THE EMPIRE STRIKES BACK! Empire Total War: Darthmod - USA Campaign #13

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 30 ก.ย. 2024
  • #13 of My Empire Total War: Darthmod USA Campaign! Feel Free To Leave A Like If You're Enjoying The Series!
    Check Out My Intro Maker HforHavoc Here: / @hforhavoc
    Unit Name Suggestions Here:
    Darthmod Empire:
    Bran Mac Born's Darthmod Empire Submod:
    Battle Timestamps:
    00:10 - Dusting Off The Dutch!
    25:03 - Sailing To Success!
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ความคิดเห็น • 46

  • @cent7369
    @cent7369 5 ปีที่แล้ว +32

    America's Eyes Part 13:
    Over the next week theren't be any new parts in this series as I am away but they will return and be backtracked so stay tuned.
    Adley watched the cannon balls batter the fort walls, the sound of the cannons echoed for miles. “How much longer until we have a breach?” Adley demanded.
    “Shouldn’t be too much longer sir. From the report of the artillery officers, it sounds like the walls are in poor condition.” a colonel replied. True to the colonel’s word, first one breach was opened and shortly afterwards a second one followed. Adley ordered the advance and American forces swarmed the walls and breaches. The general watched the bloodshed from afar, the smell of blood detested him, yet he didn’t lack cruelty. His orders were clear, no soldier was to be left alive no matter if they surrendered.
    The pyres were piled high and burnt for days, their acrid smoke hung over the fort, yet the smoke allowed Matthew to approach it unchallenged. He walked right through the main gates and headed for the headquarters. As he expected the general was not present, he had fled the fort for cleaner air. He was soon stopped and challenged, “I need to see the commanding officer.”
    “Why does a man, clearly not a soldier, need to see the boss?” the soldier questioned.
    “Because I do. So take me to him or I will see you court martialed.” Matthew ordered.
    The soldier looked taken aback, but did as he was told and led Matthew to the colonel’s office. A quick knock and Matthew soon stood in front of the colonel. “What the hell do you want?” the colonel asked.
    “I need every dutch document that was left behind.” Matthew replied.
    “Why would you need that?” the colonel questioned.
    “Because I said so and those are my orders.” Matthew retorted.
    “Who's orders?”
    “Major Blackwood. I can read them if you want, well actually I can’t since he never wrote them down.”
    “Who is Major Blackwood because he isn’t in this army.”
    “He works in intelligence.”
    The colonel’s mouth dropped open slightly. “Right, I will get them sent over to you right away. Where are you based?”
    “At this moment in an office which you are about to clear for me and I am going to need men who can read Dutch.
    Blackwood reached for the newest pile of reports, he tossed most aside until he came upon one which he had not seen for a while. He opened it and set about decoding the message.
    “British fleet sailing for Canada escorting an army. Army’s target unknown but most likely Montreal or Quebec.”
    Edwards information was invaluable. Blackwood sprang from his chair and sprinted off to see that orders were put into motion.

  • @Chris-zo4vu
    @Chris-zo4vu 5 ปีที่แล้ว +18

    You would really do yourself a favor by improving the roads in Canada

  • @NukerMunkyGames
    @NukerMunkyGames 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    30:30 - He's finally beginning to learn!
    31:08 - Ok nevermind, i take it back.
    But he's getting there, sort of.

  • @Wolf6119
    @Wolf6119 5 ปีที่แล้ว +22

    "Oh no, the armed peasantry are still holding - or the armed citizenry, rather."
    Careful Mr. President, your inner monarchist was showing for a minute there lol

