Just a tip i recently found out (maybe you already know it), but when you use Shift + right click it's much easier to kite. You don't have to click on your targets anymore and can just spam right mouse button. The only con is that it focusses the closest enemy.
10 things to do with Kalista: 1. Force Supporters to support. 2. Force Assasins to support. 3. Force Master Yi and Lucian to support. 4. Steal kills. 5. Become Kings of the Lane with Fiddlesticks 6. Flash for free 7. Place flying wards 8. Steal Pentakills. 9. Become Tarzan 10. Force Baron to support 11. The Game
OfficeBear IMBACKURMAD actually, wrong. They made it so that you can get another Black Spear for free in the shop, but it gets rid of the soulbound pact you made with the first "soulmate"
So, you can also use her ultimate to send Thresh over walls and her grabbing his latern. Although it won't be neccesary since she can go over walls herself, it is a nice idea for a combo.
that is a pretty good strategy, give that man poro snax. also it could also go this way, Kalista can throw Thresh over a wall and kalista can dash through the wall and thresh can lantern someone else in the teamfight. I can see this working so well to contest drake or baron
You can also travel a huge distance by, lets say, Kalista throws Thresh, Thresh uses Q on a creep camp and leaves the lantern, suddenly they're both half a lane farther. Man, wish I had more IP lol
Top lane Kalista seems like it can be possible. Yes some of her power is removed because she would be the only one in lane, but at the same time it isn't like she is helpless. If you soul link with your Jungler, then at your level 6 (as opposed to your jungler's level 6 which is most of the time after yours in a solo lane) a good gank is possible. She doesn't have access to her W passive or her ult otherwise, but they are not needed for laning normally anyways. Kalista's Passive gives her the ability to be in the solo lane. It gives her the mobility she needs to poke and get out while also giving her the ability of an escape when ganked. E at level 1 so you can last hit minions easier, poke your opponent with your basics and Q. If you don't have a ward and want to keep an eye on the river she has her W's active that can scout the side for you while you are pushed up to their tower. She has the tools for solo lane, it's just up to her user to be good enough to play her in one.
If you soul link with your jungler the enemy will know when he's coming... since you can see the soul-chain thingie between Kalista and her soul bound ally
Riot should make it that if the soulbound champion is afk for 3 or 4 minutes, the link between the two is broken and Kalista can soulbind with another champion, that way her ultimate won't be completely useless, when the soulbound is afk. Other than that I really like her kit, something very new. Her passive will require lots of getting used to it for me, though... And I can see her getting really OP with a soulbound + premade Leona or Braum...
Someone pissed you off in lobby? Make nice, make them your soulmate, have fun flinging them around the map for the rest of the game. So much trolling potential.
Did you even listen to the video? The other player controls if he wants to be soulbound to Kalista and he decides where he wants to throw himself with Kalista's ult.
you could see it like this, everyone is using a revolver that doesn't shoot far. The huntsmen use a special Lord of the Rings magic bow that can go half the universe.
I like how Riot has been releasing these unique and very difficult to play champs lately. Kalista's passive is a huge idea and holds an immense potential, but you gotta think twice before every auto attack, or else the enemy will be able to punish you hard. As an ADC player, I can't wait to get my hands on this champ. Well done, Riot. Gonna be fun learning to play her.
Yo.. Rito. I loved this review/spotlight more than ANY you've done. I think it's because you had fun with it (SHADOW ISLES FOR LIFE) and you still taught the same amount. Please do more like this!
I wish they would rework her Fate's Call. You are much dependent on your Oathsworn Ally, this means that it becomes pretty much useless when your ally suddenly becomes disconnect or doesn't stick with you. Her new Fate's Call should allows her to choose another champion to become her Oathsworn after an amount of time.
Ore doing some sort of damage / moving passive into w and give her passive like when she ult she get some range/armor/slow fesit for 3 s or sth like that
This is one of the few champions I feel is worth the 7800 IP to get early. The other one was Braum and I don't regret it for a second. He was so fucking OP at release it wasn't even a challenge to win games with him.
Mrmacaroon I will probably not buy her bundle. I mean, I really like the skin but the base skin is so cool as well I will want to play with that one at least until I get bored of it. But eventually I will buy the skin because it's awesome.
Team Rocket Rockin But you also want her in her OP release state. Also, I think it's worth the extra IP just to get to play her before you see her in every game.
Kalista's Rend can also be huge for Dragons and Barons if timed right with the Jungler or just outsmiting your own jungler to make sure he doesn't fail.
Freshomania Yeah, 254...It outdamages smite at EVERY stage of the game. if you're attacking the drag/baron for an effective amount of time rend will finish it.
There should be a feature where if your support goes AFK, you regain your soulbound item to give to someone else. (If you have all your items then it just goes on top of one until you give your spear to someone)
Phreak needs a raise... He did this champion spotlight for us with what sounds like one HELL of a headcold. Thank you good sir.. we in the community salute you for your continued work to make League awesome!!
During the passive intro about the martial poise, there is a reference to her lore. Hecarim was one of many who betrayed Kalista. It is smart how they can remember the lore.
and they forgot to mention the most important aspect of kalista - stacking rend on any of the jungle camps with a reset, and then pass them into wounded enemy with Pierce for instakill.
Dear Riot, I might be completely wrong here. But I feel like you guys don't focus too much on fixing your servers, or balancing the champions (Some are pretty OP). But you guys keep creating new champs. I'm all for creativity and new ideas... but I feel like these new champions will make the already messed up champion balance system a LOT more unbalanced. And I feel like you guys didn't really fix your server issues either. Server issues are so common these days. *Sigh. Please at least focus on the basic problems before making nifty new changes. Thank you. Keep up the good work Rito.
I've been playing LOL for a few months now, and the only thing I think is actually better than other moba's (not just dota, don't rage pls) is that servers run with 30 fps 16 ping on my really crappy laptop.
