Attention Everyone: I want to hold OOF DAH tournaments, maybe on weekends, where people can come and pay a registration fee of $5, $10, $15 depending on experience level. The majority of the registration fees will go towards the winners' prize money, while a smaller portion will be allotted to administrative tasks, such as renting a room, and providing snacks and beverages and even entertainment. These rooms or conference centers should be easily accessed by everyone in virtually any location, but mostly in towns and cities.
Attention Everyone: I want to hold OOF DAH tournaments, maybe on weekends, where people can come and pay a registration fee of $5, $10, $15 depending on experience level. The majority of the registration fees will go towards the winners' prize money, while a smaller portion will be allotted to administrative tasks, such as renting a room, and providing snacks and beverages and even entertainment. These rooms or conference centers should be easily accessed by everyone in virtually any location, but mostly in towns and cities.