I had a hard time finding this episode. I knew a new one was coming out on Friday but I was looking for episode number 49 haha. I was worried for a bit, I thought there was no new episode and I didn’t know why. But I just found this one! It’s called episode 46 but there has already been an episode 46. I thought this would be episode 49? Oh well, I’ve found it now, and I’m excited to listen to it!
This was the exact type of session I needed after my injury! HAMMARRR! Such a great time! #greycompany
I love that we're getting more Grey Company :)
That was thrilling!
I had a hard time finding this episode. I knew a new one was coming out on Friday but I was looking for episode number 49 haha. I was worried for a bit, I thought there was no new episode and I didn’t know why. But I just found this one! It’s called episode 46 but there has already been an episode 46. I thought this would be episode 49? Oh well, I’ve found it now, and I’m excited to listen to it!
I really hope that Gollum/Sméagol somehow makes his way back to Biri or he goes to help Eowyn and Eomer escape
What happened to Episode 50?! 😿
What happened to the new episode that was meant to come out today?