@@devilhunterred Does he really need them? I mean, they would've been great to have, but I don't even remember if Dhalsim have any fist punches besides his stretchy limbs ones. Considering the limitations of the price point, I think they chose to give him all that was much more necessary. Yoga-fire would've been good, too, but for a second release, stretchy limbs are much more unique and fun to have, than another generic fire effect like hundreds of other figures have.
@RogueCheepSheep okay, but this figure is based on his moveset in ULTRA Street Fighter 2 The Final Challengers which is just a super updated SF2 so no fist hands is fine. Some characters and their movesets change across each game so if this was a SF6 figure then yeah he should have fist hands but this isn't a SF6 figure.
For accessories, 10/10 for $25. If it was $40 the 8.5 would probably be merited and I would want fist hands and a flame. At $25, I definitely don't expect those in addition to the already included extra head, 4 hands and 4 extra bendy limbs that are executed better than almost any I've ever seen on an action figure (maybe the ToyBiz Mr. Fantistic is better, but it's been so long that may just be nostalgia). The box is already crammed full of stuff with the limbs.
Marvel legends simps loosing it right now with their single figure with 2 extra hands, poor painting and reuse at 25 dollars. Mcfarlane is excusing the reuse with a reuse of a new batman with platinum scam variant that everyone wants at 22 dollars and the platinum at 90 in the aftermarket
I understand the gripe with the fist hands, but I think most people would have him posed with at least one of the stretchy limbs anyway. He still has some fists at the end of the day at least I can see them doing a premium variant. Giving him yoga fire, a head sculpt of him blowing out the fire, and fist hands
@@ryang1202 hell they have a special chun li for sdcc with extra accesories for the regular version, which will also become a regular release. I'm sure they will release at one point a premium version of most of these tbh and that is perfectly ok with me. Who can say no to true quality and price for stuff like this
This toy line is an absolute dream come true for a street fighter fan. The storm collectibles are amazing but way out of my price range. The fact we’re getting amazingly articulated figures at a damn good price is awesome.
Todd Mcfarlane has to be embarrased that Jada and his SF and Megaman lines are waaaaaaay better than 90% of the figures his company has made in the last 2 decades lol
Amazing release. Objectively they could use improvements in some areas like was mentioned, but it still blows my mind how well Jada is doing. I don’t even have room for these figures in my collection so I keep them in box, which I never do for any other line. I just want to support quality figures.
I bought Chun-li thanks to your review despite having never played a Street fighter game and I don't regret it one bit. She's easily one of the best figures in my collection, and def one of the most fun figures to pose. Jada is doing a great job with these. I can't wait for their Cyberpunk figures, Lucy specially. Hopefully they announce a new license soon! I would love to see them tackle Castlevania or Delicious in Dungeon figures.
As much as I want a puffed cheeks head, fire, and the option to have some fist and chops for both types of arms, the volume of accessories makes it easy to forgive. It's like half another figure in plastic. Id even have forgiven them if they werent bendy, basically all the attacks are just full stretch. Jada continues to put other bigger companies to shame. I'm really hoping for some more alt colors. Blue Dhalsim was honestly more my favorite, and I'm desperate for a navy gi, yellow headband Ryu. I think that was HP. Storm gave really close but I always remember crimson gloves.
I'm not going to disagree with figures needing fist hands, but if my memory serves me correctly, Dhalsim doesn't use fists unless he's doing the stretch punch. Otherwise he chops with open hands and stands with the stylized posed hands.
I think jada is unbeatable atm. Hoping they get some other game license too like Legends of Zelda, DMC, Monster hunter ETC. They so good and price is a steal.
I think Jada absolutely made the right call with the accessories. I don't even particularly care for effects part but I probably have 4 or 5 fire pieces sitting in a drawer that I could use as a Yoga Fire in a pinch, but I definitely don't have any spare extended Dhalsim limbs. The lack of interchangable fists also doesn't bother me at all; if I want to pose him punching I'll want to use the extended arms, and the two sets of hands he comes with covers so many more of Dhalsim's poses. Yes the fire is a signature part of his abilities, but not moreso than his stretchy limbs IMO, so in the end I don't think his accessories (and posing options that come with them) are any more lacking than any other figure in the line. That said, a deluxe teal/pink Dhalsim with a flame effect and fire breathing P1 head seems like a no-brainer, and I could see myself double dipping for that just because the figure looks so damn good.
The fists should have been interchangeable. And ideally, he could have come with the fire effects, but I'd prefer having bendy arms. At least you can find a fire effect somewhere, but you can't just buy custom bendy arms lol
I think you're being too harsh on this figure, maybe to be a bit contrarian. There's no way Dhalsim gets a 8.5 while Ryu gets a 9. Dhalsim is objectively the better figure
I agree, chun-li and ryu, in my opinion, are at the bottom, if we’re doing a tier list of the best. The problem here is that Anthony isn’t good at posing and using articulation, to its max potential. Look at his after shots after he’s done a review, the poses are usually basic and lacking. The other reviewers of this dhalsim figure brought out the best in him. This review made him look poor, when that’s just not the true case for this figure.
the only "problem" with jada is that they are putting the bar super high within them selfs so every figure they make is gonna be awesome but, by they own standard maybe one or two are going to be not that good, anyways all theyre figures are awesome, super excited for the megaman line
Dhalsim was always my favorite Street Fighter character so I’m stoked to finally have a good figure of this character. Seems like most companies skip him.