  • @theprinceelector745
    @theprinceelector745 5 ปีที่แล้ว +11

    A Soldiers Tale: Part 4
    Being a reprint from the Journal of Hendrick Van Tassel, Brigader, Late of the Army of India
    Of all my trials and troubles in India this day stands out as one of the most miserable of my life.
    As soon as night fell on the camp our army set out on a night march into the interior of the island the plan was to reach the fort before day break and strike early in the morning surprising them. The plan worked though it took us some more time than the General had planed on and we did not get the four hours rest we had been promised before the engagement. I personally blame the artillery as they kept running into ditches and getting caught up on all sorts of things during the night.
    So it was after a full night of and twenty miles of hard marching though the mosquito infested woods to avoid patrols I found myself staring at the fort. The day was young and yet it was already hot as a furnace and I was already praying the day would end. I looked to my left and saw with some satisfaction Lieutenant Sharpe wipe sweat from his face only to leave a faint blue dye stain on his forehead.
    It came as some relief when Coronel Abraham gave the order for our regiment to march forward finally a distraction from the heat. We reached the wall we tossed our hooks up the walls and began our climb. My sweaty palms made keeping my grip a difficult thing and twice I nearly fell to my death. After finally making it up the wall we engaged a unit of Dutch Dragoons.
    from what i could gather during the hand to hand combat that followed the intelligence was only half right. We had the numbers but the Dutch were well trained and disciplined. After killing or capturing the last of the Dragoons on our section of wall I ordered Sharpe who had been lightly wounded on the arm to stay with the prisoners while I and Lieutenant Winters organized the men into a firing line to engage the remaining Dutch in the courtyard. I had no issue shooting red coats in the back during my youth but something about this battle made it an uncomfortable position for me to be in. fortunately soon after losing the walls the Dutch had the good sense to surrender.
    Shortly after the battle was over the Cornel Abraham asked me to act as a translator during our interrogation of the Dutch officers. After long hours of questioning I was at last relived. It was past midday and I was exhausted having not slept in over twenty-four hours. Despite feeling half dead I went to check on Sharpe in the hospital only to find him sleeping in his bed. I went to the Barracks that was set aside for my company and was greeted at the door by a half dead looking Winters, the only one still awake. Giving him strict orders to get some sleep I walked past him and flopped face first into the first unoccupied bed I saw.

  • @manuvirajkhare
    @manuvirajkhare 5 ปีที่แล้ว +17

    19:02 When I heard Lionhearts say, "sorry guys, holiday canceled." I could hear the soldiers go like, "Aww, come on!"

    • @papacipher6881
      @papacipher6881 5 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      "I thought if I joined the Marines I'd be invading tropical beaches all the time. Not Canada..."

    • @manuvirajkhare
      @manuvirajkhare 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@papacipher6881 Lol true

  • @JRimbeck
    @JRimbeck 5 ปีที่แล้ว +9

    A letter from Sergeant Jōzəf Krimbeck 3rd Regiment, New York Light Dragoons K Company to his father.
    Mein lieber Vater
    We have met up with the army that was once led by General Greene, now led by General Stibbert. Their seasoned campaigners used to fighting the british in the bitter cold, so General Sullivan ordered us to train them and show them how to combat the heat of the south, the swamps and the creatures that live here. The men of General Stibbert’s army were not the most enthused about being taught how to fight from a unit that has less than half its victories but there is great difference between the northern climate and the swamps or desert like lands of the south. My platoon is happy that we only had to teach the other calvary boys, which were mostly the General’s bodyguard and another few small units. You see there are plants down here that can kill a horse if you let them graze on them, and murky waters could hide creatures from bygone ages that are just as likely to eat you or your mount. I can not wait to be free of these swamp lands and back into more solid ground.
    There are some guys from the towns near home, they have been able to tell me a few story of the comings and goings in the upper states. It does cause a man to be home sick and while the stories help it also causes it too. The general’s bodyguard is an interesting group of seasoned troops, green officers and freshly promoted officers. The other day I rode past two privates, which were actively 2nd lts with their ranks pinned on a private’s uniform. I don’t understand line infantry but they do their thing.
    Your Son
    Sergeant Jōzəf Krimbeck 3rd Regiment, New York Light Dragoons K Company

  • @Epic0201
    @Epic0201 5 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    Jesus the fire team on Speedy is working around the clock xD That ship caugh fire 5 or 6 times during that battle x')

  • @thinkingVariety
    @thinkingVariety 5 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    I'm not sure how 12 pounders would demolish a fort wall that thick. And where did the rubble go if they did? :D still, great game and awesome episode as always!