I agree with you in everything.I made account on west server and i did lv up it to 30 than my games started to crash.I got baned third time in a row(leave buster) cuz my games crashed and thats only happening on west server.Games on east server work fine and never crashes.West is horrible server! Yes i agree that Kalista is horrible designed champion.Riot is destroying this game with totaly diferent new universe champions compared to old. Why does adc have knock up as CC?People seems to forget who is stuner,who is tanker and who is dmg dealer. They are making mixes of adc/brusier,adc/apc which is realy bad. I cant wait HoS cuz this game is geting so bad.sry for bad eng
So.. Part 1: Kalista is gonna be out for about 2-3 weeks of people shitstorming on her because they are bad.. - Thus no1 play her.. Part 2: Rito is gonna see she is not played very much, thus they buff her into god mode right at the time people start learning how to play her.. Part 3: I'll take a break when part 2 happens... -.-'
Kalista punishes you hard for not being an expert at fire-and-forget last-hitting. Even pros cancel their attack animations to last-hit properly, but with Kalista that isn't an option. Once you've clicked a minion, she will fire her attack regardless of you missclicking or not. This also means that firing an auto attack at the wrong moment can easily get you killed before you get a lot of attack speed, because her wind-up animation for her attack is extremely long compared to other champions; you're locked in place for a good half second or more, which is ample time for a support to land CC on your face when you try and go for a last-hit. Getting to the end-game fantasy and jumping all over the place with high attack speed is not going to happen very often before you get really great with her; because of her clunky auto attacks that can't be canceled, before you've gotten a lot of practice with her, you'll likely miss a lot of cs and leave the lane at a disadvantage vs most traditional adcs.
TreyShawn42 It's micro. Not macro. Macro would be knowing which items to build on her. And you should totally read my earlier comment because you have no idea of how punishing she is to play in lane if you aren't an absolute master at last-hitting. Miss-click and you'll lose the cs. There's no cancelling the auto attack to last-hit precisely, so either you're a god at last-hitting and never miss your clicks, or you're going to leave your lane in the mid-game at a cs disadvantage to your opponent. Her wind-up animation is extremely long until you get some substantial bonus attack speed, so she's rooted in place for long periods of time while auto-attacking in the early game, providing ample opportunities for the enemy support to lock you down with CC so the enemy adc can poke you down. She's extremely hard to play in lane and anyone who thinks otherwise should either play at master rank, or they're judging her solely based on the champion spotlight.
TreyShawn42 dude, the unfair part is her E, just wait till you play against her. I was maokai tank and suddenly a wilf fed kalista apeares and did 2790 dmg in 1.07 sec ... 48% was her E
Jens Nielsen you are totally right i played against lucian (the badest thing that can happen) he is in early game very strong andin my oppinion its easy too last hit with him im normal player and i have with most adc 120-150 cs in 15 min with kalista i got 80 that is pretty bad like you said i cancle my autos and clear my cs very safely but with her thats really hard and you get wrecked in early because your dmg output comes with a bit attack speed and dmg like bf sword lucian graves that makes in early game a lot of burst dmg are a hell
For those with the "but muh OP passive" Yes, it's strong. But her passive only makes her orbwalk, as she can't orbwalk herself(you can't cancel the AA animation). Also, ADCs are meant to counter tanks and bruisers with DPS. Also, Phage does something similar.
adc meant to counter tank? no, CC counters a tank.... ADC are the victim of a tank... and orbwalking is challenging to do, her passive makes it easy. and it's MORE than an orbwalk, it's a literal gap closer. not to mention being able to go over walls with it... my god my god my god!
xxxSolidShrimpxxx What is going to kill a tank faster, crit and armor pen combined with attack speed or some active like Frost Queen's claim or even a support with CC abilities. Idk about you, but I'm not throwing myself in the way of a tank just to slow him.
xxxSolidShrimpxxx So...you're telling me that consistent DPS doesn't kill a tank? So what kills tanks? Burst? I really don't think so, as assassins are meant to take down priority targets that are squishy, not tanks -.- Also, tanks are MEANT to soak up CC and damage while providing some CC. Look at Singed, Mundo, Shen, and even Shyvanna.
Tbh as a kalista main both before and after nerf looking back at how kalista used to be, she was OP. She is mediocre now but i think what riot should do to make her decent is to allow her to dash back more distance as she used to.
I hate her passive. It is interesting mechanic, sure but there should be some limit to it... give it stacks like Akali ult, because leap this big with every single aa is bullshit. Basically you have to kill her in Vi ult or some hard cc instantly or you will never catch up again
although I agree it is kinda bs, I can only assume they make her auto damage very low or health very low. looks like this champ will be very item dependent
the drawback is that if her target leaves her vision while the auto attack is inbound it misses, so if she launches an attack and you say, flash over a wall, you are safe (noct ult anybody?)
comming from someone who studies game mechanics, think about why they made it so you can't cancel ur auto. if you do not understand why this makes her passive balanced then i think you dont really understand what ur talking about.
Great Champion, as always! I just have one minor thing you at Riot should consider more. For almost any champion you made lately they get more unique (which is a good thing) but at the cost of simplicity. I find it extremely annoying that every new champion gets more and more complicated. Remember, not every new champion makes an old one leave. The game gets more and more complex and my brain feels just about exploding because I don't want to take the time to understand the new champs (even if I don't play them myself). I play quite a bit of League and I still don't really understand how Azir works just because it's so annoying to memorize. You know, sometimes less is more and it's still possible to make unique champions without making them more complicated (although it's harder but none the less still imo a way Riot doesn't look at enough).
3:50 "Enemies can sneak up behind them to do so undetected. Cardboard boxes work, too." You guys made my day. However I guess it only works with an eye patch or with some solid, metal gear thingy.
Correct me if im wrong. It seems that Kalista is pretty hard to learn, even harder to master, you know, difficult champion to play, right? Like Gnar, because of his passive, and Azir, you know why. I like that Riot is doing these kinda champions, cause we have lot of those "easy to learn, hard to master"-champions. I think next champion or one after that should be _ridiculously_ hard to even learn, i mean just to see who have the devotion to play hours and hours even to learn that champions spells, it would be fun, right? Thank you for reading :)
You should try Dota2 lots of "ridiculously hard to even learn" heroes there :) I play Dota2 and LoL so please, i didn't try to start a chain of fanboy tears, just a conversation :)
Kalista seems very hard to play properly. I don't see people before Platinum or Diamond managing to play her properly. Lots of micro management, need of knowing your position, no chance to screw something up.