I've personally never been as much of a Dhalsim guy, but when reviews of this figure started coming out, I've actually started to get more interested in him. I'm glad one of the few hot glue effects I'm really decent at making is fire, because I'll definitely be making some for him.
Got this figure about a week ago and absolutely love it. A flame affect would have gone a long way but I’d rather have the long limbs since it’s much easier to find a fire effect compared to bendy legs
I'm terrible at most fighting games due to poor reflexes and having a hard time with those special moves, so I'd rarely play them. But I'm usually a fan of their Player 1 colors, except for blue Blanka.
While I would want fisted hands as well, for accessories at the price point of $25 we are getting four excellent bendy wire limbs, so I cant penalize them there. Its an excellent figure. I would rank it third between Fei Long and Chun Li. What an amazing line putting Hasbro to shame. As for the Q of the Day, I prefer player 1 colors when playing the games.
They've done a few deluxe packs for characters with a little more stuff in the box, I think with Evil Ryu and Violent Ken, and then a Chun Li in pink. I can definitely see them doing the same treatment with Dhalsim, put him in an alternate colorway, pack him with all the same stuff as the retail figure, but also give him additional effect parts, and maybe a set of fists for the regular arms.
Great review. Despite it's flaws it's a fantastic figure, those bendable limbs are so cool. What a great street fighter figure line so far. For the question, I usually pick the original color
Capcom is my jam. I'm looking forward to getting this figure to replace my SOTA Dhalsim. I had that in box hanging on y my wall for years. Then I decided to open it. On the first pose if the ankle I broke the hinge. That ticked me off. I waited all that time just for it to break. It's going to be nice having a quality 1/12 Dhalsim to display. I may take the SOTA skulls and give them to the JADA figure.
I usually go for P1 colours myself for Street Fighter. Interesting about the butterfly joints, I've just messed about with mine & they go further forwards without stressing the plastic. The knees & elbows seem to match colour wise on mine too. I did notice the asymmetry on the face, Ken's is more noticeable. It's an odd one for sure.
SO much better than the SOTA figure. Sadly no Yoga Fire or Yoga Flame effects but the stretchy limbs is nice, as long as you don’t mess with them too much. It’s my fav figure of the line so far.
I think they Yoga Fire and Flames will come with an alternate Dalhsim figure. Just like they released pink Chun Li to give us her iconic victory expressions. They can't give us everything in one package for just $25, so they are spreading the accessories out in P2/P3 versions of these characters.
@@sigerlion8608great for all in collectors, not so much for collectors only buying specific colors... They'll have to add the puffy blowing face too with the effects.
My only nitpick about the build (and it really is a nitpick) is that I hope Jada gets better with slimmer builds. Fei long, Dhalsim, and the upcoming Vega should be MUCH more lean than the rest of the cast
Thanks for the awesome review! I'm a P1 player usually, but there are a few exceptions. I'm not super fussed about the yoga flame, there are PLENTY of affordable fire effects on the market right now. I'd rather have the more unique accessories for a character like Sim.
I agree that being able to swap the fists with the other hands would've been great but as is he's still great. While other figs have better butterfly joints, the ones on mine work better than Anthony's copy. I just worked them about a bit. Thankfully no stress marks. I bet a dunk in hot water would help. On my copy the knees and Elbows match the rest of the skin colour pretty well. All round he's a fun figure. Back in the day; I wasn't even a fan of the character, but I had to try the figure and I love it. I'd be up for alternative colour variants on characters. The pink and the red Chun Li look good. A blue Blanka is one I'm hoping for.
Eh, his butterfly joints seem like they could go further, maybe a widespread QC issue? Strange. Every review I've watched was this limited too. Maybe they'll fix it down the line, like their Ryu "2.0," etc.
Thanks Anthonyscustoms, I never stress tested the butterfly joint on mine🤨 and you are more than right it ain't good.😬 Infact it's very straining on the plastic in the upper torso, and yeah got the same hard plastic standout on the knees and elbows, as yours the chest peice also stands out too!🤨Still a great figure overall😁 and still solid competition for Hasbro!!🙄Cause we know they could do better but do they even try!!???🤨Sometimes not often enough to warrant the price point for me though!!😮💨
I just have to say that if Anthony on the start of this video said that he loved this figure on all counts and had nothing negative to comment I would immediately stop the video and unsubscribed. Jokes aside its a great review on a great if not perfect - because nothing in this life is- figure.
QOTD: Sometimes, I go for a color palette that I really like unless they're lame. So usually, P1 colors for my characters. I think a Deluxe release of Dhalsim with the appropriate hands and head to replicate the Yoga Flame/Fire AND swappable hands on the extended arms would have been the way to go. If anything, Jada has earned it even if mistakes and oversights are now evident. However, that full split for him to do the sitting pose for his teleportation is great!
Come on Anthony, it's time for articulation explanation video. Looks like someone doesn't agree with your preference of neck articulation, i want your perspective about articulation on a figure
It's easier for me to find fire to steal than bendy limbs, so I'm glad they went with that if it was an either/or thing, but I agree that I would have liked to have that.