  • @EatMyEMPProduction
    @EatMyEMPProduction 5 ปีที่แล้ว +12

    Letter from Private James Rogers of 4th U.S Infantry Company C to his younger brother Jack
    “Dear Jack,
    John and I are getting use to being officers. Samuel has shown us how to dress and act like officers. He put us through a lot drill with our swords. We are still making our way to Virginia but we still don’t know where we are going after that. The staff had a meeting that John and I had to be present for. We got there a little early so we sat down in some the chairs. As we were sitting and talking an Major came in and we noticed the uniform of the 4th and ask him who he was.
    He looks at us with a confusing look and said “I am Major George Lee of the 4th U.S Infantry Company C. I was told to report to the commanding general of this army.” John and I look at each other ,smile and John sat down and said “Take a seat Major there is a meeting happening soon.” He nodded and sat down. We started to talk and told him we were with the 4th but on detached service. We ask were the 4th was and he told us that there are camp just outside the main camp got here last night.
    We waited as more staff officers arrived then notice General Greene had not arrived yet. John and I were the lowest ranks so we were ordered to go see what was keeping the General. We found the General’s tent but there were already a bunch of other officers there. I was able to peek through the gaps in the arms of the officers and saw General Greene laying on his bed peacefully. We were ordered to go back to the staff and tell them to have their men formed up for a parade.
    Samuel,John,and I were standing off to the side when the army was formed. The staff marched out front of the men and a two men stepped forward on pulled out paper and the other man I had never seen before. The man with the paper started to read “Attention to orders. It with the sadness of the proud nation that this must be said. General Nathanael Greene has passed away last night of national causes. By order of the commander of all armies the new commander of this army will be General Hugh Stibbert and be effective of this day. Signed the President.”
    General Stibbert stepped forward and said “I will never replace General Greene and I hope you will never forget him. He was very proud of this army better know as Greene’s Army. Commanders take care of your units and staff report to my tent right away. Dismissed.”
    When Samuel,John and I report to the tent General Stibbert welcomed us and talked to us before dismissing us for the rest of the day. Before we formed up the next day we had church service for General Greene and had his casket paraded in front of the army and the men had a chance to pay their last respect to the General who had commanded them from the beginning.
    Until I write again
    Your Brother
    James Rogers
    Bevt. Second Lieutenant
    4th U.S Infantry Company C, Dispatched to General Stibbert’s bodyguard, General Hugh Stibbert ’s Army”

  • @edwardjoo4986
    @edwardjoo4986 5 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    Master of the Seas; pt. 7:
    "Would you have me believe that a green boy from a farm in Virginia would be better suited for the command than me?" demanded an irate Isaac Hull.
    "This green boy made his way through the ranks of Antea to become first mate before Captain Isaac Montgomery caught a disease in the Bahamas and died. He has the respect of all his men and has fought many skirmishes throughout his career. I assure you, Captain Hull, Derren Phelps is no green boy, and you and your crew will be in steadfast hands while under his command," responded Admiral John Barry.
    John Berwick watched the argument unfold with growing unease. This argument was not the first that the captain of the Constitution and the admiral of the American Navy had had. John would have preferred going into the battle against the British with a more experienced commander, but he had met Captain Phelps himself and considered him to be an intelligent and sure man.
    "The command should go to me, John. A graduate from Harvard and a man well-versed in the art of war on the seas. I've fought in countless battles and helped win this country its independence from the British tyrants. Wouldn't it be better for a more experienced man to take command of such a battle?" countered Hull.
    "And what type of battle would it be, Isaac? The British have already landed near Montreal... we got here too late. Their fleet consists of no more than a handful of ships, none with the hull strength or firepower to match Antea, Tiger, and Ironsides. This is an easy battle, and I wish to hone Captain Derren's prowess on the sea, for I sense much potential in him."
    Isaac had nothing to say in response, so he quickly left the admiral's cabin, leaving John to hurry after him so as not to lose him in the bustling deck of Actaeon. Walking out of the door, John was hit with the fresh smell of the salty ocean air. Glancing to the west, he glimpsed the city of Plaissance, Newfoundland. The Constitution would be sailing out with Bruizer and Speedy to join two second-rates (Tiger and Antea), which had blocked a British fleet from escaping in the middle of the St. Louis River, and all John could feel was anxiousness, though he could not tell where it came from.
    Yet another cannonball bounced off the hull of Ironsides as it was blasted by a broadside from Sutherland, a fifth-rate British ship. However, the atmosphere on the deck was totally different from the previous battle it had fought. Bodies lay strewn across the deck, unmoving. The smell of death wafted over the ship, sending men vomiting in every direction. John counted some twenty dead on the top of the ship but had no idea of the situation below deck.
    Looking over at Captain Hull, he was shocked to see that the man looked as if he had aged a decade throughout the course of the battle. Although the battle plan seemed to have worked out in perfection, the execution of it was poor. The Constitution was never supposed to peel off from the rest of the fleet and engage with Sutherland one-on-one. Even when the battlefield was very organized, it seemed as if the captains of each ship were fighting their first battle, Tiger in particular.
    Half of the enemy ships had surrendered or been sunken, but it still looked as if the American Navy was losing the battle.
    Matthias Cresswell walked next to John, after he had ordered another broadside against Sutherland, sealing its fate and making it raise its white flag of surrender.
    "How do you think our captain's going to take this victory?" asked the second mate.
    John smiled grimly, "Not well."
    He wished he had been right.

