You meant to say Minutes To Midnight, not Hands Held High around the end there but that's okay especially when frustration gets the better of us! It happens!😅
Completely agree on Shinoda being the real weak point. With Chester gone, he's become the de-facto leader and just refused to step up to that plate here. Which isn't all that surprising given his decision to include generative AI slop in some of the marketing.
Mark, I'm going to have to vehemently disagree with one of your claims: Hybrid Theory still totally holds up. Most of the songs are absolutely amazing, and while I guess Crawling is overplayed to meme status, the only real blips in the album are A Place for my Head, and the end bridge of By Myself.
I personally disagree with your view that Linkin Park have never been great lyricists. I think that the writing on most of the songs from all of their past albums is really powerful, but I can't say the same about From Zero, which is one of my biggest issues with it
I’m just going to comment before the diehard fans do because they really like going after Negative reviews of “Senpai Linkin Park.” If you enjoy it, great for you. Don’t turn into a Taylor Swift cult-like fanbase because of these reviews, calm TF down.
I have a significantly less jaded view on this. For the record, this is coming from a hardcore LP fan who enjoys all the albums (Yes, even the lesser liked stuff.). I think From Zero is playing things a little safe, it's comfort food but in all honesty? I think that was needed. I will never forget the excitement that radiated from me the moment I realized the announcement they were teasing was a concert and my happiness listening to The Emptiness Machine's opening as I realized it was something new and with all the songs? I feel like I'm wrapped up in a nice cozy blanket and I think it's a good way to ease people in with the new singer who is genuinely really good! Hell, there are points where she scarily almost sounds like Chester and I feel like as she sticks around, she'll get better and better and I do feel they will play around with things and make more music that has that unique energy.
I think the main issue with me is how forced and dishonest this record feels. Even if early LP weren’t the best lyricist, I always felt the emotions and melodrama was earnest and coming from a real place. I didn’t really feel this here. Emily is a talented vocalist, but I can’t connect to any of it and that’s especially true for Mike this time around. Made worse that the hooks vocally and instrumentally are super forgettable. It’s like if they tried to remake Living Things without the catchy choruses, and I really like that album. But yeah, kinda bad album imo. I was hoping for more maturity but this record feels like all angst without the passion or genuineness
I don't know why they should change the name - Chester went out of his way to say he wouldn't want that; but from a brief listen to one of their newer singles, I couldn't get behind the lyrics. Something about it sounded sloppily written.
A *very* disparaging review, yet I did see it coming from you. I personally think the album is solid; nowhere close to touching the heights that the stuff with Chester did, of course, but not terrible, either.
A bit harsh, but fair I guess. I liked the album well enough. I think they played it safe because they knew people were already going to be ready to shit on them and kinda just played the hits. It's at least the most they've sounded like their old selves in quite a while. The Hunting Party touched on LP's old style but minus that we really haven't heard hints of it since one or two tracks on Minutes to Midnight 17 years ago. I think Emily actually did a fairly solid job on the album vocally, and that if anything Mike was the one that kinda fell flat. I don't remember a single part of his after a few playthroughs, but definitely remember some of Emily's hooks (I know he wrote both parts but damn he gave Emily all the good parts). That's part of why I don't necessarily agree Mike would be doing Fort Minor if it sold okay, feels like the rapping was the weakest part of the album. I think the scientology thing is a can of worms that none of us really know the answers on, and there's very little chance of us ever getting them thanks to the legal and physical danger of saying anything negative about them once you're involved with them or even leave them. I also don't really agree with it being an issue that they used Heavy is the Crown. What I've Done was on Transformers: The Album and nobody really batted an eye at the fact it was both on a Linkin Park album and on a soundtrack. It fit the tone of the album and is definitely one of the stronger tracks so that's an odd criticism to me. I'm at least curious where LP might go next, now that they might hopefully feel a bit more free to experiment again after putting an album out and it being for the most part positively received. It was like a 3/5 for me, probably won't be giving Overflow or Stained many replays.
This is a pretty clear cash grab by Mike Shinoda and co. The album takes all of the worst elements of Linkin Park’s 17 year span of albums and put them all in this album with none of the charm those albums had. The best part of the album is legit Emily’s vocal performance on this, and it honestly feels partially contrived thanks to the production and overall direction from Mike. It really should’ve been a spinoff project and left Linkin Park be; but instead they wanted to milk the name value
I highly disagree that Mike Shinoda has evolved a ton as a rapper/singer in the past 20 years. That entire span of time came with him learning to sing and getting better at more and more over the years.
Linkin Park are one of my top 10 favorite bands of all time, but I was not excited for this album at all. The harsh reality is that Emily Armstrong is barely on this album in the grand scheme of things. It’s just a Mike Shinoda project that features Emily as a microphone for Mike to have a temper tantrum. And one kept coming to mind for me to compare this album to as a result of that particular feeling…this is Linkin Park’s Van Halen III. No this album isn’t as bad as that one, but Gary Cherone was just a microphone for the Van Halen brothers to spew nonsensical lyrics all throughout that album, and unfortunately Emily is in the same boat here. I know many people won’t agree simply because of the name attached to the album cover, but I refuse to let my love for a band cloud my better judgement. And the last hot take I’ll make here is this…I’m sorry to say, but not even Chester Bennington would save an album like this. If nothing else about this album changed outside of switching out Emily with Chester, the album’s quality would be no better or worse than it already is, and as it is I personally gave the album a strong 2/10, with Cut The Bridge and Good Things Go being the only songs I even remotely like on this album.
I guess we can agree to disagree, I personally loved it , but kinda hard to take this review seriously because people criticized Linkin park for not sounding like meteora o hybrid theory then they release a few songs on this album that are reminiscent to that and are criticized, some peoples just can’t seem to be happy with anything
Out of depth and lack of theme. Every song in this album reminded me of older Linkin Park's songs and that make it really, really hard to not compare thing when they are using the same name and try to cook with the same recipe. And when you start the comparision, it begin to rot really fast. 2/5 mid tier executing with too much bait for nostalgia.