I got a Friday rush job which is super sad since he has been my favorite since SSF2 came out. The wrist joint on the left prayer hand is twisted and is drilled towards the thumb instead of straight into the hand and the bottom mid section twist is STUPID tight and even after hot water soak only twists so much. For everyone saying this is the best one yet I was pretty let down
For me it generally is the player one costume that I go with. Simply because all the promotional material will use that player one costume as the default. For instance the arcade cabinet art, action figures, TV series they generally put them all in their player one costumes. That's not to say I don't like alternate costumes. If I think the alternate costume looks better then sometimes I will play with that costume.
I just got him in the mail but havent opened him yet . Dealing with hurricane issues right now😒 .For me he is just lacking a flame effect to be perfect
You got him! Congrats! He's the cleanest release by far. Even QC all the way through despite the fragile ring accessories. The slight awkwardness of the snap on is acceptable for the bendy arms
TBH I think it might time to start axing the “pretty good for Jada” or “8/10 for marvel legends” If the figure has good articulation for a 6” scale plastic figure just say so. If it isn’t good, say that. Legends should probably be averaging about 4 or 5/10 whereas this is probably a 8.5 or 9/10 when compared to all other 6” scale figures. Just saying.
That's not useful to people who only collect one line. Globally, hasbro wouldn't break 3 or 4 90% of the time. That's not helpful to someone who only collects ml. Saying every jada figure is a 9.5 because hasbro sucks doesn't help someone who only collects jada. They have to be reviewed is the context of their own lines in order to give meaningful ratings. That's why i say what i say during the rating sections.
P1 colors generally. I don't really care. But I'll wait on this one. I'm sure they'll release a deluxe version with the yoga flame which I absolutely have to have. And fists.
P1 colors. Ryu and Ken practically pronounce their names when they say Shoryuken. Had a coworker whose name was Ryu and he said there is no traditional Japanese pronunciation of the name Ryu as Righ-you. It’s be like us saying the name Mike as Mickey.
This is an incredible figure for $25. I’m super happy with this release. Hopefully they’ll make more after they complete all the Ultra SF2 characters. Maybe some Sega characters, if possible?
Are you getting the Tonsen Buu and Trunks? I ordered the Trunks, if it is good I may get more for custom Chrono Trigger characters. Bardocka head, on those legs plus Gohans purple gi chest may be cool
Definitly yoga fire and flame aré needed they aré a staple from Dhalsim, yoga flame needs another head with blowing mouth so yeah another 5 well maybe 7 bucks Will do. Maybe once they finish the main rooster they Will make accessory packs that Will be awesome. Anyways this figure looks amazing I will definitely get this guy well I will get all of them man love the game and this guy's are awesome I never had the chance to get the sota figures so this will do storm is way out of my butchet. Great review please keen on doing more and keep on rockin
I know when you started giving ratings out of 10 you said take it with a pinch of salt and focus on the actual information but I think you should grade this against Marvel Legends because they are the same price point and that is perhaps a more relevant context than a company specific grading system. Generally, figures produced by the same company will be of a similar quality/level, with Hasbro probably having the greatest variance. Most Legends should be a 5 or less for example as it shows that they are average or below average compared to the competition but giving most of them 7 or 8 in a Legends only context makes them appear better than they are in a greater, more useful context.
I rate every figure against it's own line. Giving every hasbro figure a 5 or less wouldn't be helpful to ml collectors. That's why i say, "for marvel legends..." Or in this case, i explained the comparison to marvel legends.
@@AnthonysCustoms Why wouldn't it be helpful to ML collectors? There would still be variation between the Legends to gauge how they compare to each other for example Spider Shot is a 1 or 2 out of 10, Darwin 3 or 4 and the most recent Sabretooth in the two pack would be somewhere between 6 and 8 or however you would rate them in that framework but it also offers a comparison to other relevant lines at the same time showing where Legends could be. This could also help Legends collectors if they are looking at a figure from a different line and you don't mention the gulf in class in that video like you did in this one.
Im assuming u have seen shartimus primes video debating neck articulation. I'd be surprised if u made a video about it as his comments are nothing but disagreeing with his opinion on it, but like i told him to each their own. If looking st8 up matters more to u than being able to tilt and add naunce to ur poses, then i can't change ur mind on the matter.
Anthony, I am kinda bumped down that none of the Luffy figures come with stretchy arms (except gear 5). Have you thought about doing a set of long arms/legs for this? Love your reviews man, as always very objective and as neutral as possible.
I favor the original colors of the characters. Damn shame with the butterfly joints stressing the plastic. I do want this figure. I wonder if they'll do a version 2?
Random but I want to see SSJ4 Gogeta, Super Baby 2 and Omega Shenron get SH Figuarts cuz imma cop those on release. I got SSJ4 Vegeta recently and I have Super 17 pre ordered. Imma get SSJ4 Goku at some point
All I want is Jada doing Jojos! For the love of Dio, let this dream come true. QotD: funky colors ftw. People who are really upset about the lack of a flame effect, look at everything we get for $25 guys lol.
