe. Leaving Your parents to die alone while Youre having the time of Your life. :/
There was no KFC in Poland, no MickyDees, hard to believe but not even a single Kebab in sight!!
We in Poland percieve the fact, that Asian people are polite and docile, as a very positive trait, just as You've recognised in Your video. And we respect them for that. They are very hard working people and they learn one of the most difficult languages in the world so SO FAST!
After 2 years my main man in my favourite Vietnamese place was speaking such good polish, i was fn embarassed that sometimes i confuse Ż and RZ. ;)
Bonus points - They do not want to suddenly assert dominance, form local gangs, terrorise local communities? So we should percieve them as weak and as loosers because of that.......?
Nah - i guess it only happens in the US of A.
Honestly that's a lot of words
I agree with what you said and I am so proud of Polish people for being who they are and sticking to our values
I respect you and wish you have a good live here in Poland
Very good video, man 🎉
I'm glad your enjoying it here ! Hope you only have good expriences
After watching your video I've got strong urge to go to Poland, oh snap I am already here.
I really liked what you said about racism. So important! I also feel like many times we like to speak about equality and try to sort of compensate it to someone of another race for instance or skin color, which only creates more polarization and I sooo dislike it. We can just be normal to each other as human beings.
I hope Poland keeps that course. It'll probably be extremely hard nowadays.
Awesome !
im so happy seeing and hearing foreigner saying good things about Poland im proud of my nation and of my people making this country so great Polska Górą🇵🇱🇵🇱🇵🇱
Oh yeah, I can totally agree with your statement at the end. In Poland you earn less than in the US but your quality of life is so much different, on the better spectrum of that word. I come from eastern Poland, so even by Poles it's considered lesser part of Poland, like poorer to some extent. Currently I live in the US, Chicago suburbs to be more precise. Chicago as a city is pretty much a city full of immigrants, a lot of stuff is made to adapt to immigrants, or so they say. Whenever I go back to Poland to visit, to my city of Białystok, I feel like I'm alive again. Don't wanna bash the country of USA as a whole but it's nothing like Poland, although I feel like I'm a little bit biased lol. I'm already planning to move back to Poland and even though some Poles might say that I'm crazy, I don't feel like I'm at home here. Money isn't everything and people in the US seems to forget that more and more often...
Thx mate for this words. ✌
i really like your videos and you're doing them cool to watch keep it up :d Im polish but overall i like to listen to foreigners experience because if you live here sicne always you sometimes ideolize or underestimate your country and i like to see someones other view ebcause it shows you that its not so bad as sometiems we tend to think
For example, I really like the saying "a person's freedom is limited only by the freedom of other people" ;)
i love that u like my country :)
9:26 That's true and I think it's repetitive pattern in polish society. We argue with each other and we have often opposite opinios, but when it comes to crisis, we always bound and work together (for example now with the floods).
like literally everything
Agree on that Poland is better than America , I m going to Poland in september. yay
Thank you for explaining this to the public🇵🇱🇵🇱🇵🇱🇵🇱🇵🇱🇵🇱👍👍👍👍👍🫡🫡
In my (Polish) house, there is a narration that Asian people are disciplined and hard working, and thats why there are ingeneers and scientist, and in America and Europe influencers and stuff like furries or something
were you in malbork? the castle is so beautiful (btw im Polish, cześć)
What a reasonable Voice in this crazy World 💪👌
As a polish person: I agree
0:28 thats Wroclaw!
@@carmeln0Ulica zamkowa, patrząc w kierunku Nowych Horyzontów
Yes I LOVE being "respected" by threats and insults when I'm visibly gay a.k.a. wear pink or hold hands with my partner. Luckily I respectfully carry a gun and pepper spray (each for appropriate respectful occasion when I'm respected too much by the respectful people in here).
Hopefully we get more westernized in that way, instead of the late stage capitalism way.
yeah, he's so painfully straight and uneducated on this subject
You sound like you have been red pilled my man. Good for you! Being 1/2 polish, I would love to be able to move to where my ancestors are from
Thx for that :) 😁
$30 000 a year is actually alot for an average Polish citizen. The lowest you can earn is actually 3 times less than that, most people who would consider their job semi-decent earn around half that much.
It's new that Poland is safe. 20-30 years ago it was very dangerous and there were gangs running rampant in the streets. Things are much better now, maybe because the quality of life has improved.
spot on.
Europe has beautiful architecture from period of Renaissance, Baroque..Austria ..Germany Munich , France..Italy..Spain. etc
The conflicts thing - yes, yes and yes! Finally someone from the U.S. noticing it.
just found your channel - very cool 👍
finaly some good things about Poland
yea its goog nough representation of poland. thhumbs up
W niektórych miastach w Polsce transport publiczny jest za darmo,rok temu byłem na wakacjach na Pomorzu i pojechałem do Malborka i rozwaliło mi mózg na strzępy jak dowiedziałem się z autobusy miejskie są za Free😍👍✌️
Not everyone in America think they can do whatever they want. There are actually people who have love for their neighbour, follow Cesar's laws as long as it does not infringe on their Christian standards.
fajnie że zatrzymałeś się w polsce jako osoba która była w wielu miejscach i doceniasz nasz kraj. Niech żyje Polska !
the best thing is that its feels much better to watch that video as polish person than some other country person
I w dodatku jesteśmy wielkimi patriotami. Na przykład kiedy ktoś mówi Maria Curie a nie Maria Skłodowska-Curie albo mylą nas z Rosją i myślą że polska jest jej częścią. Ogólnie jeśli jesteś uprzejmy i nie zachowujesz się jak pępek świata to każdy to doceni i nie doświadczysz żadnych przykrych sytuacji :D A co do "rasizmu" w Polsce to jeśli ktoś jest innego pochodzenia etnicznego może to co najwyżej "bawić" mniej dojrzałych ludzi, ale ogólnie to nie ma tak że np czarny to niższa klasa człowieka. Bardzo ciekawy film i cieszę się że ci się tu podoba :)
when you talked about safety it reminded me that some dude's throat was slit near where I live
Im Polish myself and yeah I do feel safe mostly but I gotta say that every couple months something bad is very likely to happen
as a polish person i take this as an absolute win
Nice cup from Bolesławiec
I am Polish and i had two friends: One from Dominicana and one from Japan. They both were pretty chill dudes. They had no problem with some racist jokes, and sometimes even joked about their own race. They felt accepted in our country and they were really happy.
Polish people will not like you if you dont respect the cultural norms
I think it should be a norm for all: when sb goes to other country he/she should respect their cultural norms, laws and people.That is basic thing you have to remember traveling abroad.
4:49 we are racist. But not in front of people that can be actually feel offended by it.😅
I watch many videos with such comparisons (on different countries) and i think this is good one: interesting points, no sugarcoating. Specially one about wars- i would add to that density of population. In Poland im 'worried' what is happening in neighbouring cities because it affects my city. In Usa i saw such a vast spaces between places😮 - i thought that maybe all that 'best country in the world' talk is kind of necessary to keep it together?
I live in the country side. If you want to experience more of the true Poland, come. We can drink caffe/beer/vodka and talk about differences between us and rest of the "modern" world. I saw many of movies about differences between Poland and other countries and from all this movies your thoughts about us are the best I've heard.
number 1: safety
LGBTQ rights (there is a lot of violence towards LGBT community), abortion rights are important - we care about it. Racism is still a problem, toxic nationalism as well. We don't want toxic masculinity anymore, there is huge problem with alcoholism and domestic violence. You are not right in part of this video.