Wow, that's a better way to describe than I could have come up with, that's exactly how I feel abut I couldn't put it to words. I don't _hate it_, it feels like some old LP stuff. It's just not exciting either.
Given that Linkin Park was my very first favorite band when I was six, it's difficult not to find some level of comfort in some of the safer takes on the album. The way The Emptiness Machine hits, I can see why there are rumors swirling around that they were using old material written when Bennington was still alive. Despite that comfort, though, I think you are completely right here-- Mike Shinoda really is the problem and Emily Armstrong is going to take the brunt of the fall for it. The album really does feel like it's meant to sell tickets to a reunion tour that...really only seems to feel like it happened because of how hard Shinoda went on the NFT thing and almost certainly lost a ton of money in the process. Your comment that Fort Minor wouldn't have gotten as much attention as Linkin Park feels exactly on the money here. As powerful as the grief was for me when Bennington died, I really don't think it would have been in poor taste for the band to continue after some time had passed. Plenty of rock bands have moved on with a new vocalist. But One More Light felt so creatively depleted and after years of the band being inactive, it didn't really seem like there was a wealth of creative territory they still needed to tread. I can't fully hate From Zero or consider it a waste because I do genuinely like The Emptiness Machine, Heavy is the Crown, and Overflow, but I hope Shinoda gets his money and stops trying to milk this cow.
This album is an example of how differently our ears and minds hear music. I seem to be in the vast minority who hears Emily's voice hitting very much the same tones and colors as Chester's. She is both the 'pick someone who sounds the same' and 'pick someone completely different' choice, at the same time.
While I thought this album was kind of meh overall, the only actual BAD aspect on the album is the rapping by Mike Shinoda. Like, I’m sure TYLER JOSEPH has spit better bars than him.
People called One More Light a sellout record when it initially came out. I think From Zero is their sellout record. For god sake, “Two Faced” sounds like “One Step Closer To Temu.”
@ShayminPunk64 See, I don’t even consider going pop as “selling out.” Especially with the case of One More Light. If you look back on the interviews during that era, you could tell that the direction at least came from a real place. They genuinely wanted to try to make a pop album, and it just so happened to not work.
Mfw the casuals want Hybrid Theory and Meteora and then cry when they get that. Chester got so much flak for telling these fans to go fuck themselves, and now to this lol. Where were you guys when they did The Hunting Party?
@@axleblaze3776 A bit of a hot take, but I think The Hunting Party is their best work. That’s a good example of going back to their heavier roots, but still doing something new with it by turning the heaviness up to the max. The heaviest moments on Hybrid Theory weren’t quite on the level of some of the heaviest moments on Hunting Party. That’s probably why it didn’t do so hot mainstream wise, it is because of how heavy it is.
I somewhat agree. I found it solid at first but it's really getting weaker with more listens, plus the lyrics feel pretty vague or even forced at times. And this comes from a huge Linkin Park fan.
Great review. Linkin Park had everything going for them as they were preparing for a comeback, and they just fumbled the ball. Controversy surrounding Emily's past aside, I was pretty underwhelmed with the vocal performances from both Emily and Mike, and the production sounded like a lazy rehash of their best works. Nothing really rancid here, but nothing special either. 5/10.
Definitely not the best Linkin Park album but not all bad. There were some bangers like Emptiness Machine and Two Faced but it sounded like it was lacking sth
My review of From Zero by “Linkin Park” If you are wondering why I put Linkin Park in quotation marks I’ll explain but first of all this is just my opinion, From Zero is a good album but it pales in comparison to Linkin Park other albums especially Hybrid Theory and Meteora. I am not discrediting the talent of anyone in the band especially Emily but it just doesn’t feel like Linkin Park without Chester, this should have been a different band instead of continuing Linkin Park. The biggest problem is the songs where its just Emily singing without Mike as they can feel like another artist rather then Linkin Park. But Honestly did we really need another album from Linkin Park after Chester died? Bring Me The Horizon is pretty much the modern Linkin Park as they are filling the void for them so we don’t really need Linkin Park to return. Honestly the whole controversy about Emily's ties to the church of Tom Cruise is more interesting then the album itself which is a same as I was kinda hoping for something to blow me away but no its just a good album which Linkin Park didn't need, they needed a modern masterpiece like Hybrid Theory or Meteora. But if you love this album then I'm happy you're happy, I'm not trying to ruin anybody's parade I'm just saying I think you deserve better. Tracks Ranked & Rated: Heavy Is The Crown 5/5 The Emptiness Machine 4/5 Two Faced 4/5 Stained 4/5 Cut The Bridge 3/5 Over Each Other 3/5 Good Things Go 3/5 Overflow 3/5 IGYEIH 3/5 Casualty 2/5 From Zero (Intro) 1/5 Overall Score: 2/5
Okay fair, but like, counter point. You make it sound like the album isn't mostly fun to listen to. I thought it was. Especialy compared to bore fests like Living Things and One More Light. I like that it sounds like more of a proper followup to The Hunting Party.
You put into words exactly why I haven't felt the need to listen to the album after hearing the singles. (The lack of addressing the rumors doesn't help either)
they're not even rumours, Emily's mum is confirmed to run the osa aka the part of Scientology that sends legal threats to those who have left or have been forcibly disconnected from the cult
This is my third favorite album by linkin park, really enjoyed this album, exceeded my expectations, better than their last few as albums, i think even Chester was still alive, it would be better if Emily took the reins any way. No one cared for one more light until Chester died, look at them now, when was the last time linkin park was this popular?
I'm shocked you didn't touch on the drumming. This new drummer is good and I really appreciate how much heavier the percussion is this time around. The album's alright. Don't get the hate for it (new singer issues notwithstanding), but it's not something I'd recommend either. When the album finished I thought it was 3/4 done, it's very short. If you must listen to it, Heavy is the Crown and Over Each Other seem to be the best standout songs imo and worthy of repeat listens, but the studio banter is insufferable on this album and really turns me off. And ending the album on a song whose hook goes "sometimes bad things take the place where good things go" is so immensely tone deaf I was shocked it was on the album. And hard agree, Mike Shinoda is what's holding this incarnation of LP back a lot.