Hello! New Subscriber here! I’ve been trying to get my hands on a Hiya Toys Godzilla ever since I got paid, but I can’t seem to choose which one I want. Which Hiya Toys Godzilla figure did you think was the best after months of reviewing them? The Godzilla 2019? The Updated version of the Godzilla 2021 figure? Or the Pre-Evolved version of the Godzilla 2024?
Shame he doesn’t come with a fire breathing head sculp and the no fist hands is a miss. Small details that really matter especially with this character. Good review.
I'm looking at my elbows and knees and the colors aren't too bad, maybe it varies and I'm sure the studio lighting is lighting them up a bit. They are shinier than the other plastic. The fist thing did piss me off, I wicked thought they would pop off the long arms. But its not a deal breaker in overall scheme of things. Super fun to pose, and feels good in the hand. Even though most of us have some good flames for him yeah I still think one should have been snuck in here, but maybe not because the limbs are great. Either way, great review, great figgy.
Hey Anthony I wonder if a Mattel Hulk Hogan fist hands could work on this looks to be a similar skin tone and could chop the fist off the stretchy arms and drill out peg holes at the ends of the stretchy wrist for interchangeable hands etc? I also agree with your rating.
I hated this didn't come with fire or flame, but would I'm not surprised since that would almost require the iconic "blowing" head sculpt since he blows the fire. The current heads wouldn't make sense with the fire. Granted I'd gladly pay a little extra for all that!
P1 usually for me, but for some characters that wears very little, it doesn't matter. Like Sagat or Adon, do I really care that their shorts color changed?
I just got him and bison from bbts this week and likenthem both a lot. I was kind of disappointed not getting a flame effect but I get it. We got 4 interchangeable bendy limbs. I do wish they included fists though
some stuff I agree with, and some I disagree. I did want him with a head that has a blowing face (I'm aware of how bad that sounds. Sorry) and the yoga fire. Overall I love this figure. Do I like him as much as Chun Li Ryu or Fi Long? No. I still vote for Chun Li at the top. It might be biased cause she's who I played most of the time and kicked all my friend's ass to the point they demanded I use someone else because they felt it unfair. LOL But her paintwork and articulation are why. And because she was my go-to in the game.
My butterfly joints on this figure are terrible also. They have excess plastic that will definitely scratch up my figure,.. so I’m not putting him into any extreme poses. Watch Jada make a SDCC P2 version of Dhalsim with a yoga flame accessory lol, that will tick me off.
My dhalsim is blowing his necklace around his mouth in my package and I haven't wanted to take him out because of that. As for the price, I'm fine with no flames, but I would Def want them.
Articulation on this line is crazy. The fact that i can pretzel the legs into a yoga pose on a figure this detailed figure for only $25 is wild.
Careful, comments like this will trigger Shartimus into another articulation video!
agreed, but it should still have fist hands.
@@devilhunterred Does he really need them? I mean, they would've been great to have, but I don't even remember if Dhalsim have any fist punches besides his stretchy limbs ones. Considering the limitations of the price point, I think they chose to give him all that was much more necessary. Yoga-fire would've been good, too, but for a second release, stretchy limbs are much more unique and fun to have, than another generic fire effect like hundreds of other figures have.
@@devilhunterrednah, he never has fists standing normally
Fist hands are important. That said, Dalsim hits with chop hands up close, and use fists only when he does his grab or when he stretches.
You forgot about the Yoga Noogie as he referenced in the video.
@@AnointedFlow grab is the yoga noogie
@@Superninjajoe your point? It's still an attack and something that can be posed.
New games like SF5 and 6 he uses close range double fist. It's pretty important in his combo repetoire.
@RogueCheepSheep okay, but this figure is based on his moveset in ULTRA Street Fighter 2 The Final Challengers which is just a super updated SF2 so no fist hands is fine. Some characters and their movesets change across each game so if this was a SF6 figure then yeah he should have fist hands but this isn't a SF6 figure.
For accessories, 10/10 for $25. If it was $40 the 8.5 would probably be merited and I would want fist hands and a flame.
At $25, I definitely don't expect those in addition to the already included extra head, 4 hands and 4 extra bendy limbs that are executed better than almost any I've ever seen on an action figure (maybe the ToyBiz Mr. Fantistic is better, but it's been so long that may just be nostalgia). The box is already crammed full of stuff with the limbs.
Marvel legends simps loosing it right now with their single figure with 2 extra hands, poor painting and reuse at 25 dollars. Mcfarlane is excusing the reuse with a reuse of a new batman with platinum scam variant that everyone wants at 22 dollars and the platinum at 90 in the aftermarket
Agreed. For the price this dhalsim is just crazy for all that he comes with. Wish the fists were interchangeable but still that's a small gripe
I understand the gripe with the fist hands, but I think most people would have him posed with at least one of the stretchy limbs anyway. He still has some fists at the end of the day at least
I can see them doing a premium variant. Giving him yoga fire, a head sculpt of him blowing out the fire, and fist hands
@@ryang1202 hell they have a special chun li for sdcc with extra accesories for the regular version, which will also become a regular release. I'm sure they will release at one point a premium version of most of these tbh and that is perfectly ok with me. Who can say no to true quality and price for stuff like this
If we're not counting ToyBiz's Doc Ock tentacles, then I think their Mr. Fantastic has the best bendy limbs
This toy line is an absolute dream come true for a street fighter fan. The storm collectibles are amazing but way out of my price range. The fact we’re getting amazingly articulated figures at a damn good price is awesome.
