UKARA...What's the point?

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 10 ก.ย. 2024
  • Recently I came across a compelling story about the misuse of Air Rifles. This story peaked a discussion within the Airsoft community about background checks and licences in order to be able to buy Airsoft RIF's.
    Here's my opinion on the situation and what I think about UKARA!
    Please join the discussion and share your opinions!

ความคิดเห็น • 38

  • @rseficomalta
    @rseficomalta 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Hello Grizle Me, I am from Malta I came to airsoft in the early 80's at that time period you could find some Japanes airsoft gun from Tokyo Marui and Marauzen that you had to build your self as a kit. At that time we could buy airsoft without any quieries. We could also purchase an air rifle the same way, one fine day the authourities decided to ban them and airsoft disapeared. At that time it was not possible to purchase firearms. The only way for one to get an air rifle was to get a hunting license buy a shot gun and then you were allowed to get an air gun but no airsoft. That time there was one movment in Malta that was in constant discussion to bring a new legislation related fire arms related to sport shooting and disconnected from hunting. Personally I was one of the guys interested and active in the movement to legalize airsoft and air rifle for sport purpose. I could get an air rifle but why should i get a hunters licence and a shot gun to get an air rifle? In 2006 after a lot of hard work by AMACS the authorities and the parlament pass the new Arms Act and for the first time we could own fire arms , air rifles, air soft and paint ball for sport use only, in a legal way. Of course there is a complete process for one to get what he wants. Two new licences were generated, Target shooter A and Target Shooter B. Target A was concerning Fire Arms and also included Crossbows while Target Shooter B involved all those guns that use air / gas to proppel a projectile. Thus under target shooter B one could aquire an airsoft gun or RIF as you call them. Inorder to obtain a licence on must be a member of a licenced and recognised club or association , must be of good conduct, must be certified of sane mind by a doctor, must attend a saftey course related to the use of guns what ever they are and conduct this course sucessfully . Then the applicant had to submit his license application. After a few weeks the applicant had to face an interview by the weapons board. In this board there people from authorities including police and army.
    If the applicant has everthing as expected nothing wrong in the back ground checks and the interviewers think he is entitled to recive the licence then it will be granted. In the interview they can ask anything from law to physical gun handling and safety .
    Once the person had the licence was issued he was able to go to a licenced gun shop and purchase any thing according to his licence. Airsoft was a bit problematic at first because of serial numbers. So there was an issue how to register an airsoft gun to an individual but they found a way around it. So for one to purchase a RIF he needed a Target Shooter B licence , A club membership and a 3rd party liability to use the RIF only at a Licenced shooting range or field. When we set up the courses we did not make a distinction between a Fire Arm or Air gun or airsoft with regards to safety and legalities but then we addressed other safety concerns related to the particular type of weapon, our course had to be approved by the police and army. I was the one setting up the Target Shooter B course in each and every detail. This system though rigid in my opinon was the safest for the sport. A stupid jerk had to go through a lot of hassel to get himself a RIF. All the other stupidities you see in law in different countries like colour muzzels or two tone guns that is all bull shit. If you make airsoft free for all irrispective of colouring your tip you are going to have stupid irrisponsible people getting the airsoft guns for other illegit reasons other then playing airsoft.
    In my opinon our way was the best we could do the only thing that needed fine tuning was how or if the register airsoft if registering was actually needed, because technically if your were stopped by the police and they find airsoft guns in your possession and you did not have a Target shooter B licence that was already a crime. Airsoft guns cannot kill people and there are no marks on the bb's after firing them that could be back traced so why should you register them like fire arms.
    This arrangment for airsoft worked fine clubs were availble and airsoft was availble if you wanted it at a cost ofcourse, but i think something happend in 2013 and i cannot understand the motive behind it . "Airsoft and Paintball guns have been moved from Schedule II to Schedule III. No licence is required to transfer them. They may only be taken outdoors provided the owner is a member of an Airsoft/Paintball club." From that day Airsoft guns were not just imported by GUN shops but also other shops mushroomed and started importing only airsoft guns. Suddently all the work done to have a secure system collapsed, suddenly Airsoft became free for all and you can use it outside if you are a club member. At that time I was not longer active due to work out side my country and all this happend without any opposition. I would have worked hard to find a solution to registration but not to make it free for all. Now anyone can just go and get an airsoft and in malta we sell RIF's no checks no clubs no licences and this scares me for the sake of the sport. Yes its very convinent and easy but what if there is a raise in crime done with RIF's , what if RIF's are used to bully or intimidate the man in the street. For me and others who wanted airsoft secure this is an INSULT. For those happy it is free for all I say to them - enjoy it while it lasts , now it is not protected any more there is no support from the shooting community once the autorites find a problem with it they will simply shut it down again like the 80's.
    Airsoft is a not a fire arm but can have a great impact to the man in the street who cannot distinguish it and that is why you need to create a system that makes it diffiecult for the idiot to buy. A sacrifice to the user but peace of mind.