My problem with ADC nowadays is that they need a team to function properly. Most of the time they will simply just get destroyed without a proper front line. Kalista certainly solves this problem with her mobility and utility but my question now is...what about the other ADCs? Someone like Ezreal wouldn't even stand a chance against Kalista with that kind of mobility.
***** My question was "what about the other ADCs?" not "What is the point of an ADC?". I know what an ADC needs to do and what the team needs to do for the ADC but now we have an exception in Kalista. So what I'm wondering is if there will be another ADC with as much utility as Kalista or will the other ADCs get a change to be able to match Kalista in utility. I do not think its fair to the other ADCs to have to rely on their team so much whereas Kalista does not need to rely on her team nearly as much. That is all I am saying. I do not see anything wrong with the role of ADC or Kalista as a champion though.
UeProductionz from what i see she relies even more on her Team. Her ultimate and some of her skills/mechanics are specifically teamwork based. And her little hops, although good, come with a trade off (before she hops she HAS to stay put during an AA animation), which can be enough time to be in range of a CC of some kind. That is even more dangerous when you can't ever cancel an AA. She is about as mobile as Vayne inside a teamfight. Sure, Vayne is a little less mobile, but she also has insane dmg even against tanks and also becomes stealth. To me, Kalista will be about the same as all other ADCs. She wins in some areas and loses in others. Her play making ability is great though, and she must be very fun to play.
My thoughts during the video was "wtf do I do with Kalista when my support leaves lane at 10 min and I see the support once every 10 min there after..." I guess no solo queue Kalista for me.
A good partner and a good teamworker, It's really recommended that you have her on your team,... if you want... problem is... If your partner DC's, you're dead.
Isn't Kalista kind of a "troll" champion? Think about it. her ult can move an ally to a different place. Depending on your team, if your team is toxic and has Kalista, she can just ult you right into the enemy's tower/territory. I might be wrong tho.
Yes you're kind of right, however the person playing Kalista can only choose when to throw the other player (usually her support) and the support chooses where they can be thrown. Therefore it almost takes the approval of the other player for her to actually throw you into the enemy team.
The person who is soul bounded gets to choose where he/she launches to. It's only when the soul partner doesn't choose a location he/she is send infront of Kalista.
Hey Riot, I just wanna say thanks. Thanks for making a free to play game that is actually amazing. This game is fun, exciting and fresh. Thanks for adding new champs. Ill buy kalista with RP now.
League of Legends Can you upload new spotlights for the champions that came out in the past? I don't think only Kalista having instructions for skill combos is not fair.
It seems too much mobility for an adc. In my opinion, she needs to have the same range as Lucian (500) or Graves (525), because her actual kit gives little to no counterplay for junglers without gap closers.
her passive is good but its not op. it gives her advanced orb walk... like any other adc couldnt do that... lucian, draven, vayne ... any adc with phage. Stfu bronzies.
Timothy.RO Right, even the E looks super broken... I really don't want to deal with this champion. I normaly don't ban new champs to see what they do and what I can do against but not this time. '-'
The Prodigie Dont think so in particular.. Solo queue will be hard with this champ and you have to be able to press attack move button. Alot of players dont use this
I give her 2 weeks before she gets nerfed. She's absurdly strong against almost every AD and Support due to the passive, and she also has CC, mobility and hyper carry damage. All hail CertainlyT.
23Fists I love like every one is talking that yasuo is op, while he got nerfed so hard that hes being banned in soloq so that no "yasuo OP" noob in your team would take him
23Fists It's funny you bring up Yasuo, since he was also designed by CertainlyT. I'm not one to call champs OP very often, but wait until people start to get the hang of her on the main sever, she's stupidly strong and will definitely be nerfed.
Ugh she seems so hard to play as heck! Note how many times they have to slow / pause the skill-play to explain all those. Bravo to Rito's champ design. Every single champions are really unique!
Nah, she has options, but she's not hard to play. There is a difference between skill cap and skill floor. In fact, I dont think there is a single champ that is actually hard to play in this game.
Snakes Lord Where is Rengar hard?? I'm confused, he isn't hard mechanically at all. When I think "hard to play" in comparison to the other character in their game, I think Carl Clover from Blazblue. You will not just pick him up and play. You need to spend hours upon hours of practicing just to SEEM competent.
Arcus Diabolus I main Rengar, and I can tell you it's pretty much the same thing. Him using ferocity instead of mana is kind of a bad thing, because you have to find the right combo depending con wheter you're fighting a champ or a monster, making you train for some time to become an "adept" Rengar player.
If you guys familiar with orb walking, (basically an autoattack maneuver, look it up), Kalista makes this easier but she can't cancel her autoattack so, her passive makes up for lost distance while chasing.
"like having a soulmate, but for killing things."
So how about dat URF.
"It's like skyrim, but with guns" - Adam Kovic.
Kalista noob champ REPORT rito
I want kalista so bad and lol and were u sick. U sound sick
Welcome to the League of Legends champion spotlight, featuring Barista
The employee of Starbucks
That needs to be a skin, immediately
Jeremy Garner Barista Kalista? I like the sound of that.
Riot, you seein this? Make it happen, give the people what they want.
Barista Kalista as an April fool skin pls
Instead of spears, she throws cups of boiling hot coffee
"Braum makes the right move here"
proceeds to point shield in direction of no enemies.
lol 😂
Wecolme to league of legends champion spotlight. Featuring: Kalista, the forever nerfed.
HORUZEN this did not age well
@Sorry I can’t think of a good username 8174 no
@Sorry I can’t think of a good username 8174 no
Hey is that wanwan from mlbb
@@jayanthip.s3686 wanwan is kalista from LoL
What's Kalista's favorite restaurant?
That's awesome man.
well not anymore its Ihob now
Homey has a stuffy nose.