Linkin Park are one of my top 5 favorite bands of all time, but even then I’m not automatically wired to like everything this band does, and this album absolutely sucks as a whole. It’s not without its moments but as a whole it’s a very messy album. Believe it or not, Emily Armstrong is not my biggest issue here; in fact her vocals performances are honestly the best part on the album (barring one exception because Casualty is an absolutely horrid song). The thing with this album is that it doesn’t even feel like a Linkin Park album. You could honestly call this “The Mike Shinoda Show” and it wouldn’t be any different. The writing more often than not is trash and I cannot even for a second take Linkin Park, one of the biggest bands of all time at this point, portraying themselves as underdogs. The other thing is that Emily Armstrong is merely a face and voice for Mike Shinoda to spew some of the most crybaby lyrics I’ve heard in a long time. Hell this album feels like a modern day equivalent of, I shit you not, Van Halen III. Emily is stuck in a Gary Cherone situation; she does the best she can with the material she has but like I said before, she’s just a face and a voice for Mike Shinoda to bitch about whatever he feels like. And hearing this album merely proved my point that the band should not have gotten back together after Chester’s death. And unfortunately, I don’t even think Chester would save this album. It sounds harsh but I do genuinely stand by it. Again, while what this band does in the post-Chester era won’t affect my thoughts on the band as a whole, this album is a fucking mess. (PS, Black Gives Way to Blue this is not)
I felt this album forces fans who listen to it to like it. When going in to making this album they felt knowing that there’d be fans who would like them with the new song what if we could forced people. They wanted people to like it so much they didn’t care about lyrics and all. If I said what if I don’t like it before listening to the band members and they redpinded you’ll have to regardless of anything you find wrong with it the heaviness of it the rhythms and drums will make you forget what you find wrong with it. It will be so empowering that it will over power the flaws. Linkin Park was much better on previous albums all together even when they were not at their best. It was so much better. For the fans who don’t agree go back listen to previous records especially Hybrid Theory and Meteora, then think about it. I just don’t quite know how much better I can explain my feelings. After full listen of From Zero as much as I like the style I don’t find myself feeling I have to come back to it or even wanting to which isn’t the case for Linkin Park. Infact even the more mellow songs they’ve done and the heavier one on previous albums I enjoy listening to more even when they don’t have mikes bars of him rapping. Here it just doesn’t do any justice for me. So going into it if some knows I like the heaviness of the songs and and the fast pace rhythms, beats combined with the vocals. People who know me know what I like about linkin Park that ‘Meteora’ is my favorite album might tell me that your going to like it we just know it. No I like it and don’t care if I ever listen to it again or not. At this moment I have no desire to listen to any of the songs again. yesterda was the last time and the first time I listened to it and I don’t know how soon or if I will ever listen to it again.
I wasn’t too big on this album either. I only listened to it once on its release date on Apple Music and haven’t came back to it ever since. There’s no Linkin Park without Chester Bennington.
I say this as someone who legit adores Meteora-A Thousand Suns to fucking pieces; this album should have never been made. It exists to me in the same way to me as St. Anger or Be Here Now; a once promising band who said everything they had to, but decided that they should overstay their welcome to make more money, only this time it's worse, due to the most talented member of the band is not even there anymore.
I've been a big fan of Linkin Park since hybrid and met the band a handful of time with seeing them live, and even in rehearsal settings, check my page. I tried to listen to it last night and quit once I got half way through Two Face. To me it's just not it I even found myself rapping the beginning of bleed it out. That's try. I think it was track number three so I could see where they got the influence for most of their songs from.But to me, it, don't sound like linkin Park, plus it's only 31 minutes
@@vicstonek9 people have coped with it; listen to the amount of testimonies from ex-members. if people are actually willing to leave it, they will even with family connections (beck's kids are still caught in the cult but he's gone for years now).
Im sorry, dude, between you and Jon...finding this album as worse than One More Light genuinely makes no sense to me at all, Mark! I am more with Luke on this one, and I think the real make or break will be what they choose to do next after this! Also LP deserve any props it's helping Helmet get back on its feet after they had to unfortunately cancel their tour dates for financial reasons! Sure, they're friends and all but still!🤷♂️
I actually love the album and am glad they did it under Linkin Park. To me this album is very Linkin Park in feel and while it’s not their all time best I still consider it in the lower middle of their catalogue and enjoy almost every song on it. I’d give it an 8.5 out of ten personally.
This is a superb album, absolutely Linkin Park! Love that their back, give 'em a break, Mike and co. deserve to be happy and do what they want, after all this is Mike's band. And they did a great job with this album and I am a fan since Meteora.
Well done review. Appreciate your thoughts. Personally, I liked the album - I'd probably give it a 3.5/5 which for me is a good album - but I will admit the first half is stronger than the 2nd half, which is average, but the first half is great. I don't really listen to this type of music for lyrics so the lyrical shortcomings don't really bother me. The album delivered great pop hooks and competent instrumentation. It's also blissfully not too long so it doesn't meander or wear out it's welcome. Mike's rapping has always been charmingly mediocore yet functional so his bars didn't bother me. I thought Emily Armstrong did a very good job on the vocals.
Honestly, as a diehard LP fan, I genuinely did not care for this album at all, whatsoever. For me, personally, it was very forgettable and honestly felt a bit nostalgia-pandering in a few spots (two easy examples being Two-Faced- one of the only few songs I actually liked on this album- which felt like if Figure.09 from Meteora and One Step Closer from Hybrid Theory had a baby and this was the end result, and Heavy is the Crown, which, to me at least, felt like the Dollar Tree version of Faint from Meteora). Overall, this album did nothing for me, probably their worst project to date imho, and this comeback as a whole has left me feeling very underwhelmed, which makes me sad to say as LP is one of my all-time favorite bands.