  • @tomasdipple1868
    @tomasdipple1868 4 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    I agree with almost all of what you said. Especially the serial numbers. Noveritsch does it anyway just gonna be hard to do anything retrospectively on guns already owned.
    I take your point with 2 tone guns but we still need entry level guns for people without ukara. If you can't get a 2 tone easily it will damage the sport.

    • @dr.cleric2437
      @dr.cleric2437 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      There should be different stages of ukara. Standard ukara we will call it gives you access to two tone. And you cant change the colour of the two tone unless it's a different bright colour that covers half the gun. (Red instead of blue) then use the 3 months system for you to be able to get rifs and spray your if. Imo

  • @lubosmarsalek5343
    @lubosmarsalek5343 4 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    I hope,you get more subs fast, LOVE this.

    • @grizleme2811
      @grizleme2811  4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Aww thank you! Glad you enjoyed the video!

  • @youraveragecreator
    @youraveragecreator 4 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    There is no background checks for crossbows,bows and swords and they are more deadly than airsoft guns.
    And there should be orange tips on the gun just like in United states.

    • @grizleme2811
      @grizleme2811  4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      It's a good point! Anything to put the sport in a good light and keep good players protected :)

    • @youraveragecreator
      @youraveragecreator 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@grizleme2811deactivated guns are a different story.
      If your a firearm specialist you can restore the gun into a working condition and get ammunition from a black market.

  • @oscarshen6855
    @oscarshen6855 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    1. Airsoft guns are toys, and airsoft is just a fun game, its nothing serious. BB guns can't kill people, of course they can hurt people, but a lot of thing also can.
    2. No matter what regulations or rules in place, there will ALWAYS be stupid people doing stupid things, that's why we need police. When governments are making laws, they should always keep that in mind. Don't make most peope's life harder just for that 0.001% stupid people. If the regulation tightens further, bad people will get BB guns easier than good citizens. If they somehow erase BB guns from this country, they will use other stuffs to do bad things. It's never about tools. Educate our kids better, taking more care about people with financal and mental health problem is the way to reduce crime.
    For now I'm mostly happy with the airsoft laws in UK. I agree with most things you said. However I'm not sure about the "backgroud check" thing because it makes the whole thing apear more serious than it actually is, which could damage the image of the sport. It makes it looks like we are doing some shaky stuff. UKARA makes sure that you are serious about airsoft, you spend time with it, you attended at least 3 safty debriefings and understand the risk, you probably got hit by a few BBs. You are most likely to be more reponsible when handeling BB guns, and it taks time as well. Most crimes happen at the heat of the moment, waiting can make many people calm down and come back to their senses, that's why I believe in US you have to wait sometime to buy a real gun. I also like the idea of two-tone guns or orange tips. It is a good idea to make a toy gun different to a real gun. Knifes, hammers, even screw drivers (cars as well) are more lethal than BB guns, but people never think about banning them, that's because they can assese the risk. When you see a knife, a car you understand the level of risk. However, with a rif BB gun your ablity to assese the risk is not there anymore. What's makes BB guns different from knifes, hammers is the ablity to intimidate people, if you take that away, there is nothing to worry about. And that leads to public exposure about airsoft. The lack of understanding about airsoft plays a big part. Whenever soemone come to my home for the first time and see my guns, their reaction is usually "is that legal, is that dangerous?". I have a friend who legitimately belives BB gun can kill people, until I shoot myself in front of him, with clothing of course; and there are multiple people I know believes BB guns can be converted to real guns. If airsoft is fun, why don't show it to the public? Why don't organize some competition and show it on TV? Some players might even becme superstars. It certain will be more fun than golf or hourse racing. When general public knows about airsoft, when airsoft is no longer a niche, more limitation will be lifted.
    One more thing I like about UK airsoft is that they allow under 18s to play (not buy of course). I know in some places where they only allow adults which sucks for childen. Firstly it takes away the seriousness and what's more fun than taking you kids to hike and shoot opponents? As a teenager team up and play airsoft is also more fun and more efficient social than those loud, messy parties where everyone trys to seduce other boys/girls.

