- เผยแพร่เมื่อ 26 ธ.ค. 2024
- fortnite,fortnite stw,save the world,mythic weapons,mythic guns,mythic storm king,race to mythic,road to mythic,race to twine,road to twine,twine in no time,Fortnite series,new,mythic,rarest stw weapon,rare stw gun,most rare gun,secret weapon
So if I’ve spent hundreds on fortnite, one day I could wake up one day and they’ll just say “uhh, who are you? You never had account”
Justice for Aidan
Yeah that happened to me to after I've spent about $800 AU on the game it makes me so mad
I mean bro they can shut down their servers anytime they want. Anyone who bought vbucks for battle royal wouldnt matter & could be gone with a blink of a eye
Hopped on stw after 2 or 3 years and I love to see ppl like you still playing actively. Cant wait to get back into the grind again (I can craft nocturnos btw, if someone wants to trade, I need materials)
What level?
@@leekeyybum6930 77
I can also! 130 full gold perks sunbeam, if you want to get yours a bit higher drop ur epic ID I can help with your SSDs
Drop ID if you want
@@gitupmechavvy2569 my god that would be so awsome! My name is TommyWombah
Have you ever tried using jump pads (vertical or lateral)?
I'm glad you mentioned the storm since it does not seem to be as obvious as in other games. I died a lot of times before realizing that I had wandered out into the storm. (I was not aware that failure to kill Mythics or the horn quickly also reduced the storm radius.) Paying attention to what direction the King is looking is also important - since where he looks, players die.
You need power level 122 to unlock the portal in twine peeks
@@Abcdefg0094 upgrade ur survivor squads with the matching personalities n stuff
@@Daniel-gy5cshe can just get someone who is 122 to start for him
@@Witch0000s that works too but they would have to carry hard
@@Daniel-gy5cs it easy to carry in msk now ppl can solo carry
Do you need to complete the canney valley and twine peaks story or just have 122 pwr level?
actually crazily enough i was able to join without both (on my canney valley quests at the time) but i had done all my twine peaks ssds & had 3 other people in the party (all with extremely high power levels)
Idk why but at the start I thought it was the spiffing Brit lol
coming back to stw after a break and am completely lost. thanks for these videos! ssds are my only major issue at the moment!
My friends showed me this boss and I can confirm I am to scared to ever go near it but love watching people fight against him
Do I need to finish the main quest to unlock the MSK ?
i have a question every week you can get random mythic gun right? am new at save the world
0:40 I have everything you lost
Can confirm the mission doesnt just show up if you hit level 70 im sitting at level 91 with 5 more pages of canny valley story to go
Yeah but this twines not canny valley
hi can i ask how do u use vpn for fortnite? i have nordvpn and i wanna play on us servers when im originally oce servers. when i connect to us servers, i get a higher ping. works the same with eu server when connecting to switzerland. just wanna ask what vpn do u use and how do i make it effective?
do i need to do the weekly quest to unlock another one. i beat him like 3 times in a row and it didn’t give me a mythic (yes i wait the 2 weeks or whatever it is to start it again)
Yes do the weekly
Hey just wondering if anyone can help me with the mythic storm king? Unfortunately I’m only pwr lvl 105 😢
You made it after all this months?
Hey! I’m on Pinkerton or whatever and I just wanted to know how long will it take to get my schematic levels to 100 (I’m at 51)
You have to reach twine peaks, your only in plankerton, Canny valley goes up to 75, I believe? Twine peaks is 75 and higher
Can u trade with me
I liked my own comment
You monster…
I *like* that
Ain’t no way bruh 💀💀
Not any more lol
Me to😅
putting a smiley face in every aidan harris comment section until you return :)
I just got save the world and i am confuuuuuused af
The trouble I have is breaking the horn lol I have two mythics though and we always fall short
Use a soldier
@@escob5088 I did and it’s easier with it. I was using a ninja 😅.
How do u get more of the weapons after the first one i went through it again and didnt get another
I cant rememberrr Exactlyyyy but i think u can only do it like once a day or week
Hey man! Do you have a basic guide of save the world? I just got into it but it seems so complicated LOL it stresses me out
I have a series called 'Twine in no time' in which I play through on a new account :) you can check out that series I posted the full compilation on my channel not too long ago!