I notice since the start of the vid
Vindubs I thought so I just wasn't sure
ya omg
Just a tip i recently found out (maybe you already know it), but when you use Shift + right click it's much easier to kite. You don't have to click on your targets anymore and can just spam right mouse button. The only con is that it focusses the closest enemy.
Really? What's next you're going to tell us? Maybe that if you press r you can use your ult?
FireStormBaller well i thought that tip was pretty useful... even pros use it
LlWEl Does the pros press r to use their ult too?
FireStormBaller You're being a douche right now bro...
She seems like an interesting new champ. Curious to see what she can do in the hands of better players.
Looks like thresh has a new girlfriend.
It's lucian's viel ;)
It's avtually thresh's sister believe it or not even though they don't look like each other at ALL.
op combo XD
Rammus Rammus. Remember now. All you say is 'ok' ok?
Nah that's Senna, Lucian's thicc wife
Oh Phreak... You so funneh!! 8:00
he sounds sick tho
Spuzie !
Spazie army arise
Someone call instalok we got an idea here
Sounds like he did the voice over with this one while sick
Another AD for my Zed to kill, muahaha (jk i suck)
you know, i can fit a watermelon in my anus
dat redmercy zed hhhh
Red why did you stop streaming?
Zedmercy :D
10 things to do with Kalista:
1. Force Supporters to support.
2. Force Assasins to support.
3. Force Master Yi and Lucian to support.
4. Steal kills.
5. Become Kings of the Lane with Fiddlesticks
6. Flash for free
7. Place flying wards
8. Steal Pentakills.
9. Become Tarzan
10. Force Baron to support
11. The Game
uhm wasn't that 11 things?
iCarl are u gay
Real Romney what?...
kalista infinite dashes / 10
would kek again !
Best comment ever :DDD
What if my soulmate disconnects after a few minutes? I won't be able to use my ult the entire game?!
Not like your gonna win a 4v5 anyway
OfficeBear IMBACKURMAD actually, wrong. They made it so that you can get another Black Spear for free in the shop, but it gets rid of the soulbound pact you made with the first "soulmate"
Terminus G No, it doesnt do anything at all, try it
MrBlizzno No it doesnt. Using the item doesnt do anything at all, ive tried it. You cant change pacts.
You can re buy the black spear and soul bind with someone else.
I kept laughing until the end of the video. God dammit, Phreak.
I'd say you're pretty lucky
oh wow you play league ,
Holy shit you play league too could you get better!!!!
what are you doing here xD i thought you had only one hobby... *sarcasm*
I just imagined SU saying "Oh baby a triple"
She seems so OP... next time when my support doesn't listen I can throw him under the enemy's turret.
How about you rewatch the video.
Sam Uchiha But she can go so clsoe under the tower that it doesnt matter where she ll choose!
Commander Jupiter the range is big enough for you to get out of turret range
I troll people like that too xD when they're recalling,I ult so they cant
lol that so cruel xD u do that and ur soulmatesay this"That it u play you own then noob" it kinda pathetic lol
So, you can also use her ultimate to send Thresh over walls and her grabbing his latern. Although it won't be neccesary since she can go over walls herself, it is a nice idea for a combo.
that is a pretty good strategy, give that man poro snax. also it could also go this way, Kalista can throw Thresh over a wall and kalista can dash through the wall and thresh can lantern someone else in the teamfight. I can see this working so well to contest drake or baron
That is also possible. Instead of just two players, why not three. Someone has to do this now.
You can also travel a huge distance by, lets say, Kalista throws Thresh, Thresh uses Q on a creep camp and leaves the lantern, suddenly they're both half a lane farther.
Man, wish I had more IP lol
Pretty sound plan that, give this man a pussy
Already been done, seen it in a lot of kalista montages from the PBE.
8:00 *Phreak*'s funny!
+Moozy Mathers what did he say?
+Fear6ful He said shoutout for life
+Vuk Jefic Thanks baby
+Fear6ful Ok you are little bit creepy...
Moozy Mathers Is your icon Vertigo's Death?
Ooh more stabby things. Me like.
Robin Andersson too soon
Guys Kalista is actually nidalee's dead mom
Oh baby that shank
Yeye man
Top lane Kalista seems like it can be possible.
Yes some of her power is removed because she would be the only one in lane, but at the same time it isn't like she is helpless.
If you soul link with your Jungler, then at your level 6 (as opposed to your jungler's level 6 which is most of the time after yours in a solo lane) a good gank is possible. She doesn't have access to her W passive or her ult otherwise, but they are not needed for laning normally anyways.
Kalista's Passive gives her the ability to be in the solo lane. It gives her the mobility she needs to poke and get out while also giving her the ability of an escape when ganked.
E at level 1 so you can last hit minions easier, poke your opponent with your basics and Q. If you don't have a ward and want to keep an eye on the river she has her W's active that can scout the side for you while you are pushed up to their tower.
She has the tools for solo lane, it's just up to her user to be good enough to play her in one.
Lol, sorry bronze expert
If you soul link with your jungler the enemy will know when he's coming... since you can see the soul-chain thingie between Kalista and her soul bound ally
Darifor3st You must be silver.
zohrd Actually, the link cannot be seen by the enemy team.
Darifor3st ^lol bronze expert
Riot should make it that if the soulbound champion is afk for 3 or 4 minutes, the link between the two is broken and Kalista can soulbind with another champion, that way her ultimate won't be completely useless, when the soulbound is afk.
Other than that I really like her kit, something very new. Her passive will require lots of getting used to it for me, though... And I can see her getting really OP with a soulbound + premade Leona or Braum...
She can buy a new spear for a few hundred gold at any time
She just starts with a free one
Ohh. Good.
nara070690 yeah, they added that recently
They should just allow her to change soul partners any time ahe wants
3:51 "Good job, Snake. Age hasn't slowed you down one bit."
+Oni *While looking at Corki* "A Hind D?"
Someone pissed you off in lobby? Make nice, make them your soulmate, have fun flinging them around the map for the rest of the game. So much trolling potential.
You cant control where do they land after ult. Its them who does it.