@@Messyball Dude, I just said I didn't care for the album, that's it. I love Chester very much, but I didn't mind (and still don't mind) the idea of them moving on with a new singer so they can do what they love doing the most, which is, you know, making music. The comeback as a whole has left me feeling underwhelmed not just because of the album itself, but the controversy as well, with her ambiguous ties to the cult and all that, I just don't feel 100% comfortable supporting this iteration of the band right now. Trust me, I was excited for this comeback, but as of right now, I'm just feeling underwhelmed by it all.
I watched this expecting to be dismissive of your take (the link to here gave away the conclusion) but came away thinking, fair enough, that's your view! I can understand your points but I love the album regardless. I'm a different audience though. I don't consume loads of different music. I listen to the few bands who were important to me in my teens, one of which is Linkin Park. It feels like a warm blanket or a hug to me, I'm just so happy to hear new material from them. I'm really enjoying it and I'm so happy they're back and enjoying themselves. I can't wait to hear what they come up with next.
"One More Light is better than From Zero" is the worst take I've heard all year. From a light fan, who loved Hybrid Theory and Meteora at the time they came out, From Zero is by far the most enjoyment I've had from listening to LP since Meteora. And by the way, Emily absolutely kills it on vocals, I have no idea what y'all youtube music critics are listening to. Even Fantano gave it a 5, which means it's at worst a 7 or 8
This guy listens to far more good music than you, lol! You're still stuck obsessing over Linkin Park almost a quarter-century after their peak-you haven't made an effort to discover new music for the majority of your fleeting time on Earth.
_"As much as poptimism has graced for longevity, what's really been allowed in that longevity? _*_Cause if we look for rock, or metal, or country, bands can slog through the slump years a lot longer, age a lot harder and still bring fans back to coast on a comeback that isn't really anything close to their peak, if everyone is truly being honest."_* - Mark Grondin, This Is Not A Katy Perry Review (September 29th, 2024) _"I have a feeling that whether the new Linkin Park album in November gets praise or condemnation from mainstream critics will reinforce the thesis of this video."_ - me, the comment section of TINAKPR-video (same day) And considering that From Zero got praised by mainstream critics...yeah, that video turned out to be prophetic + thesis reinforced.
Come on the music isn't that bad LP is smart tap into some of their older sounds to get the fans back and what band doesn't create music to make money that's the point as my uncle told me years ago nobody works really really hard to work their way to the middle 😂it's always to the top or find something else to do because your not serious about being successful.
"No-one works hard to works their way to the middle... because your [sic] not serious about being successful" we're not in a meritocracy, the hardest/'best' work isn't always rewarded by the biggest audience or payout Also, music is both art & commodity, making money isn't the only desirable outcome. Is it not disappointing to hear a well regarded band reduced to a legacy act, even if it sells?
"type they should do music" Perhaps check your diction before talking definitions Early Linkin Park was done for love, even later records were made with a specific vision in mind. Why listen if you don't care for what they're saying or doing?
You meant to say Minutes To Midnight, not Hands Held High around the end there but that's okay especially when frustration gets the better of us! It happens!😅
Completely agree on Shinoda being the real weak point. With Chester gone, he's become the de-facto leader and just refused to step up to that plate here. Which isn't all that surprising given his decision to include generative AI slop in some of the marketing.
"With chester gone" like chester was ever at the helm of making decisions. Mike and Joe have been the creative directors of the band since day 1.
Mark, I'm going to have to vehemently disagree with one of your claims: Hybrid Theory still totally holds up. Most of the songs are absolutely amazing, and while I guess Crawling is overplayed to meme status, the only real blips in the album are A Place for my Head, and the end bridge of By Myself.
Yeah Mark is dead fucking wrong there.
I really enjoyed this album, definitely worth a listen despite the critcs. Give it a try!!
I personally disagree with your view that Linkin Park have never been great lyricists. I think that the writing on most of the songs from all of their past albums is really powerful, but I can't say the same about From Zero, which is one of my biggest issues with it
I’m just going to comment before the diehard fans do because they really like going after Negative reviews of “Senpai Linkin Park.”
If you enjoy it, great for you. Don’t turn into a Taylor Swift cult-like fanbase because of these reviews, calm TF down.
Linkin Park had a cult-like fan base before Taylor Swift was even a public figure.
As a follower of your page, DON'T WORRY! It's still better than Tortured Poets Department any day of the week! :D
I have a significantly less jaded view on this. For the record, this is coming from a hardcore LP fan who enjoys all the albums (Yes, even the lesser liked stuff.). I think From Zero is playing things a little safe, it's comfort food but in all honesty? I think that was needed.
I will never forget the excitement that radiated from me the moment I realized the announcement they were teasing was a concert and my happiness listening to The Emptiness Machine's opening as I realized it was something new and with all the songs? I feel like I'm wrapped up in a nice cozy blanket and I think it's a good way to ease people in with the new singer who is genuinely really good! Hell, there are points where she scarily almost sounds like Chester and I feel like as she sticks around, she'll get better and better and I do feel they will play around with things and make more music that has that unique energy.
Did not liked this record much at all either.
I think the main issue with me is how forced and dishonest this record feels. Even if early LP weren’t the best lyricist, I always felt the emotions and melodrama was earnest and coming from a real place. I didn’t really feel this here. Emily is a talented vocalist, but I can’t connect to any of it and that’s especially true for Mike this time around. Made worse that the hooks vocally and instrumentally are super forgettable. It’s like if they tried to remake Living Things without the catchy choruses, and I really like that album.
But yeah, kinda bad album imo. I was hoping for more maturity but this record feels like all angst without the passion or genuineness
Yes the album is a skip for me
That was my first impression too, it feels forced
I don't know why they should change the name - Chester went out of his way to say he wouldn't want that; but from a brief listen to one of their newer singles, I couldn't get behind the lyrics. Something about it sounded sloppily written.
