Amelia-Elena Rotaru - The Electrifying Lives of Methane-Producing Archaea

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 7 ก.ย. 2024
  • Amelia-Elena Rotaru er Professor i Miljø-mikrobiologi ved Syddansk Universitet og prismodtager af EliteForsk 2024-prisen.
    Uddannelses- og Forskningsministeriet uddeler hvert år fem EliteForsk-priser til nogle af landets dygtigste og mest talentfulde forskere. Alle indstillinger vurderes af bestyrelsen for Danmarks Frie Forskningsfond, som indstiller pris- og rejsestipendiemodtagere til uddannelses- og forskningsministeren.
    Videnskaberne Selskab afholder i den forbindelse en spændende foredragsaften med de fem EliteForsk 2024-prismodtagerne, hvor de får lejlighed til at give publikum et indblik i de deres banebrydende forskning.
    "Methane-producing Archaea may be small, but they are incredibly powerful microorganisms that have a significant impact on our environment. They play a crucial role in the production of methane, which is the second-most significant greenhouse gas in our atmosphere. These microorganisms offer immense potential for green energy, providing a biological alternative to natural gas. Our research has uncovered some fascinating insights into these methanogens. We have discovered that some of them possess a remarkable ability to "feed on electricity." They can take up electrons from minerals, metals, and even bacteria that release electrons extracellularly during respiration. By studying the complex molecular interactions between methanogens and their extracellular environment, we hope to discover new strategies that can help reduce methane emissions and unlock the full potential of these microorganisms for sustainable energy solutions."
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