AHA OMG Unless they don't actually use the ability which most stupid people that still don't click thresh lantern probably won't do
Did you even listen to the video? The other player controls if he wants to be soulbound to Kalista and he decides where he wants to throw himself with Kalista's ult.
i dont know about throwing them but denying kills is certainly an option. ult q hop away.
Flicle that's just evil... it will be as common as shit
Only in League of Legends the range of guns is shorter than the range of arrows and spears XD
Nope, tristana...
They got strong arms. And Caitlyn has the HIGHEST attack range. .-.
im also late
it rymes
you could see it like this, everyone is using a revolver that doesn't shoot far. The huntsmen use a special Lord of the Rings magic bow that can go half the universe.
@@AgarioSplitrunner you mean like Belthronding, Beleng's bow? It would make a lot o sense.
I miss these so much. Wished they did these again.
When Kalista throws the black spear next to a friendly champion, she's basically saying "you're my bitch now."
I like how Riot has been releasing these unique and very difficult to play champs lately. Kalista's passive is a huge idea and holds an immense potential, but you gotta think twice before every auto attack, or else the enemy will be able to punish you hard. As an ADC player, I can't wait to get my hands on this champ. Well done, Riot. Gonna be fun learning to play her.
That new rift though, swwwoooooon!!
I love how creative and unique all the new characters are, Kalista is badass. Keep it up, Riot :}
I see where they got the idea for Wanwan from then with the hopping lol
Mobile legends bang bang latterly copied everything from lol
what do you expect from a copycat game
they even copy VI appearance and put it on masha, garbage game
@@yuh_like_ariana8202 even from the movie moontoon is totally a copycat.
Yawa jud ning ml
Yo.. Rito. I loved this review/spotlight more than ANY you've done. I think it's because you had fun with it (SHADOW ISLES FOR LIFE) and you still taught the same amount. Please do more like this!
I wish they would rework her Fate's Call. You are much dependent on your Oathsworn Ally, this means that it becomes pretty much useless when your ally suddenly becomes disconnect or doesn't stick with you. Her new Fate's Call should allows her to choose another champion to become her Oathsworn after an amount of time.
Ore doing some sort of damage / moving passive into w and give her passive like when she ult she get some range/armor/slow fesit for 3 s or sth like that
Or putting the old "extra range backward /dash range on her ult for some seconds /til sup is out of invincibility
This is one of the few champions I feel is worth the 7800 IP to get early. The other one was Braum and I don't regret it for a second. He was so fucking OP at release it wasn't even a challenge to win games with him.
Bruma jungle op... I got 1482 rp waiting for her bundle
Mrmacaroon I will probably not buy her bundle. I mean, I really like the skin but the base skin is so cool as well I will want to play with that one at least until I get bored of it.
But eventually I will buy the skin because it's awesome.
Linus Ekström I'll just wait till 6300 and save IP.
Bruam sorry :D
Team Rocket Rockin But you also want her in her OP release state. Also, I think it's worth the extra IP just to get to play her before you see her in every game.
Kalista's Rend can also be huge for Dragons and Barons if timed right with the Jungler or just outsmiting your own jungler to make sure he doesn't fail.
Yeah, at any point in the game Rend out damages Smite. Nunu/Kalista effectively means you'll never have an objective stolen.
it prob has a cap for minions and monsters, atleast it should
Freshomania Yeah, 254...It outdamages smite at EVERY stage of the game. if you're attacking the drag/baron for an effective amount of time rend will finish it.
Freshomania you saw at the end? she dealt about 1700 damage to baron.
did you saw the last clip? that rend did 1400+ damage and she had the debuff of baron that reduces damage by 50%....
These brief documentaries of hero capabilities and gameplay is a brilliant use of TH-cam and the LoL homescreen/dashboard.
There should be a feature where if your support goes AFK, you regain your soulbound item to give to someone else. (If you have all your items then it just goes on top of one until you give your spear to someone)
Phreak needs a raise... He did this champion spotlight for us with what sounds like one HELL of a headcold.
Thank you good sir.. we in the community salute you for your continued work to make League awesome!!
Was Phreak sick when he did this spotlight? he sounds different than the other spotlight
I thought the same..
I think he was ill
I thought that too
Yea me too!! :)
Yeah he sounded kinda congested to me
During the passive intro about the martial poise, there is a reference to her lore. Hecarim was one of many who betrayed Kalista. It is smart how they can remember the lore.
Phreak sounds like he did this video while he was sick
He always does.
Let's face it they only won that 2v2 because Kalista demoralized Sona when she dodged the Crescendo.
morale gives 10% attack damage. its in the patch ntoes.
I liked your videos before, but you show more emotion and emphasis now. It's a nice improvement, highly entertaining.
and they forgot to mention the most important aspect of kalista - stacking rend on any of the jungle camps with a reset, and then pass them into wounded enemy with Pierce for instakill.
"You've got a rend in me" I see what you did there
5:45 spirited away refference?
lol 😁😂
Hagane Tsume your pic is Awesome!!!!!
OMG lol nice one xDDD
Watching this again for WilD Rift Kalista, time passing man.
Dear Riot,
I might be completely wrong here. But I feel like you guys don't focus too much on fixing your servers, or balancing the champions (Some are pretty OP). But you guys keep creating new champs. I'm all for creativity and new ideas... but I feel like these new champions will make the already messed up champion balance system a LOT more unbalanced. And I feel like you guys didn't really fix your server issues either. Server issues are so common these days. *Sigh. Please at least focus on the basic problems before making nifty new changes. Thank you. Keep up the good work Rito.
Server issues? i play with a ping of 8 now a days, maybe you should fix your internet :P
I've been playing LOL for a few months now, and the only thing I think is actually better than other moba's (not just dota, don't rage pls) is that servers run with 30 fps 16 ping on my really crappy laptop.
I agree with you in everything.I made account on west server and i did lv up it to 30 than my games started to crash.I got baned third time in a row(leave buster) cuz my games crashed and thats only happening on west server.Games on east server work fine and never crashes.West is horrible server!