A *very* disparaging review, yet I did see it coming from you. I personally think the album is solid; nowhere close to touching the heights that the stuff with Chester did, of course, but not terrible, either.
A bit harsh, but fair I guess. I liked the album well enough. I think they played it safe because they knew people were already going to be ready to shit on them and kinda just played the hits. It's at least the most they've sounded like their old selves in quite a while. The Hunting Party touched on LP's old style but minus that we really haven't heard hints of it since one or two tracks on Minutes to Midnight 17 years ago.
I think Emily actually did a fairly solid job on the album vocally, and that if anything Mike was the one that kinda fell flat. I don't remember a single part of his after a few playthroughs, but definitely remember some of Emily's hooks (I know he wrote both parts but damn he gave Emily all the good parts). That's part of why I don't necessarily agree Mike would be doing Fort Minor if it sold okay, feels like the rapping was the weakest part of the album.
I think the scientology thing is a can of worms that none of us really know the answers on, and there's very little chance of us ever getting them thanks to the legal and physical danger of saying anything negative about them once you're involved with them or even leave them.
I also don't really agree with it being an issue that they used Heavy is the Crown. What I've Done was on Transformers: The Album and nobody really batted an eye at the fact it was both on a Linkin Park album and on a soundtrack. It fit the tone of the album and is definitely one of the stronger tracks so that's an odd criticism to me.
I'm at least curious where LP might go next, now that they might hopefully feel a bit more free to experiment again after putting an album out and it being for the most part positively received. It was like a 3/5 for me, probably won't be giving Overflow or Stained many replays.
I think this album is fine. Solid, but not amazing. I really like Emily’s voice.
Yea I lost interest when they replaced Chester with Emily she just doesn’t have that strong of a vocal presence imo
This is a pretty clear cash grab by Mike Shinoda and co. The album takes all of the worst elements of Linkin Park’s 17 year span of albums and put them all in this album with none of the charm those albums had. The best part of the album is legit Emily’s vocal performance on this, and it honestly feels partially contrived thanks to the production and overall direction from Mike. It really should’ve been a spinoff project and left Linkin Park be; but instead they wanted to milk the name value
You do know Mike was the founder of Linkin Park right?
I highly disagree that Mike Shinoda has evolved a ton as a rapper/singer in the past 20 years. That entire span of time came with him learning to sing and getting better at more and more over the years.
The fact that critics are killing this album just makes me like it even more.
Most critics are liking this album
me when my brain is so rotted I engage with art not via the art itself but via social media discourse
Linkin Park are one of my top 10 favorite bands of all time, but I was not excited for this album at all. The harsh reality is that Emily Armstrong is barely on this album in the grand scheme of things. It’s just a Mike Shinoda project that features Emily as a microphone for Mike to have a temper tantrum. And one kept coming to mind for me to compare this album to as a result of that particular feeling…this is Linkin Park’s Van Halen III. No this album isn’t as bad as that one, but Gary Cherone was just a microphone for the Van Halen brothers to spew nonsensical lyrics all throughout that album, and unfortunately Emily is in the same boat here. I know many people won’t agree simply because of the name attached to the album cover, but I refuse to let my love for a band cloud my better judgement. And the last hot take I’ll make here is this…I’m sorry to say, but not even Chester Bennington would save an album like this. If nothing else about this album changed outside of switching out Emily with Chester, the album’s quality would be no better or worse than it already is, and as it is I personally gave the album a strong 2/10, with Cut The Bridge and Good Things Go being the only songs I even remotely like on this album.
If you want a *good* rock/metal album with female vocals, just listen to the new Poppy album.
If you want your ears to bleed, sure.
I guess we can agree to disagree, I personally loved it , but kinda hard to take this review seriously because people criticized Linkin park for not sounding like meteora o hybrid theory then they release a few songs on this album that are reminiscent to that and are criticized, some peoples just can’t seem to be happy with anything
no one's actually gonna skip it, are they?
Out of depth and lack of theme. Every song in this album reminded me of older Linkin Park's songs and that make it really, really hard to not compare thing when they are using the same name and try to cook with the same recipe. And when you start the comparision, it begin to rot really fast. 2/5 mid tier executing with too much bait for nostalgia.
Wow, that's a better way to describe than I could have come up with, that's exactly how I feel abut I couldn't put it to words. I don't _hate it_, it feels like some old LP stuff. It's just not exciting either.
Given that Linkin Park was my very first favorite band when I was six, it's difficult not to find some level of comfort in some of the safer takes on the album. The way The Emptiness Machine hits, I can see why there are rumors swirling around that they were using old material written when Bennington was still alive.
Despite that comfort, though, I think you are completely right here-- Mike Shinoda really is the problem and Emily Armstrong is going to take the brunt of the fall for it. The album really does feel like it's meant to sell tickets to a reunion tour that...really only seems to feel like it happened because of how hard Shinoda went on the NFT thing and almost certainly lost a ton of money in the process. Your comment that Fort Minor wouldn't have gotten as much attention as Linkin Park feels exactly on the money here.
As powerful as the grief was for me when Bennington died, I really don't think it would have been in poor taste for the band to continue after some time had passed. Plenty of rock bands have moved on with a new vocalist. But One More Light felt so creatively depleted and after years of the band being inactive, it didn't really seem like there was a wealth of creative territory they still needed to tread. I can't fully hate From Zero or consider it a waste because I do genuinely like The Emptiness Machine, Heavy is the Crown, and Overflow, but I hope Shinoda gets his money and stops trying to milk this cow.
This album is an example of how differently our ears and minds hear music. I seem to be in the vast minority who hears Emily's voice hitting very much the same tones and colors as Chester's. She is both the 'pick someone who sounds the same' and 'pick someone completely different' choice, at the same time.
While I thought this album was kind of meh overall, the only actual BAD aspect on the album is the rapping by Mike Shinoda. Like, I’m sure TYLER JOSEPH has spit better bars than him.