Agree 100%. It’s great these are available at most retailers for a very good price. Having a lot of fun hunting these down.
Todd Mcfarlane has to be embarrased that Jada and his SF and Megaman lines are waaaaaaay better than 90% of the figures his company has made in the last 2 decades lol
Amazing release. Objectively they could use improvements in some areas like was mentioned, but it still blows my mind how well Jada is doing. I don’t even have room for these figures in my collection so I keep them in box, which I never do for any other line. I just want to support quality figures.
I bought Chun-li thanks to your review despite having never played a Street fighter game and I don't regret it one bit. She's easily one of the best figures in my collection, and def one of the most fun figures to pose. Jada is doing a great job with these. I can't wait for their Cyberpunk figures, Lucy specially. Hopefully they announce a new license soon! I would love to see them tackle Castlevania or Delicious in Dungeon figures.
As much as I want a puffed cheeks head, fire, and the option to have some fist and chops for both types of arms, the volume of accessories makes it easy to forgive. It's like half another figure in plastic. Id even have forgiven them if they werent bendy, basically all the attacks are just full stretch. Jada continues to put other bigger companies to shame.
I'm really hoping for some more alt colors. Blue Dhalsim was honestly more my favorite, and I'm desperate for a navy gi, yellow headband Ryu. I think that was HP. Storm gave really close but I always remember crimson gloves.
I'm not going to disagree with figures needing fist hands, but if my memory serves me correctly, Dhalsim doesn't use fists unless he's doing the stretch punch. Otherwise he chops with open hands and stands with the stylized posed hands.
Anthony mentioned yoga nooggie needing a fist.
I think jada is unbeatable atm. Hoping they get some other game license too like Legends of Zelda, DMC, Monster hunter ETC. They so good and price is a steal.
Hopefully Mortal Kombat instead of the terrible McFarlane ones
Would love a dmc line though im a bit scared for dante and the others trench coat
I think Jada absolutely made the right call with the accessories. I don't even particularly care for effects part but I probably have 4 or 5 fire pieces sitting in a drawer that I could use as a Yoga Fire in a pinch, but I definitely don't have any spare extended Dhalsim limbs. The lack of interchangable fists also doesn't bother me at all; if I want to pose him punching I'll want to use the extended arms, and the two sets of hands he comes with covers so many more of Dhalsim's poses. Yes the fire is a signature part of his abilities, but not moreso than his stretchy limbs IMO, so in the end I don't think his accessories (and posing options that come with them) are any more lacking than any other figure in the line.
That said, a deluxe teal/pink Dhalsim with a flame effect and fire breathing P1 head seems like a no-brainer, and I could see myself double dipping for that just because the figure looks so damn good.
The fists should have been interchangeable. And ideally, he could have come with the fire effects, but I'd prefer having bendy arms. At least you can find a fire effect somewhere, but you can't just buy custom bendy arms lol
I think you're being too harsh on this figure, maybe to be a bit contrarian. There's no way Dhalsim gets a 8.5 while Ryu gets a 9. Dhalsim is objectively the better figure
Ryu came out first. Dhalsim had a bunch of problems. Use some critical thinking before you start accusing people of things.
Anthony you are way too sensitive to criticism, its ok for people to have opinions on the way you rate things. @AnthonysCustoms
Anthony Customs the biggest hater 😂
I agree, chun-li and ryu, in my opinion, are at the bottom, if we’re doing a tier list of the best.
The problem here is that Anthony isn’t good at posing and using articulation, to its max potential. Look at his after shots after he’s done a review, the poses are usually basic and lacking.
The other reviewers of this dhalsim figure brought out the best in him. This review made him look poor, when that’s just not the true case for this figure.
the only "problem" with jada is that they are putting the bar super high within them selfs so every figure they make is gonna be awesome but, by they own standard maybe one or two are going to be not that good, anyways all theyre figures are awesome, super excited for the megaman line
Dhalsim was always my favorite Street Fighter character so I’m stoked to finally have a good figure of this character.
Seems like most companies skip him.
Looking at the copy I own . Torso is the same color as the arms. No different color on the kneecaps & elbows either.
I've personally never been as much of a Dhalsim guy, but when reviews of this figure started coming out, I've actually started to get more interested in him. I'm glad one of the few hot glue effects I'm really decent at making is fire, because I'll definitely be making some for him.
Got this figure about a week ago and absolutely love it. A flame affect would have gone a long way but I’d rather have the long limbs since it’s much easier to find a fire effect compared to bendy legs
I'm terrible at most fighting games due to poor reflexes and having a hard time with those special moves, so I'd rarely play them. But I'm usually a fan of their Player 1 colors, except for blue Blanka.
While I would want fisted hands as well, for accessories at the price point of $25 we are getting four excellent bendy wire limbs, so I cant penalize them there. Its an excellent figure. I would rank it third between Fei Long and Chun Li. What an amazing line putting Hasbro to shame. As for the Q of the Day, I prefer player 1 colors when playing the games.
They've done a few deluxe packs for characters with a little more stuff in the box, I think with Evil Ryu and Violent Ken, and then a Chun Li in pink. I can definitely see them doing the same treatment with Dhalsim, put him in an alternate colorway, pack him with all the same stuff as the retail figure, but also give him additional effect parts, and maybe a set of fists for the regular arms.