  • @maggotfor666
    @maggotfor666 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I don’t get the whole ukara thing. As a law abiding firearm owner I can’t buy a rif yet a really rifle/shotgun no problem. Just doesn’t make sense

  • @1DreadedAngel
    @1DreadedAngel 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Your idea makes total sense dude. I was a claims handler for an insurance company and we had access to a database very similar to your idea. It's called Gold Car and if you enter a reg you would be given an insurer's name. Very basic top layer information but incredibly relevant and important to the user. This could easily be applied to airsoft weapons and because the only info given by said database would be a yes or no, it wouldn't violate any data protection laws. It's a practical idea dude and I feel the same, that it would help to reduce these incidents.
    I will say this on your first point about buying a RIF and not needing a UKRA, I got mine from a company near Wakefield, they have a game site and a shop not far away and they followed the law to the letter. All my airsoft friends had the same experiences with the same company or others in the Yorkshire area. Maybe yours was an isolated incident and not really a good example. It's not a dig ma dude, just wouldn't want any new comers to get the wrong idea s'all 😊

    • @grizleme2811
      @grizleme2811  4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Finally...someone who get's it in its entirety!!! Well I'm glad to hear there is already a system similar to what I was talking about. Should anything happen to enforce stricter regulations, it wouldn't infringe on good and responsible people from getting their hands in the equipment.
      No, you're absolutely right and you make a very good point! It was an isolated incident with the retailer. Unfortunately it is a trend with them specifically on not with retailers in general. Was it Urban Airsoft you went to by any chance?

    • @1DreadedAngel
      @1DreadedAngel 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@grizleme2811 sorry mate, I didn't explain very well, I meant theres a similar database already, for cars, called Goldcar so it is possible and would be compliant with DPA law as a yes or no is not sensitive information and to actually complete said check, the person getting checked would have had to a) give permission and b) give their personal info to complete the check. I didn't mean theres already a system in place, that would be awesome.
      Thanks for the response mate, you're one of the very few tubers that have ever responded so big respect. If ever I'm back in Wakey I'll defo come check out the Kill House. I've always been an aggressive sniper but after moving to Grimsby, there's only a small indoor cqb area, I've found I actually love running round, hiding in shadows and flanking with a knife, a pistol and a large black hoodie 😂

    • @1DreadedAngel
      @1DreadedAngel 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@grizleme2811 oh and yeah, it was Urban Airsoft and the field is Fear Masters on the Heath Common near Wakefield 😊

    • @grizleme2811
      @grizleme2811  4 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@1DreadedAngel Oh I meant that it's a good thing there is something similar Haha it woudnt be difficult to adapt the principle of that system for Airsoft should it call for it. Oh well you'll love killhouse then. It's a very tight cqb site with lots if good engagement points. Do let us know if you're up in the area looking to play. I'll make sure I'm down.