It was so bad. And the weird cadence he did on IGYEIH was very out of character for that song.
his rapping elsewhere is good too
People called One More Light a sellout record when it initially came out. I think From Zero is their sellout record. For god sake, “Two Faced” sounds like “One Step Closer To Temu.”
You said it perfectly
Going pop may be selling out, but nostalgia pandering is selling out harder
@ShayminPunk64 See, I don’t even consider going pop as “selling out.” Especially with the case of One More Light. If you look back on the interviews during that era, you could tell that the direction at least came from a real place. They genuinely wanted to try to make a pop album, and it just so happened to not work.
Mfw the casuals want Hybrid Theory and Meteora and then cry when they get that. Chester got so much flak for telling these fans to go fuck themselves, and now to this lol. Where were you guys when they did The Hunting Party?
@axleblaze3776 I did listen to Hunting Party
It was great
Not as good as their early stuff, but still solid
@@axleblaze3776 A bit of a hot take, but I think The Hunting Party is their best work. That’s a good example of going back to their heavier roots, but still doing something new with it by turning the heaviness up to the max. The heaviest moments on Hybrid Theory weren’t quite on the level of some of the heaviest moments on Hunting Party. That’s probably why it didn’t do so hot mainstream wise, it is because of how heavy it is.
I somewhat agree. I found it solid at first but it's really getting weaker with more listens, plus the lyrics feel pretty vague or even forced at times. And this comes from a huge Linkin Park fan.
Hmmm....I wasn't a big Linkin Park fan, but I really like this album and I am one of the few who prefers Emily's vocals to Chesters.
as a fan for 18 years since i was 7, youre dead fucking right. i literally wrote 3000 words about how this album killed a part of me
Don’t care
@thesoooosh7219 k
I thought it was fine. I don’t really have strong feelings about it one way or the other.
Great review. Linkin Park had everything going for them as they were preparing for a comeback, and they just fumbled the ball. Controversy surrounding Emily's past aside, I was pretty underwhelmed with the vocal performances from both Emily and Mike, and the production sounded like a lazy rehash of their best works. Nothing really rancid here, but nothing special either. 5/10.
Definitely not the best Linkin Park album but not all bad. There were some bangers like Emptiness Machine and Two Faced but it sounded like it was lacking sth
My review of From Zero by “Linkin Park”
If you are wondering why I put Linkin Park in quotation marks I’ll explain but first of all this is just my opinion, From Zero is a good album but it pales in comparison to Linkin Park other albums especially Hybrid Theory and Meteora.
I am not discrediting the talent of anyone in the band especially Emily but it just doesn’t feel like Linkin Park without Chester, this should have been a different band instead of continuing Linkin Park. The biggest problem is the songs where its just Emily singing without Mike as they can feel like another artist rather then Linkin Park. But Honestly did we really need another album from Linkin Park after Chester died? Bring Me The Horizon is pretty much the modern Linkin Park as they are filling the void for them so we don’t really need Linkin Park to return.
Honestly the whole controversy about Emily's ties to the church of Tom Cruise is more interesting then the album itself which is a same as I was kinda hoping for something to blow me away but no its just a good album which Linkin Park didn't need, they needed a modern masterpiece like Hybrid Theory or Meteora. But if you love this album then I'm happy you're happy, I'm not trying to ruin anybody's parade I'm just saying I think you deserve better.
Tracks Ranked & Rated:
Heavy Is The Crown 5/5
The Emptiness Machine 4/5
Two Faced 4/5
Stained 4/5
Cut The Bridge 3/5
Over Each Other 3/5
Good Things Go 3/5
Overflow 3/5
Casualty 2/5
From Zero (Intro) 1/5
Overall Score:
As a pallet cleanser, everyone should just go listen to The Warning's new album instead
Okay fair, but like, counter point. You make it sound like the album isn't mostly fun to listen to. I thought it was. Especialy compared to bore fests like Living Things and One More Light. I like that it sounds like more of a proper followup to The Hunting Party.
You put into words exactly why I haven't felt the need to listen to the album after hearing the singles. (The lack of addressing the rumors doesn't help either)
they're not even rumours, Emily's mum is confirmed to run the osa aka the part of Scientology that sends legal threats to those who have left or have been forcibly disconnected from the cult
This is my third favorite album by linkin park, really enjoyed this album, exceeded my expectations, better than their last few as albums, i think even Chester was still alive, it would be better if Emily took the reins any way. No one cared for one more light until Chester died, look at them now, when was the last time linkin park was this popular?
I'm shocked you didn't touch on the drumming. This new drummer is good and I really appreciate how much heavier the percussion is this time around.
The album's alright. Don't get the hate for it (new singer issues notwithstanding), but it's not something I'd recommend either. When the album finished I thought it was 3/4 done, it's very short. If you must listen to it, Heavy is the Crown and Over Each Other seem to be the best standout songs imo and worthy of repeat listens, but the studio banter is insufferable on this album and really turns me off. And ending the album on a song whose hook goes "sometimes bad things take the place where good things go" is so immensely tone deaf I was shocked it was on the album. And hard agree, Mike Shinoda is what's holding this incarnation of LP back a lot.
@@Nichrysalis didn't like Brittain's performances; didn't have the funk chops bourdon had and mostly took tricks from his book
Linkin Park are one of my top 5 favorite bands of all time, but even then I’m not automatically wired to like everything this band does, and this album absolutely sucks as a whole. It’s not without its moments but as a whole it’s a very messy album. Believe it or not, Emily Armstrong is not my biggest issue here; in fact her vocals performances are honestly the best part on the album (barring one exception because Casualty is an absolutely horrid song). The thing with this album is that it doesn’t even feel like a Linkin Park album. You could honestly call this “The Mike Shinoda Show” and it wouldn’t be any different. The writing more often than not is trash and I cannot even for a second take Linkin Park, one of the biggest bands of all time at this point, portraying themselves as underdogs. The other thing is that Emily Armstrong is merely a face and voice for Mike Shinoda to spew some of the most crybaby lyrics I’ve heard in a long time. Hell this album feels like a modern day equivalent of, I shit you not, Van Halen III. Emily is stuck in a Gary Cherone situation; she does the best she can with the material she has but like I said before, she’s just a face and a voice for Mike Shinoda to bitch about whatever he feels like. And hearing this album merely proved my point that the band should not have gotten back together after Chester’s death. And unfortunately, I don’t even think Chester would save this album. It sounds harsh but I do genuinely stand by it. Again, while what this band does in the post-Chester era won’t affect my thoughts on the band as a whole, this album is a fucking mess.