I'm actually surprised they included bendable limbs.
Jada seems enthusiastic about this line and I love it. We’re eatin good because of it.
Great review. Despite it's flaws it's a fantastic figure, those bendable limbs are so cool. What a great street fighter figure line so far. For the question, I usually pick the original color
Capcom is my jam. I'm looking forward to getting this figure to replace my SOTA Dhalsim. I had that in box hanging on y my wall for years. Then I decided to open it. On the first pose if the ankle I broke the hinge. That ticked me off. I waited all that time just for it to break. It's going to be nice having a quality 1/12 Dhalsim to display. I may take the SOTA skulls and give them to the JADA figure.
I usually go for P1 colours myself for Street Fighter.
Interesting about the butterfly joints, I've just messed about with mine & they go further forwards without stressing the plastic. The knees & elbows seem to match colour wise on mine too.
I did notice the asymmetry on the face, Ken's is more noticeable. It's an odd one for sure.
SO much better than the SOTA figure. Sadly no Yoga Fire or Yoga Flame effects but the stretchy limbs is nice, as long as you don’t mess with them too much. It’s my fav figure of the line so far.
I think they Yoga Fire and Flames will come with an alternate Dalhsim figure. Just like they released pink Chun Li to give us her iconic victory expressions. They can't give us everything in one package for just $25, so they are spreading the accessories out in P2/P3 versions of these characters.
@@sigerlion8608great for all in collectors, not so much for collectors only buying specific colors...
They'll have to add the puffy blowing face too with the effects.
My only nitpick about the build (and it really is a nitpick) is that I hope Jada gets better with slimmer builds. Fei long, Dhalsim, and the upcoming Vega should be MUCH more lean than the rest of the cast
I wish I was a street fighter fan! never got into the game back n the days but damn these figs are great.
There's still time to get into sf
Thanks for the awesome review!
I'm a P1 player usually, but there are a few exceptions.
I'm not super fussed about the yoga flame, there are PLENTY of affordable fire effects on the market right now. I'd rather have the more unique accessories for a character like Sim.
it's too bad we won't get the fire or flame but with that we also need a blowing cheeks head sculpt. It wouldn't look right without it.
I think we will get those eventually
@@AnthonysCustoms That would be awesome!
I agree that being able to swap the fists with the other hands would've been great but as is he's still great.
While other figs have better butterfly joints, the ones on mine work better than Anthony's copy. I just worked them about a bit. Thankfully no stress marks. I bet a dunk in hot water would help. On my copy the knees and Elbows match the rest of the skin colour pretty well.
All round he's a fun figure. Back in the day; I wasn't even a fan of the character, but I had to try the figure and I love it.
I'd be up for alternative colour variants on characters. The pink and the red Chun Li look good. A blue Blanka is one I'm hoping for.
Eh, his butterfly joints seem like they could go further, maybe a widespread QC issue? Strange. Every review I've watched was this limited too. Maybe they'll fix it down the line, like their Ryu "2.0," etc.
Thanks Anthonyscustoms, I never stress tested the butterfly joint on mine🤨 and you are more than right it ain't good.😬 Infact it's very straining on the plastic in the upper torso, and yeah got the same hard plastic standout on the knees and elbows, as yours the chest peice also stands out too!🤨Still a great figure overall😁 and still solid competition for Hasbro!!🙄Cause we know they could do better but do they even try!!???🤨Sometimes not often enough to warrant the price point for me though!!😮💨
I just have to say that if Anthony on the start of this video said that he loved this figure on all counts and had nothing negative to comment I would immediately stop the video and unsubscribed. Jokes aside its a great review on a great if not perfect - because nothing in this life is- figure.
Q of the day: I like the Turbo colors a lot.
Me too
QOTD: Sometimes, I go for a color palette that I really like unless they're lame. So usually, P1 colors for my characters.
I think a Deluxe release of Dhalsim with the appropriate hands and head to replicate the Yoga Flame/Fire AND swappable hands on the extended arms would have been the way to go. If anything, Jada has earned it even if mistakes and oversights are now evident. However, that full split for him to do the sitting pose for his teleportation is great!
Come on Anthony, it's time for articulation explanation video. Looks like someone doesn't agree with your preference of neck articulation, i want your perspective about articulation on a figure
You might just get what you want... Sort of
It's easier for me to find fire to steal than bendy limbs, so I'm glad they went with that if it was an either/or thing, but I agree that I would have liked to have that.
I got a Friday rush job which is super sad since he has been my favorite since SSF2 came out. The wrist joint on the left prayer hand is twisted and is drilled towards the thumb instead of straight into the hand and the bottom mid section twist is STUPID tight and even after hot water soak only twists so much. For everyone saying this is the best one yet I was pretty let down
For me it generally is the player one costume that I go with. Simply because all the promotional material will use that player one costume as the default. For instance the arcade cabinet art, action figures, TV series they generally put them all in their player one costumes. That's not to say I don't like alternate costumes. If I think the alternate costume looks better then sometimes I will play with that costume.