@@-Aidan hey! just wanna ask regarding ur use of vpn. im from oce and im trynna play on us or eu servers but i cant seem to get it to work. im currently using nordvpn but my ping is higher than if i was not using vpn... just wanted to ask what vpn do u use and how do u make it effective/work?
Got any videos for grinding upgrading resources (rain drops, lightning bottles, storm eyes, etc)
Mission alerts, 4 player missions , try to do the higher power level ones for more upgrading resources
Wait, are 140 zones unlocked by SSD 5? Or is that later?
First step ☝️ Max out all your legendary Survivors with survivor supercharger, make sure they have matching team perks and personalities. Be at least power level 145. These are what you need. You cannot do MSK under powered. You’ll just annoy and get carried. Hard factual truths
How come all of my save the world missions are dead? I never get teammates I’m in canny valley on ps5
Do you have no fill on? Because canny valley is pretty popular
50 thousand players at peak 🤷♂️
playing stw with randoms is awful. just play with friends
@@Nanachi_bunny have none that play save the world I only got ppl who play 2k
@devqualification3779 randoms are still good to play with idk what he was talking about
Now I use Surround Pound / Xenon Bow / Plasmatic Discharger. Need new weapons for storm king i think
can some one help me. I completed shield defense 6,all main quest and kill 2 mini boss at level 140 zone and now it gave me a quest that say kill the mythic storm king but the orb thing on side of the map is not accessible. what should i do? also i am 102 power level if it' the problem.
Too low power. The minimum is 122, it'll be locked if you're under. I was 108 & just rushed my survivors to R5 & already beat the MSK twice & got my 2 mythics just in the last few days. Just gotta keep grinding it & farm lightnings, rains & training manuals
I haven't played for a year n my opinion is it worth playing stw in 2023?
Is possible to get one if someone invite you to that mission because I’m mad low ☹️???
is anyone still doing this?
@@mimaiia do you have it unlocked?
@@buddy1804 yes aha do you
@@mimaiia i don’t, i just got back into the game after a while. want to run it sometime?
@@buddy1804Whats ur epic?
How tf he have like 100 comments but no likes
Aidan when will you do scammer get scammed videos?
its not 2016
Im not in canny valley yet can u help me ;-;
Idk why im watching this because i have all mythics so idk
you are so underrated
I really need to unlock them. A couple years ago I did the glitch w my friends to get to twine while I was in storm wind so I'm pwr lvl 100 but only in plankton questline
I can't find the scion quest, even though I have th 140 MSK and can play it
so a stupid quetion ..
i did my best with my survivor squad and im now PL 105 i think, is there another way to boost my PL other than survivor squads ? like main quests or whatevere
No it's only survivor squads
Fort stats do aswell which is the things with the research points
Upgrade ur survivors?
@@flameguy3416nuh uh
what if you don’t have msk unlocked but you have a friend doing the mission for you?
You wont get the schematics for the mythic weapons
@@babsibensonlies i’m pl 83 rn and did the prequest and the msk mission and got the mythic
@@tantals lies the quest for the storm king unlocks at around pl 115. Unless you did some weird glitch, youre lying
@@babsibenson istg bro i’ll add you on discord and send you proof im pl 83 and have the quest. we could even call lmfao
@@tantals Okay no need to do so, I believe u then. Very surprising, I have no idea how that happened
why is your acc gone
So let me get this straight: as long as you do storm shield quests you will progress and stuff like that, but what if for example you got to canny valley and finished all the plankerton ssd's but when your in a plankerton story mission that requires you to complete plankerton ssd 6 but you got that already, wont that be playable and even if i get to canny valley, wont i need to complete all other quests to gdt the canny valley storm king
If u did the ssd before u have the tracked mission for it it will complete in the quest and move u on to the next thing
@@scrhymn oh ok Thanks can you help me with my ssds
Same here
And it will give you extra vbucks too
how do you get the totally rockin out perk? i have a few of the heroes with the same sort of perk but i dont have the main team perk unfortunately
dennis jr. hes a mythic
Can someone help me to the missions before the pre-missions?