Yes i agree that Kalista is horrible designed champion.Riot is destroying this game with totaly diferent new universe champions compared to old.
Why does adc have knock up as CC?People seems to forget who is stuner,who is tanker and who is dmg dealer.
They are making mixes of adc/brusier,adc/apc which is realy bad.
I cant wait HoS cuz this game is geting so bad.sry for bad eng
repstar349 There is nothing wrong with internet.
Dino Fan try SMITE
So.. Part 1: Kalista is gonna be out for about 2-3 weeks of people shitstorming on her because they are bad.. - Thus no1 play her..
Part 2: Rito is gonna see she is not played very much, thus they buff her into god mode right at the time people start learning how to play her..
Part 3: I'll take a break when part 2 happens... -.-'
She'll get played in tournaments if she's good so they wont touch her.
Kalista punishes you hard for not being an expert at fire-and-forget last-hitting. Even pros cancel their attack animations to last-hit properly, but with Kalista that isn't an option. Once you've clicked a minion, she will fire her attack regardless of you missclicking or not. This also means that firing an auto attack at the wrong moment can easily get you killed before you get a lot of attack speed, because her wind-up animation for her attack is extremely long compared to other champions; you're locked in place for a good half second or more, which is ample time for a support to land CC on your face when you try and go for a last-hit.
Getting to the end-game fantasy and jumping all over the place with high attack speed is not going to happen very often before you get really great with her; because of her clunky auto attacks that can't be canceled, before you've gotten a lot of practice with her, you'll likely miss a lot of cs and leave the lane at a disadvantage vs most traditional adcs.
TreyShawn42 It's micro. Not macro. Macro would be knowing which items to build on her. And you should totally read my earlier comment because you have no idea of how punishing she is to play in lane if you aren't an absolute master at last-hitting. Miss-click and you'll lose the cs. There's no cancelling the auto attack to last-hit precisely, so either you're a god at last-hitting and never miss your clicks, or you're going to leave your lane in the mid-game at a cs disadvantage to your opponent. Her wind-up animation is extremely long until you get some substantial bonus attack speed, so she's rooted in place for long periods of time while auto-attacking in the early game, providing ample opportunities for the enemy support to lock you down with CC so the enemy adc can poke you down. She's extremely hard to play in lane and anyone who thinks otherwise should either play at master rank, or they're judging her solely based on the champion spotlight.
TreyShawn42 dude, the unfair part is her E, just wait till you play against her. I was maokai tank and suddenly a wilf fed kalista apeares and did 2790 dmg in 1.07 sec ... 48% was her E
Jens Nielsen you are totally right i played against lucian (the badest thing that can happen) he is in early game very strong andin my oppinion its easy too last hit with him im normal player and i have with most adc 120-150 cs in 15 min with kalista i got 80 that is pretty bad like you said i cancle my autos and clear my cs very safely but with her thats really hard and you get wrecked in early because your dmg output comes with a bit attack speed and dmg like bf sword lucian graves that makes in early game a lot of burst dmg are a hell
For those with the "but muh OP passive"
Yes, it's strong. But her passive only makes her orbwalk, as she can't orbwalk herself(you can't cancel the AA animation).
Also, ADCs are meant to counter tanks and bruisers with DPS. Also, Phage does something similar.
Yeah, but the fact that she can kite any champion with impunity is going to make her so easy to play once you learn the basics.
adc meant to counter tank? no, CC counters a tank.... ADC are the victim of a tank... and orbwalking is challenging to do, her passive makes it easy. and it's MORE than an orbwalk, it's a literal gap closer. not to mention being able to go over walls with it... my god my god my god!
xxxSolidShrimpxxx What is going to kill a tank faster, crit and armor pen combined with attack speed or some active like Frost Queen's claim or even a support with CC abilities. Idk about you, but I'm not throwing myself in the way of a tank just to slow him.
xxxSolidShrimpxxx So...you're telling me that consistent DPS doesn't kill a tank?
So what kills tanks? Burst? I really don't think so, as assassins are meant to take down priority targets that are squishy, not tanks -.-
Also, tanks are MEANT to soak up CC and damage while providing some CC. Look at Singed, Mundo, Shen, and even Shyvanna.
Grim Girl master yi counters her
Finally a reason to buy a Runaan's! And in case anyone was wondering, yes, her E-passive does work with Runaan's.
Kalista is coming to Wild Rift and this video is recommended on my homepage 😂
Do you have a cold mr. Riot employee?
He's called Phreak, and that's how he always sounds lol
Danielle Darling lol he sounded a bit nasally this video though.
FitzChivalry Farseer Maybe
FitzChivalry Farseer Go watch the Sejuani champion spotlight, Phreak had a real cold during that one!
Minecrafter5310 lol I'll check it out!
"Having a soulbouns is like having a soulmate,but for killing things!"-Phreak 2014
Tbh as a kalista main both before and after nerf looking back at how kalista used to be, she was OP.
She is mediocre now but i think what riot should do to make her decent is to allow her to dash back more distance as she used to.
I hate her passive. It is interesting mechanic, sure but there should be some limit to it... give it stacks like Akali ult, because leap this big with every single aa is bullshit. Basically you have to kill her in Vi ult or some hard cc instantly or you will never catch up again
although I agree it is kinda bs, I can only assume they make her auto damage very low or health very low. looks like this champ will be very item dependent
the drawback is that if her target leaves her vision while the auto attack is inbound it misses, so if she launches an attack and you say, flash over a wall, you are safe (noct ult anybody?)
Always have lots of CC in a team, they are most likely to win.
comming from someone who studies game mechanics, think about why they made it so you can't cancel ur auto. if you do not understand why this makes her passive balanced then i think you dont really understand what ur talking about.
If it turns out to be "broken" I'm sure the'll just add a 'limit' to it.
Great Champion, as always! I just have one minor thing you at Riot should consider more.