Better than gear5 luffy lol
I just got him in the mail but havent opened him yet . Dealing with hurricane issues right now😒 .For me he is just lacking a flame effect to be perfect
First ;) Jada rocks!
I agree 👍
We all know they held the yoga flame for the player 2 color. That doesn’t make me happy but I get why they did it.
I'm fine with that
You got him! Congrats! He's the cleanest release by far. Even QC all the way through despite the fragile ring accessories. The slight awkwardness of the snap on is acceptable for the bendy arms
no matter what game it is, i will almost always use the default colors. except pink captain falcon
We need SF Alpha figs 😭
Really need a Cody figure in his prison suit and Guy!!
TBH I think it might time to start axing the “pretty good for Jada” or “8/10 for marvel legends”
If the figure has good articulation for a 6” scale plastic figure just say so. If it isn’t good, say that. Legends should probably be averaging about 4 or 5/10 whereas this is probably a 8.5 or 9/10 when compared to all other 6” scale figures. Just saying.
That's not useful to people who only collect one line. Globally, hasbro wouldn't break 3 or 4 90% of the time. That's not helpful to someone who only collects ml. Saying every jada figure is a 9.5 because hasbro sucks doesn't help someone who only collects jada. They have to be reviewed is the context of their own lines in order to give meaningful ratings. That's why i say what i say during the rating sections.
What are your thoughts on Shartimus Prime's recent videos regarding articulation?
9:56 idk if you're gonna review this one or not, but the hiya toys K:SI kong figure is a good example of how to make drop-down hips actually useful.
I think i have that one in the queue
P1 colors generally. I don't really care. But I'll wait on this one. I'm sure they'll release a deluxe version with the yoga flame which I absolutely have to have. And fists.
P1 colors. Ryu and Ken practically pronounce their names when they say Shoryuken. Had a coworker whose name was Ryu and he said there is no traditional Japanese pronunciation of the name Ryu as Righ-you. It’s be like us saying the name Mike as Mickey.
This is an incredible figure for $25. I’m super happy with this release. Hopefully they’ll make more after they complete all the Ultra SF2 characters. Maybe some Sega characters, if possible?
Damn bro ....I didn't even notice the elbows and knees now my ocd is bugging....Great review as always🤙🏿
Are you getting the Tonsen Buu and Trunks? I ordered the Trunks, if it is good I may get more for custom Chrono Trigger characters. Bardocka head, on those legs plus Gohans purple gi chest may be cool
Definitly yoga fire and flame aré needed they aré a staple from Dhalsim, yoga flame needs another head with blowing mouth so yeah another 5 well maybe 7 bucks Will do. Maybe once they finish the main rooster they Will make accessory packs that Will be awesome.
Anyways this figure looks amazing I will definitely get this guy well I will get all of them man love the game and this guy's are awesome I never had the chance to get the sota figures so this will do storm is way out of my butchet.
Great review please keen on doing more and keep on rockin
excited for Cammy but worried about the limited face options she will have
Why do the long limbs have to be bendy? In the game they extend straight they don't bend, or am i mistaken?
I imagine it's for the various drawn art of him... Maybe a victory pose from later games. Id be good with non-bendy though
@@AnthonysCustoms yeah i don't have the figure yet but i think I'd prefer non bendy as well.
He stretches and bent when he did the taunt and winning pose iirc. Granted, it's mostly in later games.
@@GamingMafia_id thanks!
I know when you started giving ratings out of 10 you said take it with a pinch of salt and focus on the actual information but I think you should grade this against Marvel Legends because they are the same price point and that is perhaps a more relevant context than a company specific grading system. Generally, figures produced by the same company will be of a similar quality/level, with Hasbro probably having the greatest variance. Most Legends should be a 5 or less for example as it shows that they are average or below average compared to the competition but giving most of them 7 or 8 in a Legends only context makes them appear better than they are in a greater, more useful context.
I rate every figure against it's own line. Giving every hasbro figure a 5 or less wouldn't be helpful to ml collectors. That's why i say, "for marvel legends..." Or in this case, i explained the comparison to marvel legends.
@@AnthonysCustoms Why wouldn't it be helpful to ML collectors? There would still be variation between the Legends to gauge how they compare to each other for example Spider Shot is a 1 or 2 out of 10, Darwin 3 or 4 and the most recent Sabretooth in the two pack would be somewhere between 6 and 8 or however you would rate them in that framework but it also offers a comparison to other relevant lines at the same time showing where Legends could be. This could also help Legends collectors if they are looking at a figure from a different line and you don't mention the gulf in class in that video like you did in this one.
1:43 if the costume have some green like fei long pants or all the clothes of t hawk i go for that
Im assuming u have seen shartimus primes video debating neck articulation. I'd be surprised if u made a video about it as his comments are nothing but disagreeing with his opinion on it, but like i told him to each their own. If looking st8 up matters more to u than being able to tilt and add naunce to ur poses, then i can't change ur mind on the matter.
Anthony, I am kinda bumped down that none of the Luffy figures come with stretchy arms (except gear 5). Have you thought about doing a set of long arms/legs for this?
Love your reviews man, as always very objective and as neutral as possible.
That's. Luffy limbs would cost too much to be reasonable
White or purple gi for Ken! Those are my go to, especially in Alpha 2
I favor the original colors of the characters.