  • @mattilaiho7979
    @mattilaiho7979 5 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    Hey lionheart, don't turn into the wind with your ships. You rarely need to. But really, nice naval.

    • @Trifler500
      @Trifler500 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      Sometimes it's worth it IMO.

  • @senshibat8920
    @senshibat8920 5 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Native farms need a replanting to improve oen must deconstruct for westernization of the frontier. liek for the village governors house

  • @jonahwiegand827
    @jonahwiegand827 5 ปีที่แล้ว +9

    As a result of me being a Paradox grand strategy game player, I find total war battles super boring and prefer to just skip them and watch the campaign map stuff. What can ya do I guess?

  • @captainkail
    @captainkail 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    In ten years I've never gotten the hang of naval combat in Empire (I'm much better with Rome's naval battles) so I'm kinda amazed watching you do these battles

  • @TWMalaHD
    @TWMalaHD 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    A wonderful episode LH! I have just caught up with the latest episodes and they have been fantastic! Keep up the great work my friend! :)

    • @wizardpv1
      @wizardpv1 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Heheh again me 😊🤓🤠. This is wwierd looks like stalking 😂🤣

    • @TWMalaHD
      @TWMalaHD 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@wizardpv1 Haha, always good to see you Wizard! :)

  • @BravoCouncil
    @BravoCouncil 5 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Free Ireland

  • @derpgod
    @derpgod 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    the US Marines in empire have a fire but platoon thing... does darthmod change that???

    • @derpgod
      @derpgod 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      Yeah in vanilla us marines have fire by platoon in multiplayer making them stupidly cost effective and better then standard line inf... they beat almost all line inf and some 1k+ price tag elites inf

  • @KingKyle_1996
    @KingKyle_1996 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    "Even now i can cutdown the 5 of you as easily as a piece of cake

  • @admthrawnuru
    @admthrawnuru 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    When you're charging a fort like that and your lines aren't firing, it's because there's like two guys who are still climbing the walls. Use the halt command, and that usually reset the AI from thinking it's moving until those guys get there to thinking the unit is already in place. They should fire then.

  • @michaelrunnels4908
    @michaelrunnels4908 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Hey lionheartx10. I was wondering is the darthmod still available for download. I'm just now getting into Empire Total War and wanted to know since it being a little old if it was functional and the developers still actually running it or have they just given up on it and not work at all now?

    • @lionheartx10
      @lionheartx10  5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Darthmod is no longer being updated but some submods for it are plus even in its no-longer updated state Darthmod is still a decent experience added ontop of ETW!

  • @thecrusaderhistorian9820
    @thecrusaderhistorian9820 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    America the Great!

  • @RyanTgyn
    @RyanTgyn 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Was that a intended star wars refrence

    @MrSHADOWANGEL999 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    they've come to make you pay for all that tea

  • @54lolman
    @54lolman 5 ปีที่แล้ว

    Man. Speedy must have really liked having that fire aboard the ship throughout the battle.

  • @Trifler500
    @Trifler500 5 ปีที่แล้ว

    BTW you can use those left and right arrows above the ammo selection during sea battles to order a ship to rotate in place.That can be very helpful at times.

    • @kestonbayraktar9013
      @kestonbayraktar9013 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      Im quite new to the game hows he group the units and selected more than 1 unit

    • @Trifler500
      @Trifler500 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@kestonbayraktar9013 Standard RTS controls. Draw a box around the units you want to select. Hold down Ctrl and press 1-9 to assign them to a control group. You can add and remove individual ships from a group holding down Ctrl and clicking on specific ships.

    • @kestonbayraktar9013
      @kestonbayraktar9013 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@Trifler500 thanks mate

  • @stevenhombrados1530
    @stevenhombrados1530 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    The suspense!

  • @oldmanofwar2913
    @oldmanofwar2913 5 ปีที่แล้ว

    just so you know, I tried leaving names and it did not seem to register

    • @lionheartx10
      @lionheartx10  5 ปีที่แล้ว

      Did you create an account?

  • @thijsjong
    @thijsjong 5 ปีที่แล้ว

    Why do siege battles in Empire Total War feel better than siege battles in Shogun 2 and Rome 2?
    Some aspects do not get better or seem to get less good. Do game developers have a negative learning curve?