What do u meannn
@@crazyweirdo8406 like i did twine peaks 6 ssd and i don't got the pre quests in the weekly quests for the storm king. Im pl 79 i dont know if that is the problem. Please lmk
you have to be pl 120 + for storm king@@keipikeidinic
@@Nanachi_bunny can you help me with pre quest?
Aiden deceived them XD
im Pl 125, on TP SSD 8, but i didnt unlock the portal? any ideas?
same i dont have it but im level 123
You need to do canny valley ssd 10 also
“Gang Gang”
*entering glizzy overdrive*
Must be nice I never get good people on save the world I am max level 310
Ps4 banned me permanently in 2022 February 17th and I lost my ss2 acc and everything💔
is it too late to get the plasma blaster?
You can get it during the fortnitemares event
Good to see people like you still uploading content on stw. Also I can craft 144 god roll nocturnos if anyone wants to trade them (btw I trade materials only)
Yo can I give you the mats to craft me some?
What materials?
@@fabianjorgel8076 mats n just random materials I need
@@d1leanWhat do you need most?
@@fabianjorgel8076 mostly materials like wood, stone, and metal
“gAnG GaNg” 🤓0:00
I had passed this first time now can’t get another weapon why
One weapon a week
hi aidan im sorry that you lost you account but can you make a tut on how to get the liama tickets thing fast
Daily missions and storm alerts
And now im level 107 and and I have all mythics that i got at level 76
Hi everyone i could need some active players to trade and play together im level 129 and level 133 traps and 139 guns. I always give people my stuff but would rather trade needed stuff so its a win win situation 😊
How do you get nocturno?
To craft it you needed to buy the Limited Edition of STW before they essentially stopped actively working on it which was a few years ago. Other ways is obviously trading.
I have that version but how do i access the recipe
omg the grind is real 😂😂😂 havnt put in this much grind since elden ring lbs 🤦🏽♂️
Yo Aiden, can I trade you?
Don’t voucher lynx as she will be out in the store very soon
U was right I got her in that way
Hey Aidan,just to let you know to fix the title
Linx is coming the 29th
Can someone help me with canny valley defense 4 ?
Sure ! What’s your epic?
Aidan You know the pre edit you do when i do it turns back to the normal build ?: edit i meant when i do the pre edit And switch to another build it changes back to normal
In ur settings just read
@@leekeyybum6930 i try to change everything But still dont work?
Cani get help with the msk im pl 103
Gang gang is crazy
I have the quest but i can't play it?
You have to be 122 or higher
Power lvl
@@BTodosey my power level is 124
Can someone carry me through the storm king?
Hey so could anyone just teach me how to play save the world and could anyone possibly help me in game?
I got you bro
Hello, anyone know how I can get the Mega Shocker?!?
Can u carry me? Plz
im in plankaton has some1 a few weapons they dont need that i can use
What's ur name
Whats ur epic @leekeyybum6930?
ik how to get your old account back
Can the mythics brake
What is msk?
Mithic storm king
Epic Games support is disgusting
Hi, could there be a chance of meeting You in-game for few guns that may or will help me deafeat ssd10 and those boses..
Thats what happemed to my account
Any body help my i want win today guys
Can someone carry me through storm king
U wanna play Bru
W vid
Can you friend me
Can someone bring me into msk please
Can you friend me and give me all mythic
he aint gonna do that
anyone able to hook me up w some 144 traps 🙏🙏
Anyone on ps5 that can help me
No but I have ps4
And my user is bendopin
I farted
The skibidi rizzler was here🤫🧏🏿♂️
Epic: ApolloVex
Need people to grind with, can craft nocturno, founders drum, and many others
pl 59 in canny
I’m down ! I’m on OCE servers, im willing to Play on other servers tho :)
Pl 119 working my way up to get the Storm King quest need to do Ssd 5 can craft up to 106 nocturno all gold perks
Hey aidan keep up the work but do you think i can get some weapons from you? If so add (mojo_jojo3005)
W vid