Damn shame with the butterfly joints stressing the plastic. I do want this figure. I wonder if they'll do a version 2?
Random but I want to see SSJ4 Gogeta, Super Baby 2 and Omega Shenron get SH Figuarts cuz imma cop those on release. I got SSJ4 Vegeta recently and I have Super 17 pre ordered. Imma get SSJ4 Goku at some point
All I want is Jada doing Jojos! For the love of Dio, let this dream come true. QotD: funky colors ftw. People who are really upset about the lack of a flame effect, look at everything we get for $25 guys lol.
Hello! New Subscriber here! I’ve been trying to get my hands on a Hiya Toys Godzilla ever since I got paid, but I can’t seem to choose which one I want. Which Hiya Toys Godzilla figure did you think was the best after months of reviewing them? The Godzilla 2019? The Updated version of the Godzilla 2021 figure? Or the Pre-Evolved version of the Godzilla 2024?
Check my most recent Godzilla review and see what you think. Good luck
Shame he doesn’t come with a fire breathing head sculp and the no fist hands is a miss.
Small details that really matter especially with this character.
Good review.
I'm looking at my elbows and knees and the colors aren't too bad, maybe it varies and I'm sure the studio lighting is lighting them up a bit. They are shinier than the other plastic.
The fist thing did piss me off, I wicked thought they would pop off the long arms. But its not a deal breaker in overall scheme of things.
Super fun to pose, and feels good in the hand. Even though most of us have some good flames for him yeah I still think one should have been snuck in here, but maybe not because the limbs are great. Either way, great review, great figgy.
Hey Anthony I wonder if a Mattel Hulk Hogan fist hands could work on this looks to be a similar skin tone and could chop the fist off the stretchy arms and drill out peg holes at the ends of the stretchy wrist for interchangeable hands etc? I also agree with your rating.
I would just wait for a version with other accessories
P1, except for Cammy, then it's her blue color scheme
Good call
I tend to choose the special colors, specially with Chun-li and Cammy.
This is what the luffy figure should've been tamashii she take notes
6:32 That was the main stop motion I wanted to do. Shame🤦🏾♂️
P2 will probably get the Fire/Flame accessories in a SDCC box
I hated this didn't come with fire or flame, but would I'm not surprised since that would almost require the iconic "blowing" head sculpt since he blows the fire. The current heads wouldn't make sense with the fire. Granted I'd gladly pay a little extra for all that!
P1 usually for me, but for some characters that wears very little, it doesn't matter. Like Sagat or Adon, do I really care that their shorts color changed?
Turbo sagat ftw
@@AnthonysCustoms Alpha for me. I'm a huge fan of the designs of that series. Wish Jada will put out a whole Alpha line next. :)
Oh. I just meant the colors. Alpha everyone is peak imo
Figures like this make me happy that my eyesite is crap and I have a hard time with shades of colors. I can't tell the difference in the joints haha
I use hadouken effect from ken as yoga flame effect 😂
I just got him and bison from bbts this week and likenthem both a lot. I was kind of disappointed not getting a flame effect but I get it. We got 4 interchangeable bendy limbs. I do wish they included fists though
Can't wait for the Cyberpunk Edgerunner figures! Jada is killing it!
My bed it's the limited butterfly joint. He should be able to move like spiderman even more
I got him yesterday and I really dont like his lack of fists
such an awesome line. he´s not perfect but superfun
The stripes not lined up on his head are driving my ocd crazy.
Such a great line😭
Juhn said eventually he will get his yoda fire. He wanted to do the limbs first
Can't the hands be changed out between the normal and stretched limbs?
Never pick the regular colors like I wish this figure had the purple or blue version of him
some stuff I agree with, and some I disagree. I did want him with a head that has a blowing face (I'm aware of how bad that sounds. Sorry) and the yoga fire. Overall I love this figure. Do I like him as much as Chun Li Ryu or Fi Long? No. I still vote for Chun Li at the top. It might be biased cause she's who I played most of the time and kicked all my friend's ass to the point they demanded I use someone else because they felt it unfair. LOL But her paintwork and articulation are why. And because she was my go-to in the game.
i pronounce ryu as ryu
As you should
My butterfly joints on this figure are terrible also. They have excess plastic that will definitely scratch up my figure,.. so I’m not putting him into any extreme poses.
Watch Jada make a SDCC P2 version of Dhalsim with a yoga flame accessory lol, that will tick me off.
Like what they did with ryu and Chun li
…exactly. Not a fan of forcing people to buy P2’s for “bonus” accessories.
@@fitzh2ofitzh2o53 same here I wouldn't mind paying the extra 5$ we need them to make Tekken and mortal Kombat
Really bad that you can't swap his hands. Wonder why they decided to do that.
P1 came with stretched limbs, P2 will come with the flames
I would argue this is the best one in the line.
I guess it depends on the discolored body parts and butterfly joints. I seem to have gotten a dud
Hey Anthony, have you seen Shartimus’ latest vids? He name dropped you a couple times along with a couple bad takes about articulation
5:48 I agree 100%
My dhalsim is blowing his necklace around his mouth in my package and I haven't wanted to take him out because of that.
As for the price, I'm fine with no flames, but I would Def want them.
At least he still got a 8.5/10 for overall so that's fine