    • @grizleme2811
      @grizleme2811  4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@1DreadedAngel Yeah Urban are a really good shop. Was hoping to go up before we ended up on lockdown. Not played at fear masters yet, certainly looking to play some more outdoors fields this year :)

  • @scuba_steve73
    @scuba_steve73 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Laws should allow firearms certificate holders to purchase airsoft guns. We have all the background checks you can imagine. And we can buy .22 rimfire semi autos that look like assult rifles etc. So I have just had to get sportsman's association membership which is a valid defence in most shops in the uk. So a real gun that kills is okay but a plastic 6mm bb shooter. Na mate. Firearms owners are vetted to the hills by the Police. Sit down interviews, cabinet checks and full background checks. Not to mention all my bigger calibers.

    • @grizleme2811
      @grizleme2811  2 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Yeah, fair point. Also when UKARA was created it was due to political sensitive issues with the public and police causing UKARA to be born as a way to "keep tabs" on everyone with a RIF.
      Fast forward to now, we can't be trusted with the kitchen cutlery with 8 years killing each other.

  • @mrhud50n15
    @mrhud50n15 3 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Short answer Ukara isn't working and doesn't work!!!

    • @mrhud50n15
      @mrhud50n15 3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      And just put orange tips on the end like toy guns/nerf

  • @dr.cleric2437
    @dr.cleric2437 4 ปีที่แล้ว

    When I tend to talk about airsoft to someone that dosnt know. I say it's a social sport similar to paintball. We use plastic bbs that you would find in pound shop (obviously explain we use better quality bbs later on ) we use realistic imitation firearms for reenactment purposes and I tend to show them a video I got from.a gameday

    • @grizleme2811
      @grizleme2811  4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      It's a good way to explain it! I always find it funny when people are really intrigued and then come down and play their first game.

    • @dr.cleric2437
      @dr.cleric2437 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@grizleme2811 I think I offered customers as i work at McDonalds on the dining area section i always talk to the families and people about it. I met this kid and his friend during airsoft and was having a laugh. Giving them advice about the site and suggested what they should do e.g. try not to chicken wing. If you are cheeky hide under stuff and change locations. Obs cool if they didnt want to do it.
      Talked to the kids mum about the sport as I chill with a friend a hour before the day is called and I'd explain the differences between rifs and ifs and I ended up bumping into them at my store a month later. Made my day tbf .
      Imo people are interested in the sport as it is cheaper to paintball and longer times than paintball in some cases. At the end of the day it's the acknowledgment of the sport and letting people become aware of what the guns look and how a average airsofter takes care of them which will benefit the sport.

  • @DualDesertEagle
    @DualDesertEagle 4 ปีที่แล้ว

    Short answer to that very first question u ask within the first 10 seconds of the video:
    *NO,* there should *NOT* be *ANY* regulations to airsoft whatsoever *EXCEPT* the obvious rule that u shouldn't go for a walk in public with what looks like a real gun strapped across ur back! Everything beyond that rule is just absolutely ridiculous and whoever passes such crap should be locked up in psychiatry!

  • @fruwu5985
    @fruwu5985 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    Also second hand market you can get them without ukara also 2 tone sprayed black🤦‍♂️

  • @carsoncowling4510
    @carsoncowling4510 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Cool video

  • @leoscotton7575
    @leoscotton7575 4 ปีที่แล้ว

    I’m 13 and I have an air rifle

  • @pokeyscrackhouse6359
    @pokeyscrackhouse6359 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Oi oi big griz I’m getting a moscart launcher hopefully see you on Sunday

    • @grizleme2811
      @grizleme2811  4 ปีที่แล้ว

      Fuck yes! Let's do this!

  • @oimpaa
    @oimpaa 4 ปีที่แล้ว

    letsa bee real we need licences tyo buy weapons fullstop, we can go to our town gift shops and buy from air rifles to airsoft black no orange tip weapons , and 11 inch machetes and zombie killer knives and swords with none blinking an eye , we all need help,