For almost any champion you made lately they get more unique (which is a good thing) but at the cost of simplicity. I find it extremely annoying that every new champion gets more and more complicated. Remember, not every new champion makes an old one leave. The game gets more and more complex and my brain feels just about exploding because I don't want to take the time to understand the new champs (even if I don't play them myself). I play quite a bit of League and I still don't really understand how Azir works just because it's so annoying to memorize. You know, sometimes less is more and it's still possible to make unique champions without making them more complicated (although it's harder but none the less still imo a way Riot doesn't look at enough).
I smell new SR music in the background. :D
Me like
Damn straight
don't you mean hear? How do you smell sound?
and look at the amount of idiots that actually liked your comment.
3:50 "Enemies can sneak up behind them to do so undetected. Cardboard boxes work, too." You guys made my day. However I guess it only works with an eye patch or with some solid, metal gear thingy.
Correct me if im wrong. It seems that Kalista is pretty hard to learn, even harder to master, you know, difficult champion to play, right? Like Gnar, because of his passive, and Azir, you know why. I like that Riot is doing these kinda champions, cause we have lot of those "easy to learn, hard to master"-champions. I think next champion or one after that should be _ridiculously_ hard to even learn, i mean just to see who have the devotion to play hours and hours even to learn that champions spells, it would be fun, right? Thank you for reading :)
You should try Dota2 lots of "ridiculously hard to even learn" heroes there :)
I play Dota2 and LoL so please, i didn't try to start a chain of fanboy tears, just a conversation :)
aaaaaaaand no citation for sivHD's words of wisdom :V
Kalista seems very hard to play properly. I don't see people before Platinum or Diamond managing to play her properly. Lots of micro management, need of knowing your position, no chance to screw something up.
Orgarian LP
haven't tried dota yet, but i do hear about that
Those champs that's hard to learn, but even harder to master is like.. Yeah.. Gonna be annoying.
sounding kind of sick there, Announcer. did you have a cold during this one?
Phreak must have a cold
Is it just me or the narrator sounds like he has some cold.
Nope, not just you.. Sounds like Phreak is a bit sick😊
He had a really bad cold on his stream a few days ago.
Simon Ploug you must be dumb
SlemMonster It seems like Phreak catches a cold every time a new champion gets released.
Mathieu C Probably because he is so ill! AMIRITE?
Lovin the Spirit Away reference in there at 5:46 :)
The phreak cold is real.
Does Phreak have a cold? Also, new champ looks fun, can't wait to lane with one.
First lane against one.
My problem with ADC nowadays is that they need a team to function properly. Most of the time they will simply just get destroyed without a proper front line. Kalista certainly solves this problem with her mobility and utility but my question now is...what about the other ADCs? Someone like Ezreal wouldn't even stand a chance against Kalista with that kind of mobility.
That's...kind of the point of an ADC. To have a team to function properly. To sit in the back and deal some major damage.
well its a TEAM game
***** My question was "what about the other ADCs?" not "What is the point of an ADC?". I know what an ADC needs to do and what the team needs to do for the ADC but now we have an exception in Kalista. So what I'm wondering is if there will be another ADC with as much utility as Kalista or will the other ADCs get a change to be able to match Kalista in utility. I do not think its fair to the other ADCs to have to rely on their team so much whereas Kalista does not need to rely on her team nearly as much. That is all I am saying. I do not see anything wrong with the role of ADC or Kalista as a champion though.
UeProductionz from what i see she relies even more on her Team. Her ultimate and some of her skills/mechanics are specifically teamwork based. And her little hops, although good, come with a trade off (before she hops she HAS to stay put during an AA animation), which can be enough time to be in range of a CC of some kind. That is even more dangerous when you can't ever cancel an AA. She is about as mobile as Vayne inside a teamfight. Sure, Vayne is a little less mobile, but she also has insane dmg even against tanks and also becomes stealth. To me, Kalista will be about the same as all other ADCs. She wins in some areas and loses in others. Her play making ability is great though, and she must be very fun to play.
My thoughts during the video was "wtf do I do with Kalista when my support leaves lane at 10 min and I see the support once every 10 min there after..." I guess no solo queue Kalista for me.
The commentary alone was enough for me to like the video.
"Shadow Isles for life!" but... but they're, de- never mind.
"Shados Isles for unlife!" then.
is it only me or does Phreak sound like ha catched a cold?
He's always had that nasal-y quality to his voice.
I thought he was sick tbh
Whatever, he said "tons of damage" :D
Yea, his voice was PHREAKing me out!
yes, I know, it was bad :'(
Is it just me, or does Phreak sound a bit sick?
i noticied that too
like hes got some stick up his nose or something
Stuffy nose.
i hope he get well soon
Tons of Blockage
I really like the new champion spotlights and would love it if you remade some of the older champion spotlights please.
A good partner and a good teamworker, It's really recommended that you have her on your team,... if you want... problem is... If your partner DC's, you're dead.
Isn't Kalista kind of a "troll" champion?
Think about it. her ult can move an ally to a different place. Depending on your team, if your team is toxic and has Kalista, she can just ult you right into the enemy's tower/territory. I might be wrong tho.
Yes you're kind of right, however the person playing Kalista can only choose when to throw the other player (usually her support) and the support chooses where they can be thrown. Therefore it almost takes the approval of the other player for her to actually throw you into the enemy team.
The person who is soul bounded gets to choose where he/she launches to. It's only when the soul partner doesn't choose a location he/she is send infront of Kalista.
IceNaxi Unless she flashes and Qs to get into the tower or to make them get out of team fights!
Wait till one for all comes back and play this champion, but 5 of them
Luquier Silverthorn we all ult eachother, what happens?
Seriously sounds like Phreak has a cold lol.
i know right
came here just to say that! lol
ik always
Dudeloo Kanavos Not always. He's just has a cold like all the time. :D In some vids he sounds normal.
Awesome job guys on the new champion ;)
"martial poise helps kalista float like a butterfly and sting like a spirit hell-bent on vengeance"
Hey Riot, I just wanna say thanks. Thanks for making a free to play game that is actually amazing. This game is fun, exciting and fresh. Thanks for adding new champs. Ill buy kalista with RP now.