(PS, Black Gives Way to Blue this is not)
I felt this album forces fans who listen to it to like it. When going in to making this album they felt knowing that there’d be fans who would like them with the new song what if we could forced people. They wanted people to like it so much they didn’t care about lyrics and all. If I said what if I don’t like it before listening to the band members and they redpinded you’ll have to regardless of anything you find wrong with it the heaviness of it the rhythms and drums will make you forget what you find wrong with it. It will be so empowering that it will over power the flaws. Linkin Park was much better on previous albums all together even when they were not at their best. It was so much better. For the fans who don’t agree go back listen to previous records especially Hybrid Theory and Meteora, then think about it. I just don’t quite know how much better I can explain my feelings. After full listen of From Zero as much as I like the style I don’t find myself feeling I have to come back to it or even wanting to which isn’t the case for Linkin Park. Infact even the more mellow songs they’ve done and the heavier one on previous albums I enjoy listening to more even when they don’t have mikes bars of him rapping. Here it just doesn’t do any justice for me. So going into it if some knows I like the heaviness of the songs and and the fast pace rhythms, beats combined with the vocals. People who know me know what I like about linkin Park that ‘Meteora’ is my favorite album might tell me that your going to like it we just know it. No I like it and don’t care if I ever listen to it again or not. At this moment I have no desire to listen to any of the songs again. yesterda was the last time and the first time I listened to it and I don’t know how soon or if I will ever listen to it again.
It's a decent album, The Emptiness Machine, Heavy is the Crown and Two Faced are great, the rest is ok, 6/10 for me
Sorry Mark but you're dead wrong here, this album is light years better then One More Shite.
I wasn’t too big on this album either. I only listened to it once on its release date on Apple Music and haven’t came back to it ever since. There’s no Linkin Park without Chester Bennington.
I say this as someone who legit adores Meteora-A Thousand Suns to fucking pieces; this album should have never been made. It exists to me in the same way to me as St. Anger or Be Here Now; a once promising band who said everything they had to, but decided that they should overstay their welcome to make more money, only this time it's worse, due to the most talented member of the band is not even there anymore.
It is not that bad, definitely not worse than One More Light
Ice pack, press hard and take deep breaths. The album is great.
To me. Poopy's new album is so.much better.
3rd best rock album from Friday. I’m happy to play the Poppy and Vylet Pony albums in its stead
That vylet pony album is amazing
Veilburner Primal Code and Mammoth Grinder are my top 3 best
And adding Sargent Thunderhoof on my list after hearing it
I've been a big fan of Linkin Park since hybrid and met the band a handful of time with seeing them live, and even in rehearsal settings, check my page. I tried to listen to it last night and quit once I got half way through Two Face. To me it's just not it I even found myself rapping the beginning of bleed it out. That's try. I think it was track number three so I could see where they got the influence for most of their songs from.But to me, it, don't sound like linkin Park, plus it's only 31 minutes
Objectively speaking Its better than their last 3 albums
No such thing
I wish this album never happened
Yeah they should’ve just ended with One More Light
@ but he should bit have called them out like that at the end of the vid
The pissed me off
Thanks 🙏 you’re just being honest yes I kind of think the same. Yea some of LINKIN PARK. Old music don’t hold up well.
I don't think Ill give this album a single stream until Emily outright states she's no longer a scientologist.
You do know just how messed up scientology can be, to the point of even mentioning it can lead to...undesirable consequences on the person right?
Honestly you're being too nasty
@@vicstonek9 people have coped with it; listen to the amount of testimonies from ex-members. if people are actually willing to leave it, they will even with family connections (beck's kids are still caught in the cult but he's gone for years now).
@@zaksharman it's a cult. lets be honest.
@@iammy3696 I'm not arguing that, I'm saying that skipping an entire band's music because of one persons's beliefs is pretty unfair
Wow your video is 110% incorrect and hybrid theory did not age poorly at all
Sorry dude but this whole album is awesome.!! I like the renewed LP. Chester will always be missed.
The comparison with Lyn Manuel Miranda is a harsh comparison but fair.
All of the lyrical content on this album is literally them Pre-Arguing with their fans over how their comeback is perceived, its insane!!
I love the new album.
Im sorry, dude, between you and Jon...finding this album as worse than One More Light genuinely makes no sense to me at all, Mark! I am more with Luke on this one, and I think the real make or break will be what they choose to do next after this! Also LP deserve any props it's helping Helmet get back on its feet after they had to unfortunately cancel their tour dates for financial reasons! Sure, they're friends and all but still!🤷♂️
@@rockmovieswithtyler1989 TBF it's not like helmet are remotely the same band as the 90s one; p sure it's just Page Hamilton and studio lackeys
@smidlem1117 not arguing that!
I actually love the album and am glad they did it under Linkin Park. To me this album is very Linkin Park in feel and while it’s not their all time best I still consider it in the lower middle of their catalogue and enjoy almost every song on it. I’d give it an 8.5 out of ten personally.
This is a superb album, absolutely Linkin Park! Love that their back, give 'em a break, Mike and co. deserve to be happy and do what they want, after all this is Mike's band. And they did a great job with this album and I am a fan since Meteora.
Yes!! This is the best review of this album I've seen so far! Mark burning it at the stake for the phony nostalgia cash grab that it is.
