hi, thanks for sharing, may i know the high tax brand GBP50270 is calculated by salary only or salary + dividend + interest ? note : i have income from salary, dividend and interest.
I am not a tax or financial adviser. The following is purely my personal understanding, not professional advice 👇 Hi Alex. Yes, it includes salary, dividend, interest, self employment income and a few more.
Thank you so much for your info and admire much your effort on it!
Thanks for sharing !!!
如果有part II, 可否講下攞退休金要注意既事;咁就可以決定而家放多少或者唔放退休金
agree .. 同埋想問適齡拎退休金時如果不在Uk. 照可提取?
謝謝你嘅建議。 呢排我讀緊退休規劃,所以呢排嘅片應該都會多啲同退休金,遺產等等有關。
多謝小魚巴,小魚巴你既presentation 做得真係好好,將一d好複雜既數好清楚咁一步步解釋
關於child benefit 個條數可以拍一條片講嗎?
將來可以。 我見大部分 BNO嚟嘅香港人都未會攞到 public fund 嘅 benefit,所以諗住少人有興趣。
Thank you very much!! I still need to digest what you have explained.
it is quite complicated indeed.
之前reddit見過有人講higher rate如果用net pay (salary sacrifice) 供pension 係可以慳到2% NI contribution. 不過我冇求證過.
本人並非稅務或財務專家,以下純粹我個人理解,非專業意見 👇
Hi k3vink3vin。 無錯, Salary Sacrifice 係可以慳到 NI。但 salary sacrifice 同 net pay 係有分別。Salary sacrifice 係真係減咗人工。所以對其他嘢有影響,有利亦有弊。稍後會講講關於 salary sacrifice 要注意嘅事。
hi, thanks for sharing, may i know the high tax brand GBP50270 is calculated by salary only or salary + dividend + interest ? note : i have income from salary, dividend and interest.
I am not a tax or financial adviser. The following is purely my personal understanding, not professional advice 👇
Hi Alex. Yes, it includes salary, dividend, interest, self employment income and a few more.
本人並非稅務或財務專家,以下純粹我個人理解,非專業意見 👇
Hi May. 係. 但係大部分人退休時嘅收入都比工作時少。所以如果到時時比現在較低稅階,就可以省唔少稅。例如由40%稅變成20%稅。
其實之前都係架. Low earner 係蝕咗 😅😅