Do you regret it
Do you regret it
I can already sense the AP Kalista Jungles in Solo Queue...
no AP ratios sorry
Xy TV kinda the point. xD
In case anyone haven't seen. You can combo her ult to Kennen and Fiddle ults
Phreak is a bit ill huh? :D
He sounds a bit sniffy
I thought the same thing. XD Poor guy must have a cold or the flu.
Narrator is Phreak... The legend...
Daniel Milligan ebola for sure
So what Happenens when your "soul mate" is afk, you cant use your ult? .....
ahahaha this thought is genius
Pretty much, you and the team except the afk'er is fucked.
Nope , you can sell your spear and buy a new one , this way you can bound another teammate :D ...
Mejreme Ymeri False u can only bind one
No ***** try it bro
Riot should make a battle bunny kalista skin since she jumps around like a bunny all over the place :D
AWESOME champion and good spotlight...keep on good working.
RIP Kalista November 2014 - December 2015
We will miss you.
what happened to her?
+Scourg3 nerfed as hell
+Patricio Blanco yeah, but when used right, she is amazing.
+Scourg3 she will never be the same again
+Patricio Blanco true, but she's my main. i will always adore her.
Is it just me or does Phreak sound like he has a cold or something in this video??
I'm from the future Moonton created hero like kalista. Wan wan
Thank for answering the question no one ask
@Czedrick Ivan Sembrano yes because moskov use spear but kalista passive and wan wan passive are similar
League of Legends Can you upload new spotlights for the champions that came out in the past? I don't think only Kalista having instructions for skill combos is not fair.
She seems like a champion meant for premade bot lane or a full team, what if her partner were to afk? Also, you sound a bit sick man.
Riot cannot take afkers into account when making champs dude.....
TheAlcatrazzer Yamato You can rebuy the spear item and soulbind to a new person just in case that happens
I guess they did take it into account lol, forgot you could do that
TheAlcatrazzer Yamato Its something that was definately needed
Tim Sauerwein Ah, thanks for telling me that. :) Didn't know
It seems too much mobility for an adc. In my opinion, she needs to have the same range as Lucian (500) or Graves (525), because her actual kit gives little to no counterplay for junglers without gap closers.
shes going to be nerfed into the ground.
her passive is good but its not op. it gives her advanced orb walk... like any other adc couldnt do that... lucian, draven, vayne ... any adc with phage. Stfu bronzies.
KiIlerKiwi Thank you for taking the words out of my mouth so I did not have to say it. :p
Tell me more than one viable jungler without a gap closer, you know what, tell me just one.
Perma ban until they nerf this passive...
More like until nerfed Q. (haven't played/ seen in a while) Her with 100% ad ratio is pretty extreme
Timothy.RO Right, even the E looks super broken... I really don't want to deal with this champion. I normaly don't ban new champs to see what they do and what I can do against but not this time. '-'
I don't play much on PBE so all I know is I like playing her. Haven't played enough to know what its like to play against
The Prodigie Dont think so in particular.. Solo queue will be hard with this champ and you have to be able to press attack move button. Alot of players dont use this
This champ is super hard to Play like gnar/Azir
Just played Kalista tonight. Fun. Still lots to learn before mastering this Champ or any other for that matter.
I give her 2 weeks before she gets nerfed. She's absurdly strong against almost every AD and Support due to the passive, and she also has CC, mobility and hyper carry damage. All hail CertainlyT.
SimpleSock I dont know i went against kaliste twice on the pbe with lucian and vayne, and absolutely destroyed her.
Although peel is a type of CC, it's not game-breaking op like some champs with a dash, wall, shield AND hard knock-up CC *cough* YASUO *cough*
Team Rocket Rockin people dont know how to play her and are probably bronze so
23Fists I love like every one is talking that yasuo is op, while he got nerfed so hard that hes being banned in soloq so that no "yasuo OP" noob in your team would take him
23Fists It's funny you bring up Yasuo, since he was also designed by CertainlyT. I'm not one to call champs OP very often, but wait until people start to get the hang of her on the main sever, she's stupidly strong and will definitely be nerfed.
2:15 that’s a lie they stop when the spear does FULL HEALTH damage on the unit
Little Phreak has a bit of a cold eh? so cute
Playing the Kallista-Morgana combo is srsly so much fun!
Ugh she seems so hard to play as heck! Note how many times they have to slow / pause the skill-play to explain all those.
Bravo to Rito's champ design. Every single champions are really unique!
Nah, she has options, but she's not hard to play. There is a difference between skill cap and skill floor.
In fact, I dont think there is a single champ that is actually hard to play in this game.
Arcus Diabolus Except for Rengar. He will be always hard as heck to play.
Snakes Lord Where is Rengar hard?? I'm confused, he isn't hard mechanically at all.
When I think "hard to play" in comparison to the other character in their game, I think Carl Clover from Blazblue. You will not just pick him up and play. You need to spend hours upon hours of practicing just to SEEM competent.
Arcus Diabolus I main Rengar, and I can tell you it's pretty much the same thing. Him using ferocity instead of mana is kind of a bad thing, because you have to find the right combo depending con wheter you're fighting a champ or a monster, making you train for some time to become an "adept" Rengar player.
Snakes Lord What are you talking about? Rengar just needs to manage his stuff, he's not any harder than anyone else.
Who's here because of wanwan in Mobile legends? ML is running out of ideas😂
Same hahaha
Im thinking it... wanwan passive..
Was expecting the same ult tho but nah
They ran out of ideas right from the start of development
Anyone else notice how nasal and congested the narrator sounds...these allergies tho.
yeah. thanks for commenting my comment for me ;)
takeru91 yeah, thanks for commenting my comment for me ;)
is it phreak? sounds like him to me
ok after the tons of dmg part im pretty sure..
It was really annoying, if their usual guy is sick they could get another one... Sounds really unprofessional
If you guys familiar with orb walking, (basically an autoattack maneuver, look it up), Kalista makes this easier but she can't cancel her autoattack so, her passive makes up for lost distance while chasing.
Phreak sounds like he has a cold.
Well the Shadow Isles isn't exactly a tropical get-away.
I think he does. If anyone watched some of his most recent streams you probably would know as well. :))