Well done review. Appreciate your thoughts. Personally, I liked the album - I'd probably give it a 3.5/5 which for me is a good album - but I will admit the first half is stronger than the 2nd half, which is average, but the first half is great. I don't really listen to this type of music for lyrics so the lyrical shortcomings don't really bother me. The album delivered great pop hooks and competent instrumentation. It's also blissfully not too long so it doesn't meander or wear out it's welcome. Mike's rapping has always been charmingly mediocore yet functional so his bars didn't bother me. I thought Emily Armstrong did a very good job on the vocals.
Ohh.. I like this album more and more..
Honestly, as a diehard LP fan, I genuinely did not care for this album at all, whatsoever. For me, personally, it was very forgettable and honestly felt a bit nostalgia-pandering in a few spots (two easy examples being Two-Faced- one of the only few songs I actually liked on this album- which felt like if Figure.09 from Meteora and One Step Closer from Hybrid Theory had a baby and this was the end result, and Heavy is the Crown, which, to me at least, felt like the Dollar Tree version of Faint from Meteora).
Overall, this album did nothing for me, probably their worst project to date imho, and this comeback as a whole has left me feeling very underwhelmed, which makes me sad to say as LP is one of my all-time favorite bands.
More like Chester fan who blames the band for having fun and expects the band to talk about Chester 24/7
@@Messyball Dude, I just said I didn't care for the album, that's it. I love Chester very much, but I didn't mind (and still don't mind) the idea of them moving on with a new singer so they can do what they love doing the most, which is, you know, making music.
The comeback as a whole has left me feeling underwhelmed not just because of the album itself, but the controversy as well, with her ambiguous ties to the cult and all that, I just don't feel 100% comfortable supporting this iteration of the band right now.
Trust me, I was excited for this comeback, but as of right now, I'm just feeling underwhelmed by it all.
Review the Shawn Mendes album
Hybrid theary is amazing
Back off buddy
Your playing with fire
The Emptiness Machine is awesome
Your frustration is justified!
I watched this expecting to be dismissive of your take (the link to here gave away the conclusion) but came away thinking, fair enough, that's your view! I can understand your points but I love the album regardless. I'm a different audience though. I don't consume loads of different music. I listen to the few bands who were important to me in my teens, one of which is Linkin Park. It feels like a warm blanket or a hug to me, I'm just so happy to hear new material from them. I'm really enjoying it and I'm so happy they're back and enjoying themselves. I can't wait to hear what they come up with next.
Mike should go back to fort minor instead of
"One More Light is better than From Zero" is the worst take I've heard all year.
From a light fan, who loved Hybrid Theory and Meteora at the time they came out, From Zero is by far the most enjoyment I've had from listening to LP since Meteora.
And by the way, Emily absolutely kills it on vocals, I have no idea what y'all youtube music critics are listening to.
Even Fantano gave it a 5, which means it's at worst a 7 or 8
Well this sucks
Lol... wow.. I thought I was harsh saying from zero is like watching a kid playing dress up in his dead dad's clothes.
Wow, you're so edgy man, the edge, THE EDDDGEEEEEE
Yes I’m not a fan of the album
This one wasn't for me too it falls next to As I Lay Dying for worst album of the week 5/10
Anyway Morbid Saint wins best comeback album of 2024
I watched this out of mild curiosity and learned about a new Morbid Saint album in the process. Totally worth it!
@MistyDusker it was worth listing for a band who have been away for 35 years and then came back and delivered 🤘
Yeah, the rubbish studio banter is pathetic and childish. The album is kinda ok in places, but not for me.
Its like Velvet Underground Squeeze
I hope you feel better in the morning. I really feel bad for you that you're so critical. All it means is you miss out on some good music.
This guy listens to far more good music than you, lol! You're still stuck obsessing over Linkin Park almost a quarter-century after their peak-you haven't made an effort to discover new music for the majority of your fleeting time on Earth.
10/10 for me.
best since meteora
Eh I don’t think it’s as bad as the haters say but I don’t think it’s as good as the supporters say. It’s definitely a cash grab though.
Great album review.For me,the album was decent.
_"As much as poptimism has graced for longevity, what's really been allowed in that longevity? _*_Cause if we look for rock, or metal, or country, bands can slog through the slump years a lot longer, age a lot harder and still bring fans back to coast on a comeback that isn't really anything close to their peak, if everyone is truly being honest."_*
- Mark Grondin, This Is Not A Katy Perry Review (September 29th, 2024)
_"I have a feeling that whether the new Linkin Park album in November gets praise or condemnation from mainstream critics will reinforce the thesis of this video."_
- me, the comment section of TINAKPR-video (same day)
And considering that From Zero got praised by mainstream critics...yeah, that video turned out to be prophetic + thesis reinforced.
No one in this band owes you a new name. They have a right to continue in whatever manner under whatever title they see fit.
@@jhefilms not saying I was owed anything, and by that same measure, I have every right to call them on shameless recycling and stagnation
Lemme guess, you only like their first two albums, right?
Spectrum Pulse this album is a 2/10 just like your face
Come on the music isn't that bad LP is smart tap into some of their older sounds to get the fans back and what band doesn't create music to make money that's the point as my uncle told me years ago nobody works really really hard to work their way to the middle 😂it's always to the top or find something else to do because your not serious about being successful.
Your Senpai will be ok.
@ElliYeetYT my uncle he did great that's why he gave me solid advice when I was younger thank you for the kind words 🫡💯
"No-one works hard to works their way to the middle... because your [sic] not serious about being successful" we're not in a meritocracy, the hardest/'best' work isn't always rewarded by the biggest audience or payout
Also, music is both art & commodity, making money isn't the only desirable outcome. Is it not disappointing to hear a well regarded band reduced to a legacy act, even if it sells?
@spec-fict what you wrote is the definition of mediocre😅 you strike me as the type they should do music for the love and don't sellout 🤣🤣😂😂
"type they should do music"
Perhaps check your diction before talking definitions
Early Linkin Park was done for love, even later records were made with a specific vision in mind. Why listen if you don't care for what they're saying or doing?